Do the clothes you wear to sleep become impure (so you are not allowed
to pray Salat in them.
Praise be to Allaah.
The basic principle with regard to clothes is that they are taahir
(pure), unless any najaasah (impurity) has gotten onto them, in which
casethey must be purified.
Merely sleeping in clothes does not make them najis (impure); rather
they remain pure until it becomes certain that any impurity has gotten
onto them.
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen said: The basic principle with regard to a
person wearing clothes is that he (and they) are pure so long as he is
not certain that any impurityhas gotten onto his bodyor clothes. This
basic principle is supported bythe words of the Prophet (blessings and
peace of Allah be upon him) when a man complained to him that he felt
something duringhis prayer – referring to breaking wind. He said: "Do
not stop (praying) unless you hear a sound or notice a smell." If the
individual is not certain about that, then the basic principle is that
he remains pure. He may think it most likely that his clothes have
become contaminated with impurity, but so long as he is not certain
about it, the basic principle is that he remains pure. End quote.
Majmoo' Fataawa Ibn 'Uthaymeen, 11/107
For more information please see the answer toquestion no. 12720
It is permissible to pray in clothes in which one has slept, so long
as theyare pure and cover the 'awrah, although it is better and more
perfect to wear beautiful clothesthat look good for prayer. That is in
obedience to the command of Allah, may He be exalted, in the verse
(interpretation of the meaning): "O Children of Adam! Take your
adornment (by wearing your clean clothes), while praying" [al-A'raaf
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked about
the ruling on praying in nightclothes and attending gatherings wearing
them. He said: There is nothing wrong with praying in nightclothes if
they are pure, whether one comes to the mosque wearing them or not,
unless those clothes will attract attention and criticism, and people
will talk about him in their gatherings because of that. People should
avoid anything that may be a cause of people backbiting about them.
- - - - -
And Allah Knows the Best!
- - - - -
Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA
- - - - - - -
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Can he pray in the clothes he slept in?
Conveying Rewards to the Deceased (Isaale Sawaab)
Allah - in the name of - the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
At the outset please know, that in Islam, death is not perceived asan
end of life. It is just the end of the worldly existence as we witness
it, and the beginning of a new existence, in which the soul
experiences a new world called "Barzakh." The soul may experiencethis
new life with or without its original body, according to its own rank
allotted to it by Allah the Almighty, the Supreme. There are too many
proofs from the Holy Qur'an and Hadeeth (Holy Prophet's Traditions)
regarding the above, and warrant an extensive article on the same. But
that is not the question here.
The question that some people ask is that if a person is dead, can we
increase its status or decrease its torment by conveying rewards of
OUR deeds
It is the consensus of the Sahaba, the earlier Ulema, and the latter
ones that the above is (a) Effective and that (b) it is certainly
permissible, in fact meritorious, to do so.
If one wants to convey the reward of one's recital of Holy Qur'an,
charity, Nafil Salaat (NonObligatory), fasts and good deeds, Hajj,
Umrah etc., then one should convey it to the virtuous soul of our
beloved Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), one's
relatives, and all the Muslim men and women. All of them will receive
the same rewardwithout any deduction; the one who has carried this out
will also receive the same reward without any loss. It is also valid
to convey the reward to the living persons. (Fatawa Shami).
Before we back up the above statements with several proofs from the
Holy Qur'an and Hadeeth, we should, as amatter of justice, look into
the objections brought against the above belief.
Those who object to this act, cite the following verse from the Holy Qur'an:
"And that man will not obtain anything except what he strove for" (Najm 53:39)
They allege that the above verse clarifies thatnone of our deeds can
benefit one who has passed away. Such a view is incorrect. Firstly,
this Ayah exhorts people to remember that good deeds will bring good
results and evil deeds, anevil result. So they must always persist is
seeking good. And that that they must not simply depend on other
people's prayers. Secondly, most scholars are of the opinion that the
message in this verse is abrogated by the verse: "And those who
believe and whose families follow them in Faith, -- to them We shall
join their families: nor shall We deprive them of the fruit of
anything of theirworks: yet each individual is in pledge for his
deeds" (Toor 52:21)." This verse entersthe children into Paradise
because of the righteousness of the parents.
