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*- WHAT ISLAM SAYS -* - Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
"INDIA "- Time in New Delhi -
''HASBUNALLAHU WA NI'MAL WAKEEL'' - ''Allah is Sufficient for us'' + '' All praise is due to Allah. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' (Aameen)
Dua' from Al'Qur'an - for SUCCESS in 'both the worlds': '' Our Lord ! grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter and save us from the torment of the Fire '' [Ameen] - {in Arab} :-> Rabbanaa aatinaa fid-dunyaa hasanatan wafil aakhirati hasanatan waqinaa 'athaaban-naar/- (Surah Al-Baqarah ,verse 201)*--*~
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*- Our Nabi' (s.a.w) Most Like this Dua' -*
"Allahumma Salli'Alaa Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa'Aali Muhammadin, kamaa Sallayta 'Alaa' Ibraheema wa 'Alaa 'Aali 'Ibraheema, 'Innaka Hameedun Majeed. Allahumma Baarik'Alaa Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa'Aali Muhammadin, kamaa Baarakta 'Alaa' Ibraheema wa 'Alaa 'Aali 'Ibraheema, 'Innaka Hameedun Majeed." ******
"Al Qur'an - first Ayath, came to our Nabi (s.a.w)
"Read! In the name of yourLord Who created. Created man from clinging cells. Read! And your Lord is Most Bountiful. The One Who taught with the Pen. Taught man what he did not know." (Qur'an 96: 1-5) - ~ - ~ - lt;18.may.2012/friday-6.12pm:{IST} ;(Ayatul Kursi Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 255/)
*- Al Qur'an's last ayath came to Nabi{s.a.w} -*
Allah states the following: “Thisday have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” [Qur’an 5:3]
Surat alAhzab 40; Says Our Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) is the final Prophet sent by Allah'

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* A Precious DUA' *
Dua' - '' All praise is due to Allah'. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' - - - O Allah, I am Your servant, son of Your servant, son of Your maidservant; my forelock is in Your hand; Your command over me is forever executed and Your decree over me is just; I ask You by every name belonging to You that You have named Yourself with, or revealed in Your book, ortaught to any of Your creation, or have preserved in the knowledge of the unseen with You, that You make the Qur'an thelife of my heart and the light of my breast, and a departure for my sorrow and a release from my anxiety.
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Thursday, July 19, 2012

What does Jihad mean?

The word Jihad representsa concept which is much misunderstood in the
West. The concept is explained nicely by the Christian scholar Ira 6.
Zepp, Jr. in his book entitled A Muslim Primer on pages 133-135. We
adapt from his answer thefollowing:
The essential meaning of Jihad is the spiritual, psychological, and
physical effort we exert tobe close to God and thus achieve a just and
harmonious society. Jihad literally means "striving" or "struggle" and
is shorthand for Jihad fi Sabeel Allah (struggle for God's cause). In
a sense, every Muslim is a Mujahid,one who strives for God and
Al-Ghazali captured the essence of Jihad when he said: "The real Jihad
is the warfare against (one's own) passions. Dr. Ibrahim Abu-Rabi
calls Jihad "the execution of effort against evil in the self and
every manifestation of evil in society." In a way, Jihad is the
Muslim's purest sacrifice: a struggle to livea perfect life and
completely submit to God.
Another form of Jihad is the striving to translate the Word of God
into action. If one has experienced God and received guidance from the
Qur'an, one struggles to apply that guidance in daily life. So the
larger, more prevalent meaning of Jihad is the spiritual struggle of
the soul. In this case, Jihad is always present for the believer
whether there is an external enemy or not. We should never reduce
Jihad to violence.
A third level of Jihad is popularly known as "holy war." The classic
passage is found in the Qur'an:
Fight in the way of Allah those who fight against you, but transgress
not the limits. Truly Allah likesnot the transgressors (Qur'an 2:190).
It is crucial to note here that what is condoned is defensive warfare;
Islam cannot justify aggressive war. Muhammad and the Tradition are
also against killing non-combatants, torturing of prisoners, the
destruction of crops, animals and homes. Adapted from Ira 6. Zepp,
Jr., A Muslim Primer (1992,Wakefield Editions, US) pp.133-135.
Robert Ellwood of the University of Southern California has the
following to say about the Muslim concept of Jihad:
Out of the community ideal of Islam comes the concept of jihad, or
holy war, which is designed to defend Islam and allow itssocial
practice, though notto force individual conversions, which is
forbidden. Since Islam in principle is a community as well as a
religion, presumably only an absolute pacifist would beable to reject
the theory of jihad out of hand, since other communities also fight to
defend or expand their ways of life. (Many Peoples, Many Faiths by
Robert S. Ellwood, 4th edition, Simon & Schuster,US, 1982, p.346).

