Allah enabled His messengers to perform miracles to protect them from
the unbelievers' and the hypocrites' traps, to bring people to faith,
and for other reasons. In the Qur'an He gives a detailed account of
the messengers' lives, the miracles He sent to support their message,
and the miracles He allowed them to perform. Our beloved Prophet
Muhammad (saas) and the Prophet Moses (as), the Prophet Abraham (as)
and the Prophet Jesus (as) were all blessed messengers to whom Allah
granted miracles.
For example, the trap set for the Prophet Abraham (as) was foiled by a miracle:
We said: "Fire, be coolness and peace for Abraham!" (Surat al-Anbiya': 69)
As a result, the unbelievers' trap was destroyed. We will now relate
some other miracles.
The miracles that 'the Prophet Jesus (as) showed his people:
Remember when Allah said: " O Jesus, son of Maryam, remember My
blessing to you and to your mother when I reinforced you with the
Purest Spirit so that you could speak to people in the cradle and when
you were fully grown; and when I taught you the Book and Wisdom, and
the Torah and the Gospel; and when you created a bird-shape out of
clay by My permission, and then breathed into it and it became a bird
by My permission; and [when you] healed the blind and the leper by My
permission; and when you brought forth the dead by My permission; and
when I held back the tribe of Israel from you, when you brought them
the Clear Signs and the unbelievers among them said: 'This is nothing
but downright magic.'" (Surat al-Ma'idah: 110)
... as a messenger to the tribe of Israel, the Prophet Jesus (as)
saying: "I have brought you a sign from your Lord. I will create the
shape of a bird out of clay for you, breathe into it, and it will be a
bird, by Allah's permission. I will heal the blind and the leper, and
bring the dead to life, by Allah's permission. I will tell you what
you eat and what you store up in your homes. There is a sign for you
in that if you are believers." (Surah Al 'Imran: 49)
The Prophet Moses's (as) staff turned into a snake and swallowed those
produced by Pharaoh's magicians:
He [Pharaoh] said: "If you have come with a clear sign produce it, if
you are telling the truth." So he [Moses] threw down his staff and
there it was, unmistakably a snake. (Surat al-A'raf: 106-107)
Throw down what is in your right hand [O Moses]. It will swallow up
their handiwork, which is just a magician's trick. Magicians do not
prosper wherever they go. (Surah Ta Ha: 69)
The Prophet Moses (as) struck the sea with his staff and its waters parted:
And when the two hosts came into sight of one another, Moses's
companions exclaimed: "We will surely be overtaken!" Moses said:
"Never! My Lord is with me and will guide me." So We revealed to
Moses: "Strike the sea with your staff." And it split in two, each
part like a towering cliff. And We brought the others right up to it.
We rescued Moses and all those who were with him, and then drowned the
rest. (Surat al-Shu'ara': 61-66)
The birds that the Prophet Abraham (as) cut into pieces came back to him alive:
When Abraham said: "My Lord, show me how You bring the dead to life."
He asked: "Do you not then have belief?" Abraham replied: "Indeed I
do! But so that my heart may be at peace." He said: "Take four birds
and train them to yourself. Then put a part of them on each mountain
and call to them; they will come rushing to you. Know that Allah is
Almighty, All-Wise." (Surat al-Baqara: 260)
The Prophet Jonah's (as) was miraculously saved after being swallowed
by a whale:
Yunus was one of the Messengers. When he ran away to the fully laden
ship and cast lots and lost, then the fish devoured him and he was to
blame. Had he not been a person who glorified Allah, he would have
remained inside its belly until the Day of Resurrection. So We cast
him up onto the beach and he was sick. (Surat al-Saffat: 139-145)
The Prophet Zechariah. (as) was told he would have a child in his old age
"Still Life with Cheeses." Floris Van Dijck (1575-1651). Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.
Then and there Zechariah called on his Lord: "O Lord, grant me by Your
favor an upright child. You are the Hearer of Prayer." The angel
called out to him while he was standing in prayer in the upper room:
"Allah gives you the good news of John, who will come to confirm a
Word from Allah, and will be a leader and a celibate, a prophet and
one of the just." He asked: "My Lord, how can I possibly have a son
when I have reached old age and my wife is barren?" He replied: "It
will be so. Allah does whatever He wills." (Surah Al 'Imran: 38-40)
Many other miracles are informed in the Qur'an, all of which happen by
the will of Allah Who rules the universe and has infinite power. Every
miracle happens at Allah's command and in the way He wills:
We sent messengers before you and gave them wives and children. Nor
was any messenger able to bring a sign except by Allah's permission.
