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*- WHAT ISLAM SAYS -* - Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
"INDIA "- Time in New Delhi -
''HASBUNALLAHU WA NI'MAL WAKEEL'' - ''Allah is Sufficient for us'' + '' All praise is due to Allah. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' (Aameen)
Dua' from Al'Qur'an - for SUCCESS in 'both the worlds': '' Our Lord ! grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter and save us from the torment of the Fire '' [Ameen] - {in Arab} :-> Rabbanaa aatinaa fid-dunyaa hasanatan wafil aakhirati hasanatan waqinaa 'athaaban-naar/- (Surah Al-Baqarah ,verse 201)*--*~
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*- Our Nabi' (s.a.w) Most Like this Dua' -*
"Allahumma Salli'Alaa Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa'Aali Muhammadin, kamaa Sallayta 'Alaa' Ibraheema wa 'Alaa 'Aali 'Ibraheema, 'Innaka Hameedun Majeed. Allahumma Baarik'Alaa Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa'Aali Muhammadin, kamaa Baarakta 'Alaa' Ibraheema wa 'Alaa 'Aali 'Ibraheema, 'Innaka Hameedun Majeed." ******
"Al Qur'an - first Ayath, came to our Nabi (s.a.w)
"Read! In the name of yourLord Who created. Created man from clinging cells. Read! And your Lord is Most Bountiful. The One Who taught with the Pen. Taught man what he did not know." (Qur'an 96: 1-5) - ~ - ~ - lt;18.may.2012/friday-6.12pm:{IST} ;(Ayatul Kursi Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 255/)
*- Al Qur'an's last ayath came to Nabi{s.a.w} -*
Allah states the following: “Thisday have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” [Qur’an 5:3]
Surat alAhzab 40; Says Our Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) is the final Prophet sent by Allah'

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* A Precious DUA' *
Dua' - '' All praise is due to Allah'. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' - - - O Allah, I am Your servant, son of Your servant, son of Your maidservant; my forelock is in Your hand; Your command over me is forever executed and Your decree over me is just; I ask You by every name belonging to You that You have named Yourself with, or revealed in Your book, ortaught to any of Your creation, or have preserved in the knowledge of the unseen with You, that You make the Qur'an thelife of my heart and the light of my breast, and a departure for my sorrow and a release from my anxiety.
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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dought & Clear, - Praised Manners, - The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the establishment of the Islamic society .

