Isabella having left, UmarLahmi and Muaz went to their houses and
began to study the Holy Qur'aan and the Bible and noted down important
points to be discussed. Next morning on Sunday the news of this
discussion was known all over the city. The Christians had made
arrangements that only a few Muslims should be allowed to enter the
church. So many Muslims had to return disappointed. Umar Lahmi, Muaz
and some Muslim divines came to the church and entered it on getting
permission. They found eminent priests of Cordova present there busy
in their worship. After some time, however, the discussion began.
Isabella and all her companions were present.
Michael (Isabella's teacher): We have learnt that you have some doubts
about Christianity and have come here to resolve them and that you
have promised that on getting convincing reply you will forsake Islam
and adopt Christianity.
Umar Lahmi: We have notthe least doubt about Christian beliefs and
teachings but are fully convinced that doubts are baseless. But if you
satisfy us and convincingly explain yourbeliefs we are all certainly
ready to become Christians.
Then Michael reckoned toan elderly man to take upthe discussion. He
came forward and sat near Umar Lahmi. His name was Peter and he was
known as an expert in Arabic learning and Islamic literature and hadto
his credit many books against Islam. He was supposed to be the most
efficient debater against Muslims. He addressed Umar.
Peter (in a superior, rather commanding, tone): I am told that your
great objection is why Saint Paul has called religious law a curse.
But this is a minor and side issue. You are Muslims and believe in the
Qur'aan and, therefore, the decision about Lord Jesus Christ and
Christianity should be according to the Qur'aan.
Umar Lahmi: I had clearly defined the subject of discussion in my
letter as you yourself admit, but now you want to discuss other
matters. When I have written that the discussion should be on the
religious law and curse, what objection canyou have?
Peter: We will answer your question also but first let us deal with
the basic issue and that too from your Qur'aan. Does not your Qur'an
say about our Lord Jesus to be Ruhullah (the spirit of God),
Kalimatullah (the word of God)? Has it not been mentioned in it thathe
used to bring the dead to life ? Then if you believe in the Qur'an,
how can you doubt Lord Jesus being the son of God ?
Umar Lahmi: You have started quite a different discussion which is not
even remotely concernedwith our object. What I want is to understand
the significance of religious law and the curse. If you are prepared
to discuss it, then do it, otherwise let us take leave.
Peter: I put up the Qur'an before you and want thatthe basic issue
should be decided first. If you want to avoid the basic question and
enter into side issues, it means that you have no answer to it.
Umar Lahmi: Well, you want to discuss the basic issue apart from your
religion and taking the cover of the Qur'an. If you want to discuss
the basic issue, let us first decide whether Adam did commit a sin and
if it is decided that he did, then we should discuss whether it passed
on from generation to generation to the entire humanity, that is on
account of Adam's sin all human beings became naturally sinners. If
this has happened, we will discuss how the blot of sin can be removed.
Thenwe may discuss the chastity of Prophet Jesus (according to the
Bible). Thereafter you shall haveto prove that Jesus was God and he
only can absolve humanity of sin. When all this is proved, you shall
have to prove that Jesus was crucified and for all the sins he
remained in Hell for three days. This is to be discussed and not what
the Qur'an says about him.
Peter: All this is irrelevant. What I want is to prove from the Qur'an
that Jesus was the "Spirit of God" and the "Word ofGod" and he brought
the dead to life. Therefore Christian religion is just.
Umar Lahmi (pointing to Isabella): Now I appoint her the judge and ask
her why we were called here. (To Isabella Sister,you have to say now
what I wrote in my letter and why you brought us here.
Isabella: In fact the real talk was as to whether religious law is a
curse ornot. If it is a curse, why do the Christians by following it
become accursed? But the objection of our holy father (Peter) is also
justified and my judgment is that first your objection should be met
and then the Holy Father may put questionson the Qur'an.
Umar Lahmi: This is for me to leave the ground open for you. Now, I
giveyou the promise that when you have dealt with our objection we
will immediately allow you to put general questions. But when, as I
have promised, I embrace Christianity, what need then there will be of
any further questions?
Peter: Well, sir, then you state your question clearly.
Umar Lahmi: You go on replying each of my questions one by one and the
matter will be clear. First, let me know whether not to steal, not to
kill, not to oppress the neighbour, etc., are religious
commandmentsand whether they are concerned with religious law.
Peter: Surely, all these arerelated to the religious law.
Umar Lahmi: And what is Saint Paul's decree about religious law ?
Peter: What decree? I do not follow.
Umar Lahmi: You do understand it well, but you want to evade answer.
Just say if Saint Paul has called religious law a curse.
Peter: Saint Paul has called religious law a curse in this respect
that the core of religious law came in the form of JesusChrist and it
is a folly to leave the core and run after the skin.
Umar Lahmi: This is what I also mean that Saint Paul, taking Jesus as
the soul and religious law as the body, has called religious law a
curse, andsince, as you said, this Commandment of Old Testament is
related to religious law, there-fore to refrain from killing and
fornication is also a curse.
Peter: The thing is that you cannot understand these mysteries without
the help of the "Holy Ghost" and it is not necessary that a matter
which you cannot understand is in fact wrong. Saint Paul has called
physical religious law a curse and not all kinds of religious law.
Umar Lahmi: Agreed. Granted that Saint Paul has called physical
religious law a curse. Now just tell me if not to steal, not to
fornicate, not to oppress parents, etc., are physical religious law or
simply internal, spiritual and moral.
Peter: You are hitting on the same topic. Just listen. What Jesus
Christ has said is more preferable to what Saint Paul has said and our
Lord has asked us to follow the Commandments of the Old Testament.[See
Bible, Matthew, S : 19 to 10: 25.]
