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*- WHAT ISLAM SAYS -* - Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
"INDIA "- Time in New Delhi -
''HASBUNALLAHU WA NI'MAL WAKEEL'' - ''Allah is Sufficient for us'' + '' All praise is due to Allah. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' (Aameen)
Dua' from Al'Qur'an - for SUCCESS in 'both the worlds': '' Our Lord ! grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter and save us from the torment of the Fire '' [Ameen] - {in Arab} :-> Rabbanaa aatinaa fid-dunyaa hasanatan wafil aakhirati hasanatan waqinaa 'athaaban-naar/- (Surah Al-Baqarah ,verse 201)*--*~
Category - *- About me -* A note for me *-* Aa My Public Album*-* Acts of Worship*-* Ahlesunnat Wal Jamat*-* Asmaul husna*-* Belief in the Last Day*-* Between man and wife*-* Bible and Quran*-* Bioghraphy*-* Commentary on Hadeeth*-* Conditions of Marriage*-* Da'eef (weak) hadeeths*-* Darwinism*-* Dating in Islam*-* Description of the Prayer*-* Diary of mine*-* Discover Islam*-* Dought & clear*-* Duas*-* Eid Prayer*-* Engagment*-* Family*-* Family & Society*-* family Articles*-* Family Issues*-* Fasting*-* Fathwa*-* Fiqh*-* For children*-* Gender differences*-* General*-* General Dought & clear*-* General hadeeths*-* General History*-* Hadees*-* Hajj*-* Hajj & Umrah*-* Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)*-* Health*-* Health and Fitness*-* Highlights*-* Hijaab*-* Holiday Prayer*-* I'tikaaf*-* Imp of Islamic Months*-* Innovations in Religion and Worship*-* Islamic Article*-* Islamic History*-* Islamic history and biography*-* Islamic Months*-* Islamic story*-* Issues of fasting*-* Jannah: Heaven*-* jokes*-* Just know this*-* Kind Treatment of Spouses*-* Links*-* Making Up Missed Prayers*-* Manners of Greeting with Salaam*-* Marital Life*-* Marriage in Islam*-* Menstruation and Post-Natal bleeding*-* Miracles of Quran*-* Moral stories*-* Names and Attributes of Allaah*-* Never Forget*-* News*-* Night Prayer*-* Notes*-* Other*-* Personal*-* Personalities*-* Pilgrimage*-* Plural marriage*-* Prayer*-* Prayers on various occasions*-* Principles of Fiqh*-* Qanoon e Shariat*-* Qur'an*-* Qur'an Related*-* Quraanic Exegesis*-* Ramadan Articles*-* Ramadan File*-* Ramadhan ul Mubarak*-* Sacrifices*-* Saheeh (sound) hadeeths*-* Schools of Thought and Sects*-* Seerah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)*-* Sex in Islam*-* Sharia and Islam*-* Shirk and its different forms*-* Sms, jokes, tips*-* Social Concerns*-* Soul Purification*-* Story*-* Sufi - sufi path*-* Supplication*-* Taraaweeh prayers*-* The book of Prayer*-* Tips & Tricks*-* Tourist Place*-* Trust (amaanah) in Islam*-* Welcome to Islam*-* Women in Ramadaan*-* Women site*-* Women Who are Forbidden for Marriage*-* Womens Work*-* Youth*-* Zakath*-*
*- Our Nabi' (s.a.w) Most Like this Dua' -*
"Allahumma Salli'Alaa Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa'Aali Muhammadin, kamaa Sallayta 'Alaa' Ibraheema wa 'Alaa 'Aali 'Ibraheema, 'Innaka Hameedun Majeed. Allahumma Baarik'Alaa Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa'Aali Muhammadin, kamaa Baarakta 'Alaa' Ibraheema wa 'Alaa 'Aali 'Ibraheema, 'Innaka Hameedun Majeed." ******
"Al Qur'an - first Ayath, came to our Nabi (s.a.w)
"Read! In the name of yourLord Who created. Created man from clinging cells. Read! And your Lord is Most Bountiful. The One Who taught with the Pen. Taught man what he did not know." (Qur'an 96: 1-5) - ~ - ~ - lt;18.may.2012/friday-6.12pm:{IST} ;(Ayatul Kursi Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 255/)
*- Al Qur'an's last ayath came to Nabi{s.a.w} -*
Allah states the following: “Thisday have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” [Qur’an 5:3]
Surat alAhzab 40; Says Our Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) is the final Prophet sent by Allah'

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* A Precious DUA' *
Dua' - '' All praise is due to Allah'. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' - - - O Allah, I am Your servant, son of Your servant, son of Your maidservant; my forelock is in Your hand; Your command over me is forever executed and Your decree over me is just; I ask You by every name belonging to You that You have named Yourself with, or revealed in Your book, ortaught to any of Your creation, or have preserved in the knowledge of the unseen with You, that You make the Qur'an thelife of my heart and the light of my breast, and a departure for my sorrow and a release from my anxiety.
