Abu-Bakr Ibne Ali Ibne Abi Taleb:
He was called 'Muhammad-e-Azghar' orAbdullah from Laila daughter of
Mas'ud son of Hanzala son of Manathson of Tameem.
Abi Bakr son of the Second Imam Hasan, son of Ali:
Abdul Hatoof Ansari and his Brother:
Sa'ad (both sons of Hur):
Both from Kufa who joined the Holy Imam at Karbala.
Adham son of Omayya-al Abdi:
From Basra son of Abi Obaida, whose father had been the constant
attendant on the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).
The slave who was purchased and liberated by the Holy Imam, was the
scribe engaged to write communications from the Holy Imam.
Anas bin Hars-e-Kahili son of Baniah son of Kahli:
Who was one of the companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).
Borair zibe Khozair-e-Hamdani:
A very old, pious, and devoted companion of Amirul-Momineen, Ali Ibne
Abi Taleb, one of theprominent noblemen of Kufa. He was the one who
came to the Holy Imam begging most humbly to permit him to get
martyred for he wanted to die in the wayof the Lord and show his face
to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) on the Day of Judgement. The details
about the faithfulness and the devotion of Borair are many.
Omayyabib Sa'd at Taie:
He was one of the companions of Amirul-Momineen.
Bushr bin Amrual Hazrami:
From the famous ones among the faithful devotees to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).
Bakr bib Hai at Taimi:
Of the Bani Taimi tribe who came to the Holy Imam and volunteered tobe
martyred in the way of the Lord.
Jabib Ibne Hajjaj al-Taimi:
He was the follower of Muslim-bin-Aqeel in Kufa.Since Muslim was
arrested, he hid himself until Imam Hussain (a.s.) arrived in Karbala,
and reported himself to the Holy Imam and got martyred.
Jibilath Ibne Ali-e-Shaibani:
The one who was attending on Amirul-Momineen in the battle of Siffin.
Jafar Ibne Aqeel Ibne Abi Taleb:
The Third brother of Abbas the Standard Bearer of the Holy Imam (A.S.).
Jafar Ibne Aqeel Ibne Abi Taleb:
Brother of Muslim Ibne Aqeel the Deputy of the Holy Imam to Kufa.
Jinadat Ibne Ka'b Ansari Al-Khazraji:
Along with his son, Martyed at Karbala. One of the greatest devotees
of the Holy Imam (A.S.).
Jundab bin Mujee al-Khaulani:
One of the companions of Ameerul-Momineen came to the Holy Imam and
fell down on his feet and prayed to be permitted to be martyred.
The liberated slave of Abi-Zar, who after the death of Abi-Zar, joined
the Second Holy Imam and thereafter he remained with Hussain and had
come to Karbala with Hussain. He was trained under Abi-Zar and was a
very pious devotee of the Holy Imam(A.S.).
Jaun bin Malike Tameemi:
Of the tribe of Bani Tameem. One who was inYazid's army. Seeing the
Devil's forces decided to attack the Holy Imam which he never thought
that it would ultimately happen, left the ranks of the Devil's forces
and joined the Holy Imam and was martyred.
The liberated slave of Hazrat Hamza the uncle of the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.), had come from Madina along with Hussain to get martyred.
Habshi bin Qais-e-Nahmi:
Of a group from the tribeof Hamdan. His grandfather was one of the
faithful companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).
Hars bin Amraul Qais-e-Kandi:
A very brave nobleman ofArabia. He went into the armies of the Devil,
and found his own uncle there. His uncle asked him: 'have you come to
kill your uncle?' He replied 'Yes! You are my uncle, no doubt but God
is my Lord and you have come here against Him.' He killed his uncle.
Along with him three others from the enemy's ranks joined the Holy
Imam. All were martyred.
Habib bin Amir-e-Taimi:
One who had already paid allegiance to the Holy Imam at the hands of
Muslim was martyred in Kufa, Habib left Kufa and joined the Holy Imam
on his way to Karbala and got martyred.
Habib bin Muzahir al-Asadi:
He was known as Habib Ibne Mazahir bin Re'aab bin Al-Ashtar from the
lineage of Asad Abdul-Qasim Al-Asadi, aged 70 years. He was one of the
faithful companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), who after the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.), always remained with Ameerul-Momineen Ali and
migrated to Kufa when the Capital was shifted from Madina to Kufa,
andaccompanied Ali in all thebattles he had to fight against the
rebels and traitors. His ideal faithfulness and sincere devotion to
the Holy Imam has many glorious details.
Hajjai bin Masrooq al-Jaufi:
One of the faithful companions of Ameerul-Momineen Ali in Kufa.
Hajjaji bin Badr as S'di:
Of Basra from the tribe Bani Sa'd, famous nobleman in Kufa. He was the
one who carried the communications of the Holy Imam to the pious ones
of the devotees of the House of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) in Kufa.
Hur Ibne Yazid ar Riyahi:
He was the son of Yazid Ibne Najiyah bin Qa'nab bin Yitab bin Hur in
the lineage of Al-Yarbo'ir Riyahi. A famous nobleman of Kufa, an
experienced warrior specially selected by IbneZiad to command a
contingent against Hussain. He was the one who obstructed Hussain'sway
near Kufa, but he never believed that the venture of Ibne Ziad was to
end in the martyrdom of the Holy Imam. When at Karbala he found that
the decision was to martyr the Holy Imam, Hur left the Devil's forces
and joined the Holy Imam, seeking pardon for his previous conduct. The
Holy Imam received him with special grace. Hur was among the foremost
martyrs in the way of God. Hussain said:"Hur, as thy mother has named
thee Hur (a free man) thou art 'Hur' in this world and in the
Hallas bin Amro' ar Rasibi:
He was the son of Amru ar Rasibi who was one ofthe faithful companions
of Ameerul-Momineen Ali.
Hanzala bin As'adus-Shabami:
He was the one who carried the message of exhortation from the Holy
Imam to Ibne Sa'd inKarbala.
Rafe'-the liberated slave of Muslim Azdi:
He came from Kufa and volunteered to be martyred in the way of the Lord.
Zavir bin Amro al-Kandi:
A sincere devotee of the Ahlul-Bait who was a devoted companion of the
Holy Imam. He was a noble personality very much revered and respected
by the people.
Zohair al Qaine Bijilly:
He was a noble chieftain of his tribe, a man of great influence in
Kufa. In the beginning he was attached to the Third Kalif Othman. Once
returning from Hajj, he met the Holy Imam and became a staunch devotee
of Hussain. He is the one who bade goodbye to his wife Dalham daughter
of Amru, liberating her witha divorce to go to her relatives, and he
joined the Holy Imam and got martyred. The details of Zohair's
devotion to the Holy Imam needs a lengthy note.
Ziad bin Areeb al Sa'idi:
Son of Areeb one of the faithful companions of the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.) and also a traditionist. A very pious and brave noble
personality enjoying the trust and the confidence of the people.
Salim the liberated slave of Aamire Abdi:
A staunch devotee of Amirul-Momineen Ali, from Basra.
Salim the liberated slave of Bani Madinatul Kalbi:
Of the tribe 'Kalb' one of the devotees of Amirul-Momineen Ali in Kufa.
Sa'd bin Hars and Abul Hatoof bin Harse Ansari:
These twin brothers had come from Kufa employed in the forces ofthe
Devil to fight Hussain.Later they left the ranks of the Devil's forces
and joined the Holy Imam and got martyred.
Sa'd the liberated slave of Ameerul-Momineen Ali:
After the martyrdom of Amirul-Momineen, he remained attached to Imam
Hasan and later after the martyrdom of Imam Hasan, he remained devoted
to Hussain and got martyred.
Sa'd-the liberated slave of Amro bin Khalid:
He volunteered to be martyred for the Truth. A noble personality with
a high degree of fidelity and valiance.
Sayeed bin Abdullah Hanafi:
A noble and very influential personality in Kufa uniquely brave. He
was very helpful to Muslim bin Aqeel in Kufa. He was the gentleman who
carried Muslim's letter from Kufa to Hussain and remained with the
Holy Imam until he was martyred. He was the man who, while the Holy
Imam offered his prayers in the field of action (Karbala) stood in
front of the Holy Imam and received the arrows from the Devil's
forces, on his breast, protecting the Imam in prayers, and got
Salman bin Mazarib bin Qais al-Anmari al-Bijilli:
A cousin of Zohair al-Qain, He went to Meccawith Zohair and when onhis
return from Mecca, Zohair decided to join the Holy Imam, he
accompanied him and got martyred at Karbala. A man of very noble
conduct and character endowed with strong will and prowess. A very
pious personality fearingnone but God.
Sulaiman bin Razeen-A liberated slave of the Holy Imam (a.s.):
A truthful and a very reliable gentleman. A staunch devotee of the
Holy Imam. He carried Hussain's letters to the devotees of the
Ahlul-Bait in Basra. Ibne Ziad the Devil's governor of Basra caught
him and this faithful servant of the Holy Imam got himself willingly
martyred (at Basra).