Umar Lahmi: That is, to obtain salvation it is necessary to follow the
Old Testament. If this is so, why did you raise the problem of
Atonement bycrucifying the "Son of God"? Why this bogle of Atonement
when it is necessary to follow the Old Testament? Is it necessary to
follow the Commandments of the Old Testament even after the Atonement
of Christ ?
Peter: We know nothing except that our Lord has directed us to follow
the Old Testament. But salvation cannot be gained by merely following
the Old Testament without Atonement.
Umar Lahmi: So Prophet Moses (Musa), David (Dawud), Solomon
(Sulaiman), Joseph (Yusuf), Noah (Nooh) and other prophets must have
been deprived of salvation, for their meansof salvation was just
following of the religiouslaw. So also must their communities have
been deprived.
Peter: Before the advent of Christ the only means of salvation was
following the religious law, but the Lord's Atonement changed it and
now the only means is Atonement.
Umar Lahmi: First you rejected what Saint Paul had said that religious
law was not a curse and then you rejected religious law as the basis
of salvation. Can you quote any saint to prove that Saint Paul's
saying that religious law is a curse is not true?
A person: Gentlemen, in fact it is apostasy and disbelief to talk of
these matters. All these elate to unseen mysteries. Saint Paul has
certainly called religious law a curse and it is really so, but you
people are unable to understand these mysteries. Our means of
salvation is the divinity ofChrist and Atonement, because Jesus was
free from sins and an embodiment of God, whoby his grace and
benevolence suffered on the cross in lieu of us andgave us salvation.
Another person: Do not indulge in mutual quarrels. You have begunto
refute Saint Paul.
Umar Lahmi: This is the result of untrue and baseless talks. Now, this
other gentleman has broached the subject of Divinity and Atonement.
First let the discussion of religious law and curse be concluded.
Peter: You have been given a conclusive reply. Now you may take eight
days to ponder on the matter. If your doubts arenot resolved during
this time, you may come here again.
Umar Lahmi: You do not regard religious law a curse and your colleague
says it is a curse and SaintPaul was correct. Which of you two is on
the right?
Peter: Those who say this are not acquainted with the mysteries of
Christian religion. You should not attend to what they say.
Umar Lahmi (to Isabella): Now, you say which of them is on the right
and whether Saint Paul was wrong in calling religiouslaw a curse.
Isabella: I came here to listen to your discussion and cannot
intervene in any matter. But I will request my teacher Michael to
resolve this question by his great learning and intelligence,since,
apart from our honoured guests, I myselfhave not yet understood it.
These words of Isabella fell like a bolt from the blue on the entire
assembly and everyone began to look at once at one another. Just then
Michael got up.
Michael: Brethren, we have assembled here to search faith and it is
certainly a very auspicious task. But for it,it is necessary that
there should be a sincere heart and an urge to accept thetruth. The
question of faith is such that no one can succeed by his own effort
without Divine help . We should, therefore, earnestly pray to God that
He should manifest the truth to us through the help of the "Holy
Ghost" and reveal to us the mysteries of the Christian faith. (Loud
cries of Amen from all Christians.) Gentlemen, whether religious law
is a curse or not is an irrelevant question. The real thing is that
our Mohammedan brethren have no knowledge of Christian creed and
principles and so they areindulging in polemics. The essence of our
religion can be stated just in two words, i.e. theDivinity of Christ
and Atonement. One who has understood these two has understood all the
secrets of the Christian faith. How gracious is God that He sent His
only son for our salvation to suffer all the troubles of this world
and then at last he was killed on the cross as an atonement forour
sins. So I will request my friend Umar Lahmi and his associates to
giveup the useless discussion of religious law and curse and think of
the holy personality of our Lord Jesus and his matchless atonement
andembrace Christian faith.
Umar Lahmi: We have notcome here for mere talk. We follow a principle
andwant to discuss basic problems. We have already defined the subject
of our talk in my note, whose witness is our sister Isabella here.
Now, if you want us to give up the real subject matter and discuss the
Divinity of Christ and Atonement, I am ready for that also, provided
you give me in writing that we give up the subject of religious law
and should talk on the Divinity of Christ and Atonement.
Peter: We do not mean tosay that you should not discuss these
problems, but that we may leave aside marginal issues anddiscuss basic
Umar Lahmi: Then why did you call us here? Churches and mosques are
not necessary for discussion. If you do not want to discuss, then say
so clearly so that our timeis not wasted.
Michael: You have misunderstood holy Peter's talk. He did not mean
that we should close the dialogue altogether. He only wanted to stress
that youshould put questions by thinking over the basic problem. But
it is already noon and you may have to take lunch. Say when it will be
convenient for you to come again.
Umar Lahmi: This time is very convenient. No one can say whether we
shall have this auspicious occasion again.
Michael: But you have also to offer your prayer.
Umar Lahmi: We can offerour prayer in this very church.
Peter: I think we better take up the discussion again next Sunday.
Umar Lahmi: I think the discussion should not be put off for so long.
Possibly we may be guided by Allah.
Michael: All right, we restart the discussion tomorrow at this time
and continue till midday.
Isabella: If the discussion to be put off for tomorrow, then it should
not end at noon but continue till the evening so that we may come to
some conclusion.
Michael: Not at all, have we no other business?
Isabella: I think, no other business can be more important than this.
It was, however, decided that the discussion should begin in the
morning and continue tillnoon.
This concluded the first meeting. Umar Lahmi, thanking all Christians,
leaves for his home whilethe priests and Isabella remain sitting in
the church.
