Fateha and Esaale Sawaab is permissiblein Islam
1. All the Ulama-e-Haq and the Buzrugaan-e-Deen hold the belief that
to send Esaale Sawaab to the souls of the deceased is permissible.
2. It is permissible for a Muslim to send the Sawaab of his deeds,
such a Salaah, Saum, Zakaah, Hajj, Sadaqa, etc. to others. (Hidaya)
3. If a person kept Fast, performed his or her Salaah, or gave Sadaqa
and then sent this Sawaab to another person, either living or
deceased, then to do so is permissible, and that Sawaab reaches the
saidperson. (Bahrur Raa'iq)
4. Hazrat Anas (radi Allahu anhu) asked the Prophet (sallal laahu
alaihi wasallam): "If we send Sawaab to the deceased, give Sadaqa and
Khayraat and ask Du'a for them, does this reach them?" The Prophet
(sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said:"Verily it reaches them. Read
Salaah for them as you read for yourself and fast for them as you fast
for yourself. In otherwords, make Esaale Sawaab of Salaah and Saum for
them." The meaning of this Hadith Shareef is that we should send the
Sawaab of our actions to the deceased, since in realityone cannot
perform Salaah and keep fast for another person or on hisbehalf, but
we can send the Sawaab of our actions to them.
5. Hazrat Abdullah ibn Abbas (radi Allahu anhu) has stated: "On the
Days of Eid, the 10th of Muharram, the first Friday of Rajab, on
Shabbe Baraat, and on Thursday nights, the souls of the deceased are
left free to go to their homes, wherein they go and ask for Sadaqa and
Khayraat. If they do not receive any Du'a or Fateha, then theyreturn
to their graves saddened and disappointed and they say, 'O Allah! They
have deprived us, You deprivethem'".
6. The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) assaid: "When a person
passes away and the family of the deceased gives Sadaqa, Khayraat and
makes Du'a for him, then Sayyiduna Jibraeel (alaihis salaam) takes it
to them in their graves on a tray that is beautifully decorated. When
they receive this, they become so pleased as if someone in the world
becomes pleased on receiving a gift, and his neighbour who has not
received any Sawaab becomes sad".
7. Hazrat Sa'ad ibn Ubaadah (radi Allahu anhu) once came to the
Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and said: "Ya Rasoolallah
(sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)! My mother has passed away. What can I
do for Esaale Sawaab?" The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)
said: "Preparea well for water". When the well was prepared,
Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) went close to the well and
made Du'a: "This is for the Esaale Sawaab for the mother of Saad".
While making this Du'a, he raised his hands high,and after Du'a, he
turned his hands over his blessed face.
8. For those who object to Fateha and Du'a, the following is for their perusal:-
8.1 It is allowed to make Du'a in front of the Niyaz(offering), as
this is whatthe Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) did by coming
close to the well to make Du'a.
8.2 It is allowed to lift upthe hands for Du'a and to end the Du'a by
turning the hands over the face.
8.3 It is preferable to calla pious person to make the Du'a.
8.4 To make Fateha on Niyaz is allowed. If it were not, then the
Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) would not have made Du'a
nearthe water, but would have said that the intention was sufficient.
8.5 For the person to obtain the Sawaab, it is not necessary to feed
the Niyaz first, but Du'a can be made before this since the Prophet
(sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) made Du'a even before any person drank
out of the well.
9. Whosoever makes Khatam of the Holy Quran and then makes Du'a, 4 000
Angels say Aameen on his Du'a. They then continue making Du'a for him
andthey continue asking blessings for him until the morning or
afternoon. (Tafseer Roohul Bayaan)
10. At the time of Khatam Shareef, there is a flow of mercy and to
make Du'a after completing the Quran is Mustahab.
11. When Hazrat Anas (radi Allahu anhu) used to complete the Holy
Quran, then he would call all his family and friends and make Du'a.
(Jila'ul Afhaam)
12. When making Fateha, one should follow the proceedure ofthe pious
Saints. When making the Fateha, send the Sawaab to the Prophet (sallal
laahu alaihi wasallam), the pious servants, the Companions, and then
through their blessing, ask for it to be sent to the soul of the
deceased.This is the prescribed method, and this is the method that
the Ahle Sunnah has always followed.
13. By making Esaale Sawaab, it gives comfortto the deceased, pleases
them, saves them from the torment of the grave, elevates their status
and causes benefitto the sender as well as the receiver.
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Sunday, February 3, 2013
Fateha and Esaale Sawaab is permissible in Islam
Why The Prophet peace be upon him cannot be Allah's Noor?
Allah's noor can never beparted in any case. If some one believes that
he sallallahu alaihi wasallam was a part of Allah's noor he is really
amushrik. However he sallallahu alaihi wasallam was from the noor
Allah Almighty in such a way that no part of Allah's noor
separatedfrom the noor of Allah Almighty. It can be understood by an
example that if we put a mirror in the direction of Sun so its
reflection will appear in the mirrorand no part of the sun will
separate from it or itcan be understand by the example that if we
kindle a lamp by anotherburning lamp likewise if we kindle hundreds of
lamps no light decreases from the first lamp but the all other lamps
also be kindled. Likewise wasthe example of our beloved Prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam, when the eternal noor of Allah Taala came
on the mirror of edam (nothing) the first creation which came into
being was our holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in a manner no
light separated from the eternal light of Allah Almighty.
Here I write down some proofs that our Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi
wasallam was not only a bashar but he was a noor too. These examples
have been written in order to makeit easy to understand otherwise
Allah Almightyis beyond the examples.
