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*- WHAT ISLAM SAYS -* - Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
"INDIA "- Time in New Delhi -
''HASBUNALLAHU WA NI'MAL WAKEEL'' - ''Allah is Sufficient for us'' + '' All praise is due to Allah. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' (Aameen)
Dua' from Al'Qur'an - for SUCCESS in 'both the worlds': '' Our Lord ! grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter and save us from the torment of the Fire '' [Ameen] - {in Arab} :-> Rabbanaa aatinaa fid-dunyaa hasanatan wafil aakhirati hasanatan waqinaa 'athaaban-naar/- (Surah Al-Baqarah ,verse 201)*--*~
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*- Our Nabi' (s.a.w) Most Like this Dua' -*
"Allahumma Salli'Alaa Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa'Aali Muhammadin, kamaa Sallayta 'Alaa' Ibraheema wa 'Alaa 'Aali 'Ibraheema, 'Innaka Hameedun Majeed. Allahumma Baarik'Alaa Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa'Aali Muhammadin, kamaa Baarakta 'Alaa' Ibraheema wa 'Alaa 'Aali 'Ibraheema, 'Innaka Hameedun Majeed." ******
"Al Qur'an - first Ayath, came to our Nabi (s.a.w)
"Read! In the name of yourLord Who created. Created man from clinging cells. Read! And your Lord is Most Bountiful. The One Who taught with the Pen. Taught man what he did not know." (Qur'an 96: 1-5) - ~ - ~ - lt;18.may.2012/friday-6.12pm:{IST} ;(Ayatul Kursi Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 255/)
*- Al Qur'an's last ayath came to Nabi{s.a.w} -*
Allah states the following: “Thisday have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” [Qur’an 5:3]
Surat alAhzab 40; Says Our Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) is the final Prophet sent by Allah'

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* A Precious DUA' *
Dua' - '' All praise is due to Allah'. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' - - - O Allah, I am Your servant, son of Your servant, son of Your maidservant; my forelock is in Your hand; Your command over me is forever executed and Your decree over me is just; I ask You by every name belonging to You that You have named Yourself with, or revealed in Your book, ortaught to any of Your creation, or have preserved in the knowledge of the unseen with You, that You make the Qur'an thelife of my heart and the light of my breast, and a departure for my sorrow and a release from my anxiety.
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Friday, October 12, 2012

Many individuals in the past falsely claimed to be the Mahdi. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (the founder of Ahmadiya or Qadiani Movement) was one of those who falsely claimedto be the Mahdi.

1. Shia's Imam Mahdi vs. Sunni's Al-Mahdi
Both Sunni Muslims and Shia are awaiting a person whose is referred to
as Al-Mahdi (Shia call him Imam Mahdi becausethey are expecting him
tobe their 12th Imam). However, the both identity and characteristics
of the Mahdi of the Sunnis is significantly different from the
identity and characteristics of Shia's Imam Mahdi.
For Sunni Muslims, the Mahdi is just a Muslim leader who will act as a
Caliph, ruling the Muslim World. He is not a prophet. For Sunnis, the
Mahdi must be a descendant of Prophet Mohammad. His name must be
Mohammad and his father's name must beAbdullah, like the name of
Prophet Mohammad's father. Sunni Muslims' Al-Mahdi has to be a good
man. In contrast, Shia's Imam Mahdi, as portrayed in Shia's books,
seems to be an evil man whom the Shia expect will persecute Sunni
Muslims, resurrect and crucify Prophet Mohammad's صلى الله عليه وسلم
Companions,Abu Bakr and Omar as well as Prophet Mohammad's صلى الله
عليه وسلم wife, Aisha.
Shia's Imam Mahdi is their 12th Imam. Shia claim that Imam Mahdi
isMohammad bin Hasan Al-Askari who disappeared as a young boy at the
age of 5 and went into hiding (or state of occultation) and has been
hiding for 10 centuries. Some Shia say he is hiding in a tunnel. The
Shia are awaiting forhim to emerge from his state of occultation in
theEnd Times. By the way, there is no proof, even inShia's books, that
his father, Hasan Al-Askari, had a son called Mohammad.
According to Shia's books, the Shia's Imam Mahdi will be someone who
rules based on the Laws of David. He will rely on scriptures, other
than the Quran. So, Shia'sMahdi fits the characteristics of the Dajjal
The Shia claim that Imam Mahdi's father is Hasan Al-Askari. This
contradictswith Prophet Mohammad's صلى الله عليه وسلم hadith that
says the name of the Mahdi's father will be thesame as the name of
Prophet Mohammad's صلى الله عليه وسلم father, which means his father
should be Abdullah.
Shia's Imam Mahdi is not a normal human being since they are claiming
that he has been alive for1200 years. Sunnis reject this because there
is no Hadith that says the Mahdi will not be a normal human being. In
contrast, Shia's Imam Mahdi resembles the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) in many
ways. Based on a Hadith of Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم , the
Anti-Christ was alive at the time of the Prophet and is still alive,
but will not appear until God permits him to do so.
All this evidence leads us to believe that the evil founders of
Shiism, mostly Jews who pretended to convert to Islam outwardly while
remaining Jews in their hearts, have purposefully portrayed, in their
books, Imam Mahdi as someone similarin many ways to the Anti-Christ &
the Jewish Mashiah (Messiah) son of David in order to:
(a) motivate the Shia to reject the real Mahdi when he appears because
he is a Sunni Muslim and does not fit into their expectations, and
(b) to deceive the Shia into following the JewishMessiah who is going
to be the Anti-Christ, thinking that he is the Mahdi.
Shia's Imam Mahdi is a fictitious, imaginary character. He never
existed as a child. He does not exist now, contrary to what they
believe. Therefore, there will never be any person appearing in the
future who will fulfil all the characteristics and signs of Shia's
Imam Mahdi. However, we believe thatthe Dajjal (AntiChrist) mayclaim
to be Shia's Imam Mahdi as well as the Mashiah (Messiah) of the Jews
and Jesus Christ of the Christians. To convince the Christians and
because Christians is God, the Anti-Christ will claim to be God and
perform some miracles.
The Sunnis' Mahdi, who isthe real Mahdi and appear before the Dajjal,
will only identify himself as a Muslim, not a Sunni and not a Shia.
Many of the Shia will hopefully accept the Sunnis' Mahdi.However, it
is possible that the more wicked Shia may practice Taqiya and accept
Sunnis' Mahdionly outwardly while rejecting him in their hearts. When
the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) appears, the wicked Shia may follow of the
For more information and details:
(a) Shia's Imam Mahdi
(b) The Dajjal (Anti-Christ)
2. Khilafa (Caliphate)
The recommended governing method of theMuslim nation in Islam is
called Khilafa (Caliphate) headed by a Khalifa (Caliph) who rules all
lands controlled by Muslims. The Caliph is supposed to be chosen
through a method called Bay'a (whereby Muslims offer allegiance to the
Caliph) and the Caliph canbe any good Muslim, regardless of which
family clan or tribe he belongs to. The word Caliph means a
successor,in other words, the one who comes after anotherruler. After
Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم four successive Caliphs reigned
who enjoyed wide spread approval among Muslims when they were chosen.