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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Signs of Allah in Plants

We see trees everyday and everywhere; however, have you ever thought
how water reaches the farthest leaf on the top branch of a lofty tree?
We can have abetter understanding of the extraordinary natureof this
by way of a comparison. It is impossible for the water in a tank in
the basement of your building to climb to higher floors without a
hydrophoric tank or some other powerful engine. You cannot pump water
even to the first floor. Therefore, there should also be in trees a
pumping system similar to the hydrophoric engine. Otherwise, since
water would not be able to reach the trunk of the tree and the
branches, trees would soon die.Allah has created each tree with all
the necessary equipment. Moreover, the hydraulic system in many trees
is too superior to be compared to the building in which one lives.

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How to be successful in life

How to obtain success and prosperity in this world and hereafter.What
kind of success or prosperity that islam want the ummah islam gain in
Praise be to Allaah.
Peace of mind, contentment, happiness and freedom from worries and
anxiety… these are what everyonewants, and these are theways in which
people can have a good life andfind complete happiness and joy. There
are religious means of achieving that, and natural and practical
means, but no one can combine all of them except the believers;
although other people may achieve some of them, they will miss out on
There follows a summaryof the means of achieving this aim for which
everyone is striving. In some cases, those who achieve manyof them
will live a joyful life and a good life; in other cases, those who
fail to achieve all of them will live a life of misery and hardship.
And there are others which are in between, according to what the means
he is able to attain. These means include the following:
1 – Faith and righteous deeds:
This is the greatest and most fundamental of means. Allaah says
(interpretation of the meaning):
"Whoever works righteousness — whether male or female — while he (or
she) is a true believer (of Islamic Monotheism) verily, to him We will
give a good life (in this world with respect, contentment and lawful
provision), and We shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to
the best ofwhat they used to do (i.e. Paradise in the Hereafter)"
[al-Nahl 16:97]
Allaah tells us and promises us that whoever combines faith with
righteous deeds will have a good life anda good reward in this world
and in the Hereafter.
The reason for that is clear: those who believe in Allaah – with
sincere faith that motivates them to do righteous deeds that change
hearts and attitudes and guides them to the straight path in this
world and the Hereafter – follow principles and guidelines by means of
which they deal with everything that happensto them, be it the causes
of happiness and excitement or the causesof anxiety, worry and grief.
They deal with the things that they like by accepting them and giving
thanks for them, and using them in good ways. When they deal with them
in this manner, that creates in them a sense of excitement and the
hopethat it will continue and that they will be rewarded for their
gratitude, which is moreimportant than the goodthings that happen to
them. And they deal withbad things, worries and distress by resisting
those that they can resist, alleviating those that they can alleviate,
and bearing with goodlypatience those that they cannot avoid. Thus as
a result of the bad things they gain a lot of benefits, experience,
strength, patience and hope of reward, which are more important and
which diminish the hardships they have undergone and replace them with
happiness and hope for the bountyand reward of Allaah. The Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) expressed this in a saheeh
hadeeth in which he said: "How wonderful is the situation of the
believer,for all his affairs are good. If something goodhappens to
him, he givesthanks for it and that is good for him; if something bad
happens to him, he bears it with patience, and that is good for him.
This does not apply to anyone but the believer." (Narrated by Muslim,
no. 2999).
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us that
the believer is always gaining and the reward for his deeds is always
multiplying, no matter what happens to him, good or bad.
2 – Being kind to people in word and deed, and all kinds of doing
good. This is one of the means of removing worry, distress and
anxiety. By this means Allaah wards off worries and distress from
righteous and immoral like, but the believer has the greater share of
that, and is distinguished by the factthat his kindness to others
stems from sincerity and the hope ofreward, so Allaah makes it easy
for him to be kindto others because of the hope that this will bring
good things and ward off bad things, by meansof his sincerity and
hopeof reward. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
"There is no good in most of their secret talks save (in) him who
ordersSadaqah (charity in Allaah's Cause), or Ma'roof (Islamic
Monotheism and all the good and righteous deeds which Allaah has
ordained), or conciliation between mankind; and he who does this,
seeking the good Pleasure of Allaah, We shall give him a great reward"
[al-Nisa' 4:114]
Part of that great reward is relief from worry, distress, troubles, etc.
3 – Another of the meansof warding off anxiety that stems from nervous
tension and being preoccupied with disturbing thoughts is tooccupy
oneself with good deeds or seeking beneficial knowledge, for that will
distract one from dwelling on the matters that are causing anxiety. In
this way a person may forget aboutthe things that are making him
worried anddistressed, and he may become happy and moreenergetic. This
is another means that believers and others have in common, but
thebeliever is distinguished by his faith, sincerity andhope of reward
when heoccupies himself with that knowledge which he is learning or
teaching, or with the good deeds that he is doing.
