The words of Allah are open, clear, concise and wise. But our Almighty
Lord hides in His words sometimes clear judgments and
sometimesmeanings open to interpretation. In order to fully understand
the latter,one must look with an eyeof faith at the deep meanings and
secrets inside these wise words.
Our Almighty Lord gives these deep meanings sometimes in similes and
metaphors. For example inone verse in the Qur'an, Hereveals, "Hold
fast to the rope of Allah all together, and do not separate..." (Surah
Al 'Imran, 103), in another verse, "As for those who deny Our Signs
and are arrogant regarding them, the Gates of Heaven will not be
opened for them, and they will not enter the Garden until a camel goes
through a needle's eye. …" (Surat al-A'raf, 40).These verses might be
taken by some and interpreted literally. But infact, both of these
metaphors are very wise expression methods and they have hidden
meanings which humans can dig deeper into when they think more. Our
Lord, with the "rope of Allah," clearly wants people to hang tight
with Allah and His path, and be persistence with it. Again our Lord,
with the expression "until a camel goes through a needle's eye,"
states that those who are mentioned in the verse will not be allowed
into Heaven – unless Allah wills otherwise. This is such a deep and
beautiful way of expression. But in order to properly understand this,
one needs to contemplate the inward meaning.
This situation, as well as the Qur'an, is also applicable with the
Torah and the Gospel. For example in a passage fromthe Gospel, our
Lord's expression of deep wisdom that needs to be interpreted inwardly
is as follows:
This is why I speak to them in parables: " Though seeing, they do not
see; though hearing,they do not hear or understand." In them is
fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: "'You will be ever hearing but never
understanding; you will be ever seeing but neverperceiving. For this
people's heart has become calloused;
they hardly hear with their
ears, and they have closed their eyes.
Otherwise they might seewith
their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts
turn, and I would heal them.' (Matthew 13:13-15)
It is possible to give similar examples from the Torah:
"Hear, you deaf; look, you blind, and see! … You haveseen many things,
but youpay no attention; your ears are open, but you do not listen."
(Isaiah 42:18, 20)
The word of the Lord came to me: "Son of man, you are living among a
rebellious people. They have eyes to see but do not see and ears to
hear but do not hear, for they are a rebellious people."(Ezekiel,
These expressions mentioned in the Gospel and the Torah, of course,
are not physical blindness or deafness. What is emphasized here is the
spiritual blindness and spiritual deafness. Even though the evidence
for the existence of Allah is shown before their eyes, even though
these evidences are always in front of them, people mentioned in these
words simply do not appreciate Him. Allah condemns thesespiritually
blind and deaf people.
If this blindness and deafness are understood literally, this will
certainly bring false interpretations with them. In order to escape
such mistaken interpretations, it is important to be able to
comtemplate the inward meaning. That is because Allah, with these deep
meanings, gives people great and important messages, and conceals in
them secrets that will leadpeople to the right path.
The inward meaning of the word "son" in the Gospel must be considered
First it should be noted that the lack of understanding the inward
meaning is encountered ina variety of ways in Islam, in Judaism and
also in Christianity. So this should not be considered as a matter
about some Christians alone. However, here only this subject's aspect
related to Christiansis described.
The ability to understand the inward meaning is important in terms of
the errors some of our Christian brothers and sisters have fallen in.
That is because the belief that has been held for years that the
Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is the son of Allah (Surely Allah is beyond that)
is a dangerously erroneous interpretation that occurs due to a lack
ofthis understanding. The expression "son of Allah" in the Gospel is
taken as its literal meaning withouthaving properly thought of the
deeper meaning it states.
In fact the word "son" here is an expression of spiritual closeness to
Allah,love, election, and friendship. It is a quite deep expression
Allah used for a servant of His whom He loved and chose.