They followed the methodology of Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم
in governing. They are: Abu Bakr Al-Siddique, Omar bin Al-Khattab,
Uthman bin Affan, and Ali bin Abi Taleb. After Ali, there wasa dispute
over who should be chosen next. Some people favored Ali'sson Al-Hasan
(who is Prophet Mohammad's grandson) while others favored Muawiya bin
Abi Sufyan, who was a powerful governor of AsSham. Al-Hasan
reignedonly 6 months and then resigned. Muawiya reigned for several
years and chose his son Yazid to succeed him. Thus, the Umayya dynasty
(Muawiya's tribe is called Bani Umayya) started. So, the Islamic
Bay'a system was no longer followed. Under proper Caliphate system,
any good Muslim can be chosen as Caliph. Insteadunder the dynasties
that ruled the Muslims, the eligibility to become a ruler became
restricted to the same ruling family or dynasty. Prophet Mohammad صلى
الله عليه وسلم has accurately prophesied the governing methods that
came to be followed after him and has prophesied that the proper
Caliphate system will be applied again around the end of time. The
Mahdi (Mehdi) is expected to rule as a proper Caliph.
تكون النبوة فيكم ما شاء الله أن تكون ، ثم يرفعها الله إذا شاء أن
يرفعها ، ثم تكون خلافة على منهاج النبوة، فتكون ما شاء الله أن تكون ،
ثم يرفعها الله إذا شاء أن يرفعها ، ثم تكون ملكا عاضا ، فيكون ما شاء
الله أن تكون ، ثم يرفعها الله إذا شاء أن يرفعها ، ثم يكون ملكا جبريا ،
فتكون ما شاء الله أن تكون ، ثم يرفعها إذا شاء أن يرفعها ، ثم تكون
خلافة على منهاج النبوة ، ثم سكت
Based on Huzaifah, Allah's Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said,
"Prophecy will remain among you as long as Allah wishes it to remain,
then Allah Most High will remove it. Then there willbe a caliphate
according to the manner of prophecy as long as Allah wishes it to
remain, then Allah Most High will remove it. Then there willbe a
distressful kingdom which will remain as longas Allah wishes it to
remain, then Allah Most High will remove it. Then there will be a
proud kingdom which will remain as long as Allah wishes it to remain,
then Allah Most High will remove it. Then there willbe a caliphate
according to the manner followed during the prophethood (by the
prophet)." Then he stopped. Habib said: "When Umar ibn AbdulAziz
became caliph Iwrote to him, mentioning this traditionto him and
saying, "I hope you will be the Prince of the Faithful Believers after
the distressful and the proud kingdoms." It pleased and charmed him,
i.e. Umar ibn AbdulAziz." (Al-Tirmizi, Ahmad, Bayhaqi in Dala'il
Based on Abu Saeed Al Khudri, the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said,
"Allah never sends a prophet or gives the Caliphate to a Caliph but
that he (the prophet or the Caliph) has two groups of advisors: A
group advising him to dogood and exhorts him to do it, and the other
group advising him to doevil and exhorts him to do it. But the
protected person (against such evil advisors) is the one protected by
Allah." (Sahih Al-Bukhari)
Based on Abu Saeed al-Khudri, Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم
said: " When oath of allegiance has been taken for two caliphs,
killthe one for whom the oath was taken later." (Sahih Muslim – Hadith
4568 )
Narrated by Abu Huraira: The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "The
Israelites used to be ruledand guided by prophets: Whenever a prophet
died, another would takeover his place. There will be no prophet after
me, but there will be Caliphs who will increase in number." The people
asked, "O Allah's Apostle! What do you order us (to do)?" He said,
"Obey the one who will be given the pledge of allegiance first. Fulfil
their (i.e. the Caliphs) rights, for Allah will ask them about (any
shortcoming) in ruling those Allah has put undertheir guardianship."
(Sahih Al-Bukhari)
Jarir said: " While I was at Yemen, I met two men from Yemen called
Zhu Kala and Zhu Amr, and I started telling them about Allah's
Messenger. Zhu Amr said to me, "If what you are saying about your
friend (i.e. the Prophet) is true, then he has died three days ago."
Then both of them accompanied me to Medina, and when we had covered
some distance on the way to Medina, we saw some riders coming from
Medina. We asked them and they said, "Allah's Messenger has died and
Abu Bakr has been appointed as the Caliph and the people are in a good
state.' Then they said, "Tell your friend (Abu Bakr) that we have come
(to visit him), and ifAllah will, we will come again." So they both
returned to Yemen. WhenI told Abu Bakr their statement, he said to me,
"I wish you had brought them (to me)." Afterwards I met Zhu Amr, and
he said to me, "O Jarir! You have done a favor to me and I am going to
tell you something, i.e. you, the nation of 'Arabs, will remain
prosperous as long as you choose and appoint another chief whenever a
former one is dead. But if authority isobtained by the power ofthe
sword, then the rulers will become kings who will get angry, as kings
get angry, and will be delighted as kings get delighted." (Sahih
Al-Bukhari )
Narrated by Jabir bin Samura: I heard the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم
saying, "There will be twelve Muslim rulers (who will rule all the
Islamic world)." He then said a sentence which I did not hear. My
father said, " All of them (those rulers) will be from Quraish ."
(Sahih Al-Bukhari ) Abu Dawud in his Sunan also reported this Hadith,
but added to it "and the whole community will agree on each of them."
Narrated by Ibn Umar: Allah's Apostle صلى اللهعليه وسلم said, "This
matter (caliphate) will remain with Quraish evenif only two of them
were still existing." (Sahih Al-Bukhari )
Narrated by Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said,
"The kingship belongs to Quraish , the legal authority (belongs) to
the Ansar , the call to prayer (belongs) to the Abyssinians, and
faithfulness (belongs) to Azd ( Tribe in Yemen )." (Tirmizi)
Abdullah ibn Hawalah Al-Azdi said: "The Messenger of Allah صلى الله
عليه وسلم placed his hand over my head and said:
"O Ibn Hawalah! When you see that the Khilafah (Caliphate) has settled
(has its seat or capital) in the Holy Land (Palestine) , then the
earthquakes, tribulations and great events will have drawn near. The
Hour, on that day, will be closer to the people than my hand is to
your head." (Abu Dawud)
Yunus ibn Maysurah Al-Jiblani said: "The Messenger of Allah صلى الله
عليه وسلم said:
"This matter will be in Al-Madina , then in AsSham , then in the
Al-Jazirah , then in Iraq , then in Al-Madina , then in Bayt Al-Maqdis
(Jerusalem) . And when it comes to Bayt al-Maqdis, then it will be in
its homeland. And it will never go away from a people and afterwards
return to them." (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan)
ف قد روى الإمام أحمد عن النعمان بن بشير رضي الله عنه الله، قال: كنا
جلوساً في المسجد فجاء أبو ثعلبة الخشني فقال: يا بشير بن سعد أتحفظ حديث
رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في الأمراء، فقال حذيفة: أنا أحفظ خطبته.
فجلس أبو ثعلبة.