One priest: It is regrettable that you gavethe opportunity to these
"unbelievers" to raise objections and let the Christian faith be
ridiculed. The only way to treat these heathens isto put the Qur'an
before them. Holy Peter did this in the very beginning but,
unfortunately, they cleverly wriggled out andtook up the discussion of
religious law. If the same is done tomorrow also, we will be badly let
down, because what theyenquire about is of the Divine secrets which no
one except saints can understand.
Michael: In fact, the discussion went into wrong channels in the very
beginning, otherwise they would have been let down by their own
Qur'an. Does not the Qur'an say that our Lord Jesus is the
"life-giver" and brings the dead to life? Does not theQur'an call him
the "Spiritof God" and the "Word ofGod"?
Peter: But, now, the subject of discussion for tomorrow has been
defined. It will be on the Divinity of Christ and Atonement. See how
cleverly I wanted them todivert from it, but Michael put them again on
Michael: Do not blame me. It is all your handiwork.
Another priest: What is the use of indulging in mutual quarrels. It
will beseen tomorrow, when Divinity of the Lord will come under
discussion that our Christian religion is not a soft morsel which
anyone canswallow at a gulp.
After this conversation allthe Christians left the church and
dispersed. Isabella also left with her companions and made for her
home. On her wayshe spoke to her companions.
Isabella: Just see, behind the back of Muslims they boast that Muslims
cannot stand before them, but when they were faced with Muslims they
were thoroughly exposed. I am sorry that my father had to leave
immediately after leading the prayer as he had full confidence in
theability and learning of Michael and Peter, otherwise he would
havesilenced these Muslims.
One companion: In fact, the problem is a bit too tough. What even your
father could have done ?
Another companion: In fact, our beliefs and dogmas are poor. Otherwise
our priests would not have been so beaten.
Isabella: God forbid ! Just a single discussion has upset you. Our
beliefs arecertainly well founded, but there should be someone to
explain them. Now, tomorrow the Divinity of Christ will be discussed
and you willsee how badly they will fare.
They had now reached a crossroad where all the girls turned towards
their respective homes.
Isabella – A girl of Islamic Spain/ - - - :-> Transtors:
- Tamil -- Urdu -- Kannada -- Telugu --*-
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Guide us to the straight path
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Friday, October 19, 2012
Ch 4: The First Meeting
Wedding / Marriage of Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra (sa) and Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as)
Many of us have probablyplaced ourselves and even others in difficult
conditions and unnecessary expenses only to pass through the regular
routines of life. Interestingly enough if we think clearly, many of
these hardships we put ourselves through are rootless, and derive only
from an unnecessary norm and culture that have found its way into
society affecting our liveseither willingly or unwillingly.
During the era of ProphetMuhammad (saw) there lived a rich man by the
name of Abdur Rahman ibn Awf, whom as the custom of the pre-Islamic
era believed a large dowry [Dowry, also known as Sidaq refers to a
wealth that a husband offers his wife as a gift toshow his true
intention.] to present a woman's value and her husband's superiority
in society. Abdur Rahman ibn Awf visited Prophet Muhammad (saw) and
said, "If you give Lady Fatimah's (sa) hand in marriage to me, I will
putas her dowry a hundred camels covered with expensive Egyptian cloth
followed by a thousand gold Dinars!"
Prophet Muhammad (saw) asked, "Do you think I am the servant of wealth
and money that you try to impress me with these things?"
Other than Abdur Rahman ibn Awf, there were many other men like Abu
Bakr, Umar ibn al-Khattab, Uthman from the companions (Sahabah) of
Prophet Muhammad (saw) who would ask Lady Fatimah's(sa) hand in
marriage for reasons ranging from herwell-known virtues to her
relation to Prophet Muhammad (saw) and a noble family. However, all
suitors were refused for as Prophet Muhammad (saw) had said, Lady
Fatimah's (sa) marriage had been decreed by Allah (SWT). And with the
descent of the angel of revelation, Hazrat Jibril (Gabriel) Prophet
Muhammad (saw) had been commanded to marry Lady Fatimah to Imam Ali
ibn Abi Talib (as). ProphetMuhammad (saw) has said in this regards, an
angel came to me from Allah (SWT) and said,"The Lord sends his
greetings unto you and has said, I have wedded your daughter Fatimah
inthe heavens to Ali ibn AbiTalib; you too therefore wed Fatimah to
Ali ibn Abi Talib!"
It is mentioned in the narratives that Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:"If
Ali didn't exist, there would be no mate for Fatimah."
This Prophetic attitude, connected to providence,Divine inspiration
and will, draws our attention and makes us stop to ponder a little. It
raises very critical and significant questions. Why didn't Prophet
Muhammad (saw) leave the matter of Lady Fatimah's (sa) marriage to
herself? Why was the Messenger of Allah (saw) not allowed to give Lady
Fatimah (sa) to any of those who sought her hand until Allah (SWT),
the All Wise, had ordered him to do so?
Why was Lady Fatimah's (sa) marriage so distinguished by these
characteristics? There must by a Divine secret and wisdom related to
this marriage, and connected with this critical human relationship
between Lady Fatimah (sa), the daughter of the Messenger of Allah
(saw), and Ali bin Abi Talib (as), his cousin, "brother and self", as
the Messenger of Allah used to refer to Imam Ali (as).
Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as)was raised by Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw)
from infancy. He lived with the Messenger of Allah (saw) and Lady
Khadija tul Kubra (sa) . Hewas brought up in the shade of Divine
inspiration and graduated from the prophetic school. While still a
boy, he was the first male believer in the mission and message of Holy
Prophet Muhammad (saw). It was this unique relationship that Imam Ali
(as) describes in these words:
"You know that due to my close relationship, and my special rank I
enjoyed with the Messenger of Allah (saw), I have a distinguished
position with him. He took me in his lap when Iwas a baby. He often
kept me embraced to his heart. He used to make me sleep next to him.
