When the religion of Islam that has been sent as a salvation from the
presence of Allah is explained to a person, he believes on his own
will and decides withoutbeing subjected to any kind of compulsion or
duress. People are free to choose truth or error. If they make the
wrong choice, they will face its consequence in the Hereafter.
In matters of belief, Islam offers people complete freedom with a very
open and clear language. This perception which was valid ever since
Islam was first revealed, forms the basis of the Islamic morality. The
verses on the subject are perfectly clear:
There is no compulsion where deen is concerned. Right guidance has
become clearly distinct from error. Anyone who rejects false deities
and believes in Allah has grasped the Firmest Handhold, which will
never give way. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (Surat al-Baqara,
According to the Islamic morality, people are freeto choose whatever
beliefs they wish, and nobody can oblige anyone else in subjects of
belief. When a Muslim meets someone whom he wants to have faith, he
only has the liability to communicate Islam and to explain the
existence of Allah, to state that the Qur'an is the book of His
revelation, that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is His messenger, to
explain the existence of the Hereafter and the Day of Judgment and
thebeauties of the Islamic morality. However, such liability is only
restricted to communicating the religion. In one verse (Surat
an-Nahl), Allah informs us that our Prophet (pbuh) also is only a
Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair admonition, and
argue with them in the kindest way. Your Lord knows best who is
misguided from His way.And He knows best who are guided. (Surat
an-Nahl, 125)
Another verse states, "... It is the truth from your Lord; so let
whoever wishes believe and whoever wishes do not believe..." (Surat
and our Lord addresses our Prophet (pbuh) as, "Perhaps you will
destroy yourself with grief because they will not become believers."
(Surat ash-Shu'ara',3). In the Surah Qaf Allah issues our Prophet
(pbuh) this reminder:
We know best what theysay. You are not a dictator over them. So
remind, with the Qur'an, whoever fears My Threat. (Surah Qaf, 45)
When the religion of Islam that has been sent as a salvation from the
presence of Allah is explained to a person, he believes on his own
will and decides withoutbeing subjected to any kind of compulsion or
duress. People are free to choose truth or error. If they make the
wrong choice, they will face its consequence in the Hereafter.
People are free to choose correctly or wrongly. When Islam--the true
path that Allah has revealed--is explained, they come to believe of
their own freewill, reaching this decision with no pressure being put
on them. If they make wrong choices, they will face its consequences
in the Hereafter. On this subject, one verse of the Qur'an contains
the clearest command and reminder:
"If your Lord had willed, all the people on the earth would have
believed. Do you think you can force people to be believers?" (Surah
Yunus, 99)
For example, one personmay immediately come to believe in the face of
a believer's preaching, while another mocks and attacks it. One person
may use his conscience and decide to live in the way that is pleasing
to Allah, while the other may join the deniers and respond to fine
words with ugly ones. But that denial willnever inspire despair or
sorrow in the person issuing the call. In Surah Yusuf Allah says:
"But most people, for all your eagerness, are not muminun. You do not
ask them for any wage for it. It is only a reminder to all beings."
(Surah Yusuf, 103-104)
What's important is that no matter what reaction he meets with, the
person who abides by the Qur'an keeps on displaying the kind of
morality that is pleasing to Allah, refuses to make any concessions on
it, and puts his trust in Allah. Allah has told us that His religion
is to be explained "in the kindest way" as revealedin the Qur'an:
"Argue with the People of the Book only in the kindest way--except in
the case of those of them who do wrong--saying, "We believe in what
has been sent down to us and what was sent down to you. Our God and
your God are One and we submit to Him." (Surat al-'Ankabut, 46)
We must not forget that all events, great or small,happen in the
framework of the destiny created by Allah. And it is Allah who bestows
salvation on someone who is invited to believe. For that reason,
believers are never troubled by deniers' behavior. There are many
instances of this in the Qur'an. In the verse "Perhaps you may destroy
yourself with grief, chasing after them, if they do not have iman in
these words"(Surat al-Kahf, 6), Allah tells the Prophet (saas) not to
be troubledif the people he calls on to believe in the Qur'an fail to
do so. In another verse we are told "You cannot guide those you would
like to but Allah guides those He wills. He has best knowledge of the
guided."(Surat al-Qasas, 56) Therefore, one's invitation, fine words
and all the details one set out will only have any effect in the event
that Allah so wills it. (Harun Yahya, Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism)
The only responsibility of a believer is to call people to the Qur'an.
He bears no responsibility for deniers persisting in their denial and
therefore earning punishment in the Hereafter. Our Lord reveals this
to the Prophet (pbuh) in the verse "We have sent you with the Truth,
bringing good news and giving warning. Do not ask about the
inhabitants of the Blazing Fire."(Surat al-Baqara, 119).
Allah has given mankind both reason and a conscience. His messengers
and the Divine books revealed tothem have shown the true path, and
people are responsible for their own choices. Islamic morality can be
lived only by a sincere decision to do so--by surrendering oneself to
Allah and listening to one's conscience, which always commands one to
do what is right. It is atotal violation of Islamic morality to force
anyoneto believe, because whatmatters is an individual'ssurrendering
himself to Allah with all his heart and believing sincerely. If a
system were to force people into a religion and worship, people would
appear to be religious because of their fear of the system.
From a religious perspective only religiosity lived for Allah and
based on free and conscious choice is acceptable. Allah says the
following to our Prophet (pbuh) in the Surat al-Ghashiyya:
"So remind them! You are only a reminder. Youare not in control of
them. But as for anyone who turns away and is unbeliever, Allah will
punish him with the Greatest Punishment. Certainly it is to Us they
will return. Then their Reckoning is Our concern. "(Surat
al-Ghashiyya: 21-26)
It also needs to be emphasized that Islam leaves people free to make
their own choices regarding religion and commands them to respect
other religions. Even if someone believesin a superstitious faith, as
the Qur'an describes it, still he can live in peace and security in
Muslim lands and freely perform his own religious obligations. In
verses Allah commanded our Prophet (pbuh) to tell those who denied
"I do not worship what you worship, and you donot worship what I
worship. Nor will I worship what you worship, nor will you worship
what I worship. You have your religion, and I have my religion."
(Surah Qaf, 2-6)
Under the morality of Islam, everyone is free tocarry out his
religious obligations in accord with his own particular belief. Nobody
can prevent any others from performing their particular religious
duties, nor can he obligethem to worship in the manner he desires.
That violates the morality of Islam, and is unacceptable to Allah. In
the Islamic history a model of society emerges in which everyone is
free to worship and perform the obligations attendant upon his
particular chosen beliefs.In the Qur'an Allah describes monasteries,
churches, synagogues, and the places of worship of the Peoples of the
Book as all under Allah's protection:
"... If Allah had not driven some people backby means of others,
[then] monasteries, churches, synagogues and mosques, where Allah's
name is mentioned much, would have been pulled down and destroyed.
Allah will certainly help those whohelp Him--Allah is All-Strong,
Almighty." (Surat al-Hajj, 40)
Our Prophet's (pbuh) lifeis full of such examples. When Christians
came to see him, he left his own mosque for them to use and pray in
it. That kind of tolerance was maintained during the times of the Four
Rightly Guided Caliphs who succeeded the Prophet (pbuh). After
Damascus was captured, a church that had been turned into a mosque was
divided into two, so thatChristians might worshipin one half and
Muslims in the other.
The Design of the Woodpecker
As we all know, woodpeckers build theirnests by boring holes in tree
trunks with their beaks. This may sound familiar to most people. But
the point many people fail to examine is why woodpeckers sufferno
brain hemorrhage when they beat a tattoo so vigorously with their
heads. What the woodpecker does is in a way similar to a human being
driving a nail into the wall with his head. Ifa man ventured to do
something like that, he would probably undergo a brain shock followed
by a brain hemorrhage. However, awoodpecker can peck a hard tree trunk
38-43 times in just two or three seconds and nothing happens to it.
Nothing happens because t he head structure of woodpeckers is ideally
created for such a task. The skull of the woodpecker has a remarkable
suspension system that absorbs the force of the blows. Its forehead
and some skull muscles adjoined to its beak and the jaw joint are so
robust that they help lessen the effect of the forceful strokes during
Design and planning do not end here. Preferring primarily pine trees,
woodpeckers check the age of the trees before boring a hole in them
and pick those older than 100 years, because pine trees older than 100
years suffer an illness that causes the hard and thick bark to soften.
This was only recently discovered by science and perhaps youmay be
reading of it here for the first time in your life; woodpeckers have
known it for centuries.
This is not the only reason why woodpeckers prefer pine trees.
Woodpeckersdig cavities around theirnests, the function of which was
not originallyunderstood. These cavities were later understood to
protect them from a great danger. Over time, the sticky resin that
leaks from the pine trees fills up the cavities and the outpost of the
woodpecker's nest is thus filled with a pool whereby woodpeckers can
be protected from snakes, their greatest enemies.
Another interesting feature of woodpeckers is that their tongues are
thin enough to penetrate even ants' nests in the trees. Their tongues
are also sticky, which allows them to collect the ants that live
there. The perfection in their creation is further revealed by the
fact that their tongues have a structure which preventsthem from being
harmed by the acid in the bodies of the ants.
Woodpeckers, each of whose characteristics is discussed in a different
paragraph above, prove with all their detailed features that they are
'created'. If woodpeckers had evolved coincidentally asthe theory of
evolution claims, they would have died before they acquired such
extraordinarily consistent traits and they would be extinct. However,
as they were created by God with a special "design" adaptedto their
life, they started their lives by bearing all the vital
Since Darwinism is an ideology based on deceiving the world and
turning people away from belief in Allah (God), the supporters of the
Dajjal have to try to keep it alive, no matter what the cost. For that
reason, the various people who have entered the Dajjal's protection
have resortedto all possible methods to keep the ideology on its feet.
