1. " 'O you who have believed; Aminu B'illahi [1] ' That is, 'O you
who have believed, believe in Allah in accord with the meaning
signified by the letter B.'..." (Quran 4:136)
2. "And of the people are some who say, 'We believe in Allah (in
accordwith the meaning of the letter B – that His Names comprise our
being) and the life after (that we willforever live the consequences
of our deeds),' but they are not believers (in accord with the meaning
of the letterB) ." (Quran 2:8)
3. "So believe in Allah, whose Names comprise the essence of your
being, and his Rasul, the Ummi Nabi, who believesin Allah, the essence
of his self, and what He disclosed..." (Quran 7:158)
4. "As for those who believe in Allah, the essence of everything, and
hold fast unto Him astheir essential reality - HUwill admit them to
grace ( rahmah ) and bounty (the awareness of the qualities of the
Names) and guide them to Himself (enable the observation of their
innermost essence) on a straight path ( sirat al-mustaqim ) ." (Quran
5. "And when it is said to them, "Believe what Allahhas revealed (the
knowledge that the Names of Allah comprise the entire existence,
yourvery being, and the knowledge of sunnatullah ) ," they say,"No,
rather, we will follow that which we found our fathers following
(external deification) ." What if their fathers were misguided and
failed to understand the reality?" (Quran 2:170)
6. "...Verily Allah is Ghani from the worlds." (In terms of His
Absolute Essence, Allah is free frombeing conditioned and limited by
the manifestedcompositions of His Names) (Quran 29:06)
7. "...There is nothing that resembles HU!..." (Quran 42:11)
8. "Every constructed sense of self (ego) on the earth (corporeal
life) is illusory (inexistent) . Al-Baqi (eternal, without being
subject to the concept of time) is the face (absolute reality) of your
Rabb (the meanings of the Names comprising your essence) , the
Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram ." (Quran 55:26-27)
9. "Sensory perception perceives Him not but He perceives (evaluates)
all perception..." (Quran 6:103)
10. "..Never can ' You ' (with your illusory self - ego) see
(comprehend) ' Me '... (Absolute Reality, Absolute 'I') ..." (Quran
11. "They did not justly appraise (the manifestations of the qualities
denoted by the name) Allah ..." (Quran 22:74)
12. "Rahman is established on the Throne" ( Rahman established His
sovereignty by creating the worlds [the existential world created by
the potential of the Names inherent in one's brain] with His Names),
i.e., Rahman observes His knowledge with His knowledge, in the quantum
potential) (Quran 20:5)
13. "Verily, when He wills a thing, His Command is, ' Kun = be ' (He
merely wishes it to be) , and it is (formed with ease) ! Subhan is He
in whose hand (governance) is the Malakut (the force of the Names) of
all things, and to Him you will be returned (the illusory self – ego
will come to an end and the Absolute Reality will be discerned) ."
(Quran 36:82-83)
14. "Within your own selves (the essence of the self) . Will you still
not see (discern) ?" (Quran 51:21)
15. "And whoever is blind (unable to perceive the truth) in this life
(outer life) will also be blind in the eternal life to come (inner
life) and further astray in way (of thought) ." (Quran 17:72)
16. "HU is the Al-Awwal (the first and initial state of existence) and
Al-Akhir (the infinitely subsequent One, to all manifestation) ,
Az-Zahir (the explicit, unequivocaland perceivable manifestation; the
Absolute Reality beyond the illusion) and Al-Batin ... (the
unperceivable reality within the perceivable manifestation, the
sourceof the unknown; the Absolute Self beyond the illusory selves) .
(There is nothing other than HU) ." (Quran 57:3)
17. "...We are closer to him (within the dimensions of the brain) than
his jugular vein!" (Quran 50:16)
18. "...And He is with you (the origin of your being) wherever you are
(as your reality exists with His Names) ... (This points to the unity
of existence beyond the illusion of duality) ." (Quran 57:4)
19. "...So wherever you turn, there is the face of Allah (you are face
to facewith the manifestation ofthe qualities denoted by Allah's
Names) ..." (Quran 2:115)
20. "...Be careful! Verily He is Al-Muhit (the One who forms the
existence of all things with the qualities of His Names) ." (Quran
21. "...Fear me (for you will face the consequences of your deeds
based on the mechanics of the system; sunnatullah) , if you are of the
believers." (Quran 3:175)
22. "...Which will tell them that man had no certainty in Our signs
(they were unable to observe the qualities of the names that comprise
their being) ." (Quran 27:82)
23. "...Verily, if you followtheir desires (ideas and wants formed by
their conditionings) after whathas come to you of knowledge be among
the wrongdoers (those who punish themselves as a result of their
failureto discern their essential reality) ." (Quran 2:145)
24. "Set your face (consciousness) as a Hanif (without the concept of
a deity-god, without making shirq to Allah, i.e. with the
consciousness ofnon-duality) towards the One Religion (the only system
and order) , the natural disposition ( fitrah ) of Allah (i.e. the
primary system and mechanism of the brain) upon which Allah has
created man. There is no change in the creation ofAllah. This is the
infinitelyvalid System ( deen al-qayyim ) but most people do not
know." (Quran 30:30)
25. "And We have createdthe heavens (the stages of manifestation
pertaining to the qualities denoted by the Names) and earth (man's
illusory world) and everything in between them in Absolute Truth."