We used to be so close to each other that I felt the warmth of his
body and smelled the fragrance of his odor. When I was a baby, He fed
me from his mouth, chewing hard bits for me. He never found me lying
or making a mistake."
Imam Ali (as) continued in the same speech,
"I followed Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) step bystep as a baby camel
follows its mother. He used to place a fresh code of behavior before
me daily and used to order me to follow it. Every year he used to
stayin the cave of Hira. Nobody used to be with him but me. No single
house gathered, at the time of early Islam, but the Messenger of
Allah's (saw), with Lady Khadija tul Kubra (sa) and me, thethird of
them. I used to see the light of revelationand smell the fragrance of
The secret of this trainingwas not vague. Nor was this care merely out
of the blood relationship. It is a matter related to the life of the
whole Ummah (Community/Nation) . Therelationship went as far as the
branches of prophethood and Imamat went. Thus Allah (SWT), the
Eternal, gave the best woman of this Ummah, in marriage to the best of
its men. Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds!
Imam Ali (as) was the oneProphet Muhammad (saw) praised before Hadrat
Fatimah (sa) saying: "I asked my Lord to marry you to the best of his
And he said to Imam Ali (as): "Aren't you satisfied that you are
holding, in respect to me, the rank ofHaroon (Aaron) to Musa (Moses)
(as) except that there is no prophet after me?"
Similarly, he asked Lady Fatimah (sa): "Aren't you satisfied that you
are the believing women?" So, both of them were the most loved by
Prophet Muhammad (saw) and the closest of people to him.
Ayesha, the wife of Messenger of Allah (saw) is reported to have been
asked: "Who is, from among all people, most loved by Prophet of Allah
"Hadrat Fatimah," she said.
"And from among the men?" they asked. "Her husband," she replied,"for
I know him to be a fasting and praying one."
With the consummation of the marriage, the household of the relatives
of Prophet of Allah (saw) was established. Prophet Muhammad (saw)
cared for this household and often spoke about it, stressing that Imam
Ali bin Abi Talib, Lady Fatimah and their descendants were his family
and that from Imam Ali bin Abi Talib and Lady Fatimah his offspring
and children would descend.
It was Allah's (SWT) Will that the offspring of the Messenger of Allah
(saw) descend from Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (as) and Lady Fatimah (sa),
and that Imam Hassan (as) and Imam Hussain (as), and the pure progeny
be Imams and guides for this Ummah. That is why the marriage of Imam
Ali bin Abi Talib (as) and Lady Fatimah (sa) was achieved upon a
Divine order.
Although it is true this marriage is a divine marriage, however Lady
Fatimah's (sa) character and in general women rights in Islam for
choosing their own husbands provided that Prophet Muhammad (saw) not
proceed to this act without having his daughter's word in this matter.
When Prophet Muhammad (saw) discussed Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib's (as)
proposal to her, he clearly explained his characteristics. Imam Ali
ibn Abi Talib (as), a man whose worldly goods and wealth were to the
least, and who did not meet the criteria for marriage that the
pre-Islamic era required of him, had however a character that was full
of faith and religious virtues. This time, unlike the previous cases
Lady Fatimah (sa) agreed. Once Prophet Muhammad(saw) saw Lady
Fatimah's (as) agreement in marriage, he asked ImamAli ibn Abi Talib
(as) if he has anything to place as his wife's dowry.
Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as)replied, "May my parents be sacrificed for
you, youare well aware that my belongings are nothing more than a
sword, a shield, and a Camel."
Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw), who believed a small dowry to increase
awoman's value as opposed to a large one, replied, "You are correct.
You will need your swordfor battles with the enemies. And with your
Camel you must water the palm trees and travel with it on your trips.
Thusyou can only give your shield as her dowry."
Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) ordered to sell Imam Ali's (as) shield. He
divided its money into three sections. He gave a part of it to Hazrat
Bilal (ra) to purchase a decent perfume, and he spent the other two to
purchase some household items and clothes for Lady Fatimah (sa).
Obviously with the money from the shield the material that could be
bought were very cheap and simple!
History has recorded the material that were purchased with the money
consisted of theseitems: a large scarf for four Dirham, material for a
dress for seven Dirham, a bed made of wood and leaves from a date
palm, four pillows made from sheep skin and filled withleaves from an
aromatic plant, a woolen curtain, asmall mat, one hand mill, a
leathern sac for water, one copper flat wash, a container for milking
the Camel, and a pitcher made from clay.
Lady Fatimah's (sa) simple dowry and its usage for purchasing
necessities of the home can be the biggest lesson for decreasing our
expenses and remaining satisfied with what we are capable of
A marriage so divine, yet so simple? What are its criteria? Where then
can virtues be found? And amidst all these, how should we act? Let us
be the judge?
Hence during the second year after the migration, marriage of Imam Ali
(as) with Lady Fatimah (sa) took place. Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw)
did notsend Lady Fatimah (sa) the same day to Imam Ali's (as) house.
Imam Ali (as), on his part, started preparing his house for Lady
Fatimah (sa) and furnishing it in a simple and neat way. He covered
the floor with soft sand and placed a wooden bar between two walls for
hanging their laundry on. He decorated Lady Fatimah'sroom with a sheep
skin and a pillow, stuffed withpalm leaves. He got his house ready and
was awaiting Lady Fatimah's arrival.
Twenty-nine days (in another narration more than five months)
passed,but Lady Fatimah Zahra (sa) had not moved to her new house yet.