The work with which he occupies himself should be something that he
likes and enjoys, for thatis more likely to producethe desired
results. And Allaah knows best.
4 – Another thing that may ward off worry and anxiety is focusing all
one's thoughts of the present day, and not worrying about the future
or grieving about the past. Hence the Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) sought refuge with Allaah from worry and regret,
from regret for things in the past which one cannot put right or
change, and worry which may come because of fear for the future. So
one should focus only on the present day, and focus one's efforts on
getting things right today. For if a person is focused on that, this
means that he will do things properly and forget about worry and
regret. When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
said a du'aa' or taught a du'aa' to his ummah, as well as urging them
to seek the help of Allaah and hope for His bounty, he was also urging
them to strive to attain the thing they were praying for through their
own efforts and to forget about the thing which they were praying
would be warded off from them. Because du'aa' (supplication) must be
accompanied byaction. So a person must strive to attain that which
will benefit him inworldly and spiritual terms, and ask his Lord to
make his efforts successful, and he shouldseek His help in that, as
the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Strive
for that which will benefit you and seek thehelp of Allaah, and do not
be helpless. If anything (bad) happens to you, do not say, 'If only I
had done such-and-such, then such-and-such would have happened.'
Rather you should say, 'QaddaraAllaah wa ma sha'a fa'ala(Allaah
decrees, and what He wills He does),' for (the words) 'If only' open
the door to the Shaytaan." (Narrated by Muslim). The Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) connected the matter of striving
to achieve good things with the matter of seeking the help of Allaah
and not giving in to feelings of helplessness which are a harmful kind
of laziness, and with the matter of accepting things in the past which
are over and done with, and acknowledging that the will and decree of
Allaahwill inevitably come to pass. He described matters as being of
two types:
1 – Matters which a person may strive to achieve or to achieve
whatever he can of them, or to ward them off or alleviate them. In
such cases a person muststrive and make the effort, and also seek the
help of Allaah.
2 – Matters where such isnot possible, so he must have peace of mind,
accept them and submit to Allaah's will.
Undoubtedly paying attention to this principle will bring happiness
and relieve worry and distress.
5 – One of the greatest means of feeling contentand relaxed and of
acquiring peace of mind is to remember Allaah a great deal (dhikr).
That has a great effect in bringing contentment and peace of mind, and
relieving worry and distress. Allaah says:
"verily, in the remembrance of Allaah do hearts find rest"
[al-Ra'd 13:28]
Remembering Allaah (dhikr) has a great effectin achieving this aim
because it has a special influence and because ofthe hope that it
brings of reward.
6 – Another of the meansof bringing happiness and relieving worry and
distress is striving to eliminate the things thatcause worry and to
achieve the things that bring happiness. That may be done by
forgetting about bad things in the past which cannot be changed, and
realizing that dwelling on them is a waste of time. So a person must
strive to stop himself from thinking of that, and also strive to stop
himself from feeling anxious about the futureand the things that he
may imagine of poverty, fear and other bad things that he thinks may
happen to him in the future. He should realize that the future is
something unknown, he cannot know what goodor bad things are going to
happen to him. That isin the hand of the Almighty, the Most Wise, and
all that His slaves can do is to strive to attain the good things and
to ward off the bad things. A person should realize that if he diverts
his thoughts from worrying about his future and puts his trust in his
Lord to take care of his situation, and putshis mind at rest
concerning that, if he does that, then his heart will be at peace and
his situation will improve and he will be relieved of worry and
One of the most effectiveways of dealing with worries about the
futureis to recite this du'aa' which the Prophet (peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him) used to recite:
"Allaahumma aslih li deeni alladhi huwa 'ismatu amri, wa aslih li
dunyaaya allati fiha ma'aashi, wa aslih li aakhirati allati ilayha
ma'aadi, waj'al al-hayaata ziyaadatan li fi kulli khayr, wa'l-mawta
raahatan li min kulli sharr (O Allaah, correct my religious commitment
which is the foundation of my life, and correct my worldly affairs in
which is my livelihood, and grant me good in the Hereafter to which is
my return. Make my life a means of accumulating good, and make death a
respite for me from all evil)." (Narrated by Muslim, 2720).
And he said, "Allaahumma rahmatakaarju fa la takilni ila nafsi tarfata
'aynin wa aslih li sha'ni kullahu, laa ilaahailla anta (O Allaah, for
Your mercy I hope, so donot abandon me to myself even for a moment.
And correct all my affairs. There is no god but You)." (Narratedby Abu
Dawood with a saheeh isnaad, no. 5090; classed as hasan by al-Albaani
in Saheeh al-Kalim al-Tayyib, p. 49).
If a person utters these du'aa's, which ask that his spiritual and
worldly affairs may be set right or corrected, with proper presence of
mindand sincerity of intention, whilst strivingto achieve that, Allaah
will grant him what he has prayed for, hoped for and striven for, and
He will turn his worry into joy and happiness.
