Bediuzzaman Said Nursi is the great mujaddid (reviver) of the 13 th
century, blessed by Allah with superior knowledge and wisdom.In
producing such an important collection as the Treatise of Light ,
Bediuzzaman was a vehicle whereby, by Allah's leave, hundreds of
thousands of people attained the true path and deepened in faith, and
whereby non-believers came to have faith in Allah and tosee the truth.
In the hadith, our Prophet (saas) imparts the glad tidings that Allah
will send a mujaddid (a great scholar charged with imparting the truth
of religion according to therequirements of the age)at the beginning
of every century:
Certainly, the All-Mighty and Glorious Allah will send AN INDIVIDUAL
(one of knowledge) at the beginning of every century who will sort out
the superstitions interpolated into the religion of my community and
revive it.(Sunan Abu Dawud, 5/100)
Bediuzzaman also provided important information concerning the future
in the Treatiseof Light collection. His predictions have come true in
a miraculous way, and Allah inspired him with many facts thatwould
come about in the future. Although he lived half a century ago,
Bediuzzaman reported many events pertaining to our own day, which he
hoped would come topass. In his works he provided important details
regarding political events that would take place, the future of the
Islamic world, and situations various countries would encounter. For
example, he described social phenomena that took place in 1971 20
years before they took place, and his predictions cametrue to the
letter. (Rays, p. 260). During the famous Damascus Sermon Bediuzzaman
preached in 1951, regarding the state and future of the Islamic world,
he pointed to major developments that would occur in 1981, 1991 and
2001, and these events duly took place, just as described by
Bediuzzaman. (DamascusSermon, p. 27)
Another piece of information provided byBediuzzaman about the future
is related to the "collapse of communism" which would happen some 80
years after his day. Said Nursi announced this event, which nobody
could have imagined at the time, to a Russian soldier. (The Unknown
Aspects of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, p. 144, Istanbul: Nesil
Publishing.) Bediuzzaman also foretold the establishment of a European
Union (The Emirdag Addendum p. 499, Disputations p. 107)
Bediuzzaman also foresaw the date of his own death, and how his grave
would be desecrated, as well as the date this would take place, in a
poem he wrote in his work Lamaad (Glimmerings) in1921. (Letters, p.
89) As indicated by Said Nursi in that poem, he died in the year Hijri
1379. As hehad also stated in the poem, his grave was destroyed
shortly after his death, in Hijri 1380, and his holy body was
transferred elsewhere.
As in these examples, all the information and predictions regarding
the future provided by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi in his works came true.
There is no doubt that these are miraculous phenomena made possible by
the mercy of Allah. Therefore, other information imparted bysuch a
holy, foresighted and knowledgeable individual supported by the
sublime knowledge of Allah must also be carefully examined and
studied. In particular, it is important that the predictions and
information he provides about Hazrat Mahdi (as), who will come in the
End Times as a mercy for all Muslims, that will be described in the
pages that follow, must be studied with great excitement and
How Did Bediuzzaman Impart the Glad Tidings of the Coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as)?
As with the events and dates above, Bediuzzaman referred tomajor
events that would happen in the future in many parts of the Treatise .
Among these were portents of the EndTimes and the Hazrat Mahdi (as).