ImamAli ibn Abi Talib (as) was too shy to discuss the matter with the
Messenger of Allah (saw). So he asked his brother Aqil to go with him
to thehouse of the Prophet of Allah (saw). On their way,they met Umm
Ayman, the maidservant of the Prophet of Allah (saw). They explained
to her Imam Ali's (as) desire. Umm Ayman conveyed Imam Ali's (as)
request to Umm Salamah, the wife of the Messenger of Allah (saw). She
also told the rest of Prophet Muhammad's (saw) wivesabout the matter.
They got together and decidedto go, all of them, to the Messenger of
Allah (saw).
Informed of Imam Ali's (as) request, Prophet Muhammad (saw) consented.
On an occasion like this, a mother has place which cannot be filled by
another. Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) was very eager to make
compensation to Lady Fatimah Zahra (sa) for the absence of her mother.
He (saw) himself took part in the preparations for the nuptials.
Prophet Muhammad (saw) ordered his wives to prepare Lady Fatimah (sa)
for her husband as any girl should be. They did it with happiness
andjoy. The Messenger of Allah (saw) called for a festival. Imam Ali
(as) prepared a befitting feast. Both Muhajirs (immigrants) and Ansars
(helpers), shared in the blessed occasion with their Prophet
And thus the married life of Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra (sa) and Imam Ali
ibn Abi Talib (as) began. The establishment of the newhouse was
completed, and its firm pillars were fixed by the Messenger ofAllah
(saw). By them he had secured the basis of the new legislation, life
and philosophy of marriage and family. It was an example set for the
coming generations to follow.
The Messenger of Allah (saw), throughout his lifetime personified the
principles of his message,and the values of his Shariah (Islamic Law),
which specify the position of woman and her worth and rights in life
through the person of Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra (sa). The father loved
his little girl and filled her with tenderness and affection. He (saw)
took the responsibility of the marriage, the purchase of her needs,
her nuptialsand the festival. What kind of extraordinary care Prophet
of Islam (saw) displayed towards women? How high is the position of
the family, woman and marriage in his noble, eternal Shariah(Islamic
These are the lessons, pioneering social ideals, and the Islamic
system for the behavior of the Muslim family which would produce the
high principled generations.
They are the practical applications of the social and family ties, and
the sound relationships and conduct ordered by Allah (SWT), and
personified byHis noble Messenger (saw).
Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra (sa) and Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as), had 4
children: Imam Hassan, Imam Hussain, Hazrat Zainab and Hazrat Umm
Kulthum(pbut). Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain (pbut), who are trained by
such mother, are of the 12 Imams and the other 9 Imams [except Imam
Ali and Imam Hassan (pbut)] are of Imam Hussain's (pbuh) progeny and
are related to Prophet Muhammad (saw) by Lady Fatimah (sa). This is
the reason we call her Umm al-A'immah (Motherof Imams).
Hadrat Fatimah (sa) was pregnant one other time,after the death of her
dear father, Prophet Muhammad (saw). This child, however, never was
given the chance to live. Mohsin, the stillborn son of Hazrat Fatima
al-Zahra (sa) was abortedwhen the door of her house was pushed down
upon her by those opposing her husband regarding successor ship after
the death of the Messenger of Allah (saw).
So all of Lady Fatimah's living children were four.She herself didn't
live long. She passed away while still in the prime of her life. She
joined her father, the Messenger of Allah (saw) in the other world.
She left behind her little children, the oldest was hardly seven years
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conditions and unnecessary expenses only to pass through the regular
routines of life. Interestingly enough if we think clearly, many of
these hardships we put ourselves through are rootless, and derive only
from an unnecessary norm and culture that have found its way into
society affecting our liveseither willingly or unwillingly.
During the era of ProphetMuhammad (saw) there lived a rich man by the
name of Abdur Rahman ibn Awf, whom as the custom of the pre-Islamic
era believed a large dowry [Dowry, also known as Sidaq refers to a
wealth that a husband offers his wife as a gift toshow his true
intention.] to present a woman's value and her husband's superiority
in society. Abdur Rahman ibn Awf visited Prophet Muhammad (saw) and
said, "If you give Lady Fatimah's (sa) hand in marriage to me, I will
putas her dowry a hundred camels covered with expensive Egyptian cloth
followed by a thousand gold Dinars!"
Prophet Muhammad (saw) asked, "Do you think I am the servant of wealth
and money that you try to impress me with these things?"
Other than Abdur Rahman ibn Awf, there were many other men like Abu
Bakr, Umar ibn al-Khattab, Uthman from the companions (Sahabah) of
Prophet Muhammad (saw) who would ask Lady Fatimah's(sa) hand in
marriage for reasons ranging from herwell-known virtues to her
relation to Prophet Muhammad (saw) and a noble family. However, all
suitors were refused for as Prophet Muhammad (saw) had said, Lady
Fatimah's (sa) marriage had been decreed by Allah (SWT). And with the
descent of the angel of revelation, Hazrat Jibril (Gabriel) Prophet
Muhammad (saw) had been commanded to marry Lady Fatimah to Imam Ali
ibn Abi Talib (as). ProphetMuhammad (saw) has said in this regards, an
angel came to me from Allah (SWT) and said,"The Lord sends his
greetings unto you and has said, I have wedded your daughter Fatimah
inthe heavens to Ali ibn AbiTalib; you too therefore wed Fatimah to
Ali ibn Abi Talib!"
It is mentioned in the narratives that Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:"If
Ali didn't exist, there would be no mate for Fatimah."
This Prophetic attitude, connected to providence,Divine inspiration
and will, draws our attention and makes us stop to ponder a little. It
raises very critical and significant questions. Why didn't Prophet
Muhammad (saw) leave the matter of Lady Fatimah's (sa) marriage to
herself? Why was the Messenger of Allah (saw) not allowed to give Lady
Fatimah (sa) to any of those who sought her hand until Allah (SWT),
the All Wise, had ordered him to do so?
