An extract from Az-ZaujusSalih (The Pious Husband)by Mujlisul Ulama of
South Africa
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "The noblest of you are those who
are the noblest to their families…"
"Verily, among the most perfect Believers in Iman are those who are
best incharacter and kindest to their wives."
Even lifting a morsel of food to the mouth of the wife has been given
the significance of ibadat. It is an act of love by which the husband
derives thawab (reward in the Hereafter).
It was part of the Uswah Hasanah (Noble character) of the Prophetصلى
الله عليه وسلم to engage in light hearted talk with his wives. Hadhrat
Abu Hurairah رضى الله تعالى عنه said:
Allah loves a man who caresses his wife. Both of them are awarded
thawab because of this loving attitude and their rizq (earning) is
A man is rewarded for even a drink of water he presents to his wife.
According to the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم the mercy of Allah Ta'ala
cascades on a couple when the husband glances at his wife with love
and pleasure and she returns his glance with love and pleasure.
When a husband clasps the hand of his wife withlove their sins fall
from the gaps between their clasped fingers. Even mutual love between
husband and wives serve as a kaffara (expiation) for sins. The Prophet
صلى الله عليه وسلم said:
"When a man enters his home cheerfully, Allah creates, as a result of
his happy attitude, an angel who engages in istighfar (prayers of
forgiveness) on behalf of the man until the day of Qiyamah."
May Allah give us the ability to act upon the above, ameen.
Al-Mar'atus Salihah (The Pious Wife) is also published by Mujlisul
Ulama, both books can befound in the English language and have been
described as the islamic prescription for a happy and successful
marriage , the blessings and rewards of which extend into even the
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012
The Bond of Holy Love
Happy Husband and Wife
19th century Ottoman scholar Bediuzzaman writes:
Happy the husband who sees the wife's firm religion and follows her,
and himself becomes pious in order not to losehis companion of eternal
Happy the wife who sees her husband's firmness inreligion and becomes
pious so as not to lose her eternal friend.
Alas for the man who becomes dissolute, whichwill lose him for ever
thatrighteous woman.
Alas for the woman who does not follow her pioushusband and loses her
eternal blessed friend.
And a thousand woes on the unhappy husband and wife who imitate each
other in sin and vice, helping one another to enter Hell -fire!
Jazakallah to 'Seeker' for leaving this quote as a comment on the post
Characteristics of a Pious Husband .
Happy the husband who sees the wife's firm religion and follows her,
and himself becomes pious in order not to losehis companion of eternal
Happy the wife who sees her husband's firmness inreligion and becomes
pious so as not to lose her eternal friend.
Alas for the man who becomes dissolute, whichwill lose him for ever
thatrighteous woman.
Alas for the woman who does not follow her pioushusband and loses her
eternal blessed friend.
And a thousand woes on the unhappy husband and wife who imitate each
other in sin and vice, helping one another to enter Hell -fire!
Jazakallah to 'Seeker' for leaving this quote as a comment on the post
Characteristics of a Pious Husband .
A Happy Formula
Hadhrat Luqmaan Alayhissalam – who was unanimously Hakeem (wise) and a
Nabi according to somewas employed as a labourer in an orchard. One
day, the owner of the orchardcame and asked him to bring some
cucumbers. He peeled one and gave it Hadhrat Luqmaan who started
eating it with relish. The owner, witnessing Hadhrat Luqmaan eating
the cucumber with such relish thought that it must be rather
delicious. He placed a slice of it intohis mouth and on findingit was
extremely bitter, spat it out and frowned.
"This cucumber is rather bitter," he addressed Hadhrat Luqmaan, "but
you were eating it as thought it was very delicious."
Hadhrat Luqmaan said, "Yes, of course! It is bitter."
"Why didnt you say so?" asked the master.
He replied, "What can I say? I thought to myself that the hand from
whichI ate sweet things thousands of times, if thesame hand gives me
something bitter just once, how can I show it on my face?"
This is such a principle that if both spouses remember it, there will
never be an opportunity for contention and dispute.
The wife should remember that the husband has put up with all her
frivolities thousands of times, what is there if he is hard with me
just this once? The husband on the othe hand should also ponder over
the thousands of times his wife had servedhim diligently.
(At-Tableegh vol 7 page 128)
Nabi according to somewas employed as a labourer in an orchard. One
day, the owner of the orchardcame and asked him to bring some
cucumbers. He peeled one and gave it Hadhrat Luqmaan who started
eating it with relish. The owner, witnessing Hadhrat Luqmaan eating
the cucumber with such relish thought that it must be rather
delicious. He placed a slice of it intohis mouth and on findingit was
extremely bitter, spat it out and frowned.
"This cucumber is rather bitter," he addressed Hadhrat Luqmaan, "but
you were eating it as thought it was very delicious."
Hadhrat Luqmaan said, "Yes, of course! It is bitter."
"Why didnt you say so?" asked the master.
He replied, "What can I say? I thought to myself that the hand from
whichI ate sweet things thousands of times, if thesame hand gives me
something bitter just once, how can I show it on my face?"
This is such a principle that if both spouses remember it, there will
never be an opportunity for contention and dispute.
The wife should remember that the husband has put up with all her
frivolities thousands of times, what is there if he is hard with me
just this once? The husband on the othe hand should also ponder over
the thousands of times his wife had servedhim diligently.