Bediuzzamanrelated that the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as), to whom he
referred as "the individual who is awaited and who will come a century
later" (Kastamonu Addendum, p. 57), is a promise of Allah and that it
would certainly come to pass asfollows:
"During the worst period of strife in the End Times, Allah will, no
doubt, send AN INDIVIDUAL OF LIGHT as the greatest MUJDAHID (an
Islamic scholar and leader who can bring in a verdict from verses of
the Qur'an and hadith when needed), and a MUJADDID (a reviver and a
great scholar who expounds the religion), and a JUDGE , and a MAHDI
(the one who, by Allah's will, leads to faith), and a MURSHID (a guide
to the truth) and aKUTB AL-ADHAM (the greatest guide to the true
path); and THAT INDIVIDUAL will be one ofthe line of the Prophet
(saas) ... With HAZRAT MAHDI (as), the Great Lord of Glory CAN
Hewill surely fulfill His promise." (Letters, p. 411-412)
Bediuzzaman refers to the Hazrat Mahdi (as) very clearly and in great
detail in his works, for Hazrat Mahdi (as) is the mujaddid (reviver of
the religion) who was to appear in the century following his own and
also because he was a blessed individual Muslims have been awaiting
with great excitement and enthusiasm for 1400 years. The Treatise of
Light refers to portents of the End Times, the Prophet Jesus' (as)
descent to Earth, the community of the HazratMahdi (as), his duties,
and the fact that he will act together with the Prophet Jesus (as). In
addition, he provides important information regarding the timing of
the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as), the prevailing climate, the location
where he will begin his activities, the duties that distinguish him
from previous mujaddid and the people who will assist him in his work.
Bediuzzaman reported that he was a vanguard to Hazrat Mahdi (as)
whowould pave the way for him.
Bediuzzaman described the Hazrat Mahdi (as) and his helpers as "sacred
flowers who willcome in spring," and himself as "one of the vanguards
of this blessed individual," and stated that he was paving the ground
for Hazrat Mahdi (as) with his own services:
"I think of myself as a servant of that AWE-INSPIRING INDIVIDUAL who
will come in the future and as one of the soldiers of THAT GREAT
COMMANDER."(Barla Addendum, p. 162)
"Long ago I heard from one of the learned that; THAT INDIVIDUAL drew a
meaning from the hidden signs of the elders and concluded that: "A
light will appear from the East and will disperse all the
superstitions that would subsequently interpolateinto the religion." I
have much observed and observe the appearance of such a light. But
flowers appear in Spring. The ground needs to be prepared forsuch
sacred blooms. And we understood that withour service we are paving
the ground for those ONES HAVING LIGHT." (The Seal of the Unseen
Universe, 189; Letters, 34)
In the Kastamonu Addendum , Said Nursi described Hazrat Mahdi (as) and
his community as "LORDS OF THE END TIMES" and made it clear that, by
Allah's leave, Hazrat Mahdi (as) would definitely appear.
He also reported that Hazrat Mahdi (as) and hishelpers would
increasingly expand their spheres of influence and accomplish splendid
results through their efforts seeking solely Allah's consent.
In the End Times, the true lords of the broad sphere of life, in other
words the Hazrat Mahdi (as) and his FOLLOWERS, will come with Allah's
leave, will broaden that sphere, and those seeds will flourish. We, on
the other hand, shall watch from our tombs and givethanks to Allah.
(The Sealof the Unseen Universe, 138; Kastamonu Addendum, p. 72)
1) In this extract, Bediuzzaman refers to the coming of the
HazratMahdi (as) so clearly as to leave no room for anydoubt.
2) It can also be seen from this quotation that Bediuzzaman refers to
Hazrat Mahdi (as) as an individual who will come IN HIS OWN PERSONand
with his DISCIPLES, not as a spiritual entity.
How Does Bediuzzaman Distinguish Hazrat Mahdi(as) from other Mujaddid?
Bediuzzaman stated thatcertain Muslim individuals had also come in
previous centuries with the purpose of bringing Qur'anic moral values
to prevail on Earth, but thatnone of these had discharged the three
important tasks that Hazrat Mahdi (as) would perform in the End Times.
(Emirdağ Addendum, p. 260)
In addition, Said Nursi stated that these people who came before
Hazrat Mahdi (as) did not conform to the attributes our Prophet (saas)
described in the hadith:
1. Although the names and states of the two dajjals are different,
they are confused in reliable accounts, and one is thought to be the
other. The states of THE GREAT MAHDI (as) are incompatible with
accounts referring to previous mahdis and they can be counted as the
hadith that can have various meanings. (Rays, p. 582)
1) Here, Bediuzzaman says that there are two different kinds of mahdi.