7 – If a person experiences anxiety and distress because of a
disaster, then one of the most effective means of relieving himself of
that is to think of the worst scenario to which that may lead, and try
to accept that. When he hasdone that, then he should try to alleviate
it as much as possible. By means of this acceptanceand these efforts,
he willrelieve himself of his worries and distress, andinstead of
worrying he will strive to bring aboutgood things and to deal with
whatever he can of the bad things. If he is faced with things that
cause fear or the possibility of sickness or poverty, then he should
deal with that by striving to make himself accept that, or something
even worse, with contentment, because by making himself accept the
worst-case scenario, he lessens the impact of thething and makes it
seem less terrible, especially if he occupies himself withefforts to
ward it off as much as he can. Thus as well as striving to achieve
something goodwhich will distract him from his worries about calamity,
he will also renew his strength to resist bad things, and put his
trust and reliancein Allaah. Undoubtedly these matters are of great
benefit in attaining happiness and peace of mind, as well asbringing
the hope of reward in this world andin the Hereafter. This is
something which is well known from the experience of many whohave
tried it.
8 – Steadfastness of heart and not being disturbed about the imaginary
things that bad thoughts may bring to mind. For when a person gives in
to his imagination and lets his mind be disturbed by these thoughts,
such as fear of disease and the like, or anger and confusion stirred
up by some grievous matter, orthe expectation of bad things and the
loss of good things, that will fill him with worries, distress, mental
and physical illness and nervous breakdowns, which will have a bad
effect on him and which causes a great deal of harm, as many people
have seen. But when a person depends on Allaah and puts his trust in
Him, and does not give in to his imagination or let bad thoughts
overwhelm him, and he relies on Allaah and has hope of His bounty,
that wards off his worries and distress, and relieves himof a great
deal of mentaland physical sickness. It gives indescribable strength,
comfort and happiness to the heart. How many hospitals are filled with
the mentally sick victims of illusions and harmful imagination; how
often have these things had aneffect upon the hearts ofmany strong
people, let alone the weak ones; how often have they led to
foolishness and insanity.
It should be noted that your life will follow yourtrain of thought. If
your thoughts are of things that will bring you benefit in your
spiritual or worldly affairs, then your life will be good and happy.
Otherwise it will be the opposite.
The person who is safe from all of that is the one who is protected by
Allaah and helped by Him to strive to achieve that which will benefit
and strengthen the heart and ward off anxiety. Allaah says
(interpretation of the meaning):
"And whosoever puts histrust in Allaah, then He will suffice him"
[al-Talaaq 65:3]
i.e., He will be sufficient for all that is worrying him in his
spiritual and worldly affairs. The one who puts his trust in Allaah
will have strengthin his heart and will not be affected by anything he
imagines or be disturbed by events, because he knows that these are
the result of vulnerable human nature and of weakness and fear that
have no basis. He also knows thatAllaah has guaranteed complete
sufficiency to those who put their trustin Him. So he trusts in Allaah
and finds peace ofmind in His promise, andthus his worry and anxiety
are dispelled; hardship is turned to ease, sadness is turned to joy,
fear is turned to peace. We ask Allaah to keep us safe and sound, and
to bless us with strength and steadfastness of heart, and complete
trust, for Allaah has guaranteed all good things to those who put
their trust in Him, and has guaranteedto ward off all bad and harmful
things from them.
If bad things happen or there is the fear of such, then you should
count the many blessings that you are still enjoying, both spiritual
and worldly, and compare them with the bad things that have happened,
for when youcompare them you will see the many blessings that you are
enjoying, and this will make the bad things appear less serious.
See al-Wasaa'il al-Mufeedah li'l-Hayaat al-Sa'eedah by Shatkh 'Abd
al-Rahmaan ibn Sa'di
Ibn al-Qayyim summed fifteen ways through which Allaah may dispel
worries and regret. These are as follows:
1- Tawheed al-Ruboobiyyah (belief in the Oneness of Divine Lordship)
2- Tawheed al-Uloohiyyah (belief in the Oneness of the Divine nature)
3- Tawheed of knowledge and belief (i.e., Tawheed al-Asma'
wa'l_Sifaat, belief in the Oneness of the Divine names and attributes)
4- Thinking of Allaah as being above doing any injustice to His
slaves, and above punishing anyone for nocause on the part of the
slave that would require such punishment.
5- The person's acknowledging that he is the one who has done wrong.
6- Beseeching Allaah by means of the things that are most beloved
to Him, which are His names and attributes. Two of His names that
encompass the meanings of all other names and attributes areal-Hayy
(the Ever-Living) and al-Qayyoom (the Eternal).
7- Seeking the help of Allaah Alone.
8- Affirming one's hope in Him.
9- Truly putting one's trust in Him and leaving matters to Him,
acknowledging that one's forelock is in His hand and that He does as
He wills, that His will isforever executed and that He is just in all
that He decrees.
10-Letting one's heart wander in the garden ofthe Qur'aan, seeking
consolation in it from every calamity, seeking healing in it from all
diseases of the heart, so that it will bring comfortto his grief and
healing for his worries and distress.
11-Seeking forgiveness.
14-Salaah (prayer).
15-Declaring that he has no power and no strength, and leaving matters
to the One in Whose hand they are.
We ask Allaah to keep ussafe and sound from worries and to relieve
usof distress and anxiety, for He is the All-Hearing, Ever-Responsive,
and He is the Ever-Living, Eternal.
See Alhomoom – Dealingwith Worries and Stress, in the Books section of
this site.
And Allaah knows best. May Allaah send blessings and peace upon our
Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.

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Location and Nature of Arab Tribes

Beyond a shadow of doubt, the biography of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be
upon him)manifestedly represents an exhaustive embodiment of the
sublime Divine Message that he communicated in order to deliver the
human race from the swamp of darkness and polytheism to the paradise
of light and monotheism. An image, authentic as well as comprehensive,
of this Message is therefore only attainable through careful study and
profound analysis of both backgrounds and issues of such a biography.
In view of this, a whole chapter is here introduced about the nature
anddevelopment of Arab tribes priorto Islam as well as the
circumstantial environment thatenwrapped the Prophet's mission.
Linguistically, the word "Arab" means deserts and waste barrenland
well-nigh waterless and treeless. Ever since the dawn of history, the
Arabian Peninsula and its people have been called as such.
The Arabian Peninsula is enclosed in the west by the Red Sea and
Sinai, in the east by the Arabian Gulf, in the south by the Arabian
Sea, which is an extension of the Indian Ocean, and in the north by
old Syria andpart of Iraq. The area is estimated between a million and
a million and a quarter square miles.
Thanks to its geographical position, the peninsula has always
maintained great importance.. Considering its internal setting, it is
mostly deserts and sandy places, which has rendered it inaccessible to
foreigners and invaders, and allowed its people complete liberty and
independence through the ages, despite the presence of two
neighbouring great empires.
Its external setting, on the otherhand, caused it to be the centre of
the old world and provided it with sea and land links with most
nations at the time. Thanks to this strategic position the Arabian
Peninsula had become the centre for trade, culture, religion and art.
Arab kinfolks have been divided according to lineage into three groups:
Perishing Arabs: The ancient Arabs, of whose history little is known,
and of whom were 'Ad, Thamûd, Tasam, Jadis, Emlaq, and others.
Pure Arabs: Who originated fromthe progeny of Ya'rub bin Yashjub bin
Qahtan. They were also called Qahtanian Arabs.
Arabized Arabs: Who originated from the progeny of Ishmael. They were
also called 'Adnanian Arabs.
The pure Arabs – the people of Qahtan – originally lived in Yemen and
comprised many tribes, two of which were very famous:
1. Himyar: The most famous of whose septs were Zaid Al-Jamhur, Quda'a
and Sakasic.
2. Kahlan: The most famous of whose septs were Hamdan, Anmar, Tai',
Mudhhij, Kinda, Lakhm, Judham, Azd, Aws, Khazraj and the descendants
of Jafna — the kings of old Syria.
Kahlan septs emigrated from Yemen to dwell in the different parts of
the Arabian Peninsula prior to the Great Flood (Sail Al-'Arim of
Ma'rib Dam), due to the failure of trade under the Roman pressure and
domain on both sea and land trade routes following Roman occupation of
Egypt and Syria.
Naturally enough, the competition between Kahlan and Himyar led to the
evacuationof the first and the settlement ofthe second in Yemen.
1. Azd: Who, under the leadership of 'Imran bin 'Amr Muzaiqbâ',
wandered in Yemen, sent pioneers and finally headed northwards.
Details of their emigration can be summed up as follows:
2. Tha'labah bin 'Amr left his tribe Al-Azd for Hijaz and dweltbetween
Tha'labiyah and Dhi Qar. When he gained strength, he headed for
Madinah where he stayed. Of his seed are Aws and Khazraj, sons of
Haritha bin Tha'labah.
Haritha bin 'Amr, known as Khuza'a, wandered with his folks in Hijaz
until they came toMar Az-Zahran. Later, they conquered the Haram, and
settled in Makkah after having driven away its people, the tribe of
'Imran bin 'Amr and his folks went to 'Oman where they established the
tribe of Azd whose children inhabited Tihama and were known as
Jafna bin 'Amr and his family, headed for Syria where he settled and
initiated the kingdom of Ghassan who was so named after a spring of
water, in Hijaz, where they stopped on their way to Syria.
3. Lakhm and Judham: Of whom was Nasr bin Rabi'a, father of Manadhira,
Kings of Heerah.
4. Banu Tai': Who also emigrated northwards to settle by the so-called
Aja and Salma Mountainswhich were consequently named as Tai'
5. Kinda: Who dwelt in Bahrain but were expelled to Hadramout and Najd
where they instituted a powerful government but not for long , for the
whole tribe soon faded away.
