The fact that the people of the Garden are the same age is a great
blessing from Allah. Among people without deen, difference in age
often leads to discord and lack of communication. People often form
groups of persons of the same age in order to feel more relaxed among
themselves. Of course, this ought not to apply to Muslims. No matter
what age they may be, Muslims should understand one another very well
and form friendships with people of any age, older or younger than
themselves. The fact thatMuslims in the Garden are created the same
age as one another is another wonderful blessing from Allah. The
Messenger of Allah said that the age of the people of the Garden will
never change throughout eternity:
Whoever of the People of the Garden die, whether while young or old,
will be turned into young people of thirty years of age in the Garden,
never growing older than that. And thus will be the inmates of the
Fire… (Narrated by Abu Sa'id, Sunan Ibn Majah; at-Tirmidhi)
Another verse of the Qur'an points out that in the Garden the
believers'wives will be the same age as them:
We have brought maidens into being and made them purest virgins,
devoted, passionate, of like age. (Surat al-Waqi'a: 35-37)
...They will have Gardens with rivers flowing under them, remaining in
them timelessly, for ever and ever. Allah is pleased with them and
they are pleased with Him. That is the Great Victory. (Surat
al-Ma'ida: 119)
Everything in the universe reflects Allah's infinite power and eternal
wisdom. He has created everything in this world as a test and events
in it ordinarily occur according to the laws of cause and effect that
human reason can grasp. So, when someone sees a fruit, he or she has
no doubt that it came from a seed that grew into a tree, bush orplant
which in turn yielded the fruit. According to the custom of Allah in
His creation, this is the cause of the fruit in this world. However,
it must be remembered that, if Allah wished, He could create the whole
universe independent ofcauses. Allah can create what He wants whenever
He wants without depending on any logical pattern and without the need
for any substance to create from. People should not be deceived by the
fact that in this world everything appears to depend on certain causes
and natural laws. As the Creator of all causes, Allah is completely
free of them. In the Garden creation will be freed from its need for
causes, and so afruit picked from a tree will immediately be replaced
by another, without any loss or decrease. Allah creates both causes
and effects. For example, when we look at the shade under a tree, we
know it is caused by the angle of the sun's rays. Light and shade are
effects of the sun, but Allah makes the sun the cause of light and
shade. This is revealed in the Qur'an:
Do you not see how your Lord stretches out shadows? If He had wished
He could have made them stationary. Then We appoint the sun to be the
pointer to them. Then We draw them back to Ourselves in gradual steps.
(Surat al-Furqan: 45-46)
It is as a result of the artistry of Allah that everything in this
world is created in a seeming cause-effect relationship. He can create
anything in a moment and in the form that He wants, or turn it into
any shape He desires. Allah created theuniverse from nothing, and, at
any time He desires He can dissolve the laws – the causes and effects
– that we struggle to grasp. In the Garden, faithful Muslims may ask
for anything they think will please them and, as soon as they ask for
it, they will have it, if Allah wills. Both they themselves and their
surroundings will be in the shape and form that they desire;
everything they desire will be granted and theywill live amid the
blessings that will give them the most delight and joy. This will not
be in order to supply any need, make up for a deficiency or repair a
flaw; it will be a wonderful blessing fromAllah simply for the delight
of the people of the Garden, and Allah knows best.
... You will have there all that your selves could wish for. You will
have there everything you demand.