They heralded the theory of evolution as a proven fact, despite the
fact there is not a single piece of evidence to support it. They have
given the impression that non-existent evidence does in fact exist and
have tried to adapt fossils to their own theory. They have produced
fictitious intermediate forms, despite the fact that not a single
genuine one exists, and have taught this as scientific fact in school
books. They have ignored the countless pieces of evidence against
evolution that have emerged, and havedeliberately hidden them away
from the public gaze. In the absence of any evidence for their theory,
they have manufactured falsefossils and exhibited these for decades in
the world's most famous museums. Instead of being ashamed when their
frauds have been exposed, they have continued with their deceptive
methods and have had no qualms about producing and defending new
frauds. Although it has been scientifically proved thatnot one single
protein can form by chance they have still insisted on maintaining
that life first emerged by chance in muddy water. (The probability of
a function protein forming by chance is 1 in 10950, in other words,
zero.) They have had no compunctions about publishing their false
evidence in newspapers and scientific journals and on the television,
and have not hesitated to teach these to students in schools for
years. Darwinism is a belief system based on fraud, deception and
falsehood. Darwinism is not scientific. Ever since it was first
launched, Darwin's theory has assumed the task assumed by the ancient
pagans; it has sought to disseminate paganism and to turn people
awayfrom belief in Allah. It deceived people for 150 years. For 150
years, it sought to familiarize people with a lie. Darwinism is a
heretical religion that needs fraudto survive, that tells lies to
attract supporters, and that excommunicates those who tell the truth.
Allah says in one verse:
Say: "Shall I tell you of a reward with Allah far worse than that:
that of those whom Allah has cursed and with whom He is angry –
turning some of them into monkeys and into pigs – and who worshipped
false deities? Such people are in a worse situation and further from
the right way." (Surat al-Ma'ida, 60)
Under normal conditions, there would be no logic at all in people
continuing to follow such a perverted ideology. But some people have
fallen into asnare laid by the Dajjal. All unawares, they have been
deceived by this deception, not knowing what they were doing orhow
they had been led astray. Because the Dajjal has employed a very
cunning method. AsDarwinism deceived the world it made contact, by
fraudulent and perverted means, with people who had undertaken this
cunningand ugly work of the Dajjal. However, it is alsocertain that,
as with all superstitious religions, the cunning snares laid in this
religion will also come to nothing:
They are hatching a plot.I too am hatching a plot. So bear with the
unbelievers – bear with them for a while. (Surat at-Tariq, 15-17) -
- ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Saturday, May 11, 2013
What will Dawkins have to say to this? Londoners say 'we support creation'
The 1 July, 2009, issue of the Birmingham Post daily newspaper carried
the results of a recent opinion poll, according to which the number of
believers in London has risen considerably. Thesepeople who voted
against evolution believed that Allah had created all of life, just
the way it looks now and in a single moment.
This must have come as aconsiderable shock to Richard Dawkins, who
engages in wide-ranging activities intended to spread atheism and
Darwinism in Britain and worldwide! Perhaps themost important shock
for Dawkins will have been such a powerful rejection of Darwin, the
founder of the fraud of evolution, in his home country and even in his
home town. The British public must have become aware of the lies told
on behalf of evolution in their own country, since they have
increasingly begun loudly ridding themselves of this deception.
This is of course the expected conclusion. There is an important fact
we have told all Darwinists – and Dawkins – many time over. We have
told them,"if you put people into a darkened room but let them glimpse
the Sun for just a very brief moment, you will never afterwards be
able to convince them there is no Sun outside. We havetold them that
all the scientific evidence points to Creation, and that it is
impossible to convince people who know that not a single transitional
fossil exists of anything else. We toldthem that now that the fraud of
Darwinism has been so noisily revealed,the old techniques of
demagoguery and false publications will no longer be enough to keep
evolution alive. Wesaid that people have now learned what Darwinist
demagoguery really is, that Darwinist deceptions have been exposed and
that they have now begun looking on Darwin and Darwinism as
fraudulent.But Dawkins and some other Darwinists like himstill thought
that propaganda, demagogicstatements and false fossils could still
have an effect on people and that the Darwinist dictatorship would
remain strong, no matter what. Dawkins placed his trust in that alone
and imagined he could effectively indoctrinate people withatheist
propaganda in the form of posters on the sides of buses.
But the position in London, where those bus posters were most
intensively employed is that PEOPLE IN LONDON NOW BELIEVE IN ALLAH.
It is of course natural foran increasing number ofpeople in various
countries to be turning to Allah. Any logical person will draw only
one conclusion from the evidence he sees aroundhim, and the glorious
artistry on Earth and perfect Creation; the existence of a Sublime and
Almighty Creator. Any rational person can see from the evidence
provided that evolution is the worst deception inrecent centuries. It
is of course very easy for people to see, from countless pieces of
evidence, that they have been deceived and to realize the existence of
Almighty Allah. That is why, no matter how much they may try, neither
Dawkins nor anyother Darwinist can change the facts of which people
have beenconvinced in their minds. Neither Darwinistpropaganda nor the
Darwinist dictatorship have the power to do that any more. - -
▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
the results of a recent opinion poll, according to which the number of
believers in London has risen considerably. Thesepeople who voted
against evolution believed that Allah had created all of life, just
the way it looks now and in a single moment.
This must have come as aconsiderable shock to Richard Dawkins, who
engages in wide-ranging activities intended to spread atheism and
Darwinism in Britain and worldwide! Perhaps themost important shock
for Dawkins will have been such a powerful rejection of Darwin, the
founder of the fraud of evolution, in his home country and even in his
home town. The British public must have become aware of the lies told
on behalf of evolution in their own country, since they have
increasingly begun loudly ridding themselves of this deception.
This is of course the expected conclusion. There is an important fact
we have told all Darwinists – and Dawkins – many time over. We have
told them,"if you put people into a darkened room but let them glimpse
the Sun for just a very brief moment, you will never afterwards be
able to convince them there is no Sun outside. We havetold them that
all the scientific evidence points to Creation, and that it is
impossible to convince people who know that not a single transitional
fossil exists of anything else. We toldthem that now that the fraud of
Darwinism has been so noisily revealed,the old techniques of
demagoguery and false publications will no longer be enough to keep
evolution alive. Wesaid that people have now learned what Darwinist
demagoguery really is, that Darwinist deceptions have been exposed and
that they have now begun looking on Darwin and Darwinism as
fraudulent.But Dawkins and some other Darwinists like himstill thought
that propaganda, demagogicstatements and false fossils could still
have an effect on people and that the Darwinist dictatorship would
remain strong, no matter what. Dawkins placed his trust in that alone
and imagined he could effectively indoctrinate people withatheist
propaganda in the form of posters on the sides of buses.
But the position in London, where those bus posters were most
intensively employed is that PEOPLE IN LONDON NOW BELIEVE IN ALLAH.
It is of course natural foran increasing number ofpeople in various
countries to be turning to Allah. Any logical person will draw only
one conclusion from the evidence he sees aroundhim, and the glorious
artistry on Earth and perfect Creation; the existence of a Sublime and
Almighty Creator. Any rational person can see from the evidence
provided that evolution is the worst deception inrecent centuries. It
is of course very easy for people to see, from countless pieces of
evidence, that they have been deceived and to realize the existence of
Almighty Allah. That is why, no matter how much they may try, neither
Dawkins nor anyother Darwinist can change the facts of which people
have beenconvinced in their minds. Neither Darwinistpropaganda nor the
Darwinist dictatorship have the power to do that any more. - -
▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
Celal Sengor is right!Darwinism was founded on a momentous lie
In his column in the 26 June, 2009 issue of Cumhuriyet Bilim Teknik
magazine, Celal Sengor published a piece titled "The Difficulty with
Being Human." In the article, Sengor, maintained that "lies"
constitute the starting point for a great many discoveries and
inventions, and that important scientific findshad been made as a
result of them. On the basis of that, Sengor then reached the totally
illogical conclusion that "it is impossible to be human without
imagining something false to be true and giving expression to that."
At this point, Sengor, who has followed a falselogic this far and
reached the conclusion that "one cannot be human without lying," was
right about one thing: he pointed to Darwinism as evidence for the
claim in question.He said that Darwin had come out with a lie. He
admitted that Darwin's theory was a lie put forward in the climate
ofignorance of the 19th century, a kind of intellectual adventure. And
in that he was absolutely right.
Darwin said he had "found a scientific theory" at a time when nobody
even knew whatthe cell looked like and when the biro had not yet even
been invented. All he had actually done was to embark on an aimless
ship voyage, drink with the crew from morning till night and collect
insects for hisown amusement on the islands they stopped off at. As
Darwin openly states in his autobiography, he took no interest in
these specimens he collected, just setting them to one side and
getting on withhis youthful adventure. In his letters he frequently
said that he had made his claim under the spirit of that adventure,
that it was nonsensical and that he was about to commit suicide
because of it. He was unaware that the cell, which he imagined to be a
balloon full of water, was actually just as complex as a whole
galactic system. That waswhy he saw nothing wrong in maintaining that
the cell came into existence by chance. He was unaware of the lawsof
genetics. He thereforeimagined that acquired characteristics could be
passed on to later generations. On the basis of that error, he then
put forward the lie that living things turned into one another,
soughtto convince himself of that, and therefore spent the whole of
his life in a state of surprise at the total absence of transitional
As Sengor says, Darwin made his name with a lie. But where Sengor is
mistaken is that no greatdiscovery was then made as the result of that
lie and, on the contrary, that lie continued to grow and spread.
Celal Sengor willbe perfectly well aware that the details of genetic
science were discovered after Darwin's time. Genetics and microbiology
have shown the existence in living things of such extraordinary
structures as the cell membrane, ribosomes, mitochondria, DNA,
chloroplasts and protein.They have also shown it is statistically
impossible for a single protein to form by chance. It has been
realized that not even the smallest and most basic components of the
cell can be manufactured in the laboratory environment.The second
greatest blow to Darwinism camefrom the science of paleontology. More
than250 million fossils have been unearthed since Darwin's time. And
Darwinists have seen been stunned and shocked by the revelation to the
whole world in the works of Harun Yahya that NOT ONE OF THESE IS A
Archaeopteryx and Tiktaalik rosaea are fossils that Darwinists
speculated about for a long time. But detailed examination of the
fossils revealed that they were complete and perfect life forms with
no transitional characteristics.