They also cite a famous Hadeeth from Muslim Shareef:
Abu Huraira (Allah be well pleased with him) reported Allah's
Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying: When a man
dies, his acts come to an end, but three, recurringcharity, or
knowledge (by which people) benefit, or a pious son, who prays for him
(for the deceased).
Please closely examine the above Hadeeth. The words say " his acts"
(except three) come to an end. What comes to an end, then, is the
deceased person's own actions. This does not mean that a dead
persondoes not benefit from anything else. He cannot increase his own
rewardby any new act (even if he prays or does Zikr in the grave, as
proven from various Hadeeth). But his reward can go on increasing
because ofthe prayers of his son.
The above Hadeeth therefore cannot be quoted in support of theargument
that our actions cannot benefit those who are dead. In fact, it
supports the case for conveying rewards to the dead!.
Also note that the actions and beliefs of none else than the beloved
Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) are proof of their
wrong opinion. And also against their narrow minded opinion are the
actions and beliefs of none else than the great Sahaba (Allah be well
pleased with them).
Having negated the objections, we bring forth for your perusal several
proofs from the Holy Qur'an and Hadeethsupporting the act of conveying
rewards to those who passed away before us.
Verse 1
And those who came after them say, "O our Lord! Forgive us, and
ourbrothers who accepted faith before us , and do not keep any malice
in our hearts towards the believers - O our Lord! Indeed You only are
the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful." (Hashr 59:10)
Note that the above verse is a very strong evidence of the practice of
the Sahaba, which was so loved by Allah that it is part of the Holy
Qur'an. Why would the Sahaba pray for the deceased people if their
prayer was of no benefitAnd to top it all, Allah theAlmighty has
approved and praised their action!
Verse 2
"O our Lord! And forgive me, and my parents, andall the Muslims on the
day when the account will be established." (Ibrahim 14:41)
The benefit of the aboveverse is obvious. The prayer of Prophet Syedna
Ibrahim (peace be upon him), includes all believers - right from the
beginning i.e. those before him, and till the end of this world i.e.
even those who are not yet born. Al Hamdo Lillah! And this prayer is
often made in the last part (Qaadah) of our Salaat.
Verse 3
And those who believe and whose families follow them in Faith, -- to
them We shall join their families : nor shall We deprive them of the
fruit of anything of theirworks: yet each individual is in pledge for
his deeds." (Toor 52:21)
This verse says that children will be admitted into Paradise because
of the righteousness of the parents.
Verse 4
And lower your wing humbly for them, with mercy, and pray, " My Lord!
Have mercy on them both , the way theynursed me when I was young."
(Bani Israel 17:24)
This verse is in fact a command from Allah for all believers to seek
mercy for their parents. So what is your opinion Will not the command
ofAllah hold any benefit for the deceased parent It certainly does.
Also note that there are several other verses from the Holy Qur'an
that teach us to pray, and the prayer includes all Muslim brothers &
sisters (living, passed away or yet to be borne).
Readers are requested toreflect on the fact that the above verses are
part of the Holy Qur'an - they are read perhaps millions of times
every day all over the world, aspart of regular recitation, and also
as Qirat within Salaat, and also as prayer in the last part (Qaadah)
of Salaat.