(Surah Fussilat: 31)
Here is an example of this from the hadith:
A man asked the Prophet , "Messenger of Allah, are there any horses in
the Garden?" He replied: "If Allah makes you enter the Garden, if you
wish to ride in it on a horse made of red ruby that will fly you
wherever you wish you will do so." At this, another man asked,
"Messenger of Allah, are there any camels in the Garden?" but he did
not reply as he had to the first man. He said "If Allah makes you
enter the Garden you will find everything your self desires and that
is pleasing to your eye." (At-Tirmidhi; Al-Hafiz ibn ad-Dayba ash-
Shaybani, Taysir al-usul ila Jami al-usul, p. 431/14)
The everything your self desires and that is pleasing to your eye
mentioned in the hadith is not limited by this world's limitations or
our imaginations. In the Qur'an, Allah calls our attention to the
richness of His blessings: "… they will have there all that their
hearts desire and their eyes find delight in…" (Surat az-Zukhruf:
71)Other verses that tell us about this are the following:
… You will have there all that your selves could wish for. You will
have there everything you demand. (Surah Fussilat: 31)
… They will remain theretimelessly, for ever, among everything their
selves desire. (Surat al-Anbiya': 102)
There are many things we desire to do in this world but cannot do,
because of lack of time or because there is a riskinvolved. For
example, many people like dangerous sports such asdriving fast cars or
motorcycles, spending hours deep-sea diving orskiing on high
mountainslopes or sky-diving from great heights, but these are all
sports that put a person's life at risk.
Others want to play a musical instrument skilfully or wish they hada
special talent for painting. Besides talent, such things require
expertise and long periods of training. In the Garden, a person
canhave anything he wants and so he can even have the possibility to
do these things whenever he wants without any effort and without the
need for any talent, and Allah knows best.
Allah, exalted is He, in the Qur'an, and the Messenger of Allah tell
usthat everything the heart desires is possible if Allah wills.
Therefore, a person can enjoy unimaginable things in the next life
that are impossible to attain in this world. For example, it is not
possible in this world to fly on a horse but we are told in the hadith
that this is possible in the Garden. In one hadith the Messenger of
Allah says that people can fly if they want to:
If you are intended for the Garden and say "I would like to ride a
horse of red ruby," you will do so. If you say youwish to fly, you
will fly. (Ahmad Diya ad-Din al-Kamushkhanawi, Ramuz al- Ahadith,
vol. 1, p. 149/5)
In another hadith, the Prophet spoke about theabundance of the
blessings in the Garden:
The Messenger of Allah said that Allah, the Exalted and Glorious,
said: "I have prepared for My slaves which no eye has seen, no ear
hasheard and has never occurred to a human heart …" (Narrated by Abu
Hurayra, Sahih Muslim, vol. 4)
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Monday, September 9, 2013
25 Eternal Youth in the Garden: - (Jannah: The Garden from the Qur'an and Hadith) -
Those who are remote from the teachings of the Qur'an are even afraid
of growing old while young. They think about the sickness and
helplessness that old agebrings and are worried about whether or not
there will be someone tolook after them when they get to that point.
There are many people who have such anxieties,who look pessimistically
towards old age.
Gardens of Eden, whose gates will be open to them, where they will
recline, calling for plentiful fruit and drink; and there will be
dark-eyed maidens with them with eyes reserved for them alone. This is
what you are promised on the Day of Reckoning. (Surah Sâd: 50-53)
Beginning in our 20's cell renewal in our bodies slows down and our
skin starts to lose its former elasticity. With the passing years the
effects of ageing become visible. This worries people. They sorrow as
they watch their youth slip away. Of course, this scenario applies to
people who have no iman. Believers submit to Allah in all the
illnesses and weaknessesthey may encounter in this transitory world;
as an act of worship they accept everything that happens to them and,
unlike those who have no deen, they live their lives without regret or
fear and anxiety. Moreover, they realise that the good things of this
world are intrinsically flawed and that the real life is the timeless
life of the worldto come. And they make every effort hoping to attain
the Garden.
Life in this world is fleeting and temporary. Allah has already
createdall the real blessings of the Garden, just as He has already
created the torments of the Fire. On the Last Day He will grant the
blessings to Hisfaithful slaves. People in the Garden will always be
young, attractive, healthy and robust.
Ageless youths will circulate among them,serving them. Seeing them,
you would thinkthem scattered pearls. (Surat al-Insan: 19)
No matter how long an individual may live within the limitations of
this life, no matter how late the signs of ageing appear, and no
matter how healthy he is, his life will certainly come to an end one
day. However, Allah points out in the Qur'an as doesthe Prophet that
eternal youth will be one of the blessings of the Garden:
The people of the Garden will enter the Garden hairless on their
bodies, beardless and dark-eyed, aged thirty or thirty-three years
old. (Narrated by Mu'adh ibn Jabal, at-Tirmidhi)
The thirties are the best time of life when the personality matures
and facial features, and the manner of speaking and acting become
established. But we mustnot forget that youthful vigour in the Garden
is not the same as it is in this world. That is because under earthly
conditions even a youngperson can live in great helplessness.