Sawar bin Manyim-e-Nahmi:
A highly respected noble veteran of Iraq, travelled all the way to
Karbala to join the Holy Imam to getmartyred with him.
Suwaid bin Amro bin AbilMataa al-Anmari al-Khash'mi:
A noble, highly respected, god-fearing and a brave personality. He
fought and fell seriously wounded, and was lying unconscious, the
enemy thinking him dead had left him, but when he returned to
consciousness and heard the rejoicing of the Devil's forces shouting
that the Holy Imam had been killed, he got up, and fought and got
Saif bin Hars Al-Jabiri andMalik:
These two cousins from Kufa joined the Holy Imam and got martyred.
Saif bin Malik al-Abdi al-Basri:
A leading devotee of the Holy Ahlul-Bait.
Shabeeb a liberated slaveof Hars-e-Jabiri-e-Hamdani:
A very brave gentleman who got martyred in the very first attack from the enemy.
Well-known in Kufa for his nobility of character, courage, and a
revered noble veteran of the town.
Zarghamah bin Malik-e-Taghlabi:
A lion-hearted brave gentleman who was faithful to Muslim bin Aqeel in
Kufa. After Muslim's martyrdom, he joined the Holy Imam and was
martyred along with him.
Aaiz bin Majma'al Aazi:
One of those six who along with Hur Ibne Yazid-e-Riyahi had joinedthe Holy Imam.
Aabis Ibne Abi Shabeeb-e-Shakiri:
One of the most pious devotees of Amirul-Momineen, and one of the
noblemen of Kufa. Hewas one of those who helped Muslim Ibne Aqeelin
Amir bin Muslim at Badi Basri:
With his liberated slave Salim, both the devotees of Amirul-Momineen
in Basra, joined the Holy Imam and got martyred.
Abbas Ibne Ali Ibne Abi Taleb, Qamar-e-Bani Hasham:
This is the great son of the First Holy Imam Ali Ibne Abi Taleb, from
the noble lady Hazrat Ommul-Baneen, who was brought into this world to
fulfil the desire of Amirul-Momineen to have his own representative,
on his behalf to be martyred with Hussain in Karbala. Abbas is so
well-known to the Muslim World for the unique divine qualities, he was
endowed with, that he inthe first place needs no introduction,
secondly, if a proper attempt is to be made, it would need a separate
This great lion-hearted son of the Lion of God in his qualities and
positionin Karbala, is next only tothe Holy Imam Hussain (a.s.). The
unique grace bestowed by God specially on this Great Martyr, is such
that any one who prays for God's immediate help at the time of danger,
invoking the divine grace in the Holy name of ABBAS, is immediately
heard and helped. There are millions and millions of those who have
had their prayers heard by God, and who are still being graced by the
Divine Mercy through themedium of this Great Holy Soul, ABBAS the
faithful brother and the Standard Bearer of the Holy Imam at Karbala.
Letany one try his own luck even today by invoking the Mercy of the
All-Merciful Lord in the Holy name of this Saintly son of
Ameerul-Momineen Ali. His holy shrine in Karbala stands today as the
resort for the sure rescue of his sincere devotees to get the help
from God at the times of unavoidable needs, risks and dangers.In
short, all the details about the greatness of Abbas and the unique
divine qualities he was exclusively distinguished with, cannot be
given in this brief work.
He was next only to the Holy Imam in Karbala. The 'Alam' or the Banner
which he held on behalf of the Holy Imam, was the Standard of Islam or
the Truth, which is hoisted by the Shias, popularly during the
mourning season of Moharram, and is revered as do the faithfulsubjects
of a good King as a token of their loyaltyto him. The Banner beingthe
Standard of Truth is only revered and respected and never worshipped
as wrongly imagined and depicted by some ignorant ones. Worship in
Islam is due to none but the One, the Only True God.
Abdullah Ibne Hussain, known as Ali-e-Azghar:
The six month old baby son of the Holy Imam, martyred in the very lap
of his father whose martyrdom no human heart can bear without shedding
Abdullah bin Hasan Ibne Ali:
The son of the Second Holy Imam Hasan, a young boy who ran out of the
tent to save Hussain when he was being martyred, and was martyred
before the HolyImam.
Abdullah bin Bushr Khash'ami:
Of the Anmari-e-Khash'ami tribe. A well-known noble personality in
Kufa. He came out of Kufa with Ibne Sa'd but joined the Holy Imam and
get martyred with him.
