List of star names having Arabic origin
In the following, we present a list of Arabic Star Names. This list
does not contain all documented star names in the Arabic nomenclature.
Note also that some stars may have more than one Arabic name (such as:
Gamma Gem, Eta UMa, Beta Cet, Lambda Ori, Alpha Psc, Beta Ori ), and
that some star names may be composites of Arabic and Latin words (such
as: Alula Australis (Xi UMa). Some of the above namesare still used in
the sky atlases, while others are rarely used, and others disappeared
from astronomical atlases.
No. Proper Name Arabic Name Meaning Star
01 Acamar Akhir an-Nahr End of the river Theta Eri
02 Achernar Akhir an-Nahr End of the river Alpha Eri
03 Acrab Al-'Aqrab The scorpion Beta Sco
04 Acubens Az-Zubana The claw Alpha Cnc
05 Adhafera Ad-Dafirah The curl Zeta Leo
06 Adhara Al-'Adhara The maidens Epsilon CMa
07 Ain 'Ain "Eye" of the Bull Epsilon Tau
08 Albali Al-Bali' The swallower Epsilon Aqr
09 Alchibah Al-Khiba' The tent Alpha Crv
10 Aldebaran Ad-Dabaran "Follower" of the Pleiades Alpha Tau
11 Alderamin Adh-Dhira' al-Yamin ? The right forearm ? Alpha Cep
12 Alfirk Al-Firq The flock Beta Cep
13 Algedi Al-Jady The goat Alpha Cap
14 Algenib Al-Janb The flank Gamma Peg
15 Algieba Al-Jabhah "The forehead" of the lion Gamma Leo
16 Algebar Al-Jabbar The giant Beta Ori
17 Algol Al-Ghul The ghoul Beta Per
18 Algorab Al-Ghurab The raven Delta Crv
19 Alhena Al-Han'ah The brand-mark Gamma Gem
20 Alioth Al-Jawn The black horse Epsilon UMa
21 Alkaid Al-Qa'id "Leader" of the mourning maidens Eta UMa
22 Alkes Al-Ka's The cup Alpha Crt
23 Almak 'Anaq al-Ard Earth-kid Gamma And
24 Almeisan Al-Maisan The shining one Gamma Gem
25 Alnair An-Nayyir The bright one Alpha Gru
26 Alnair An-Nayyir The bright one Zeta Cen
27 Alnilam An-Nidham The string of pearls Epsilon Ori
28 Alnitak An-Nitaq The belt Zeta Ori
29 Alphard Al-Fard The solitary one Alpha Hya
30 Alphecca Al-Fakkah "The broken" ring of stars Alpha CrB
31 Alpheratz Surrat al-Faras Navel of the steed Alpha And
32 Alsafi Al-Athafi "The tripods" for cooking on Sigma Dra
33 Alsuhail Suhail Un-translated Lambda Vel
34 Altair At-Ta'ir "The flying" eagle Alpha Aql
35 Altais At-Tinnin The great serpent Delta Dra
36 Alterf At-Tarf "The glance" of the lion Lambda Leo
37 Aludra Al-'Udhrah The maidenhead Eta CMa
38 Alula Australis Al-Qafzah al-Ula The southern one of "thefirst leap" Xi UMa
39 Alula Borealis Al-Qafzah al-Ula The northern one of "thefirst leap" Nu UMa
40 Alya Al-Alyah The fatty tail of a sheep Theta Ser
41 Angetenar 'Arjat an-Nahr Curve of the river Tau2 Eri
42 Ankaa Al-'Anka' Phoenix Alpha Phe
43 Arkab Al-'Urqub The heel-tendon Beta Sgr
44 Arneb Al-Arnab The hare Alpha Lep
45 Arrakis Ar-Raqis The dancer Mu Dra
46 Atik Al-'Atiq "The shoulder" of the Pleiades Omicron Per
47 Auva Al-'Awwa' The barker Delta Vir
48 Azha Al-Udhi The hatching-place Eta Eri
49 Baham Al-Biham The livestock Theta Peg
50 Baten Kaitos Batn Qaytus Belly of Cetus Zeta Cet