(At-Tableegh vol 7 page 128)
Stories from Quran & Hadees - Stories of the Prophets, Prophet Dawood / David (pbuh): Excellence of Prayer
Prophet Dawood / David (pbuh) once decided to perform prayers and read
Zabur (Book of Psalms) with the excellence that nobody would have
done. He entered the Mehrab and prayed.
After he finished to his satisfaction he found a frog appear before
him and told him, "Oh Dawood! Is it true that you feel that you have
prayed too well? Every night I am habituated to pray 1,000 Tasbih
(glorifications) and from every Tasbih three thousand Hamds are
Sometimes when I am at the bottom of a pond and I hear the voice of
any bird above, thinking that it might be hungry, I come to the
surface of the water so that the hungry bird may get its food by
eating me. This isthe part of the duty that Iperform towards Allah
Stories of the Prophets, Prophet Sulayman / Solomon (pbuh): Do not Transgress
Prophet Sulayman / Solomon (pbuh) in response to his special prayer to
Allah (SWT) wasgranted Kingdom and was given power over the forces of
nature, overthe men, Jinn, devil and other living creatures. He was
also endowed with knowledge of their language and could easily
communicate with them.
Prophet Sulayman / Solomon (pbuh) once was sitting on the bank of a
lake deeply engrossed in the beauties of nature around and
appreciating the various forms of Allah's (SWT) creation on earth.
Suddenly Prophet Sulayman's / Solomon (pbuh) attention was drawn
towards an Ant creeping forward with a grain of wheat in its mouth. As
it reached nearthe water, a Tortoise came out, opened its mouth and
the ant crept into it. The Tortoise closing its mouth disappeared
under the water. After a while, the Tortoise again sprung out of the
water and standing on the bank opened its mouth and the Ant came out.
But thistime it had no grain of wheat in its mouth.
Prophet Sulayman / Solomon (pbuh) became anxious to know what had been
happening under water. On inquiring, the Ant explained that at the
bottom of the lake, was astone and underneath it lived a blind Ant.
Allah (SWT) had created it there and because of blindness, it could
not move about. The Ant further said that I have been appointed by
Allah (SWT) to provide its daily sustenance with the assistance of the
Tortoise and hence, I do perform this duty everyday.
Let us ponder over one thing. If a tiny creature like an Ant living
under a stone at the bottom of a sea is not denied its sustenance, why
should man the noblest of all creatures (Ashraf ul Makhluqat) ever
suspect loss of his sustenance from Almighty Allah (SWT)? Isn't it
foolishness to dirty one's hand in prohibited transactions for earning
one's livelihood? Such persons do not get more, than what is destined
and earn Allah's (SWT) Wrath and Punishment in this world and
Moral: Allah (SWT) is Ar Razzaq. He is our Provider we should always
have faith in Him and trust Him in all our Affairs.
Zabur (Book of Psalms) with the excellence that nobody would have
done. He entered the Mehrab and prayed.
After he finished to his satisfaction he found a frog appear before
him and told him, "Oh Dawood! Is it true that you feel that you have
prayed too well? Every night I am habituated to pray 1,000 Tasbih
(glorifications) and from every Tasbih three thousand Hamds are
Sometimes when I am at the bottom of a pond and I hear the voice of
any bird above, thinking that it might be hungry, I come to the
surface of the water so that the hungry bird may get its food by
eating me. This isthe part of the duty that Iperform towards Allah
Stories of the Prophets, Prophet Sulayman / Solomon (pbuh): Do not Transgress
Prophet Sulayman / Solomon (pbuh) in response to his special prayer to
Allah (SWT) wasgranted Kingdom and was given power over the forces of
nature, overthe men, Jinn, devil and other living creatures. He was
also endowed with knowledge of their language and could easily
communicate with them.
Prophet Sulayman / Solomon (pbuh) once was sitting on the bank of a
lake deeply engrossed in the beauties of nature around and
appreciating the various forms of Allah's (SWT) creation on earth.
Suddenly Prophet Sulayman's / Solomon (pbuh) attention was drawn
towards an Ant creeping forward with a grain of wheat in its mouth. As
it reached nearthe water, a Tortoise came out, opened its mouth and
the ant crept into it. The Tortoise closing its mouth disappeared
under the water. After a while, the Tortoise again sprung out of the
water and standing on the bank opened its mouth and the Ant came out.
But thistime it had no grain of wheat in its mouth.
Prophet Sulayman / Solomon (pbuh) became anxious to know what had been
happening under water. On inquiring, the Ant explained that at the
bottom of the lake, was astone and underneath it lived a blind Ant.
Allah (SWT) had created it there and because of blindness, it could
not move about. The Ant further said that I have been appointed by
Allah (SWT) to provide its daily sustenance with the assistance of the
Tortoise and hence, I do perform this duty everyday.
Let us ponder over one thing. If a tiny creature like an Ant living
under a stone at the bottom of a sea is not denied its sustenance, why
should man the noblest of all creatures (Ashraf ul Makhluqat) ever
suspect loss of his sustenance from Almighty Allah (SWT)? Isn't it
foolishness to dirty one's hand in prohibited transactions for earning
one's livelihood? Such persons do not get more, than what is destined
and earn Allah's (SWT) Wrath and Punishment in this world and
Moral: Allah (SWT) is Ar Razzaq. He is our Provider we should always
have faith in Him and trust Him in all our Affairs.
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