It is preferred to prolong the reciting by making many rak'at. The
group, except for Abu Dawud, reports that al-Mughirah ibn Shu'bah
said: "The Prophet sallallahu alehi wasallam would stand and pray
until his feet or shanks swelled. When he was asked about it, he said:
'Should I not be a thankful slave?"' Abu Dawud records from 'Abdullah
ibn Hubshi al-Khath'ami that the Prophet sallallahu alehi wasallam was
asked: "What is the best deed?" He said: "Prolonging the qiyam;
(standing) [in the prayer]." Then it was asked:"What is the best
charity?" He replied: "The sacrifice made by one who has little to
give." Then it was asked: "What is the best migration?" He responded:
"The migration from what Allah has forbidden." Then it was asked:"What
is the best jihad?" He replied: "Whoever strives against the
polytheists with his wealth and soul." They asked: "What is the most
honorable death?" He answered: "He whose blood is spilled and whose
horse is wounded."
:-> :->
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Sunday, May 27, 2012
HADEES - ~ Supererogatory prayers, their Elongation
EXPLANATION :- ~ Shaykh Muhammad Nasir-ud-Deen al-Albani
Question: Some who are seeking knowledge are very hasty in giving
rulings in matters of halaaland haraam, and this is a common
noticeable defect. What is your advice to such people?
Al-Albaanee's reply: "We have spoken on this issue long before,and we
said that Allaah the Wise has divided the Muslim community into two
types of people: the Ahl adh-Dhikr, and those that depend on the Ahl
adh-Dhikr. As Allaah says to the ordinary people: "then ask those who
possess the Message (Ahl adh-Dhikr) if you do not know." (Soorah 21:7
and 16:43)
The Ahl adh-Dhikr are, as we all know, are the Ahl al-Qur'aan and the
Ahl al-Hadeeth, those who know the authentic from the unauthentic, the
general from the specific, the abrogating from the abrogated, and
other such principles of Fiqh and Hadeeth.
Hence, it is not allowed for a Muslim to begin giving fatwaas on the
basis of some hadeeth, simply because he came across itin some book,
although he does not know if it is saheeh according to the criteria of
the scholars of hadeeth. On the otherhand, he knows that he is not
sufficiently well-versed in knowledge and competence in the Arabic
language to explain the meanings and ideas behind the Kitaab and
Sunnah. Therefore, anyone who has not decided to undertake acquiring
knowledge and persevere in it for many years, until the people of
knowledge testify that he can guide the people and direct themtowads
good, it is not permissible for him to think that he is an alim
(scholar) simply because he has read some ahadeeth and memorized some
aayaat. We often hear of some of them who cannot even read the Qur'aan
properly, nor the ahaadeeth of the Prophet (sallallahu `alaihi wa
sallam). This is why I advise the seekers of knowledge to study two
fundamentals: a) the principles offiqh and b) the principles of
I have mentioned before that it isnot easy for one to deduce the
intended aim of the Lawgiver from any text unless he consults as far
as possible, all the texts of the Qur'an and Sunnah. I will givea
clear example: Allaah says: "Forbidden for you are dead meat, blood…"
(5:4). If a beginner who is studying the Qur'aan and has no knowledge
of hadeeth is asked regarding dead fish, he will immediately bring
this aayah as proof to clearly forbid it since it prohibits dead meat.
But were he to look into the ahaadeeth, he would know that the
Prophet, sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam, excepted two types of animals,
fish and locusts,from this prohibition, so he couldrule accordingly.
Briefly, the student must learn these two fundamental branchesof
learning to help to understandthe Qur'aan and Sunnah as correctly as
:-> :->
rulings in matters of halaaland haraam, and this is a common
noticeable defect. What is your advice to such people?
Al-Albaanee's reply: "We have spoken on this issue long before,and we
said that Allaah the Wise has divided the Muslim community into two
types of people: the Ahl adh-Dhikr, and those that depend on the Ahl
adh-Dhikr. As Allaah says to the ordinary people: "then ask those who
possess the Message (Ahl adh-Dhikr) if you do not know." (Soorah 21:7
and 16:43)
The Ahl adh-Dhikr are, as we all know, are the Ahl al-Qur'aan and the
Ahl al-Hadeeth, those who know the authentic from the unauthentic, the
general from the specific, the abrogating from the abrogated, and
other such principles of Fiqh and Hadeeth.