How and with degree of success was muhammed(s.a.w)able to establish a
stable community in medinah 632ce.
Praise be to Allaah.
Undoubtedly the society that was established by the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) in Madeenah was an example of a
stable and secure society. That was manifestly apparent from the
moment the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) first
set foot in Madeenah and stated to form the Islamic state.The security
and stabilityof this society were due to a number of reasons and
factors, including the following:
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) built the
mosque in Madeenah as soon as he arrived there,which helped to
establish a focal point to which people could turn when calamities
struck, and a place where the Muslims could gather to meet one another
and find out about one another, so they could find out who was sick
and go to visit them, attend the funerals of those who died, help
their poor and arrange marriages for those whowere single.
These are some of the ahaadeeth concerning that:
It was narrated from Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him)
that when the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him) came to Madeenah, he ordered that the mosqueshould be built,
and he said, "O Banu Najjaar, name me a price for this garden of
yours." They said, "No by Allaah, we will not seek its price except
from Allaah."
(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 2622; Muslim, 524)
It was narrated that al-Bara' ibn 'Aazib said: "[The verse] 'and do
not aim at that which is bad to spend from it' [al-Baqarah 2:267 –
interpretation of the meaning] was revealed concerning us Ansaar. We
used to own date palm trees. A man wouldbring (the harvest) from his
date palms, whether it was a little or a lot. A man would bring one or
two bunches of dates and hang them in the mosque. Ahl al-Suffah – or
according to a report narrated by Ibn Maajah, the poor among the
Muhaajireen – had no food, so if one of them got hungry he would come
and strike the bunch with his stick, andripe and unripe dates would
fall, and he wouldeat them. But there weresome uncharitable people who
would bringa bunch of dates that contained rotten or dried-up dates,
or a bunch that was damaged, and hang it up. Then Allaah revealed the
words (interpretation of the meaning):
"O you who believe! Spend of the good things which you have (legally)
earned, and of that which We have produced from the earthfor you, and
do not aim at that which is bad to spend from it, (though) you would
not accept it save if you close your eyes and tolerate therein"
[al-Baqarah 2:267]
He said: if any one of you were to be given something like they gave,
he would not accept it unless he did sowith his eyes closed or out of
shyness. He said, after that one of us would bring the best dates that
he had.
Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2987; Ibn Maajah, 1822. Classed as saheeh by
al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi, 2389.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) established
brotherhood between the Muhaajireen (the Emigrants who had come from
Makkah) and the Ansaar (helpers, the Muslims in Madeenah). This action
strengthenedthe bonds between the members of the Madeenan society in a
manner previously unheard of. The Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) established bonds of brotherhood between non-Arabs
and Arabs, between free men and former slaves, between people of
Quraysh and members of other tribes.So the society became one entity,
after which itwas not surprising that an Ansaari would ask a Muhaajir
to take half of his wealth, or an Ansaariwould offer to divorce one of
his wives so that a Muhaajir could marry her, or a Muhaajir
wouldinherit from an Ansaari, because of the strength of the bonds
between them. Then inheritance between them was abrogated by the verse
on inheritance, but the Ansaar were encouragedto bequeath something to
them. This was an exemplary society.
There follow some of theahaadeeth concerning that:
1 – It was narrated that 'Abd al-Rahmaan ibn 'Awf (may Allaah be
pleased with him) said: When we came to Madeenah, the Messenger of
Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) established bonds
of brotherhood between me and Sa'd ibn al-Rabee'. Sa'd ibn al-Rabee'
said: "I am the wealthiest of the Ansaar,so I will give you half
mywealth, and see which ofmy wives you would prefer, I will divorce
her for you, and when she becomes permissible youcan marry her." 'Abd
al-Rahmaan said to him, "I do not need that. Is there a marketplace
where people trade?" Hesaid, "The marketplace of Qaynuqaa'." So the
next day 'Abd al-Rahmaan went there and took some cottage cheese and
ghee, and hedid that the next day. It was not long before 'And
al-Rahmaan came with traces of yellow (perfume) on him. The Messenger
of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "Have you
gotten married?" He said, "Yes?"He said, "To whom?" He said, "A woman
from among the Ansaar." He said, "How much was themahr?" He said, "A
gold piece equal in weight to a date stone (or a date stone of gold)."
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to him,
"Give a wedding feast (waleemah), even if withone sheep."
Narrated by al-Bukhaari,1943.
2 – It was narrated from Ibn 'Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him)
that when the Muhaajireen came to Madeenah, a Muhaajir would inherit
from an Ansaari to the exclusion of the Ansaari's own relatives,
because of the bonds of brotherhood that the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) had established between them. When
the verse "And to everyone, We have appointed heirs" [al-Nisa' 4:33 –
interpretation of the meaning] was revealed, that was abrogated.
Andthe phrase "To those also with whom you have made a pledge
(brotherhood)" [al-Nisa' 4:33 – interpretation of the meaning] has to
do with the covenant of helping, supporting and advising one another.
Sothe rights of inheritance no longer apply, but they may bequeath to
one another.
Narrated by al-Bukhaari,2170.
Zakaah was prescribed in the second year of theHijrah, which made the
rich and poor more equal and increased the coherence of the Madeenan
society, and the bonds of brotherhood for the sake of Allaah became
stronger than before. Indeed, the matter went further than zakaah to
include voluntary charity.
It was narrated that Anasibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him)
said: Abu Talhah was thewealthiest of the Ansaar of Madeenah in terms
of palm trees, and the dearest of his wealth to him was (the garden
of) Bayraha', which was opposite the mosque. The Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to enter it and drink
from good water that was to be found there. Anas said: When the verse
"By no means shall you attain Al-Birr (piety, righteousness — here it
means Allaah's reward, i.e. Paradise), unless you spend (in Allaah's
Cause) of that which you love" [Aal- Imraan 3:92 – interpretation of
the meaning] was revealed, Abu Talhah got up and went to the Messenger
of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said, "O
Messenger of Allaah, Allaah says 'By no means shall you attain Al-Birr
(piety, righteousness — here it means Allaah's reward, i.e. Paradise),
unless you spend (in Allaah's Cause) of that which you love' and the
dearest of my wealth to me is Bayraha'. (I give it in) charity for the
sake of Allaah, hoping to earnits reward with Allaah, so dispose of
it, O Messenger of Allaah, as Allaah shows you." The Messenger of
Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "Well done,
that is a profitable deal, that is a profitable deal. I have heard
what you said andI think that you should distribute it among your
relatives." Abu Talhah said, "I shall do that, O Messenger of Allaah,"
and he distributed it among his relatives and the sons of his paternal
Narrated by al-Bukhaari,1392; Muslim, 998
So the signs of harmony appeared among the Muslims in Madeenah, and
the Muhaajireen recognized the rights that their Ansaar brothers had
over them. There are a number of ahaadeeth concerning that, including
the following:
It was narrated that Anas said: When the Prophet (peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him) came to Madeenah, the Muhaajireen came to him
and said, "O Messenger of Allaah, we have never seen any people more
generous when they have the means and more helpful when they have
little than the people among whom we have settled. They have looked
after us and they have let us join them and share in all their happy
occasions, to such an extent that we are afraidthat they will take all
thereward. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
said, "Not so long as you pray for them and praisethem."
Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2487; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in
Saheeh al-Tirmidhi, 2020.
Allaah created loved between the hearts of the people of Madeenah,and
love for the sake of Allaah was one of the symbols of the people that
Allaah enjoined upon them and made it one of the signs of perfect
It was narrated from Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "None ofyou
truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for
Narrated by al-Bukhaari,13; Muslim, 45.
It was narrated that al-Nu'maan ibn Basheer said: The Messenger of
Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The
believers, in their mutualmercy, love and compassion, are like a
(single) body; if one partof it feels pain, the rest of the body will
join it instaying awake and suffering fever."
Narrated by al-Bukhaari,5665; Muslim, 2586. - - ▓███▓
Translator:-> http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - -

Dought & Clear, - Praised Manners, - His sister gave up her share of the inheritance then she regretted it.

My sister gave up her share of a store to me after our parents died,
but now she regrets it and she wants to changeher mind. Does she have
the right to do that?.
Praise be to Allaah.
The way in which we address this problem willbe based on an attitude
of kindness, generosity and chivalry, and on the basis of what we
would like to think of you, that you are generous, decent and of noble
character, because our great religion teaches usto be kind, uphold
ties of kinship and respond to good treatment in kind, because she is
yoursister who grew up with you and you share ties of kinship with
her, and she has great rights overyou with regard to looking after
her, managing her affairs and striving to make herhappy. So it is
better for you to be kind to her and give back what she gave up for
you, and to respond to her first act of kindness with one that is even
greater, and to let her off so that Allaah will let you off on the Day
of Resurrection.
It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever agrees with a
Muslim to cancel atransaction, Allaah will forgive his sins on the Day
of Resurrection." Narrated by Abu Dawood (3460) and classed as saheeh
by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.
According to a version narrated in al-Sunan al-Kubra by al-Bayhaqi:
"Whoever agrees with one who regrets it to cancel the transaction,
Allaah will forgive his sins on the Day of Resurrection."
Ibn 'Abd al-Salaam said: Agreeing to cancel a transaction for someone
who regrets it is an act of kindness that is enjoined in the Qur'aan.
End quote, quoting fromal-Mannaawi in Fayd al-Qadeer (6/79).
Rather, we say to you: It would have been better for you to return to
yoursister what she had given to you as soon as you realized that she
regretted it, and you should not have forced her to say that to you in
words, so that she wouldnot feel embarrassed or awkward.
Ma'mar – who was one of the best of the Taabi'een – said:
One of the worst acts of kindness is when you force a person to ask
(for what he needs) when he feels shy beforeyou, so your act of
kindness will not make up for the pain of the shyness that he went
through. It would have been more appropriate for you to find out
aboutwhat your brother needed and send him what he needs, and not
force him to ask. End quote.
This is how it should be among siblings, for theirjoy is one and their
griefis one.
Always remember the great reward that you will have with Allaah if you
do what your sister wants and give back that which she regrets giving,
and relieve her distress, and continue to be kind to her and uphold
ties of kinship with her, especially sinceshe regrets giving it up
because she is in difficulty and is facing poverty. In that case you
should offer her help and give her that which will relieve her
hardship,and reward her for her initial giving up of her share to you.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "Is there any reward for
good other than good?" [al-Rahmaan 55:60].
The reports quoted above were quoted from'Uluw al-Hammah by al-Sayyid
al-'Afaani (2/612-651, 5/288-302).
But if she initially gave itup because of shyness due to the fear of
blame in a society that mistreats women with regard to inheritance,
orfor fear that her brothers might sever tieswith her if they thought
that she was insisting onher rights, then in that case it is haraam
for you to consume that wealth, and it must be given back to her. The
fuqaha' have stated that whatever is taken due toshyness is haraam
It says in al-Mawsoo'ah al-Fiqhiyyah (18/263):
The Shaafa'is and Hanbalis state that if wealth is taken due to
shyness, such as if he asks someone else for wealth in front of people
and he gives it tohim due only to shyness, or he gives it to him out
of shyness, and the recipient knows that thegiver only gave it to him
out of shyness, it does not become his propertyand it is not
permissible for him to dispose of it, even if the recipient did not
ask for it. What matters here is the knowledge that the one who gave
his wealth gave it out of shyness, not out of generosity and not for
something inreturn.
Hence if he joins people whilst they are eating, and they ask him to
eat with them, but he knowsthat it was only because they felt shy, it
is not permissible for him to eat their food. End quote.
To sum up: You should return to your sister thatwhich she gave up to
you, so as to preserve love between you and uphold the ties of
We ask Allaah to compensate you with something better.
And Allaah knows best. - - ▓███▓ Translator:->
http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - -

Praised Manners, - Helping an old woman inher home .

If a old woman has converted to islam, is it permisseble for a young
muslim man to go to her home, because he wantsto help her in cleaning
her home and washing her clothes, cooking andso on? Is it allowed to
goto her to teach her Islam at her own home?.
Praise be to Allaah.
We must note that Islam forbids entering upon non-mahram women. The
evidence for that is as follows:
It was narrated from 'Uqbah ibn 'Aamir (may Allaah be pleased with
him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him) said: "Bewareof entering upon women." A man from among the
Ansaar said, "O Messenger of Allaah, what do you think of thein-law?'
He said, "The in-law is death."
(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 4934; Muslim, 2172)
The in-law refers to relatives of the husband who are not mahrams for the wife.
It was narrated that Ibn 'Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him)
heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: "No
man should be alone with a (non-mahram) woman and (a woman) should not
travel except with a mahram."
(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 2844; Muslim, 1341).
The Shaytaan may make a woman, even if she is old, appear attractive
in the eyes of a young man or old man, or vice versa,and may make him
gradually fall into immoral actions. There are many stories that
illustrate this.
It is better for one of these young men to delegate his wife or sister
or daughter, or some of the Muslim sisters, to do this good deed. This
is better than a man serving her (the old lady). It is better and more
effective for women to deal with women than for men to do so,
especially when it comes to matters having to do with rulings that
affect women. But if there are women (who can do this), then it is
permissible (for a man) to serve her, on condition that he not be
alone with her. So one or more other brothers should go with you, and
that should also be subject to other shar'i conditions such as hijaab
etc., and you should only stay with her for as long as is necessary.
May Allaah reward you greatly for this good deed. We ask Allaah to
make us and you and all the Muslims steadfast.
And Allaah knows best.

- - ▓███▓ Translator:-> http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - -

The Most Virtuous Day

Rasulullah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: "Of all the days,
Friday is the most virtuous. It is on this day that the trumpet will
be blown. Send abundant durood upon me on Fridays because they are
presented to me on that day. " The Sahabah radiallahu anhum asked: "O
Rasulullah! How will they be presented to you when even your bones
will not be present after your death?" Rasulullah (Allah bless him &
give him peace) replied: "Allah Ta'ala has made the earth haraam upon
the prophets forever . " (Abu Dawud) - - ▓███▓ Translator:->
http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - -