''Friday Prayers'' :-:->
One of my acquaintence comented that, Juma is only valid in a place
where all five daily prayers are being offered in congregation.
Praise be to Allaah.
There is no stipulation that Jumu'ah prayer should be offered in a
masjid or jaami' accordingto the majority of fuqaha' of the Hanafi,
Shaafa'i andHanbali madhhabs, unlike the Maalikis.
It says in al-Bahr al-Raa'iq (2/162), which is a Hanafi book: The
words "and general permission" mean: The condition of it being valid
is that it should be done in the usual manner. So, for example, if a
ruler were toclose the gates of the fortress and lead his family and
troops in offering Jumu'ah prayer, that is not valid. This is what it
says in al-Khulaasah. In al-Muheetit says that if he opens thegate of
his palace and gives the people permission to enter, it is valid
although it is makrooh, because he did not fulfil the right of the
Jaami' mosque. End quote.
It says in Tarh al-Tathreeb(3/190): Our view (i.e., theShaafa'i
madhhab) is that establishing Jumu'ah is not only to be done in
themosque; rather it may be performed in an ordinary building. If they
do it in a place other than a mosque, the one who enters that place
should not pray during the khutbah, because there is no "greeting"
(2-rak'ah prayer upon entering) for it. End quote.
It says in al-Insaaf (2/378), which is a Hanbali book: With regardto
the words "it is permissible to perform it in various buildings or
buildings that are on the edge of the wilderness", this is the view of
our madhhab and it is the view of most of the scholars of the madhhab,
many of whom stated it definitively. And it was said that it is not
permissible to perform it anywhere except in the jaami'. End quote.
With regard to the Maalikis, they stipulated that it must be
performedin the jaami', as stated above.
Khaleel al-Maaliki said concerning the conditions of Jumu'ah: [It
should be] in a jaami' that is built separately.
In al-Taaj wa'l-Ikleel (2/520) it says: "In the jaami'." Ibn Basheer
said: The jaami ' is one of the conditions of offering this prayer.
Ibn Rushd said: It is not valid to establish Jumu'ah except in a
designated mosque. Al-Baaji said: One of the conditions is a mosque
that is built specifically forthat purpose in the usual style of
mosques. End quote.
To sum up:
Jumu'ah prayer in the place mentioned is valid according to the
majority of scholars, if it is not possible to allocate a specific
place for the Muslims to pray and if they cannot go to the nearest
mosque or Islamiccentre in which Jumu'ah prayer is offered.
And Allah knows best.
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Thursday, September 6, 2012
There is no stipulation that Jumu‘ah prayer should be offered in a masjid or jaami‘
2a. Why is Friday singled out for great importance?
''Friday Prayers'' :-:->
[al-An'aam 6:124].
"Allah knows best with whom to place His Message" means: not everyone
is qualified or fitto convey His Message; rather the Message has
those who are suited to conveying it and it cannotbefit any but these
people; Allah knows better than you who these people are. If all
individuals were equal -- as these people claim -- there could have
been no argument against them inthis verse.
Similarly, Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
"Thus We have tried someof them with others, that they might say: 'Is
it these(poor believers) that Allahhas favoured from amongst us?' Does
not Allah know best those who are grateful?"
[al-An'aam 6:53].
What is meant is: Allah knows best who will give thanks for His
blessings, so He singles them out forHis bounty from among those who
will not be grateful to Him. Not everyone is fit to thank Him or to
receive His blessings and be singled out for this honour.
Thoseindividuals and places andso on that Allah chooses have some
inherent qualities that are not found in other people andplaces, and
it is for that reason that Allah chose them, gave them precedence
because of those virtues and selectedthem. This is His creation and
His choice. "And your Lord creates whatsoever He wills and chooses"
[al-Qasas 28:68]. Allah does not choose anything and give it
precedence except for a reason that led to it being singled out and
given precedence. Yes, He is the One Who created this reason, as He is
the One Who created it then chose it after creating it.
End quote from Zaad al-Ma'aad, 1/53-54
To sum up, all the characteristics of this great prayer are by the
grace of Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, to His slaves. He
chose it by His decree and singled it out for His bounty and
blessings, thus it attained this great importance in this world and in
the Hereafter.