Allah has made a new creation in the Hereafterfor the inmates of the
Garden without any flawor imperfection. In the Qur'an, Allah tells us
about this and in particular how the people of the Garden will be
served by eternally young people:
Ageless youths will circulate among them, serving them. Seeing them,
you would think them scattered pearls. (Surat al- Insan: 19)
of growing old while young. They think about the sickness and
helplessness that old agebrings and are worried about whether or not
there will be someone tolook after them when they get to that point.
There are many people who have such anxieties,who look pessimistically
towards old age.
Gardens of Eden, whose gates will be open to them, where they will
recline, calling for plentiful fruit and drink; and there will be
dark-eyed maidens with them with eyes reserved for them alone. This is
what you are promised on the Day of Reckoning. (Surah Sâd: 50-53)
Beginning in our 20's cell renewal in our bodies slows down and our
skin starts to lose its former elasticity. With the passing years the
effects of ageing become visible. This worries people. They sorrow as
they watch their youth slip away. Of course, this scenario applies to
people who have no iman. Believers submit to Allah in all the
illnesses and weaknessesthey may encounter in this transitory world;
as an act of worship they accept everything that happens to them and,
unlike those who have no deen, they live their lives without regret or
fear and anxiety. Moreover, they realise that the good things of this
world are intrinsically flawed and that the real life is the timeless
life of the worldto come. And they make every effort hoping to attain
the Garden.
Life in this world is fleeting and temporary. Allah has already
createdall the real blessings of the Garden, just as He has already
created the torments of the Fire. On the Last Day He will grant the
blessings to Hisfaithful slaves. People in the Garden will always be
young, attractive, healthy and robust.
Ageless youths will circulate among them,serving them. Seeing them,
you would thinkthem scattered pearls. (Surat al-Insan: 19)
No matter how long an individual may live within the limitations of
this life, no matter how late the signs of ageing appear, and no
matter how healthy he is, his life will certainly come to an end one
day. However, Allah points out in the Qur'an as doesthe Prophet that
eternal youth will be one of the blessings of the Garden:
The people of the Garden will enter the Garden hairless on their
bodies, beardless and dark-eyed, aged thirty or thirty-three years
old. (Narrated by Mu'adh ibn Jabal, at-Tirmidhi)
The thirties are the best time of life when the personality matures
and facial features, and the manner of speaking and acting become
established. But we mustnot forget that youthful vigour in the Garden
is not the same as it is in this world. That is because under earthly
conditions even a youngperson can live in great helplessness.
Allah has made a new creation in the Hereafterfor the inmates of the
Garden without any flawor imperfection. In the Qur'an, Allah tells us
about this and in particular how the people of the Garden will be
served by eternally young people:
Ageless youths will circulate among them, serving them. Seeing them,
you would think them scattered pearls. (Surat al- Insan: 19)
Story, - Is this what everyone call as "MAGICAL" love???
It was when I was in class6, when I first noticed HIM.... He was then
in class 8.... 2 years older than me.....
It was at the time of our HOUSE ACTIVITY CLASS... In this period,
classes 6, 7 and 8 sat altogether....
My first day of class 6.... and also my first day of day
session....tooo much excited.....nervous too because of new teachers
and all....
At that time, my friends also got separated....all got different
sections and unfortunately, I got the section where no friends of mine
were present...I was all alone.
Back to the main incident, from that class, one more period was
extended, HOUSE ACTIVITY.It was the best period because in that I got
my old friends back. We were able to sit together again....
The first day, first class... we were all summoned in the assembly and
classes 6, 7 and 8 all together went there. We all sat in the chairs
according our roll no.s... and he sat just beside me.... He was the
head boy of classes 6, 7 and 8 and as he was maintaining discipline
allover so he dint hav to sit according to his roll no. That was the
first time when I actually noticed a boy so carefully..... FIRST
Daily, the last period we had the House activity class and daily I
didn't know why, he came and sat just beside me....very close.....
