Numerological analysis: GREGORIAN CALENDAR: 1956
Remember when Allah made a covenant with the Prophets: 'Now that We
have given you a share of the Book and Wisdom, and then a messenger
comes to youconfirming what is with you (1) , you must have faith in
him and help him.' He asked, 'Do you agree and undertake my commission
on that condition?' They replied,'We agree.' He said, ' Bear witness,
then. I am with you as one of the witnesses.' (2) (Surah Al 'Imran,
Numerological analysis (1): 1956
Numerological analysis (2): Islamic Calendar: 1416, Gregorian Calendar: 1994
We desired to show kindness to those who were oppressed (1) in the
land and to make them leaders and make them inheritors (2) (Surat
Al-Qasas, 5)
Numerological analysis (1): 1996
Numerological analysis (2): ... leaders ... and make them inheritors: 2021
We sent you only to bring good news and to give warning. (Surat Al-Furqan, 56)
Numerological analysis: 1981
(Besides: The number of the surah (25)x the number of the verse (56)=
1400 (Gregorian Calendar: 1981)
And thus We established Yusuf in the land so he could live in any
place he pleased. We grant Our grace to anyone We will and We do not
allowto go to waste the wage of any people who do good. (Surah Yusuf,
Numerologic al analysis: 2017
He said, 'Go down from it, all of you, as enemies to one another! But
when guidance comes to you from Me, all those who follow My guidance
will not go astray and will not be miserable. (Surah Ta Ha, 123)
Numerological analysis: 1982
Say: 'Everyone is waitingexpectantly so wait expectantly. You will
soon know who are the Companions of the RightPath and who is is
guided.' (Surah Ta Ha, 135)
Numerological analysis: 2023
We made them leaders, guiding by Our command, and revealed to them how
to do goodactions and establish prayer and pay alms , and they
worshipped Us.(Surat Al-Anbiya, 73)
Numerological analysis: 1984
Alif Lam Mim. The Romans have been defeated. (Surat Ar-Rum, 1-2)
Numerological analysis: 1980
…in a few years' time. The affair is Allah's from beginning to end. On
that day, the believers will rejoice… (Surat Ar-Rum, 4)
Numerological analysis: 2010
We wrote down in the Zabur, after the Reminder came: 'It is My
servants who are righteous who will inherit the earth.' (Surat
Al-Anbiya, 105)
Numerological analysis: 2051
If We wished We could send down a Sign to them from heaven, before
which their headswould be bowed low in subjection. (Surat Ash-Shu'ara,
Numerological analysis: 2022
This is a warning like thewarnings of old. (Surat An-Najm, 56)
Numerological analysis: 2031
Allah and His angels call down blessings on the Prophet. You who
believe! call down blessings on him and ask for complete peace and
safety for him. (SuratAl-Ahzab, 56)
Numerological analysis: 1986
We have sent you with the truth bringing good news and giving warning.
There is no community to which a warner has not come. (Surah Fatir,
Numerological analysis: 1983
We placed between them and the cities We had blessed other
clearlyconspicuous cities, making them measured stages on the way:
'Travel between them in safety by night and day.' (Surah Saba, 18)
Numerological analysis: 2023
Those We have given theBook recognize it as theyrecognize their own
sons. Yet a group of them knowingly conceal the truth. (Surat
Al-Baqara, 146)
Numerological analysis: 1959
We will show them Our Signs on the horizon andwithin themselves until
it is clear to them that it is the truth. Is it not enough for your
Lord that He is a witness of everything? (Surah Fussilat, 53)
Numerological analysis: 1990
And you have seen people entering Allah's religion in droves, then
glorify your Lord's praise and ask His forgiveness. He is the
Ever-Returning.(Surat An-Nasr, 2-3)
Numerological analysis: 2016
Did We not raise your renown high? (Surat Al-Inshirah, 4)
Numerological analysis: 2009
Numerological analysis: 1994
It is He Who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of
Truth to exalt it over every other religion , though the associaters
hate it. (Surat As-Saff, 9)
Numerological analysis: the gemination mark is excluded 2021
The Egyptian who had bought him told his wife, 'Look after him with
honor and respect. It's possible he will be ofuse to us or perhaps we
might adopt him as a son.' And thus We established Yusuf in the land
to teach him the true meaning of events. ALLAH IS IN CONTROL OF HIS
AFFAIR . However, most of mankind do not know. (Surah Yusuf, 21)
Numerological analysis: GREGORIAN CALENDAR: 2014
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Guide us to the straight path
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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