Darwinism denies the existence and oneness ofAllah (God) and the
responsibility of all people to our Lord. The foundation of
materialism and the movements that it represents are incompatible with
religious moral values. For that reason-out of their ideological
concerns-, Darwinism's adherents are still making efforts made to
preserve it, even though it has been refuted scientifically.
Darwinists and materialists alike maintain that man, the universe, and
all it contains are all the products of blind chance. They claim that
because they regard human beings as a species of animal, then
relationships between humans should be animalistic in nature. This
perverted view regards selfishness, ruthlessness, conflict andmurder
as perfectly justified according to the survival of the fittest.It
regards such feelings as compassion, love, affection and respect as
obstacles that retard the process of evolution. Under Darwinist
indoctrination, people are brought up to scorn altruism and
compassionate love for others, and to become cruel, aggressive and
Given that many countries are struggling with the social problems
stemming from Darwinism, it is vitally important to be warned against
Darwinist indoctrination and deceptions, in order thatsuch a grave
peril is intellectually neutralized. Yet those who fail to understand
Darwinism and the threats it poses are also unable to comprehend the
importance of the intellectual struggle against it.
Rather than joining in the intellectual struggle against Darwinism,
theseindividuals resort to various means to ignore and avoid it. Some
seek to trivialize this intellectual struggle by saying, "Darwinism is
not actually all that important," and urge others to view it in that
same light. Others seek asupposed "middle path" between the theory of
evolution and Islam, thusseeking to reconcile Darwinism and Islam in
their own private ways. Yet it should be totally out of the question
for any Muslim to seek any intellectual"reconciliation" between
Darwinism and Islam. Moreover, neither the verses of the Qur'an nor
the hadith of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)
contain any account that suggests evolution.
Those Who Imagine Evolution to Be a Scientific Theory and Think, in
Their Own Eyes, That They Can Give It a Muslim Identity Are Mistaken.
Among those who avoid any intellectual struggle against Darwinism, the
common state of mind is a defeatist attitude. Those who imagine that
the theory of evolution is based upon scientific fact assume
themselves to be in an untenable position. They imagine that the
claims made by evolutionists are supported by verified facts and in
the face of science; it is next to impossible to question those
claims. Since they think they are unable to respond, they are ready to
surrender right from the outset.
But the fact is, the misconception that the theory of evolution is
scientific has resulted from intense propaganda on the subject.
Television reports and newspaper and magazine articles constantly
support the impression that evolution is a proven theory, impossible
to deny. They imply that supporting the theory ofevolution means
supporting science, and that rejecting it means opposing logic and the
known facts. Actually, however, scientific facts reveal the exact
opposite of this propaganda. Science refutes the theory of evolution,
rather than confirming it! No unbiased person who supports science can
alsosupport the theory of evolution. The reason why evolution is
maintained on the agenda is not because it's scientific, but because
it serves as the foundation for materialism and atheism. To put it
another way, evolutionary propaganda is carried out for ideological
The effect of this intensepropaganda also a lie at the root of the way
some Muslims subconsciously assume that it's impossible to combat
Darwinism. The result of this propaganda is the idea- inaccurate
though it may be-that opposing evolution means opposing science. So as
not to seem backward and unscientific, people make attempts to find
some "middle ground" between Islam and the theory of evolution which,
again, is imagined to be respectably scientific. Yetactually this
represents away of avoiding any intellectual struggle against
Therefore, there is no reason to avoid an open,clear intellectual
struggle against Darwinism. Those who fear that science has proven
evolution, and that they, too, will be influenced by this
indoctrination and have their own faith and theirworld views shaken
are worrying needlessly. Science points to creation, not to evolution.
Every one of the claims made by Darwinism has been undermined by
hundreds of scientific proofs. Muslims need to neutralize Darwinism
intellectually by making use of these proofs.
Some Muslims exaggerate evolutionarypropaganda carried out for
ideological reasons and via entirely speculative methods. They imagine
that they will never be able to overcome it, and thus adopt a passive
and defeatist stance when they should be joyfully, enthusiastically
waging a mental struggle against Darwinism.