And Allah knows best.
''Friday Prayers'' :-:->
[al-An'aam 6:124].
"Allah knows best with whom to place His Message" means: not everyone
is qualified or fitto convey His Message; rather the Message has
those who are suited to conveying it and it cannotbefit any but these
people; Allah knows better than you who these people are. If all
individuals were equal -- as these people claim -- there could have
been no argument against them inthis verse.
Similarly, Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
"Thus We have tried someof them with others, that they might say: 'Is
it these(poor believers) that Allahhas favoured from amongst us?' Does
not Allah know best those who are grateful?"
[al-An'aam 6:53].
What is meant is: Allah knows best who will give thanks for His
blessings, so He singles them out forHis bounty from among those who
will not be grateful to Him. Not everyone is fit to thank Him or to
receive His blessings and be singled out for this honour.
Thoseindividuals and places andso on that Allah chooses have some
inherent qualities that are not found in other people andplaces, and
it is for that reason that Allah chose them, gave them precedence
because of those virtues and selectedthem. This is His creation and
His choice. "And your Lord creates whatsoever He wills and chooses"
[al-Qasas 28:68]. Allah does not choose anything and give it
precedence except for a reason that led to it being singled out and
given precedence. Yes, He is the One Who created this reason, as He is
the One Who created it then chose it after creating it.
End quote from Zaad al-Ma'aad, 1/53-54
To sum up, all the characteristics of this great prayer are by the
grace of Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, to His slaves. He
chose it by His decree and singled it out for His bounty and
blessings, thus it attained this great importance in this world and in
the Hereafter.
And Allah knows best.
2. Why is Friday singled out for great importance?
''Friday Prayers'' :-:->
I want to know why Friday Prayer is importantand Different then other ?.
Praise be to Allaah.
Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, chose Friday to be the best of
days before Him, and He singled it out for major events and great
qualities,which are the reason whyMuslims are obliged to venerate this
day and take it as one of their Eids or festivals in which Allah has
prescribed rituals thatHe has not prescribed for other days.
On our website we have previously quoted a great deal of evidence to
support this view, which you can see in the answers to the following
questions: 9211 , 12309 and 13692
Moreover, Jumu'ah prayer has a particular virtue andgreat qualities
through the barakah (blessing) of this great day.
Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
Jumu'ah prayer is singled out from among all the other obligatory
prayers for having particular characteristics that are not found in
other prayers, including the fact that it is offered in congregation,
has a minimum number of worshippers required in order for it to be
valid, theiqaamah is a condition of its being valid, one must not be
travelling in order for it to be obligatory, andthe recitation is done
out loud.
There is an emphasis on its imortance the like of which is not
mentioned for other prayers except 'Asr prayer. In the four Sunans it
is narrated in the hadeeth of Abu'l-Ja'd ad-Dumari – who was a
Companion – that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah
be upon him) said: "Whoever misses three Jumu'ahs out of heedlessness,
Allah will place a seal on his heart."
End quote from Zaad al-Ma'aad, 1/384-385.
The Prophet's Sunnah alsosingles out Jumu'ah prayer by encouraging
believers to do ghusl for itand to wear perfume (for men only). It is
also strongly encouraged to come early for the prayer and there is a
great deal of reward for walking to the prayer. Concerning these
special characteristics, Sa'eed ibn Mansoor narrated from Na'eem ibn
'Abdullah al-Mujammir that 'Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased
with him) issued instructions that the mosque of Madinah be perfumed
with incenseevery Friday at midday, aswas narrated by Ibn al-Qayyim in
Zaad al-Ma'aad, 1/370.
The main reason for venerating Friday prayer is because of the divine
decree that singled out this prayer and this day for special virtues.