There is a prescribed limit to every term. (Surat ar-Ra'd: 38)
In Surat al-Ma'idah, it is reveaed that the Prophet Jesus (as)
performed miracles by Allah's permission:
Remember when Allah said: "O 'Jesus, son of Maryam, remember My
blessing to you and to your mother when I reinforced you with the
Purest Spirit so that you could speak to people in the cradle and when
you were fully grown; and when I taught you the Book and Wisdom, and
the Torah and the Gospel; and when you created a bird-shape out of
clay by My permission, and then breathed into it and it became a bird
by My permission; and healed the blind and the leper by My permission;
and when you brought forth the dead by My permission; and when I held
back the tribe of Israel from you, when you brought them the clear
signs and the unbelievers among them said: 'This is nothing but
downright magic.'" (Surat al-Ma'ida: 110)
All of the messengers were blessed individuals who submitted
themselves to Allah. They had good moral characters and were examples
to the world. Like everyone else, they were helpless and needy in
Allah's sight. Allah, Who created the universe from nothing, has
absolute power and governance over all things, both living and
inanimate. The universe and all creatures in the heavens and on Earth
belong to Him, for He, the Lord of the universe, created them all.
Everything moves at His command and exists at His pleasure.
Allah feeds all living creatures, provides them with many blessings,
brings forth plants and creates their seasons, and brings darkness in
the evening and makes the sun a brilliant light. He created all human
beings who have ever lived and who are yet to live; all animate and
inanimate things owe their existence to Him, and every creature needs
Him. He has honored some individuals by choosing them to be His
messengers. They also stand in need of Him, act at His command, and
perform their miracles only by His will.
We are told in Surat al-Anbiya' of Allah's infinite power:
Everyone in the heavens and on Earth belongs to Him. Those in His
presence do not consider themselves too great to worship Him and do
not grow tired of it. They glorify Him night and day, never flagging.
Or have they taken deities out of the soil who can bring the dead to
life? If there had been any deities besides Allah in heaven or Earth,
they would both be ruined. Glory be to Allah, Lord of the Throne,
beyond what they describe! He will not be questioned about what He
does, but they will be questioned. Or have they taken other deities
besides Him? Say: "Produce your proof. This is the message of those
with me and the message of those before me." But most of them do not
know the truth, so they turn away. (Surat al-Anbiya': 19-24)
This book informs the reader about some of the Prophet Muhammad's
(saas) miracles. Allah made this blessed individual an example to all
people due to his goodness and deep faith, and his every word and
action. With Allah's permission, he performed miracles throughout his
life, some of which were witnessed only by the Companions and others
of which were seen by great numbers of unbelievers.
An account of some of these miracles has come down to us in the
Qur'an; we know of others through the hadiths and the various writings
of Islamic scholars. We intend to show the miraculous aspects of this
blessed person who was sent as a mercy to the world and to invite our
readers to take the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (saas) as
their guide.
As Allah says, He sent our Prophet (saas) as the last prophet to
humanity: "… the Messenger of Allah and the Final Seal of the
Prophets" (Surat al-Ahzab: 40). This blessed man delivered the final
revelation and serves as humanity's role model because of his
goodness, piety, and closeness to Allah. He is a friend of Allah, and
the friend and advocate of believers. Allah tells us that He entrusted
our Prophet (saas) with a great responsibility:
We will impose a weighty Word upon you. (Surat al-Muzzammil: 5)
With his powerful faith in Allah, the Prophet (saas) carried out his
responsibility perfectly by inviting humanity to follow the Way of
Allah and serving as their guide. The Revelation of the Qur'an
According to Islamic and historical texts, Allah bestowed prophethood
upon the Prophet Muhammad (saas) when he was forty years old. But even
before that time, certain miraculous events took place. For example,
his dreams came true. The hadiths say that these dreams lasted for
about six months. The eminent Islamic scholar Imam al-Bukhari relates:
The commencement of the Divine inspiration to the Messenger of Allah
was in the form of good righteous (true) dreams in his sleep. He never
had a dream but that it came true like bright daylight. 1
A copy of the Qur'an from 1790 CE (1205 AH) written in the Naskhi
style. Classic style layout, every page containing seventeen lines.
Ruled in gold, leather binding from the time. (Suleyman Tevfik)
The hadiths tell us that when he turned forty, he would often go by
himself to the Cave of Hira' (Ghar Hira) in Jabal al-Nur (the Mountain
of Light), which was located about twelve kilometers from Mecca.
During the Ramadan of his third annual retreat, Allah granted the
Prophet Muhammad (saas) the rank of prophet by sending Gabriel to
reveal some Qur'anic verses to him. The first revelation was given on
August 10, 610 CE (Monday night, 21 Ramadan).
This was certainly a wonderful grace from Allah. Our Prophet (saas)
was blessed; he was an able, good, and a man of deep faith; had a
degree of fear and respect toward Allah; and was worthy of this honor:
… but for a mercy from your Lord. His favor to you is indeed immense.
(Surat al-Isra': 87)
You did not expect to be given the Book. It is nothing but a mercy
from your Lord ... (Surat al-Qasas: 86)
The fact that his dreams came true is one proof that our dear Prophet
(saas) was chosen by Allah. Islamic scholars interpret this as meaning
that Allah prepared him for this great responsibility while he slept.
After these dreams, the Prophet (saas) received the first revelation
and was entrusted with guiding humanity to the true path. He continued
to do so, with great determination, until he died.