One of the ugliest examples of this passive, defeatist attitude is, as
we pointed out, an attempt to Islamicize Darwinism. To back up this
attitude, such thinkers use pagan beliefs left over from Sumerian
societies and report the words of writers to whom they impute great
scholarship. They try to give the impression that"this is what the
religionsays." Yet these are evidently excuses to avoid engaging in an
intellectual struggle against Darwinism-the ugly result of a passive,
defeatist mindset.
By fearing Darwinism, and imagining that they will be unable to defeat
it in the world of ideas, these people have lost before they even
begin. Yet this form of struggle is exceedingly belittling for any
Muslim who holds a true faith in Allahand who appreciates His infinite
might. It is impossible for a devout Muslim to struggle in a
half-hearted, defeatist manner. There is no question of his
opposingDarwinism with the logicof "We actually maintainthe same exact
thing." The truth that a Muslim believes in is that Allah has created
all things. It is therefore impossible for a Muslim to maintain the
same theories as Darwinists. A Muslim must wage an open, confident
intellectual struggle against Darwinism. A Muslim with a proper fear
of Allah can never espouse the same ideas and ideology as Darwinism.
For those who are unaware of the dangers of Darwinism and have failed
to understand the way it fights belief in Allah, it would be much
better to say nothing at all on the subject, rather than to employ
insincere, erroneous logic. It is a mistake to avoid the intellectual
struggle and to resort to faulty, irrational methods out of fear that
one's strength on a subject is not adequate. Darwinism is a grave
danger that must be opposed in a serious manner and completely
eliminated. In the sight of Allah, it is a grave error and a serious
responsibility to hinder the intellectual struggle against Darwinism
by failing to be aware of this threat.
Those Who Claim There is Evolution in Islam Are Unaware that 100
Million Fossils Refute Evolution
Some Muslims imagine, with the knowledge of the 1940s and 1950s, that
evolution is a theory confirmed by science and attempt, in their own
eyes, to reconcile Islam and evolution with the helpless and peculiar
logic of "Muslims knew about evolution long before Darwin." But
thatlogic is the product of a grave ignorance.
For one thing, the evolution error is not an idea that first emerged
with Darwin. Throughout history, all materialists have maintained that
living things formed spontaneously from stone and earth and thatlife
forms supposedly descended from one another. Evolution is a pagan
belief that dates back thousands of years.The Sumerians and the
ancient Egyptians were both societies that believed in and espoused
evolution. For example, the Egyptians thought that living things
emerged spontaneously from the muddy water of the Nile.It is
meaningless therefore to say, "Evolution was known before Darwin and
Muslims also knew aboutit," as if one has discovered something new.
Muslims, the first Jews, and the early Christians, the Sumeriansand
the Egyptians all knew that evolution wasa perverted idea, of course.
But as is the case today, people of reason and good conscience could
clearly see that evolution was an error and that some people espoused
that error because of their materialist and atheist mindsets.
Second, the idea that lifeforms came into being by descending
gradually from one another is not supported by any scientific finding.
If life forms were descended from one another, as Darwin or
evolutionists who lived in the past claimed, then this shouldbe
clearly visible in the fossil record. The excavations carried out to
date have unearthed more than 100 million fossils. But there is not a
single fossil among themthat shows that one life form turned into
another or that they share a supposed common ancestor. Every one,
without exception, of these 100 million fossils shows that living
things appeared suddenly with all the characteristics they possess and
that they remained unchanged fora hundred million years, in other
words, that evolution never happened. If not a singletransitional form
has ever been discovered despite the earth being dug up all over the
placefor the last 150 years, and if not one person has responded to
the callthat "we will give 10 trillion Turkish lira to anyone
producing an intermediate form fossil," and if even Darwin said that
his theory would collapse if no transitional fossils were found, in
other words, if there exists nota single, solitary concrete finding,
then it is meaningless to tell fairy tales and invent headlines such
as :our ancestors were microbes," "the forerunner of the bird has been
discovered " or"our ancestors were dates."