Hazrat Ibn-e-Abbas (Allahis well pleased with him)cousin of the holly
prophet (Allah's Grace and Peace be upon Him) says in the commentary
of the verse 35 from chapter 24: Sura Noor."The similitude of the Noor
(Light) of Allah is Noor (light) of the Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace
and Peace be upon Him),when he was in the backs of ancestors".
(Tafseer-e-Ibne Abbas page 372)
Now I am giving you the names of the books in which this hadith has
been narrated. Allama Ibne Hagar hatiami wrote in his book that the
hadith,"Undoubtedly Allah Almighty created the"Noor of Prophet
Muhammad (Allah's grace and Peace be upon Him) before every thing",
has been narrated by Imam Abdur Razzaq in his book of hadith (Fatawa
-e- Hadithia, page 289) There are many other great ulmas who have
narrated this hadith in their books , I am writing for you the names
of few books with their writers
1. Allama Hassan -bin- Muhammad Diyar Becri,"Tarekh -ul- Khamees".
2. Shah Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlvi,"Madarig-un-Nabuwwah" Vol 2, page 2
3. Allama Zarqani,"Sherha Movahib", vol. 1,page 55
4. Allama Abdul Ghani, " Al Hadiqa tul Ndiyah", Vol. 2, page 375
Allah's noor can never beparted in any case. If some one believes that
he sallallahu alaihi wasallam was a part of Allah's noor he is really
amushrik. However he sallallahu alaihi wasallam was from the noor
Allah Almighty in such a way that no part of Allah's noor
separatedfrom the noor of Allah Almighty. It can be understood by an
example that if we put a mirror in the direction of Sun so its
reflection will appear in the mirrorand no part of the sun will
separate from it or itcan be understand by the example that if we
kindle a lamp by anotherburning lamp likewise if we kindle hundreds of
lamps no light decreases from the first lamp but the all other lamps
also be kindled. Likewise wasthe example of our beloved Prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam, when the eternal noor of Allah Taala came
on the mirror of edam (nothing) the first creation which came into
being was our holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in a manner no
light separated from the eternal light of Allah Almighty.
Here I write down some proofs that our Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi
wasallam was not only a bashar but he was a noor too. These examples
have been written in order to makeit easy to understand otherwise
Allah Almightyis beyond the examples.
Hazrat Ibn-e-Abbas (Allahis well pleased with him)cousin of the holly
prophet (Allah's Grace and Peace be upon Him) says in the commentary
of the verse 35 from chapter 24: Sura Noor."The similitude of the Noor
(Light) of Allah is Noor (light) of the Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace
and Peace be upon Him),when he was in the backs of ancestors".
(Tafseer-e-Ibne Abbas page 372)
Now I am giving you the names of the books in which this hadith has
been narrated. Allama Ibne Hagar hatiami wrote in his book that the
hadith,"Undoubtedly Allah Almighty created the"Noor of Prophet
Muhammad (Allah's grace and Peace be upon Him) before every thing",
has been narrated by Imam Abdur Razzaq in his book of hadith (Fatawa
-e- Hadithia, page 289) There are many other great ulmas who have
narrated this hadith in their books , I am writing for you the names
of few books with their writers
1. Allama Hassan -bin- Muhammad Diyar Becri,"Tarekh -ul- Khamees".
2. Shah Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlvi,"Madarig-un-Nabuwwah" Vol 2, page 2
3. Allama Zarqani,"Sherha Movahib", vol. 1,page 55
4. Allama Abdul Ghani, " Al Hadiqa tul Ndiyah", Vol. 2, page 375
The PROPHET (PEACE BE UPON HIM) is Haazir o Naazir - Present and Witnessing
Haazir O Naazir - Present and Witnessing
According to the Holy Quran every thing has todie as Allah almighty says:
"Every soul is to taste thedeath" (Sura Al-Imran)Like this prophets of
Allah almighty were also passed through the process of death. They
were given death but it was for a very short time. And at the same
time they were brought to life as same as before.
Now all of the prophets (Alaihis salam) of Allah almighty are alive.
Allama Baihaqi (Rahmatullah Alaih) has collected a number of
narrations in the proof of the life of the prophets (Alaihis salam)
after death.
Such as Allama Jalaluddieen Sayuti (Rahmatullah Alaih) also written a
book on this topic and there are so many scholars of ummahwho have
written very much about this topic. Now I prove it from the Quran and
Hadith. Allah Almighty says:
"And say not those who are killed in the path of Allah as dead, but
they are alive yes, you are unaware." (Sura Al Baqara, Verse 154)
According to the Holy Quran pious people are of four categories. The
Prophets (Alaihis Salam) are of the highest grade and then comes the
number of truthful and then martyrs and righteous people stands fourth
in grade. And all four kinds are blessed according to their grades. As
the Holy Quran says: "Those who have been blessed by Allah viz., the
Prophets, and the truthful, and martyrs and righteous." (Sura Al Nisa,
Verse 69)
According to the generalpractice of the people we see that an officer
of grade "B" is provided all facilities which is provided to the
officer of grade "C". But the officer of B grade is given more than
the officer of C grade. Like this is the case of the officer of grade
"A". He is not only provided all the facilities of the officer of
grade B but also more than that of"B" grade. Now we believe that a
martyr gets the life after death by practicing the teachings of his
Prophet (Alaihis Salam) although he comes in third grade of the pious
peoples, so what is about the position of the Prophet (Alaihis Salam)
who is highest of all in his grade. Surely He is the most deserve able
of all others to be alive after death. It is a logical proof.
Secondly the Prophet of Allah almighty is a martyr because he died due
to the eating of piousness food. As Imam Bukhari and Baihaqi
(Rahmatullah Alaih) narrated by Aiysha (Allahalmighty is well pleased
with her) that the Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him)
said in his mortal disease, " I always felt the pain of food which I
ate in Khaibar, now that poison is killing me." (Al Havi Lilfatawa.
Printed from Bairut. Vol. 2, P 149)
So the Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace beupon Him) is also alive
according to the Quranicverse.
Proof of the life of Prophets (Alaihis Salam) after death by
narrations of the Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace and Peace be upon Him)
1) Qazi Shaukani writes that the Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace
beUpon Him) in saheeh hadith that the Prophets (Alaihis Salam) of
Allah almighty are alive in their shrines. And Baihaqi (Rahmatullah
Alaih) has rectified it andwrote a book on this topic.
(Nail-ul-Qwatar. Vol.5, Page 108)
Abu Darda (Radi Allaho Unho) narrates that the prophet of Allah
said,"Send salutation (Durood) upon me againan again on Friday.
Because these salutation(Durood) are observed by angles. No one sends
salutation but it is presented to me before his getting free from
salutations". I asked him,"What is about after death?" He (Allah's
Grace& Peace be Upon Him) said "Allah almighty has made unlawful upon
earth to spoil prophet's bodies and the Prophet of Allah is alived and
he is given food." (Sunnan-e- Ibne Maja, Printed Noor Muhammad, P 118)
There are so many narrations which are found in proof of the lifeof
Prophets (alaihis salam) after death, thosecan't be written this is
why I stop my pen at thisbecause it is enough for a reasonable man.
What does the Holy Quran say ?
Before we quote the Holy Quran let us define and understand the
terminology of this subject matter. The terms used for the
omnipresence are"Haazir" and"Naazir"and these terms need to be
clarified and understood from the outset.
The meaning of Haazir and Naazir is explained below:
HAAZIR-To be present (physically or spiritually, i.e. in being)
NAAZIR-To see or behold with ones own eyes (from near or afar)
Note very carefully, that to be truly present and seeing one must be
'Aware' and 'Understand'what one sees.
To illustrate, a person named Zaid is in his home watching the live
Jum'a broadcast from Mecca. Then it follows that Zaid is Haazir
(physically), at his home, and Zaid is Naazir (seeing events) in his
home and in Mecca. NowZaid saw with his own eyes the Imaam lead the
Jum'a prayer in Mecca, although Zaid was sitting in
Added to the fact that, while sitting in London Zaid observed the
eventsin Mecca, Zaid needs twomore abilities to becomea WITNESS to
this event, i.e. Zaid must be AWARE of what he sees & hears, as well
as UNDERSTAND the event fully. Therefore, when Zaid satisfies the
conditions of being present and seeing,together with theability to
comprehend the event in front of him, Zaid may be called upon as a
WITNESS to that event.
Now, it would follow that, if Zaid were blind or deaf, Zaid could not
be called upon as a reliable witness, since Zaid does not fulfill all
the requirements of being are liable witness. Therefore, a WITNESS is
someone who is HAAZIR& NAAZIR at an event andfully understands the
event. Be it that the witness was at the eventphysically or was able
to observe the event LIVE from afar spiritually or in the case of Zaid
It must also be apparent that one cannot be NAAZIR without being
HAAZIR, the two abilities go hand in hand.
This is a very important point to understand. Now, bearing in mind the
definition of HAAZIR& NAAZIR together with the definition of being
aWITNESS to an event, payfull attention to what the Holy Quran says
about the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam).
1) " 'O' Nabi (communicator of the unseen) we have sent you as a
witness." (S33 V45)
2) "Then how shall it be, when We bring up a witness from each nation
(of each Prophet)and 'O' beloved
Messenger We will bring you as a witness and guardian against all
those." (S4 V41)
Observe that the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) is
beingcalled a WITNESS to all the nations that Allah has put upon this
Earth. Therefore, the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) must
have been present before his Earthly appearance and is still present
after this Earthly demise, otherwise he cannot be called upon asa
witness in the true sense of the word. Thereare many other verses
ofthe Holy Quran that call upon the Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi
Wasallam)to be a witness. And a witness can only be someone who is
Haazir & Naazir.
A Technical Point
The following Quranic verses are often quoted to show that the Holy
Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) was notpresent and seeing
before his Earthly appearance :
"And you ('O' Prophet) were not with them (present) when they
casttheir pens(to decide) which of them should be
Mary's guardian." (S3 v44)
"The Prophet was not present when Musa was called upon Tur" (S28 V46)
Yes, the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) was notpresent
(physically speaking) at these events, but this is not to say that he
was not seeing (Naazir) these events. On the contrary, he must have
been seeing these events, otherwise how can he be a witness to all the
events as mentioned in the previous Quranic Verses. And since he was
seeing (NAAZIR) he must have been present(HAAZIR), be it spiritually
and from afar.
Read the following verses of the Holy Quran:
3)" ('O' Prophet) Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the
owners of the Elephant." (S105 V1)
This event took place many days before the birth of the Holy
Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam).
4)" ('O' Prophet) Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with (the
people) of Aad. " (S89 V9)
Now the people of Aad lived many centuries before the advent of the
Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) on this Earth.
So, how could the Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) 'SEE'
these events? Allah only knows how, but, since it is clear from the
verses of the Holy Quran,that the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi
Wasallam) did SEE these events, then you must admit that the Holy
Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) was present and seeing (HAAZIR
& NAAZIR) at these events. Furthermore, the Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu
Alaihi Wasallam) witnessed these events before his Earthly advent.
Note that Allah did not say, "have you not HEARD..." or "have you not
been TOLD..". No, Allah says to the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi
Wasallam) "did you not SEE"!
Please apply a little common sense. Is there not a difference between
seeing an event and being told about an event.