51 Beid Al-Baid The eggs Omicron1 Eri
52 Benetnash Banat Na'sh Daughters of the bier Eta UMa
53 Betelgeuse Yad al-Jauza' Hand of Orion Alpha Ori
54 Botein Al-Butain The little belly Delta Ari
55 Caph Al-Kaff "The palm" of the Pleiades Beta Cas
56 Celbalrai Kalb ar-Ra'i The shepherd's dog Beta Oph
57 Chort Al-Kharat The rib Theta Leo
58 Cursa Al-Kursi The chair Beta Eri
59 Dabih Sa'd adh-dhabih The lucky star of "the slaughterer" Beta Cap
60 Deneb Dhanab ad-Dajajah Tail of the hen Alpha Cyg
61 Deneb Dhanab ad-Dulfin Tail of the Dolphin Epsilon Del
62 Deneb Algedi Dhanab al-Jady Tail of the goat Delta Cap
63 Deneb Kaitos Dhanab Qaytus Tail of Cetus Beta Cet
64 Denebola Dhanab al-Asad Tail of the lion Beta Leo
65 Diphda Ad-Difdi' The frog Beta Cet
67 Dschubba Al-Jabhah "The forehead" of the scorpion Delta Sco
68 Dubhe Ad-Dubb The bear Alpha UMa
69 Dziban Adh-Dhi'ban The two wolves Psi Dra
70 Edasich Adh-Dhikh The hyena Iota Dra
71 El Nath An-Nath The butting Beta Tau
72 Eltanin At-Tinnin The great serpent Gamma Dra
73 Enif Al-Anf The nose Epsilon Peg
74 Errai Ar-Ra'i The shepherd Gamma Cep
75 Fomalhaut Fam al-Hut Mouth of the fish Alpha PsA
76 Furud Al-Furud "Individual" stars Zeta CMa
77 Gienah Al-Janah The wing Gamma Crv
78 Gienah Al-Janah The wing Epsilon Cyg
79 Gomeisa Al-Ghumaisa' The bleary-eyed one Beta CMi
80 Hadar Hadar Un-translated Beta Cen
81 Hamal Al-Hamal The ram Alpha Ari
82 Heka Al-Haq'ah The white spot Lambda Ori
83 Homam Sa'd al-humam The lucky star of "the high-minded man" Zeta Peg
84 Izar Al-Izar The loin-cloth Epsilon Boo
85 Jabbah Al-Jabhah "The forehead" of the scorpion Nu Sco
86 Kaffaljidhma Al-Kaff al-Jadhma' The cut-short hand Gamma Cet 87
Kaus Australis Al-Qaus The southern one of "thebow" Epsilon Sgr
88 Kaus Borealis Al-Qaus The northern one of "thebow" Lambda Sgr
89 Kaus Media Al-Qaus The middle one of "the bow" Delta Sgr
90 Keid Al-Qaid The broken egg-shells Omicron2 Eri
91 Kitalpha Qit'at al-Faras Part of the horse Alpha Equ
92 Kokab Al-Kaukab The star Beta UMi
93 Kurhah Al-Qurhah "The blaze" on a horse's brow Xi Cep
94 Lesath Al-Las'ah The sting Upsilon Sco
95 Maasym Al-Mi'sam The wrist Lambda Her
96 Maaz Al-Ma'z The he-goat Epsilon Aur
97 Marfik Al-Mirfaq The elbow Lambda Oph
98 Markab Mankib al-Faras "The shoulder" of the horse Alpha Peg
99 Matar Sa'd Matar The lucky star of "the rain" Eta Peg
100 Mebsuta Al-Mabsutah "The outstretched" paw Epsilon Gem
101 Megrez Al-Maghriz "The insertion-point" of the Bear's tail Delta UMa
102 Meissa Al-Maisan The shining one Lambda Ori
103 Mekbuda Al-Maqbudah "The pulled-in" paw Zeta Gem
104 Menkalinan Mankib Dhi-al-'Inan Shoulder of the rein-holder Beta Aur
105 Menkar Al-Minkhar The nostril Alpha Cet
106 Menkib Al-Mankib "The shoulder" of the Pleiades Xi Per
107 Merak Al-Maraqq The loins Beta UMa
108 Mintaka Al-Mintaqah The belt Delta Ori
109 Mirak Al-Mi'zar The loin-cloth Beta And
110 Mirfak Al-Mirfaq "The elbow" of the Pleiades Alpha Per
