Regarding best times to make Dua, I have read thefollowing hadith:
"Narrated Abu Omamah (radiAllahu anhu): that Allah's Messenger
(salAllahu alayhiwasalam)was asked, O Messenger of Allah, which
supplication is heard (by Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala), he said the end
of the night and at the end of the obligatory Salat (prayer)
[at-Tirmidhi] This time is after saying 'At-tahyat' , and before
making Tasleem (finishingprayer)"
I wanted to know how can we interprete that themeaning of end of
obligatory salat is after saying 'At-tahyat' , and before making
Tasleem (finishing prayer)? Why does it not mean after making Tasleem
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu `alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
The hadith in reference is:
وَقَدْ أَخْرَجَ التِّرْمِذِيُّ مِنْ حَدِيثِ أَبِي أُمَامَةَ قِيلَ
أَيُّ الدُّعَاءِ أَسْمَعُ فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ
عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ جَوْفُاللَّيْلِ الْأَخِيرِ وَدُبُرُ الصَّلَوَاتِ
Tuhfatul Ahwazi 2/169 [1]
The hadith states thatdua after farz salat is accepted.
The hadith is general.
It also refers to dua after making salam upon the completion of the salah.
In principle the salat terminates with Taslim (giving salam).
And Allah knows best.
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Saturday, September 1, 2012
best times for making dua
Why are the names of the same prophets different inboth the Bible and Holy Qur'an?
Why the names of same prophets are different in both Bibleand Holy Quran?
In the Name of Allah,the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu 'alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
The names of many Prophets (Anbiya) (Alayhim al-Salaam) have been
mentioned in the Bible as well as in the Holy Qur'an. Many Anbiyaa
(Alayhim al-Salaam) were of different cultural, social and linguistic
backgrounds. For example, Hadhrat Ismail (Alayhi al-Salaam) spoke the
Hebrew language.
Since the Qur'an is in Arabic language, the names of such Anbiyaa
(Alayhim al-Salaam) were Arabasized from Hebrew, etc. in order to
accommodate for the Arabic phonetic, linguistics, etc.
This does not mean that the actual name has changed. Rather, it is a
variant version of the name in another language.
For example:
1. Ismail (Alahi al-Salaam) was Ishmael (Hebrew: יִשְׁמָעֵאל , Modern
Yishma'el Tiberian Yišmā ʻ ēl ISO 259-3 Yišma ˁ el; Greek: Ισμαήλ
Ismaēl; Latin: Ismael; Arabic: إسماعيل ʾ Ismā ʿ īl) is a figure in
the Hebrew Bible and the Qur'an, and was Abraham's first son according
to Jews, Christians and Muslim s [1]
2. Ya'qub (Alayhi al-Salaam) was from the Latin Iacobus, which was
from the Greek Ιακωβος (Iakobos), which was from the Hebrew name
יַעֲקֹב (Ya'aqov). The English names Jacob and James derive from
thesame source, with James coming from Latin Iacomus, a later variant
of Iacobus. Unlike English, many languages do not have separate
spellings for the two names.
And Allah Ta'āla Knows Best/
In the Name of Allah,the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu 'alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
The names of many Prophets (Anbiya) (Alayhim al-Salaam) have been
mentioned in the Bible as well as in the Holy Qur'an. Many Anbiyaa
(Alayhim al-Salaam) were of different cultural, social and linguistic
backgrounds. For example, Hadhrat Ismail (Alayhi al-Salaam) spoke the
Hebrew language.
Since the Qur'an is in Arabic language, the names of such Anbiyaa
(Alayhim al-Salaam) were Arabasized from Hebrew, etc. in order to
accommodate for the Arabic phonetic, linguistics, etc.
This does not mean that the actual name has changed. Rather, it is a
variant version of the name in another language.
