i commited zina with a boy and fearing allah instead of giving
kuffarah i married the same boy in presence of qazi without my
elders/witness going against them.after three months i got concieved
and i gave birth to a baby boy in the month my 2.5 yrs of
my married life my husband has given talaq more than three times but
regret that it was done in immense anger and mentalpressure though he
loves me very much.knowing this my elders have advised to take qula as
i may indulge in a haram relation and i took qula with the intention
to keep away from haram even i love him very much and there was no
hatred between we want to reunite in thelight of islam and what
is the status of my son as i fear he is haram because invalid
marriages are treated void by rasoolallah.what possibleislamic steps
to be taken to bond as a islamic wife and husband making ourbaby as
legal.please suggest soon as its only 5 days of my qula.
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad
, is His Slave and Messenger.
Your question is a bit ambiguous as you did not mention whether or not
your marriage was with the consent of your guardian, and whether or
not you had witnesses for it at all, or you did nothave the elders of
your family as witnesses, but you had other people as witnesses.
Therefore, in our view, you should orally ask a trustworthy scholar in
your country about it. Nonetheless, wewill mention a general answer
here which will be in the following points:
1- It is an obligation to repent from Zina (fornication or adultery);
the conditions of a sincere repentance are mentioned in Fatwa 86527 ,
so please refer to it.
2- The marriage of a person who committed Zina to the woman with whom
he has committed Zina before they both repent and before making sure
that she is not pregnant from Zina isan issue upon which the jurists
differed in opinion. In this regard please refer to Fataawa 83176 and
89292 .
3- There are conditions that should be met for a marriage to be valid,
andthese are discussed in Fatwa 83629 . The most important of which
are the (consent of the) guardian and the presence of two witnesses.
If one of these conditions is not met, themarriage is void. However,
if there are children from this marriage, their lineage istraced back
to their father due to the doubt [i.e. due to the husband believing
that his marriage is valid] as we clarified in Fatwa 92478 .
4- The void marriage upon which there is a difference of opinion leads
to its effects; if the husband divorces, the divorce takes place. If
he divorces his wife three times, his wife becomes irrevocably
divorced from him with major separation and she is not lawful for him
again unless she marries another man who consummates the marriage with
her and then divorces her or dies.In cases where the husband can take
back his wife, then Khul' is considered as one irrevocable divorce
with minor separation and thehusband cannot take his wife back except
with a new contract. For more benefit on the kinds of divorce, please
refer to Fatwa 82541 .
5- If the three divorces are said at once, the divorce takes place
three times according to the view of the majority of the scholars
contrary to the view of Ibn Taymiyyah who is of the view that it takes
place once. For more benefit, please refer to Fataawa 82330 and 94110
6- Anger does not prevent divorce from taking place unless the person
does not know what he says. For more benefit on the divorce of an
angry person, please refer to Fataawa 121374 and 83467 .
Finally, we warn against illegitimate affectionate relationships
between boys and girls, as they are the source of much corruption and
Allaah Knows best.
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Fatwa - , A case of doubtful marriage and div..
Fatwa - , Husband's signature on a triple divorce
Assalam Wa Alaikum, one of my brother got married on april 26th 2012.
& got khula on 9th of august 2012. now that girl wants to come back.
she has not married to anyone stills. she has sat for iddah for 40
days only& now she is doing job. my brother also wants her back. on
that time when khula was going on in the court my brother sign the
khula naama wthout reading the urdu documents( he didn't knw urdu) so
in that document they have been written 3 times maine aazad kiya below
that my brother got signed. so tell us the shariyath procedure howwe
can proceed for the re-marriege. we consult one mufti here he told
that it is not possible to remarry, coz that 3 times words converted
into talaq. so please guide us for remarriege of there both according
to islamicshariyat, i appriciate yourresponse as soon as possible.
Allah Hafeez.
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad
, is His Slave and Messenger.
Firstly, we could not get the meaning of the sentence in Urdu "maine
aazad kiya" and thus it is not clear to us.
Secondly, if the Sharee'ah-based court stated that uttering divorce
thrice takes effect and that such wife has become irrevocably divorced
with major separation from her husband, then the judge is fully aware
of his judgment. There might have been some circumstances that he
reviewed and based his ruling according to them while you did not know
them, and thus you did not mention them in your question. Hanafi
jurists have stated that if the husband has intended with Khul' to
divorce his wife three times, then three divorces take place.
Thirdly, the ruling of the judge cannot be overruled except if it goes
against consensus of scholars, text from the Quran and Sunnah, or
sound analogy as stated by scholars.
In conclusion, we have nothing to say on this case if the judge of the
Sharee'ah-based court has said his word about it, and if there is any
unclear matter, you can refer to that court.
Allaah Knows best.
Assalam Wa Alaikum, one of my brother got married on april 26th 2012.