فقال حذيفة: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: تكون النبوة فيكم ما شاء
الله أن تكون، ثم يرفعها الله إذا شاء أنيرفعها، ثم تكون خلافة على منهاج
النبوة فتكون ما شاء الله أن تكون، ثم يرفعها الله إذاشاء أن يرفعها، ثم
تكون ملكًا عاضًا فيكون ما شاء الله أن يكون، ثم يرفعها إذا شاء الله أن
يرفعها، ثم تكون ملكًا جبرية فتكون ما شاء الله أن تكون، ثميرفعها الله
إذا شاء أن يرفعها، ثم تكون خلافة على منهاج النبوة، ثم سكت. قال حبيب:
فلما قام عمر بن عبد العزيز، وكان يزيد بن النعمان بن بشيرفي صحابته،
فكتبت إليه بهذاالحديث أذكره إياه. فقلت له: إنيأرجو أن يكون أمير
المؤمنين – يعني عمر – بعد الملك العاض والجبرية، فأدخل كتابي على عمربن
عبد العزيز فَسُرَّ به وأعجبه.
وروى الحديث أيضًا الطيالسي والبيهقي في منهاج النبوة، والطبري ، والحديث
صححه الألباني في السلسلة الصحيحة، وحسنه الأرناؤوط
3. Description of the Mahdi (Mehdi) & his Lineage
Based on the Hadiths presented below, we can conclude that the Madhi
(Mehdi) will be a descendant of Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم .
This means the Mahdi (Mehdi) is at least partly an Arab, but he does
not have to be 100% Arab. Descendants of Prophet Mohammad صلى الله
عليه وسلم exist throughout the Muslim World, not only inArab
1) He will be from the progeny of the Prophet and descendant of Fatima
رضي الله عنها . Umm Salama رضي الله عنها reported: I heard the
Prophet of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم saying, "The Mahdi will appear
from Itrati (my family or progeny), from the descendants of Fatima."
(Abu Dawud, Ibn Maja, Al-Haakim, Al-Albany)
2) He could be a descendant of either Al-Hasan or Al-Hussein رضي
الله عنهم (sons ofFatima رضي الله عنها & Ali رضي الله عنه).
قال علي رضي الله عنه ونظر إلى ابنه الحسن فقال إن ابني هذا سيد كما سماه
النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وسيخرج من صلبه رجل يسمى باسم نبيكم يشبهه في
الخلق ولا يشبهه في الخلق ثم ذكر قصة يملأ الأرض عدلا
Abu Iss'haq (Isaac) narrated that Imam Ali رضي الله عنه , once looked
at his son Al-Hasan رضي الله عنه and said " This son of mine is a
Sayyid (chief or master) as the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم named him
(called him orgave him this title). From my reproductive organs
(meaning from progeny or descendants) will come a man by the name of
your Prophet. He will resemble him (the Prophet) in character, but not
in looks (physical appearance).' Then, he (Imam Ali) mentioned that he
(the Mahdi) will fill the Earth with justice." (Abu Dawud)
: عن حذيفه , أن النبي (ص) قال
لو لم يبق من الدنيا إلا يوم واحد لطوّل الله عز وجل ذلك اليوم حتى يبعث
رجلاً من ولدي اسمه اسمي، فقام سلمان الفارسي فقال: يا رسول الله، من أي
ولدك؟ قال من ولدي هذا، وضرب بيده على الحسين
ينابيع المودة لنعيم بن حماد : ص 490 ، المعجم الكبير للطبراني: ج 10 ص
166، الصواعق المحرقة على أهل الرفض والضلال والزندقة لإبن حجر الهيتمي:
ص 249
Huzaifa narrated that theProphet صلى الله عليهوسلم said:
" If there is not left in thisWorld except one day, Allah will
lengthen it untilHe (Allah) sends a man from my children (or
descendants), his name is(like) mine." So, Salman Al-Farsi stood up
and said: O Messenger of Allah: From which of yourchildren (or
descendants)? He said: " From my Child, this one and he tapped with
his hand on Al-Hussein ." ( Nuaim bin Hammad 's Yanabi Al-Mawadda ,
page 490; Tabarani's Al-Mujam Al-Kabir , Vol. 10, page 166 ; Ibn
Hajar Al-Haitami's Al-Sawaiq Al-Muhriqa ala Ahl Al-Rafdwa Al-Dhalal wa
Al-Zandaqa, page 249 )
3) حدثنا ‏ ‏أبو بكر بن أبي شيبة ‏ ‏حدثنا ‏ ‏يونس بن محمد ‏ ‏حدثنا ‏
‏القاسم بن الفضلالحداني ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏محمدبن زياد ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏عبد الله بن
الزبير ‏ ‏أن ‏ ‏عائشة ‏ ‏قالت ‏
‏عبث ‏ ‏رسول الله ‏‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏في منامه فقلنا يا رسول الله
صنعت شيئا في منامك لم تكن تفعله فقال ‏ ‏العجب إن ناسا من أمتي ‏ ‏يؤمون
‏ ‏بالبيت ‏ ‏برجل من ‏ ‏قريش ‏ ‏قد لجأ ‏ ‏بالبيت ‏ ‏حتى إذا كانوا ‏
‏بالبيداء ‏ ‏خسف بهم فقلنا يارسول الله إن الطريققد يجمع الناس قال نعم
فيهم المستبصر والمجبور وابن السبيل يهلكون مهلكا واحدا ‏ ‏ويصدرون ‏
‏مصادر شتى يبعثهم الله على نياتهم
Aisha (r.a.) said that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said:
"Itworth wondering ! Thereare people from my Ummah who will head
toward House (Mecca's House of Worship) seeking (with evil intention)
a man from Quraish (tribe) who has taken refuge in the House. Once
they arrive at Bayda, a Khusuf (landslide) will occur to them…" (Sahih
أخرج ( ك ) أيضا (1115) عن كعب قال: ما المهدي إلا من قريش, وما الخلافة
إلا فيهم,[ غير أن له أصلا ونسبا في اليمن [
Ka'b said: " The Mahdi willnot be (from any tribe) other than from
Quraish. The Caliphate is not (from any tribe) other than from
Quraish. However, he has an origin (roots) and kinshipin Yemen." (
Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti's Al-Urf
Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa )
5) His name will be Muhammad and his father's name will be Abdullah.
Ibn Masood reported that the Prophet صلى الله عليهوسلم said, "Even if
thereremains only a day before the World ends, the almighty Allah will
greatly prolong that day to send a man from me (my progeny), from
members of my House (family). His name will be similar to my name and
his father's name similar to my father's name." (Abu Dawud)
6) Abu Saeed Al-Khudri reported that the Prophet صلى الله عليهوسلم
said "The Mahdi is from me (my progeny) and will have a broad, clear
(of hair) forehead and a prominent nose and will fill the Earth with
fairness and justice as it was filled with oppression and injustice,
and will reign for seven years." (Abu Dawud).
7) Once Imam Ali رضي الله عنه was asked to describe the Mahdi's. He
replied, "He is a well-built, youthful, with average height and a
handsome face. His hair reaches his shoulders, and the light of his
face iscontrasted by the darkness of his hair and beard." (Muhammad
Al-Barzanji'sbook Isha'ah li Ashrat Al-Sa'a )
The following Hadiths provide more physical description of the Mahdi
(Mehdi) . However, these Hadiths are weak. They mention that Mahdi's
body resembles the bodies of the Israelites. This connection of the
Mahdi to the Israelites should be regarded with great caution because
it could be a false rumour propagated by the Shia who believe the
Mahdi will follow the Jewish Laws and pray in Hebrew:
1) Abu Umamah says that Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said:
"The people asked: 'O Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم , who will
be the Imam of the people at the time? ' He said: 'He will be from my
progeny and will be fortyyears of age. His face will shine like a star
and he will have a small black spot on his right cheek . He will don
two Qutwaani cloaks as if he is from the Israelites. He will rule for
20 years and will conquer the cities of the Mushrikeen (Polytheists).
" (Tabrani)
2) The Mahdi will have wheatish complexion, long straight nose, eyes
brows round like bow, big black eyes, very whitefront two teeth and
with a spacing between the teeth ,a small black spot on the right
cheek, face glowing like a shining star, a mark on his shoulder like
that of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم , complexion like the
Arabsand body like the Israelites. He will be slow in speech (with a
slight stutter) and when he stutters, he will strike his left thigh
with his right hand. He will appear at the age of 40. While praying to
Allah, he will expand his hands for prayers like birds expanding their
wings. He will be wearing Qutwani Cloaks. He will resemble in
character Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم ,but in appearance (or
looks), he will be different. (Muhammad Al-Barzanji's book Isha'ahli
Ashrat Al-Sa'a )
4. T he Mahdi's Place of Birth
Nuaim bin Hammad narrates based on Ali bin Abi Talib (r.a.) that the
Mahdi (Mehdi) will be born in Medina. However,Al-Qurtubi in his book
Al-Tazirah said that the Mahdi will be born in the Maghreb (Morocco,
Algeria, Tunis region). Others said in Al-Andalus.
قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم ( المهدي يخرج من قرية تسمي قرعه
باليمن ) السيوطي وأخرج أبو نعيم (7), وأبو بكر المقرئ في ((معجمه))(94)
عن ابن عمرو قال: قال النبي صلي الله عليه وسلم : (( يخرج المهدي من قرية
يقال لها قرعة )) نبوءة اشعياء النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام (يقول الرب
أقيموا راية علي جبل أقرع ) سفر اشعياءالإصحاح 13
5. Signs & Events Preceding the Mahdi (Mehdi)
To read about the signs &events that will occur before the Mahdi
appears, please click here (These signs & events are very important.
We strongly urge you to readthem !)
6 . The Rise of the Mahdi (Mehdi)
Abdullah-bin-Masood hasreported that the Prophet صلى الله عليهوسلم
said, "The World will not pass away before the Arabs are ruled by a
man (referring to the Mahdi) of my family whose name will be the same
as mine." (Abu Dawud)
Umm Salamah رضي الله عنها narrated: The Prophet صلى الله عليهوسلم
said: "Disagreement will occur upon the death of a Caliph and a man of
the people of Medina will flee to Mecca. Some of the people of Mecca
will come to him, bring him out against his will and make him accept
their Bay'a (being chosen as a leader) (at a location) between the
Rukn (corner of the Ka'ba containing the Black Stone) and the Maqam
(Place) of Abraham (located on a side of the Ka'ba). An army from the
people of AshSham (Greater Syria) will then be sent against him , but
Khusf (land collapse) will happen to them (they will die) in the
Baidaa (desert) between Mecca and Medina. When the people see this,
the Abdal (pious eminent individuals) of Syria and the Asa'ib (pious
individuals) of the peopleof Iraq will come to him and offer him Bay'a
(accept his leadership) between the Rukn and the Maqam. A man from
Quraish tribe , whose maternal uncles are from Kalb tribe, will arise
and send against them (against the Mahdi & his supporters) an army
which they (the Mahdi & his supporters) will overcome. That army will
be made up of Kalb tribe. Whoever does not witness the spoils of (this
battle with) Kalb tribe will be disappointed (because treasures will
be found, according to some narration). He (the Mahdi) will divide
(distribute) money (wealth) , and will governthe people according to
the Sunnah of their Prophet صلى الله عليهوسلم and establish Islamon
Earth. He will remain seven years, then die, and the Muslims will
prayover him." (Abu Dawud) Al-Bazar reported a variation of this
Hadith attributed to Anas bin Malik who says that the Prophet
mentioned that the army which experience the Khusuf comes from Iraq,
not AshSham.
Abu Huraira has narrated that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said, '
'A man will emerge from the depth of Damascus. He will be called
Sufyani. Most of those who followhim will be from the tribeof Kalb (or
Kulaib) . He will kill by ripping the stomachs of women and even kill
children. Qais tribe will gather against them, but Sufyani & his
followers will them. A man from my family will appear in Haram (in
Mecca), the news of this event will reach the Sufyani and he will send
forth one of his armies. He (the Mahdi) will defeat them. Then, the
Sufyani will march (to attack the Mahdi) with whoever remains with
him. When they reach a Baidaa (desert), a Khusf (land collapse) will
happen to them . None ofthem (Sufyani's army) will survive, except one
person who will tell about what happened.'' (Imam Al-Haakim)
The Sufyani (a descendant of Abu Sufyan) will emerge fromDamascus
before the Mahdi. According to someweak narration, the Sufyani's name
will be Urwa bin Muhammad and his Kuniya (nick name) will be Abu-Utba.
The Hadiths regarding the Suffyani specify that he is a tyrant who
will spread corruption and mischief on Earth.
Please note that Umm Salama's Hadith mentionstwo different armies
sentto attack the Mahdi. Whereas Abu Huraira's Hadith mentions only
Many Muslim scholars from various countries will set out to seek the
Mahdi (a.s.), unknown to one another, and up to 310 people will
accompany each scholar. Eventually, they will all meet up in Mecca.
And when they ask one another "why did they come?", they will all
answer: "We are looking for the Mahdi (a.s.), who will end this Fitna
(strife) and conquer Constantinople , because we have learned his name
and those of his father, mother and army." (The Book of Signsof the
Mahdi of the End Times, p. 15-75)
أخرج ( ك ) الداني (596) عن حذيفة قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليهوسلم :
(( تكون وقعة بالزوراء,قالوا يا رسول الله وما الزوراء؟ قال: مدينة
بالمشرق بين أنهار يسكنها شرار خلق الله, وجبابرة من أمتي, تقذف بأربعة
أصناف من العذاب,بالسيف وخسف وقذف ومسخ ))
وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم : (( إذا خرجت السودان طلبت العرب ينكشفون,
حتى يلحقوا ببطن الأرض أو قال: ببطن الأردن فبينما هم كذلك , إذ خرج
السفياني في ستين وثلاثمائة راكب , حتى يأتي دمشق, فلا يأتي عليه شهر حتى
يبايعه من كلب ثلاثون ألفا, فيبعث جيشا إلى العراق , فيقتل بالزوراء مائة
ألف , وينحدرون إلىالكوفة فينهبونها , فعند ذلك تخرج [ دابة ] من المشرق
, يقودها رجل من بني تميم , يقال له:شعيب بن صالح , فيستنقذ ما في أيديهم
من سبي أهل الكوفة, ويقتلهم, ويخرج جيش آخر من جيوش السفياني إلى
المدينة, فينهبونها [ ثلاثة أيام, ثم يسيرون إلى مكة, حتى إذا كانوا
بالبيداء بعث الله عز وجل جبريل فيقول: يا جبريل عذبهم , فيضربهم برجله
ضربة ,فيخسف الله عز وجل بهم فلا يبقى منهم إلا رجلان, فيقدمان على
السفياني فيخبرانه خسفالجيش فلا يهوله , ثم إن رجالا من قريش يهربون إلى
قسطنطينية, فيبعث السفياني إلى عظيم الروم, أن ابعث إلى بهم في المجامع,
قال: فيبعث بهم إليه فيضربأعناقهم على باب المدينة بدمشق.