(Quran 15:85)
26. "... Say: 'Allah' and let them amuse themselves in their empty
discourse (their illusory world) in which they're absorbed." (Quran
27. "...And you threw not,when you (illusory self; ego) threw, but it
was Allah who threw..." (Quran 8:17)
28. "He is not questioned for what He does! (as there is no duality!)
..." (Quran 21:23)
29. "...He creates whatever He wills..." (Quran 42:49)
30. "...Indeed, Allah does as He wills." (He forms what He wills to
manifestfrom His knowledge withPower; Knowledge – Will – Power) (Quran
31. "...Allah does as He wills (Allah manifests the qualities of His
Names that He wishes!) ." (Quran 14:27)
32. "...Allah enables the observation of his innermost essential
reality to whom He wills." (Quran 22:16)
33. "...Allah (the Names [the various compositions of structural
qualities constituting existence] within the essence of man) enables
the realization of His Nur (theknowledge of the Absolute Reality
beyond what is perceived) whomHe wills." (Quran 24:35)
34. "Whoever Allah enables the observation of his innermost
essentialessence, he is the one who reaches the reality..." (Quran
35. "He who Allah enables the observation of his innermost
essentialreality can never be led astray!..." (Quran 39:37)
36. "...Allah enables thosewho turn to Him to realize their inner
reality!" (Quran 42:13)
37. "He gives wisdom (thesystem by which the qualities of the Names
are manifested) to whomHe wills, and whoever has been given wisdom has
certainly been given much benefit. And none will discern this except
those with intellect and deep contemplative skills." (Quran 2:269)
38. "Allah chooses (enables the comprehension of one's inner reality)
for Himself whom He wills..." (Quran 42:3)
39. "...Such is the bounty of Allah (the realization of the vastness
of the qualities of the Names) , which He grants unto whomever He
wills..." (Quran 57:21)
40. "And whomsoever Allah wills the realization of his essential
reality, Heopens his breast (his innermost comprehension) to Islam (to
the consciousness of his submission) and whomsoever He wills to lead
astray, He makes his breast tight and constricted, as though hewere
laboriously climbing into the sky!..." (Quran 6:125)
41. "...but Allah purifies (from the illusory self; ego) whom He
wills..." (Quran 24:21)
42. "He who purifies (his consciousness) has succeeded." (Quran 91:9)
43. "...Know well, that (if you do not attend to this invitation)
Allah will intervene between the person's consciousness and his heart
(Allah creates a barrier between his emotions and reason, abandoning
him to an emotional state of existence that comprises his hell through
the system of the brain) and prevent him. To Him you will be
resurrected (you will reside in a realm in which the Absolute Reality
will become apparent; you will be evaluated by the qualities of the
names that comprise your essence) ." (Quran 8:24)
44. "...Every instance HU (the Absolute Essence of Existence)
manifests Himself in yet another way." (Quran 55:29)
45. "Allah abolishes what He wills or forms (into a perceivable
reality, what He wills)) , and with Him is the Mother of the Book
(primary knowledge; theknowledge of the ways in which the Names will
manifest at every instant) ." (Quran 13:39)
46. "My decision (rule) will not be altered!.." (Quran 50:29)
47. "...And Allah gives provision (both limited sustenance for the
corporeal life and infinite life sustenance pertaining to the
realization of one's innerreality and its benefits) towhom He wills
without account." (Quran 2:212)
48. "...To each of you We prescribed a law (rules and conditions
regardinglifestyle) and a method (a system based on fixed realities
not subject to change within time) ..." (Quran 5:48)
49. "The Rasul (Muhammad saw) has believed in what was revealed
(knowledge that emerged from the dimensional depths) to him (to his
consciousness) from his Rabb (the qualities of the Names of Allah
comprising his essential reality) ." (Quran 2:285)
50. "...We make no distinction between (the ways in which the
knowledge of Allah was revealed to) His Rasuls..." (Quran 2:285)
51. "...Had Allah willed, He would surely have enabled the realization
of the absolute reality to all of mankind..." (Quran 13:31)
52. "And if We had willed, We could have enabled every being (illusory
self; ego) to realize its essential reality, but My word: 'I will
surely fill Hell (the conditions to manifest the specific
configuration of the qualities of the Names that result in an infernal
state of life) with jinn and man all together' is in effect." (Quran
53. "Had your Rabb (the reality of the Names comprising your essence)
willed, all those who live on earth would surely have had faith (in
the qualities of the Names of Allah that comprise his being and all
that is manifested through him) , all of them entirely... So then,
will you compel thepeople to become believers? And it is not for a
