All praise be to Allaah, the Lords of the Worlds, and may peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon the noblest of the Prophets and
Messengers, our Prophet, Muhammad and upon all his family and
Companions. As for what follows:
Verily, Allaah, the Most Glorified, Most High has legislated
purification for every prayer, because the elimination of impurity and
the removal of pollution - whether on the body, the clothes or the
place of prayer - are two of the conditions of prayer.So when the
Muslim wishes to pray, he must perform the well known ablution (Wudhu)
to purify himself from minor impurity, or make Ghusl if the impurity
is ofthe major kind. And before making ablution, Istinja' must be
performed with water, or Istijmar by the one who has urinated or
defecated in order that the purification and cleansing be complete.
What follows is an explanation of some of the rulings related to this.
Istinja' with water is obligatory every time something is discharged
from the bowel and bladder, such as urine orfaeces. But it is not
necessary for the sleeperor one who passes wind to perform Istinja' .
He is only required to performablution, because Istinja' is only
prescribed for theremoval of impurity, andthere is no impurity in this
Istijmar is performed using stones, or another material in its place
(such as wood, paper etc.) It must consist of three clean stones, as
proved by the Hadith of the Prophet (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam)
which states that he said:
ãóäú ÇÓúÊóÌúãóÑó ÝóáúíõæúÊöÑú
"Whoever performs Istijmar, let him make it Witr (i.e. use an odd
number of stones)." [AbuDawud no.35 and Ibn Majah no. 337]
And he (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) also said:
ÅöÐóÇ ÐóåóÈó ÃóÍóÏõßõãú Åöáóì ÇáúÛóÇÆöØ ÝóáúíóÐúåóÈú ãóÚóåõ ÈöËóáÇËóÉö
ÃóÍúÌóÇÑò ÝóÅöäøóåóÇ ÊõÌúÒöìÁõ Úóäúåõ
"If any of you goes to defecate, he should take with him three stones,
for they will be sufficientfor him."
Muslim narrated that he (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) forbade Istijmar
with less than three stones. It is not permissible to make Istijmar
with animal droppings, bones or food or anything which contains some
forbiddenmaterial. It is preferred for a person to perform istijmar
with stones, or the like such as tissues etc. After which, he should
use water, because the stones remove the essence of the pollution, but
the water purifies the area and is therefore more thorough. A person
has achoice of Istinja' with water, or Istijmar with stones or the
like. It is reported on the authority of Anas, may Allaah be pleased
with him, that he said:
"The Prophet (Sallallaahualayhi wasallam) enteredthe toilet and I and
a young boy like me carried materials, including water and 'anaza (a
short spear) and he would perform Istinja' with the water."
[al-Bukhari no.152 & Muslim no.271.]
It is reported on the authority of 'Aishah, mayAllaah be pleased with
her, that she said to a group of women:
"Order your husbands to clean themselves following defecation with
water, for I am too embarrassed to do so, and the Prophet (Sallallaahu
alayhi wasallam) used to do so." At-Tirmidhee said that it was
authentic [At-Tirmidhee no.19]
If a person wants to use only one of them (i.e. stones or water), it
is preferred to choose water, because it cleans the area removing the
essence and the traces and it is more thorough in cleansing. If he
chooses to only use stones, he should content himself with three, if
it cleanses the area, but if it is not enough, he may use fouror five
(or more) until hehas cleaned the area, but it is better to finish
with an odd number, based upon the saying of the Prophet (Sallallaahu
alayhi wasallam) :
ãóäú ÇÓúÊóÌúãóÑó ÝóáúíõæúÊöÑú
"Whoever performs Istijmar , let him make it Witr ." [Abu Dawud
no.35and Ibn Majah no. 337]
It is not permissable to make the Istijmar with the right hand,
according to the Hadith of Salman, may Allaah bepleased with him, in
which he said:
"The Messenger of Allaahforbade us from performing Istinja' with the
right hand." And he said:
áÇó íõãúÓößú ÃóÍóÏóßõãú ÐóßóÑóåõ Èöíóãöíúäöåö æóåõæó íóÈõæúáõ æóáÇó
íóÊóãóÓøóÍú ãöäú ÇáúÎóáÇóÁö Èöíóãöíúäöåö
"None of you should hold his penis in his right hand while he is
urinating. nor should he wipe himself with the right hand after
answering the call of nature." [Al-Bukhari no.153 & Muslim no.267]
But if his left hand has been cut off, or is broken or there is some
disease in it, he may use his right hand, and thereis no objection to
Because the Islamic law is based upon facility and ease, Allaah, the
Most Glorified, Most Highhas lightened the burden of worship on those
who have some excuse, according to the excuse. He, the Most Highsays:
æóãóÇ ÌóÚóáó Úóáóíúßõãú Ýöí ÇáÏøöíäö ãöäú ÍóÑóÌò
"And (He) has not laid upon you in religion anyhardship ." [Surah al-Hajj22:78]
And He says:
íõÑöíÏõ Çááøåõ Èößõãõ ÇáúíõÓúÑó æóáÇó íõÑöíÏõ Èößõãõ ÇáúÚõÓúÑó
"Allaah intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things
difficult for you." [Surah al-Baqarah 2:185]
And He says:
ÝóÇÊøóÞõæÇ Çááøóåó ãóÇ ÇÓúÊóØóÚúÊõãú
"So keep your duty to Allaah and fear Him as much as you can."
[Surahat-Taghabun 64:16]
And the Prophet (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said:
ÅöÐóÇ ÃóãóÑúÊõßõãú ÈöÃóãúÑò ÝóÃúÊõæÇ ãöäúåõ ãóÇ ÇÓúÊóØóÚúÊõãú
"If I order you to do something, do it as muchas you can."