قال حذيفة :حتى إنهيطاف بالمرأة في مسجد دمشق في الثوب على مجلس مجلس,
حتى تأتي فخذ السفياني فتجلس عليه, وهو في المحراب قاعد, فيقوم رجل من
المسلمين فيقول: ويحكم أكفرتم بالله بعد إيمانكم ؟,إن هذا لا يحل, فيقوم
فيضرب عنقه في مسجد دمشق, ويقتل كل من شايعه على ذلك, فعند ذلك ينادىمن
السماء:مناد أيها الناس إن الله عز وجل قد قطع عنكم مدة الجبارين
والمنافقين وأشياعهم وأتباعهم, وولاكم خير أمة محمد فالحقوا به بمكة
فإنه المهدي, واسمه أحمد بن عبدالله .
قال حذيفة : فقام عمران بن الحصين الخزاعي فقال:يا رسول الله كيف لنا بهذا حتى
نعرفه؟ فقال:هو رجل منولد كنانة من رجال بني إسرائيل,عليه عباءتان
قطوانيتان, كأن وجهه الكوكب الدري في اللون,في خده الأيمن خال أسود,[ بين
] أربعين سنة, فيخرج الأبدال من الشام وأشباهـهم, ويخرج إليه النجباء من
مصر وعصائب أهل المشرق وأشباهـهم,حتى يأتوا مكة , فيبايع له بين زمزم
والمقام, ثم يخرج متوجها إلي الشام, وجبريل على مقدمته, وميكائيل على
ساقته, يفرح به أهل السماء و أهل الأرض, والطير والوحوش والحيتان في
البحر, وتزيد المياهـ في دولته, وتمد الأنهار, وتضعف الأرض أكلها,
وتستخرج الكنوز, فيقدم الشام, فيذبح السفياني تحت الشجرة التي أغصانها
إلى بحيرة طبرية, ويقتل كلبا.
قال حذيفة قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : فالخائب من خاب يوم
كلب, ولو بعقال.
قال حذيفة : يا رسول الله وكيف يحل قتالهم وهم موحدون؟ فقال رسول الله
صلى الله عليهوسلم : يا حذيفة هم يومئذ على ردة, يزعمون أن الخمر حلال,
ولا يصلون , [ ويسير المهدي حتى يأتي دمشق, ومن معه من المسلمين, فيبعث
الله عز و وجل عليهم الروم , وهو الخامس من آل هرقل , يقال له: طبارة,
وهو صاحب الملاحم , فتصالحونهم سبع سنين , حتى تغزوا أنتم وهم عدوا
خلفهم , وتغنمون وتسلمون أنتم وهم جميعا فتنزلون بمرج ذي تلول ], .[
فإذا كان يوم الجمعة من صلاة الغداة وقد أقيمت الصلاة فالتفت المهدي فإذا
هو بعيسى بن مريمقد نزل من السماء, في ثوبين كأنما يقطر من رأسه الماء,
فقال أبوهريرة إذا أقوم إليه يا رسول الله فأعانقه؟ فقال يا أبا هريرة
إن خرجته هذه ليست كخرجته الأولى,تلقى عليه مهابة كمهابة الموت,يبشر
أقواما بدرجات من الجنة,فيقول له الإمام: تقدم فصل بالناس, فيقول له عيسى
: إنما أقيمت الصلاة لك, فيصلى عيسى خلفه. قال حذيفة وقال رسول الله :
قد أفلحت أمة أنا أولها , و عيسى آخرها ... الحديث ] ))
Huzaifa said that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلمsaid :
"When Sudan (either refers to Sudan as a country, or blacks, such as
the Abyssinians, meaning Ethiopians) come after the Arabs, they will
be defeated and thrown into the lowest part of the Earth (or pushed
backto Jordan). While these circumstances exist, the Sufyani will come
with three hundred and sixty men until he reaches Damascus. After a
month, he will be followed by thirty thousand from Kalb(tribe) . He
will send an army to Iraq and kill one hundred thousand in Az-Zawra
(possibly refers to Baghdad) .
Then, they (Sufyani's army) will go to Kufa (a Shia city in Iraq) and
pillage it. When this occurs, a banner will come from the East led by
a man from Tamim called Shuayb, the son of Salih, who will obtain the
release of the people of Kufa (captured by Sufyani's army) and (Salih
& his men) will defeat them (Sufyani's army).
Then, another army of the Sufyani will go to Medina and pillage it for
three days and thereafter proceed towards Mecca until these troops
find themselves in a desert.
Then, Allah will send (Angel) Gabriel and say tohim, 'Chastise them!'
So, he (Gabriel) will crush them with his leg once and Allah will
cause them to be swallowed up (by the earth) . None will remain except
two men who will return to The Sufyani to inform him of the
swallowing-up of his army, but this will not scare him.
Several men from Quraish(tribe) will escape to Constantinople
(Istanbul, New York, or European city). The Sufyani will ask the
leader of the Romans to send them back to the Sufyani. The Sufyani
will slit their throats and the throats of their followers.
At that point, a voice will come from Heaven saying: ' O' people,
surely Allah forbids tyrants and their followers for you and (Allah)
bestows leadership upon the best of the nation of Muhammad. Join him
in Mecca — he is the Mahdi !' "
Then, Huzaifa asked: "O Messenger of Allah, how shall we identify him
He صلى الله عليه وسلم replied: "He is a man from my descendants, he
looks like the men of the Israelites, upon him are two white cloaks
with frayed edges, ' Qutwani' cloaks . His face is like a glittering
star, upon his right cheek there is a black mole and he is fortyyears
old .
Al-Abdal (pious individuals) and those seeking the Mahdi like them
will come to him (the Mahdi) from Syria . Al- Nujaba (pious
individuals) from the dwellers of Egypt will come to him (the Mahdi) .
Groups of dwellers from the East and those seeking the Mahdi like them
will come until they all gather together in Mecca. So, they will
pledge their allegiance tohim (the Mahdi) betweenAl-Rukn (corner of
the Ka'ba containing the Black Stone) and Al-Maqam (Place) of
(Prophet) Abraham عليه السلام (located on a side of the Ka'ba).
Then, he (the Mahdi) will lead (an army) towards Syria, with (angel)
Gabriel at the fore front and (angel) Michael in the middle. The
dwellers of Heaven and Earth will be joyful because of him. Water will
be plentiful in his country (Syria) and the River (Euphrates) will
spread and treasures will be found ( gold or treasures of
religioussignificance ) .
When he (the Mahdi) reaches Syria, he will slaythe Sufyani under a
tree, the branches of which grow in the direction of Lake Tiberias and
he will defeat Kalb (tribe). On that Day (battle) of Kalb,
disappointed will be whoever does not get some (of the treasures)."
Huzaifa asked: "O Messenger of Allah, صلىالله عليه وسلم , how isit
permitted to kill them when they believe in the Oneness (of God)?"
The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم replied: "O Huzaifa, they
are at that time apostates , they claim that wine is permitted and do
not pray." ( Nuaim Ibn Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan , Tabarani, and Abu
Amru Uthman bin Saeed Ad-Dani 's Kitab Al-Sunan Al-Waredah fi al-Fitan
غير الدجال أخوفني عليكم إن يخرج وأنا فيكم فأنا حجيجه دونكم وإن يخرج
ولست فيكم فامرؤ حجيج نفسه والله خليفتي على كل مسلم
7. The Pillaging of Madina in Saudi Arabia
Mu'az ibn Jabal narrated that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said to
him: " Omran (re-building) of Bayt Al-Maqdis (Jerusalem) willbe (lead
to) Halak (the pillaging and devastation) of Yathrib ( Madina in Saudi
Arabia ). The pillaging of Yathrib will be (lead to) the outbreak of
the Big Battle (with the Romans).The outbreak of the Big Battle will
be (lead to) the conquest of Constantinople. The conquest of
Constantinople will be (lead to) the coming of Dajjal (Anti-Christ).
Then,… said: This is as true as you (Mu'az ibn Jabal) are here or you
are sitting." (Abu Dawud)
The Omran (re-building) of Bayt Al-Maqdis (Jerusalem) refers to the
capture of Jerusalem by Israel.
Based on our numerical analysis of Quran and Hadith, we believe the
Halak ( the pillaging and devastation) of Yathrib (Medina) could have
been meant by Prophet Mohammad as coded message referring to the
devastation of a city of the enemies of Muslims.
8 . Roman (European) Invasions & the Conquest of Constantinople & Rome
For detailed information about Roman (European) Invasions & the
Conquest of Constantinople & Rome click here
9. Other Events around the Time of the Mahdi
This includes:(a)internal fighting & bloodshed in the Muslim World,
(b) Fighting Iran, (c) invasions by the Turks (Russians), (d) fighting
the Andalusians, and Abyssinians (Ethiopians & East Africans),(c)
Muslims' conquest of India, etc. Fordetailed information about , click
here Other Events around the time ofthe Mahdi(s)
10. Discoveries of Religious Significance
Some scholars, particularly the Shia, believe the Mahdi (Mehdi) will
be able to find Religious relics , such as Ark of the Covenant (
containing the Tablets of Stone on which the Ten Commandments were
inscribed) in Antioch ( very important city in Early Christianity,
currently located in Turkey, but, historically, was part of Syria),
Lake Tiberias (Sea of Galilee in Palestine), or in Rome / Vatican .
For more details about Discoveries of Religious Significance, click
here .
11. Ahl Al-Kahf (People of the Cave)
The story of these people is mentioned in the Quran in Sura Al-Kahf.
Ibn Marduwayh narrates from Ibn Abbas: "Ahl Al-Kahf (People of the
Cave) will be the Mahdi's helpers (companions)." (Muhammad
Al-Barzanji'sbook Isha'ah li Ashrat Al-Sa'a )
وقال محمد بن كعب القرظي : في الكتب المنزلة ، أن أصحاب الكهف يكونون في
حواريه ، وأنهم يحجون معه ، ذكره القرطبي في الملاحم ، في آخر كتاب "
التذكرة "
"People of the Cave will be companions of Jesus and they will perform
Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) with him." (Mohammad bin Ka'b Al-Qarzi's
book Al-Kutub Al-Munazala, and Al-Qurtubi's book Al-Tazkira- Malahim
Chapter )
The Shia, particularly, believe that People of theCave will return and
play an important role.
For more information about People of the Cave, click here
12. Blessings at the time of the Mahdi (Mehdi)
Once again, the Quran and Sunnah will govern the people, this time by
the rightly guided Caliph,the Mahdi (Mehdi). Islam will gain an upper
hand and will be firmly established in the land. The oppression,
tyranny, and darkness that prevailed all over the Globe will be
replaced with justice, peace and equity.
Due to the booty gained from the various conquests, everyone will have
so much wealth thatan eyebrow will not evenbe raised at somebody
else's wealth. Callers will shout in the street, "Is anybody in need
of anything?" Nobody will respond except one person. Abu Saeed
Al-Khudri's Hadith narrated that Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه
وسلمsaid: "A callerwill call 'Who is in need of wealth?' Only one
person will stand (in response to the call and say I am in need of
wealth), he will be told togo to the treasurer and tell him that the
Mahdi orders you to give some wealth. He will be told: 'Gather and
take it.' (He will begin to put it in his lap, when he realized that
nobody else has come and he was the only one) he will regret itand say
'I was the greediest from among the Ummah (Nation) of Muhammad' . The
narrator says, he will return it, but it will not be accepted, and it
will be said to him that we donot accept what we have given." (Musnad
Abu Saeed al-Khudri said Iheard that the Messengerof Allah صلى الله
عليه وسلم say: " A leader will emerge from your leaders. He will
distributemore than can ever be counted. A man will comeand ask for
goods, and he (the leader) will tell him to take what he wants. That
man will spread out his shirt and fill it with goods. The Messenger of
Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم spread out a thick shirt he was wearing,
showing how that man will be at that time, and then gathered up the
corners of that garment and said, this is how that man will collect
his goods and carry themaway." (Ibn Kathir's book Nihaya fi Fitan &
Al-Malahim )
عن أبي سعيد الخدري رضي الله عنه قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
يخرج في آخر أمتي المهدي يسيقه الله الغيث وتخرج الأرض نباتها ويعطي
المال صحاحاً وتكثر الماشية وتعظم الأمة يعيش سبعاً أو ثمانياً يعني
حججاً)) رواه الحاكم في المستدرك وقال صحيح، وقال الالباني حديث صحيح
Abu Saeed al-Khudri said: the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم
said: " At the end of Umma, the Mahdi will appear. Allah will give him
water as a relief. Land sprouts plants. He give away money. The cattle
will increase in number. The Umma (nation) will become magnificent. He
will live for 7 or 8, meaning Hajj seasons (years)." (Al-Hakim's
Al-Mustadrak , Al-Albany classified it as Sahih)
13. His Reign as a Caliph
There are different conflicting narrations regarding the length of the
period of the Mahdi's reign as a Caliph.
