Indeed, the principle is that the Muslim should prefer an Islamic land
so as to establish the rights of his religion, but circumstances may
force him or her to live in a non-Muslim land. And Islam, being a
religion thatprovides guidance for all aspects of human life, has
addressed this issue. Numerous texts within Islamic literature have
expounded on the topic ofMuslims living in non-Muslim lands, and
thestory of Prophet Yūsuf ( 'alayhi al-salātu wa al-salām ) serves as
an ideal source of reference for such a discussion. The Prophet Yūsuf
was forced to leave the land of the Prophets, the land where his
father Ya'qūb resided and where the Heavenly Law was being applied.
Due to the betrayal of his brothers, Yūsuf was taken as a slave by a
caravan and eventually purchased by a minister of Egypt known by the
title al-'aziz .
The man in Egypt who bought him, said to his wife: "Make his stay
(among us) honourable: may be he will bring us much good, or we shall
adopt him as a son." Thus did We establish [i.e. give authority to]
Yūsuf in the land..." [Yūsuf (12):21]
The hint within this ayah is that a person may not be able to gain
authority in his own land but may acquire it in another. This brings
us to the question of how Yūsuf conducted himself in this
The most obvious challenge that faces the Muslim in such a
land is how to cope with the non-Islamic values within society that
inevitably led to a prevalence of fawāhish [3] and thus conflict or
clash with one'sfaith. Certainly, falling into this fawāhish is easy,
but itwas just as easy in the time of Yūsuf ( 'alayhi al-salātu wa
al-salām ) as the ayah on Yūsuf's encounter with the wife of al-aziz
And she, in whose house he [Yūsuf] was, sought to seduce him. She
closed thedoors and said, "Come, you." He said, "I seek refuge in
Allah. Indeed, he (your husband) is my master, who has made good my
residence. Indeed, wrongdoers will never prosper." [Yūsuf (12):23]
It is not fitting for the Muslim who believes in Allah and the Last
Day to come near obscenity. The Prophet Muhammad ( sul Allahu 'alayhi
wa salim) mentioned seven people who will be shaded by Allah on the
Day of Judgement; [4] among them is a man who turns away from the
temptationand seduction of a womanwith beauty and status, saying "I
fear Allah." It is upon the Muslim to fear Allah in every gaze and in
every instance he or she is alone. And living in an environment where
the opportunities to sin are manifold, if a Muslim is notcareful, he
or she may not only fall into a sin or two but perhaps may reach a
stage of being immersed in sinning, such that one abandons repentance.
Soon, a love for these sins develops and by this the Muslim leads him
or herself astray.
And Allah would not let a people stray after He has guided them until
He makes clear to them what they should avoid. [At-Tawba (9):115]
The Muslim who abandons having taqwa and does not repel the fawāhish ,
his or her heart may start to see the evil asgood, perhaps even
leading him or herself out of the pail of Islam.
So it is incumbent on the Muslim to strive against the fawāhish and
constantly seek the help ofAllah. The Quran relates how Yūsuf (
'alayhi al-salātu wa al-salām ) sought the help of his lordin his
And if You do not avert from me their [evil] plan, I might incline
toward themand [thus] be of the ignorant. So his Lord responded to him
and averted from him their plan. [Yūsuf (12):33-34]
The desires and lusts are great and numerous, but they remain trifling
in the eyes of the believer, the one who is sincere to Allahand
trusting in His assistance.
Thus it was, that We might ward off from him evil and lewdness.
Indeed, he was of Our chosen servants. [Yūsuf (12):24]
So if the Muslim turns to Allah in supplication and with sincerity,
seeking refuge in Him, Allah will surely protect Him. Thus, the first
thing a Muslim must do in this society is to confront the fawāhish
that he or she faces and strive to overcome them.
After the Muslim is rendered victorious against his or her desires, it
is upon him or her to exemplify high Muslim morals, manners, and
character while living in this society, as the ProphetMuhammad ( sul
Allahu 'alayhi wa salim) instructed, "Treat the people with good
manners." It has been established that Yūsuf ( 'alayhi al-salātu wa
al-salām ) was innocent of what he was accused of, yet he was
oppressed, accused unjustly and put in jail where he stayed with two
And there entered the prison with him two young men.