The first are the PREVIOUS MAHDIS, and the other is the GREAT MAHDI
(AS) who will come in the End Times.
2) The attributes of the previous mahdi do not conform to those of the
"great Mahdi (as)" described in the hadith.
3) Said Nursi states that no mujaddid apart from the Hazrat Mahdi (as)
will be able to discharge the three tasks performed by the Hazrat
Mahdi (as) at one and the same time:
"I have many times indicated in my letters that THE SPIRITUAL ENTITYOF
If Doomsday doesnot come to pass very soon and people do not totally
turn away from the (true) path, then we hope from the mercy of Allah
that his communityand sayyids (those descended from the line of the
Prophet Muhammad (saas)) will perform those duties. AND HE WILL HAVE
THREE GREAT DUTIES. (Emirdağ Addendum, p. 259)
1) In this extract, Bediuzzaman refers to the Hazrat Mahdi (as) and
his blessed community. Here, it is clear that these are two distinct
- Who represents the blessed community? The Hazrat Mahdi (as).
- What does the Hazrat Mahdi (as) represent? Hisblessed community.
2) There will be a community LED AND REPRESENTED BY THE HAZRAT MAHDI
(AS). This blessed community will constitute the spiritual entity of
the Hazrat Mahdi (as).
- Here, Bediuzzaman refers to the Hazrat Mahdi (as) who will appear in
the End Times having not one or two duties, but THREE DUTIES, and that
he will discharge these duties together with the community he
- He reports that these three duties are some of the most important
signsdistinguishing him from earlier mahdis and his being the GREAT
- In this extract Bediuzzaman makes no distinction between the
political Mahdi (as), the Mahdi of Authority or the Religious Mahdi
(as), and states that the Hazrat Mahdi (as) he describes as the GREAT
MAHDI (AS) will possess these three attributes together.
C) … we expect from the Divine Mercy that HIS community and the
sayyids (those descendedfrom the line of the Prophet Muhammad (saas))
will discharge these duties…
- In saying this, Bediuzzaman is making it clear that the community
led and represented by the Hazrat Mahdi (as) will discharge these
D) ... and HE will have THREE GREAT DUTIES…
- It is once again made clear that it is the HAZRATMAHDI (AS) who will
discharge these three great duties.
AUTHORITY, AND THE SPHERE OF STRUGGLE, and since at times of despair
in every century there is a need for the likelihoodthat a Mahdi or
kind of Mahdi will come to their assistance to reinforce spiritual
power; by Allah's mercy, a kind of Mahdi (descended from the line of
the Prophet (saas)) has come in everyage, and maybe every century, and
protected the path described and revealed by the Holy Qur'an and
revived it... (Rays, p. 590)
In this extract, Bediuzzaman again refers to the three great duties to
be discharged by the Hazrat Mahdi (as) who will come in the End Times.
It can once again be seen that it is the GREAT MAHDI (as) who will
have all these attributes, rather than being merely a POLITICALMAHDI,
Bediuzzaman has also provided information about the climate in which
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will work
…Such a grand community (of great sayyids descended from the Prophet
(saas)) will revive the blessed powerwithin itself and great events
By the statement, "That great urge to protect Islam will rejoice",
Bediuzzaman says that great events will take place that will cause
Muslims to rejoice and increase their urge to protect Islam. This
climate comes into existence today, in otherwords, in the End Times.
The difficult climates being established against Islam and Muslims in
various parts of the world create in Muslims a desire to protect
Islam, which in turn urge Muslims to look for solutions.
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi has reported that as a result of these
endeavors to protect Islam, and with the Hazrat Mahdi (as) assuming
the leadership,this holy individual will lead people to the righteous
path and the truth.