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Monday, June 4, 2012
ISLAMIC ARTICLE :- ~ The Christian belief that their sins can beredeemed through the blood of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)is a huge error
The belief that the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) died in order
toexpiate the sins of all Christians and that death lies at the
remission of sins is a very mistaken belief. In order to see the error
in this belief, our Christian brothers need to reconsider Allah's
justice and the purpose behind creation by using their minds and
consciences, and to bear in mind the following points:
* The idea that people are born in a state of sin is a violation of
Allah's infinite justice:
Everyone comes to this world to be tested. A person has a
responsibilityto spend every rational second serving Allah and living
for His approval in the very limited amount of time bestowed on him.
Allah says in one verse of the Qur'an:
He Who created death and life to test which of you is best in action.
He is the Almighty, the Ever-Forgiving. (Surat al-Mulk, 2)
Therefore, a person whomAllah created from nothingis tested from the
momenthe enters this world and will be held to account for all he does
in it. People's sin or merit is based on the sincere actions they
perform in this world. It is impossible, under the law of Allah, for a
baby, unaware even of its own existence and who has notbegun to be
tested and who has only just opened his eyes on the world, to be in a
state of sin.
* It is a violation of the infinite justice of Allah for a person to
assume the sins of another and to suffer for them:
It is impossible in the system of testing created by Allah for anyone
to redeem the sins of anyoneelse, even if that person is the Prophet
Jesus (pbuh). Everyone who exists or has ever existed in the world IS
RESPONSIBLE ONLY FOR HIMSELF. Neitherhis parents nor his relatives nor
the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) CAN ASSUME responsibility for his sins.
NOBODY WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE for the deedsof anyone else. NOBODY
CAN REDEEM ANYONE ELSE. When the moment of death comes everyone,
Christians included, WILL GIVE ACCOUNT, ALL ALONE and in the Presence
of Allah, for what they did in this world. Allah has revealed this in
the Qur'an:
There is no one in the heavens and earth who will not come to the
All-Merciful as a slave. Hehas counted them and numbered them
precisely. Each of them will come to Him on the Day of Rising all
alone. (Surah Maryam, 93-95)
Almighty Allah has also revealed in the Qur'an thatnobody will be able
to assume the sins of another:
Say: 'Am I to desire otherthan Allah as Lord when He is the Lord of
all things?' What each self earns is for itself alone. No
burden-bearer can bear another's burden. Then you will return to your
Lord, and He will inform you regarding the things about which you
differed.(Surat al-An'am, 164)
...That no burden-bearer can bear another's burden;that man will have
nothing but what he strives for; that his strivingwill most certainly
be seen; that he will then receive repayment of the fullest kind...
(Surat al-Najm, 38-41)
The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is Allah's beloved servant and prophet. It is
a terribleviolation of good conscience to maintain that Allah took the
soul of a holy servant beloved of Him because of the irresponsible
behavior, sins and excesses of those who came after him; it is
afailure to properly appreciate Allah. It is a matter of great urgency
for our sincere Christian brothers to realize the major error here.
The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) did not die and was not killed, Allah
thwarted the plots of thedeniers and took the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)
alive into His Presence.
Mr. Adnan Oktar's interview on Gaziantep Olay and Çay TV on 14 September, 2010
* The Prophet Jesus (pbuh)did not die:
Another important point that completely rebuffs the idea in question
is the fact that the Prophet Jesus(pbuh) did not die. The Prophet
Jesus (pbuh) was raised into the Presence ofAllah. He is alive in body
and spirit and was protected and taken into the sky in a state of
sleep. By itself this fact totally rebuffs the claim that 'The Prophet
Jesus (pbuh) died as a redeemer of sins." For some mindsets, that see
no other solution than thedeath of the Prophet Jesus(pbuh) for the
redemption of their own sins, and that maintain that his death
prevented all of mankind from perishing, the fact that the Prophet
Jesus (pbuh) is still alive no doubt comes as a great shock. But this
is a definitefact. Those who fail to properly avoid sin by imagining
that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will redeem their sins, who areflexible
when it comes to what Allah has made unlawful or who do not regard
abiding by the obligations imposed by the religion of which they are a
member as a matter of all that much importance are making a grave
toexpiate the sins of all Christians and that death lies at the
remission of sins is a very mistaken belief. In order to see the error
in this belief, our Christian brothers need to reconsider Allah's
justice and the purpose behind creation by using their minds and
consciences, and to bear in mind the following points:
* The idea that people are born in a state of sin is a violation of
Allah's infinite justice:
Everyone comes to this world to be tested. A person has a
responsibilityto spend every rational second serving Allah and living
for His approval in the very limited amount of time bestowed on him.