111 Mizar Al-Maraqq The loins Zeta UMa
112 Mothallah Al-Muthallath The triangle Alpha Tri
113 Muphrid Al-Mufrid The solitary one Eta Boo
114 Murzim Al-Murzim The roarer Beta CMa
115 Nashira Sa'd Nashirah The lucky star of Nashirah (un-translated) Gamma Cap
116 Nekkar Al-Baqqar The cattleman Beta Boo
117 Nasl An-Nasl The arrowhead Gamma Sgr
118 Nihal An-Nihal The camels quenching their thirst Beta Lep
119 Nusakan An-Nasaqan The two series Beta CrB
120 Okda Al-'Uqdah The knot Alpha Psc
121 Phact Al-Fakhitah The dove Alpha Col
123 Phad Al-Fakhidh The thigh Gamma UMa
124 Pherkad Al-Farqad The calf Gamma UMi
125 Rasalased Ra's al-Asad Head of the lion Mu Leo
126 Rasalgethi Ra's al-Jathi Head of the kneeling one Alpha Her
127 Rasalhague Ra's al-Hawwa' Head of the snake-man Alpha Oph
128 Rastaban Ra's ath-Thu'ban Head of the snake Beta Dra
129 Rigel Ar-Rijl The foot Beta Ori
130 Rigilkent Rijl Qanturus Foot of the centaur Alpha Cen
131 Risha Ar-Risha' The rope Alpha Psc
132 Rukbah Ar-Rukbah The knee Delta Cas
133 Rukbat Ar-Rukbah The knee Alpha Sgr
134 Sabik As-Sabiq The preceding Eta Oph
135 Sadachbia Sa'd al-Akhbiyah Lucky star of the tents Gamma Aqr
136 Sadalbari Sa'd al-Bari' Lucky star of the excellent one Mu Peg
137 Sadalmelik Sa'd al-Malik Lucky star of the king Alpha Aqr
138 Sadalsuud Sa'd as-Su'ud Luck of lucks Beta Aqr
139 Sadr As-Sadr The breast Gamma Cyg
140 Saiph As-Saif The sword Kappa Ori
141 Scheat As-Saq The leg Beta Peg
142 Shaula Ash-Shaulah The raised tail of the scorpion Lambda Sco
143 Shedir As-Sadr The breast Alpha Cas
144 Sheratan Ash-Sharatan The two signs Beta Ari
145 Sirrah Surrat al-Faras Navel of the steed Alpha And
146 Skat As-Saq The leg Delta Aqr
147 Sulafat As-Sulahfah The tortoise Gamma Lyr
148 Tania Australis Ath-Thaniyah The southern one of "thesecond" leap Mu UMa
149 Tania Borealis Ath-Thaniyah The northern one of "thesecond" leap Lambda UMa
150 Talitha Australis Ath-Thalithah The southern one of "thethird"
leap Kappa UMa
151 Talitha Borealis Ath-Thalithah The northern one of "thethird" leap Iota UMa
152 Tarf At-Tarf "The glance" of the lion Beta Cnc
153 Thuban Ath-Thu'ban The snake Alpha Dra
154 Unukalhai 'Unuq al-Hayyah Neck of the snake Alpha Ser
155 Vega Al-Waqi' "The stooping" eagle Alpha Lyr
156 Wasat Wasat as-Sama' "Middle" of the sky Delta Gem
157 Wazn Al-Wazn The weight Beta Col
158 Wezen Al-Wazn The weight Delta CMa
159 Yed Prior Al-Yad The preceding one of"the hand" Delta Oph
160 Yed Posterior Al-Yad The succeeding one of"the hand" Epsilon Oph
161 Zaniah Az-Zawiyah The angle Epsilon Vir
162 Zaurac Az-Zawraq The boat Gamma Eri
163 Zavijava Zawiyat al-'Awwa' Angle of the barker Beta Vir
164 Zubenelgenubi Az-Zuban al-Janubi The southern claw Alpha Lib
165 Zubeneshamali Az-Zuban ash-Shamali The northern claw Beta Lib
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Saturday, December 15, 2012
List of star names having Arabic origin
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