soul to believe unless the unique composition of Allah's Names
comprising his essence permits." (Quran 10:99-100)
54. "No more is the Rasul bound to do except to provide the knowledge
(of the reality and its requisites) ..." (Quran 5:99)
55. "There is no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion (the
system and order of Allah; sunnatullah) ..." (Quran 2:256)
56. "...and never will suffering occur unless a Rasul of the absolute
reality is revealed." (Quran 17:15)
57. "And We have not revealed you except as grace to the worlds
(people) ." (Quran 21: 107)
58. "...but [he is] the Rasulof Allah, the final of Nabis (the summit
of perfection) ." (Quran 33:40)
59. "O covered one; arise and awaken!" (Quran 74:1-2)
60. "Say (O Rasul) : 'I am only a man like you (aside from the
knowledge of Allah disclosed through me [ Risalat ], we possess the
same reality) .'" (Quran 18:110)
61. "And obey Allah and His Rasul..." (Quran 8:46)
62. "Indeed, the religion (system and order) in the sight of Allah is
Islam (thewhole of creation is in a state of submission, whether
conscious or unconscious of the qualities of the Names) ..." (Quran
63. "And whoever seeks areligion (system and order) other than Islam
(the consciousness of being in a state of submission) his search will
be ineffective!.." (Quran 3:85)
64. "Whose heart (essence) Allah has expanded towards comprehending
Islam, is he not upon a Nur (knowledge) disclosed byhis Rabb (his
essential reality) ?..." (Quran 39:22)
65. "This day I have perfected for you your religion (your
acquisitionof religious knowledge) and completed My favor upon you and
have approved for you Islam (complete submission to Allah) as (the
understanding of) religion..." (Quran 5:3)
66. "It is HU who shapes (forms, programs) you in the womb (mother's
womb – in Arabic rahim ; the productive mechanism within your essence:
rahimiyyah ) as He wishes..." (Quran 3:6)
67. "...But if good comes to them, they say, 'This is from Allah'; and
if evil befalls them, they say, 'This is from you.' Say, 'All [things]
are from Allah...'" (Quran 4:78)
68. "Your Rabb (reality of the Names comprising your essence) creates
andchooses as He pleases, they have no free will (or choice) ..."
(Quran 28:68)
69. "Who brings the living (the consciousness of being alive with the
Names of the Hayy) out ofthe dead (the futile state of corporeal
existence) and brings the dead (the state of being blinded to the
reality of one's self orthe reality of others; confining one's
existenceonly to the body and assuming life is going to end once the
body deteriorates under the soil) out of the living (while in respect
of his essential reality he is alive) ? Who carries out the judgment?
They will say, 'Allah'..." (Quran 10:31)
70. "...And whoever is grateful, his gratitude is for his self (the
realization and evaluation of the perfection of his essence) ..."
(Quran 27:40)
71. "When a [single] disaster struck you, although we had struck [the
enemy] with one twice as great, you said, 'Why and how did this come
about?' Say, 'It has come about from yourselves (your ego) '. Indeed,
Allah is Qadir (thepossessor of continual and infinite power) over all
things." (Quran 3:165)
72. "...He who submits to,and places his trust in Allah, Allah will be
sufficient for him (he who believes in the forces pertaining to the
qualities of the Names comprising his essence and complies with their
requirements, those forces will be ever sufficient for him) ." (Quran
73. "...Seek the continual manifestation of the Names of Allah (from
your essence in respect of its Uluhiyyah ; from theforces of the Names
comprising your being) and have patience..." (Quran 7:128)
74. "And your Rabb has decreed that you serve only Him (He created you
to manifest the qualities of His Names) ..." (Quran 17:23)
75. "I have created the jinn and men only so thatthey may serve me (by
means of manifesting thequalities of my Names) ." (Quran 51:56)
76. "He is al-Badee (The originator of the heavens[states of
consciousness] and the earth [the body] who makes things without any
sample or like) . When He wills a thing, He only says to it, 'Be,' and
it is." (Quran 2:117)
77. "... While it is Allah who created you and all your doings." (Quran 37:96)
78. "Do you not see that to Allah prostrates whoever is in the heavens
and whoever is on the earth, the sun, themoon, the stars, the
mountains, the trees, the moving creatures and many of the people? But
upon many the suffering has been justified. And he whom Allah
humiliates - for him thereis no bestower of honor. Indeed, Allah does
what He wills." (Quran 22:18)
79. "Say: 'Everyone acts according to his own creation program
(natural disposition; fitrah ) .'..." (Quran 17:84)
80. "And to Him belongs whoever is in the heavens (conscious beings)
and the earth (bodily beings) . Thus, all are in a state of devout
obedience to Him (in manifesting the qualities of His Names) ..."