Allah says in one verse of the Qur'an:
He Who created death and life to test which of you is best in action.
He is the Almighty, the Ever-Forgiving. (Surat al-Mulk, 2)
Therefore, a person whomAllah created from nothingis tested from the
momenthe enters this world and will be held to account for all he does
in it. People's sin or merit is based on the sincere actions they
perform in this world. It is impossible, under the law of Allah, for a
baby, unaware even of its own existence and who has notbegun to be
tested and who has only just opened his eyes on the world, to be in a
state of sin.
* It is a violation of the infinite justice of Allah for a person to
assume the sins of another and to suffer for them:
It is impossible in the system of testing created by Allah for anyone
to redeem the sins of anyoneelse, even if that person is the Prophet
Jesus (pbuh). Everyone who exists or has ever existed in the world IS
RESPONSIBLE ONLY FOR HIMSELF. Neitherhis parents nor his relatives nor
the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) CAN ASSUME responsibility for his sins.
NOBODY WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE for the deedsof anyone else. NOBODY
CAN REDEEM ANYONE ELSE. When the moment of death comes everyone,
Christians included, WILL GIVE ACCOUNT, ALL ALONE and in the Presence
of Allah, for what they did in this world. Allah has revealed this in
the Qur'an:
There is no one in the heavens and earth who will not come to the
All-Merciful as a slave. Hehas counted them and numbered them
precisely. Each of them will come to Him on the Day of Rising all
alone. (Surah Maryam, 93-95)
Almighty Allah has also revealed in the Qur'an thatnobody will be able
to assume the sins of another:
Say: 'Am I to desire otherthan Allah as Lord when He is the Lord of
all things?' What each self earns is for itself alone. No
burden-bearer can bear another's burden. Then you will return to your
Lord, and He will inform you regarding the things about which you
differed.(Surat al-An'am, 164)
...That no burden-bearer can bear another's burden;that man will have
nothing but what he strives for; that his strivingwill most certainly
be seen; that he will then receive repayment of the fullest kind...
(Surat al-Najm, 38-41)
The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is Allah's beloved servant and prophet. It is
a terribleviolation of good conscience to maintain that Allah took the
soul of a holy servant beloved of Him because of the irresponsible
behavior, sins and excesses of those who came after him; it is
afailure to properly appreciate Allah. It is a matter of great urgency
for our sincere Christian brothers to realize the major error here.
The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) did not die and was not killed, Allah
thwarted the plots of thedeniers and took the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)
alive into His Presence.