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Tuesday, June 5, 2012
ISLAMIC ARTICLE :- ~ How a Muslim Should Live in a Non-Muslim Land in Light of Surah Yūsuf [1]
STORY - ~ Low-carbon tourism on Moganshan Mountain, E. China
Tourists ride horses at an equestrian site in the Naked Retreats in
Fatou Township of Deqing County, east China's Zhejiang Province, June
2, 2012. (Xinhua/Tan Jin)
French businessman Christophe Peres introduces his resort Le Passage
Mohkan Shan in Moganshan Town of Deqing County, east China's Zhejiang
Province, May 31, 2012.(Xinhua/Tan Jin)
A cleaning woman works at a resort of the Naked Retreats in Moganshan
Town of Deqing County, east China's Zhejiang Province, June 1,
2012.(Xinhua/Tan Jin)
Photo taken on June 2, 2012 shows the local-stylehuts at the Naked
Retreatsin Fatou Township of Deqing County, east China's Zhejiang
Province.(Xinhua/Tan Jin)
Photo taken on June 1, 2012 shows the solar energy collectors of a
resort in Moganshan Townof Deqing County, east China's Zhejiang
Province.(Xinhua/Tan Jin)
In 2007, South African Grant Horsfield found Sanjiuwu, a farming
hamlet on the bamboo clad Moganshan Mountain to the west of Shanghai,
where he rented some underused farmhouses and converted them into
guesthouses. Thus, the Naked Retreats were born,marking the rising of
low-carbon tourist sites onthe Moganshan Mountain, a national scenic
spot in Zhejiang Province.
In 2009, Grant invested 200 million yuan (31.5 million U.S. dollars)
to build another resort not far from Sanjiuwu, while in 2011, French
businessman Christophe Peres also built a resort, LePassage Mohkan
According to local tourism authorities, there are now 35 similar
resorts in the Moganshan area, built by investors of over 10 foreign
countries. These resorts were built with local natural materials, such
as bamboo, wood and stone, and they advocated healthy, eco-friendly
lifestyle, providing a rural refuge from the stresses and strains of
city living and office work, thus attracting a large number of foreign
businessmen and white-collar workers.
In October 2010, Deqing County was awarded the"low-carbon tourism
model county" at a tourism summit in Beijing,capital of China.
Fatou Township of Deqing County, east China's Zhejiang Province, June
2, 2012. (Xinhua/Tan Jin)
French businessman Christophe Peres introduces his resort Le Passage
Mohkan Shan in Moganshan Town of Deqing County, east China's Zhejiang
Province, May 31, 2012.(Xinhua/Tan Jin)
A cleaning woman works at a resort of the Naked Retreats in Moganshan
Town of Deqing County, east China's Zhejiang Province, June 1,
2012.(Xinhua/Tan Jin)
Photo taken on June 2, 2012 shows the local-stylehuts at the Naked
Retreatsin Fatou Township of Deqing County, east China's Zhejiang
Province.(Xinhua/Tan Jin)
Photo taken on June 1, 2012 shows the solar energy collectors of a
resort in Moganshan Townof Deqing County, east China's Zhejiang
Province.(Xinhua/Tan Jin)
In 2007, South African Grant Horsfield found Sanjiuwu, a farming
hamlet on the bamboo clad Moganshan Mountain to the west of Shanghai,
where he rented some underused farmhouses and converted them into
guesthouses. Thus, the Naked Retreats were born,marking the rising of
low-carbon tourist sites onthe Moganshan Mountain, a national scenic
spot in Zhejiang Province.
In 2009, Grant invested 200 million yuan (31.5 million U.S. dollars)
to build another resort not far from Sanjiuwu, while in 2011, French
businessman Christophe Peres also built a resort, LePassage Mohkan
According to local tourism authorities, there are now 35 similar
resorts in the Moganshan area, built by investors of over 10 foreign
countries. These resorts were built with local natural materials, such
as bamboo, wood and stone, and they advocated healthy, eco-friendly
lifestyle, providing a rural refuge from the stresses and strains of
city living and office work, thus attracting a large number of foreign
businessmen and white-collar workers.
In October 2010, Deqing County was awarded the"low-carbon tourism
model county" at a tourism summit in Beijing,capital of China.
"Say: Indeed my prayer, mysacrifice, my life and my death are for
ALLAH, the Lord of the Worlds." [6:162]
Uthman bin Affan ra reported: The Messenger ofAllah (PBUH) said, "He
who performs the Wudu' perfectly (i.e., according to Sunnah), his sins
will depart from his body, even from under his nails.'' [Muslim]
Imagine the moment you do your salah with complete focus and
engagement, feeling who you stand before and you heart seems to depart
this world to dwell for a few minutes in Paradise in the presence of
its Creator!
How huge our loss is when we pray the prayer just to get it off our shoulders!