Hence, it is not allowed for a Muslim to begin giving fatwaas on the
basis of some hadeeth, simply because he came across itin some book,
although he does not know if it is saheeh according to the criteria of
the scholars of hadeeth. On the otherhand, he knows that he is not
sufficiently well-versed in knowledge and competence in the Arabic
language to explain the meanings and ideas behind the Kitaab and
Sunnah. Therefore, anyone who has not decided to undertake acquiring
knowledge and persevere in it for many years, until the people of
knowledge testify that he can guide the people and direct themtowads
good, it is not permissible for him to think that he is an alim
(scholar) simply because he has read some ahadeeth and memorized some
aayaat. We often hear of some of them who cannot even read the Qur'aan
properly, nor the ahaadeeth of the Prophet (sallallahu `alaihi wa
sallam). This is why I advise the seekers of knowledge to study two
fundamentals: a) the principles offiqh and b) the principles of
I have mentioned before that it isnot easy for one to deduce the
intended aim of the Lawgiver from any text unless he consults as far
as possible, all the texts of the Qur'an and Sunnah. I will givea
clear example: Allaah says: "Forbidden for you are dead meat, blood…"
(5:4). If a beginner who is studying the Qur'aan and has no knowledge
of hadeeth is asked regarding dead fish, he will immediately bring
this aayah as proof to clearly forbid it since it prohibits dead meat.
But were he to look into the ahaadeeth, he would know that the
Prophet, sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam, excepted two types of animals,
fish and locusts,from this prohibition, so he couldrule accordingly.
Briefly, the student must learn these two fundamental branchesof
learning to help to understandthe Qur'aan and Sunnah as correctly as
:-> :->
HISTORY - ~ The Prophet's Birth
The Year of his Noble Birth:
According to the most correct opinion of the scholars, the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam (SAWS) was born in the city of Makkah in
the year of the Elephant (in theyear 570 or 571CE), in the month of
The Day of his Birth:
There is an agreement amongst the Scholars that the Prophet (SAWS) was
born on a Monday, since he(SAWS) was asked about fasting on a Monday,
and he said: "On that day I was born and on that day Revelation
descended uponme." (Related by Muslim and Ahmad)
However, as regards the exact date of his birth, thenthe scholars have
differed about this. Dispite the common belief amongs people that he
(SAWS) was born on the 12th of Rabee'ul-Awwal, yet the only
substantiated fact regarding this date is that it is his (SAWS) death
date .
Imaam an-Nawawee (d.676H) - rahimahullaah- said: "There is on
agreement that he was born on Monday in the month of Rabee'ul-Awwal.
There is a difference of opinion whether this day was the 2nd, 8th,
10th or 12th day of the month - and these are the four most well-known
opinions concerning this." 3
Events at the Time of his Birth:
Certain miraculous events are reported to have occurred at the time
that the Prophet (SAWS) was born. However, most of them are not
authentically related, rather they are da'eef (weak) or mawdoo'
(fabricated) and therefore cannot be relied upon as decisive proof;
such as the narration which relates that some of the galleries of
Kisraa's (the Persian King's) palace broke-up andcollapsed, that the
sacred-fire of the Magians died-out and that some of the churches on
Lake Saawah (in Syria) collapsed and sank down. (Related by
adh-Dhahabee who said: munkar ghareeb (rejected))
However, it is authenticallyrelated that the Prophet (SAWS) said. "I
am a result of the supplication of my father Ibraaheem and the
glad-tidings brought by 'Eesaa 'alayhimus salaam. And my mother - when
shebore me - saw that a light shone out from her, which lit up the
palaces in Syria ..." (Related by al-Haakim and Ibn Katheer said: "Its
isnaad is good and strong.)
Celebrating the Day of hisBirth:
Imaam al-Fakihaani (d.734H) - rahimahullaah -said: "Celebrating his
birthday has no basis in theBook (Qur'an) nor the Sunnah, nor is this
action recorded from any one of the scholars of this Ummah; those who
are taken as examples to be followed and who cling to the narrations.
Rather it is a bid'ah (innovotion), which was introduced by the
Battaaloon (a deviated sect from the Faatimids).
As regards to the origins of this newly-invented celebration, then
some of the research scholars have stated that the first person to
innovate this practice was 'Umar ibn Muhammad al-Mulaa in the city of
Mawsil in Iraaq, during the fourth century, as is mentioned by the
Imaam Abu Shaamah (d.665H).