The hadiths relate the miraculous events that occurred before he
received the first revelation:
Aisha narrated: The first thing with which the revelation began for
the Messenger of Allah was correct dreams in sleep. He never saw a
dream but that it came like the breaking of the dawn. He used to go in
seclusion to (the cave of) Hira', where he used to worship (Allah
alone) continuously for many nights. He used to take provision with
him for that (stay) and then like-wise come back to Khadijah to take
his food again for another period. Then suddenly the Truth descended
upon him while he was in the cave of Hira'. The angel came to him and
asked him to read.
The Prophet replied: "I do not know how to read" (and added:) "The
angel caught me (forcefully) and pressed me so hard that I could not
bear it anymore. He then released me and again asked me to read, and I
replied: 'I do not know how to read,' whereupon he caught me again and
pressed me a second time until I could not bear it anymore. He then
released me and asked me again to read, but again I replied: 'I do not
know how to read (or, what shall I read?).' Thereupon he caught me for
the third time and pressed me and then released me and said: 'Read: In
the Name of your Lord, Who has created, has created humanity from a
[blood] clot. Read, and Your Lord is Most Generous, He Who taught
by the pen, taught man what he did not know.' (Surat al-'Alaq:
1-5)" Then Allah's Messenger returned with it… 2
We are told in the Qur'an about his conversation with Gabriel and the
revelation of the Qur'an to him. It is revealed in Surat al-Najm that
Gabriel taught the Qur'an to the Prophet (saas):
Your companion is not misguided or misled; nor does he speak from
whim. It is nothing but Revelation revealed, taught to him by one
immensely strong. (Surat al-Najm: 2-5)
We also learn of the wondrous events that occurred as Gabriel
transmitted the Qur'an to the Prophet (saas):
… possessing power and splendor. He [Gabriel] stood there stationary,
there on the highest horizon. Then he drew near and hung suspended. He
was two bow-lengths away or even closer. Then He [Allah] revealed to
His servant what He revealed. His [Muhammad's] heart did not lie about
what he saw. What! Do you dispute with him about what he saw? (Surat
al-Najm: 6-12)
It is also stated in several other verses that Gabriel, also called
the "Purest Spirit" or the "Faithful Spirit," delivered the
It does not befit Allah to address any human being except by
inspiration, or from behind a veil, or He sends a messenger who then
reveals by His permission whatever He wills. He is indeed Most High,
All-Wise. (Surat al-Shura: 51)
Say: "Anyone who is Jibril's enemy should know that it was he who
brought it [the Qur'an] down upon your heart, by Allah's authority,
confirming what came before, and as guidance and good news for the
believers." (Surat al-Baqarah: 97)
Say: "The Purest Spirit has brought it down from your Lord with truth,
to make those who have faith firm, and as guidance and good news for
the Muslims." (Surat al-Nahl: 102)
Truly it is revelation sent down by the Lord of all the worlds. The
Faithful Spirit brought it down to your heart so you would be one of
the Warners. (Surat al-Shu'ara': 192-194)
There is a tradition that the revelations ceased for a while after the
first verses had been revealed. The hadiths tell us that when the
revelations resumed, the first verses he received were the opening
verses of Surat al-Muddaththir. After that, the Prophet (saas) assumed
his responsibility of proclaiming the revelation. Later, by a command
from Allah, he told people to have faith only in Allah and not to make
any creature His equal:
O you who are enveloped in your cloak, arise and warn. Magnify your
Lord. (Surat al-Muddaththir: 1-3)
It is also said in Surat al-Shura 194 that revelations were placed in
the Prophet's (saas) heart. In addition, Allah caused him to memorize
the Qur'an: "We will cause you to recite so that you do not forget"
(Surat al-A'la: 6). His ability to memorize the Qur'an in this way was
another one of his miracles.
The verses of the Qur'an were rooted in the Prophet's (saas) heart,
and he spent his whole life proclaiming them. In Surat al-A'la 8, "We
will ease you to the Easy Way,"Allah announced that He is the
Prophet's (saas) helper and will give him success. Allah tells us that
He is the blessed mesenger's constant Helper: "It is Our duty to help
the belivers" (Surat al-Rum: 47). He refreshed the Prophet's (saas)
heart and created marvellous things in his mind and memory. He tells
us that it is He Who enabled the Prophet (saas) to recite and remember
all of its verses:
Do not move your tongue trying to hasten it. Its collection and
recitation are Our affair. So when We recite it, follow its
recitation. Then its explanation is Our concern. (Surat al-Qiyamah:
Clearly, Allah placed the Qur'an's verses in his memory in a special way:
High exalted be Allah, the King, the Real! Do not rush ahead with the
Qur'an before its revelation to you is complete, and say: "My Lord,
increase me in knowledge." (Surah Ta Ha: 114)
With his love and lively faith in Allah, our Prophet (saas) willingly
and wholeheartedly obeyed all of His commands. Allah made him powerful
and gave him success, granted him many blessings, and made him special
in both worlds.
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Friday, October 11, 2013
The Miracles Granted to the Messengers
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