& got khula on 9th of august 2012. now that girl wants to come back.
she has not married to anyone stills. she has sat for iddah for 40
days only& now she is doing job. my brother also wants her back. on
that time when khula was going on in the court my brother sign the
khula naama wthout reading the urdu documents( he didn't knw urdu) so
in that document they have been written 3 times maine aazad kiya below
that my brother got signed. so tell us the shariyath procedure howwe
can proceed for the re-marriege. we consult one mufti here he told
that it is not possible to remarry, coz that 3 times words converted
into talaq. so please guide us for remarriege of there both according
to islamicshariyat, i appriciate yourresponse as soon as possible.
Allah Hafeez.
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad
, is His Slave and Messenger.
Firstly, we could not get the meaning of the sentence in Urdu "maine
aazad kiya" and thus it is not clear to us.
Secondly, if the Sharee'ah-based court stated that uttering divorce
thrice takes effect and that such wife has become irrevocably divorced
with major separation from her husband, then the judge is fully aware
of his judgment. There might have been some circumstances that he
reviewed and based his ruling according to them while you did not know
them, and thus you did not mention them in your question. Hanafi
jurists have stated that if the husband has intended with Khul' to
divorce his wife three times, then three divorces take place.
Thirdly, the ruling of the judge cannot be overruled except if it goes
against consensus of scholars, text from the Quran and Sunnah, or
sound analogy as stated by scholars.
In conclusion, we have nothing to say on this case if the judge of the
Sharee'ah-based court has said his word about it, and if there is any
unclear matter, you can refer to that court.
Allaah Knows best.
Fatwa - , Her husband spends on his well off ..
Respacted Scholar, My husband spending his sister family because her
husband is ill.But they have money too.Is it his right to spend on
them? Jzakkallah hair.
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad
, is His Slave and Messenger.
The money that your husband possesses is his own money and he has the
right to dispose of it as he wishes provided this is in what is
permissible. So, if he wants to keep ties with one of his kinship with
this money, he may do sowhether or not his relative has money. For
more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 83470 .
However, the wife has the right to ask her husband about her right if
he is negligent about it, but she has no right to object to him
spending on one of his relatives. Rather, if she urges him to do so,
it would be better for her because this will make her husband love her
and esteem her as she helps him in being kind and dutiful to his
family members and keeping ties with his kinship.
Allaah Knows best.
Respacted Scholar, My husband spending his sister family because her
husband is ill.But they have money too.Is it his right to spend on
them? Jzakkallah hair.
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad
, is His Slave and Messenger.
The money that your husband possesses is his own money and he has the
right to dispose of it as he wishes provided this is in what is
permissible. So, if he wants to keep ties with one of his kinship with
this money, he may do sowhether or not his relative has money. For
more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 83470 .
However, the wife has the right to ask her husband about her right if
he is negligent about it, but she has no right to object to him
spending on one of his relatives. Rather, if she urges him to do so,
it would be better for her because this will make her husband love her
and esteem her as she helps him in being kind and dutiful to his
family members and keeping ties with his kinship.
Allaah Knows best.
Women section -, A ‘New Look’ for the Spirit
'New look' is a widespread term today. It is mainly concerned with the
outward appearance and how to change it.
However, it seldom refers to deeds and actions which enable both the
woman and the man to create a new look for their lives by viewing life
from a new perspective. Renewing the appearance is desirable and
important; however, it should be done in a positive way. We need anew
look for the spirit first to cast splendor and light on the outward
Actors' Innovation
Marwah Muhammad Ahmad, a translator, says, "Change is a basic feature
in man's life, for permanence is only for Allaah TheExalted. Hence,
man always tries to make changes in his life, including his
appearance. Change of appearance has usually been known as 'fashion',
which differs from one year to another. Today, however, a new name and
style of change, which is called the 'New Look', has emerged. It was
originally invented by actors and artists. It seems to express their
desire to combat boredom and renew their youth, as they say. Tothem,
this New Look means a change in the color of hair and hairstyle, the
color of complexionas well as the style of dressing." She further
said, "Nowadays, the youth are afflicted with blind imitation and seek
to have a new character through the New Look that is restricted to
external change. I do not know how the external change can have a
significant effect on life. It is the internal change that lasts and
is more beneficial. Hence, the concept of a New Look should be viewed
differently in a way that makes the change related, for example, to
one's lifestyle and way of treating others."
Saamiyah Sayyid, a working woman, says, "The New Look has spread
widely among artists recently. There is an artist who is over sixty
years old but looks as ifhe were only twenty. This is, of course, only
in his appearance as the organs of the body experience no renovation,
for Allaah The Exalted wants man to experience that stage, and this is
the norm of life. Man should enjoy every stage of his life within the
limits of what Allaah The Almighty destined for him of childhood,
youth and old age."