He was followed in this by the likes of Abul-Khattaab 'Umar ibn
Dihyaa: "who was employed in the west, then travelled to Syria, then
he travelled to the city of Irbil in 'Iraaq, duringthe fourth century,
where he found its king Mudhaffarud-Deen ibn Zaynud-Deen showing a
keen interest in the Milaad (birthday) of the Prophet (SAWS). So he
composed a book for him called at-Tanweer fi Mawlidis-Siraajil-Muneer;
so he recited this to the king who then rewarded him with one thousand
Imaam Maalik (d.179H) - rahimahullaah - said: 'Whosoever introduces
intoIslaam an innovation, and holds it to be something good, has
indeed alleged that Muhammad (SAWS) has betrayed his message. Read the
saying of Allaah - the Most Blessed, the Most High: "This day I have
perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you and I
have chosen for you Islaam as your religion." [Soorah al-Maa'idah
5:3]. So that which was not part of the religion at that time, cannot
be part of the religion today. And the last part of this Ummah cannot
be rectified, except by that which rectified its first part."
Thus, had the practice of celebrating the birthday of the Prophet
(SAWS) been something praiseworthy then: "the Salaf (the Pious
Predecessors) - may Allaah be pleased with them all - would have
instituted it. For they were the ones having a greater love and honour
for Allaah's Messenger (SAWS) and a greater zeal for doing good.
Indeed, the most perfect expression of love and honour for him is by
following him, obeying him, carrying out his commands, upholding and
reviving his Sunnah (guidance and example) - both inwardly and
outwardly - and in spreading his message and striving in this, with
the heart, the hand and the tongue. Such was the path of the
Companions and those who followed them in goodness (i.e. beliefs
:-> :->
According to the most correct opinion of the scholars, the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam (SAWS) was born in the city of Makkah in
the year of the Elephant (in theyear 570 or 571CE), in the month of
The Day of his Birth:
There is an agreement amongst the Scholars that the Prophet (SAWS) was
born on a Monday, since he(SAWS) was asked about fasting on a Monday,
and he said: "On that day I was born and on that day Revelation
descended uponme." (Related by Muslim and Ahmad)
However, as regards the exact date of his birth, thenthe scholars have
differed about this. Dispite the common belief amongs people that he
(SAWS) was born on the 12th of Rabee'ul-Awwal, yet the only
substantiated fact regarding this date is that it is his (SAWS) death
date .
Imaam an-Nawawee (d.676H) - rahimahullaah- said: "There is on
agreement that he was born on Monday in the month of Rabee'ul-Awwal.
There is a difference of opinion whether this day was the 2nd, 8th,
10th or 12th day of the month - and these are the four most well-known
opinions concerning this." 3
Events at the Time of his Birth:
Certain miraculous events are reported to have occurred at the time
that the Prophet (SAWS) was born. However, most of them are not
authentically related, rather they are da'eef (weak) or mawdoo'
(fabricated) and therefore cannot be relied upon as decisive proof;
such as the narration which relates that some of the galleries of
Kisraa's (the Persian King's) palace broke-up andcollapsed, that the
sacred-fire of the Magians died-out and that some of the churches on
Lake Saawah (in Syria) collapsed and sank down. (Related by
adh-Dhahabee who said: munkar ghareeb (rejected))
However, it is authenticallyrelated that the Prophet (SAWS) said. "I
am a result of the supplication of my father Ibraaheem and the
glad-tidings brought by 'Eesaa 'alayhimus salaam. And my mother - when
shebore me - saw that a light shone out from her, which lit up the
palaces in Syria ..." (Related by al-Haakim and Ibn Katheer said: "Its
isnaad is good and strong.)
Celebrating the Day of hisBirth:
Imaam al-Fakihaani (d.734H) - rahimahullaah -said: "Celebrating his
birthday has no basis in theBook (Qur'an) nor the Sunnah, nor is this
action recorded from any one of the scholars of this Ummah; those who
are taken as examples to be followed and who cling to the narrations.
Rather it is a bid'ah (innovotion), which was introduced by the
Battaaloon (a deviated sect from the Faatimids).
As regards to the origins of this newly-invented celebration, then
some of the research scholars have stated that the first person to
innovate this practice was 'Umar ibn Muhammad al-Mulaa in the city of
Mawsil in Iraaq, during the fourth century, as is mentioned by the
Imaam Abu Shaamah (d.665H).
He was followed in this by the likes of Abul-Khattaab 'Umar ibn
Dihyaa: "who was employed in the west, then travelled to Syria, then
he travelled to the city of Irbil in 'Iraaq, duringthe fourth century,
where he found its king Mudhaffarud-Deen ibn Zaynud-Deen showing a
keen interest in the Milaad (birthday) of the Prophet (SAWS). So he
composed a book for him called at-Tanweer fi Mawlidis-Siraajil-Muneer;
so he recited this to the king who then rewarded him with one thousand
Imaam Maalik (d.179H) - rahimahullaah - said: 'Whosoever introduces
intoIslaam an innovation, and holds it to be something good, has
indeed alleged that Muhammad (SAWS) has betrayed his message. Read the
saying of Allaah - the Most Blessed, the Most High: "This day I have
perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you and I
have chosen for you Islaam as your religion." [Soorah al-Maa'idah
5:3]. So that which was not part of the religion at that time, cannot
be part of the religion today. And the last part of this Ummah cannot
be rectified, except by that which rectified its first part."
