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*- WHAT ISLAM SAYS -* - Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
"INDIA "- Time in New Delhi -
''HASBUNALLAHU WA NI'MAL WAKEEL'' - ''Allah is Sufficient for us'' + '' All praise is due to Allah. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' (Aameen)
Dua' from Al'Qur'an - for SUCCESS in 'both the worlds': '' Our Lord ! grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter and save us from the torment of the Fire '' [Ameen] - {in Arab} :-> Rabbanaa aatinaa fid-dunyaa hasanatan wafil aakhirati hasanatan waqinaa 'athaaban-naar/- (Surah Al-Baqarah ,verse 201)*--*~
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*- Our Nabi' (s.a.w) Most Like this Dua' -*
"Allahumma Salli'Alaa Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa'Aali Muhammadin, kamaa Sallayta 'Alaa' Ibraheema wa 'Alaa 'Aali 'Ibraheema, 'Innaka Hameedun Majeed. Allahumma Baarik'Alaa Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa'Aali Muhammadin, kamaa Baarakta 'Alaa' Ibraheema wa 'Alaa 'Aali 'Ibraheema, 'Innaka Hameedun Majeed." ******
"Al Qur'an - first Ayath, came to our Nabi (s.a.w)
"Read! In the name of yourLord Who created. Created man from clinging cells. Read! And your Lord is Most Bountiful. The One Who taught with the Pen. Taught man what he did not know." (Qur'an 96: 1-5) - ~ - ~ - lt;18.may.2012/friday-6.12pm:{IST} ;(Ayatul Kursi Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 255/)
*- Al Qur'an's last ayath came to Nabi{s.a.w} -*
Allah states the following: “Thisday have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” [Qur’an 5:3]
Surat alAhzab 40; Says Our Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) is the final Prophet sent by Allah'

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* A Precious DUA' *
Dua' - '' All praise is due to Allah'. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' - - - O Allah, I am Your servant, son of Your servant, son of Your maidservant; my forelock is in Your hand; Your command over me is forever executed and Your decree over me is just; I ask You by every name belonging to You that You have named Yourself with, or revealed in Your book, ortaught to any of Your creation, or have preserved in the knowledge of the unseen with You, that You make the Qur'an thelife of my heart and the light of my breast, and a departure for my sorrow and a release from my anxiety.
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Friday, August 17, 2012

Dua recited at intervals of Taraweeh Prayers

Subhana dhil Mulki wal Malakuti, Subhana dhil izzati wal aDhmati wal
haybati wal Qudrati,
wal kibriyaa'i wal jabaroot Subhanal Malikil hayyil ladhi, la yunaamu
wa la yamutu,
Subbuhun, Quddusun, Rabbul malaa'ikati war-rooh La ilaha illal lahu,
nas 'alukul jannati, wa na udhubika min an-naar
- Meaning of the Dua
Glorified is the Owner of the Kingdom of the earth and the heavens;
Glorified is the Possessor of Honour and Magnificence and Awe, and
Power and Greatness and Omnipotence Glorified is the Sovereign, the
Living, Who does neither sleep nor die O all Glorious, All Holy one,
Our lord and the Lord of the Angels, And the soul. There is no God but
You,Forgive us, Grant us Paradise, andsave us from (hell) fire.

Taking pills to prevent menses in order to observe i’tikaaf

I want to sit in Aitikaaf. This would be my third time I will be in
Aitikaaf. My menses date will be somewhere in the last 10days of
Ramadaan. There are pills available nowadays to stop the periods. I
have used them while I sat in Aitikaa for the first time as my menses
date was there. But this time I am afraid to use them as I had cancer
and I have been operated and went through Chemotherapy. When I was
diagnosed to cancer I did neeeyat that may ALLAH grant me health and I
will sit in Aitikaaf. Now it the matter of my promise with ALL MIGHTY
ALLAH. What should I do? Should I consult a doctor to knowif the pills
would be no harm or shall I not sit in Aitikaaf? Please tell me as I
am very worried.
Praise be to Allaah.
We ask Allaah to heal you and grant you good health, and to keep your
spiritual and worldly affairs safe and sound.
It is permissible to take pills to prevent menses in order to be able
to do actsof worship such as i'tikaaf,'umrah and Hajj, but that is
subject to the condition that they should not be harmful to the body.
As you are suffering from thedisease that you mentioned, you have to
consult the doctor before taking these pills, and make sure that they
will not conflict with your treatment or cause any harm to you. The
Muslim is enjoined to take care of his body and not harm it, because
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
"And do not kill yourselves (nor kill one another). Surely, Allaah is
Most Merciful to you"
[al-Nisa' 4:29]
"and do not throw yourselves into destruction"
[al-Baqarah 2:195]
and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
"There should be neither causing harm nor reciprocating harm."
Narrated by Ahmad and Ibn Maajah (2341), classed as saheeh by
al-Albaani in Saheeh Ibn Maajah.
It says in al-Adaab al-Shar'iyyah (2/463): It is haraam to use as a
remedy anything that causes harm. End quote.
Based on this, if these pillsare harmful then it is not permissible
for you to take them, and you can start i'tikaaf, then if your menses
comes then you should leave the mosque and stop i'tikaaf; this is
anexcuse for you to stop it, and in fact it will be obligatory for you
to do so because it is not permissible for a menstruating woman to
remain in the mosque.
But if they are not harmful then there is nothing wrong with your taking them.
And Allaah knows best.