The Need for Renewal
Sawsan Bahaa', a BA in Instantaneous Translation, says that the
definition of 'New Look' is to have a new appearance. In this context,
renewing one's appearance is desirable and preferred from time to
As mankind is keen on possessing new things, he is also happy to renew
and change his feelings from sadness to happiness and to experience
different feelings when shifting from one stage of life to another.It
is like his feeling whenever he undergoes a new experience, meets new
people or visits new places. Thus, renewal is considered a permanent
and necessary need for every person to drive him/her forward. However,
some people may exaggerate in seeking a new lookor a new appearance.
The desire for renewal may prompt one to seek an eye-catching
appearance even if this appearance contradicts the general taste or
customs of the society or even the teachings of one's religion.
This reveals the importance of caution and wisdom when choosing new
things to avoid thediminution of one's credit of esteem and admiration
in people's eyes, which might be caused by an unrestrained pursuit of
new things. Caution and wisdom also help one maintain the features
which distinguish his character. Therefore, there must be balance
between one's desire and what he has to achieve of the noble
objectives which please him when he fulfills them.
Heba Salaah, a university lecturer,confirms that the New Look is a
widespread phenomenon that focuses on one's outward appearance, and
that is why scholars of religion must be consulted first whether this
is lawful or not before changing one's shape and appearance.
'Ula 'Abdul-Ghani 'Ali, a government employee, says, "There is
something that has a close meaning to the New Look; which is changing
one's features by having cosmetic surgery whichgives the person a new
appearance and features like changing the size of the nose or the
mouth. The other, more distant, meaning of the New Look refers to the
person's direction towards new thought that springs from the person
himself as he wants to change his character with respect to his views
and principles in life. Sometimes, one's views change when he leaves
his place of residence and meets new people with whom he did not deal
before. One may experience somecrises which polish his character and
make it stronger and firmer.
"However, many people do not prefer to make outward changes in their
appearance. They prefer to keep the appearance with which Allaah The
Almighty created them. Also, it is difficult to change the character
of some people regardless of the external effects to which they are
Huda Muhammad, a physician, says this phenomenon of changing ones
appearance, "The normal person is satisfied with the shape and outward
appearance which Allaah The Almighty has granted him, and he praises
Allaah The Exalted for that, especially if he is not disabled and
enjoys good physical health. Some people's raging desire to change
their outward appearance is abnormal.However, those who suffered
severe burns, for example, which led to the deformation of the skin of
their body or their face, can have cosmetic surgery to maintain their
psychological health and be able to face societyand deal with those
around themeasily and without embarrassment."
'Imaad Ad-Deen Zaghlool, a chemist, states, "If the New Look means
changing and renewing one's outward appearance and imitating the West
in this regard in a way that does not suit our customs and traditions,
then thisis to be rejected. However, if it is an attempt to change and
develop man to what is better, whether in his appearance or character,
or if it aims at developing his skills, then it is to be accepted. If
the New Look occurs in a way that suits our society, it will be
beneficial in combating boredom and will lead man to develop his
characterand skills. It is important and necessary for a person to
renew his thinking in a way that enableshim to serve his religion and
Saarah Ramadhaan, a 10 th grade student, says, "Change has to be in
man's character, acts and behavior by shifting his behavior to what is
better in dealing with others, and by changing himself from
selfishness and egoism to altruism, love of others and wishing
goodness for them."
'Ali Mahmood and Ahmad 'Aadel stress the necessity of having a New
Look in marital life. It shouldnot run monotonously, especiallyafter
few years of marriage whenthe wife needs to make even a simple change
in her appearance inside the house. She should takecare of her hair
and grace as well as her way of dealing with her husband. The spouses'
burdens and responsibilities increase withthe years of marriage and as
theyhave children, and this necessitates change and renewal whether in
shape or by visiting new places. Also, the husband has to treat his
wife kindly and help her. He should also change his lifestyle with her
so that their life will continue without monotony and will continue in
calmness and renewal.
outward appearance and how to change it.
However, it seldom refers to deeds and actions which enable both the
woman and the man to create a new look for their lives by viewing life
from a new perspective. Renewing the appearance is desirable and
important; however, it should be done in a positive way. We need anew
look for the spirit first to cast splendor and light on the outward
Actors' Innovation
Marwah Muhammad Ahmad, a translator, says, "Change is a basic feature
in man's life, for permanence is only for Allaah TheExalted. Hence,
man always tries to make changes in his life, including his
appearance. Change of appearance has usually been known as 'fashion',
which differs from one year to another. Today, however, a new name and
style of change, which is called the 'New Look', has emerged. It was
originally invented by actors and artists. It seems to express their
desire to combat boredom and renew their youth, as they say. Tothem,
this New Look means a change in the color of hair and hairstyle, the
color of complexionas well as the style of dressing." She further
said, "Nowadays, the youth are afflicted with blind imitation and seek
to have a new character through the New Look that is restricted to
external change. I do not know how the external change can have a
significant effect on life. It is the internal change that lasts and
is more beneficial. Hence, the concept of a New Look should be viewed
differently in a way that makes the change related, for example, to
one's lifestyle and way of treating others."