Mu'adh(RA)reports that the Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam)
said, "I saw Allah. He put His hand between my shoulders. I felt the
coolness of His hand in my breast which enlightened me about
everything. And I recognized Him." (Tirmidhi Sharif)
Even a lifetime would not be enough to contemplate on this Hadith, if
only Allah would open our minds to contemplation and understanding.
Sayyidina Umar (RA), states "In one Friday sermon, the Holy Prophet
(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) informed us about everything which has
happened or will happen from the very beginning of time until the
Hereafter when some will inhabit Paradise while the others Hell."
(Bukhari Sharif)
Is it not clear, that the Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam)
isa witness to all that has happened and will happen!
Ibn Abbas (RA) reports that the Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi
Wasallam) said, "I know everything which is in the Heavens and
theEarth, from the East to the West."(Tirmidhi Sharif)
How can the Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) know everything
in the Heavens and the Earth and their constant changing conditions,
without beholding the conditions of the Heavens and the Earth
continuously !
The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) had elevated some of
hiscompanions to such a state of being, that even those selected
companions were ever seeing the Heavens and the Earth.
Imaam Al Azam, Imaam Abu Hanifa writes that Haaris Ibn La'man and
Haarisa bin Na'man havestated, "Once I went to the Holy Prophet
(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam). The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi
Wasallam) asked me a question, 'O Haaris in what state did you pass
the day?' I replied 'as a true Muslim'. Then the Holy Prophet(Sallal
Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) asked me the state of my faith.
I replied 'I see the Throne of Allah and the people of Paradise
helping each other and the people of Hell lamenting in Hell. I see
infront of me Eight Heavens and Seven Hells as clear as idol
worshippers see their Idols. I can recognize each individual just like
a miller can recognize Wheat from Barley, evenwho is to go to Paradise
and who is to be found in Hell. In front of me people are like fish
and ants. Shall I stay silent or continue to speak?'
The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) told him to stop and
say no more. (Fiqah-Al-Akbar)
All it takes is a little common sense, if a companion of the Holy
Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) can behold Allah's creation in
such detail, then whatremains to be said aboutwhat the Holy Prophet
(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) beholds of Allah's creation.
Allama Ahmed Qustulani (RA) commentator of Bukhari Shareef, writes in
his book Mawahib-ladunya and Imam Muhammad Ibni Hajar Makki (RA)
writes in his book Madkhal: "There is no difference between the states
of life and death of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam),
in his seeing his entire ummahand his recognizing of their states,
their intentions and their minds, and all this is clear to him; there
is no secret thereof to him." (Mawahib p.32, Madkhal p.21).
Qadi Ayyaz(RA) the well-known author of Shifa, writes "Whenever there
is nobody present in the home and you enter the home recite"Assalamo
Alaika Ayyohannabi Warahmatullah Wa Barakatahoo" Meaning"Peace be upon
you 'O' Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) of Allah and
Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you." (Shifa Sharif)
The point to note is that we are saluting the Holy Prophet(Sallal
Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) in the present tense i.e. accepting him as
Haazir& Naazir.
Mulla Ali Qari (RA): Substantiating on the above, the great Islamic
scholar, Mulla Ali Qari(RA)in his Shareh Shifa writes, "The reason(
for saluting the Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) in the
present tense) is that theHoly Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam's)
soul is HAAZIR (present) in every Muslim home". (Shareh Shifa)
There are a billion Muslim homes throughout the world, and according
to the Islamic scholars, the HolyProphet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam)
is present in everyMuslim home, does this not prove that the Holy
Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) is Haazir in many places at the
same time and Naazir as well.
Imaam Ghazali (RA) the seal of Islam, a great scholar and a Sufi
Masterwrites, "When you go into a mosque then say salaam to the Holy
Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) becausethe Holy Prophet (Sallal
Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) ispresent (Haazir) in mosques." (Mirqat -
Shareh Miskat)
There must be millions of Mosques situated around the world and inall
mosques the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) is present
spiritually. Whenthe Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam)
isHaazir then he must be seeing and therefore he must be Naazir as
It has been reported in the famous book 'Tafseer-e-Roohul Bayan'that
Imaam Ghazali (RA) stated, "the Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi
Wasallam) and his companions' souls have been given the right to
travel the world and many Awliya Allah have seen the Holy Prophet
(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam)."(Tafseer-e-Roohul Bayaan - SurahMalak
Again Imaam Ghazali (RA), referring to the position of sitting
(Tashahudd) during Salat and reciting 'At-Tahiyyatu..', says that on
reciting the words 'Ayyohannabi'('O' Prophet) the reciter must behold
the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) as Haazir. Imaam
Ghazali (RA) says, ''And believe inyour hearts that the HolyProphet
(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) is present (Haazir) and then say
Assalamo AlaikaAyyohannabi'' (Ihya ' ul -Uloom Vol. 1 Section 3)
How strange, when we put the above argument forward to a
Deobandi(Wahhabi) mullah in South London, the Deobandi mullah said,
"we only recite 'Ayyohannabi' because itis stated in the Hadith,
otherwise reciting 'Ayyohannabi' has no special significance". Who
should we believe, the seal of Islam Imaam Ghazali(RA) or a 'square
head' Deobandi mullah. Perhaps our Deobandi mullah needs more proof.
Let us give him and other 'square heads'more proof.
Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Haqq Muhaddith Dehlvi (RA), the 30th in line of
the Golden Naqshbandi Sufi Order, and someonewhom Deobandis' are very
fond of quoting, says, ''In Attahiyat, the reason for reciting
'Ayyohannabi' is that Haqqiqat-e-Muhammadi (Reality (light) of the
Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam)) is present in every
little thing. Therefore, it is present in the people praying Salat,
and those performing the Salat should be fully aware of this fact and
should not pay attention to anything except for the Holy
Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam's) presence (Haazri)''.