Thus, had the practice of celebrating the birthday of the Prophet
(SAWS) been something praiseworthy then: "the Salaf (the Pious
Predecessors) - may Allaah be pleased with them all - would have
instituted it. For they were the ones having a greater love and honour
for Allaah's Messenger (SAWS) and a greater zeal for doing good.
Indeed, the most perfect expression of love and honour for him is by
following him, obeying him, carrying out his commands, upholding and
reviving his Sunnah (guidance and example) - both inwardly and
outwardly - and in spreading his message and striving in this, with
the heart, the hand and the tongue. Such was the path of the
Companions and those who followed them in goodness (i.e. beliefs
:-> :->
HEALTH ~ ADVISE :- ~ Islamic Meditation for Relaxation and Spiritual Comfort
This is a meditation that a Muslim can use to relax and recover from
stress. It is not a substitute for prayer and duaa, or a replacement
for dhikr (remembrance of Allah). Salat in particular is the first
duty and refuge of the Muslim. This is just a simplerelaxation
technique that one might use either alone or share with a spouse, to
relax the body and release some of the worries of the day. It also
functions as an affirmation, reminding the reader of the love and
peace that Allah offers us, and of each person's pure nature.
Settle yourself in a quiet place, in a comfortable position. Imagine
yourself to be in the most relaxing, secure, peaceful place you have
ever known. Breathe deeply in and out, breathing into your stomach.
Recite the following to yourself, with a quiet voice, very slowly, but
imagine it is being spoken to you by a voice outside yourself, by a
voiceof love. If you do this with your spouse, let one read and the
other close his/her eyes and listen:
Your breath is warm and soothing. As it spreads through your body it
makes you warm. It brings peace and tranquility to every cell in your
Let every cell in your body know and feel that you are loved. Allah
lovesyou. Many people love you. You are surrounded by love and caring.
The love is all around you likewarm light, comforting you, taking away
all your pain.
The air that you are breathing in is warm and soothing. That warmth is
spreading all through your body. As it spreads throughyour body, it
causes your muscles to relax.
Now the warmth spreads to your head. Relax the topof your head. Relax
your mind. There is nothing to think about right now, nothing to worry
about. Release the burdens that you carry in your mind.
As you breathe deeply, the warmth spreads to your face. Let your face
relax. Relax your eyes. Whatever your eyes have seen that isunhappy or
that causes you pain, let it go. Release it with your breath.
Relax your cheeks and yourmouth. Whatever you havespoken that you
regret, let it go, release it with your breath. It's in the past and
is gone now with your breath.
Relax your ears. There is nothing for you to listen toright now except
the peacefulness of your own breath. Whatever you haveheard that has
hurt you, at any time in your life, let it go now. You don't need it
anymore. Release it with your breath.
Relax your jaw. Any tension that you are holding in your jaw, let it
go, release it. Feel the warmth spread through your mind, your face,
your neck. Relax your neck.
Know that you are safe. You are protected. You are in a place of
shelter. You are in Allah's care. You are in a safe place, a good
place. You have nothing to fear, nothing to regret. The past is gone,
and the future has not arrived. All that existsis this peaceful
moment, this safe place where youare protected and warm.
Continue to breathe deeplyand softly. Your breath warms you. The
warmth spreads now into your shoulders and relaxes your shoulders.
Whatever burden you have been carrying on your shoulders,let it go.
Give to Allah, and He will hold it for you until you are ready to take
it back. For now, let it go with your breath. Relax your shoulders.
Let go of your fear and your worry. You are following Allah's guidance
and that is peaceful. You are at harmony with the entire universe and
that is peaceful.
Breathe deeply and softly. The breath spreads now into your back and
warms your back. Relax your shoulder blades, and the middle of your
back. Relax your lower back. As you breathe out, release the burdens
that you have borne on your back. All the troubles, all the weight on
your back, release them with your breath, and let them disappear. You
don't need them anymore.
Allah is on your side and He will always be with you. You have the
strength of Imaan. Know that whatever challengesyou face in life, you
are strong and capable.