Prayer is the sample taste of Paradise Allah gives to those who truly
love Him and look forward for the next prayer!
Your feelings towards the next prayer reflects your feelings about
meeting Allah; either looking forward to it or trying to get over
with, and all will show at the time of death!
'Death', Which You Can Not Escape, So Be Prepared For Hereafter.....
"Wherever You May Be, Death Will Eventually CatchUp With You, Even You
Are In A Castle Built Up Strong And High." [Quran 4:78]
"We can't go back for a better beginning. There's no eraser. But we
can always plan and hope for abetter ending because there is
ALLAH, the Lord of the Worlds." [6:162]
Uthman bin Affan ra reported: The Messenger ofAllah (PBUH) said, "He
who performs the Wudu' perfectly (i.e., according to Sunnah), his sins
will depart from his body, even from under his nails.'' [Muslim]
Imagine the moment you do your salah with complete focus and
engagement, feeling who you stand before and you heart seems to depart
this world to dwell for a few minutes in Paradise in the presence of
its Creator!
How huge our loss is when we pray the prayer just to get it off our shoulders!
Prayer is the sample taste of Paradise Allah gives to those who truly
love Him and look forward for the next prayer!
Your feelings towards the next prayer reflects your feelings about
meeting Allah; either looking forward to it or trying to get over
with, and all will show at the time of death!
'Death', Which You Can Not Escape, So Be Prepared For Hereafter.....
"Wherever You May Be, Death Will Eventually CatchUp With You, Even You
Are In A Castle Built Up Strong And High." [Quran 4:78]
"We can't go back for a better beginning. There's no eraser. But we
can always plan and hope for abetter ending because there is
ISLAMIC ARTICLE :- ~ Muslim women in married life
Relationships based on worldly values can degenerate into baseness, as
often happens in marriage. When people's love and respect is based on
these values, they can lose these feelings quickly when circumstances
change. This is almost inevitable when love, respect, and loyalty
depend on one's beauty, wealth, health, job, or status, for when these
temporary and superficial characteristics disappear, so will the other
person's love. Someone who follows such criteria will find no reason
to continueto love and honor his or her spouse when the basisfor those
values is lost.
Belief, fear and respect of Allah, and decency of character are what
make love, respect, and loyalty endure. Someone who loves his or her
spouse for their belief and character will, in married life, be
respectful, loyal, and decent. Losing one's youth, health, or beauty
will not affect the love andconsideration among spouses for each
other, and neither will losing one's wealth or social status. They
will not cause trouble or discontent to the other person because of
their firm belief and fear and respect of Allah, whatever the
circumstances. Believers will always be gentle and compassionate, as
well as fair and tolerant, for they will consider this to be a
responsibility entrusted tothem by Allah. Islamic morality has a very
high opinion of women and seeks to prevent them from suffering any
difficulties or hardships. Thus, believing men safeguard the rights of
women and are most considerate toward them.
So close is the marital relationship that the Qur'an says of the
spouses: "They are clothing for you, and you for them" (Surat
al-Baqara: 187). In this verse, Allah reminds people that each spouse
has equal responsibilities. The word "clothing" stands for the
responsibility of guarding and protecting one another and also
suggests that men and women have complementary qualities.
Another verse states the importance of love and compassion in
marriage: "Among His Signs is that He created spouses for you of your
own kind, sothat you might find tranquillity in them. And He has
placed affection and compassion between you. There are certainly Signs
in that forpeople who reflect" (Surat ar-Rum: 21). Believers consider
their spouses to be gifts that Allah has given into their care, and
therefore value one another greatly. They show affection and
compassion when their spouse makes a mistake or falls short in some
way, and know that behaving according to the Qur'an will help them
overcome all difficulties and solve their problems. As a
result,marriage helps both spouses find contentment and peace.
With the phrase "you have been intimate withone another" (Surat
an-Nisa': 21), Allah proclaims the closeness and intimacy of married
life. The secret of this closeness, intimacy, and valuing of each
other is their intention to create an everlasting togetherness that
will extend into the Hereafter. True loyalty and love requires this
attitude. Since their love is neither selfish nor temporary, but
intended to be everlasting,they are completely loyal, close, honest,
and intimatewith one another.
Qur'an's morality forms the basis for a marital relationship based on
togetherness, one in which both parties fear and respect Allah and
follow His morality. In such a relationship, each person's loyalty,
faithfulness, love, sincerity,tolerance, and modesty complement and
support the other person. Such a marriage is stable and long-lasting.
