THE HORROR SPLAYED on my face as I stepped into the logwood house,
when I saw blood smeared on the doorstep.My heart racing ahead of me
at the turning of events.
I surveyed the outskirts of the forest, hoping I didn't have to go
into it just yet. I tiptoed into thebroken doorway, and stepped over
pieces of unidentified objects strewn across the living room.
It looked like this house had just been a victim from a wild tornado
storm. Though, the outside was still standing. What was once a native
American sanctuary, was now destroyed.
I followed the trail of blood, hoping, praying that it wasn't Derryn's
or Satchel's blood, and frowned when I heard a small husky voice
comingfrom the hall. I gasped when I saw the wheelchair flipped to one
side, on the floor. Wheels still spinning, but no one occupying it.
"Aretha! Derryn!"
No answer except for the echo of my own voice bouncing off the walls.
I shifted stray furniture aside that somehow survived the onslaught,
glass crunching under mycowgirl boots. I hissed when a stray nail
struck my palm, as I shifted what used to be the dining suite table
out of my way.
"God! It's a disaster." I said, speaking my thoughts out loud.
I frowned when I heard something move in my left peripheral. I
reluctantly followed the small whimpers coming from behind the ripped
up couch and gasped when I saw Aretha lying on her stomach in a pool
of blood.
I rushed to her aid without a second thought, careful not to jolt her
in fear I would domore damage to her, but then covered my mouth when
I'd seen the rest of her body had been ripped into. The disfigurement
made me wonder how she was even still alive after something grotesque
looking like some animal had taken a bite out of her for the road. I
gulpedat the horrific scene, as Aretha's glassy eyes stared up at me
with a desperate plea.
"Please, save my daughter." She choked out, before her eyes glazed
over and the lights went out.
They were the last words she uttered, as I witnessed right before my
eyes, another death.
I swiftly wiped at my eyes, and draped a throwblanket over her, in
case Derryn happened to wander back in the house.
I shakily stumbled to my feet, checking the house for Derryn, or
Satchel, butknew it was a lost cause.
What I wasn't expecting was finding a huge wolf lying on the kitchen
floor. I smelt the wolf, and Sheeba's scent over powered my senses.
Her wolf form was a light gray, with little specks of brown spotted on
her back.
I nudged her with my foot, careful not to stand too close, to see if
she was dead, and a huff sounded. She was barely breathing.
Her big brown eyes fell sad, and I couldn't help but fell a loss for her death.
My eyes roamed her bodyand paused at the pitchfork stuck into her
stomach. Aretha and Sheeba must've fought each other, and both died
I knew she was dead as soon as her last huff sounded from her muzzle.
She was gone.
A scream sounded in the distance, muffled by the pine trees. I was
about torun into the forest, but thought better of it, sinceI would be
defenseless against a pack of wolves if I went out in human form.
Without so much as another thought, I stripped right in the entryway,
until my bare skin was exposed to the weather. I shivered a little,
and fell to my knees. Forcing my body to change.
I'd only ever done this once before, and that was out of my control.
Satchel had yet to tell me how to force my change. In fact, I'm not so
sure it was possible, but here's to trying. I squeezed my eyes shut,
picturing my wolf.
How white my fur was, how yellow my eyes were. I pictured it all,
andcleared my head of any human thoughts, until the last thought was
of Satchel and his sad expression of having to lose a mother, a
father, and maybe a little sister.
Come on! Change you piece of-
The first shudders escaped my body, and it was happening. Adrenaline
running through my veins, like something crawling under my skin.
The sweat followed, and Iwas shaking uncontrollably. Three minutes of
cracking bones, pain, and torture, I went through.
Until a fine trail of creamy white fur sprouted out of my limbs,and I
yelped arching my back, nose and mouth in the air as the last of my
transition passed, and myface extended into a muzzle.
My gums tingled as my teeth barred out of them.
Finally, I was huffing and puffing through my muzzle. The familiar
colorof brown on my left paw was now visible, and before I had any
thoughts to register, I was devoured by the forest, my ears perking up
every so often when I heard Derryn's scream.
It was louder in my wolf form, and it pointed me into my next
direction. It was also a good sign thatshe was still alive.
Dirt and gravel lifted up off the ground as I beat my paws into the
earth ata deadly run.
It felt good this time, I was attuned to my wolf now that it was a familiarity.
Not some foreign exchange anymore, like the last time. Just me, my
wolf and the forest. I passed another dead wolf on my travels, and I
knew it was Burrick. The wolf that was a sleaze, and had a rats tail.
Good riddance, I'd say.
I heard the howling, and the screaming closer now, and the minute I
saw commotion in the clearing.