Saamiyah Sayyid, a working woman, says, "The New Look has spread
widely among artists recently. There is an artist who is over sixty
years old but looks as ifhe were only twenty. This is, of course, only
in his appearance as the organs of the body experience no renovation,
for Allaah The Exalted wants man to experience that stage, and this is
the norm of life. Man should enjoy every stage of his life within the
limits of what Allaah The Almighty destined for him of childhood,
youth and old age."
The Need for Renewal
Sawsan Bahaa', a BA in Instantaneous Translation, says that the
definition of 'New Look' is to have a new appearance. In this context,
renewing one's appearance is desirable and preferred from time to
As mankind is keen on possessing new things, he is also happy to renew
and change his feelings from sadness to happiness and to experience
different feelings when shifting from one stage of life to another.It
is like his feeling whenever he undergoes a new experience, meets new
people or visits new places. Thus, renewal is considered a permanent
and necessary need for every person to drive him/her forward. However,
some people may exaggerate in seeking a new lookor a new appearance.
The desire for renewal may prompt one to seek an eye-catching
appearance even if this appearance contradicts the general taste or
customs of the society or even the teachings of one's religion.
This reveals the importance of caution and wisdom when choosing new
things to avoid thediminution of one's credit of esteem and admiration
in people's eyes, which might be caused by an unrestrained pursuit of
new things. Caution and wisdom also help one maintain the features
which distinguish his character. Therefore, there must be balance
between one's desire and what he has to achieve of the noble
objectives which please him when he fulfills them.
Heba Salaah, a university lecturer,confirms that the New Look is a
widespread phenomenon that focuses on one's outward appearance, and
that is why scholars of religion must be consulted first whether this
is lawful or not before changing one's shape and appearance.
'Ula 'Abdul-Ghani 'Ali, a government employee, says, "There is
something that has a close meaning to the New Look; which is changing
one's features by having cosmetic surgery whichgives the person a new
appearance and features like changing the size of the nose or the
mouth. The other, more distant, meaning of the New Look refers to the
person's direction towards new thought that springs from the person
himself as he wants to change his character with respect to his views
and principles in life. Sometimes, one's views change when he leaves
his place of residence and meets new people with whom he did not deal
before. One may experience somecrises which polish his character and
make it stronger and firmer.
"However, many people do not prefer to make outward changes in their
appearance. They prefer to keep the appearance with which Allaah The
Almighty created them. Also, it is difficult to change the character
of some people regardless of the external effects to which they are
Huda Muhammad, a physician, says this phenomenon of changing ones
appearance, "The normal person is satisfied with the shape and outward
appearance which Allaah The Almighty has granted him, and he praises
Allaah The Exalted for that, especially if he is not disabled and
enjoys good physical health. Some people's raging desire to change
their outward appearance is abnormal.However, those who suffered
severe burns, for example, which led to the deformation of the skin of
their body or their face, can have cosmetic surgery to maintain their
psychological health and be able to face societyand deal with those
around themeasily and without embarrassment."
'Imaad Ad-Deen Zaghlool, a chemist, states, "If the New Look means
changing and renewing one's outward appearance and imitating the West
in this regard in a way that does not suit our customs and traditions,
then thisis to be rejected. However, if it is an attempt to change and
develop man to what is better, whether in his appearance or character,
or if it aims at developing his skills, then it is to be accepted. If
the New Look occurs in a way that suits our society, it will be
beneficial in combating boredom and will lead man to develop his
characterand skills. It is important and necessary for a person to
renew his thinking in a way that enableshim to serve his religion and
Saarah Ramadhaan, a 10 th grade student, says, "Change has to be in
man's character, acts and behavior by shifting his behavior to what is
better in dealing with others, and by changing himself from
selfishness and egoism to altruism, love of others and wishing
goodness for them."
'Ali Mahmood and Ahmad 'Aadel stress the necessity of having a New
Look in marital life. It shouldnot run monotonously, especiallyafter
few years of marriage whenthe wife needs to make even a simple change
in her appearance inside the house. She should takecare of her hair
and grace as well as her way of dealing with her husband. The spouses'
burdens and responsibilities increase withthe years of marriage and as
theyhave children, and this necessitates change and renewal whether in
shape or by visiting new places. Also, the husband has to treat his
wife kindly and help her. He should also change his lifestyle with her
so that their life will continue without monotony and will continue in
calmness and renewal.
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