(Madarijun Nabuwat Vol.1 part 4 - Zikreh Fazaalileh Nabi )
Imaam Jalaluddin Suyuti (RA) says, "To keep watch of his own
followers' work and to pray for their forgiveness; to pray for their
abstention from bad deeds; to come and go in all parts of the world to
give auspiciousness; if one pious person dies from his followers then
to come and attend his janazah (funeral), all thisis done by the Holy
Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam)" (Intibahul Azkiyya)
Imaam Suyuti (RA) further states, ''If someone believes, that, while
performing Milad Sharif, or at the end of Ramadan or while reciting
Qasida(Naat) Sharif, that the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi
Wasallam's) soul is present on these occasions, then to believe this
is perfectly acceptable" (Shareh Sudoor)
By now any reasonable minded Muslim must, at least, accept that the
Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) has been granted the
ability of being in several places at the same time, be it
spiritually. However, some Muslim believe that the Holy Prophet(Sallal
Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) can even present himself physically.
Sheikh Abdul Haqq Muhaddis Dehlvi(RA) states, ''Allah Ta'ala has given
the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) the strength and power
to go anywhere he likes, he can go with his own body or only in soul.
On the earth, in the sky, in the grave and the Holy Prophet(Sallal
Laahu Alaihi Wasallam's) connection stays with his own shrine.''
(Madarigun Naboowat Vol.2 Part4 Wasleh Hayaateh Ambiya)
Abdul Karim Ibn Ibrahim Al Jili (RA) is a descendant of the great
Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani(RA). Sheikh Jili (RA) gives us a
mind-blowing insight into the reality ofthe Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu
Alaihi Wasallam) in his book "The Perfect Man". However, we shall stay
with the subject matter and quote SheikhJili (RA) on this subject
alone. He writes "His original name is Muhammad (Sallal LaahuAlaihi
Wasallam), his name of honor is Abu'l Qasim, his description Abdullah,
and his title Shamsuddin. In every age he bears a name suitable to his
guise in that age. I once met him in the form of my Sheikh". He
further writes, "The truth of the matter is that the Holy Prophet
(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) has the power of assuming every form
(In every age)." (Al Insanul Kamil)
Sheikh Jili(RA) relates how the Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi
Wasallam) took the bodily form of Sheikh Shibli (RA). He writes,
"Thus, when he appeared in the form of Shibli, Shibli said to his
murid, 'Bear witness thatI am the Messenger of Allah'; and the murid,
being of insight, recognized the Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi
Wasallam)and said, 'I bear witness that thou art the Messenger Allah.'
" (Al Insanul Kamil)
Finally, take heed of what the saint of saints has said on this subject.
Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani(RA) writing about the Holy Prophet (Sallal
Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) says, "He is called the Total Intellect,
because he saw and understood everything." (Sirr al-asrar)
Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani(RA) further writes, "The soul of the Holy
Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam), is watching you. He is pained,
at seeing your state." (Sirral-asrar)
What more proof does anyone require. If our feeble minds are unable to
understand the omnipresence the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi
Wasallam) then that is our own weakness. However, to deny something
when irrefutable proofs are presented is pure foolishness.
According to the Holy Quran every thing has todie as Allah almighty says:
"Every soul is to taste thedeath" (Sura Al-Imran)Like this prophets of
Allah almighty were also passed through the process of death. They
were given death but it was for a very short time. And at the same
time they were brought to life as same as before.
Now all of the prophets (Alaihis salam) of Allah almighty are alive.
Allama Baihaqi (Rahmatullah Alaih) has collected a number of
narrations in the proof of the life of the prophets (Alaihis salam)
after death.
Such as Allama Jalaluddieen Sayuti (Rahmatullah Alaih) also written a
book on this topic and there are so many scholars of ummahwho have
written very much about this topic. Now I prove it from the Quran and
Hadith. Allah Almighty says:
"And say not those who are killed in the path of Allah as dead, but
they are alive yes, you are unaware." (Sura Al Baqara, Verse 154)
According to the Holy Quran pious people are of four categories. The
Prophets (Alaihis Salam) are of the highest grade and then comes the
number of truthful and then martyrs and righteous people stands fourth
in grade. And all four kinds are blessed according to their grades. As
the Holy Quran says: "Those who have been blessed by Allah viz., the
Prophets, and the truthful, and martyrs and righteous." (Sura Al Nisa,
Verse 69)
According to the generalpractice of the people we see that an officer
of grade "B" is provided all facilities which is provided to the
officer of grade "C". But the officer of B grade is given more than
the officer of C grade. Like this is the case of the officer of grade
"A". He is not only provided all the facilities of the officer of
grade B but also more than that of"B" grade. Now we believe that a
martyr gets the life after death by practicing the teachings of his
Prophet (Alaihis Salam) although he comes in third grade of the pious
peoples, so what is about the position of the Prophet (Alaihis Salam)
who is highest of all in his grade. Surely He is the most deserve able
of all others to be alive after death. It is a logical proof.
Secondly the Prophet of Allah almighty is a martyr because he died due
to the eating of piousness food. As Imam Bukhari and Baihaqi
(Rahmatullah Alaih) narrated by Aiysha (Allahalmighty is well pleased
with her) that the Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him)
said in his mortal disease, " I always felt the pain of food which I
ate in Khaibar, now that poison is killing me." (Al Havi Lilfatawa.
Printed from Bairut. Vol. 2, P 149)
So the Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace beupon Him) is also alive
according to the Quranicverse.