When this fact is brought out into the open, Darwinists develop their
own unique defense mechanism and point to Archaeopteryx and Tiktaalik
Rosaea as saviors, even though these actually harbor no transitional
features whatsoever. (These are the only vehicles for speculation in
their possession.) Sengor sought shelter in the same technique, and as
soon as the lack of transitional fossils was raised he tried to depict
these two fossils as findings actually corroborating Darwin's false
Darwinist claims on the subject of Archaeopteryx have been discredited
with wide-ranging evidence. It has been established that this life
form was a perfect flyingbird and, more importantly, perfect birds
living contemporaneously with Archaeopteryx have totally eliminated
the claims regarding transition in question. You can access detailed
information about the invalidity of Darwinist claims regarding
Archaeopteryx here .
Tiktaalik Rosaea , on the other hand, is a perfect mosaic form. It
possessesnot a single intermediate characteristic, and all thefossil's
characteristics show that is a perfect, but extinct life form.
Detailed statements on the subject have been made many times before,
and all the speculation regarding Tiktaalik rosaea has been utterly
refuted. Youcan read detailed information about the invalidity of
Darwinist claims about Tiktaalik rosaea here .
Celal Sengor is without doubt well aware of the facts listed above,
that Archaeopteryx and Tiktaalik rosaea are not transitional forms
and, furthermore, Darwinists HAVE NOT A SINGLE TRANSITIONAL FORM IN
THEIR POSSESSION. But because of his devotion to Darwinist ideology
hethinks he needs to defend these false claims. Sengor should bear
EVENGREATER LIE AS IT GREW AND THRIVED. And, most important of all,
does not know thatDarwinism is a fraud. Darwinism is now the butt of
jokes. Not even children believe the theory or are taken in byits
speculation. And defending that lie merely degrades the followers of
Darwinism, and even makes them utterly ridiculous. Two hundred fifty
million fossils show that Allah created living things with their
present-day appearances, in a single moment and out of nothing. And
the demagoguery employed to defend Darwinism just looks utterly
Celal Sengor is also mistaken on this point; the great discoveries he
refers to were not developed on the basis of a lie, but of false or
deficient information. The people who made the discoveries produced
hypotheses in an effort to understand something, and then intended to
arrive at an accurate conclusion by way of RESEARCH AND INVESTIGATION.
For example, a scientific discovery was made at a time when the Earth
wasthought to be flat; it wasrealized that the Earth is spherical, and
nobody has to date objected to the evidence proving this. Therefore,
none of the discoverers in question have defended a lie devoid of any
scientific evidence in theway Darwin did, nor insisted on spreading a
lie that had been refutedby the scientific evidence. It is not
possible to be human by lying, as Sengor imagines, but rather by
acting honestly, espousing the truth and by never departing fromthe
truth, even if the prevailing conditions will place one in a difficult
position. It is fear of Allah that is needed for this. What makes
people human is to listen to the voice of their consciences, and not
to suppress their consciences when all theevidence points to a single
truth, in favor of falsity and superstition.
Do not mix up truth withfalsehood and knowingly hide the truth. (Surat
al-Baqara, 42)
- - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
magazine, Celal Sengor published a piece titled "The Difficulty with
Being Human." In the article, Sengor, maintained that "lies"
constitute the starting point for a great many discoveries and
inventions, and that important scientific findshad been made as a
result of them. On the basis of that, Sengor then reached the totally
illogical conclusion that "it is impossible to be human without
imagining something false to be true and giving expression to that."
At this point, Sengor, who has followed a falselogic this far and
reached the conclusion that "one cannot be human without lying," was
right about one thing: he pointed to Darwinism as evidence for the
claim in question.He said that Darwin had come out with a lie. He
admitted that Darwin's theory was a lie put forward in the climate
ofignorance of the 19th century, a kind of intellectual adventure. And
in that he was absolutely right.
Darwin said he had "found a scientific theory" at a time when nobody
even knew whatthe cell looked like and when the biro had not yet even
been invented. All he had actually done was to embark on an aimless
ship voyage, drink with the crew from morning till night and collect
insects for hisown amusement on the islands they stopped off at. As
Darwin openly states in his autobiography, he took no interest in
these specimens he collected, just setting them to one side and
getting on withhis youthful adventure. In his letters he frequently
said that he had made his claim under the spirit of that adventure,
that it was nonsensical and that he was about to commit suicide
because of it. He was unaware that the cell, which he imagined to be a
balloon full of water, was actually just as complex as a whole
galactic system. That waswhy he saw nothing wrong in maintaining that
the cell came into existence by chance. He was unaware of the lawsof
genetics. He thereforeimagined that acquired characteristics could be
passed on to later generations. On the basis of that error, he then
put forward the lie that living things turned into one another,
soughtto convince himself of that, and therefore spent the whole of
his life in a state of surprise at the total absence of transitional
As Sengor says, Darwin made his name with a lie. But where Sengor is
mistaken is that no greatdiscovery was then made as the result of that
lie and, on the contrary, that lie continued to grow and spread.
Celal Sengor willbe perfectly well aware that the details of genetic
science were discovered after Darwin's time. Genetics and microbiology
have shown the existence in living things of such extraordinary
structures as the cell membrane, ribosomes, mitochondria, DNA,
chloroplasts and protein.They have also shown it is statistically
impossible for a single protein to form by chance. It has been
realized that not even the smallest and most basic components of the
cell can be manufactured in the laboratory environment.The second
greatest blow to Darwinism camefrom the science of paleontology. More
than250 million fossils have been unearthed since Darwin's time. And
Darwinists have seen been stunned and shocked by the revelation to the
whole world in the works of Harun Yahya that NOT ONE OF THESE IS A
Archaeopteryx and Tiktaalik rosaea are fossils that Darwinists
speculated about for a long time. But detailed examination of the
fossils revealed that they were complete and perfect life forms with
no transitional characteristics.
When this fact is brought out into the open, Darwinists develop their
own unique defense mechanism and point to Archaeopteryx and Tiktaalik
Rosaea as saviors, even though these actually harbor no transitional
features whatsoever. (These are the only vehicles for speculation in
their possession.) Sengor sought shelter in the same technique, and as
soon as the lack of transitional fossils was raised he tried to depict
these two fossils as findings actually corroborating Darwin's false
Darwinist claims on the subject of Archaeopteryx have been discredited
with wide-ranging evidence. It has been established that this life
form was a perfect flyingbird and, more importantly, perfect birds
living contemporaneously with Archaeopteryx have totally eliminated
the claims regarding transition in question. You can access detailed
information about the invalidity of Darwinist claims regarding
Archaeopteryx here .
Tiktaalik Rosaea , on the other hand, is a perfect mosaic form. It
possessesnot a single intermediate characteristic, and all thefossil's
characteristics show that is a perfect, but extinct life form.
Detailed statements on the subject have been made many times before,
and all the speculation regarding Tiktaalik rosaea has been utterly
refuted. Youcan read detailed information about the invalidity of
Darwinist claims about Tiktaalik rosaea here .
Celal Sengor is without doubt well aware of the facts listed above,
that Archaeopteryx and Tiktaalik rosaea are not transitional forms
and, furthermore, Darwinists HAVE NOT A SINGLE TRANSITIONAL FORM IN
THEIR POSSESSION. But because of his devotion to Darwinist ideology
hethinks he needs to defend these false claims. Sengor should bear
EVENGREATER LIE AS IT GREW AND THRIVED. And, most important of all,
does not know thatDarwinism is a fraud. Darwinism is now the butt of
jokes. Not even children believe the theory or are taken in byits
speculation. And defending that lie merely degrades the followers of
Darwinism, and even makes them utterly ridiculous. Two hundred fifty
million fossils show that Allah created living things with their
present-day appearances, in a single moment and out of nothing. And
the demagoguery employed to defend Darwinism just looks utterly
Celal Sengor is also mistaken on this point; the great discoveries he
refers to were not developed on the basis of a lie, but of false or
deficient information. The people who made the discoveries produced
hypotheses in an effort to understand something, and then intended to
arrive at an accurate conclusion by way of RESEARCH AND INVESTIGATION.
For example, a scientific discovery was made at a time when the Earth
wasthought to be flat; it wasrealized that the Earth is spherical, and
nobody has to date objected to the evidence proving this. Therefore,
none of the discoverers in question have defended a lie devoid of any
scientific evidence in theway Darwin did, nor insisted on spreading a
lie that had been refutedby the scientific evidence. It is not
possible to be human by lying, as Sengor imagines, but rather by
acting honestly, espousing the truth and by never departing fromthe
truth, even if the prevailing conditions will place one in a difficult
position. It is fear of Allah that is needed for this. What makes
people human is to listen to the voice of their consciences, and not
to suppress their consciences when all theevidence points to a single
truth, in favor of falsity and superstition.
Do not mix up truth withfalsehood and knowingly hide the truth. (Surat
al-Baqara, 42)
- - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
Fathwa, - Determining the reward of the woman’s prayer inside her home is boundto Sharee‘ah texts
Would a woman attain the twenty-seven fold reward if she offered the
prayer inside her home like the case of men who offer prayers in the
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad
isHis slave and Messenger.
There is no doubt that offering prayer in a congregation is better
than offering it alone. However, the prayer of a woman in her home is
superior to offering it in the mosque. Hence, the less virtuous deed
takes precedence over the most virtuous deed if it isdone in its
optimum timeand place. For example, reciting the Quran is more
virtuous than reciting the mere remembrance of Allaah The Exalted.
However, reciting the regular remembrance after the prayer in its due
time takes precedence over reciting the Quran as it occurred in the
proper place and time. The superiority of a woman's prayer inside her
home does not necessarily mean that it is equal to the prayer of men
in congregation. Hence, thismatter is not based on human opinions but
requires authentic proofsfrom the Quran or the Sunnah. The Prophet ,
mentioned that the prayer of a woman in herhome is better for her but
he did not determinea specific reward.
Allaah Knows best. - - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
Would a woman attain the twenty-seven fold reward if she offered the
prayer inside her home like the case of men who offer prayers in the
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad
isHis slave and Messenger.
There is no doubt that offering prayer in a congregation is better
than offering it alone. However, the prayer of a woman in her home is
superior to offering it in the mosque. Hence, the less virtuous deed
takes precedence over the most virtuous deed if it isdone in its
optimum timeand place. For example, reciting the Quran is more
virtuous than reciting the mere remembrance of Allaah The Exalted.