I instantly knew Satchel was near, just by scent alone. The black and
grayblur in front of me confirmed my earlier suspicions as Satchel and
Trench fought each otherlike two rabid dogs fighting over food.
Both matched each other's height and stature along with skill. There
was a lot of howling, a lot of grunting, and lot of blood sprouting.
As soon as I was visible, I noticed Cairo had a struggling girl under
his brown and white paws. Derryn's red curls were covered in blood,
and dirt and I could smell it from here.
Let her go! I snarled, barring my teeth at the brown wolf Cairo.
His evil brown eyes challenged me to a dual, but he actually stopped
what he was doing for a second my voice soundedin his head. I stalked
forward, and paused when he lowered his jaws to Derryn's throat.
She's mine, for the taking. Cairo informed, ashe let out a potent
scent over her throat. Something similar to what Trench had done tome
all those weeks ago. I
realized he was marking her, and I couldn't do nothing as of yet, for
fearof accidently hurting Derryn. All I could do was glare, and snarl.
She's just a kid! I hissed.
His eyes were on me, but his jaws still enclosed around Derryns
throat. She'd stopped struggling,but I knew she was still alive from
the faint pitterpatter of her pulse sounding in my ears.
Not for long she isn't. He said, as more of his scent drifted into her
open mouth. I growled.
Stop! I growled, and to my astonishment. He did. As soon as his jaws
retreated from her throat.
I pounced on him, shoving him off Derryn, and landing on his stomach.
He was on all fours in a blink of an eye.I snapped my jaws at him, but
he just huffed inannoyance.
Both of us stalking in a circle, eyeing each other with bloodlust. My
head snapped over to Satchel'svoice.
Order them to stop. I tilted my head. Me? Ordertwo Alpha males to stop
what they're doing.
You're their Alpha Female. Do it, they have no choice but to listen.
Satchel demanded. My head still reeling about what Satchel was saying.
I could tell he was out of breath, even if he was just sending me
thoughts, because the sound of him huffing andpuffing as he fought
Trench off his back. A sickening howl sounded as he'd just torn off
Trench's ear
Stop. I urged the wolves to back off, but nothing was happening. Maybe
Satchel had too much faith in me.
Look into their eyes, Willy. Satchel howled a second later, as Trench
tore at his leg.
Now, Willy. Do it! He demanded. That was all ittook to get me into action.
I glared at Cairo.
Let the girl go, all of you stop fighting! I order youto stop fighting
I growled.
As soon as I let those words pass my mind, a rumble of throats
sounded, and then a pack of wolves retreated,that was unexpected
followed in tow.
I blinked, when all muzzles turned to me, and one by one, all four
huge wolves lowered their heads in my direction. The commotion stopped
to a standstill, and all eyes were on me, as they lowered their
muzzles ontheir front paws.
Even Satchel was bowing his head toward me. I looked at him, pointedly
asking him what he was doing. He just kept his muzzle down. Wait what
the hell just happened here? Trench, however had just lowered his
eyes, and stalked forward.
Come, Snow White. You belong with us. I barred my teeth.
No. I snarled, biting my jaws in anger.
Satchel nodded, and his glowing eyes were tryingto send me a message.
Go. He said. I looked fromSatchel, and back at Trench. He wanted me to
go? But why?
Go Willy. It's the only way. He looked from me to his sister Derryn
that was lying unconscious onthe ground. My eyes fell sad.
That was enough to pull me out of my thoughts, and do what he said. I nodded.
Okay…I'll come, but the girl lives. Trench nodded toward an all too
pissed Cairo.
Let her up, Cairo. Cairo was reluctant enough and it looked as if he
wanted to tear my throat up because of it.
What astonished me was the fact that he listened to his brother, and
his eyes flittered toward Derryn lying helpless on the ground. He had
a look on his face that he was coming back for her.
They retreated, backing up into the brush, leaving Derryn lying on the
ground, while Satchelwent to her aid. I shot a panicked look his way,
but he didn't return it.
Somehow, the look in hiseyes made it seem like this was not an act to
distract them, it looked like he really wanted me to go.
I winced when a shot ricocheted through the forest, and one of the
wolves at the back was on it's side, with a wide bullet wound on its
A howl broke loose, until the second bullet was planted in its head.
I'd barely been introduced to that wolf, all I know is his name was
Kora, and he was their far guard that hardly ever slept. One of the
white and gray wolves that had made up Trench's pack.
And all heads turned to the direction of the sound of a twig cracking
in the distance, and a group of humans materialized in the clearing
with identical shot guns hoisted on their shoulders.
I noticed Grams instantly as the one leading the group, with a gun
pointed at each and every one of us.
"Move one inch, and I shoot." Grams steadied the gun in her hand that
was directed at Trench. His gun-metal gray eyes glowered at her, but
he made no move to step forward, or even blink.
One of the big burly guys had his gun pointed toward Satchel, and the
horror on his eyes when he saw Derryn lying unconscious on the ground.
The other men, had their guns pointed atCairo, but they seemed tohave
missed me. Maybe they hadn't noticed me yet?
Their human eyes were solely on the unconsciousgirl.
I could only imagine what that scene must have looked like in his
head, but I was silently hoping he wasn't dumb enough to pull that
Grams thankfully orderedhim to hold fire. She really looked badass
withthat gun, but I couldn't help but feel sick to my stomach that she
was actually leading an army of poachers. Quite frankly, I didn't know
who had it worst. Her, or me.
"Move away from the girl, Black Wolf." She cocked her gun, to help
make her point come across. I tilted my head. She looked at him as if
she knew him.
Familiarity leaking out of her icy blue eyes. Satchel moved to the
side slowly,making no effort to startle the group. She spared me a
glance and frowned, though she didn't dwell on me, she was instantly
entranced from Satchel's wolf form.
Trench made a subtle movement, and all hell broke loose. Shots were
going off, and a blur of movements as all four of the male wolves,
dodged the bullets.
I was frozen in my spot not sure of what to do, until I saw everyone
had forgotten about Derryn.
They were all trying to dodge bullets, or dodge wolf bites, so I
ambled upto Derryn. I nudged her in the stomach, and she groaned.
I caught her top into my teeth, and dragged her backward, so that the
brush camouflaged us, until we were completelyswallowed up with the
As soon as we were a good distant away from all of the commotion, I
tucked her under a hedge so I could check if she had any wounds.
So far, most of the blood on her was Aretha's. I licked it off her,
cleaning her up so that her familiar face was recognizable.
None of the blood was hers. Thank God! I prodded her with my paw,
trying my best to wake her.
Derryn roused to consciousness. She blinked a couple of times,and
smiled when she sawme.
"Snow white?" She whispered. I burrowed my nose into her hands as a
comfort nod. She petted my fur, and her smile only got wider.
"Satchel was right; you look pretty as a wolf too." She sat up, wiping
grime and dirt off her face and hands, pulling leaves and twigs out of
her curls. Her head whipped around and looked toward the howling and
shots ringing out in the clearing. Her expression looked guarded, and
"Satchel, he might…" I shook my head, urging her to her feet. We had
to get out of the forest before daylight ended. She had her eyes still
on the far clearing, but I pulled her in the opposite
I took her to my estate, not wanting her to witness the horror that
was waiting for her at the logwood house.
I wasn't the best person to tell her about what happened to her
mother.God! I don't think I knew how to tell a seven year old that her
mother had died trying to protect her.
It was agonizing just thinking about it.
As soon as we were in the comfort of our house,I transformed back into
my human self and settled Derryn into the shower.
There were faint cuts andbruises on her stomach, but nothing too serious.
I refused to shower just yet, since I didn't want toleave Derryn out
of my sight.
That's when I decided to break the news to her about her mother. She
was shocked at first, but something about her expression was eerily
Like she accepted it, and it was just what happens in life. Not
something I expected from a seven year old to understand, but I guess
that just showed how much her mother and maybe Satchel had prepared
Hours passed, and night time was nearing it's peak again, and I
noticedDerryn had been quiet for once. She usually had something to
say, even it was to say the weather was too hot or cold for her
liking, so I knew she was taking her grief a different way.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She shook her head, and just smiled.
It was a little fabricated I noticed.
"Daddy knew it would happen. We all knew it was going to happen." She
said, as I tucked her in my bed, and sat on theedge, just stroking her
hair back.
She looked somehow older now, the pigments of her green eyes shadowed,
and she looked a little taller than I remembered.
"Are you hungry?" I asked, but she just shook her head. Instead, she
asked me the one question I'd been wondering since we'd left the
"Where's Satchel?" My eyes fell sad, and met herhopeful ones. I wasn't
sure if I should promise her false hope, or not. So I told her the one
thing I knew of what Satchel would do. I pulled the covers up to her
"He'll try make his way home to you, Der." She smiled, and burrowed
her head into the pillow, fluttering her eyes closed.
"And to you." She said, and I sat there, watching her fall asleep.
I checked the locks all over the house, shoving furniture in the way
to help secure the entrance from intruders. I knew it wouldn't keep
out werewolves, but it wouldhelp me alert them beforehand.
I showered and found some old clothes in the musty drawers.
Right now, I didn't care what I looked like. I was just happy Derryn
was home. Safe, tucked away in my room. I pulled a throw blanket off
the couch and settled in the window seat. Keeping the window latched
I shuddered when I gazed up at the moon. As if it was calling me. I
ignored the feeling, and lay my head on the window. My breath making
white clouds form on the glass. Night time was a little colder, and I
frowned when I heard the gallop of hooves approaching.
I sat up straighter, and squinted my eyes when I saw a dark figure
visible in the distance.
A topless man appeared down below with a slump figure draped overhis
right shoulder. I gasped when Satchel's body was carelessly dumped on
the porch, and in seconds, the male figure who'd just left himthere
swung himself overthe black stallion and galloped away.
I rushed down the stairs, pushing the furniture outof the way, and
swung the door open. I slowed my steps when I saw Satchel. Lying
there, on the porch in a comatose state. Covered in blood and dirt,
and I screamed.
If there were anybody in near distance, they would have heard my pleas.
Derryn hadn't heard me, she'd only went to sleep minutes before, but
she slept like the dead.
There was no one. Out in the country with miles and miles until
civilization, I was all alone.
I rushed to Satchel's aid, searching for a pulse with my index and
forefinger at his neck. Barely, a slow pulse throbbed. His skin felt
I dragged him over the threshold, though little progress I made since
he was extremely heavy compared to my wiry frame. But I put all my
weight into it, hooking my arms under his armpits, tugging him until
he was in the living room.
I was sweating just from that, heaving a few breaths before I
scrambled together a pileof blankets and made a makeshift bed out of
I was good at it, thanks to the grueling two weeks I'd stayed out in
the forest with the pack. Irolled Satchel over some of them and piled
more on top of him.
He was still so cold, I was afraid he'd catch hypothermia. So I did
theunthinkable, I stripped tomy underwear, and climbed on top of him.
Wrapping the blankets over top of us so that we were in our own little
cocoon, and lay on top ofhim. My body heat instantly warming him,
though his made me shiver a little. I just lay there, with my fingers
onhis neck, checking for a pulse. Still beating.
I sighed, and stayed like that for a while, until I was sweating from
his warmth. It must have been hours, as I lay on top of him. It wasn't
untilmy eyes felt heavy, that I knew I was about to fall to sleep.
I was exhausted. I fluttered my eyes closed, drifting off to sleep,
when I felt movement slice up the lower half of my body.
I frowned, shifting my head so I could see Satchel, and in the dim
lighting I could see his lids moving, while his hand started trailing
up the side of my leg and resting on the rump of my butt, he squeezed
His eyes opened, so that his glassy green eyes were visible.
"So, this is how you get a girl to strip? On the brink of death."
Satchel drawled in my ear. His voice was huskier than usual, and it
sent my body buzzing like live wire.
I chuckled, and refrained from hitting him in the chest. Smiling that
he was okay.
"Just know it won't happen again, if you do."I was just glad he was
talking. He chuckled.
He pulled my chin up with his hand, gently forcing me to look up at him.
"I'll take my chances." He murmured, tugging me down as he brushed his
lips over mine.
The silky swipe of his kisses drew me deeper into his seductive
caresses, and I let out a small groan as hands felt like butterfly
kisses over my body.
"Willy, I need you." He pulled me closer, and rolled me over so that
he was half on top of me. Hepulled away briefly, and Ifrowned at the
instant loss of his touch.
His piercing eyes roamed my face and I flushed from embarrassment when
his eyes lowered on the rest of my body.
This was my first time I'veleft my body open to someone to stare at,
and I was self consciously aware that his eyes were full of curiosity.
I was consumed under his gaze, and I felt a little more alive every
time he licked his lips, and the instant he beamed a smile, I felt
beautiful under his intense stare.
"We don't have to…you know, if you don't-" I hushed him with
anotherkiss, before I discouragedmyself into wanting this.
"I need you too, Satchel."I whispered, pulling him down to me, lightly
biting his bottom lip, informing him that I really really wanted to
behere, and doing this withhim. He groaned into my mouth, and that was
enough for me to know that so did he.
We molded into each other, getting lost in the gentle caresses, the
heated moment, and the pure thought of losing my self to the one
personI knew I loved.
A/N: Sorry for the wait guys. :) Hope you enjoyedthat. I was at a lost
for words trying to PG13 thatlast scene down, so I didn't have to rate
it. LOL Anyway, thoughts and criticism is welcomed. More should be up
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Sunday, December 30, 2012
Visit - Story - , Moons Peak [FINISHED]- Alpha Female (chapter 23)
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