This is one of the manifestations of Allah's Lordship (ruboobiyyah),
as He alone singles out for veneration whatever He Wills of His
creation and whatever times and places He chooses. He is the One Who
does whatever He wills for reasons that He, may He be glorified,
Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, is the only One Who has the
power to create and to choose from among His creation. Allah, may He
be exalted, says (interpretation of themeaning): "And your Lord
creates whatsoever He wills and chooses" [al-Qasas 28:68]. If you
ponder this creation, you will realize that this choosing and singling
out are proof of His Lordship and Oneness, and of the perfection of
His wisdom, knowledge and might; that He is Allah, besides Whom there
is no other god, and He has no partner who can create asHe creates, or
choose as He chooses, or control as He controls. This choice, control
and singling out, the effects of which are evident in this world, are
among the greatest signs of His Lordship and the greatest testimony to
His Oneness, the perfection ofHis attributes and the truthfulness of
His Messengers.
End quote from Zaad al-Ma'aad, 1/40-43
Al-'Allaamah Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) also stated
that this singling out and choice are indicative of the inherent
virtue of the thing chosen,for which Allah blessed this time. By His
knowledge and wisdom, Allah may grant to a certain place, time or
person that which qualifies it to be chosen by Allah and favoured
above others.
He (may Allah have mercyon him) said:
This concept may not be understood by the one who regards all
individuals, deeds, times and places as equal, and claims that there
is nothing inherent that makes one thing better than another, and that
precedence is given to some things over others for no reason. This
view isinvalid for more than forty reasons that I have listed
elsewhere. It is sufficient, in order to understand the falseness of
this view and how corrupt it is, to note that Allah, may He be
glorified and exalted, refuted this false view when He said
(interpretation of the meaning):
"And when there comes to them a sign (from Allah) they say: 'We shall
not believe until we receive the like of that which the Messengers of
Allah had received.' Allah knows best with whom toplace His Message"
[al-An'aam 6:124].
''Friday Prayers'' :-:->
I want to know why Friday Prayer is importantand Different then other ?.
Praise be to Allaah.
Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, chose Friday to be the best of
days before Him, and He singled it out for major events and great
qualities,which are the reason whyMuslims are obliged to venerate this
day and take it as one of their Eids or festivals in which Allah has
prescribed rituals thatHe has not prescribed for other days.
On our website we have previously quoted a great deal of evidence to
support this view, which you can see in the answers to the following
questions: 9211 , 12309 and 13692
Moreover, Jumu'ah prayer has a particular virtue andgreat qualities
through the barakah (blessing) of this great day.
Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
Jumu'ah prayer is singled out from among all the other obligatory
prayers for having particular characteristics that are not found in
other prayers, including the fact that it is offered in congregation,
has a minimum number of worshippers required in order for it to be
valid, theiqaamah is a condition of its being valid, one must not be
travelling in order for it to be obligatory, andthe recitation is done
out loud.
There is an emphasis on its imortance the like of which is not
mentioned for other prayers except 'Asr prayer. In the four Sunans it
is narrated in the hadeeth of Abu'l-Ja'd ad-Dumari – who was a
Companion – that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah
be upon him) said: "Whoever misses three Jumu'ahs out of heedlessness,
Allah will place a seal on his heart."
End quote from Zaad al-Ma'aad, 1/384-385.
The Prophet's Sunnah alsosingles out Jumu'ah prayer by encouraging
believers to do ghusl for itand to wear perfume (for men only). It is
also strongly encouraged to come early for the prayer and there is a
great deal of reward for walking to the prayer. Concerning these
special characteristics, Sa'eed ibn Mansoor narrated from Na'eem ibn
'Abdullah al-Mujammir that 'Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased
with him) issued instructions that the mosque of Madinah be perfumed
with incenseevery Friday at midday, aswas narrated by Ibn al-Qayyim in
Zaad al-Ma'aad, 1/370.
The main reason for venerating Friday prayer is because of the divine
decree that singled out this prayer and this day for special virtues.
This is one of the manifestations of Allah's Lordship (ruboobiyyah),
as He alone singles out for veneration whatever He Wills of His
creation and whatever times and places He chooses. He is the One Who
does whatever He wills for reasons that He, may He be glorified,
Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, is the only One Who has the
power to create and to choose from among His creation. Allah, may He
be exalted, says (interpretation of themeaning): "And your Lord
creates whatsoever He wills and chooses" [al-Qasas 28:68]. If you
ponder this creation, you will realize that this choosing and singling
out are proof of His Lordship and Oneness, and of the perfection of
His wisdom, knowledge and might; that He is Allah, besides Whom there
is no other god, and He has no partner who can create asHe creates, or
choose as He chooses, or control as He controls. This choice, control
and singling out, the effects of which are evident in this world, are
among the greatest signs of His Lordship and the greatest testimony to
His Oneness, the perfection ofHis attributes and the truthfulness of
His Messengers.