Why was Lady Fatimah's (sa) marriage so distinguished by these
characteristics? There must by a Divine secret and wisdom related to
this marriage, and connected with this critical human relationship
between Lady Fatimah (sa), the daughter of the Messenger of Allah
(saw), and Ali bin Abi Talib (as), his cousin, "brother and self", as
the Messenger of Allah used to refer to Imam Ali (as).
Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as)was raised by Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw)
from infancy. He lived with the Messenger of Allah (saw) and Lady
Khadija tul Kubra (sa) . Hewas brought up in the shade of Divine
inspiration and graduated from the prophetic school. While still a
boy, he was the first male believer in the mission and message of Holy
Prophet Muhammad (saw). It was this unique relationship that Imam Ali
(as) describes in these words:
"You know that due to my close relationship, and my special rank I
enjoyed with the Messenger of Allah (saw), I have a distinguished
position with him. He took me in his lap when Iwas a baby. He often
kept me embraced to his heart. He used to make me sleep next to him.
We used to be so close to each other that I felt the warmth of his
body and smelled the fragrance of his odor. When I was a baby, He fed
me from his mouth, chewing hard bits for me. He never found me lying
or making a mistake."
Imam Ali (as) continued in the same speech,
"I followed Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) step bystep as a baby camel
follows its mother. He used to place a fresh code of behavior before
me daily and used to order me to follow it. Every year he used to
stayin the cave of Hira. Nobody used to be with him but me. No single
house gathered, at the time of early Islam, but the Messenger of
Allah's (saw), with Lady Khadija tul Kubra (sa) and me, thethird of
them. I used to see the light of revelationand smell the fragrance of
The secret of this trainingwas not vague. Nor was this care merely out
of the blood relationship. It is a matter related to the life of the
whole Ummah (Community/Nation) . Therelationship went as far as the
branches of prophethood and Imamat went. Thus Allah (SWT), the
Eternal, gave the best woman of this Ummah, in marriage to the best of
its men. Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds!
Imam Ali (as) was the oneProphet Muhammad (saw) praised before Hadrat
Fatimah (sa) saying: "I asked my Lord to marry you to the best of his
And he said to Imam Ali (as): "Aren't you satisfied that you are
holding, in respect to me, the rank ofHaroon (Aaron) to Musa (Moses)
(as) except that there is no prophet after me?"
Similarly, he asked Lady Fatimah (sa): "Aren't you satisfied that you
are the believing women?" So, both of them were the most loved by
Prophet Muhammad (saw) and the closest of people to him.
Ayesha, the wife of Messenger of Allah (saw) is reported to have been
asked: "Who is, from among all people, most loved by Prophet of Allah
"Hadrat Fatimah," she said.
"And from among the men?" they asked. "Her husband," she replied,"for
I know him to be a fasting and praying one."
With the consummation of the marriage, the household of the relatives
of Prophet of Allah (saw) was established. Prophet Muhammad (saw)
cared for this household and often spoke about it, stressing that Imam
Ali bin Abi Talib, Lady Fatimah and their descendants were his family
and that from Imam Ali bin Abi Talib and Lady Fatimah his offspring
and children would descend.
It was Allah's (SWT) Will that the offspring of the Messenger of Allah
(saw) descend from Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (as) and Lady Fatimah (sa),
and that Imam Hassan (as) and Imam Hussain (as), and the pure progeny
be Imams and guides for this Ummah. That is why the marriage of Imam
Ali bin Abi Talib (as) and Lady Fatimah (sa) was achieved upon a
Divine order.
Although it is true this marriage is a divine marriage, however Lady
Fatimah's (sa) character and in general women rights in Islam for
choosing their own husbands provided that Prophet Muhammad (saw) not
proceed to this act without having his daughter's word in this matter.
When Prophet Muhammad (saw) discussed Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib's (as)
proposal to her, he clearly explained his characteristics. Imam Ali
ibn Abi Talib (as), a man whose worldly goods and wealth were to the
least, and who did not meet the criteria for marriage that the
pre-Islamic era required of him, had however a character that was full
of faith and religious virtues. This time, unlike the previous cases
Lady Fatimah (sa) agreed. Once Prophet Muhammad(saw) saw Lady
Fatimah's (as) agreement in marriage, he asked ImamAli ibn Abi Talib
(as) if he has anything to place as his wife's dowry.
Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as)replied, "May my parents be sacrificed for
you, youare well aware that my belongings are nothing more than a
sword, a shield, and a Camel."
Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw), who believed a small dowry to increase
awoman's value as opposed to a large one, replied, "You are correct.
You will need your swordfor battles with the enemies. And with your
Camel you must water the palm trees and travel with it on your trips.
Thusyou can only give your shield as her dowry."
Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) ordered to sell Imam Ali's (as) shield. He
divided its money into three sections. He gave a part of it to Hazrat
Bilal (ra) to purchase a decent perfume, and he spent the other two to
purchase some household items and clothes for Lady Fatimah (sa).
Obviously with the money from the shield the material that could be
bought were very cheap and simple!
History has recorded the material that were purchased with the money
consisted of theseitems: a large scarf for four Dirham, material for a
dress for seven Dirham, a bed made of wood and leaves from a date
palm, four pillows made from sheep skin and filled withleaves from an
aromatic plant, a woolen curtain, asmall mat, one hand mill, a
leathern sac for water, one copper flat wash, a container for milking
the Camel, and a pitcher made from clay.