*. Another tribe of Himyar, known as Quda'a, also left Yemen and dwelt
in Samawa semi-desert on the borders of Iraq.
The Arabized Arabs go back in ancestry to their great grandfather
Abraham (Peace be upon him) from a town called "Ar" near Kufa on the
west bank of the Euphrates in Iraq. Excavations brought to light great
details of the town, Abraham's family, and the prevalent religions and
social circumstances.
It is known that Abrahaml (Peace be upon him) eft Ar for Harran and
then for Palestine, which he made headquarters forhis Message. He
wandered all over the area. When he went to Egypt, the Pharaoh tried
to do evil to his wife Sarah, but Allâh saved her and the Pharaoh's
wicked scheme recoiled on him. He thus came to realize her strong
attachment to Allâh, and,in acknowledgment of her grace, the Pharaoh
rendered his daughter Hagar at Sarah's service, but Sarah gave Hagar
to Abraham as a wife.
Abraham returned to Palestine where Hagar gave birth to Ishmael. Sarah
became so jealous of Hagar that she forced Abraham to send Hagar and
her baby away to a plantless valley on a small hill in Hijaz, by the
Sacred House, exposed to the wearing of floods coming right and left.
He chose for them a place under a lofty tree above Zamzam near the
upper side of the Mosque in Makkah where neither people nor water was
available, and went back to Palestine leaving with his wife and baby a
leather case with some dates and a pot of water. Not before long, they
ran out of both food and water, but thanksto Allâh's favour water
gushed forth to sustain them for sometime. The whole story of Zamzam
spring is already knownto everybody.
Another Yemeni tribe – Jurhum the Second – came and lived in Makkah
upon Hagar's permission, after being said to have lived in the valleys
around Makkah. It is mentioned in the Sahih Al-Bukhari that this tribe
came to Makkah before Ishmael was a young man while they hadpassed
through that valley long before this event.
Abraham used to go to Makkah every now and then to see his wife and
son. The number of these journeys is still unknown, but authentic
historical resources spoke of four ones.
Allâh, the Sublime, stated in the Noble Qur'ân that He had Abraham
see, in his dream, that he slaughtered his son Ishmael, and therefore
Abraham stood upto fulfill His Order:
*. "Then, when they had both submitted themselves (to the Will of
Allâh), and he had laid him prostrate on his forehead (or on the side
of his forehead for slaughtering); and We called out to him: "O
Abraham! You have fulfilled the dream (vision)!" Verily! Thus do we
reward the Muhsinûn (good-doers, who perform good deeds totally for
Allâh's sake only, without any show off or to gain praise or fame,
etc. anddo them in accordance to Allâh's Orders). Verily, that indeed
was a manifest trial — and We ransomed him with a great sacrifice
(i.e. a ram)" [37:103-107]
It is mentioned in the Genesis that Ishmael was thirteen years older
than his brother Ishaq. Thesequence of the story of the sacrifice of
Ishmael shows that it really happened before Ishaq'sbirth, and that
Allâh's Promise to give Abraham another son, Ishaq, came after
narration of the whole story.
This story spoke of one journey –at least – before Ishmael became a
young man. Al-Bukhari, on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas, reported the
other three journeys; a summary of which goes as follows:
When Ishmael became a young man, he learned Arabic at the hand of the
tribe of Jurhum, who loved him with great admiration and gave him one
of their women as a wife, soon after his mother died. Having wanted to
see his wife and son again, Abraham came to Makkah, Ishmael's
marriage, buthe didn't find him at home. He asked Ishmael's wife about
her husband and how they were doing. She complained of poverty, so he
asked her to tell Ishmael to change his doorstep. Ishmael understood
the message, divorced his wife and got married to the daughter of
Mudad bin 'Amr, chief of the tribe of Jurhum.
Once more, Abraham came to see his son, but again didn't findhim at
home. He asked his new wife the same previous question, to which she
thanked Allâh. Abraham asked her to tell Ishmael to keep his doorstep
(i.e. to keep her as wife) and went back to Palestine.
A third time, Abraham came to Makkah to find Ishmael sharpening an
arrow under a lofty tree near Zamzam. The meeting, after a very long
journey of separation, was very touching for a father so affectionate
and a so dutiful andrighteous son. This time, father and son built
Al-Ka'bah and raised its pillars, and Abraham, in compliance with
Allâh's Commandment, called unto people to make pilgrimage to it.
By the grace of Allâh, Ishmael had twelve sons from the daughter of
Mudad, whose names were Nabet, Qidar, Edbael, Mebsham, Mishma', Duma,
Micha, Hudud, Yetma, Yetour, Nafis and Qidman, and who ultimately
formed twelve tribes inhabiting Makkah and trading between Yemen,
geographical Syria and Egypt. Later on, these tribes spread all over,
and even outside, the peninsula. All their tidings went into oblivion
except for the descendants of Nabet and Qidar.
