Happy, optimistic people have a lower risk of heart disease and
stroke, a Harvard School of Public Health review of more than200
studies - reported in Psychological Bulletin - suggests.
While such people may be generally healthier, scientists think a sense
of well-being may lower risk factors such as high blood pressure and
Stress and depression have already been linked to heart disease.
The researcher from the Harvard School of Public Health trawled
medical trial databases to find studies that had recorded
psychological well-being and cardiovascular health.
This revealed that factors such as optimism, life satisfaction, and
happiness appeared to be linked associated with a reduced risk of
heart and circulatorydiseases, regardless of a person's age,
socio-economic status, smoking status or body weight.
Disease risk was 50% lower among the most optimistic individuals.
'Not proof'
Dr Julia Boehm and colleagues stress that their work only suggests a
link and is not proof that well-being buffers against heart disease.
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