Lady Fatimah's (sa) simple dowry and its usage for purchasing
necessities of the home can be the biggest lesson for decreasing our
expenses and remaining satisfied with what we are capable of
A marriage so divine, yet so simple? What are its criteria? Where then
can virtues be found? And amidst all these, how should we act? Let us
be the judge?
Hence during the second year after the migration, marriage of Imam Ali
(as) with Lady Fatimah (sa) took place. Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw)
did notsend Lady Fatimah (sa) the same day to Imam Ali's (as) house.
Imam Ali (as), on his part, started preparing his house for Lady
Fatimah (sa) and furnishing it in a simple and neat way. He covered
the floor with soft sand and placed a wooden bar between two walls for
hanging their laundry on. He decorated Lady Fatimah'sroom with a sheep
skin and a pillow, stuffed withpalm leaves. He got his house ready and
was awaiting Lady Fatimah's arrival.
Twenty-nine days (in another narration more than five months)
passed,but Lady Fatimah Zahra (sa) had not moved to her new house yet.
ImamAli ibn Abi Talib (as) was too shy to discuss the matter with the
Messenger of Allah (saw). So he asked his brother Aqil to go with him
to thehouse of the Prophet of Allah (saw). On their way,they met Umm
Ayman, the maidservant of the Prophet of Allah (saw). They explained
to her Imam Ali's (as) desire. Umm Ayman conveyed Imam Ali's (as)
request to Umm Salamah, the wife of the Messenger of Allah (saw). She
also told the rest of Prophet Muhammad's (saw) wivesabout the matter.
They got together and decidedto go, all of them, to the Messenger of
Allah (saw).
Informed of Imam Ali's (as) request, Prophet Muhammad (saw) consented.
On an occasion like this, a mother has place which cannot be filled by
another. Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) was very eager to make
compensation to Lady Fatimah Zahra (sa) for the absence of her mother.
He (saw) himself took part in the preparations for the nuptials.
Prophet Muhammad (saw) ordered his wives to prepare Lady Fatimah (sa)
for her husband as any girl should be. They did it with happiness
andjoy. The Messenger of Allah (saw) called for a festival. Imam Ali
(as) prepared a befitting feast. Both Muhajirs (immigrants) and Ansars
(helpers), shared in the blessed occasion with their Prophet
And thus the married life of Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra (sa) and Imam Ali
ibn Abi Talib (as) began. The establishment of the newhouse was
completed, and its firm pillars were fixed by the Messenger ofAllah
(saw). By them he had secured the basis of the new legislation, life
and philosophy of marriage and family. It was an example set for the
coming generations to follow.
The Messenger of Allah (saw), throughout his lifetime personified the
principles of his message,and the values of his Shariah (Islamic Law),
which specify the position of woman and her worth and rights in life
through the person of Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra (sa). The father loved
his little girl and filled her with tenderness and affection. He (saw)
took the responsibility of the marriage, the purchase of her needs,
her nuptialsand the festival. What kind of extraordinary care Prophet
of Islam (saw) displayed towards women? How high is the position of
the family, woman and marriage in his noble, eternal Shariah(Islamic
These are the lessons, pioneering social ideals, and the Islamic
system for the behavior of the Muslim family which would produce the
high principled generations.
They are the practical applications of the social and family ties, and
the sound relationships and conduct ordered by Allah (SWT), and
personified byHis noble Messenger (saw).
Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra (sa) and Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as), had 4
children: Imam Hassan, Imam Hussain, Hazrat Zainab and Hazrat Umm
Kulthum(pbut). Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain (pbut), who are trained by
such mother, are of the 12 Imams and the other 9 Imams [except Imam
Ali and Imam Hassan (pbut)] are of Imam Hussain's (pbuh) progeny and
are related to Prophet Muhammad (saw) by Lady Fatimah (sa). This is
the reason we call her Umm al-A'immah (Motherof Imams).
Hadrat Fatimah (sa) was pregnant one other time,after the death of her
dear father, Prophet Muhammad (saw). This child, however, never was
given the chance to live. Mohsin, the stillborn son of Hazrat Fatima
al-Zahra (sa) was abortedwhen the door of her house was pushed down
upon her by those opposing her husband regarding successor ship after
the death of the Messenger of Allah (saw).
So all of Lady Fatimah's living children were four.She herself didn't
live long. She passed away while still in the prime of her life. She
joined her father, the Messenger of Allah (saw) in the other world.
She left behind her little children, the oldest was hardly seven years
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Eid prayer for women is Sunnah
Is Eid prayer obligatory for women? If it is obligatory, should they
pray at home or in the musalla (prayer place)?.
Praise be to Allaah.
It is not obligatory for women, but it is Sunnah.Women should offer
thisprayer in the prayer-place with the Muslims, because the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) enjoined them to do that.
In al-Saheehayn and elsewhere it is narrated that Umm 'Atiyah (may
Allaah be pleased with her) said: "We were commanded (and in one
report it says, he commanded us – meaning the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him)) to bring out to the Eid prayers the
adolescent girls and the women in seclusion, and he commanded the
menstruating women to avoid the prayer-place of the Muslims." Narrated
by al-Bukhaari,1/93; Muslim, 890. According to another report: "We
were commanded to come outand to bring out the adolescent girls and
those in seclusion."
According to a report narrated by al-Tirmidhi: The Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to bring out the
virgins, adolescent girls, women in seclusion and menstruating women
onthe two Eids, but the menstruating women were to keep away fromthe
prayer place and witness the gathering ofthe Muslims. One of themsaid,
"O Messenger of Allaah, what if she does not have a jilbaab?" He said,
"Then let her sister lend her one of her jilbaabs." (Agreed upon).