The Nabeteans – sons of Nabet –established a flourishing civilization
in the north of Hijaz, they instituted a powerful government which
spread out its domain over all neighbouringtribes, and made Petra
their capital. Nobody dared challenge their authority until the Romans
came and managed to eliminate their kingdom. After extensive research
and painstaking investigation, Mr. Sulaiman An-Nadwi came to the
conclusion that the Ghassanide kings, along with the Aws and Khazraj
were not likely to be Qahtanians but rather Nabeteans.
Descendants of Qidar, the son of Ishmael, lived long in Makkah
increasing in number, of them issued 'Adnan and son Ma'ad, to whom
'Adnanian Arabs traced back their ancestry. 'Adnan is the twenty-first
grandfather in the series of the Prophetic ancestry. It was said that
whenever Prophet Muhammad Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã spoke of his ancestry he
would stop at 'Adnan and say: "Genealogists tell lies" and did not go
farther than him. A group of scholars, however, favoured the
probability of going beyond 'Adnan attaching no significanceto the
aforementioned PropheticHadith. They went on to say thatthere were
exactly forty fathers between 'Adnan and Abraham (Peace be upon them).
Nizar, Ma'ad's only son , had foursons who branched out into four
great tribes; Eyad, Anmar, Rabi'a and Mudar. These last
twosub-branched into several septs. Rabi'a fathered Asad, 'Anazah,
'Abdul Qais, and Wa'il's two sons(Bakr and Taghlib), Hanifa and many
Mudar tribes branched out into two great divisions: Qais 'Ailan bin
Mudar and septs of Elias bin Mudar. Of Qais 'Ailan were the Banu
Saleem, Banu Hawazin, andBanu Ghatafan of whom descended 'Abs, Zubyan,
Ashja' and Ghani bin A'sur. Of Elias bin Mudar were Tamim bin Murra,
Hudhail bin Mudrika, Banu Asad bin Khuzaimah and septs of Kinana bin
Khuzaimah, of whomcame Quraish, the descendants of Fahr bin Malik bin
An-Nadr binKinana.
Quraish branched out into various tribes, the most famous of whom were
Jumah, Sahm, 'Adi, Makhzum, Tayim, Zahra andthe three septs of Qusai
bin Kilab: 'Abdud-Dar bin Qusai, Asadbin 'Abdul 'Uzza bin Qusai and
'Abd Manaf bin Qusai.
'Abd Manaf branched out into four tribes: 'Abd Shams, Nawfal, Muttalib
and Hashim. It is, however, from the family of Hashim that Allâh
selected Prophet Muhammad bin 'Abdullah bin 'Abdul-Muttalib binHashim
(Peace be upon him).
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said:
*. "Allâh selected Ishmael from the sons of Abraham, Kinana from the
sons of Ishmael, Quraish from the sons of Kinana, Hashim from the sons
of Quraish and He selected me from the sons of Hashim."
Al-'Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib quoted the Messenger of Allâh (Peace be
upon him) as saying:
*. "Allâh created mankind and chose me from the best whereof, He chose
the tribes and selected me from the best whereof; and He chose
familiesand selected me from the best whereof. I am the very best in
person and family."
Having increased in number, children of 'Adnan, in pursuit of pastures
and water, spread out over various parts of Arabia.
The tribe of 'Abdul Qais, together with some septs of Bakr bin Wa'il
and Tamim, emigrated to Bahrain where they dwelt.
Banu Hanifa bin Sa'b bin Ali bin Bakr went to settle in Hijr, the
capital of Yamama. All the tribes of Bakr bin Wa'il lived in an area
of land which included Yamama,Bahrain, Saif Kazima, the sea shore, the
outer borders of Iraq, Ablah and Hait.
Most of the tribe of Taghlib lived in the Euphrates area while some of
them lived with Bakr.
Banu Tamim lived in Basra semi-desert.
Banu Saleem lived in the vicinity of Madinah on the land stretching
from Wadi Al-Qura to Khaibar onwards to the eastern mountains to
Thaqif dwelt in Ta'if and Hawazin east of Makkah near Autas on the
road from Makkah to Basra.
Banu Asad lived on the land east of Taimâ' and west of Kufa, while
family of Tai' lived between Banu Asad and Taimâ'. They were
five-day-walk far fromKufa.
Zubyan inhabited the plot of andbetween Taimâ' and Hawran.
Some septs of Kinana lived in Tihama, while septs of Quraish dwelt in
Makkah and its suburbs.Quraish remained completely disunited until
Qusai bin Kilab managed to rally their ranks on honourable terms
attaching major prominence to their status and importance.