End quote from Zaad al-Ma'aad, 1/40-43
Al-'Allaamah Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) also stated
that this singling out and choice are indicative of the inherent
virtue of the thing chosen,for which Allah blessed this time. By His
knowledge and wisdom, Allah may grant to a certain place, time or
person that which qualifies it to be chosen by Allah and favoured
above others.
He (may Allah have mercyon him) said:
This concept may not be understood by the one who regards all
individuals, deeds, times and places as equal, and claims that there
is nothing inherent that makes one thing better than another, and that
precedence is given to some things over others for no reason. This
view isinvalid for more than forty reasons that I have listed
elsewhere. It is sufficient, in order to understand the falseness of
this view and how corrupt it is, to note that Allah, may He be
glorified and exalted, refuted this false view when He said
(interpretation of the meaning):
"And when there comes to them a sign (from Allah) they say: 'We shall
not believe until we receive the like of that which the Messengers of
Allah had received.' Allah knows best with whom toplace His Message"
[al-An'aam 6:124].
Sneezing During Friday Sermon
Friday Prayers
What should a person do if he sneezes during the Jumu'ah khutbah
(sermon)? Should he say "al-hamdu Lillah"?.
Praise be to Allaah.
If a person who is listening to the khutbah (sermon) on Friday
sneezes, he should say "al-hamdu Lillah (praise be to Allah)" quietly
to himself. If anyone hears him, it is not permissible for him to say
to him "Yarhamuk Allah (may Allah have mercy on you)".
It says in al-Mudawwanah(1/230): Maalik said concerning someone who
sneezes when the imam isdelivering the khutbah that he should say
"al-hamdu Lillah" quietly to himself. No one should say "Yarhamuk
Allah" to the one who sneezed when the imam is delivering the khutbah.
End quote.
Al-Mirdaawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: It is permissible for
him tosay Ameen to the du'aa' and to say "al-hamdulillah" silently
ifhe sneezes. End quote from al-Insaaf, 2/418
Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) said: If he sneezes, he
has to praise Allah (say "al-hamdu Lillah") to himself and not raise
his voice.
End quote from Majmoo' al-Fataawa, 12/411
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy onhim) said: If a member
of the congregation sneezes on Friday, he should say "al-hamdulillah"
silently. If he says it out loud and the people around him hear him,
it is not permissible for them to say "Yarhamuk Allah" to him.
And Allah knows best.
What should a person do if he sneezes during the Jumu'ah khutbah
(sermon)? Should he say "al-hamdu Lillah"?.
Praise be to Allaah.
If a person who is listening to the khutbah (sermon) on Friday
sneezes, he should say "al-hamdu Lillah (praise be to Allah)" quietly
to himself. If anyone hears him, it is not permissible for him to say
to him "Yarhamuk Allah (may Allah have mercy on you)".
It says in al-Mudawwanah(1/230): Maalik said concerning someone who
sneezes when the imam isdelivering the khutbah that he should say
"al-hamdu Lillah" quietly to himself. No one should say "Yarhamuk
Allah" to the one who sneezed when the imam is delivering the khutbah.
End quote.
Al-Mirdaawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: It is permissible for
him tosay Ameen to the du'aa' and to say "al-hamdulillah" silently
ifhe sneezes. End quote from al-Insaaf, 2/418
Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) said: If he sneezes, he
has to praise Allah (say "al-hamdu Lillah") to himself and not raise
his voice.
End quote from Majmoo' al-Fataawa, 12/411
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy onhim) said: If a member
of the congregation sneezes on Friday, he should say "al-hamdulillah"
silently. If he says it out loud and the people around him hear him,
it is not permissible for them to say "Yarhamuk Allah" to him.
And Allah knows best.
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