Umm Salama narrated the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "… He will
remain seven years, then die, and Muslims will pray for him (at his
funeral)." (Abu Dawud)
Abu Saeed Al-Khudri reported that the Prophet صلى الله عليهوسلم said
"The Mahdi is from me (my progeny) and will have a broad, clear (of
hair) forehead and a prominent nose and will fill the Earth with
fairness and justice as it was filled with oppression and injustice,
and will reign for seven years ." (Abu Dawud) Al-Munawi added to this
Hadith "or nine years".
Abu Saeed Al-Khudri narrated: "We were afraid that things might
happen, so we asked the Prophet of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم , … 'In my
Ummah (Nation), there will be the Mahdi; he will appear and remain
five, seven or nine. ' Zayd was one who was not sure. He said, ' We
asked, 'What does that refer to?' He (Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه
وسلم ) replied, 'Years'." (Tirmizi)
There are Hadiths that indicate that when the Mahdi dies, Prophet
Jesuswill lead his funeral prayer and bury him.
The Shia believe, according to some sayings they attribute to their
Imams, that the Mahdi will rule for seven years, but each year will be
equivalent to 10 regular years. This meanshe will rule for what is
equivalent to seventy years. However, some Shia believe the Mahdi may
rule more than 300 years.
14. The Mahdi has been prophesied in theBible
(a) The Bible prophesies the coming of Shiloh. This Shiloh who could
be either Prophet Mohammad (p) or the Mahdi:
The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between
his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the
people be. (Genesis 49:10)
في التوراة العربية المطبوعة في مجموعة باريس (طبعت سنة 1645م) ومجموعة
لندن (طبعت سنة 1657م
لا يزول القضيب من يهوذا والرسم من تحت أمره ، إلى أن يجئ الذي هو لـه ،
وإليه تجتمع الشعوب
ترجمة عربية للعهد القديم طبعت سنة 1753 م في مطبعة (ملاك روتيلي) ،
وردت الآية العاشرة و في الصفحة 66-67 و جاءت كما يلي
لا يزول القضيب من يهوذا ولا القائد من فخذه ، حتى يأتي الْمُزمَعأن يرسل
، وهو يكون انتظار الأمم
(b) The Bible, in Daniel 10and in Daniel 12, prophesies the advent of
the Mahdi, referring to him as Michael :
In Daniel 10: 20-21:
20 So he said, "Do you know why I have come toyou? Soon I will return
tofight against the prince of Persia, and when I go, the prince of
Greece will come;
21 but first I will tell you what is written in the Book of Truth. No
one supports me against them except Michael, your prince . (Daniel 10:
In Daniel 12: 1-11:
1 "At that time, Michael, the great prince who protects your people,
willarise. There will be a timeof distress such as has nothappened
from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time, your
people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be
2 Multitudes who sleep inthe dust of the earth will awake: some to
everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.
3 Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens,
and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and
4 But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the
time ofthe end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge."
5 Then I, Daniel, looked, and there before me stood two others, one on
this bank of the river andone on the opposite bank.
6 One of them said to the man clothed in linen , who was above the
waters of the river, "How long will it be before these astonishing
things are fulfilled?"
7 The man clothed in linen, who was above thewaters of the river,
lifted his right hand and his lefthand toward heaven, and I heard him
swear byhim who lives forever, saying, "It will be for a time, times
and half a time (a year, two years and half a year). When the power
of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be
8 I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, "My lord, what will
the outcome of all this be?"
9 He replied, "Go your way, Daniel, because the words are closed up
and sealed until the time of the end.
10 Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked
will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but
those who are wise will understand.
11 "From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the
abomination that causes desolation is set up, therewill be 1,290 days
12 Blessed is the one whowaits for and reaches theend of the 1,335
days . ( Daniel 12: 1-11)
Furthermore, the following prophecy in Isaiah 19: 16-25 of the Bible
seems to correspond very well with the signs preceding the advent of
the Mahdi:
(a) Verse 17 talks about Israel attacking Egypt. This could be either
a reference to Israel's attack on Egypt in 1967 or an attack that will
happen in the future.
(b) Verse 18 mentions that Egyptians will be speaking language of
Canaan which indicates that they will speaking a new language that
ancient Egyptian did not speak. Canaan is the region that includes
Lebanon and Palestine, where people speak Arabic, and previously
Aramaic used to be spoken there which is also a Semitic language, very
similar to Arabic. So, we sense that this prophecy is talking
aboutevents at the end of time.
(c) Heliopolis mentioned in verse 18 is a suburb of today's Cairo .
(d) Verse 19 mentions a sign and a pillar which could be the sign and
column of fire or light wediscussed in the Signs Preceding the Mahdi .
(e) Verse 20 talks about God sending the Egyptians a saviour from
oppression. This saviour could be the Mahdi.
(f) Verse 23 says that there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria.
Assyria includes Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, and Northern
Saudi Arabia. This highway could be the proposed bridge Sharm
el-Sheikh in Egypt to Ras Hamid in Northern Saudi Arabia is one of
signs, mentioned in Shia books, for the advent of the Mahdi.
(c) Isaiah 19: 16-25 :
16 In that day shall Egypt be like unto women: and it shall be afraid
and fear because of the shaking ofthe hand of the LORD of hosts, which
he shaketh over it.
17 And the land of Judah (meaning Israel) will bring terror to the
Egyptians; everyone to whom Judah is mentioned will be terrified,
because of what the LORD Almighty is planning against them.
18 In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the
language of Canaan, and swear to theLORD of hosts; one shall be
called, the City of Destruction ( some manuscripts of the Bible
mention Heliopolisor City of the Sun ).
19 In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the
land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.
20 And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD Almighty
in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto the LORD because of the
oppressors, and he shall send them a Saviour , and a great one , and
he shall deliver them.
21 And the LORD shall be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians shall know
the LORD in that day, and shall do sacrifice and oblation; yea, they
shall vow a vow unto the LORD, and perform it.
22 And the LORD shall smite Egypt : he shall smite and heal it : and
they shall return even to the LORD, and he shall respond to their
pleas and heal them.
23 In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria , and
the Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria, and
the Egyptians shall serve withthe Assyrians.
24 In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria,
even a blessing in the midst of the land:
25 Whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my
people , and Assyria the work of my hands , and Israel mine
Very Important Announcement
Discovering Islam , in association with End Times Research Center , is
pleased to announce the release of the long-awaited book on
www.EndTimes2013.com :
The End Times : As decoded through Numerical Analysis of the Quran,
Hadith, Arabic Words, and Historical Events
The latest research of EndTimes Research Center indicates that,
in-sha-Allah (if Allah is willing):
(a) The first phase of the End Times will most likely start (and
the Mahdi appear) either in 2013, 2014, or 2015 .
(b) Jesus (p) will descend from Heaven in 2022 , butthe World will not
end in 2022.
The book includes in-depth analysis of specific dates (meaning we
mention the day, month, and year) of important End Times events.