However, reciting the regular remembrance after the prayer in its due
time takes precedence over reciting the Quran as it occurred in the
proper place and time. The superiority of a woman's prayer inside her
home does not necessarily mean that it is equal to the prayer of men
in congregation. Hence, thismatter is not based on human opinions but
requires authentic proofsfrom the Quran or the Sunnah. The Prophet ,
mentioned that the prayer of a woman in herhome is better for her but
he did not determinea specific reward.
Allaah Knows best. - - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
Fathwa, - Waking up then falling asleep without performing the prayer on time
The Messenger of Allaah , said: "There is no negligence when one is
sleeping." Sometimes, I sleep for a long time even though I wake up
for seconds so that I know the time and then Igo back to sleep for
somemore hours. Therefore, I miss one prayer or more. What is the
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad
isHis slave and Messenger.
It is incumbent upon you to wake up at the prescribed time to offer
prayer in congregation and to adopt the proper means in order to wake
up at the prescribed timeof the prayer so as to reach the prayer. Upon
waking up, leave the bedquickly so that you do not fall back asleep.
Otherwise, you are considered negligent andsinful.
Allaah Knows best. - - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
The Messenger of Allaah , said: "There is no negligence when one is
sleeping." Sometimes, I sleep for a long time even though I wake up
for seconds so that I know the time and then Igo back to sleep for
somemore hours. Therefore, I miss one prayer or more. What is the
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad
isHis slave and Messenger.
It is incumbent upon you to wake up at the prescribed time to offer
prayer in congregation and to adopt the proper means in order to wake
up at the prescribed timeof the prayer so as to reach the prayer. Upon
waking up, leave the bedquickly so that you do not fall back asleep.
Otherwise, you are considered negligent andsinful.
Allaah Knows best. - - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
Fathwa, - Ruling of the Imaam and those praying behind him if he offered an additional Rak‘ah
Upon offering the Maghrib prayer, the Imaam stood up for a fourth
Rak'ah and we notified him (by saying Subhaan Allaah) but he went on.
Then, all of us prayed the fourth Rak'ah with him and we prostrated
twice after the Salaam. Is our prayer valid?
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad
isHis slave and Messenger.
If the Imaam stood up to offer an additional Rak'ah, those praying
behind him have to say 'Subhaan Allaah' loudly so as to notify him.
However, if he resumed the additional one, then they must not follow
him as they know that it is additional. Any deliberate addition to the
prayer nullifies it.
We hope that your prayer is valid because you were unaware of this
ruling, as well you are not obliged to make it up.
However, it would be better for you to make it up so as to stay away
from the difference in opinions pertaining to this ruling. As for the
Imaam, if he did not recognize the notification of those praying
behind him, thenhis prayer is valid.
Allaah Knows best.
- - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
Upon offering the Maghrib prayer, the Imaam stood up for a fourth
Rak'ah and we notified him (by saying Subhaan Allaah) but he went on.
Then, all of us prayed the fourth Rak'ah with him and we prostrated
twice after the Salaam. Is our prayer valid?
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad
isHis slave and Messenger.
If the Imaam stood up to offer an additional Rak'ah, those praying
behind him have to say 'Subhaan Allaah' loudly so as to notify him.
However, if he resumed the additional one, then they must not follow
him as they know that it is additional. Any deliberate addition to the
prayer nullifies it.
We hope that your prayer is valid because you were unaware of this
ruling, as well you are not obliged to make it up.
However, it would be better for you to make it up so as to stay away
from the difference in opinions pertaining to this ruling. As for the
Imaam, if he did not recognize the notification of those praying
behind him, thenhis prayer is valid.
Allaah Knows best.
- - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
'Abdullaah Ibn Salaam: From Judaism to Islam
Al-Hussein Ibn Salaam was one of the scholars of the Jews who lived in
Yathrib, now known as Madeenah. All the people of the town had the
greatest respect for him. Everyone, no matter what his religion was,
treated him with reverence. He had a high reputation for piety,
righteousness, and straightforwardness.
Al-Hussein lived a tranquil and peaceful, yetserious and purposeful
life. He divided his time evenly between four separate activities:
worshiping and preaching at the synagogue, working in his palm grove,
irrigatingand cultivating his trees, and studying the Torah. Whenever
Al-Hussein read the Torah he would spend long periods of time
reflecting on the passages that prophesiedabout the appearance of the
Seal of the Prophets, a Prophet who would arise out of Makkah to
complete the message of all of the Prophets who came prior to him.
Al-Hussein would search for details concerning the awaited Prophet,
such as details about what he would look like, how he could be known,
and other many signs. He would tremble with joy when reading that the
Prophet would leave the town in which he received his call and migrate
to Yathrib wherehe would make his new home. Every time Al-Hussein read
this or thought about it, he would pray that Allaah would let him live
long enough to have the pleasure of meeting the Prophet, and be one of
the first to declare his belief in him.
It was the way of Allaah Almighty to answer the prayer of Al-Hussein
and allow him to live to a very advanced age, even beyond lifetime of
the Prophet . He had the good fortune to meet him and spend time
learning from him, and he believed in the revelation that had been
sent to the Prophet . Let us listen to A-Hussein as he tells his own
story of how he became a Muslim, for his words are the most accurate
reflection of what he wasfeeling.
He narrated from his memory as follows:"When I first heard stories of
the appearanceof a Prophet, I sought outfurther information about his
name, his genealogy, characteristics, and where and how he had started
calling others to Islam. I compared what I heard about him with what
was written in our scriptures, and came to a conclusion that he was
truly a Prophet. I kept this information to myself and did not share
it with the other rabbis or scholars.
The day came when the Prophet left Makkah and headed for Madeenah.
When he reached the town and ended his journey at Qubaa, a man came
through the town announcing his arrival. I was at the top of a palm
tree at that moment caring for it, and my auntKhaalidah Bint
Al-Haarith was seated beneath the tree. When I heard the news, I cried
out:"Allaahu Akbar! Allaahu Akbar!" When my aunt heard this, she
said,"What a disappointment you are! By Allaah if it had been the
Prophet Moses himself coming to us, you could not have been more
excited.""Listen Auntie, I swear by Allaah, he is the brother of
Moses, for he brings the same religion and teaches the same beliefs."
I answered. She fell silent for a moment,"Is he the one of whom you
used to tell us who would be sent to fulfill what was taught before
him as a completion for the messages of his Lord?" she asked. "Yes," I
said. "So be it," she agreed.
I immediately went and sought out the Messenger of Allaah and found
people crowding with each other to get to his door. I squeezed myself
between them till I came close to him. The first thing that I could
hear him saying was: "O people! Greet each other with peace and feed
the hungry, perform the Prayer at night when others are sleeping and
you will be sure to enter paradise."
I scrutinized him until I was satisfied, and knew that his was not the
face of an untruthful man. I drew closer to him and pronounced the
declaration of faith that there is no god but Allaah, and that
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah. Muhammad then turned to me and
asked, "What isyour name?" I said quickly, "Al-Hussein ibn Salaam." He
looked at meand replied, "No, your name will be Abdullaah ibn Salaam."
"Yes, Abdullaah Ibn Salaam," I responded. "I swear by the one who sent
you with the truth, I do not wish to use any other name from this day
Then I left the Messenger of Allaah and went home.I called my wife,
children and relatives to believe in Islam, and they all became
Muslims, even myaunt, who was quite elderly, accepted Islam. Then, I
asked them to keep our conversation secret from the other Jewish
people until I told them the time was right. They consented.
Then I returned to the Prophet and said to him, "Messenger of Allaah,
many of my people prefer lies to the truth. However, I want you to
summon their leaders, and to conceal me from them in one of your
rooms. Ask their opinion about my character without informing them
that I have become Muslim. Then invite them to accept Islam. If they
wereto know that I have become a Muslim, they would criticize me,
accuse me of having every defect, and slander me."
So the Messenger of Allaah put me into oneof his rooms, summoned them
and invited them tojoin Islam. He made faith appealing to them and
reminded them that theirscriptures contained prophecies of his
coming.They began using specious arguments to make truth seem false,
and continued to do so until he despaired of their accepting the
faith. At that point he asked them, "What is your evaluation of
Al-Hussein Ibn Salaam?" They answered, "A chief of ours, and the son
of chiefof ours. He is an eminent scholar."
The Prophet questioned them further;"Do you think if he accepted Islam
that you would also accept Islam? Astound at the thought, they
replied, "Allaah forbids! He would never do that!" May Allaah protect
him from that!" So I came out and addressed them, "My people! Fear
Allaah, and accept what Muhammad has brought to you. I swear by Allaah
that you know that he is the Messenger of Allaah, and that you can
find his name and description in the copies of the Torah inyour
possession. I bear witness that he is the Messenger of Allaah. I
believe in him and in what he says and I recognize him for what he
is." They responded byaddressing the Prophet harshly, "You liar! He
(Al-Hussein) is a low person, born to a low family. He is one of our
ignorant people, and born of an ignorant family!!" and they went on
defaming me until I said to the Messenger of Allaah, "I told you so;
most of them are unfaithful. They are treacherous and shameful, do you
not see?"
Abdullaah Ibn Salaam turned to his new faith with the eagerness of a
thirsty man going to a cool spring of water. He loved the Quran so
deeply that he was constantly reciting versesfrom it. He became so
fond of the Prophet that became closer to him than his shadow. He
devoted himself to working to attain Paradise, until the Prophet
himself gave him the good tidings thathe would achieve it. The news
spread among the Companions until it was known amongst all of them.
The story of howthe Prophet gave Abdullaah this piece of news is a
story recorded by Qays ibn Ubaadah:
One day Qays was sitting in a study group in the Mosque of the Prophet
in Madeenah. In the group was an old man to whom everyone felt
closeand comfortable. He gavea beautiful talk to the group. When he
had finished and left everyone said, "if anyonewishes to look at one
of the inhabitants of Paradise, let him look at that man." Qays
asked,"Who is he?" They told him, "Abdullaah ibn Salaam." So Qays
swore to himself that he would follow him, and he did. He followed him
all the way on the outskirts of Madeenah. Then Qays went up to
Abdullaah IbnSalaam's house and requested permission to enter. He was
invited inside and Abdullaah Ibn Salaam asked him, "Whatdo you want,
son?""When you left the Mosque I heard people saying about you, 'If
anyone wishes to look at one of the inhabitants of Paradise let him
look at that man.' So I followed you so that I would find out how the
people knew that you are going to Paradise." said Qays.