Allah Did Not Create the Universe and Life through Evolution
In the Qur'an, Allah has revealed many verses about the creation of
lifeand the universe. Yet these verses contain not the slightest
indication that living things descended from one another, or that
there exists any evolutionary relationship between them. Of course,
had Allah so wished, He couldhave created living things by way of
evolution. Yet there is nosign of this in the Qur'an,and not one verse
supports the idea of species developing gradually by stages, as
evolutionists maintain. Ifsuch a manner of creation had taken place,
we would see detailed accounts of this in verses from the Qur'an. Yet,
on the contrary, it is revealed inthe Qur'an that Allah brought life
and the universe into being in a miraculous way, by commanding them
The Originator of the heavens and earth. When He decides on something,
He just says to it, "Be!" and it is. (Surat al-Baqara: 117)
If, as is claimed, half-ape,half-human life forms had really lived
before the Prophet Adam (pbuh)- had mutations and natural selection
exerted an effect on the creation of living things-then Allah would
have informed us of this in the Qur'an in a very clear, distinct, and
intelligible way. However, no verse of theQur'an contains any
suchinformation. On the contrary, many verses tell us that man was
created out of nothing, in the finest form:
We created man in the finest mould. (Surat at-Tin: 4)
He created the heavens and the Earth with truth and formed you, giving
you the best of forms… (Surat at-Taghabun : 3)
Those Who Seek to Islamicize Darwinism Cannot Explain the Creation of
the Angels and Djinn
Our Almighty Lord is He Who creates from nothing, from no earlier
model, in a form and at a time of His choosing. When Allah wishes a
thing to exist He commands it to "Be!":
Our Word to a thing when We desire it is just to say to it "Be!" and
it is. (Surat an-Nahl: 40)
Allah is He Who is unsullied by any flaw or deficiency, Who has no
need of anything. Therefore, Allah has no need of any prior cause,
vehicle or stage in order to create. One must not be misled by the
fact that everything in this world depends on specific causes. As the
Creator, Allah is unsulliedby any of these laws of nature.
But those who fail to reflect on these facts properly may fall into
various errors. People who seek to reconcile Darwinism with Islam are
misled by this lack ofreflection. Since they cannot appreciate
Allah'ssublime creative might and the perfection in Hiscreative
artistry, they come up with impossibleinterpretations such as"Islamic
evolution." When asked how the angels and djinn were created, these
people-who maintain that man progressed by way of evolution-will
answer,"Allah created them fromnothing." These people know that Allah
created the angels and djinn, butfail to reason that He created human
beings inthe same way. This is a very grave error. It is astonishing
that they cannot see that our Almighty Lord, Who created the angels
with the command to "Be!", also created man in exactly the same
In the Qur'an, Allah tells us that the djinn were created differently
from human beings, out of fire:
He created man from dryearth like baked clay; And He created the
djinnfrom a fusion of fire. (Surat ar-Rahman: 14-15)
As we are told in the Qur'an, the creation of the angels was also very
different to that of human beings. One versetells us this about how
angels were created:
Praise be to Allah, the Bringer into Being of theheavens and Earth, He
who made the angels messengers, with wings-two, three or four. He adds
to creation in any way He wills. Allah has power over all things.
(Surah Fatir: 1)
As you can clearly see from this verse, angels are also very different
from human beings in terms of appearance. It is also revealed in the
Qur'an that both the angels and the djinn were created before Man.
When Allah was about to create the Prophet Adam (pbuh), the first
human being, He commanded the angels and Diabolis, a djinn, to
prostrate themselves before the Prophet Adam (pbuh). One verse reveals
When We said to the angels, "Prostrate yourselves to Adam," they
prostrated with the exception of Diabolis. Hewas one of the djinn
andwantonly deviated from his Lord's command. Do you take him and his
offspring as protectors apart from Me when they are your enemy? How
evil is the exchangethe wrongdoers make! (Surat al-Kahf: 50)
Creation is an easy matter for Allah. Our Lord is He Who creates
without the need for a natural cause. If He created the angels and
djinns in different ways and out of nothing, thenHe also created Man
as a separate entity out of nothing, without the need for any
evolution. The same applies to other life forms such as animals and
plants. Allahcreated these living things out of nothing in a single
moment, without causing them toevolve-in other words, without turning
one species into another.