Hadeeth 1
Abu Huraira (Allah be well pleased with him) reported Allah's
Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying: When a man
dies, his acts come to an end, but three, recurringcharity, or
knowledge (by which people) benefit, or a pious son, who prays for him
(for the deceased) . (Muslim)
Hadeeth 2
The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "What is
credited to a believer of his action and good deed after his death is
any useful knowledge he might have taught or spread, a Allah-fearing
child he might have left behind, a copy of the Qur'an he might have
left to an heir, a mosque he might have built, a house he might have
dedicated for use by travelers, a stream or river he might have caused
to run, a donation to charity (i.e. sadaqah) he might have set aside
when he was enjoying good health. Allthat catches up with himafter his
death. " (Ibn Majah)
Hadeeth 3
Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'Aas (Allah be well pleased with
him): Al-'As ibn Wa'il left his will that a hundred slaves should be
emancipated on his behalf. His son Hisham emancipated fifty slaves and
his son Amr intended to emancipate the remaining fifty on his behalf,
but he said: I should ask first the Apostle of Allah. He, therefore,
came to the Holy Prophet and said: Apostle of Allah, my father left in
his will thata hundred slaves should be emancipated on his behalf and
Hisham has emancipated fifty on his behalf and fifty remain. Shall I
emancipate them on his behalf The Apostleof Allah said: Had he been a
Muslim and you had emancipated slaves on his behalf, or given sadaqah
on his behalf, or performed the pilgrimage, that would have reached
him. (Abu Daud)
Hadeeth 4
Abu Huraira (Allah be well pleased with him) reported Allah's
Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying: He who
alleviates the suffering of a brother out of the sufferings of the
world, Allah would alleviate his suffering from the sufferings of the
Day of Resurrection, and he who finds relief for one who is hard
pressed, Allah would make thingseasy for him in the Hereafter, and he
who conceals (the faults) of a Muslim, Allah would conceal his faults
in the world and in the Hereafter. Allah is at the back of a servant
so longas the servant is at the back of his brother, and he who treads
the path in search of know- ledge, Allah would make that path easy,
leading to Paradise for him and those persons who assemble in the
house among the houses of Allah (mosques) and recite the Book of Allah
and they learn and teachthe Qur'an (among themselves) there
woulddescend upon them the tranquility and mercy would cover them and
the angels would surround them and Allahmakes a mention of them in the
presence of those near Him , and he who is slow-paced in doing good
deeds, his (high) lineage does not make him go ahead. (Muslim)
When a Muslim dies, it is a duty on the communityof Muslims to offer a
special prayer for him during which they pray Allah to forgive him and
admit him into heaven. The funeral prayer is Fard Kifayah for the
living Muslim brothers i.e. if just one person offers it, the entire
community is absolved of this duty. But see the importance attached to
the more and more people joining the prayer. And the benefit reaching
the deceased person is obvious.
Hadeeth 5
Syeda 'A'isha (Allah be well pleased with her) reported Allah's
Apostle (peace and blessings be upon him) saying: If a company of
Muslims numbering one hundredpray over a dead person,all of them
interceding for him, their intercession for him will be accepted.
Hadeeth 6
'Abdullah b. 'Abbas (Allahbe well pleased with him) reported that his
son died in Qudaid or 'Usfan. He said to Kuraib to see as to how many
people had gathered there for his (funeral). He (Kuraib) said: So I
went out and I informedhim about the people who had gathered there. He
(Ibn 'Abbas) said: Do you think they are forty He (Kuraib) said: Yes.
Ibn 'Abbas thensaid to them: Bring him (the dead body) out for Ihave
heard Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying:
If any Muslim dies and forty men who associate nothing with Allah
stand over his prayer (they offer prayerover him), Allah will accept
them as intercessors for him. (Muslim)
- - - - -
And Allah Knows the Best!
- - - - -
Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA
- - - - - - -
At the outset please know, that in Islam, death is not perceived asan
end of life. It is just the end of the worldly existence as we witness
it, and the beginning of a new existence, in which the soul
experiences a new world called "Barzakh." The soul may experiencethis
new life with or without its original body, according to its own rank
allotted to it by Allah the Almighty, the Supreme. There are too many
proofs from the Holy Qur'an and Hadeeth (Holy Prophet's Traditions)
regarding the above, and warrant an extensive article on the same. But
that is not the question here.
The question that some people ask is that if a person is dead, can we
increase its status or decrease its torment by conveying rewards of
OUR deeds
It is the consensus of the Sahaba, the earlier Ulema, and the latter
ones that the above is (a) Effective and that (b) it is certainly
permissible, in fact meritorious, to do so.
If one wants to convey the reward of one's recital of Holy Qur'an,
charity, Nafil Salaat (NonObligatory), fasts and good deeds, Hajj,
Umrah etc., then one should convey it to the virtuous soul of our
beloved Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), one's
relatives, and all the Muslim men and women. All of them will receive
the same rewardwithout any deduction; the one who has carried this out
will also receive the same reward without any loss. It is also valid
to convey the reward to the living persons. (Fatawa Shami).