"Only Allaah knows who is going to Paradise, my son," said Abdullaah
Ibn Salaam. "I know," said Qays, "but there must be a reason for them
to say that." Abdullaah Ibn Salaam turned to him and said, "I will
tell you the story." "Please do," said Qays, 'and may Allaah Almighty
grant yougreat reward."
Abdullaah Ibn Salaam began narrating his story: One night I had a
dream about a man who came to me and told me to get up. When I got up
he led me by the hand. There was a path on the left and I wanted to
take it, but the man said to me, "Take this path." So I followed that
path, which took me to a grassy, spacious garden. It was cool,
refreshing and full of vegetation. In the middle was an iron pole
reaching up to the sky and at the top of it was a loop of gold. The
man told me, "Climb on it." But I protested, 'I cannot!' Then out of
nowhere, a slave appeared! He lifted me up and I began climbing until
I reached the top of the pole. I grabbed the hoop with both hands and
remained hanging on it until I awakened from the dream. As soon as it
was morning, I wentto the Messenger of Allaah and told him about my
dream. He said, "The path which yousaw on your left side wasthat of
the companions of the left, and they will be the inhabitants of the
Fire. The path that you saw on your right side was the path of the
companions of the right and they will be the inhabitants of Paradise.
The garden that captivated you with its freshness and greenness was
the religion of Islam. The pole that you saw in the middle of the
garden was the Prayer, and the ring at the top of it was steadfast
faith. You will be one of the people who will hold fast to it the rest
of their lives."
And so Abdullaah Ibn Salaam did just that; he found what he had been
eagerly searching for andheld on to it unwaveringly for the remainder
of his life. - - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
Yathrib, now known as Madeenah. All the people of the town had the
greatest respect for him. Everyone, no matter what his religion was,
treated him with reverence. He had a high reputation for piety,
righteousness, and straightforwardness.
Al-Hussein lived a tranquil and peaceful, yetserious and purposeful
life. He divided his time evenly between four separate activities:
worshiping and preaching at the synagogue, working in his palm grove,
irrigatingand cultivating his trees, and studying the Torah. Whenever
Al-Hussein read the Torah he would spend long periods of time
reflecting on the passages that prophesiedabout the appearance of the
Seal of the Prophets, a Prophet who would arise out of Makkah to
complete the message of all of the Prophets who came prior to him.
Al-Hussein would search for details concerning the awaited Prophet,
such as details about what he would look like, how he could be known,
and other many signs. He would tremble with joy when reading that the
Prophet would leave the town in which he received his call and migrate
to Yathrib wherehe would make his new home. Every time Al-Hussein read
this or thought about it, he would pray that Allaah would let him live
long enough to have the pleasure of meeting the Prophet, and be one of
the first to declare his belief in him.
It was the way of Allaah Almighty to answer the prayer of Al-Hussein
and allow him to live to a very advanced age, even beyond lifetime of
the Prophet . He had the good fortune to meet him and spend time
learning from him, and he believed in the revelation that had been
sent to the Prophet . Let us listen to A-Hussein as he tells his own
story of how he became a Muslim, for his words are the most accurate
reflection of what he wasfeeling.
He narrated from his memory as follows:"When I first heard stories of
the appearanceof a Prophet, I sought outfurther information about his
name, his genealogy, characteristics, and where and how he had started
calling others to Islam. I compared what I heard about him with what
was written in our scriptures, and came to a conclusion that he was
truly a Prophet. I kept this information to myself and did not share
it with the other rabbis or scholars.
The day came when the Prophet left Makkah and headed for Madeenah.
When he reached the town and ended his journey at Qubaa, a man came
through the town announcing his arrival. I was at the top of a palm
tree at that moment caring for it, and my auntKhaalidah Bint
Al-Haarith was seated beneath the tree. When I heard the news, I cried
out:"Allaahu Akbar! Allaahu Akbar!" When my aunt heard this, she
said,"What a disappointment you are! By Allaah if it had been the
Prophet Moses himself coming to us, you could not have been more
excited.""Listen Auntie, I swear by Allaah, he is the brother of
Moses, for he brings the same religion and teaches the same beliefs."
I answered. She fell silent for a moment,"Is he the one of whom you
used to tell us who would be sent to fulfill what was taught before
him as a completion for the messages of his Lord?" she asked. "Yes," I
said. "So be it," she agreed.
I immediately went and sought out the Messenger of Allaah and found
people crowding with each other to get to his door. I squeezed myself
between them till I came close to him. The first thing that I could
hear him saying was: "O people! Greet each other with peace and feed
the hungry, perform the Prayer at night when others are sleeping and
you will be sure to enter paradise."
I scrutinized him until I was satisfied, and knew that his was not the
face of an untruthful man. I drew closer to him and pronounced the
declaration of faith that there is no god but Allaah, and that
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah. Muhammad then turned to me and
asked, "What isyour name?" I said quickly, "Al-Hussein ibn Salaam." He
looked at meand replied, "No, your name will be Abdullaah ibn Salaam."
"Yes, Abdullaah Ibn Salaam," I responded. "I swear by the one who sent
you with the truth, I do not wish to use any other name from this day
Then I left the Messenger of Allaah and went home.I called my wife,
children and relatives to believe in Islam, and they all became
Muslims, even myaunt, who was quite elderly, accepted Islam. Then, I
asked them to keep our conversation secret from the other Jewish
people until I told them the time was right. They consented.
Then I returned to the Prophet and said to him, "Messenger of Allaah,
many of my people prefer lies to the truth. However, I want you to
summon their leaders, and to conceal me from them in one of your
rooms. Ask their opinion about my character without informing them
that I have become Muslim. Then invite them to accept Islam. If they
wereto know that I have become a Muslim, they would criticize me,
accuse me of having every defect, and slander me."
So the Messenger of Allaah put me into oneof his rooms, summoned them
and invited them tojoin Islam. He made faith appealing to them and
reminded them that theirscriptures contained prophecies of his
coming.They began using specious arguments to make truth seem false,
and continued to do so until he despaired of their accepting the
faith. At that point he asked them, "What is your evaluation of
Al-Hussein Ibn Salaam?" They answered, "A chief of ours, and the son
of chiefof ours. He is an eminent scholar."
The Prophet questioned them further;"Do you think if he accepted Islam
that you would also accept Islam? Astound at the thought, they
replied, "Allaah forbids! He would never do that!" May Allaah protect
him from that!" So I came out and addressed them, "My people! Fear
Allaah, and accept what Muhammad has brought to you. I swear by Allaah
that you know that he is the Messenger of Allaah, and that you can
find his name and description in the copies of the Torah inyour
possession. I bear witness that he is the Messenger of Allaah. I
believe in him and in what he says and I recognize him for what he
is." They responded byaddressing the Prophet harshly, "You liar! He
(Al-Hussein) is a low person, born to a low family. He is one of our
ignorant people, and born of an ignorant family!!" and they went on
defaming me until I said to the Messenger of Allaah, "I told you so;
most of them are unfaithful. They are treacherous and shameful, do you
not see?"
Abdullaah Ibn Salaam turned to his new faith with the eagerness of a
thirsty man going to a cool spring of water. He loved the Quran so
deeply that he was constantly reciting versesfrom it. He became so
fond of the Prophet that became closer to him than his shadow. He
devoted himself to working to attain Paradise, until the Prophet
himself gave him the good tidings thathe would achieve it. The news
spread among the Companions until it was known amongst all of them.
The story of howthe Prophet gave Abdullaah this piece of news is a
story recorded by Qays ibn Ubaadah:
One day Qays was sitting in a study group in the Mosque of the Prophet
in Madeenah. In the group was an old man to whom everyone felt
closeand comfortable. He gavea beautiful talk to the group. When he
had finished and left everyone said, "if anyonewishes to look at one
of the inhabitants of Paradise, let him look at that man." Qays
asked,"Who is he?" They told him, "Abdullaah ibn Salaam." So Qays
swore to himself that he would follow him, and he did. He followed him
all the way on the outskirts of Madeenah. Then Qays went up to
Abdullaah IbnSalaam's house and requested permission to enter. He was
invited inside and Abdullaah Ibn Salaam asked him, "Whatdo you want,
son?""When you left the Mosque I heard people saying about you, 'If
anyone wishes to look at one of the inhabitants of Paradise let him
look at that man.' So I followed you so that I would find out how the
people knew that you are going to Paradise." said Qays.
"Only Allaah knows who is going to Paradise, my son," said Abdullaah
Ibn Salaam. "I know," said Qays, "but there must be a reason for them
to say that." Abdullaah Ibn Salaam turned to him and said, "I will
tell you the story." "Please do," said Qays, 'and may Allaah Almighty
grant yougreat reward."
Abdullaah Ibn Salaam began narrating his story: One night I had a
dream about a man who came to me and told me to get up. When I got up
he led me by the hand. There was a path on the left and I wanted to
take it, but the man said to me, "Take this path." So I followed that
path, which took me to a grassy, spacious garden. It was cool,
refreshing and full of vegetation. In the middle was an iron pole
reaching up to the sky and at the top of it was a loop of gold. The
man told me, "Climb on it." But I protested, 'I cannot!' Then out of
nowhere, a slave appeared! He lifted me up and I began climbing until
I reached the top of the pole. I grabbed the hoop with both hands and
remained hanging on it until I awakened from the dream. As soon as it
was morning, I wentto the Messenger of Allaah and told him about my
dream. He said, "The path which yousaw on your left side wasthat of
the companions of the left, and they will be the inhabitants of the
Fire. The path that you saw on your right side was the path of the
companions of the right and they will be the inhabitants of Paradise.
The garden that captivated you with its freshness and greenness was
the religion of Islam. The pole that you saw in the middle of the
garden was the Prayer, and the ring at the top of it was steadfast
faith. You will be one of the people who will hold fast to it the rest
of their lives."
And so Abdullaah Ibn Salaam did just that; he found what he had been
eagerly searching for andheld on to it unwaveringly for the remainder
of his life. - - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
A Muslim must accept andfollow the Sunnah
- - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ -
- Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination. It is not but a
revelation revealed. } [Quran 53:3-4]
Muslim scholars are in total agreement that if a person refuses to
accept the Sunnah of the Prophet and obey it asan integral part of the
religion (Islam), a revelation from Allaah Almighty that is a Divine
source of Islam and an explanation of the Quran,and a perfect example
for all mankind to follow,then he is an apostate or a disbeliever.