Muslims Who Defend Evolution Are Unable to Explain How the Prophet
Moses' (pbuh)Staff Turned into a Snake or How a Piece of Mud the
Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Breathed on Turned into a Bird and Flew Away
It is revealed in the Qur'an that when the Prophet Moses (pbuh) cast
his staff onto the ground it turned, by the will of Allah into a
living snake. When the Prophet Moses (pbuh) cast his staff on the
ground a dead piece of wood turned into a living snake, and when he
picked it up again a living snake turned backinto a piece of dead
wood. And when he cast it down again it again came to life. In other
words, an inanimate object comes to life, then dies, and then comes
back to life again.By this miracle, Allah constantly demonstrates His
creation. In verses it is revealed that:
He threw it down and SUDDENLY IT WAS A SLITHERING SNAKE. He said,
'Take hold of it and have no fear. We will return it to its original
form. (Surah Ta Ha, 20:21)
(We said to Moses,) 'Throw down what is in your right hand. It will
swallow up their handiwork. Their handiwork is just a magician's
trick. Magicians do not prosper wherever they go.' (Surah Ta ha, 69)
'Throw down your staff.' Then when he sawit SLITHERING LIKE A SNAKE
he turned and fled and did not turn back again. 'Have no fear, Moses.
In My Presence the Messengershave no fear.' (Surat an-Naml, 10)
At the moment when theProphet Moses (pbuh) cast the staff he was
holding down on the ground, as a blessing from Allah a lifeless piece
of wood turned into a living being that moved very fast and swallowed
up what other people had produced, in other words, a completely living
thing with a digestive system. Allah thus showed people an instance of
how He creates life from nothing. A living thing comes to life, just
by Allah's willing it to do so,by commanding it to "Be!" This miracle
bestowed by Allah on the Prophet Moses (pbuh), demolished the ancient
Egyptians' superstitious belief in evolution at a stroke. The people
around the Prophet Moses (pbuh) immediately realized thetruth,
abandoned their superstitious beliefs and turned to faith in Allah.
The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) also waged a campaign against paganthought,
pagan beliefs and a Judaism that had been corrupted. He told people
what was true and right, but he also first proved Creation. The Qur'an
states that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)made an object resembling a bird
out of clay, and that when he breathed on it, by the will of Allah,
the bird came to life:
Remember when Allah said, ''Jesus, son of Maryam, remember My blessing
to you and to your mother when I reinforced you with the Purest Spirit
so that you could speak to people in the cradle and when youwere fully
grown; and when I taught you the Book and Wisdom, and the Torah and
PERMISSION...(Surat al-Maida, 110)
This bird came to life outof inanimate matter through no natural
cause, by Allah's choosing and through a miracle. The bird is one of
the examples of Allah's sublime creation, with no previous model or
natural cause. It is impossible for those who wish to Islamicize
Darwinism to account for this.
Conclusion: Darwinism Has Collapsed, and Its Death Throes Are to No Avail
Science has revealed the invalidity of evolution. People have been
made aware and seen the truth thanks to the works, documentaries,
conferences and exhibitions setting out the facts. The Sun has risen
again, and even if some people seek, in their own eyes, to hide the
fact using tall tales and propaganda, it is impossible to put the
clock back. People have seen and examined fossils with their own eyes
in restaurants, pharmacies and shopping malls, and have witnessed the
fact that evolution never happened. Darwinists can hereafter tell
whatever tales they like, engage in whatever endless propaganda they
please and put as much pressure on as they care, but it will still be
impossible to keep evolution alive. Evolution has collapsed, and
Darwinism is dead. It is now time to bury it. Our advice to
evolutionists is to abandon their pointless efforts, behave in a
rational and logical way and accept that Darwinism is dead, rather
than ignore the scientific data.
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Thursday, May 30, 2013
The attempt to equate Islam with evolution is a passive, helpless, defeatist and meaningless one
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