Days passed by and the day came when my class 8 annual examination got over....
ooopsss! I forgot to tell inthis that within this two years, he always
sat beside me and every day I just waited for this house activity
class, not actually for my friends but for this stranger. Knowingly or
unknowing, I started liking him and then oviously LOVE.....
but the best part was thisI loved him without knowing him, or his name
either. Two years just passed by like a storm...nice one. It changed
me and made me believe that love existed.....
Then I was In class 9 and he 11.... Again house activity class... but
not daily, only Thursday last period. But he culdnt attain this period
every week, because of library classes. Even if he attained, he was no
morethe Head boy, so he had to sit according to roll no.which was very
far from me.....
Still every moment I felt him just beside me.... I truly was in his love....
Then the day arrived when I finally with all theguts I had sent him a
friend request and he accepted it instantly.....
We chatted a lot... and the day came when I proposed him, I can
remember it was in class 10, dated 12th September, 2012....
My best day and he accepted me.............
So my love life started, many ups and downs, break ups and patch
ups.... In this way 6 months went and I finallybroke up.
Now the reason behind it, he was very sweet, notat all caring, didn't
give me any priority. I was thelast in his priority list. When we were
in this relation, he forced me to kiss him and also forced me to be in
a physical relation. But I didn't. he started torturing me mentally.
Then the day came when I finally heard a story which was totally
unknown to me.....
When our relationship started, he said to his friends that he wanted
touse me and all.... and put a bet on it for money....#I don't want to
say the amount#
When we were together, he also had two more girlfriends.... they were
also there only for sex....
wow! great! when I heard it I was just like......
When we were together, everytime we met, he just talked about doing
sex and all and even he left me alone, one evening, in heavy rain.....
though I always believed him, never argued with him, because I loved
I always admitted the fault, even everytime it was his
mistakes...still I loved him.
I started lying to my parents to meet him...... which I never did....
stil I loved him
he abused me in front of his friends.....still I loved him
he even threatened to slap me....stil I loved him
he showed up with different girls in differentoccasions......stil I loved him
he never admitted anywhere that I was his girlfriend......still I loved him
everytime he saw me in public, he behaved as if I was a
stranger.....stil I loved him
yes! I loved him, loved him like mad, loved him like nething and I got hurt
why? god, why? I don't know
now, my life changed.... I don't have ne blive in this love
anymore.... still I only love him.... :'(
in class 8.... 2 years older than me.....
It was at the time of our HOUSE ACTIVITY CLASS... In this period,
classes 6, 7 and 8 sat altogether....
My first day of class 6.... and also my first day of day
session....tooo much excited.....nervous too because of new teachers
and all....
At that time, my friends also got separated....all got different
sections and unfortunately, I got the section where no friends of mine
were present...I was all alone.
Back to the main incident, from that class, one more period was
extended, HOUSE ACTIVITY.It was the best period because in that I got
my old friends back. We were able to sit together again....
The first day, first class... we were all summoned in the assembly and
classes 6, 7 and 8 all together went there. We all sat in the chairs
according our roll no.s... and he sat just beside me.... He was the
head boy of classes 6, 7 and 8 and as he was maintaining discipline
allover so he dint hav to sit according to his roll no. That was the
first time when I actually noticed a boy so carefully..... FIRST
Daily, the last period we had the House activity class and daily I
didn't know why, he came and sat just beside me....very close.....
Days passed by and the day came when my class 8 annual examination got over....
ooopsss! I forgot to tell inthis that within this two years, he always
sat beside me and every day I just waited for this house activity
class, not actually for my friends but for this stranger. Knowingly or
unknowing, I started liking him and then oviously LOVE.....
but the best part was thisI loved him without knowing him, or his name
either. Two years just passed by like a storm...nice one. It changed
me and made me believe that love existed.....
Then I was In class 9 and he 11.... Again house activity class... but
not daily, only Thursday last period. But he culdnt attain this period
every week, because of library classes. Even if he attained, he was no
morethe Head boy, so he had to sit according to roll no.which was very
far from me.....