[Al-Bukharino.7288 & Muslim no.1337]
And he (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said:
Åöäøó ÇáÏøöíúäó íñÓúÑñ
"Verily the Religion is ease." [Narrated by al-Bukhari]
If a sick person is unable to cleanse himself of minor impurity with
the water by making ablution, or he is unable to purify himself of
major impurity by making Ghusl , due to weakness, or fear of making
his illness worse,or delaying his recovery,he may perform Tayammum
[Dry ablutionusing sand or dust.]
This is done by striking his hands in clean dust once, then wiping his
face with the palms of his hands and his fingersslowly, based upon the
Words of Him, the Most High:
æóÅöä ßõäÊõã ãøóÑúÖóì Ãóæú Úóáóì ÓóÝóÑò Ãóæú ÌóÇÁ ÃóÍóÏñ ãøöäßõã ãøöä
ÇáúÛóÂÆöØö Ãóæú áÇóãóÓúÊõãõ ÇáäøöÓóÇÁÝóáóãú ÊóÌöÏõæÇú ãóÇÁ
ÝóÊóíóãøóãõæÇú ÕóÚöíÏðÇ ØóíøöÈðÇ ÝóÇãúÓóÍõæÇú ÈöæõÌõæåößõãú
æóÃóíúÏöíßõãú Åöäøó Çááøåó ßóÇäó ÚóÝõæøðÇÛóÝõæÑðÇ
"And if you are ill, or on a journey, or one of you comes after
answering the call of nature, or youhave been in contact with women
(by sexual relations) and you find no water, perform Tayammum with
clean earth and rub therewith your faces and hands (Tayammum). Truly,
Allaah is Ever Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving." [Surah An-Nisa 4:43]
The ruling on those who are unable to use water is the same that of
those who are unable to find water, according to the words of the
Prophet (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) :
ÅöäøóãóÇ ÇáÃóÚãÇá ÈÇáäíÇÊ æÅäãÇ áßá ÇãÑÆ ãÇ äæì
"The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will
get the reward according to what he has intended." [Al-Bukhari no. 1]
A sick person may fall into one of a number of categories:
1. If his illness is a simpleone and he does not fear to use the
water, such as an ailment from which there is no fear that using the
water willdelay his recovery, or increase his pain, or cause any
infection, suchas a headache, toothache and the like, or he is able to
use warm water without harm, then it is not allowed for him to make
Tayammum . Because thepermission to perform it is in order to prevent
harm, and there is no fear of harm to him, and because he can find
water, therefore he mustuse it.
2. If he fears from an illness which he fears may - should he use
water - cause his death or harm one of his organs, or may lead to some
illness which mightcause his death or harm one of his organs, or cause
the loss of some faculty, then it is permissible for him to perform
Tayammum , based upon the words ofthe Most High:
æóáÇó ÊóÞúÊõáõæÇú ÃóäÝõÓóßõãú Åöäøó Çááøåó ßóÇäó Èößõãú ÑóÍöíãðÇ
"And do not kill yourselves (nor kill one another). Surely, Allaah is
Most Merciful to you." [Surah an-Nisa' 4:29]
3. If he is suffering from some illness which makes him unable to
move, and he finds no one to bring him water, it is permissible for
him to perform Tayammum .
4. Anyone suffering froma wound, an ulcer or fracture, or any illness
which will be exacerbated by using water, and who becomes Junub [in a
state of sexual impurity] is allowed to perform Tayammum , based
uponthe above evidences. If he is able to wash the healthy areas of
his body, he must do so and make Tayammum for the rest.
A sick person who is in a place in which he finds neither water nor
dust, or anyone who can bring him either one of them, may pray
whatever condition he isin, and he is not allowedto delay the prayer,
as Allaah, the Most High say:
ÝóÇÊøóÞõæÇ Çááøóåó ãóÇ ÇÓúÊóØóÚúÊõãú
"So keep your duty to Allaah and fear Him as much as you can."
[Surahat-Taghabun 64:16]
6. An invalid afflicted with incontinence of urine, who is not cured
by his treatment, must make ablution for every prayer after the start
of its prescribed time, washoff any urine that has affected his body,
and wear a clean garment for his prayer, if this is not a burden on
him. But if it is, he is excused from it, based upon the Allaah Words:
æóãóÇ ÌóÚóáó Úóáóíúßõãú Ýöí ÇáÏøöíäö ãöäú ÍóÑóÌò
"And (He) has not laid upon you in religion anyhardship ." [Surah al-Hajj22:78]
And His Words:
íõÑöíÏõ Çááøåõ Èößõãõ ÇáúíõÓúÑó æóáÇó íõÑöíÏõ Èößõãõ ÇáúÚõÓúÑó
"Allaah intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things
difficult for you." [Surah al-Baqarah 2:185]
And He says:
And the words of the Prophet (Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) :
ÅöÐóÇ ÃóãóÑúÊõßõãú ÈöÃóãúÑò ÝóÃúÊõæÇ ãöäúåõ ãóÇ ÇÓúÊóØóÚúÊõãú
"If I order you to do something, do it as muchas you cable."
[Al-Bukhari no.7288 & Muslim no.1337]
He must try to the best ofhis ability to prevent the spread of the
urine to his clothes, or his body, or the place in which he will pray.
And everythingthat invalidates ablution also invalidates Tayammum ,
and in addition, the ability to use water or its presence. And Allaah
knows best.
- - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
- Tamil -- Urdu -- Kannada -- Telugu --*-
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Fathwa - Purification - Rulings on Purificationfor the Sick
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