succeed. He is the One who wants good for you, and His Help is with
you so long as you are sincere and do your best.
Focus on the Hereafter and make it your focal point throughout life.
Fix your vision on attaining the high ranks; "Look at how We have
favoured some of them over others, but the Hereafter is greater in
degrees and greater in distinction ." [al-Isra: 21].
Ask Allah for guidance in all your affairs . Seek HisMercy and
Blessings. Ask Him to help you overcome the obstacles in life and help
you deal with people in the best manner, and insha'Allah He will most
certainly bring you out as astronger, wiser person.
Be patient. Be patient with people, with circumstances, with the
erayou live in. Be patient when things don't go smoothly or even if
they do go smoothly, be patientwhen they don't turn out as you expect.
Realise that sometimes people are just part of the test . They may not
always intend you harm, but it's the Decree of Allah that He may wish
to test you with others. In the end, this will only increase your
reliance upon Him and your heart will learn tobe patient with
everything and seek Him Alone.
Remain humble. It's all too easy to improperly react (or overreact!)
when faced with difficult people. Be calm, be collected and stay
humble. We ourselves are not safe from mistreating others which
islikely to happen if we respond with anger or speak without thought.
If you endure harm from one person, don't let it cause you to abandon
others . Be social but be wiser in your sociability. Remember the
words of Ibn Hibban when he said, "Whoever seeks to please all people
is seeking something impossible! Rather the intelligent one seeks the
pleasure of thosewho he cannot do without… Many times thereis little
safety for a person when he is social, so what safety can there be for
a person who is unsocial?" (In other words, when you're social, at
least there'll be people who like you and you like them, but if you're
unsocial, then you won't be liked by anyone).
Remember your high aspirations . Remember that they are worth the
struggle because you have intended them for Allah. Keep looking
forwards, anddon't be sidetracked by thedifficulties. As the great
thinker and reformer once said:
"My brother, walk on, anddo not look back,
Your path has been dyed with blood (i.e. struggles).
Do not look about, neither here nor there,
And do not look except to the sky…"
- Sayyid Qutb (rahimahullah)
:-:'' Translator '':-: