In many verses of the Qur'an Allah promises the dominion of the
morality of Islam all overthe world. The promise of our All-Mighty
Lord is true and Allah never failsto keep His promise. Those who
believe in Allah also believe that Allah's promise will absolutely
come true. Because our All-Mighty Allah gives the news of the dominion
of the morality of Islam over the world and promises it, what befalls
to sincerebelievers is to pray for its realization by heart, demand it
and strive for it with all their might. Believing that morality of
Islam will reign and making effort for the realization of this blessed
event is obligatory for every Muslim who abides by the Qur'an. In one
verse our All-Mighty Allah says:
Allah has promised thoseof you who believe and do right actions that
He will make them successors in the land as He made those before them
successors, and willfirmly establish for them their religion with
which He is pleased and give them, in place of their fear, security.
'Theyworship Me, not associating anything with Me.' Any who are
unbelivers after that, such people are deviators. (Surat an-Nur, 55)
Some other verses in which Allah promises thedominion of the morality
of Islam over the world are as follows:
Allah has written, 'I will be victorious, I and and My Messengers.'
Allah is Most Strong, Almighty. (Surat al-Mujadala, 21)
They desire to extinguish Allah's Light with their mouths but Allah
will perfect His Light, though the unbelievers hate it. It is He Who
sent His Messenger with guidance and the Religion of Truth to exaltit
over every other religion, though the associaters hate it.
(Suratas-Saff, 8-9)
They desire to extinguish Allah's Light with their mouths. But Allah
refuses to do other than perfect His Light, even though the kafirun
detest it. It is He Who sent His Messenger with guidance and the
Religion of Truth to exaltit over every other deen,even though the
associaters detest it. (Surat a-Tawba, 32-33)
Allah confirms the Truth by His words, even though the evildoers hate
it. (Surah Yunus, 82)
Those before them plotted but all plotting belongs to Allah. He knows
what each self earns, and the unbelievers will soon know who has the
Ultimate Abode. (Surat ar-Ra'd, 42)
We destroyed generations before you when they did wrong. Their
Messengers brought them the clear signs, but they were never going to
have faith. That is how We repay evildoers. Then We appointed you
after them to be successors onthe earth so We might observe how you
would act. (Surah Yunus, 13-14)
That those people of pure natural belief in Allah who do not associate
any partners toHim will be the inheritors of this world is a divine
Law which is stressed in many verses of the Qur'an:
We wrote down in the Psalms, after the Reminder came: 'It is My
servants who are righteous who will inherit the earth.' (Surat
al-Anbiya, 105)
We will leave you the land to live in after them. That is the reward
of those who fear My station and fear My threat.' They asked for
Allah's victory, and everyobdurate tyrant failed. (Surah Ibrahim,
Moses said to his people,'Seek help in Allah and be steadfast. The
earth belongs to Allah. He bequeathes it to any of His slaves He
wills. The successful outcome is forthose who fear [and respect
Allah].' They said,'We suffered harm before you came to us and after
you came to us.' He said, 'It may well be that your Lord is going to
destroy your enemy and make you the successors in the land so that He
can see how you behave.' (Surat al-A'raf, 128-129)
We destroyed generations before you when they did wrong. Their
Messengers brought them the clear signs, but they were never going to
have faith. That is how We repay evildoers. Then We appointed you
after them to be khalifs on theearth so We might observe how you would
act. (Surah Yunus, 13-14)
Rather We hurl the truth against falsehood and it cuts right through
it andit vanishes clean away! Woe without end for you for what you
portray! (Surat al-Anbiya, 18)
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Saturday, March 30, 2013
According to the Qur'an the dominion of the morality of Islam over the world is an obligation
The fact that Islamic moral values do not yet rule the world must stir all Muslims
In the words of the Qur'an God describes those, "...WHO GLADLY PURSUED
THE LIFE OF LUXURY THEY WERE GIVEN" and thus ignore their
responsibilities. (Surah Hud, 116)
It is impossible for people of virtue and good conscience and who fear
God to abandon their responsibilities and ignore the sufferings of
Muslims all over the world, even though theysee them perfectly
clearly, and to devote themselves solely to their own interests and
banal worldly gain. God will hold people who run away from their
responsibilities and leave them to others, even though they know full
well what they should do, in the hereafter.
For that reason, people must not only take action themselves in such a
situation, but must also call on other Muslims to join together,spread
moral virtues across the world and strive to bring oppression to an
end. God tells us in the Qur'anthat proper moral valuesrequire us to
"... spur on the muminun..." (Surat an-Nisa, 84).
THE LIFE OF LUXURY THEY WERE GIVEN" and thus ignore their
responsibilities. (Surah Hud, 116)
It is impossible for people of virtue and good conscience and who fear
God to abandon their responsibilities and ignore the sufferings of
Muslims all over the world, even though theysee them perfectly
clearly, and to devote themselves solely to their own interests and
banal worldly gain. God will hold people who run away from their
responsibilities and leave them to others, even though they know full
well what they should do, in the hereafter.
For that reason, people must not only take action themselves in such a
situation, but must also call on other Muslims to join together,spread
moral virtues across the world and strive to bring oppression to an
end. God tells us in the Qur'anthat proper moral valuesrequire us to
"... spur on the muminun..." (Surat an-Nisa, 84).
Optimal Ways of Attaining Inner Tranquility and Serenity
This life is not our eternal dwelling but a short-lived and ephemeral
abode. A person is destined to face sundry pains, suffering, hardships
and sorrows in this transient life, as there are many reasons that
lead to boredom, dullness, irritation and anxiety. Allaah The Almighty
Says (what means): {We have certainly created man into hardship.}
[Quran 90:4]
Indeed, everyone faces suffering and hardships in their lives. Misery
and adversities are inherently characteristic of this ephemeral life.
However, what distinguishes people in this regard is the way they
handle their suffering and hardship and the methods and strategies
they employ to deal with the reasons for their dullness, irritation,
and anxiety.
Despite all the available conveniences, luxuries, and amenities that
we enjoy today, and although we possess all that we need in order to
relish a comfortable life and worldly bliss, boredom and anxiety is
stillgrowing among people! This should drive all those who seek
happiness to start looking for thereal reasons that help one attain
happiness, inner tranquility and serenity, peace of mind, stability,
and to find ways to eradicate all traces of boredom and anxiety.
Undoubtedly, among the best methods of gaining inner tranquility and
serenity and helping one to endure hardships and calamities are:
1- Sincere faith and righteous deeds: Allaah The Almighty Says (what
means): {Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he
is a believer – We will surely cause him to live a good life, and We
will surely give them their reward [in the Hereafter] according to the
best of what they used to do.} [Quran 16:97]
2- Adapting one's heart and preparing oneself mentally to endure
unfavorable situations, adversities and calamities makes it easy for
one to face them. It also lessens and diminishes their intensity and
severity, and helps one to move on and endure whatever happens to him.
On theother hand, if one expects only good and favorable results in
all his worldly affairs, this feeling can actually incur many crises
and hardships.
3- One should give up all illusions and phobias, as giving in to
themis one of the greatest reasons for feelings of embitterment in
this life. Indeed, one of the well-known phobias that many people
experience is the fear of the future and of the unknown. People tend
to occupy themselves with anticipating their future and are neck-deep
in their plans and concerns, instead of living in the present.
Accordingly, this results in missing the opportunity to rectifyone's
present because of the concerns and fears for a tomorrow that he may
not even live through. Allaah The Almighty Says (what means): {... And
more appropriate for them [would have been]* Obedience and good words.
And when the matter [of fighting] was determined, if they had been
true to Allaah, it would have been better for them.} [Quran 47:20-21]
One should not give in to such illusions and phobias; instead, one
should put his trust in Allaah,the Exalted, turning only to Him.
Allaah The Almighty Says (what means): {And upon Allaah rely, if you
should be believers.} [Quran 5:23]
4- One should not give too much weight to troubles, exaggerate one's
problems and make a mountain out of a molehill, since this creates
unnecessary anxiety and confusion. This is also the reason behind
absentmindednessand distraction, causing one to be lost and engrossed
in endless problems that crop up one after the other, creating a
vicious cycle.
5- One should bear in mind that hardships and calamities, no matter
how long they last, will soon come to an end – they are ephemeral,
like life itself. No one maintains the same living conditions all
through; change is a norm in this life. Indeed, such conviction makes
one full of hopeand helps one to endure adversities and tribulations.
Patience helps one to overcome any difficulty and is the best of
6- One should remember Allaah The Almighty all the time.
abode. A person is destined to face sundry pains, suffering, hardships
and sorrows in this transient life, as there are many reasons that
lead to boredom, dullness, irritation and anxiety. Allaah The Almighty
Says (what means): {We have certainly created man into hardship.}
[Quran 90:4]
Indeed, everyone faces suffering and hardships in their lives. Misery
and adversities are inherently characteristic of this ephemeral life.
However, what distinguishes people in this regard is the way they
handle their suffering and hardship and the methods and strategies
they employ to deal with the reasons for their dullness, irritation,
and anxiety.
Despite all the available conveniences, luxuries, and amenities that
we enjoy today, and although we possess all that we need in order to
relish a comfortable life and worldly bliss, boredom and anxiety is
stillgrowing among people! This should drive all those who seek
happiness to start looking for thereal reasons that help one attain
happiness, inner tranquility and serenity, peace of mind, stability,
and to find ways to eradicate all traces of boredom and anxiety.
Undoubtedly, among the best methods of gaining inner tranquility and
serenity and helping one to endure hardships and calamities are:
1- Sincere faith and righteous deeds: Allaah The Almighty Says (what
means): {Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he
is a believer – We will surely cause him to live a good life, and We
will surely give them their reward [in the Hereafter] according to the
best of what they used to do.} [Quran 16:97]
2- Adapting one's heart and preparing oneself mentally to endure
unfavorable situations, adversities and calamities makes it easy for
one to face them. It also lessens and diminishes their intensity and
severity, and helps one to move on and endure whatever happens to him.
On theother hand, if one expects only good and favorable results in
all his worldly affairs, this feeling can actually incur many crises
and hardships.
3- One should give up all illusions and phobias, as giving in to
themis one of the greatest reasons for feelings of embitterment in
this life. Indeed, one of the well-known phobias that many people
experience is the fear of the future and of the unknown. People tend
to occupy themselves with anticipating their future and are neck-deep
in their plans and concerns, instead of living in the present.
Accordingly, this results in missing the opportunity to rectifyone's
present because of the concerns and fears for a tomorrow that he may
not even live through. Allaah The Almighty Says (what means): {... And
more appropriate for them [would have been]* Obedience and good words.
And when the matter [of fighting] was determined, if they had been
true to Allaah, it would have been better for them.} [Quran 47:20-21]
One should not give in to such illusions and phobias; instead, one
should put his trust in Allaah,the Exalted, turning only to Him.
Allaah The Almighty Says (what means): {And upon Allaah rely, if you
should be believers.} [Quran 5:23]
4- One should not give too much weight to troubles, exaggerate one's
problems and make a mountain out of a molehill, since this creates
unnecessary anxiety and confusion. This is also the reason behind
absentmindednessand distraction, causing one to be lost and engrossed
in endless problems that crop up one after the other, creating a
vicious cycle.
5- One should bear in mind that hardships and calamities, no matter
how long they last, will soon come to an end – they are ephemeral,
like life itself. No one maintains the same living conditions all
through; change is a norm in this life. Indeed, such conviction makes
one full of hopeand helps one to endure adversities and tribulations.
Patience helps one to overcome any difficulty and is the best of
6- One should remember Allaah The Almighty all the time.
Sincerity and Its Fruits - II
If a servant strives against himself until he does not care about life
and the praise and commendation of people and dedicates all his
worship to Allaah The Almighty, he will be one of the people of
sincerity whose every action, word, love and hatred is for the sake of
Allaah The Almighty alone. The inward and outward actions of such a
person are purely for Allaah The Almighty alone. They do not seek
reward or praise from people, nor do they seek a noble position among
them, nor do they seek a great status in their hearts, nor do they
want to escape from their blame. If you turn into such a person, you
will be the most powerful person, foryour guardian is Allaah The
Almighty who is the All Powerful and most Strong. Upon reaching this
stage, you will be one of the people of honor in this world andin the
Dedicating deeds to Allaah The Almighty in all sincerity has
manyfruits. In the following lines, we will touch upon some of them so
that they may encourage us to strive more earnestly to dedicate our
actions and words sincerely to Allaah The Almighty alone. Youshould
know that amongst the fruits of sincerity are that actions and words
cannot be accepted except with sincerity. No matter if an action is
good, if it is not done sincerely for the sake of Allaah The Almighty,
it will be of no avail. Abu Umaamah narrated a Marfoo' Hadeeth that
reads: "Allaah The Almighty neveraccepts any deed except what is done
sincerely for His sake." [An-Nasaa'i] The same applies to words. The
Prophet said, describing the luckiest person who will have his
intercession on the Day of Resurrection: "The one who said, 'Laa
ilaaha illa Allaah (there is no deity worthy of worship except
Allaah)' sincerely from his heart." [Al-Bukhaari]
Amongst such fruits are that sincerity strengthens the heart, makes
one more self-possessed and able to bear the burdens of worship and
obligations of Islam.If one contemplates the conditions of some of the
sincereand truthful people, he will clearly notice this. A good
example of this is the strength and self-possession of the Prophet
although his life was threatened. He said to his Companion (Abu Bakr )
while they were in the cave, and in the words of the Quran (which
mean): {He said to his companion,"Do not grieve; indeed Allaah is with
us.} [Quran 9: 40]
Surely, sincerity and truthfulness with Allaah The Almighty enable one
to support what is right and fight what is wrong regardless ofthe
power of the wrong. Hoode the Prophet of Allaah The Almighty, had no
prominent miracle unlike the other prophets. However, he called his
people to worship Allaah The Almighty alone and renounce worshiping
other than him. His people argued with him and said what Allaah The
Almighty informed us of in their story in His Noble Book: {They said,
"O Hoode, you have not brought us clear evidence, and we are not ones
to leave our gods on your say-so. Nor are we believers in you. We only
say that some of our gods have possessed you with evil." He said,
"Indeed, I call Allaah to witness, and witness [yourselves] that I am
free from whatever you associate with Allaah. Other than Him. So plot
against me all together; then do not give me respite.} [Quran 11:
Also amongst the fruits of sincerity is that it enables one to get rid
of the plots and the whispers of the devils. Allaah The Almighty
informed us what Iblees said when he asked to be reprieved (what
means): {Except, among them, Your sincere servants.} [Quran 15: 40]
Sincerity also averts evil and immorality. Allaah The Almighty Says
(what means) in the story of Prophet Yoosuf : { And she certainly
determined [to seduce] him, and he would have inclined to her had he
not seen the proof of his Lord. And thus [it was] thatWe should avert
from him evil and immorality. Indeed, he was of Our sincere servants.}
[Quran 12: 24]
Moreover, a small amount of sincere work can be a cause for attaining
the satisfaction of Allaah The Almighty as in the Hadeeth of the
Prophet in which he said: "Fear the Fire, evenif by giving half a date
(in charity)." [Al-Bukhaari]
Thus, even half a date given in charity with sincerity can protect one
from the torture of Hellfire out of the great generosity of theMost
Gracious, the Bestower. However, many tons of dates in charity to show
off will send one to the lowest depths of the Hellfire as Allaah The
Almighty Says (what means): {Indeed, the hypocrites will be in the
lowest depths of the Fire - and never willyou find for them a helper.}
[Quran 4: 145]
Another benefit is that the slave can be supported because of his
sincerity. In this regard, Mus'ab ibn Sa'd narrated that Sa'd ibn Abi
Waqqaas thought that hewas better than other people butthe Prophet
said: "Allaah helps this Ummah because of its weak people, their
Du'aa' (supplication), their Salaah (prayer) and their sincerity."
Acts of worship cannot be preferred on the basis of their forms or
number but they are preferred according to the intention that the
heart holds. So, the description of both actions can be the same;
however, there is a gap of preference among them as wide as the
distance between the heavens and the earth. Two men may stand in
prayer in the same row but the difference in their reward and degree
is like the distance between the heavens and the earth. 'Ammaar ibn
Yaasir said, "I heard the Messenger of Allaah saying: 'Verily, a man
may finish his prayer but nothing is written for him except one tenth,
ninth, eighth, seventh, sixth, fifth, quarter, third, or half of it.'
" [AbuDaawood]
and the praise and commendation of people and dedicates all his
worship to Allaah The Almighty, he will be one of the people of
sincerity whose every action, word, love and hatred is for the sake of
Allaah The Almighty alone. The inward and outward actions of such a
person are purely for Allaah The Almighty alone. They do not seek
reward or praise from people, nor do they seek a noble position among
them, nor do they seek a great status in their hearts, nor do they
want to escape from their blame. If you turn into such a person, you
will be the most powerful person, foryour guardian is Allaah The
Almighty who is the All Powerful and most Strong. Upon reaching this
stage, you will be one of the people of honor in this world andin the
Dedicating deeds to Allaah The Almighty in all sincerity has
manyfruits. In the following lines, we will touch upon some of them so
that they may encourage us to strive more earnestly to dedicate our
actions and words sincerely to Allaah The Almighty alone. Youshould
know that amongst the fruits of sincerity are that actions and words
cannot be accepted except with sincerity. No matter if an action is
good, if it is not done sincerely for the sake of Allaah The Almighty,
it will be of no avail. Abu Umaamah narrated a Marfoo' Hadeeth that
reads: "Allaah The Almighty neveraccepts any deed except what is done
sincerely for His sake." [An-Nasaa'i] The same applies to words. The
Prophet said, describing the luckiest person who will have his
intercession on the Day of Resurrection: "The one who said, 'Laa
ilaaha illa Allaah (there is no deity worthy of worship except
Allaah)' sincerely from his heart." [Al-Bukhaari]
Amongst such fruits are that sincerity strengthens the heart, makes
one more self-possessed and able to bear the burdens of worship and
obligations of Islam.If one contemplates the conditions of some of the
sincereand truthful people, he will clearly notice this. A good
example of this is the strength and self-possession of the Prophet
although his life was threatened. He said to his Companion (Abu Bakr )
while they were in the cave, and in the words of the Quran (which
mean): {He said to his companion,"Do not grieve; indeed Allaah is with
us.} [Quran 9: 40]
Surely, sincerity and truthfulness with Allaah The Almighty enable one
to support what is right and fight what is wrong regardless ofthe
power of the wrong. Hoode the Prophet of Allaah The Almighty, had no
prominent miracle unlike the other prophets. However, he called his
people to worship Allaah The Almighty alone and renounce worshiping
other than him. His people argued with him and said what Allaah The
Almighty informed us of in their story in His Noble Book: {They said,
"O Hoode, you have not brought us clear evidence, and we are not ones
to leave our gods on your say-so. Nor are we believers in you. We only
say that some of our gods have possessed you with evil." He said,
"Indeed, I call Allaah to witness, and witness [yourselves] that I am
free from whatever you associate with Allaah. Other than Him. So plot
against me all together; then do not give me respite.} [Quran 11:
Also amongst the fruits of sincerity is that it enables one to get rid
of the plots and the whispers of the devils. Allaah The Almighty
informed us what Iblees said when he asked to be reprieved (what
means): {Except, among them, Your sincere servants.} [Quran 15: 40]
Sincerity also averts evil and immorality. Allaah The Almighty Says
(what means) in the story of Prophet Yoosuf : { And she certainly
determined [to seduce] him, and he would have inclined to her had he
not seen the proof of his Lord. And thus [it was] thatWe should avert
from him evil and immorality. Indeed, he was of Our sincere servants.}
[Quran 12: 24]
Moreover, a small amount of sincere work can be a cause for attaining
the satisfaction of Allaah The Almighty as in the Hadeeth of the
Prophet in which he said: "Fear the Fire, evenif by giving half a date
(in charity)." [Al-Bukhaari]
Thus, even half a date given in charity with sincerity can protect one
from the torture of Hellfire out of the great generosity of theMost
Gracious, the Bestower. However, many tons of dates in charity to show
off will send one to the lowest depths of the Hellfire as Allaah The
Almighty Says (what means): {Indeed, the hypocrites will be in the
lowest depths of the Fire - and never willyou find for them a helper.}
[Quran 4: 145]
Another benefit is that the slave can be supported because of his
sincerity. In this regard, Mus'ab ibn Sa'd narrated that Sa'd ibn Abi
Waqqaas thought that hewas better than other people butthe Prophet
said: "Allaah helps this Ummah because of its weak people, their
Du'aa' (supplication), their Salaah (prayer) and their sincerity."
Acts of worship cannot be preferred on the basis of their forms or
number but they are preferred according to the intention that the
heart holds. So, the description of both actions can be the same;
however, there is a gap of preference among them as wide as the
distance between the heavens and the earth. Two men may stand in
prayer in the same row but the difference in their reward and degree
is like the distance between the heavens and the earth. 'Ammaar ibn
Yaasir said, "I heard the Messenger of Allaah saying: 'Verily, a man
may finish his prayer but nothing is written for him except one tenth,
ninth, eighth, seventh, sixth, fifth, quarter, third, or half of it.'
" [AbuDaawood]
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