Mr. Adnan Oktar's interview on Gaziantep Olay and Çay TV on 14 September, 2010
* The Prophet Jesus (pbuh)did not die:
Another important point that completely rebuffs the idea in question
is the fact that the Prophet Jesus(pbuh) did not die. The Prophet
Jesus (pbuh) was raised into the Presence ofAllah. He is alive in body
and spirit and was protected and taken into the sky in a state of
sleep. By itself this fact totally rebuffs the claim that 'The Prophet
Jesus (pbuh) died as a redeemer of sins." For some mindsets, that see
no other solution than thedeath of the Prophet Jesus(pbuh) for the
redemption of their own sins, and that maintain that his death
prevented all of mankind from perishing, the fact that the Prophet
Jesus (pbuh) is still alive no doubt comes as a great shock. But this
is a definitefact. Those who fail to properly avoid sin by imagining
that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will redeem their sins, who areflexible
when it comes to what Allah has made unlawful or who do not regard
abiding by the obligations imposed by the religion of which they are a
member as a matter of all that much importance are making a grave
ISLAMIC ARTICLE :- ~ The blessings Allah creates for believers in paradise
Seeing them, you see delight and a great kingdom.. (Surat al-Insan, 20)
They will be reclining on couches lined with rich brocade, the fruits
of the Gardens hanging close to hand. (Surat ar-Rahman, 54)
An image of the Garden which is promised to those who guard against
evil: in it there are rivers of water which will never spoil and
rivers of milk whose taste will never change and rivers of wine,
delightful to all who drink it, and rivers of honey of undiluted
purity; in it theywill have fruit of every kind and forgiveness from
their Lord. Is that like those who will be in the Fire timelessly, for
ever, with boiling water to drink which lacerates theirbowels? (Surat
al-Muhammad, 15)
In them are two clear flowing springs. (Surat ar- Rahman, 50)
The heedful will be amid shade and fountains. (Surat al-Mursalat, 41)
In it there is a flowing spring called Salsabil.. (Surat al-Insan, 18)
Shaded by spreading branches. (Surat ar-Rahman, 48)
Of deep viridian green.. (Surat ar-Rahman, 64)
But as for those who believe and do right actions, We will admit them
into Gardens with rivers flowing under them,remaining in them
timelessly, for ever and ever. In them they will have spouses of
perfect purity and We will admit them into cool, refreshing shade.
(Surat an-Nisa, 57)
Reclining in it (the Garden)on couches, they will experience there
neither burning sun nor bitter cold.. (Surat al-Insan,13)
As for those who believe and do right actions, We will lodge them in
lofty chambers in the Garden, with rivers flowing under them,
remaining in them timelessly, for ever. How excellent is the reward of
those who act.. (Surat al-Ankabut, 58)
But those who have fear of their Lord will have high-ceilinged Halls,
and more such Halls built one above the other, and rivers flowing
under them.That is Allah's promise. Allah does not break His promise..
(Suraz az-Zumar, 20)
Reclining in it (the Garden)on couches, they will experience there
neither burning sun nor bitter cold.. (Surat al-Insan,13)
On sumptuous woven couches... (Surat al-Wakia, 15)
Facing each other on Thrones (of Dignity):. (Surat al-Saffat, 44)
They will be reclining on couches lined with rich brocade, the fruits
of the Gardens hanging close to hand. (Surat ar-Rahman, 54)
Reclining on green quilts and exquisite rugs. (Suat ar-Rahman, 76)
(In the Garden are) lined-up cushions, spread-out rugs.... (Surat
al-Ghasshiyya, 15-16)
And on Thrones (of Dignity), raised high.. (Surat al-Wakia, 34)
And (Allah) will reward them for their steadfastness with a Garden and
with silk. (Surat al-Insan,12)
They will wear green garments of fine silk and rich brocade. They will
be adorned with silver bracelets. And their Lord will give them a pure
draught to drink. (Surat al-Insan,21)
But Allah will admit those who believe and do right actions into
Gardens with rivers flowing under them where they will be adorned with
gold bracelets and pearls, and where their clothing will be of silk.