Proof of the life of Prophets (Alaihis Salam) after death by
narrations of the Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace and Peace be upon Him)
1) Qazi Shaukani writes that the Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace
beUpon Him) in saheeh hadith that the Prophets (Alaihis Salam) of
Allah almighty are alive in their shrines. And Baihaqi (Rahmatullah
Alaih) has rectified it andwrote a book on this topic.
(Nail-ul-Qwatar. Vol.5, Page 108)
Abu Darda (Radi Allaho Unho) narrates that the prophet of Allah
said,"Send salutation (Durood) upon me againan again on Friday.
Because these salutation(Durood) are observed by angles. No one sends
salutation but it is presented to me before his getting free from
salutations". I asked him,"What is about after death?" He (Allah's
Grace& Peace be Upon Him) said "Allah almighty has made unlawful upon
earth to spoil prophet's bodies and the Prophet of Allah is alived and
he is given food." (Sunnan-e- Ibne Maja, Printed Noor Muhammad, P 118)
There are so many narrations which are found in proof of the lifeof
Prophets (alaihis salam) after death, thosecan't be written this is
why I stop my pen at thisbecause it is enough for a reasonable man.
What does the Holy Quran say ?
Before we quote the Holy Quran let us define and understand the
terminology of this subject matter. The terms used for the
omnipresence are"Haazir" and"Naazir"and these terms need to be
clarified and understood from the outset.
The meaning of Haazir and Naazir is explained below:
HAAZIR-To be present (physically or spiritually, i.e. in being)
NAAZIR-To see or behold with ones own eyes (from near or afar)
Note very carefully, that to be truly present and seeing one must be
'Aware' and 'Understand'what one sees.
To illustrate, a person named Zaid is in his home watching the live
Jum'a broadcast from Mecca. Then it follows that Zaid is Haazir
(physically), at his home, and Zaid is Naazir (seeing events) in his
home and in Mecca. NowZaid saw with his own eyes the Imaam lead the
Jum'a prayer in Mecca, although Zaid was sitting in
Added to the fact that, while sitting in London Zaid observed the
eventsin Mecca, Zaid needs twomore abilities to becomea WITNESS to
this event, i.e. Zaid must be AWARE of what he sees & hears, as well
as UNDERSTAND the event fully. Therefore, when Zaid satisfies the
conditions of being present and seeing,together with theability to
comprehend the event in front of him, Zaid may be called upon as a
WITNESS to that event.
Now, it would follow that, if Zaid were blind or deaf, Zaid could not
be called upon as a reliable witness, since Zaid does not fulfill all
the requirements of being are liable witness. Therefore, a WITNESS is
someone who is HAAZIR& NAAZIR at an event andfully understands the
event. Be it that the witness was at the eventphysically or was able
to observe the event LIVE from afar spiritually or in the case of Zaid
It must also be apparent that one cannot be NAAZIR without being
HAAZIR, the two abilities go hand in hand.
This is a very important point to understand. Now, bearing in mind the
definition of HAAZIR& NAAZIR together with the definition of being
aWITNESS to an event, payfull attention to what the Holy Quran says
about the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam).
1) " 'O' Nabi (communicator of the unseen) we have sent you as a
witness." (S33 V45)
2) "Then how shall it be, when We bring up a witness from each nation
(of each Prophet)and 'O' beloved
Messenger We will bring you as a witness and guardian against all
those." (S4 V41)
Observe that the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) is
beingcalled a WITNESS to all the nations that Allah has put upon this
Earth. Therefore, the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) must
have been present before his Earthly appearance and is still present
after this Earthly demise, otherwise he cannot be called upon asa
witness in the true sense of the word. Thereare many other verses
ofthe Holy Quran that call upon the Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi
Wasallam)to be a witness. And a witness can only be someone who is
Haazir & Naazir.
A Technical Point
The following Quranic verses are often quoted to show that the Holy
Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) was notpresent and seeing
before his Earthly appearance :
"And you ('O' Prophet) were not with them (present) when they
casttheir pens(to decide) which of them should be
Mary's guardian." (S3 v44)
"The Prophet was not present when Musa was called upon Tur" (S28 V46)
Yes, the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) was notpresent
(physically speaking) at these events, but this is not to say that he
was not seeing (Naazir) these events. On the contrary, he must have
been seeing these events, otherwise how can he be a witness to all the
events as mentioned in the previous Quranic Verses. And since he was
seeing (NAAZIR) he must have been present(HAAZIR), be it spiritually
and from afar.
Read the following verses of the Holy Quran:
3)" ('O' Prophet) Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the
owners of the Elephant." (S105 V1)
This event took place many days before the birth of the Holy
Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam).
4)" ('O' Prophet) Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with (the
people) of Aad. " (S89 V9)
Now the people of Aad lived many centuries before the advent of the
Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) on this Earth.
So, how could the Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) 'SEE'
these events? Allah only knows how, but, since it is clear from the
verses of the Holy Quran,that the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi
Wasallam) did SEE these events, then you must admit that the Holy
Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) was present and seeing (HAAZIR
& NAAZIR) at these events. Furthermore, the Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu
Alaihi Wasallam) witnessed these events before his Earthly advent.
Note that Allah did not say, "have you not HEARD..." or "have you not
been TOLD..". No, Allah says to the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi
Wasallam) "did you not SEE"!
Please apply a little common sense. Is there not a difference between
seeing an event and being told about an event.
Mu'adh(RA)reports that the Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam)
said, "I saw Allah. He put His hand between my shoulders. I felt the
coolness of His hand in my breast which enlightened me about
everything. And I recognized Him." (Tirmidhi Sharif)
Even a lifetime would not be enough to contemplate on this Hadith, if
only Allah would open our minds to contemplation and understanding.
Sayyidina Umar (RA), states "In one Friday sermon, the Holy Prophet
(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) informed us about everything which has
happened or will happen from the very beginning of time until the
Hereafter when some will inhabit Paradise while the others Hell."