Before we back up the above statements with several proofs from the
Holy Qur'an and Hadeeth, we should, as amatter of justice, look into
the objections brought against the above belief.
Those who object to this act, cite the following verse from the Holy Qur'an:
"And that man will not obtain anything except what he strove for" (Najm 53:39)
They allege that the above verse clarifies thatnone of our deeds can
benefit one who has passed away. Such a view is incorrect. Firstly,
this Ayah exhorts people to remember that good deeds will bring good
results and evil deeds, anevil result. So they must always persist is
seeking good. And that that they must not simply depend on other
people's prayers. Secondly, most scholars are of the opinion that the
message in this verse is abrogated by the verse: "And those who
believe and whose families follow them in Faith, -- to them We shall
join their families: nor shall We deprive them of the fruit of
anything of theirworks: yet each individual is in pledge for his
deeds" (Toor 52:21)." This verse entersthe children into Paradise
because of the righteousness of the parents.
They also cite a famous Hadeeth from Muslim Shareef:
Abu Huraira (Allah be well pleased with him) reported Allah's
Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying: When a man
dies, his acts come to an end, but three, recurringcharity, or
knowledge (by which people) benefit, or a pious son, who prays for him
(for the deceased).
Please closely examine the above Hadeeth. The words say " his acts"
(except three) come to an end. What comes to an end, then, is the
deceased person's own actions. This does not mean that a dead
persondoes not benefit from anything else. He cannot increase his own
rewardby any new act (even if he prays or does Zikr in the grave, as
proven from various Hadeeth). But his reward can go on increasing
because ofthe prayers of his son.
The above Hadeeth therefore cannot be quoted in support of theargument
that our actions cannot benefit those who are dead. In fact, it
supports the case for conveying rewards to the dead!.
Also note that the actions and beliefs of none else than the beloved
Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) are proof of their
wrong opinion. And also against their narrow minded opinion are the
actions and beliefs of none else than the great Sahaba (Allah be well
pleased with them).
Having negated the objections, we bring forth for your perusal several
proofs from the Holy Qur'an and Hadeethsupporting the act of conveying
rewards to those who passed away before us.
Verse 1
And those who came after them say, "O our Lord! Forgive us, and
ourbrothers who accepted faith before us , and do not keep any malice
in our hearts towards the believers - O our Lord! Indeed You only are
the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful." (Hashr 59:10)
Note that the above verse is a very strong evidence of the practice of
the Sahaba, which was so loved by Allah that it is part of the Holy
Qur'an. Why would the Sahaba pray for the deceased people if their
prayer was of no benefitAnd to top it all, Allah theAlmighty has
approved and praised their action!
Verse 2
"O our Lord! And forgive me, and my parents, andall the Muslims on the
day when the account will be established." (Ibrahim 14:41)
The benefit of the aboveverse is obvious. The prayer of Prophet Syedna
Ibrahim (peace be upon him), includes all believers - right from the
beginning i.e. those before him, and till the end of this world i.e.
even those who are not yet born. Al Hamdo Lillah! And this prayer is
often made in the last part (Qaadah) of our Salaat.
Verse 3
And those who believe and whose families follow them in Faith, -- to
them We shall join their families : nor shall We deprive them of the
fruit of anything of theirworks: yet each individual is in pledge for
his deeds." (Toor 52:21)
This verse says that children will be admitted into Paradise because
of the righteousness of the parents.
Verse 4
And lower your wing humbly for them, with mercy, and pray, " My Lord!
Have mercy on them both , the way theynursed me when I was young."
(Bani Israel 17:24)
This verse is in fact a command from Allah for all believers to seek
mercy for their parents. So what is your opinion Will not the command
ofAllah hold any benefit for the deceased parent It certainly does.
Also note that there are several other verses from the Holy Qur'an
that teach us to pray, and the prayer includes all Muslim brothers &
sisters (living, passed away or yet to be borne).
Readers are requested toreflect on the fact that the above verses are
part of the Holy Qur'an - they are read perhaps millions of times
every day all over the world, aspart of regular recitation, and also
as Qirat within Salaat, and also as prayer in the last part (Qaadah)
of Salaat.