(Surat al-Hajj, 23)
They are given the choicest sealed wine to drink. The seal thereof
willbe Musk: And for this let those aspire, who have aspirations:
(Surat al-Mutaffifin, 25-26)
And a cup full (to the brim). (Surat an-Naba', 34)
The truly good will drink from a cup mixed with thecoolness of
camphor, a spring from which Allah's servants will drink, making it
gush forth at will abundantly. (Surat al-Insan,5-6)
Sweet fruits (Delights); and they (shall enjoy) honour and dignity,
(Surat as-Saffat, 42)
(In Gardens of Delight, believers will have) a cup from a flowing
spring passing round among them. Crystal-white, of a taste delicious
to those who drink (thereof), Free from headiness; nor will they
suffer intoxication therefrom. (Surat as- Saffat, 45-47)
With goblets, (shining) beakers, and cups (filled) out of
clear-flowing fountains: No after-ache will they receive therefrom,
nor will they suffer intoxication: And with fruits, any that they may
select: And the flesh of fowls, any that they may desire. (Surat
al-Wakia, 18-21)
(They will be) among Lote-trees without thorns, Among Talh trees with
flowers (or fruits) piled one above another,- (Suratal-Wakia, 28-29)
Its shading branches will droop down over them, itsripe fruit hanging
ready tobe picked.
Seeing them, you see delight and a great kingdom.. (Surat al-Insan, 20)
They will be reclining on couches lined with rich brocade, the fruits
of the Gardens hanging close to hand. (Surat ar-Rahman, 54)
An image of the Garden which is promised to those who guard against
evil: in it there are rivers of water which will never spoil and
rivers of milk whose taste will never change and rivers of wine,
delightful to all who drink it, and rivers of honey of undiluted
purity; in it theywill have fruit of every kind and forgiveness from
their Lord. Is that like those who will be in the Fire timelessly, for
ever, with boiling water to drink which lacerates theirbowels? (Surat
al-Muhammad, 15)
In them are two clear flowing springs. (Surat ar- Rahman, 50)
The heedful will be amid shade and fountains. (Surat al-Mursalat, 41)
In it there is a flowing spring called Salsabil.. (Surat al-Insan, 18)
Shaded by spreading branches. (Surat ar-Rahman, 48)
Of deep viridian green.. (Surat ar-Rahman, 64)
But as for those who believe and do right actions, We will admit them
into Gardens with rivers flowing under them,remaining in them
timelessly, for ever and ever. In them they will have spouses of
perfect purity and We will admit them into cool, refreshing shade.
(Surat an-Nisa, 57)
Reclining in it (the Garden)on couches, they will experience there
neither burning sun nor bitter cold.. (Surat al-Insan,13)
As for those who believe and do right actions, We will lodge them in
lofty chambers in the Garden, with rivers flowing under them,
remaining in them timelessly, for ever. How excellent is the reward of
those who act.. (Surat al-Ankabut, 58)
But those who have fear of their Lord will have high-ceilinged Halls,
and more such Halls built one above the other, and rivers flowing
under them.That is Allah's promise. Allah does not break His promise..
(Suraz az-Zumar, 20)
Reclining in it (the Garden)on couches, they will experience there
neither burning sun nor bitter cold.. (Surat al-Insan,13)
On sumptuous woven couches... (Surat al-Wakia, 15)
Facing each other on Thrones (of Dignity):. (Surat al-Saffat, 44)
They will be reclining on couches lined with rich brocade, the fruits
of the Gardens hanging close to hand. (Surat ar-Rahman, 54)
Reclining on green quilts and exquisite rugs. (Suat ar-Rahman, 76)
(In the Garden are) lined-up cushions, spread-out rugs.... (Surat
al-Ghasshiyya, 15-16)
And on Thrones (of Dignity), raised high.. (Surat al-Wakia, 34)
And (Allah) will reward them for their steadfastness with a Garden and
with silk. (Surat al-Insan,12)
They will wear green garments of fine silk and rich brocade. They will
be adorned with silver bracelets. And their Lord will give them a pure
draught to drink. (Surat al-Insan,21)
But Allah will admit those who believe and do right actions into
Gardens with rivers flowing under them where they will be adorned with
gold bracelets and pearls, and where their clothing will be of silk.