Imaam Ibn Hazm said: "If a person says, 'I only accept what I find in
the Quran', he becomes a disbeliever according to the consensus of
In the past as well as in our times, Muslims have seen amongst their
ranksa few who now and thenclaim that they do not need the Sunnah or
they do not believe in it or reject it altogether. Someof those who
may say that claim to be Muslims but they only follow and obey the
Quran and nothing else. However, Allaah Almighty, whom they claim to
obey has clearly stated in many places of the Noble Quranthat
everyone, regardlessof any situation or status,should obey the Prophet
in all times and conditions, and when they do so, then they have
achieved obedienceto Allaah. Allaah Almighty Says (what means): } He
who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allaah...} [Quran 4:80] Moreover,
Allaah Says (what means): {But no, byyour Lord, they will not [truly]
believe until they make you [O Muhammad]judge concerning that over
which they dispute among themselves and then find within themselves no
discomfortfrom what you have judged and submit in [full, willing]
submission..} [Quran 4:65]Here Allaah makes it clearthat one who does
not accept the verdicts of the Prophet is not a believer.
Others disregard the Sunnah because they say that the Prophet's
authority was only valid while he was alive. This istotally baseless,
and they have to reject the Quran with it, if this were to be true.
Allaah Says what means: {Say [O Muhammad] 'O mankind, indeed I am the
Messenger of Allaah to you all...} [Quran 7:158] This makes it clear
that Muhammad, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, was sent to all people and
for all times.
Finally, some reject the Sunnah because they say that there are flaws
in its recording. They claim that too many Hadeeths were fabricated
or"projected back," or were not recorded until later generations.
Hadeeth and Sunnah scholars have responded to all such claims
throughout history. They showed definite evidence that the Hadeeth
recording was established at the time when the Prophet, sallallahu
alayhe wa sallam, was alive. As for fabricated Hadeeths, the
methodology followed by these scholars insured that none of them was
toremain uncovered. Muslims do not accept but the Hadeeths that were
proven acceptable under that methodology. Actually, this fact makes
Islam unique among all religions. It rendered it immune to corruption
and change.
Allaah Almighty Says what means: {Say, 'Obey Allaah and the
Messenger.' But if they turn away – then indeed, Allaah does not like
the disbelievers.} [Quran 3:32] and {O you who have believed, obey
Allaah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if
you disagree over anything, refer it to Allaah and the Messenger, if
you should believe in Allaah and the Last Day. That is the best [way]
and best in result.} [Quran 4:59]
Thus, to deny any part of the Sunnah is disbelief. However, this does
not mean that one who doubts the authenticity of a particular Hadeeth
is a disbeliever.
- Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination. It is not but a
revelation revealed. } [Quran 53:3-4]
Muslim scholars are in total agreement that if a person refuses to
accept the Sunnah of the Prophet and obey it asan integral part of the
religion (Islam), a revelation from Allaah Almighty that is a Divine
source of Islam and an explanation of the Quran,and a perfect example
for all mankind to follow,then he is an apostate or a disbeliever.
Imaam Ibn Hazm said: "If a person says, 'I only accept what I find in
the Quran', he becomes a disbeliever according to the consensus of
In the past as well as in our times, Muslims have seen amongst their
ranksa few who now and thenclaim that they do not need the Sunnah or
they do not believe in it or reject it altogether. Someof those who
may say that claim to be Muslims but they only follow and obey the
Quran and nothing else. However, Allaah Almighty, whom they claim to
obey has clearly stated in many places of the Noble Quranthat
everyone, regardlessof any situation or status,should obey the Prophet
in all times and conditions, and when they do so, then they have
achieved obedienceto Allaah. Allaah Almighty Says (what means): } He
who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allaah...} [Quran 4:80] Moreover,
Allaah Says (what means): {But no, byyour Lord, they will not [truly]
believe until they make you [O Muhammad]judge concerning that over
which they dispute among themselves and then find within themselves no
discomfortfrom what you have judged and submit in [full, willing]
submission..} [Quran 4:65]Here Allaah makes it clearthat one who does
not accept the verdicts of the Prophet is not a believer.
Others disregard the Sunnah because they say that the Prophet's
authority was only valid while he was alive. This istotally baseless,
and they have to reject the Quran with it, if this were to be true.
Allaah Says what means: {Say [O Muhammad] 'O mankind, indeed I am the
Messenger of Allaah to you all...} [Quran 7:158] This makes it clear
that Muhammad, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, was sent to all people and
for all times.
Finally, some reject the Sunnah because they say that there are flaws
in its recording. They claim that too many Hadeeths were fabricated
or"projected back," or were not recorded until later generations.
Hadeeth and Sunnah scholars have responded to all such claims
throughout history. They showed definite evidence that the Hadeeth
recording was established at the time when the Prophet, sallallahu
alayhe wa sallam, was alive. As for fabricated Hadeeths, the
methodology followed by these scholars insured that none of them was
toremain uncovered. Muslims do not accept but the Hadeeths that were
proven acceptable under that methodology. Actually, this fact makes
Islam unique among all religions. It rendered it immune to corruption
and change.
Allaah Almighty Says what means: {Say, 'Obey Allaah and the
Messenger.' But if they turn away – then indeed, Allaah does not like
the disbelievers.} [Quran 3:32] and {O you who have believed, obey
Allaah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if
you disagree over anything, refer it to Allaah and the Messenger, if
you should believe in Allaah and the Last Day. That is the best [way]
and best in result.} [Quran 4:59]
Thus, to deny any part of the Sunnah is disbelief. However, this does
not mean that one who doubts the authenticity of a particular Hadeeth
is a disbeliever.
The Sunnah of the Prophet: Definitions
"Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination. It isnot but a
revelation revealed." [Quran 53:3-4]
Lexically, the word Sunnah has several, different yet close meanings.
Sunnah may mean a way of life, or a path or behavior that is followed
whether praiseworthy, or otherwise. Mostly, however, it refers to
something good. The Prophet said, "Whoever starts a good Sunnah he
will get the reward for it and the reward of others who would do the
same thing until the Day of Judgment. And whoever does a bad Sunnah he
will have the punishmentfor doing it and the punishment of others who
practice it." [Muslim]
Another Arabic root of the word Sunnah is bayaan , or making something
clear through talking or acting. The most common meaning indicates
that Sunnah is to initiate something or set an example to be followed.
Hence, if a person started somethingthat people then followed, he is
considered to have established a Sunnah. The Prophet said, "For any
soul, unjustly killed, the first son of Aadam, Abel, will carry a
burden of its shedding, for he was the first to begin the Sunnah (or
crime) of murder." [At-Tirmithi]
As an Islamic term, scholars of the different disciplines of Sharee'ah
(Islamic Law) have defined Sunnah in slightly different ways to suit
their fields' perspectives. According to Legal theorists who typically
regard the Sunnah as a source for the principles used in thederivation
of rulings of various Islamic Jurisprudence matters, define it as "The
statements, actions and approvals (or disapprovals) of Prophet
Muhammad ."
The jurists use the word Sunnah in two different ways. On one hand,
like the Legal theorists, they define Sunnah as the statements,
actions, and approvals of' the Prophet, . On the otherhand, and since
the role of the jurists is to judge actions and indicate theirrulings
as obligatory, recommended, etc., they use the term Sunnah to indicate
actions as being recommended or praise-worthy.
However, the definition of Sunnah, according to the scholars of
Hadeeth, is more comprehensive for it is inclusive of everything
related to the person and life of the Prophet . They definedthe Sunnah
as "Anything narrated from or about the Prophet either before or after
he became a prophet, of his statements, actions, confirmations,
biography, and his physical character and attributes." This is the
definition, which we will be using throughout this series InshaAllaah.
- - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
revelation revealed." [Quran 53:3-4]
Lexically, the word Sunnah has several, different yet close meanings.
Sunnah may mean a way of life, or a path or behavior that is followed
whether praiseworthy, or otherwise. Mostly, however, it refers to
something good. The Prophet said, "Whoever starts a good Sunnah he
will get the reward for it and the reward of others who would do the
same thing until the Day of Judgment. And whoever does a bad Sunnah he
will have the punishmentfor doing it and the punishment of others who
practice it." [Muslim]
Another Arabic root of the word Sunnah is bayaan , or making something
clear through talking or acting. The most common meaning indicates
that Sunnah is to initiate something or set an example to be followed.
Hence, if a person started somethingthat people then followed, he is
considered to have established a Sunnah. The Prophet said, "For any
soul, unjustly killed, the first son of Aadam, Abel, will carry a
burden of its shedding, for he was the first to begin the Sunnah (or
crime) of murder." [At-Tirmithi]
As an Islamic term, scholars of the different disciplines of Sharee'ah
(Islamic Law) have defined Sunnah in slightly different ways to suit
their fields' perspectives. According to Legal theorists who typically
regard the Sunnah as a source for the principles used in thederivation
of rulings of various Islamic Jurisprudence matters, define it as "The
statements, actions and approvals (or disapprovals) of Prophet
Muhammad ."
The jurists use the word Sunnah in two different ways. On one hand,
like the Legal theorists, they define Sunnah as the statements,
actions, and approvals of' the Prophet, . On the otherhand, and since
the role of the jurists is to judge actions and indicate theirrulings
as obligatory, recommended, etc., they use the term Sunnah to indicate
actions as being recommended or praise-worthy.
However, the definition of Sunnah, according to the scholars of
Hadeeth, is more comprehensive for it is inclusive of everything
related to the person and life of the Prophet . They definedthe Sunnah
as "Anything narrated from or about the Prophet either before or after
he became a prophet, of his statements, actions, confirmations,
biography, and his physical character and attributes." This is the
definition, which we will be using throughout this series InshaAllaah.
- - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
Dought & Clear, - If he does ghusl following a wet dream, maniy continues to comeout of him during the prayer.
May Allah reward you with good for answering my question, but I think
that it needs further explanation of the issue of sprinkling hot water
on the privatepart, because the wet dream occurred at the time of 'Asr
prayer, and I have a problem, which isthat maniy and even madhiy
continue to come out for a considerable period after they are first
emitted. It often happens with me that one of them is emitted at the
time of prayer, whether that is because of thinking or because of a
wet dream, but in order not to miss the prayer, I sprinkle hot water
(on my private part) so that whatever is left will come out.