For example:
1. Ismail (Alahi al-Salaam) was Ishmael (Hebrew: יִשְׁמָעֵאל , Modern
Yishma'el Tiberian Yišmā ʻ ēl ISO 259-3 Yišma ˁ el; Greek: Ισμαήλ
Ismaēl; Latin: Ismael; Arabic: إسماعيل ʾ Ismā ʿ īl) is a figure in
the Hebrew Bible and the Qur'an, and was Abraham's first son according
to Jews, Christians and Muslim s [1]
2. Ya'qub (Alayhi al-Salaam) was from the Latin Iacobus, which was
from the Greek Ιακωβος (Iakobos), which was from the Hebrew name
יַעֲקֹב (Ya'aqov). The English names Jacob and James derive from
thesame source, with James coming from Latin Iacomus, a later variant
of Iacobus. Unlike English, many languages do not have separate
spellings for the two names.
And Allah Ta'āla Knows Best/
Put the Glass Down
A professor began his classby holding up a glass with some water in
it. He held itup for all to see and asked the students, 'How much do
you think this glass weighs?'
'50 gms!'…. '100 gms!'……'125 gms' …… the studentsanswered.
'I really don't know unless I weigh it,' said the professor, 'but, my
question is: What would happen if I held it up like this for a few
'Nothing' the students said.
'Ok! What would happen ifI held it up like this for an hour?' the
professor asked.
'Your arm would begin to ache', said one of the students.
'You're right, now what would happen if I held it for a day?'
'Your arm could go numb, you might have severe muscle stress and
paralysisand have to go to hospital for sure!' ventured
anotherstudent; and all the students laughed.
'Very good. But during all this, did the weight of the glass change?'
asked the professor.
'Then what caused the armache and the muscle stress?' The students were puzzled.
'Put the glass down!' said one of the students.
'Exactly!' said the professor. 'Life's problems are something like
this. Hold it for a few minutes in your head and they seem okay. Think
of them for a long time and they begin to ache. Hold it evenlonger and
they begin to paralyze you. You will not be able to do anything'.
'It's important to think of the challenges (problems) in your life,
but EVEN MOREIMPORTANT is to have trustin Allah (swt) and to 'put them
down' at the end of every day before you go tosleep. That way, you are
not stressed, you wake up every day fresh and strongand can handle any
issue, any challenge that comes your way!'
So, as it becomes time for you to leave office today, Remember friend
to 'PUT THE GLASS DOWN TODAY' and have tranquility by putting trust in
Almighty Allah (swt).
Holy Quran: "He it is who sent down tranquility into the hearts of the
believers that they might have morefaith added to their faith". (48:4)
Tranquility is sign ofstrong faith while worries and stress is sign of
weak faith.
Tell to your mind every day before you go to sleep: "YAA AYYATUHAN
"O soul that is at rest satisfied. Return to your Lord well-pleased
(with Him), well-pleasing (Him). So, enter among My servants, and
enter into my Paradise".
it. He held itup for all to see and asked the students, 'How much do
you think this glass weighs?'
'50 gms!'…. '100 gms!'……'125 gms' …… the studentsanswered.
'I really don't know unless I weigh it,' said the professor, 'but, my
question is: What would happen if I held it up like this for a few
'Nothing' the students said.
'Ok! What would happen ifI held it up like this for an hour?' the
professor asked.
'Your arm would begin to ache', said one of the students.
'You're right, now what would happen if I held it for a day?'
'Your arm could go numb, you might have severe muscle stress and
paralysisand have to go to hospital for sure!' ventured
anotherstudent; and all the students laughed.
'Very good. But during all this, did the weight of the glass change?'
asked the professor.
'Then what caused the armache and the muscle stress?' The students were puzzled.
'Put the glass down!' said one of the students.
'Exactly!' said the professor. 'Life's problems are something like
this. Hold it for a few minutes in your head and they seem okay. Think
of them for a long time and they begin to ache. Hold it evenlonger and
they begin to paralyze you. You will not be able to do anything'.
'It's important to think of the challenges (problems) in your life,
but EVEN MOREIMPORTANT is to have trustin Allah (swt) and to 'put them
down' at the end of every day before you go tosleep. That way, you are
not stressed, you wake up every day fresh and strongand can handle any
issue, any challenge that comes your way!'
