Ummul Momeneen Ayesha the daughter of the first Caliph Abu Bakr, and
the widow of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.), was in Makka for the
pilgrimage when third Caliph Uthman was killed.She had always expected
either Talha or Zubayr to succeed him and when she heard of Imam Ali's
(A.S.) appointment as Caliph, she was very upset. And said, 'By God!
Uthman was innocent, I will avenge his blood.'
Both Talha & Zubayr were brothers-in-law of Ummul Momeneen Ayesha. Her
youngest sister was the wife of Talha, who was also a cousin of her
father. Her eldest sister was a wife ofZubayr, whose son Abdullah was
adopted byUmmul Momeneen Ayesha.
Ummul Momeneen Ayesha was a jealous woman. Now she declared herself as
the avenger of the murder ofUthman and prepared to wage war against
Imam Ali (A.S.), whom she had always hated.
She managed to recruit the support of the powerful clan of Bani
Umayyah, to whom Uthman had belonged. The ex-governors of Uthman, who
had been replaced by Imam Ali (A.S.), also joined her.
Yala the ex-governor of Yemen carried off to Makka all the treasure
from Yemen when he was deposed. Amountingto sixty thousand Dinars,
which he made over to Ummul Momeneen Ayesha along with six hundred
camels, one of which was a rarity, a big-sized, well bred animal,
valued at 200 gold pieces. It was named Al-Askar and was specially
presented for the use of Ummul Momeneen Ayesha.
Talha and Zubayr also joined her, in spite of their oath of allegiance
to Imam Ali (A.S.). A large number of Arabs were also paid to enlist
in the army, whose fathers and brothers had been killed by Imam Ali
(A.S.) in defending the Prophet's (S.A.W.) cause on the occasion of
various wars in his time. Many a discontented Arab flocked under the
The preparations of war having been completed, Ummul Momeneen Ayesha's
army proceededto Basra. Before leaving, she had asked Umme Salma, a
faithful widow of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.), to accompany her. Umme
Salma had indignantly refused, reminding Ummul Momeneen Ayesha that
the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) had said that Imam Ali (A.S.) was his
successor and whoever disobeyed him, disobeyed the Holy Prophet
(S.A.W.) himself. She also reminded her of the time when he had
addressed all his wives saying that the dogs of Hawab would bark at
one of his wives, who would be part of a rebellious mob. She then
warned Ummul Momeneen Ayesha not to be fooled by the words of Talha
and Zubayr who would only entangle her in wrong deeds. This advice had
a sobering effect on Ummul Momeneen Ayesha, who almost gave up her
plan. However, her adopted son, Abdallah bin Zubayr, convinced her to
go ahead.
Ummul Momeneen Ayesha mounted on a litter on the camel al-Askar, and
marched from Makka at the head of 1,000 men. On her right was Talha
and on her left, Zubayr. On their way many more joined them, swelling
their numbers to 3,000.
On the way to Basra, the rebel army received newsthat Imam Ali (A.S.)
had come out of Madina in their pursuit. They decided to leave the
main road and proceed to Basra through a different route. When they
passed through the valley of Hawab the dogs of the village
surroundedUmmul Momeneen Ayesha's camel, barking loudly. She was
immediately worried andasked for the name of the place. When she was
told it was Hawab, she was shocked and she despairingly cried, "Alas!
Alas! I am the wretched woman of Hawab. The Prophet of Allah had
already warned me against this."
She got off her camel andrefused to go any further. Talha and
Zubayrtried to convince her thatthe place was not Hawab and even
brought 50 witnesses to testify to this lie, but in vain. This issaid
to be the first occasion of false evidence given publicly since the
dawn of Islam. Finally, they raised a cry that Imam Ali (A.S.) was
approaching, and UmmulMomeneen Ayesha, struckwith terror, quickly
remounted and the march was resumed.
The army reached Basra and camped in the suburbs. Ummul Momeneen
Ayesha, Talha and Zubayr began talks with the leading citizens of
Basra, trying to get their support for their cause. In this they
failed and were subjected to ridicule.
Finally, some of them entered the city and during the congregational
prayers, they treacherously captured Imam Ali's (A.S.) governor,
Uthman bin Huneif, after killing 40 of his guards. Fighting broke out
in the city and many of Imam Ali's (A.S.) supporters were killed
before Ummul Momeneen Ayesha gained control of Basra. The governor,
Uthman, suffered the indignity of having his eyebrows, moustache and
beard plucked out, hair by hair, before being turned out of the city.
Meanwhile, Imam Ali (A.S.) had received information about Ummul
Momeneen Ayesha's plans from Umme Salma, and news of the disturbances
in Makka and Basra also came through.
Imam Ali (A.S.) made immediate plans to march towards Basra but could
only raise 900 men with difficulty. This was because the people were
reluctant to fight Ummul Momeneen Ayesha, who was considered to be the
Mother of the Faithful by virtue of being the widow of the Holy
Prophet (S.A.W.). Also, Muawiya had succeeded in making people think
that Imam Ali (A.S.) was somehow involved in themurder of Uthman.
In Kufa, Imam Hasan (A.S.)raised 9,000 men, and other units arrived as
well, all joining Imam Ali (A.S.) at his camp at Zhi-Q'ar. Meanwhile,
Uthman bin Huneif arrived with fresh news from Basra. Imam Ali (A.S.)
smiled and said to him that he had left themas an old man but had
returned as a beardless youth.
Imam Ali (A.S.) wrote letters to Ummul Momeneen Ayesha, Talha and
Zubayr, warning them against the unwise steps they had taken, but his
words were ignored. Finally he marched to Basra at the head of 20,000
Ummul Momeneen Ayesha's forces numbered 30,000 but they were mostly
raw recruits, while Imam Ali's (A.S.) army was full of battle
In Basra, the sight of Imam Ali's (A.S.) men in battle formation
filled Ummul Momeneen Ayesha and her comradeswith terror. Imam Ali
(A.S.) talked at length with Talha and Zubayr, negotiating for peace.
Hereminded them of the words of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) regarding
his authority, which they both admitted they had heard.Zubayr was
ashamed of his deeds and left the scene but Talha remaineddoubtful.
Ummul Momeneen Ayesha was furious at the conduct of the two and
ordered a raid at nighttime to end the chance of peace.
The next morning UmmulMomeneen Ayesha mounted her camel al-Askar and
urged her troops to prepare for battle. Thus began the unfortunate
Battle of Jamal (Camel), where Muslims fought each other for the first
time. Although outnumbered, Imam Ali (A.S.) and his soldiers were too
skilled to be defeated. Soon victory began to incline towards Imam Ali
(A.S.). Talha was wounded and later died. Ummul Momeneen Ayesha's
camel was brought downand Imam Ali (A.S.) ordered her brother Muhammad
bin Abu Bakr to take care of Ummul Momeneen Ayesha.
After that, the battle was soon over, and Imam Ali (A.S.) declared a
general amnesty for all the rebels.
Ummul Momeneen Ayesha's plans had come to nothing and 10,000 men lay
dead as a result of her jealousy. In this battle Imam Ali (A.S.)
restrained his men from taking any war booty and all property found on
the battle ground wasgathered in the mosque of Basra, from where the
owners could claim their possessions.
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And Allah Knows the Best!
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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Monday, December 3, 2012
Islam - The battle of Jamal (Camel):
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