Ruling on the view that we should seek to acquire the characteristics of Allaah

Ruling on the view that we should seek to acquire the characteristics of Allaah
One of the khateebs said in his Friday khutbah that we have to strive
to acquire the attributes and characteristics of Allaah. Is there a
correct way of interpreting this sentence, and isthere anyone who has
said this before?.
Praise be to Allaah.
This sentence is not appropriate,but there is a correct way of
interpreting it, which is that we are encouraged to strive to acquire
the characteristics implied by the attributes and names of Allaah.
That means looking at the attributes which itis befitting for a
created being to acquire the characteristics implied by them, unlike
the attributes which belong only to Allaah, such as His being the
Creator, the Provider, the One God, etc. These are characteristics
which a created being cannot acquire, and it is not permissible for
him to lay claim to them or similar names. Rather what is referred to
is the attributes which Allaah likes for His slaves to acquire the
characteristics implied thereby, such as knowledge, strength, mercy,
forbearance, generosity and forgiveness, etc. So Allaah isAll-Knowing
and loves those who are knowledgeable; He is Strong and He loves the
strong believer more than He loves the weak believer; He is Generous
and loves those who are generous; He is Merciful and He loves those
who show mercy; He is Forgiving and loves forgiveness, etc. But when
applied to Allaah, these attributes are more perfect and greater than
when applied to any created being, because there is nothing like unto
Allaah in His attributes and actions, justas there is nothing like
unto Allaah in His Essence. Rather it is sufficient for a person to
have ashare in the sense of these attributes, in a manner that
suitshim and within the limits set by sharee'ah. If his generosity
oversteps the mark, then he becomes a spendthrift; if his mercy
oversteps the mark, then he will not carry out the punishments
dictated by sharee'ah; if his forgiveness transgresses the limits set
by sharee'ah, then it is inappropriate. This was stated by the great
scholar Ibn al-Qayyim in his books 'Uddat al-Saabireen and al-Waabil
al-Sayyib, and in other books such as al-Madaarij and Zaad al-Ma'aad.
There follows what hesaid in al-'Uddah and al-Waabil:
In al-'Uddah (p. 310) he said: "Because Allaah is indeed the
Appreciative (al-Shukoor), the most beloved of His creation to Him are
those who have the characteristic of gratitude (al-shukr), just as the
most hatedof His creation to Him are those who are lacking in this
characteristic or who have the opposite characteristic. This applies
to His Beautiful names: the most beloved of His creationto Him are
those who have the characteristics implied by His names, and the most
hated of His creation to Him are those who have the opposite
characteristics. Hence He hates those who are ungrateful, those who do
wrong, those who are ignorant, hard-hearted, miserly, cowardly and
ignoble. He is Beautiful and loves beauty; He isAll-Knowing and loves
those who have knowledge; He is Merciful and loves those who show
mercy; He does good and loves those who do good; He is the Concealer
and loves those who conceal; He is Powerful andcondemns those who act
helpless, and the strong believeris more beloved to Him than the weak
believer; He is forgiving and loves forgiveness; He is Oneand He loves
that which is odd-numbered; everything that He loves is connected to
His names and attributes; and everything that He hates is the opposite
of that."
He said in al-Waabil (p. 543 of Majmoo'at al-Hadeeth): "Generosity is
one of the attributes of the Lord, for He gives and does not take, He
feeds and is not fed, He is the most generous of those who are
generous. The most beloved of His creation to Him are those who seek
to acquire the characteristics implied by His attributes. For He is
Generous and loves those among His slaves who are generous; He is
All-Knowing and loves those who have knowledge; He is All-Powerful and
loves those who are courageous; He is Beautiful and loves beauty."
I hope that what we have mentioned will be sufficient andwill serve
the intended purpose. I ask Allaah to help us all to understand His
religion and to fulfil our duty towards Him, for He is All-Hearing,
Ever Near.
Majmoo' Fataawa wa MaqaalaatMutanawwi'ah,

Can the one who is observing i’tikaaf give lessons and halaqahs?

Is it acceptable for the one who is observing i'tikaaf to teach
someone or give a lesson?.
Praise be to Allaah.
It is better for the one who is observing i'tikaaf to focus on worship
by himself such as dhikr, prayer, reading Qur'aan and so on. But if
there is aneed to teach someone orlearn, there is nothing wrong with
that, because it is also remembrance of Allaah (dhikr). End quote.
Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him)
Risaalah Ahkaam al-Siyaam wa'l-I'tikaaf