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi has also informed about the dates the Hazrat
Mahdi (as) will dischargethese duties
In Hijri 1327, Bediuzzaman preached to a congregation of 10,000 people
in the Omayyad Mosque in Damascus. In this sermoncalled the Damascus
Sermon, he made explanations regarding the future of the Islamic world
after Hijri 1371 and drew attention to the Hazrat Mahdi's (as)
struggle and victory, providing various dates from the End Times:
Even if it does not happen now, 30-40 YEARS LATER, together with
science and genuine skills (knowledge gained by skills, art, wisdom
and science) and equipping the beneficial aspects of civilization with
those three forces, (he) will send the urge to search the truth,
conscience and human love to the front of those nine hostile classes
in order to meet the needs and defeat and disperse those nine
obstacles. Insha'Allah, HALF A CENTURY LATER, he will eradicate them
all. ( Damascus Sermon , p. 25)
Bediuzzaman's DamascusSermon is of great importance in terms of the
dates he provided regarding the time when the Hazrat Mahdi (as) would
be serving :
1981-1991 – The Hazrat Mahdi (as) begins his activities
1) … even if it does not happen now, 30-40 YEARS LATER…
By this date he provides, Bediuzzaman is referring to the Hijri years
1401-1411, 30-40 years after the preaching of the sermon. This is the
equivalent of 1981-1991 according to the Western calendar.
2001- Hazrat Mahdi's (as)victory over materialist philosophy.
2) … Insha'Allah, HALF A CENTURY LATER, he will eradicate them all…
In this final part of the above extract Said Nursi says that the
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will complete this task within 50 years.In other
words, he is indicating that the influence of materialist, Darwinist
and atheist philosophies over people will come to an end in as short a
time as a decade. This date equates to Hijri 1421, or 2001.
2004 – People move towards Qur'anic moral values under the leadership
of the Hazrat Mahdi (as)
Another date, given by Bediuzzaman in the Treatise of Light
collection, regarding thestruggle and dominion of the Hazrat Mahdi
(as) refers to 2004. Bediuzzaman provided the following information
about the verse; "They desire to extinguish Allah's Light with their
mouths. But Allah refuses to do other than perfect His Light, even
though the unbelievers detest it."( Surat at-Tawba: 32) It has now
come to memory that if the letters "lam" and "mim" bearing gemination
marks in the part of the verse, "Allah refuses to do other than
perfect HisLight" are counted double, then the individuals who will
put an end to oppression a century later may be the students of Hazrat
Mahdi(as)." (Rays, p. 605)
Bediuzzaman reports that the numerological value of this verse equates
to Hijri 1424, in other words to 2004, and that this date points to
one of the stages in the world dominance of Qur'anic moral values
under the leadership of the Hazrat Mahdi (as).
2008 – The Victory of Moral Values of the Qur'an under the Leadership
of the Hazrat Mahdi (as)
Another account provided by Bediuzzaman regarding the future victory
and dominion of Qur'anic moral values reads:
The hidden meaning of this verse confirms the verse "As for those who
make Allah their friend, and His Messenger and those who have faith:
it is the party of Allah who are victorious!." ( Surat al-Ma'ida: 56)
Because there is no doubt that if the letter 'nun' with the gemination
mark in the verse "… it is the party ofAllah who are victorious!." (
Surat Al-Ma'ida: 56) is counted singly, then in agreement with the
preceding verse, this indicates that it coincides with two differences
to the date 1302, the time when someone, who became the means to the
activities of the supporters of the Qur'an,began reading the Qur'an,
and if counted asdouble, then this indicates 1350; and this is a
secret sign indicating a time when the people of the Qur'an who serve
It with all their might and who gather around the Treatise of Light ,
prepared with the information obtained from the Qur'an, will enjoy a
spiritual victory over perversion and atheism and a total victory in
the future. (8 th Glance, Qaramat al-Ghaswiya)
In these words Bediuzzaman Said Nursi says that the numerological
value of the verse "… it is the party of Allah who are victorious!."