According to a report narrated by al-Nasaa'i, Hafsah bint Sireen said:
Umm 'Atiyyah hardly ever mentioned the Messenger of Allaah (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) but she would say, "May my father be
sacrificed for him." I said, "Did you hear the Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say such and such," and
she said, "Yes,may my father be sacrificed for him, and he said, 'Let
the adolescent girls, women in seclusion and menstruating women come
out to attend Eid and witness the gathering of the Muslims, but let
the menstruating women avoid the prayer place.'" Narrated by
Based on the above, it is clear that for women to go out and attend
the Eid prayers is a confirmed Sunnah, but that is subject to the
condition that they do not go out unveiled or making a wanton display
of themselves, as is known from other evidence.
With regard to boys whohave reached the age of discretion going out to
Eid prayer, Jumu'ah prayers, etc., this is something which is well
known and is prescribedin Islam, because there isa great deal of
evidence to that effect.
And Allaah is the Source of strength.
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pray at home or in the musalla (prayer place)?.
Praise be to Allaah.
It is not obligatory for women, but it is Sunnah.Women should offer
thisprayer in the prayer-place with the Muslims, because the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) enjoined them to do that.
In al-Saheehayn and elsewhere it is narrated that Umm 'Atiyah (may
Allaah be pleased with her) said: "We were commanded (and in one
report it says, he commanded us – meaning the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him)) to bring out to the Eid prayers the
adolescent girls and the women in seclusion, and he commanded the
menstruating women to avoid the prayer-place of the Muslims." Narrated
by al-Bukhaari,1/93; Muslim, 890. According to another report: "We
were commanded to come outand to bring out the adolescent girls and
those in seclusion."
According to a report narrated by al-Tirmidhi: The Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to bring out the
virgins, adolescent girls, women in seclusion and menstruating women
onthe two Eids, but the menstruating women were to keep away fromthe
prayer place and witness the gathering ofthe Muslims. One of themsaid,
"O Messenger of Allaah, what if she does not have a jilbaab?" He said,
"Then let her sister lend her one of her jilbaabs." (Agreed upon).
According to a report narrated by al-Nasaa'i, Hafsah bint Sireen said:
Umm 'Atiyyah hardly ever mentioned the Messenger of Allaah (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) but she would say, "May my father be
sacrificed for him." I said, "Did you hear the Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say such and such," and
she said, "Yes,may my father be sacrificed for him, and he said, 'Let
the adolescent girls, women in seclusion and menstruating women come
out to attend Eid and witness the gathering of the Muslims, but let
the menstruating women avoid the prayer place.'" Narrated by
Based on the above, it is clear that for women to go out and attend
the Eid prayers is a confirmed Sunnah, but that is subject to the
condition that they do not go out unveiled or making a wanton display
of themselves, as is known from other evidence.
With regard to boys whohave reached the age of discretion going out to
Eid prayer, Jumu'ah prayers, etc., this is something which is well
known and is prescribedin Islam, because there isa great deal of
evidence to that effect.
And Allaah is the Source of strength.
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Jumma Prayer | - How to return salaams to one who offers his hand in greeting during the khutbah
If the imaam is preaching and someone greets you and offers hishand,
what is the ruling?
Praise be to Allaah.
Gesture to him if it is the time of the khutbah, andput your hand in
his, without speaking, because the Messenger of Allaah (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded us to listen to the
khutbah. He said, "If you say to your companion on Friday, 'Listen!'
when the imaam is preaching, then you have engaged in idle speech."
(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, al-Jumu'ah, 882; Muslim, al-Jumu'ah, 1404.
Agreed upon).
He described his enjoining something good as being "idle speech"
(laghw) at the time of the khutbah, so how about other kinds of
speech? And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
said, according to a saheeh hadeeth, "Whoever playswith the pebbles
(on theground) has engaged in idle speech (laghw)." (Narrated by
Muslim, al-Jumu'ah, 1419)
At Jumu'ah prayers, the believer should listen to the khutbah and be
humble and solemn, he should beware of playing with pebbles on the
ground or anything else. If someone greets him he should gesture tohim
without speaking. Ifhe puts his hand in his when he offers his
hand,without speaking, that isOK, as stated above. He should tell him
after the khutbah that he should not have done that, and that which is
prescribed if one comes in when the imaam is preaching is to pray two
rak'ahs to "greet the mosque" and not to say salaams to anyone until
after the khutbah has ended. If hesneezes he should praiseAllaah (say
"al-hamdu Lillah") to himself without speaking out loud.
what is the ruling?
Praise be to Allaah.
Gesture to him if it is the time of the khutbah, andput your hand in
his, without speaking, because the Messenger of Allaah (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded us to listen to the
khutbah. He said, "If you say to your companion on Friday, 'Listen!'
when the imaam is preaching, then you have engaged in idle speech."
(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, al-Jumu'ah, 882; Muslim, al-Jumu'ah, 1404.
Agreed upon).
He described his enjoining something good as being "idle speech"
(laghw) at the time of the khutbah, so how about other kinds of
speech? And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
said, according to a saheeh hadeeth, "Whoever playswith the pebbles
(on theground) has engaged in idle speech (laghw)." (Narrated by
Muslim, al-Jumu'ah, 1419)
At Jumu'ah prayers, the believer should listen to the khutbah and be
humble and solemn, he should beware of playing with pebbles on the
ground or anything else. If someone greets him he should gesture tohim
without speaking. Ifhe puts his hand in his when he offers his
hand,without speaking, that isOK, as stated above. He should tell him
after the khutbah that he should not have done that, and that which is
prescribed if one comes in when the imaam is preaching is to pray two
rak'ahs to "greet the mosque" and not to say salaams to anyone until
after the khutbah has ended. If hesneezes he should praiseAllaah (say
"al-hamdu Lillah") to himself without speaking out loud.
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