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Value Yourself

It would be nice if we all had loving and supportive parents. Some do,
Alhamdulillah. But some have parents who are critical, demeaning and
harsh. If you have an abusive parent who tells you that you are
worthless, stupid and good for nothing, you can't spend your life
waiting and hoping for that parent to love you and be proud of you.
It's not going to happen, my friend. Most likely your parent was
raised harshly himself/herself and doesn'tknow how to act any other
way. Accept that reality and learn to value yourself, no matter what
anyone says.
You will have to be strong and independent in spirit. You will have to
find validation of your worth within yourself. You do have worth,
after all. You are as unique and beautiful as the sun and the moon,
the sea and the stars. You are special and gifted and you will need
torealize that on your own, even in the face of external abuse.
Seek your support from Allah.
"And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them
on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and
preferred them over much of what We have created…" – Quran, 17:70.
Allah has honored you. Dignity is your birthright. It's okay if you're
not perfect. No one is. You can still love yourself, with all your
special gifts and funny habits, and whatever is lacking, well, you can
work on it. That's what all of us do.
"I Know Who I Am"
It can be very hard to resist the negative labels that parents put on
us. Their words have a way of worming into our brains even when we
know better. We must be patientwith them and love them, without buying
into their negativity.
Write some positive affirmations about yourself. Affirmations are true
statements that express your best qualities,and also express what kind
of person you strive to be. They represent the ideal you.
I personally have a list of 29 affirmations, and here'snumber 12 on my list:
"12. I am a good son to my parents. I am patient and loving with them.
When speaking to them I maintain a positive, independent and calm
spirit, knowing who I am and confident in my choices."
Read your affirmations every day. Even if you don't quite believe your
own affirmations at times, even if you feel inwardly skeptical, keep
reading them. When you speak to your parents, breathe deeply and
slowly. Don't let anything they say make you anxious or excited. Tell
yourself silently, "I know who I am."
Allah loves you and has a plan for you. Believe this and move forward,
and when you have children, shut down the cycle of negativity and do
better than your parents did. It's okay to be better than your
parents. Any good parent wants their children to surpass them.
Show your own children patience, gentleness and endless love.
May Allah bless you and fillyour heart with self-knowledge,
self-dignity, and hope for the future.

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Bellies and Souls

Most of us are concerned with our bellies and the souls of others;
when we should be concerned with our own souls, and the bellies of
others. The first thing the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said when he
arrived in Madinah was, "Spread peace, and feed the people."
Instead of judging others, care for them. Feed them, help them, and
spread peace. That is your representation as a Muslim, your da'wah,
and your salvation of the world. In the process, you save your own

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The Intensity of its Fire

Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) narrated: "When Allah's Messenger
(salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, 'Your ordinary fire is one of the 70
potions of the Hellfire,' someone commented, 'O Messenger of Allah,
wouldit (ordinary fire) not be sufficient (to burn the wrongdoers)?'
At that, Allah's Messenger (SAW) said, 'The Hellfire has 69 more
portions than ordinary (worldly) fire, and all of them are as hot as
this (worldly fire).'"
[Sahih al-Bukhari]
"Verily, Allah has cursed the disbelievers and prepared for them a
Blazing Fire. Dwelling therein forever, and they will find no
protector or helper."
[al-Ahzab, 33: 64-65]
"But he who is given his record behind his back will soon cry for
destruction, and he will enter a blazing Fire."
[al Inshiqaq, 84: 10-12]
"No, they deny the Hour (of the judgment to come), but We have
prepared a blazing fire forsuch as deny the Hour. When it sees them
from a far off place, they will hear its fury and its ragingsigh. And
when they are cast, bound, in chains, intoconstricted place therein,
they will plead therein fordestruction. Do not plead today for a
single destruction; plead for destruction oft-repeated."
[al-Furqan, 25: 11-14]
"The companions of the left hand - what are the companions of the left
hand? (They will be) in the midst of a fierce blast (of fire) and in
boiling water."
[al Waqi'ah, 56: 41-42]
"But, he whose scales are light his home will be a pit. And what will
make you understand what thatis? (It is ) a fire, blazing fiercely."
[al Qari'ah, 101: 8-11]
"Soon will I cast him into Saqar (the Hellfire). And what will explain
to you what Saqar is? It permits nothing to endure, and it leaves
nothing alone, darkening and changing the color of man."
[al Muddaththir, 74: 26-29]
"Their abode will be Hell. Every time it abates. We will increase for
them the blaze (the fierceness) of the fire."
[al Isra, 17: 97]
"Those are the ones, who have exchanged the Hereafter for the gains of
this worldly life. The punishment will not be lightened for them, and
they will not be aided."
[al Baqarah, 2: 86]
"So taste, (the result of your deeds), for We will not increase you
except inpunishment."
[an Naba, 78: 30]
Anas (radiAllahu anhu) reported that the Messenger of Allah (salAllahu
alayhi wasalam) said: "The most favored man among the dwellers of the
Earth will be brought from among the people of the Fire on the Day of
Resurrection. He will be dyed in the Firebut once, and then it will be
said to him, 'O son of Adam, have you ever seengood at all? Has any
pleasure ever come to you?' He will say, 'No, by Allah, O Lord.' Then
the most miserable people in the world will be brought from the people
of Paradise and will be dyed with the dye of Paradise. It will be said
to him, 'O son of Adam, have you ever seen any misery, andhas any
hardship ever come to you? ' He will say,'No, by Allah, O my Lord. No
misery ever came to me, nor did I see any hardship.'"

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