(Surat Al-Ma'ida: 56) equates to Hijri 1350 and that Qur'anic moral
values will be victorious on this date. However, he also reminds us
that it contains a secret sign regarding another period, like the
former, in which Qur'anic moral values will prevail. In fact, when the
initial Arabic letter "fe" at the beginning of the Arabic script is
included in the calculation, the numerological value rises to 80; 1350
plus 80 gives Hijri 1430, or 2008 in the Western calendar. By Allah's
leave, as Bediuzzaman says, the verse indicates that Qur'anic moral
values will enjoy a complete victory over Darwinist, materialist and
atheist philosophies. (Allah knows the truth.)
Bediuzzaman has described the three important duties distinguishing
the Hazrat Mahdi (as) from previous mahdis thus:
The first duty of the Hazrat Mahdi (as): The intellectual struggle
against materialist, Darwinist and atheist philosophies
An irreligious movementborn out of Darwinist, atheist and materialist
philosophy will increasingly spread through materialist philosophy in
the End Times and gather strength and reach to a point of denying the
existence of Allah. (Emirdag Addendum, p. 259)
Bediuzzaman states that atheist philosophies will pose a threat in the
End Times, and that Darwinist and materialist philosophies in
particular will draw strength from atheism and reach a dangerous point
of denying the existence of Allah. Therefore, he states, the first
duty of the Hazrat Mahdi (as) is to make an intellectual struggle
against materialist thinking, in other words the materialist,
Darwinist and atheist philosophies based on denial of Allah, and to
entirely eliminate the influence of these philosophies on people:
First; under the influenceof science and philosophy, and the spread of
materialism, Darwinism and atheism epidemic spreading into humanity,
the first duty of the Hazrat Mahdi (as) is first of all to SAVE
Toprotect the faithful from perversion…(Emirdag Addendum, p. 259)
Bediuzzaman emphasizes that this is the first and most precious duty
of the Hazrat Mahdi (as); the most important, precious and greatest
duty among the three duties of THE INDIVIDUAL WHO WILL COME IN THE END
TIMES, and awaited by the community, is to propagate faith based on
proof and protect thefaithful from perversion.(The Seal of the Unseen
Universe, p. 9)
The Hazrat Mahdi's (as) second duty:
Establishing the Islamic Union
Bediuzzaman states that the Hazrat Mahdi's (as) second duty is that of
establishing the Islamic Union. The Hazrat Mahdi (as) will unite
Muslims who are fragmented in various groups. He will revive Islamic
morality and virtues with the Sunnah of our Prophet (saas).
"The Hazrat Mahdi's (as) Second Duty is to REVIVE THE ESSENCE OF ISLAM
with the title of the Caliph of Muhammad (saas). TAKING THE UNION OF
THE ISLAMIC WORLD as his foundation, it is to save people from
spiritual and physical dangers, and from the wrath of Allah. For this
duty, there needs to be afoundation, its servants, and an ARMY WITH
MILLIONS OF MEMBERS." (Emirdag Addendum, p. 259)
Hazrat Mahdi's (as) second duty is to REVIVE THE ESSENCE OF ISLAM
under his title of Caliph of Muhammad. (Emirdag Addendum, p. 259)
1) ...with the title of the Caliph of Muhammad…
-Bediuzzaman Said Nursisaid that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be the leader
of the Islamic world. In addition, by describing his rank as a title,
he indicates that all Muslimswill recognize Hazrat Mahdi (as) as being
worthy of that rank.
2) ...union of the Islamic world…
- Bediuzzaman said that Islamic countries, that were not united in
his day, would come together to establish theIslamic Union. He stated
that the Hazrat Mahdi (as) will protect Muslims from various threats
by making this union a basis.
3)… an army with millions of members ...
- Bediuzzaman reported that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have helpers as
he performs this task.