(Bukhari Sharif)
Is it not clear, that the Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam)
isa witness to all that has happened and will happen!
Ibn Abbas (RA) reports that the Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi
Wasallam) said, "I know everything which is in the Heavens and
theEarth, from the East to the West."(Tirmidhi Sharif)
How can the Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) know everything
in the Heavens and the Earth and their constant changing conditions,
without beholding the conditions of the Heavens and the Earth
continuously !
The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) had elevated some of
hiscompanions to such a state of being, that even those selected
companions were ever seeing the Heavens and the Earth.
Imaam Al Azam, Imaam Abu Hanifa writes that Haaris Ibn La'man and
Haarisa bin Na'man havestated, "Once I went to the Holy Prophet
(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam). The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi
Wasallam) asked me a question, 'O Haaris in what state did you pass
the day?' I replied 'as a true Muslim'. Then the Holy Prophet(Sallal
Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) asked me the state of my faith.
I replied 'I see the Throne of Allah and the people of Paradise
helping each other and the people of Hell lamenting in Hell. I see
infront of me Eight Heavens and Seven Hells as clear as idol
worshippers see their Idols. I can recognize each individual just like
a miller can recognize Wheat from Barley, evenwho is to go to Paradise
and who is to be found in Hell. In front of me people are like fish
and ants. Shall I stay silent or continue to speak?'
The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) told him to stop and
say no more. (Fiqah-Al-Akbar)
All it takes is a little common sense, if a companion of the Holy
Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) can behold Allah's creation in
such detail, then whatremains to be said aboutwhat the Holy Prophet
(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) beholds of Allah's creation.
Allama Ahmed Qustulani (RA) commentator of Bukhari Shareef, writes in
his book Mawahib-ladunya and Imam Muhammad Ibni Hajar Makki (RA)
writes in his book Madkhal: "There is no difference between the states
of life and death of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam),
in his seeing his entire ummahand his recognizing of their states,
their intentions and their minds, and all this is clear to him; there
is no secret thereof to him." (Mawahib p.32, Madkhal p.21).
Qadi Ayyaz(RA) the well-known author of Shifa, writes "Whenever there
is nobody present in the home and you enter the home recite"Assalamo
Alaika Ayyohannabi Warahmatullah Wa Barakatahoo" Meaning"Peace be upon
you 'O' Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) of Allah and
Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you." (Shifa Sharif)
The point to note is that we are saluting the Holy Prophet(Sallal
Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) in the present tense i.e. accepting him as
Haazir& Naazir.
Mulla Ali Qari (RA): Substantiating on the above, the great Islamic
scholar, Mulla Ali Qari(RA)in his Shareh Shifa writes, "The reason(
for saluting the Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) in the
present tense) is that theHoly Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam's)
soul is HAAZIR (present) in every Muslim home". (Shareh Shifa)
There are a billion Muslim homes throughout the world, and according
to the Islamic scholars, the HolyProphet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam)
is present in everyMuslim home, does this not prove that the Holy
Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) is Haazir in many places at the
same time and Naazir as well.
Imaam Ghazali (RA) the seal of Islam, a great scholar and a Sufi
Masterwrites, "When you go into a mosque then say salaam to the Holy
Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) becausethe Holy Prophet (Sallal
Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) ispresent (Haazir) in mosques." (Mirqat -
Shareh Miskat)
There must be millions of Mosques situated around the world and inall
mosques the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) is present
spiritually. Whenthe Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam)
isHaazir then he must be seeing and therefore he must be Naazir as
It has been reported in the famous book 'Tafseer-e-Roohul Bayan'that
Imaam Ghazali (RA) stated, "the Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi
Wasallam) and his companions' souls have been given the right to
travel the world and many Awliya Allah have seen the Holy Prophet
(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam)."(Tafseer-e-Roohul Bayaan - SurahMalak
Again Imaam Ghazali (RA), referring to the position of sitting
(Tashahudd) during Salat and reciting 'At-Tahiyyatu..', says that on
reciting the words 'Ayyohannabi'('O' Prophet) the reciter must behold
the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) as Haazir. Imaam
Ghazali (RA) says, ''And believe inyour hearts that the HolyProphet
(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) is present (Haazir) and then say
Assalamo AlaikaAyyohannabi'' (Ihya ' ul -Uloom Vol. 1 Section 3)
How strange, when we put the above argument forward to a
Deobandi(Wahhabi) mullah in South London, the Deobandi mullah said,
"we only recite 'Ayyohannabi' because itis stated in the Hadith,
otherwise reciting 'Ayyohannabi' has no special significance". Who
should we believe, the seal of Islam Imaam Ghazali(RA) or a 'square
head' Deobandi mullah. Perhaps our Deobandi mullah needs more proof.
Let us give him and other 'square heads'more proof.
Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Haqq Muhaddith Dehlvi (RA), the 30th in line of
the Golden Naqshbandi Sufi Order, and someonewhom Deobandis' are very
fond of quoting, says, ''In Attahiyat, the reason for reciting
'Ayyohannabi' is that Haqqiqat-e-Muhammadi (Reality (light) of the
Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam)) is present in every
little thing. Therefore, it is present in the people praying Salat,
and those performing the Salat should be fully aware of this fact and
should not pay attention to anything except for the Holy
Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam's) presence (Haazri)''.