Hadeeth 1
Abu Huraira (Allah be well pleased with him) reported Allah's
Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying: When a man
dies, his acts come to an end, but three, recurringcharity, or
knowledge (by which people) benefit, or a pious son, who prays for him
(for the deceased) . (Muslim)
Hadeeth 2
The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "What is
credited to a believer of his action and good deed after his death is
any useful knowledge he might have taught or spread, a Allah-fearing
child he might have left behind, a copy of the Qur'an he might have
left to an heir, a mosque he might have built, a house he might have
dedicated for use by travelers, a stream or river he might have caused
to run, a donation to charity (i.e. sadaqah) he might have set aside
when he was enjoying good health. Allthat catches up with himafter his
death. " (Ibn Majah)
Hadeeth 3
Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'Aas (Allah be well pleased with
him): Al-'As ibn Wa'il left his will that a hundred slaves should be
emancipated on his behalf. His son Hisham emancipated fifty slaves and
his son Amr intended to emancipate the remaining fifty on his behalf,
but he said: I should ask first the Apostle of Allah. He, therefore,
came to the Holy Prophet and said: Apostle of Allah, my father left in
his will thata hundred slaves should be emancipated on his behalf and
Hisham has emancipated fifty on his behalf and fifty remain. Shall I
emancipate them on his behalf The Apostleof Allah said: Had he been a
Muslim and you had emancipated slaves on his behalf, or given sadaqah
on his behalf, or performed the pilgrimage, that would have reached
him. (Abu Daud)
Hadeeth 4
Abu Huraira (Allah be well pleased with him) reported Allah's
Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying: He who
alleviates the suffering of a brother out of the sufferings of the
world, Allah would alleviate his suffering from the sufferings of the
Day of Resurrection, and he who finds relief for one who is hard
pressed, Allah would make thingseasy for him in the Hereafter, and he
who conceals (the faults) of a Muslim, Allah would conceal his faults
in the world and in the Hereafter. Allah is at the back of a servant
so longas the servant is at the back of his brother, and he who treads
the path in search of know- ledge, Allah would make that path easy,
leading to Paradise for him and those persons who assemble in the
house among the houses of Allah (mosques) and recite the Book of Allah
and they learn and teachthe Qur'an (among themselves) there
woulddescend upon them the tranquility and mercy would cover them and
the angels would surround them and Allahmakes a mention of them in the
presence of those near Him , and he who is slow-paced in doing good
deeds, his (high) lineage does not make him go ahead. (Muslim)
When a Muslim dies, it is a duty on the communityof Muslims to offer a
special prayer for him during which they pray Allah to forgive him and
admit him into heaven. The funeral prayer is Fard Kifayah for the
living Muslim brothers i.e. if just one person offers it, the entire
community is absolved of this duty. But see the importance attached to
the more and more people joining the prayer. And the benefit reaching
the deceased person is obvious.
Hadeeth 5
Syeda 'A'isha (Allah be well pleased with her) reported Allah's
Apostle (peace and blessings be upon him) saying: If a company of
Muslims numbering one hundredpray over a dead person,all of them
interceding for him, their intercession for him will be accepted.
Hadeeth 6
'Abdullah b. 'Abbas (Allahbe well pleased with him) reported that his
son died in Qudaid or 'Usfan. He said to Kuraib to see as to how many
people had gathered there for his (funeral). He (Kuraib) said: So I
went out and I informedhim about the people who had gathered there. He
(Ibn 'Abbas) said: Do you think they are forty He (Kuraib) said: Yes.
Ibn 'Abbas thensaid to them: Bring him (the dead body) out for Ihave
heard Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying:
If any Muslim dies and forty men who associate nothing with Allah
stand over his prayer (they offer prayerover him), Allah will accept
them as intercessors for him. (Muslim)
- - - - -
And Allah Knows the Best!