The book consists of more than 1750 pages. It can be downloaded and
read by Subscribers for the duration of their subscription./

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nayagara water falls

The Niagara Falls are voluminous waterfalls onthe Niagara River,
straddling the international border between the Canadian province of
Ontario and the U.S. state of New York. The falls are 17 miles (27 km)
north-northwest of Buffalo, New York and 75 miles (120 km)
south-southeastof Toronto, Ontario, between the twin cities of Niagara
Falls, Ontario, and Niagara Falls, New York.
Niagara Falls is composedof two major sections separated by Goat
Island:Horseshoe Falls, the majority of which lies on the Canadian
side of the border, and American Falls on the American side. The
smaller Bridal Veil Falls are also located on the American side,
separated from the main falls by Luna Island.
Niagara Falls were formed when glaciers receded at the end of
theWisconsin glaciation (thelast ice age), and water from the
newly-formed Great Lakes carved a paththrough the Niagara Escarpment
en route to the Atlantic Ocean. While not exceptionally high, the
Niagara Falls are verywide. More than six million cubic feet (168,000
m³) of water falls over the crest line every minute in high flow,[1]
and almost 4 million cubic feet (110,000 m³) on average. It is the
most powerful waterfall in North America.[2]
The Niagara Falls are renowned both for their beauty and as a valuable
source of hydroelectric power. Managing the balance between
recreational, commercial,and industrial uses has been a challenge for
the stewards of the falls sincethe 1800s.

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THE HIMALAYAS as most everyone knows are the highest mountains in the
world, with 30 peaks over 24,000 feet. The highest mountains in
Europe, Northand South America barely top 20,000 feet. The word
Himalaya is Sanskrit for"abode of the snow" and a Himal is a massif of
mountains. Technically Himalaya is the plural of Himal and there
should be no such word as Himalayas.
The Himalayas stretch for 1,500 miles from eastern Tibet and China to
a point where India, Pakistan, China and Afghanistan all come
together. The mountain kingdoms of Sikkim, Bhutan and Nepal are all
contained within therange. The southern side ofthe Himalayas are like
a huge climatic wall. During the summer monsoon winds push massive
rain clouds against the mountains squeezing out rain onto some of the
wettest places on earth. Onthe leeward, rain-blocked side of the
range, on the Tibetan plateau, are some of the driest and most barren
places on the planet.
The Himalaya-Karakoram range contains nine of the world's top ten
highest peaks and 96 of the world's 109 peaks over 24,000 feet. If the
Karakorum, Pamir, Tian Shan and Hindu Kush ranges and Tibet—which are
extensions of the Himalayas into Pakistan, China, Afghanistan and
Central Asia—are including in the Himalayas then the 66 highest
mountains in the world are in the Himalayas. The 67th highest is
Aconcagua in Argentina and Chile
Several of the greatest rivers in the world—the Ganges, Indus,
Brahmaputra, Mekong, Yangtze and Yellow rivers—originate in either the
Himalayas or the Tibetan plateau. Some people live in valleys nestled
between Himalayan ridges but few people actually live on the slopes of
the mountains. Web Sites : Wikipedia Wikipedia
Geology of the Himalayas : The Himalayas are not just one range of
mountains but a series of three parallel ranges that rise up from the
plains of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Between the massifs and
peaks are eroded river gorges, some of the deepest valleys in the
world, and massive, slowly-creeping glaciers.
The southernmost range, the Siwalik Hills, barely tops 5000 feet. The
Lesser Himalayas, in the middle, vary in altitude between 7,000 and
15,000 feet, and are indented with valleys like the Kathmandu Valley.
The third range is known as the Great Himalayas andthis is where all
the world'sbiggest peaks are found.
The Himalayas are young mountains. Because of this they experience
frequent landslides and rapid erosion, creating precipitous topography
with sharp peaks and V-shaped ravines rather than alluvial valleys or
lakes. Wind, rain, run off and snow continue shapingthe mountains
today. The mountains remain about the same height because the rate of
erosion is aboutthe same as the amount of uplift. The amount of
snowalso varies considerably. The greatest depths are recorded in the
summer when the monsoons dump large amounts of snow on the higher
elevation of the Himalayas. In the winter, high wind scour the
landscape and blow snow away.
Himalayas and Plate Tectonics : The Himalayas began 65 million years
when the Indian subcontinent climaxed a 70million year journey across
the Indian Ocean with a collision into Asia. The forceand pressure of
the collision between the Asianplate and India, pushed massive folds
of sedimentary rock up from out of the earth. The pressure and heat of
the mountain building forces turned some of rock into metamorphic
rocks such schists and gneisses. Wind, rain, run off and glacial ice
created the awesome Alpine shapes you see today.
Much of the rock pushed upwards by the mountain building activity is
limestone and sandstone that was once at the bottom of the ocean. It
is possible to find fossils of sea creatures in the Himalayas at an
elevation of four kilometers above sea level.
Plate tectonic continues to push the Indian subcontinent under Nepal
and China, which sit on the Eurasian Plate, forcing Tibet and the
entire Himalayan range to rise about 10 millimeters a year and move
towards China at a rate if about five centimeters a year. Before it
was pushed upwards Tibet was a well watered plain. As the Himalayas
were pushed up they deprived Tibet of rain, turning it into a dry
The Indian Plate is moving northeastward at a rate of 1.7 inches a
year relative tothe Eurasian Plate which embraces most of Asia and

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Jumma Prayers - - It is not permissible to stay away from Jumu‘ah prayer without an excuse

I graduated as a radiology technician in the Norton Hospital in
America. They offered me a job last week, but it seems that they will
not give me a day off on Fridays to perform Jumu'ah prayer. What is
the ruling?
Praise be to Allah.
It is obligatory on the one who can hear the call to prayer on Friday
and is one of those for whom Jumu'ah is obligatory -- that is he is a
male, Muslim, accountable and free (not a slave) -- to respond to the
call. Allah,may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):
"O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the
Salat (prayer) on the dayof Friday (Jumuah prayer), come to the
remembrance of Allah (Jumuah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salat
(prayer)) and leave off business (and every other thing), that is
better for you if you did but know!"
[al-Jumu 'ah 63:9].
And the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said:
"People must cease neglecting Jumu'ah, or Allaah will put a seal over
their hearts and they will truly be among the negligent." Narrated by
Muslim, 865.
There are some excuses that make it permissible for a Muslim to miss
Jumu'ah prayer, such as being sick or doing essential work that he
cannot leave in order to offer Jumu'ah prayer, as in the case of one
who istreating the sick or dealing with emergency cases in the
hospital, or one who works as a security guard for a place of great
importance, and other such jobs.
This has been discussed previously in the answerto question no. 36530
Based on that, if your presence in the hospital at the time of Jumu'ah
prayer is necessary for dealing with emergency and accident cases, and
there is no one else you can do this job apart from you, then there is
nothing wrong with your not attending Jumu'ah prayer in that case, and
you may pray it as Zuhr.
But if your staying in thehospital at that time is not necessary,
because there are others who could do the work besides you, then there
is no excuse for you to miss Jumu'ah prayer, and you have to do look
for another job which will not conflict with your Islamic duty. If a
person gives up something for the sake of Allah, Allah will compensate
him with something better than it.
We ask Allah to make what is good easy for you wherever it is.
And Allah knows best.