(Madarijun Nabuwat Vol.1 part 4 - Zikreh Fazaalileh Nabi )
Imaam Jalaluddin Suyuti (RA) says, "To keep watch of his own
followers' work and to pray for their forgiveness; to pray for their
abstention from bad deeds; to come and go in all parts of the world to
give auspiciousness; if one pious person dies from his followers then
to come and attend his janazah (funeral), all thisis done by the Holy
Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam)" (Intibahul Azkiyya)
Imaam Suyuti (RA) further states, ''If someone believes, that, while
performing Milad Sharif, or at the end of Ramadan or while reciting
Qasida(Naat) Sharif, that the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi
Wasallam's) soul is present on these occasions, then to believe this
is perfectly acceptable" (Shareh Sudoor)
By now any reasonable minded Muslim must, at least, accept that the
Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) has been granted the
ability of being in several places at the same time, be it
spiritually. However, some Muslim believe that the Holy Prophet(Sallal
Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) can even present himself physically.
Sheikh Abdul Haqq Muhaddis Dehlvi(RA) states, ''Allah Ta'ala has given
the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) the strength and power
to go anywhere he likes, he can go with his own body or only in soul.
On the earth, in the sky, in the grave and the Holy Prophet(Sallal
Laahu Alaihi Wasallam's) connection stays with his own shrine.''
(Madarigun Naboowat Vol.2 Part4 Wasleh Hayaateh Ambiya)
Abdul Karim Ibn Ibrahim Al Jili (RA) is a descendant of the great
Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani(RA). Sheikh Jili (RA) gives us a
mind-blowing insight into the reality ofthe Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu
Alaihi Wasallam) in his book "The Perfect Man". However, we shall stay
with the subject matter and quote SheikhJili (RA) on this subject
alone. He writes "His original name is Muhammad (Sallal LaahuAlaihi
Wasallam), his name of honor is Abu'l Qasim, his description Abdullah,
and his title Shamsuddin. In every age he bears a name suitable to his
guise in that age. I once met him in the form of my Sheikh". He
further writes, "The truth of the matter is that the Holy Prophet
(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) has the power of assuming every form
(In every age)." (Al Insanul Kamil)
Sheikh Jili(RA) relates how the Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi
Wasallam) took the bodily form of Sheikh Shibli (RA). He writes,
"Thus, when he appeared in the form of Shibli, Shibli said to his
murid, 'Bear witness thatI am the Messenger of Allah'; and the murid,
being of insight, recognized the Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi
Wasallam)and said, 'I bear witness that thou art the Messenger Allah.'
" (Al Insanul Kamil)
Finally, take heed of what the saint of saints has said on this subject.
Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani(RA) writing about the Holy Prophet (Sallal
Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) says, "He is called the Total Intellect,
because he saw and understood everything." (Sirr al-asrar)
Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani(RA) further writes, "The soul of the Holy
Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam), is watching you. He is pained,
at seeing your state." (Sirral-asrar)
What more proof does anyone require. If our feeble minds are unable to
understand the omnipresence the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi
Wasallam) then that is our own weakness. However, to deny something
when irrefutable proofs are presented is pure foolishness.
A Sermon from the Dying to the Living
Basrah a prolific and profoundly spiritual worshipper whose fear of
the Hereafter caused him to become physicallyweak, and whose constant
crying made him skinny and sick. When he was on his deathbed, his
family gathered around hiim, and they all began to cry.
"Help me sit up." He said He addressed his father first: "O my father,
what is making you cry?"
"My son," began his father, "I remembered that I will lose you, and
that I will be alone after you die."
The worshipper then turned his gaze towards his mother and said, "O my
Mother, what is making you cry?"
"I am crying because I will soon have to taste the bitterness of
losing you," she said.
He then turned to his sister and asked, "what ismaking you cry?"
"Because I will soon lose out on your kindness andwill consequently
have todepend on others for help," she said.
Finally, he looked at his children and asked, "what is making you cry?"
"The prospect of hard and humiliating life of being orphans after you
die," they said. Now it was his trun to cry. "And what is making you
cry?"everyone asked.
"I am crying because I saw that each one of youcried for his or her
own self, and not for me, he said. Is there none among you who cries
for the long, hard journey I am about to embark upon, and the few
supplies (i.e. good deeds)that I have for it? Is therenone among you
who cries because I will be lying down in dirt? Is there none among
you who cries becuase I will be held accountable (andmight have to
endure punishment)? Is there none among you who cries because of when
I will stand before the Lord of all that exists (for judgement)?" He
then rolled over onto his face, when they tried to move him, they
realised that hehad just died.
Source: Al-Mawa'iz Wal Majalis
the Hereafter caused him to become physicallyweak, and whose constant
crying made him skinny and sick. When he was on his deathbed, his
family gathered around hiim, and they all began to cry.
"Help me sit up." He said He addressed his father first: "O my father,
what is making you cry?"
"My son," began his father, "I remembered that I will lose you, and
that I will be alone after you die."
The worshipper then turned his gaze towards his mother and said, "O my
Mother, what is making you cry?"
"I am crying because I will soon have to taste the bitterness of
losing you," she said.
He then turned to his sister and asked, "what ismaking you cry?"
"Because I will soon lose out on your kindness andwill consequently
have todepend on others for help," she said.
Finally, he looked at his children and asked, "what is making you cry?"
"The prospect of hard and humiliating life of being orphans after you
die," they said. Now it was his trun to cry. "And what is making you
cry?"everyone asked.
"I am crying because I saw that each one of youcried for his or her
own self, and not for me, he said. Is there none among you who cries
for the long, hard journey I am about to embark upon, and the few
supplies (i.e. good deeds)that I have for it? Is therenone among you
who cries because I will be lying down in dirt? Is there none among
you who cries becuase I will be held accountable (andmight have to
endure punishment)? Is there none among you who cries because of when
I will stand before the Lord of all that exists (for judgement)?" He
then rolled over onto his face, when they tried to move him, they
realised that hehad just died.
Source: Al-Mawa'iz Wal Majalis
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