- - - - -
Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA
- - - - - - -
Anything for Allah
Khabaab (Radiallaho Anho) is one of those fortunate persons who
offered themselves for sacrifice and suffering for the cause of Allah
(Subhanahu wa Taala). He was the sixth or seventh person to embrace
Islam and therefore, he suffered long. He was made to put on steel
armor and lie in the sun to sweat. Very often he was made to lie flat
on burning sand, which caused the flesh on his back to dissolve. He
was the slave of a woman. When she came to know that he was visiting
Rasulullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam), she used to brand his head
with a hot iron rod. Umar (Radiallaho Anho) during his Caliph once
asked him about the details of his suffering after embracing Islam.
He showed him his back,seeing which Umar (Radiallaho Anho) said,"I
have never seen such a back before."
He said, "My body was dragged over heaps of burning coal and the blood
and fat coming out of my back put out the fire."
When Islam spread and the Muslims conquered all the surrounding
territory, he used to weep and say, "Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) seems
to be compensating us in this world for all our sufferings and perhaps
nothing would be left for us as reward in the Akhirah".
Source: From the Book"Stories of the Sahabah" by Shaikh Muhammad
Zakariyya Kandhalvi.
Such were the followers of the Prophet (peace beupon him) who were
ready to give anything but their faith in Allah. On the other hand, we
Muslims today are ready to sell our iman for little material gains!
offered themselves for sacrifice and suffering for the cause of Allah
(Subhanahu wa Taala). He was the sixth or seventh person to embrace
Islam and therefore, he suffered long. He was made to put on steel
armor and lie in the sun to sweat. Very often he was made to lie flat
on burning sand, which caused the flesh on his back to dissolve. He
was the slave of a woman. When she came to know that he was visiting
Rasulullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam), she used to brand his head
with a hot iron rod. Umar (Radiallaho Anho) during his Caliph once
asked him about the details of his suffering after embracing Islam.
He showed him his back,seeing which Umar (Radiallaho Anho) said,"I
have never seen such a back before."
He said, "My body was dragged over heaps of burning coal and the blood
and fat coming out of my back put out the fire."
When Islam spread and the Muslims conquered all the surrounding
territory, he used to weep and say, "Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) seems
to be compensating us in this world for all our sufferings and perhaps
nothing would be left for us as reward in the Akhirah".
Source: From the Book"Stories of the Sahabah" by Shaikh Muhammad
Zakariyya Kandhalvi.
Such were the followers of the Prophet (peace beupon him) who were
ready to give anything but their faith in Allah. On the other hand, we
Muslims today are ready to sell our iman for little material gains!
Story of a Brilliant Student
The following story was narrated by Professor Anwar, who teaches in
the Ryerson University located in Toronto, Canada. He said that during
his student life, he was studying at an university in Bangladesh.
There, he had a good friend who was very intelligent. Thisfriend was
the only childof his family. Everyone used to look upto his great
future. And they were right, he graduated with the highest mark in his
field.Immediately, calls came for him from big companies. One day, Dr.
Anwar was requested byhis friend to accompany him to one such
companies for an interview. They were going by riding on a motor
cycle. On the way, a speeding truck couldn't manage itself and hit
their motor cyclefrom the back. At that collision, Dr. Anwar flew off
the motor cycle and fell on the side of the street. But his friend got
hit from another vehicle that was coming from the opposite side and
died instantly.
Here was a person who was at the peek of material success in this
world but little did he know that his death wasjust around the corner.
We have spent much of our time preparing for the life before death,
but how much time havewe spent preparing for the everlasting life
after death?
the Ryerson University located in Toronto, Canada. He said that during
his student life, he was studying at an university in Bangladesh.
There, he had a good friend who was very intelligent. Thisfriend was
the only childof his family. Everyone used to look upto his great
future. And they were right, he graduated with the highest mark in his
field.Immediately, calls came for him from big companies. One day, Dr.
Anwar was requested byhis friend to accompany him to one such
companies for an interview. They were going by riding on a motor
cycle. On the way, a speeding truck couldn't manage itself and hit
their motor cyclefrom the back. At that collision, Dr. Anwar flew off
the motor cycle and fell on the side of the street. But his friend got
hit from another vehicle that was coming from the opposite side and
died instantly.
Here was a person who was at the peek of material success in this
world but little did he know that his death wasjust around the corner.
We have spent much of our time preparing for the life before death,
but how much time havewe spent preparing for the everlasting life
after death?
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