(Quran 30:26)
81. "...The seven heavens (all creation within the seven dimensions of
consciousness) and the earth (the bodies) and whatever is in them
continue their existence through Him ( tasbih ) . And there is not a
thing that does not continue itsexistence through His hamd (the
reality of the Names comprising one's essence [ Rabb ] is the
evaluator of this continual existence) , but you do not understand
their [way of, discourse, disposition] disclosure..." (Quran 17:44)
82. "...There is no animate creature but that He holds its forehead
(the brain; the very qualities of the Names of Allah!) ..." (Quran
83. "You cannot will unless Allah wills (your will is Allah's will)
..." (Quran 76:30)
84. "Indeed we have created everything with its program ( qadar ) ."
(Quran 54:49)
85. And there is not a thing of which its depositories (the forces
comprising it) is not with us! and We disclose (the forces/qualities)
according to its program.The requirements of its core creation program
unfold sequentially. (Quran 15:21)
86. "No calamity befalls you on earth (on your physical body and outer
world) or among yourselves (your inner world) that has not already
been recorded ina book (formed in the dimension of knowledge) before
We bring it into being! Indeed for Allah, this is easy. We inform you
of this in order that you don't despair over your losses or exult (in
pride) over what We have givenyou, for Allah does not like the
boastful and the arrogant!" (Quran 57:22-23)
87. "...Perhaps you hate athing and it is good for you; and perhaps
you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah knows,while you know
not." (Quran 2:216)
88. "Whatever good comes to you it is from Allah, but whatever evil
comes to you it is from your self (from complyingwith your conditioned
beliefs including your alleged 'moral codes') ..." (Quran 4:79)
89. "...Indeed, the dhikr (remembrance) of Allah isAkbar (enables one
to experience Akbariyyah – Absolute Magnificence) ..." (Quran 29:45)
90. "...and engage much in the dhikr (contemplation on the forces of
the Names comprising your essence) of Allah so you can overcome
difficulties andattain salvation." (Quran 8:45)
91. "...And remember ( dhikr ) Him, to the extent of your awareness of
your innermost essential reality..." (Quran 2:198)
92. "Allah will never hold anyone responsible for that which they have
no capacity..." (Quran 2:286)
93. Remember ( dhikr ) the qualities of the Names comprising your
essence; your Rabb , and seclude yourself to Him incomplete devotion.
(Quran 73:8)
94. "So remember ( dhikr ) Me; so that I will remember you." (Quran 2:152)
95. "...And remember Allah while standing, sitting, or [lying] on your
sides (i.e. experience Him in your being at all times) ..." (Quran
96. "They (those who have attained the essence of the reality)
remember Allah while standing or sitting or [lying] on their sides..."
(Quran 3:191)
97. "And if you speak your thoughts (or concealthem,) know that indeed
He knows the secret (in your consciousness) and what is [even] deeper
(the actual Names that compose it) ." (Quran 20:7)
98. "O believers! Let not your worldly goods or your children prevent
you from the remembrance of Allah (the remembrance of your essential
self and the resulting experience) . And whoever does this – it is
they who are the losers!" (Quran 63:9)
99. "And he who turns away from My dhikr (the absolute reality of
which I have reminded him) indeed, he will have a restricted life
(limited by the conditions of his body and mind) , and We will
resurrect him as blind on the day (period) of resurrection." (Quran
100. "They (the objects/idols of their worship) will say, ' Subhan ,
You are! It is notpossible for us to take besides You any allies. But
when You provided comforts for them and their fathers, they forgot the
knowledge of reality and indulged in bodily pleasures eventually
leading to their ruin.'" (Quran 25:18)
101. "...And whoever is blinded (with external things) from the
remembrance of Rahman (remembering that his essential reality is
composed of the names of Allah and thus from living the requirements
of this) We appoint for him a satan (a delusion; the idea that he is
only the physical body and that life should be lived in pursuit of
bodily pleasures) and this (belief) will become his (new) identity!