Pleasenote that I do not feel any desire when I use this method. Now I
am going to make up the fast of that day that I told you about, in sha
Allah, but what should I do if maniy continues to come out whilst I am
praying? Should I pray inthat case?
Praise be to Allah.
We appreciate this further explanation and we ask Allah, may He be
exalted, to help us and you avoid reprehensible words and actions.
If it does not come out continually all the time, then it does not
come under the ruling on incontinence; rather it invalidates wudoo' as
soon as it comes out, even if that happens during the prayer. The one
who is faced with that should stop praying,do wudoo' and then repeat
the prayer. He also has to do wash off whatever has gotten onto him if
what came out was urine or madhiy, because they are both najis
(impure), unlike maniy which is taahir (pure).
But the one who is praying should not interrupt his prayer unless he
is certain that something has come out of him, because the basic
principle is that he remains in a state of purity, and that which is
certain cannot be changed by mere doubt or uncertainty.
If maniy came out of a person and he did ghusl for that, then more
cameout but without desire, then he does not have todo ghusl again,
but it does invalidate his wudoo'.
See: ash-Sharh al-Mumti',1/337
The scholars of the Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas were asked:
If I do wudoo' for every prayer and then go out to the mosque, I
always emit madhiy; can I pray, knowing that if I take a bath and go
out, madhiy will come out without desire. So do I have to take a bath
every time?
They replied:
If that comes out of you continually, then it comes under the same
ruling as incontinence, and you have to do wudoo' for every prayer
when the time for it begins, then your prayerwill be valid even if it
comes out whilst you arepraying. If it does not happen frequently with
you, then you have to dowudoo' as prescribed forprayer, after washing
the penis and testicles. But you do not have to do ghusl (take a bath)
for that. End quote.
Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa'imah, 5/413
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked: When I
finish wudoo' and go to pray, I feel that a drop of urine comes out of
the penis; what should I do?
He replied: What you should do is pay no attention to that and ignore
it, as the Muslim scholars have enjoined. Do not pay any attentionto
it and do not go and look at your penis to see if anything came out or
not. If you seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Shaytaan and
ignore it, it will go away,by Allah's leave. But if you are absolutely
certain about it, then it is essential to wash whatever the urine has
gotten onto and repeat your wudoo'. Some people, if they feel any
coolness on the head of the penis, think that something has come
out.So if you are certain, then do what I have toldyou. What you have
mentioned is not incontinence, because it stops and starts, whereas
incontinence is ongoing and continual. But this happens after movement
and one or two drops come out; thisis not incontinence, because once a
couple of drops have come out, it stops. In this case, he should wash
it off and do wudoo' again. He should always do this, and he should be
patientand seek reward with Allah.
End quote from Liqa' al-Baab al-Maftooh, 15/184
And Allah knows best. - - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
that it needs further explanation of the issue of sprinkling hot water
on the privatepart, because the wet dream occurred at the time of 'Asr
prayer, and I have a problem, which isthat maniy and even madhiy
continue to come out for a considerable period after they are first
emitted. It often happens with me that one of them is emitted at the
time of prayer, whether that is because of thinking or because of a
wet dream, but in order not to miss the prayer, I sprinkle hot water
(on my private part) so that whatever is left will come out.
Pleasenote that I do not feel any desire when I use this method. Now I
am going to make up the fast of that day that I told you about, in sha
Allah, but what should I do if maniy continues to come out whilst I am
praying? Should I pray inthat case?
Praise be to Allah.
We appreciate this further explanation and we ask Allah, may He be
exalted, to help us and you avoid reprehensible words and actions.
If it does not come out continually all the time, then it does not
come under the ruling on incontinence; rather it invalidates wudoo' as
soon as it comes out, even if that happens during the prayer. The one
who is faced with that should stop praying,do wudoo' and then repeat
the prayer. He also has to do wash off whatever has gotten onto him if
what came out was urine or madhiy, because they are both najis
(impure), unlike maniy which is taahir (pure).
But the one who is praying should not interrupt his prayer unless he
is certain that something has come out of him, because the basic
principle is that he remains in a state of purity, and that which is
certain cannot be changed by mere doubt or uncertainty.
If maniy came out of a person and he did ghusl for that, then more
cameout but without desire, then he does not have todo ghusl again,
but it does invalidate his wudoo'.
See: ash-Sharh al-Mumti',1/337
The scholars of the Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas were asked:
If I do wudoo' for every prayer and then go out to the mosque, I
always emit madhiy; can I pray, knowing that if I take a bath and go
out, madhiy will come out without desire. So do I have to take a bath
every time?
They replied:
If that comes out of you continually, then it comes under the same
ruling as incontinence, and you have to do wudoo' for every prayer
when the time for it begins, then your prayerwill be valid even if it
comes out whilst you arepraying. If it does not happen frequently with
you, then you have to dowudoo' as prescribed forprayer, after washing
the penis and testicles. But you do not have to do ghusl (take a bath)
for that. End quote.
Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa'imah, 5/413
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked: When I
finish wudoo' and go to pray, I feel that a drop of urine comes out of
the penis; what should I do?
He replied: What you should do is pay no attention to that and ignore
it, as the Muslim scholars have enjoined. Do not pay any attentionto
it and do not go and look at your penis to see if anything came out or
not. If you seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Shaytaan and
ignore it, it will go away,by Allah's leave. But if you are absolutely
certain about it, then it is essential to wash whatever the urine has
gotten onto and repeat your wudoo'. Some people, if they feel any
coolness on the head of the penis, think that something has come
out.So if you are certain, then do what I have toldyou. What you have
mentioned is not incontinence, because it stops and starts, whereas
incontinence is ongoing and continual. But this happens after movement
and one or two drops come out; thisis not incontinence, because once a
couple of drops have come out, it stops. In this case, he should wash
it off and do wudoo' again. He should always do this, and he should be
patientand seek reward with Allah.
End quote from Liqa' al-Baab al-Maftooh, 15/184
And Allah knows best. - - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
Dought & Clear, - If the spouses were notpraying at the time of the marriage contract, do they have to renew the marriage contract?.
If a man did the marriage contract at a time when he was not praying,
and the husband and wife, the wife's father, and the two witnesses
also were not praying, and the onewho did the marriage contract did
not do it in the correct manner, rather he did it in a language other
than Arabic and he did not recite the Shahaadatayn (twin declaration
of faith) or say the words of the marriage contract,what is the ruling
on thismarriage? Is this marriage regarded as legitimate or not? If
theyhave repented from not praying and have begunto pray, should they
do anew marriage contract, or is the old marriage contract regarded as
Islamically acceptable?
Praise be to Allah.
If the one who does not pray does not do so because he is denying that
it is obligatory, thenhe is a kaafir according to scholarly consensus.
But if he does not pray because he is heedless and lazy, then he is a
kaafir according to the more correct of the two scholarly opinions.
Please see the answer to questions no. 5208 and 2182 .
If the husband and wife were not praying at the time of the marriage
contract, then they repented and began to pray, then they remain
married on the basis of the original marriage contract, because the
Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) ruled that people
remained married on the basis of non-Muslim marriage contracts, and he
did not instruct them to repeat the marriage contract after they
became Muslim,. Also, the Sahaabah did not instruct those who came
back to Islam after apostatising to renew their marriage contracts.
Ibn Qudaamah (may Allah have mercy on him) said: The marriage
contracts of the kuffaar are valid and approved if they become Muslim
… there is no need to examine the form of their marriage contracts or
how they were done, and they are not subject to the same conditions as
Muslim marriages, namely the presence of the wali (wife's guardian)
and witnesses, and the proposal and acceptance, and so on. There is no
difference of opinion among the Muslims concerning this matter. Ibn
'Abd al-Barr said: The scholars are unanimously agreed that if the two
spouses become Muslim togetherat the same time, they remain married on
the basis of their original marriage contract, so long as they are not
mahrams through blood ties or breastfeeding. Many people became Muslim
at the time of theMessenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be
upon him), as did their wives; their marriages were approved and the
Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) did not
ask them about the conditions of marriage or the nature of their
marriage contract. This is something that is well-known from
mutawaatir reports, so itis certain.
End quote from al-Mughni, 10/5
It says in Mataalib Ooli an-Nuha (5/13):
Note: if an apostate marries a kaafir apostatewoman or the like, or
anapostate woman marriesa kaafir man, then both spouses become Muslim,
what should be said in this case is that we accept their marriage,
just as in the case of the harbi (non-Muslim whose people are in a
state of war with the Muslims), if his marriage was not done properly,
then they (he and his wife) become Muslim. The matter is the same.
Apostates came back to Islam at the time of the Messenger of Allah
(blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and his successors (i.e.,
the Rightly Guided Caliphs) and they were not instructed to renew
their marriage contracts.This is a good analogy, and was stated by
Shaykh Taqiy ad-Deen (i.e., Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah). End quote.
The scholars of the Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas were asked:
I used to pray only rarely, and during that period of my life I got
married. Now, praisebe to Allah, I pray regularly and I have done Hajj
and have repented to Allah, but I do not know what is the ruling on my
marriage, is it valid or not? What should I do if it is not valid?
Please note that I have five children from my wife.
They replied: If your wife was like you at the time of the marriage
contract and did not pray, or she only prayed sometimes, then the
marriage is valid and it does not have to be renewed, because you were
equal in terms of the ruling having to do with not praying, which is
(that the one who does not pray) is a kaafir. However, if the your at
the time of the marriage contract prayed regularly, then what you must
do is renew the marriage contract according to the more correct of the
two scholarly opinions, if both of you still want to be married to the
other. It is also essential to repent from not praying and to pray
regularly in future.
With regard to the children who were born before the renewal of the
marriage contract, they are legitimate and are to be attributed to
their father because the marriage appeared to be valid.
We ask Allah to set your affairs straight and to guide you to all that
is good. And Allah is the source of strength. May Allah send blessings
and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions. End
Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa'imah, 18/290
Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) said: But if both of
them did not pray at the time of the marriage contract, then Allah
guided them and they began to pray regularly, then the marriage
contract is valid. This is similar to the case of disbelievers who
become Muslim; their marriage contract does not need to be renewed if
there is no shar'i impediment to the continuation of the marriage,
because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) did not
instruct the disbelievers who became Muslim at the time of the
conquest of Makkah and so on to renew their marriage contracts.