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Sunny 'n Ahmed

I've been in relationship with many galz all around the world,both
in-and-out . ever since i was in grade 7,now am a university student .
i've been in n out of relationships with countless galz . n whenever i
thought it was true love n that i've found my perfect mate,i start
talking with another girl n breakup with the one i was currently in
relationship with n start dating with the other girl . it kept
happening until i found out it was all an infatuation that i've
beenliving my life in . one day,tired of all these faken 'unrealistic'
relationships,i tried for a social networking portal on my mobile
phone . i had no such intentions that i would actually come across the
love of my life there .
i made a quick profile n sent some voice messages to a couple of
female profiles from around my city . nobody happened to reply to my
messages until one day i received a voice messagefrom a girl . i was
pretty excited . n Her voice tone n the way She spoke,meltmy heart at
the first sight. i replied to Her voice message n asked Her name,age n
location . Shereplied me back n told me Her name (which is a very
sweet one),n Her age (She jus turned 17 that time),n told me She is
from Karachi (the city where i live in Pakistan) but She's moved to
another city after Her father passed away . i asked Her whether She
use internet,n Her reply was no i dun use internetat all because to me
the internet world is totally fake . then i asked for Hernum,if She'd
give me We would talk on mobile n get to knw each other more better,at
which Sheagreed at once n in the next voice message She recorded Her
num for meto note down . We started talking . i asked Her if i can cal
Her at which She said no,She would cal me herself . well,She called me
that night n We started talking .
i asked about Her n Her family . She asked about mine . She asked me
whether i would tell my mother about Her n i said,yea,why not ? n She
was quite happie on hearing this . We kept on talking n We made a
really nice conversation . (am African n She's Pakistani) .
i told Her my father passed away 12 years ago,n She told me that Her
father passed away too 5 years ago :( We kinda shared the same
story,interests n likes from the very beginning,which now We knw We
both have almost everything in common :) i liked Her habit,how thru
the whole convo She didnt lied about anything n was quite
straightforward n optimistic about the future n stuff . after that We
kept on talking on texts n in the middle of the night,suddenly She
said "i love yu" ..
i was quite shocked at first . i said,did Yu jus saidYu love me ? n
She got scared . She said no,i mean i love yu as a frien .after that
She started crying . i asked Her n She said She was crying . i tried
to cal Her,She dropped the line n called back on my num . to my
surprise,She was really crying :( i asked Her to stop crying n talk to
me . i asked Her if She really loves me n while sobbingShe said yes,i
do really love yu . at which i said,okay,I Love Yu Too !:) it felt lyk
this was exactly what She wanted to hear n at once She stopped crying
n smiled nsaid,do yu really love me ahmed ? :) n i said yea,i do
really love Yu S*** :) She said,promise me yu'll never ever even think
of leaving me n that yu'll always be mine n marry me only n will never
ever even try to talk to any girl besides me . i promised Her all that
She asked of me n She was really very happie :) She was giggling n
laughing n She told me,i came across millions of guys in my
life,talked to a thousand jus to c what type of people really existin
this world . but never ever before in my entire life i felt this type
of affection n attraction for anyone .
i never thought i would ever love someone in my life n even that this
suddenly n even will get ready to marry him :) i cant believe i jus
found yu ! yu're the first n last love of my life ahmed :) yu're the
only one i've ever loved,n will ever love n i feel lyk am on topof the
world with yu by my side :) i was really very happie to have Her in my
life,it was my only dream which came true . She's jus two years
younger than me n She's a wonder,,seriously ! :) She told me,i dun
think i've done such a good deed in my entire life that in return i am
being rewarded with such an amazing guy lyk yu,,i blushed :p :) from
that day on,We started Our journey as two lovers walking on a same
path n then i told my family about Her . my mother talked to Her n She
succeeded in winning myfamily's heart too ! :) thenShe told Her family
aboutme n Our relationship n well ..
We're happily engaged now n planning to get married ryt after
graduating from university . which is roughly 4-5 years :) my whole
family loves,respects n cares for Her n vice versa :) still today We
talk about howWe met n miraculously fell in love with each other n We
both jus laugh about it n say seriously,We didnt even knew how it even
happened that We fell in love with each other all of a sudden but
whatever happened,nowWe knw it was meant to be n We're made for
eachother so no need to thinkback n lets jus chill n enjoy Our life n
jus wait for Our wedding to come then We got a whole lot of new life
coming up ahead of Us n i say yeah,definitely .. :) so,thiswas the
whole big story in short . i now believe that whatever i did in mypast
life was jus an infatuation i was living in. n i've never felt this
amazing n loved ever in my life before .
this is what true love is,tome . n now i knw it was Our destiny that
Our paths would cross n We would meet n fall in love with each other
lyk this nget engaged n soon get married as well :) i've been with
countless galz before but i swear on my life i never came across such
an 'Angelic Girl' everin my life before .. :) this is what true love
is . i still cant believe it but one thing i believe in n knw for sure
is that Good Lordhas made Us for each other n We were meant to be
together . i couldnt be any happier in my life than i am ryt now .
looking forward to spending the rest of my life with such a wonderful
wifey of mine. surely,to love n be lovedis everything ... :)