So, as it becomes time for you to leave office today, Remember friend
to 'PUT THE GLASS DOWN TODAY' and have tranquility by putting trust in
Almighty Allah (swt).
Holy Quran: "He it is who sent down tranquility into the hearts of the
believers that they might have morefaith added to their faith". (48:4)
Tranquility is sign ofstrong faith while worries and stress is sign of
weak faith.
Tell to your mind every day before you go to sleep: "YAA AYYATUHAN
"O soul that is at rest satisfied. Return to your Lord well-pleased
(with Him), well-pleasing (Him). So, enter among My servants, and
enter into my Paradise".
Imam Muslim
His name was Abul-Hussain Muslim-bin-Habaj al Nishapuri. He was born
in a distinguished family of Arab Muslims in Khorasan which. was a
famous townof Russia. Imam Muslim was born in 817 A.D. corresponding
to the Islamic year 204 A.H. His forefathers occupied prominent
positions during the time of the fourCaliphs. He travelled to many
places with the object of learning Hadith, and after completing his
studies in the various centres of learning, he settled at Nishapur. He
spend the rest of his life teaching Hadith.
Imam Muslim started his studies at the very early age of fourteen
years. In the year 218 A.H. the atmosphere in Nishapur, his
birthplace, was of a religious and knowledge type. Nishapur had great
personalities in this period such as lmaam Rahiwe andlmaam Zohri.
After travelling widely in search of Hadith, he settled in Nishapur as
mentioned above. Imam Muslim was much impressed by the vast knowledge
of Imaam Bukhari (R.A.), in the field of Hadith and the deep insight
he possessed on this subject. He therefore attached himself to
ImaamBukhari (R.A.) up to the end of his life. Imam Muslim was also an
admirer of another great teacher of Hadith, Muhammed bin Yahya al
Dhuli. He attended his lectures regularly. He visited Baghdad several
times and had the opportunity of delivering lessons there. His last
visit to Baghdad was two yearsbefore his death.
Imam Muslim (R.A.) apart from attending the lessonsof Imaam Bukhari
regularly, also attended the lectures of lmaam Ahmad bin Hambal,
Abdullah al Qarri, Qutaiba bin Said, Abdullah bin Maslama and other
great Muhadith.
Imam Muslim (R.A.'s) most noted students are Hatim Razi, Ahrnad bin
Salmah, Abu Isa Tinnizi, Abubaker bin Khuzaima and other great
Imam Muslim R.A. adhered strictly to the path of righteousness. He was
in fact a great saint of a very high calibre. His excellent character
can be well judged from the simple fact that he never ever indulged in
backbiting, a very common human failing. He had a remarkable memory.
Ishaqbin Rahwi said of Imam Muslim; " I wonder what this person is
going to be?" This was said in his youth. Ishaq Kausar once addressed
lmam Muslim (R.A.) and said; "Your presence in the Muslim community
will always keep it in the good. " Abu Saimah who was a colleague of
lmam Muslim was so attached to him that while lmaam Sahib was busy
compiling the Sahih Muslim, he remainedin lmaam Sahib's companyfor
fifteen years. He never told a lie nor did he ever use vulgar words.
Sheikh Abdul Latief says Imaam Tirmidhi and ImamMuslim were followers
of the Shafee school of thought, although they were both Mujtahids.
Moulana Abdur-Rashid says that Imaam Muslim was a Maliki. The fact is
what was said by Sheikh Tahir Jazari that Imam Muslim is not a Maliki
nor aHanifi nor a Shafi, but his compilation of the sahih Muslim shows
that he was more inclined towards the Shafee school of thought.
Allamah Nabawi (R.A.) saysthat the Ummat have accepted the Bukhari
Shareef and Muslim Shareef as the Kitabs, which follow the Quraan, in
authenicity although the Bukhari is regarded as holding a higher
position than the Sahih Muslim for specific reasons, the sequence
applied in the Muslim is much better than that of Bukhari. It is known
as Al-Jamah as Sahih because it contains the eight different
subjectson Hadis.