And indeed, these will avert them from the way [the path to reality]
while they think that they are on the right path." (Quran 43:36-37)
102. "Satan (corporeality;the idea of being just thephysical body) has
overcome them and made them forget the remembrance of Allah (their own
reality of which they have been reminded, and that they will abandon
their bodies and live for eternity as 'consciousness' comprised of
Allah's names!) Those are the acquaintances of Satan (those who are
receptive to satanic impulses and who think of themselves as only the
physical body) . Beware, for most assuredly, the party of Satan will
be the very losers!" (Quran 58:19)
103. " [Are] men whom neither trade nor worldlydealings distracts from
the dhikr of Allah (remembering their essential reality) and
performance of salat (experiencing their essence) and giving of zakah
(unrequited sharing) ." (Quran 24:37)
104. "And when My servants ask you concerning Me - indeed I am Qarib
(so close that you are naught; only I exist... Let us remember the
verse 'I am nearer than the jugular vein') . I respond to the one who
turns to me and asks of Me (in prayer) ..." (Quran 2:186)
105. "...And never will you find in the System (course) of Allah
(sunnatullah) any change." (Quran 48:23)
106. "...You will never seea change in sunnatullah (the mechanics of
Allah's system) ." (Quran 35:43)
107. "Maintain salat (prayer; turning to Allah) with care [in
particular] the middle salat (asr prayer – the constant experience of
this reality in one's consciousness) ..." (Quran 2:238)
108. "So woe to those who pray (due to tradition) , who are heedless
(cocooned) of (the experience of the meaning of) their salat (which is
an ascension [ miraj ] to their innermostessential reality; their
Rabb) ." (Quran 107:4-5)
109. "They (the believers) are awed by the experience of observing the
qualities of Allah's Names." (Quran 23:2)
110. "...Among His servants, only those who have knowledge (of whatis
denoted by the name Allah and who are aware of its Might) truly feel
awe towards Allah! (realize their nothingness in respect ofHis
magnificence) ..." (Quran 35:28)
111. "Certainly, I have turned my face (my consciousness) cleansed
from the concept of a deity ( Hanif ) , toward 'Al-Fatir' (He who
creates everything programmed according to its purpose) who created
the heavensand the earth, and I am not of the dualists." (Quran 6:79)
112. "Did you not see the one who had deified his ' hawa '
(instinctual desires, bodily form, illusionary self) ..!" (Quran25:43)
113. "Indeed, Allah does not forgive (apparent or discrete forms of)
shirq (i.e. directly or indirectly assuming the existence of beings
'other' than Allah, whether external objects [apparent] or ourown egos
[discrete]; thereby fragmenting the non-dual reality) , but He
forgives lesser sins other than this ( m a doona ) ('lesser sins' here
connotes the perception that actions are initiated by the self/ego
rather than by Allah) , as He wills..." (Quran 4:48)
114. "...Certainly, if you live in a state of duality ( shirq ) , all
your doings would surely become worthless and you wouldsurely become
among the losers..." (Quran 39:65)
115. "We will cast fear into the hearts of those who deify their egos
(duality) over the names of Allah comprising their essence, and cover
the absolute reality within, even though there is no evidence that
their ego-identities actually exists! And their abode will be the
fire..." (Quran 3:151)
116. "...Assuredly, duality is a great injustice/wrongdoing (duality,
which denotes the denial of one's essential qualities referenced as
the Names of Allah, leads to one's deprivation from these very core
qualities) ." (Quran 31:13)
117. "Verily the dualists (who claim the existence of their
ego-identities alongside the Absolute Oneness) are contaminated..."
(Quran 9:28)
118. "...None but the purified (from the dirt of shirq – duality –
animalistic nature) can touch it (i.e. become enlightened with the
Knowledge of the Absolute Reality) ." (Quran56:79)
119. "Do not assume the existence of a god (exterior manifestations of
power or your illusory self) besides Allah. For there is no God. Only
HU! Everything (in respect of its thingness) is inexistent, only the
face of HU (only that which pertains to the Absolute Reality)
exists!.." (Quran 28:88)
120. "Do not make [up in your mind] another deity besides Allah (do
not deify your illusory selves) ! Lest you find yourself disgraced and
forsaken (as a result of your shirq , dualistic understanding, you
will be confined to the limits of your ego rather than manifesting the
infinite potential of your essence) ." (Quran 17:22)
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Selected Verses From The Quran Requiring in-depth Contemplation
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