Still every moment I felt him just beside me.... I truly was in his love....
Then the day arrived when I finally with all theguts I had sent him a
friend request and he accepted it instantly.....
We chatted a lot... and the day came when I proposed him, I can
remember it was in class 10, dated 12th September, 2012....
My best day and he accepted me.............
So my love life started, many ups and downs, break ups and patch
ups.... In this way 6 months went and I finallybroke up.
Now the reason behind it, he was very sweet, notat all caring, didn't
give me any priority. I was thelast in his priority list. When we were
in this relation, he forced me to kiss him and also forced me to be in
a physical relation. But I didn't. he started torturing me mentally.
Then the day came when I finally heard a story which was totally
unknown to me.....
When our relationship started, he said to his friends that he wanted
touse me and all.... and put a bet on it for money....#I don't want to
say the amount#
When we were together, he also had two more girlfriends.... they were
also there only for sex....
wow! great! when I heard it I was just like......
When we were together, everytime we met, he just talked about doing
sex and all and even he left me alone, one evening, in heavy rain.....
though I always believed him, never argued with him, because I loved
I always admitted the fault, even everytime it was his
mistakes...still I loved him.
I started lying to my parents to meet him...... which I never did....
stil I loved him
he abused me in front of his friends.....still I loved him
he even threatened to slap me....stil I loved him
he showed up with different girls in differentoccasions......stil I loved him
he never admitted anywhere that I was his girlfriend......still I loved him
everytime he saw me in public, he behaved as if I was a
stranger.....stil I loved him
yes! I loved him, loved him like mad, loved him like nething and I got hurt
why? god, why? I don't know
now, my life changed.... I don't have ne blive in this love
anymore.... still I only love him.... :'(
Story, - My story
Hello every0ne i m tellingu my story. I joined fb 0n 2nd december 2012
therewas a guy who became my friend named syed i chated with him for
the 1st time he was very go0d guy but after that chat he went away
somewhere for 2 weeks but during those 2 weeksi met with an0ther guy
named zain he was also ago0d guy. Syed is 2 yearz eldr than me nd zain
is 9 yearz eldr than me. Aftr 2 weeks syed texted me again and he
chated withme and suddenly proposed me i didnt acept but later i
acepted he chated with me daily he was r0mantic but n0t sexy he always
kissed me in chat i guessed that he really loved me but than aftr
m0nth means in january zain also proposed me zain is to0 much sexy he
always tried to do sex wd me buti always made excuses but aftr
s0metimes syed got change and he didnt chat with me he came 0nline nd
went away but didnt chat with me means he was ign0ring me. Then i
decided for break up and i aceptd zain's proposal and told syed that i
love an0ther guy he didnt replied me nd i guessed that he was
flirting. But aftr 14 days on 14th febuary he said me that he loves me
but i didnt replied but n0w still he texts me calls me on my cell. I
am in love with zain but i think i also like syed... So what i should
do for syed? :-(
therewas a guy who became my friend named syed i chated with him for
the 1st time he was very go0d guy but after that chat he went away
somewhere for 2 weeks but during those 2 weeksi met with an0ther guy
named zain he was also ago0d guy. Syed is 2 yearz eldr than me nd zain
is 9 yearz eldr than me. Aftr 2 weeks syed texted me again and he
chated withme and suddenly proposed me i didnt acept but later i
acepted he chated with me daily he was r0mantic but n0t sexy he always
kissed me in chat i guessed that he really loved me but than aftr
m0nth means in january zain also proposed me zain is to0 much sexy he
always tried to do sex wd me buti always made excuses but aftr
s0metimes syed got change and he didnt chat with me he came 0nline nd
went away but didnt chat with me means he was ign0ring me. Then i
decided for break up and i aceptd zain's proposal and told syed that i
love an0ther guy he didnt replied me nd i guessed that he was
flirting. But aftr 14 days on 14th febuary he said me that he loves me
but i didnt replied but n0w still he texts me calls me on my cell. I
am in love with zain but i think i also like syed... So what i should
do for syed? :-(
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