The Hazrat Mahdi's (as) third duty: Reviving moral values of the
Qur'an and the Sunnah of our Prophet (saas)
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will perform his third duty with the help and
support of the devoted sayyids (believers from the line of our Prophet
(saas)) and all other Muslims. He will be a means whereby moral values
of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of our Prophet (saas), which have
been—particularly under the influence of a materialist world
view—ignored since the time of our Prophet (saas), are revived and
His third duty: with the weakening of Qur'anic stipulation as times
with the spiritual assistance of all the faithful, and the cooperation
of the Islamic union, and the solidarity among Muslims, the ulama and,
in particular, the contribution of millions of devoted sayyids
(thosedescended from the line of the Prophet (saas)) who are mighty
and many in every century. (Emirdag Addendum, p. 260)
Bediuzzaman reports that the Hazrat Mahdi's (as) third duty is to
revive and implement several stipulations of the Qur'an which have
altered over time with the dominance of disbelief, with the help of a
community consisting of all Muslims and sayyids descended from our
Prophet (saas).
Elsewhere, Bediuzzamanstates that the third dutyof the Hazrat Mahdi
(as) is to unite Islamic community and to forge an alliance with the
Christian world. All the people around the world will acknowledge
these tasks, which the Hazrat Mahdi (as) will carry out in a broad
THAT INDIVIDUAL'S third duty is, by establishing the caliphate of
Islam upon the Islamic unity, to SERVE ISLAM IN ALLIANCE WITH
CHRISTIAN SCHOLARS. This duty can be fulfilled with great authority
and power and millions of devoted followers. The first duty is three
or four times more precious than those other two duties, yet since the
second and third tasks are in a very bright and broad sphereand of a
very glittering kind, they appear more important in the public eye.
(The Seal of the Unseen Universe, p. 9)
As for those who make Allah their friend, and His Messenger and those
who have faith: it is the party of Allah who are victorious! (Surat
Al-Ma'ida: 56)
What has been explained so far constitutes only a very small part of
Bediuzzaman's account regarding the coming ofthe Hazrat Mahdi (as) in
the End Times. However, even the very few extracts provided here are
sufficient to see that his account of the subject is too clear and
unequivocal to leave anyroom for doubt. Bediuzzaman has provided
Muslims with highly detailed information about matters such as the
date of Hazrat Mahdi's (as) appearance, the locationof his activities,
the subject of his activities and his community. Bediuzzaman Said
Nursi made the most accurate, foresighted and wise evaluations about
every subject he included in his works. By the will of Allah, the
information and glad tidings he provided about many subjects about
the future will also come true. No doubt, the glad tidings of our
Prophet (saas) regarding Hazrat Mahdi's (as) appearance,which are
explained in very clear and definite terms in the hadith is equally of
the greatest importance. It would be a grave error to ignore,
underestimate or misinterpret the statements on such an important
subject as the coming of the Hazrat Mahdi (as) made by such a blessed
figure, who is accepted to be the mujaddid (reviver) of the 13th
century. DespiteBediuzzaman Said Nursi's very definite proofs
regarding Hazrat Mahdi's (as) coming, it would be a serious errorto
seek to cover up this important fact by suggesting that the Hazrat
Mahdi (as) is merely a spiritual entity.
All the other informationprovided by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi in the
past have come true; by the will of Allah, all the portents to show
that he was not mistaken regarding the dates and information he gave
are also coming about.
There is no doubt that it is gladdest tidings for Muslims to live in
the time of such a blessed individual who will restore Islam to its
original essence, be a vehicle whereby people turn to faith and
establish a great union among Muslims. Every Muslim must show his
sensitivity on this subject. They must make great efforts to ensure
that such an important matter is fully revealed, and must reflect on
and investigate all the detailsprovided by Bediuzzaman in the lightof
this understanding. They must keep in mind that, due to some erroneous
beliefs, remaining aloof in the face of such good tidings, which the
entireIslamic world awaits, may be a cause of great embarrassment in
the future. - - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
- Tamil -- Urdu -- Kannada -- Telugu --*-
-*- *: ::->
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Hazrat Mahdi (as) was heralded by Bediuzzaman
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