Imam Bukhari (R.A.) concentrated his efforts oncompilation of
authentic hadith as well as deduction of Laws from Hadith. This is the
most difficult part to understandin the Bukhari. How he deduced Laws
from the Hadis, Imam Muslim concentrated his efforts only on
compilation of authentic Hadith.
in a distinguished family of Arab Muslims in Khorasan which. was a
famous townof Russia. Imam Muslim was born in 817 A.D. corresponding
to the Islamic year 204 A.H. His forefathers occupied prominent
positions during the time of the fourCaliphs. He travelled to many
places with the object of learning Hadith, and after completing his
studies in the various centres of learning, he settled at Nishapur. He
spend the rest of his life teaching Hadith.
Imam Muslim started his studies at the very early age of fourteen
years. In the year 218 A.H. the atmosphere in Nishapur, his
birthplace, was of a religious and knowledge type. Nishapur had great
personalities in this period such as lmaam Rahiwe andlmaam Zohri.
After travelling widely in search of Hadith, he settled in Nishapur as
mentioned above. Imam Muslim was much impressed by the vast knowledge
of Imaam Bukhari (R.A.), in the field of Hadith and the deep insight
he possessed on this subject. He therefore attached himself to
ImaamBukhari (R.A.) up to the end of his life. Imam Muslim was also an
admirer of another great teacher of Hadith, Muhammed bin Yahya al
Dhuli. He attended his lectures regularly. He visited Baghdad several
times and had the opportunity of delivering lessons there. His last
visit to Baghdad was two yearsbefore his death.
Imam Muslim (R.A.) apart from attending the lessonsof Imaam Bukhari
regularly, also attended the lectures of lmaam Ahmad bin Hambal,
Abdullah al Qarri, Qutaiba bin Said, Abdullah bin Maslama and other
great Muhadith.
Imam Muslim (R.A.'s) most noted students are Hatim Razi, Ahrnad bin
Salmah, Abu Isa Tinnizi, Abubaker bin Khuzaima and other great
Imam Muslim R.A. adhered strictly to the path of righteousness. He was
in fact a great saint of a very high calibre. His excellent character
can be well judged from the simple fact that he never ever indulged in
backbiting, a very common human failing. He had a remarkable memory.
Ishaqbin Rahwi said of Imam Muslim; " I wonder what this person is
going to be?" This was said in his youth. Ishaq Kausar once addressed
lmam Muslim (R.A.) and said; "Your presence in the Muslim community
will always keep it in the good. " Abu Saimah who was a colleague of
lmam Muslim was so attached to him that while lmaam Sahib was busy
compiling the Sahih Muslim, he remainedin lmaam Sahib's companyfor
fifteen years. He never told a lie nor did he ever use vulgar words.
Sheikh Abdul Latief says Imaam Tirmidhi and ImamMuslim were followers
of the Shafee school of thought, although they were both Mujtahids.
Moulana Abdur-Rashid says that Imaam Muslim was a Maliki. The fact is
what was said by Sheikh Tahir Jazari that Imam Muslim is not a Maliki
nor aHanifi nor a Shafi, but his compilation of the sahih Muslim shows
that he was more inclined towards the Shafee school of thought.
Allamah Nabawi (R.A.) saysthat the Ummat have accepted the Bukhari
Shareef and Muslim Shareef as the Kitabs, which follow the Quraan, in
authenicity although the Bukhari is regarded as holding a higher
position than the Sahih Muslim for specific reasons, the sequence
applied in the Muslim is much better than that of Bukhari. It is known
as Al-Jamah as Sahih because it contains the eight different
subjectson Hadis.
Imam Bukhari (R.A.) concentrated his efforts oncompilation of
authentic hadith as well as deduction of Laws from Hadith. This is the
most difficult part to understandin the Bukhari. How he deduced Laws
from the Hadis, Imam Muslim concentrated his efforts only on
compilation of authentic Hadith.
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