The marriages of people without these qualities, onthe other hand, are
Islam considers marriage to be a comfort for women, for in it she
experiences love, respect, loyalty, and faithfulness in the best
possible way. She is always respected, valued, and honored. The
absence of any pride, superiority complex, and lies enables her to
find peace and contentment.
Being Protective of Women
By proclaiming "We send down in the Qur'an that which is a healing and
a mercy to the believers," (Surat al-Isra': 82) Allah states that
Islamic morality will always directpeople toward the good and that the
Qur'an's verses are a mercy for them. These verses, revealed to create
contentment and justice among people, guarantee the rights of women in
both their social and family lives. And, the verse "We bring you the
truth and the best of explanations" (Surat al-Furqan: 33) makes
clearthe fact that the Qur'an contains all of the knowledge needed to
findthe value, love, and respect that they deserve in every aspect of
their lives.
This is a great mercy, comfort, and gift from Allah for women as well.
often happens in marriage. When people's love and respect is based on
these values, they can lose these feelings quickly when circumstances
change. This is almost inevitable when love, respect, and loyalty
depend on one's beauty, wealth, health, job, or status, for when these
temporary and superficial characteristics disappear, so will the other
person's love. Someone who follows such criteria will find no reason
to continueto love and honor his or her spouse when the basisfor those
values is lost.
Belief, fear and respect of Allah, and decency of character are what
make love, respect, and loyalty endure. Someone who loves his or her
spouse for their belief and character will, in married life, be
respectful, loyal, and decent. Losing one's youth, health, or beauty
will not affect the love andconsideration among spouses for each
other, and neither will losing one's wealth or social status. They
will not cause trouble or discontent to the other person because of
their firm belief and fear and respect of Allah, whatever the
circumstances. Believers will always be gentle and compassionate, as
well as fair and tolerant, for they will consider this to be a
responsibility entrusted tothem by Allah. Islamic morality has a very
high opinion of women and seeks to prevent them from suffering any
difficulties or hardships. Thus, believing men safeguard the rights of
women and are most considerate toward them.
So close is the marital relationship that the Qur'an says of the
spouses: "They are clothing for you, and you for them" (Surat
al-Baqara: 187). In this verse, Allah reminds people that each spouse
has equal responsibilities. The word "clothing" stands for the
responsibility of guarding and protecting one another and also
suggests that men and women have complementary qualities.
Another verse states the importance of love and compassion in
marriage: "Among His Signs is that He created spouses for you of your
own kind, sothat you might find tranquillity in them. And He has
placed affection and compassion between you. There are certainly Signs
in that forpeople who reflect" (Surat ar-Rum: 21). Believers consider
their spouses to be gifts that Allah has given into their care, and
therefore value one another greatly. They show affection and
compassion when their spouse makes a mistake or falls short in some
way, and know that behaving according to the Qur'an will help them
overcome all difficulties and solve their problems. As a
result,marriage helps both spouses find contentment and peace.
With the phrase "you have been intimate withone another" (Surat
an-Nisa': 21), Allah proclaims the closeness and intimacy of married
life. The secret of this closeness, intimacy, and valuing of each
other is their intention to create an everlasting togetherness that
will extend into the Hereafter. True loyalty and love requires this
attitude. Since their love is neither selfish nor temporary, but
intended to be everlasting,they are completely loyal, close, honest,
and intimatewith one another.
Qur'an's morality forms the basis for a marital relationship based on
togetherness, one in which both parties fear and respect Allah and
follow His morality. In such a relationship, each person's loyalty,
faithfulness, love, sincerity,tolerance, and modesty complement and
support the other person. Such a marriage is stable and long-lasting.
The marriages of people without these qualities, onthe other hand, are
Islam considers marriage to be a comfort for women, for in it she
experiences love, respect, loyalty, and faithfulness in the best
possible way. She is always respected, valued, and honored. The
absence of any pride, superiority complex, and lies enables her to
find peace and contentment.
Being Protective of Women
By proclaiming "We send down in the Qur'an that which is a healing and
a mercy to the believers," (Surat al-Isra': 82) Allah states that
Islamic morality will always directpeople toward the good and that the
Qur'an's verses are a mercy for them. These verses, revealed to create
contentment and justice among people, guarantee the rights of women in
both their social and family lives. And, the verse "We bring you the
truth and the best of explanations" (Surat al-Furqan: 33) makes
clearthe fact that the Qur'an contains all of the knowledge needed to
findthe value, love, and respect that they deserve in every aspect of
their lives.
This is a great mercy, comfort, and gift from Allah for women as well.
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