(Surat al-Hajj, 23)
They are given the choicest sealed wine to drink. The seal thereof
willbe Musk: And for this let those aspire, who have aspirations:
(Surat al-Mutaffifin, 25-26)
And a cup full (to the brim). (Surat an-Naba', 34)
The truly good will drink from a cup mixed with thecoolness of
camphor, a spring from which Allah's servants will drink, making it
gush forth at will abundantly. (Surat al-Insan,5-6)
Sweet fruits (Delights); and they (shall enjoy) honour and dignity,
(Surat as-Saffat, 42)
(In Gardens of Delight, believers will have) a cup from a flowing
spring passing round among them. Crystal-white, of a taste delicious
to those who drink (thereof), Free from headiness; nor will they
suffer intoxication therefrom. (Surat as- Saffat, 45-47)
With goblets, (shining) beakers, and cups (filled) out of
clear-flowing fountains: No after-ache will they receive therefrom,
nor will they suffer intoxication: And with fruits, any that they may
select: And the flesh of fowls, any that they may desire. (Surat
al-Wakia, 18-21)
(They will be) among Lote-trees without thorns, Among Talh trees with
flowers (or fruits) piled one above another,- (Suratal-Wakia, 28-29)
Its shading branches will droop down over them, itsripe fruit hanging
ready tobe picked.
You all know silver has ductile and malleable nature. It can be
converted to thin sheets on beating. Most of the un branded silver
leaf being used mostly by sweets' sellers on expensive sweets, is
procured by pressing silver pieces in intestine taken out of dead
cattle, and then beaten with hammer till it converts to sheets.
Some people have inboxedus for silver foil and their query is
welcomed, i appreciate they had curiosity to know about contents/
Whenever you buy, buy the silver warak (edible foil) which is 99.9%
pure silver, instead of sub standard health hazardous varieties
available in non branded local markets witha mixture of aluminium or
cadmium.The 99.9% pure silver varak is not considered harmful to the
body, since the quantities involved in normal use are minuscule, The
care to buy 99.9% pure silver varak hasto be taken when you buy silver
varak. Regarding its being veg or non veg, please note that it was
ages back (or may be non standardized unbranded vendors may still be
doing it) when the varak was not hygienic because it was manufactured
by beating the metal finely between the intestines of oxen and cattle.
Now the time is of modern techniques, a commercial group -DS Group has
introduced 100% pure and vegetarian silver foils in India by the brand
name Catch. The manufacturing process of this branded foil involves
electronically beating silverwith Hammer machine, between a special
paper, ina hygienically controlled dust free atmosphere. This is the
first and the largest plant in India to produce such foils, which has
been setup with international collaboration. Almost all ISKCON temples
too are using this branded silver foil, as the manufacturer is
reliable in making claim of its totally veg silver foil.
converted to thin sheets on beating. Most of the un branded silver
leaf being used mostly by sweets' sellers on expensive sweets, is
procured by pressing silver pieces in intestine taken out of dead
cattle, and then beaten with hammer till it converts to sheets.
Some people have inboxedus for silver foil and their query is
welcomed, i appreciate they had curiosity to know about contents/
Whenever you buy, buy the silver warak (edible foil) which is 99.9%
pure silver, instead of sub standard health hazardous varieties
available in non branded local markets witha mixture of aluminium or
cadmium.The 99.9% pure silver varak is not considered harmful to the
body, since the quantities involved in normal use are minuscule, The
care to buy 99.9% pure silver varak hasto be taken when you buy silver
varak. Regarding its being veg or non veg, please note that it was
ages back (or may be non standardized unbranded vendors may still be
doing it) when the varak was not hygienic because it was manufactured
by beating the metal finely between the intestines of oxen and cattle.
Now the time is of modern techniques, a commercial group -DS Group has
introduced 100% pure and vegetarian silver foils in India by the brand
name Catch. The manufacturing process of this branded foil involves
electronically beating silverwith Hammer machine, between a special
paper, ina hygienically controlled dust free atmosphere. This is the
first and the largest plant in India to produce such foils, which has
been setup with international collaboration. Almost all ISKCON temples
too are using this branded silver foil, as the manufacturer is
reliable in making claim of its totally veg silver foil.
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