As you breathe, warmth continues to spread through your body, now
moving into your chest andyour stomach. Relax your chest. Whatever
fears you have for the future, let them go. Release them with your
breath. Trust in Allah; He is with you right now, at this moment, and
He will protect you. Relax your stomach. Whatever tightness you have
in your stomach, whatever tensionyou carry there, release it, let it
go with your breath.
Know that Allah created you pure, with the purity of fitrah. That
purity is always inside you, like a light. Allow yourself to feel it,
to be in touch with it; let that purity come out, and with it comes
Your breath is warm and soothing. As it spreads through your body it
makes you warm. It brings peace and tranquility to your mind, to your
soul, and to your heart.
:-> :->
stress. It is not a substitute for prayer and duaa, or a replacement
for dhikr (remembrance of Allah). Salat in particular is the first
duty and refuge of the Muslim. This is just a simplerelaxation
technique that one might use either alone or share with a spouse, to
relax the body and release some of the worries of the day. It also
functions as an affirmation, reminding the reader of the love and
peace that Allah offers us, and of each person's pure nature.
Settle yourself in a quiet place, in a comfortable position. Imagine
yourself to be in the most relaxing, secure, peaceful place you have
ever known. Breathe deeply in and out, breathing into your stomach.
Recite the following to yourself, with a quiet voice, very slowly, but
imagine it is being spoken to you by a voice outside yourself, by a
voiceof love. If you do this with your spouse, let one read and the
other close his/her eyes and listen:
Your breath is warm and soothing. As it spreads through your body it
makes you warm. It brings peace and tranquility to every cell in your
Let every cell in your body know and feel that you are loved. Allah
lovesyou. Many people love you. You are surrounded by love and caring.
The love is all around you likewarm light, comforting you, taking away
all your pain.
The air that you are breathing in is warm and soothing. That warmth is
spreading all through your body. As it spreads throughyour body, it
causes your muscles to relax.
Now the warmth spreads to your head. Relax the topof your head. Relax
your mind. There is nothing to think about right now, nothing to worry
about. Release the burdens that you carry in your mind.
As you breathe deeply, the warmth spreads to your face. Let your face
relax. Relax your eyes. Whatever your eyes have seen that isunhappy or
that causes you pain, let it go. Release it with your breath.
Relax your cheeks and yourmouth. Whatever you havespoken that you
regret, let it go, release it with your breath. It's in the past and
is gone now with your breath.
Relax your ears. There is nothing for you to listen toright now except
the peacefulness of your own breath. Whatever you haveheard that has
hurt you, at any time in your life, let it go now. You don't need it
anymore. Release it with your breath.
Relax your jaw. Any tension that you are holding in your jaw, let it
go, release it. Feel the warmth spread through your mind, your face,
your neck. Relax your neck.
Know that you are safe. You are protected. You are in a place of
shelter. You are in Allah's care. You are in a safe place, a good
place. You have nothing to fear, nothing to regret. The past is gone,
and the future has not arrived. All that existsis this peaceful
moment, this safe place where youare protected and warm.
Continue to breathe deeplyand softly. Your breath warms you. The
warmth spreads now into your shoulders and relaxes your shoulders.
Whatever burden you have been carrying on your shoulders,let it go.
Give to Allah, and He will hold it for you until you are ready to take
it back. For now, let it go with your breath. Relax your shoulders.
Let go of your fear and your worry. You are following Allah's guidance
and that is peaceful. You are at harmony with the entire universe and
that is peaceful.
Breathe deeply and softly. The breath spreads now into your back and
warms your back. Relax your shoulder blades, and the middle of your
back. Relax your lower back. As you breathe out, release the burdens
that you have borne on your back. All the troubles, all the weight on
your back, release them with your breath, and let them disappear. You
don't need them anymore.
Allah is on your side and He will always be with you. You have the
strength of Imaan. Know that whatever challengesyou face in life, you
are strong and capable.
As you breathe, warmth continues to spread through your body, now
moving into your chest andyour stomach. Relax your chest. Whatever
fears you have for the future, let them go. Release them with your
breath. Trust in Allah; He is with you right now, at this moment, and
He will protect you. Relax your stomach. Whatever tightness you have
in your stomach, whatever tensionyou carry there, release it, let it
go with your breath.
Know that Allah created you pure, with the purity of fitrah. That
purity is always inside you, like a light. Allow yourself to feel it,
to be in touch with it; let that purity come out, and with it comes
Your breath is warm and soothing. As it spreads through your body it
makes you warm. It brings peace and tranquility to your mind, to your
soul, and to your heart.
:-> :->
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