End quote from Fataawa Ibn Baaz, 10/291
Based on that, if the spouses have repented from not praying and they
have started to pray, they do not need to repeat the marriage
contract; rather their original marriage contract remains valid.
And Allah knows best.
- - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
If a man did the marriage contract at a time when he was not praying,
and the husband and wife, the wife's father, and the two witnesses
also were not praying, and the onewho did the marriage contract did
not do it in the correct manner, rather he did it in a language other
than Arabic and he did not recite the Shahaadatayn (twin declaration
of faith) or say the words of the marriage contract,what is the ruling
on thismarriage? Is this marriage regarded as legitimate or not? If
theyhave repented from not praying and have begunto pray, should they
do anew marriage contract, or is the old marriage contract regarded as
Islamically acceptable?
Praise be to Allah.
If the one who does not pray does not do so because he is denying that
it is obligatory, thenhe is a kaafir according to scholarly consensus.
But if he does not pray because he is heedless and lazy, then he is a
kaafir according to the more correct of the two scholarly opinions.
Please see the answer to questions no. 5208 and 2182 .
If the husband and wife were not praying at the time of the marriage
contract, then they repented and began to pray, then they remain
married on the basis of the original marriage contract, because the
Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) ruled that people
remained married on the basis of non-Muslim marriage contracts, and he
did not instruct them to repeat the marriage contract after they
became Muslim,. Also, the Sahaabah did not instruct those who came
back to Islam after apostatising to renew their marriage contracts.
Ibn Qudaamah (may Allah have mercy on him) said: The marriage
contracts of the kuffaar are valid and approved if they become Muslim
… there is no need to examine the form of their marriage contracts or
how they were done, and they are not subject to the same conditions as
Muslim marriages, namely the presence of the wali (wife's guardian)
and witnesses, and the proposal and acceptance, and so on. There is no
difference of opinion among the Muslims concerning this matter. Ibn
'Abd al-Barr said: The scholars are unanimously agreed that if the two
spouses become Muslim togetherat the same time, they remain married on
the basis of their original marriage contract, so long as they are not
mahrams through blood ties or breastfeeding. Many people became Muslim
at the time of theMessenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be
upon him), as did their wives; their marriages were approved and the
Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) did not
ask them about the conditions of marriage or the nature of their
marriage contract. This is something that is well-known from
mutawaatir reports, so itis certain.
End quote from al-Mughni, 10/5
It says in Mataalib Ooli an-Nuha (5/13):
Note: if an apostate marries a kaafir apostatewoman or the like, or
anapostate woman marriesa kaafir man, then both spouses become Muslim,
what should be said in this case is that we accept their marriage,
just as in the case of the harbi (non-Muslim whose people are in a
state of war with the Muslims), if his marriage was not done properly,
then they (he and his wife) become Muslim. The matter is the same.
Apostates came back to Islam at the time of the Messenger of Allah
(blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and his successors (i.e.,
the Rightly Guided Caliphs) and they were not instructed to renew
their marriage contracts.This is a good analogy, and was stated by
Shaykh Taqiy ad-Deen (i.e., Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah). End quote.
The scholars of the Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas were asked:
I used to pray only rarely, and during that period of my life I got
married. Now, praisebe to Allah, I pray regularly and I have done Hajj
and have repented to Allah, but I do not know what is the ruling on my
marriage, is it valid or not? What should I do if it is not valid?
Please note that I have five children from my wife.
They replied: If your wife was like you at the time of the marriage
contract and did not pray, or she only prayed sometimes, then the
marriage is valid and it does not have to be renewed, because you were
equal in terms of the ruling having to do with not praying, which is
(that the one who does not pray) is a kaafir. However, if the your at
the time of the marriage contract prayed regularly, then what you must
do is renew the marriage contract according to the more correct of the
two scholarly opinions, if both of you still want to be married to the
other. It is also essential to repent from not praying and to pray
regularly in future.
With regard to the children who were born before the renewal of the
marriage contract, they are legitimate and are to be attributed to
their father because the marriage appeared to be valid.
We ask Allah to set your affairs straight and to guide you to all that
is good. And Allah is the source of strength. May Allah send blessings
and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions. End
Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa'imah, 18/290
Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) said: But if both of
them did not pray at the time of the marriage contract, then Allah
guided them and they began to pray regularly, then the marriage
contract is valid. This is similar to the case of disbelievers who
become Muslim; their marriage contract does not need to be renewed if
there is no shar'i impediment to the continuation of the marriage,
because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) did not
instruct the disbelievers who became Muslim at the time of the
conquest of Makkah and so on to renew their marriage contracts.
End quote from Fataawa Ibn Baaz, 10/291
Based on that, if the spouses have repented from not praying and they
have started to pray, they do not need to repeat the marriage
contract; rather their original marriage contract remains valid.
And Allah knows best.
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Islamic Stories - Allah is the Most Forgiving
It was narrated that in the days that Musa (Alahisalaam) wandered with
Bani Israel in the desert an intense drought befell them. Together,
they raised their hands towards the heavens praying for the blessed
rain to come. Then, to the astonishment of Musa (Alahi salaam) and all
those watching, the few scattered clouds that were in the sky
vanished, the heat poured down, and the drought intensified.
It was revealed to Musa that there was a sinner amongst the tribe of
Bani Israel whom had disobeyed Allah (Subhanahu wa ta�ala) for more
than forty years of his life. �Let himseparate himself from the
congregation,� Allah (Subhanahu wa ta�ala) told Musa (Alahi
salaam).�Only then shall I showeryou all with rain.�
Musa (Alahi salaam) thencalled out to the throngsof humanity, �There
is a person amongst us who has disobeyed Allah for forty years. Let
him separate himself from the congregation and only then shall we be
rescued from the drought.� That man, waited, looking left and right,
hoping that someone else would step forward, but no onedid. Sweat
poured forth from his brow and he knew that he was the one.
The man knew that if he stayed amongst the congregation all would die
of thirst and that if he stepped forward he would be humiliated for
all eternity.
He raised his hands with a sincerity he had never known before, with a
humility he had never tasted, and as tears poured down on both cheeks
he said: �O Allah, have mercy on me! O Allah, hide my sins! O Allah,
forgive me!�
As Musa (Alahi salaam) and the people of Bani Israel awaited for the
sinner to step forward, the clouds hugged the sky and the rain poured.
Musa (Alahi salaam) asked Allah (Subhanahu wa ta�ala), �O Allah, you
blessed us with rain even though the sinner did not come forward.� And
Allah (Subhanahu wa ta�ala) replied, �O Musa, it is for the repentance
of that very person that I blessed all of Bani Israel with water.�
Musa (Alahi salaam), wanting to know who this blessed man was, asked,
�Show him to me O Allah!� Allah (Subhanahu wa ta�ala) replied, �O
Musa, I hid his sins for forty years, do you think that after his
repentance I shall expose him? - - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
Bani Israel in the desert an intense drought befell them. Together,
they raised their hands towards the heavens praying for the blessed
rain to come. Then, to the astonishment of Musa (Alahi salaam) and all
those watching, the few scattered clouds that were in the sky
vanished, the heat poured down, and the drought intensified.
It was revealed to Musa that there was a sinner amongst the tribe of
Bani Israel whom had disobeyed Allah (Subhanahu wa ta�ala) for more
than forty years of his life. �Let himseparate himself from the
congregation,� Allah (Subhanahu wa ta�ala) told Musa (Alahi
salaam).�Only then shall I showeryou all with rain.�
Musa (Alahi salaam) thencalled out to the throngsof humanity, �There
is a person amongst us who has disobeyed Allah for forty years. Let
him separate himself from the congregation and only then shall we be
rescued from the drought.� That man, waited, looking left and right,
hoping that someone else would step forward, but no onedid. Sweat
poured forth from his brow and he knew that he was the one.
The man knew that if he stayed amongst the congregation all would die
of thirst and that if he stepped forward he would be humiliated for
all eternity.
He raised his hands with a sincerity he had never known before, with a
humility he had never tasted, and as tears poured down on both cheeks
he said: �O Allah, have mercy on me! O Allah, hide my sins! O Allah,
forgive me!�
As Musa (Alahi salaam) and the people of Bani Israel awaited for the
sinner to step forward, the clouds hugged the sky and the rain poured.
Musa (Alahi salaam) asked Allah (Subhanahu wa ta�ala), �O Allah, you
blessed us with rain even though the sinner did not come forward.� And
Allah (Subhanahu wa ta�ala) replied, �O Musa, it is for the repentance
of that very person that I blessed all of Bani Israel with water.�
Musa (Alahi salaam), wanting to know who this blessed man was, asked,
�Show him to me O Allah!� Allah (Subhanahu wa ta�ala) replied, �O
Musa, I hid his sins for forty years, do you think that after his
repentance I shall expose him? - - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
Islamic Stories - The truth has come
It is stated on the authority of Abdullah bin Masood that the
unbelievers of the Quraish had installed 360 idols in Ka'bah so
strongly that their feet were fixed with lead. When Makkah was
conquered and the Prophet (SAW) entered the Holy Ka'bah, he had a
stick in his hand. With it, he started pointing towards the idols and
reciting this verse: Truth has (now) arrived, and falsehood perished
(Surah Al Isra:81). The idol, to which the Prophet (SAW) pointed on
its front, fell down to its rear side and the idol,to which he pointed
from its rear side, fell down flat on its front side. Source: Combined
from Bukhari, Muslim, Bazar, Tabrani and Abu Yaala. - - ▓███▓
Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
unbelievers of the Quraish had installed 360 idols in Ka'bah so
strongly that their feet were fixed with lead. When Makkah was
conquered and the Prophet (SAW) entered the Holy Ka'bah, he had a
stick in his hand. With it, he started pointing towards the idols and
reciting this verse: Truth has (now) arrived, and falsehood perished
(Surah Al Isra:81). The idol, to which the Prophet (SAW) pointed on
its front, fell down to its rear side and the idol,to which he pointed
from its rear side, fell down flat on its front side. Source: Combined
from Bukhari, Muslim, Bazar, Tabrani and Abu Yaala. - - ▓███▓
Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
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