Abdullah bin Omair Kalbi:
He had come to Kufa from Medina, and joined the Holy Imam. His wife
also accompanied him to serve the Holy Ladies. When Abdullah was
martyred, his wife sittingat the dead body of her husband said "O'
Abdullah! Thou hath entered Paradise, take me along with thee."
Thegood lady had not finished her lamentations when a slave of Shimar
delivereda blow on her head with an axe and she was martyred.
Abdul Rahman and Abdullah sons of Orawah bin Harraq al-Ghaffari:
These two brothers were the noblemen of Kufa. Their grandfather,
Harraq, was one of the faithful companions of Ameerul-Momineen.
Theycame to the Holy Imam and joined the noble cause and were
Abdullah bin Muslim bin Aqeel:
Son of Muslim bin Aqeel Ibne Abi Taleb. His Mother was Roqiah daughter
of Ali through his wife Sahba from Yamamah was martyred when he went
to save the Holy Imam.
Abdullah bin Yaqtar-e-Himyari:
He was the son of the good lady who had served the Holy Imam as his
nurse in his babyhood.
Abde Qais Basri-e-Abdi:
Alongwith Abdullah bin Zaid-e-Abdi. Obaidullah bin Zaide Abdi, Yazid
bin Sabeet al Abdi. These great men, well-known and highly respected
ones of their tribe came and requested the Imam to permit them to
drink the cup of martyrdom along with him, and got martyred.
Abdul A'la bin Yazeed al-Kalbi al Aleemi:
The famous and respected nobleman from Kufa.
Abdul Rahman bin Abdul Rab-e-Ansari Khazrjji:
One of the faithful companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and a
Traditionist and a faithfuldevotee of Ameerul-Momineen.
Abdul Rahman bin Aqeel Ibne Abi Taleb:
Son of Aqeel from his wife Omme Walad.
Abdul Rahman-e-Arhabi:
One of those who carriedthe letters of the devotees to the Holy Imam.
He came to Hussain and got himself martyred.
Abdul Rahman bin Mas'ood at Taimi:
Came out of Kufa along with Ibne Sa'd but later joined the Holy Imam
and got martyred.
Othman bin Ali Ibne Abi Taleb:
One of the brothers of Hazrat Abbas, the third son of Ommul Baneen.
Joined the Holy Imam on his way to Karbala and was martyred.
Omar bin Janada-e-Ansari:
This is the son of the godly lady who came to the Holy Imam and
implored for his permission for her son Omar to be martyred andsomehow
succeeded, in getting it. When her son was martyred, the Devil's army
severed his head and threw it towards Hussain's camp. The godly lady,
his mother, took up the severed headof her son and threw it back into
the ranks of the Devil's army saying: "That which has been given away
in the way ofthe Lord is not taken back." She herself took up a stick
from the camp and rushed to attack the devils. Hussain held her back
saying "Islam allowsnot 'Jehad' by women."
Ali-e-Akbar son of the Holy Imam (a.s.):
The eighteen year son of the Holy Imam, who resembled the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.) the most,was martyred by a lance pierced through his breast.
Omer bin Zabi'ah Az Zabiyee:
Son of Zabiya at Taimi. Came out of Kufa with Ibne Sa'd but later
joinedthe Holy Imam and was martyred.
Amro bin Khalid-e-Saidavi and three others:
When these four person marched towards the camp of the Holy Imam, Hur
asked the Holy Imam for permission to stop them from getting near the
camp for they were coming from the enemy'sranks. The Holy Imam
miraculously said: "Obstruct them not, they are coming to me with a
good heart. They are my devotees." They joined the Holy Imam and were
Amru bin Abdullah-e-Jundayi:
Of the tribe of Hamdan. He reported himself to the Holy Imam and was martyred.
Amru bin Qarta al-Ansari:
One of the faithful companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and also
of Amirul-Momineen.
Amru bin Ha'b Abu Thamama al-Sa'idi:
One of the faithful devotees and companions of Amirul-Momineen.
Amru bin Hasan at Talee:
One of the staunch devotees of the Ahlul-Bait.
Ammara Ibne Salama al-Daalaani:
One of the companions of Amirul-Momineen.
Aun and Muhammad sonsof Jafar-Tayyar:
Two sons of Hazrat-e-Zainab, the Sister of the Holy Imam. Aun was her
own son and Muhammad was from thedeceased wife (Khausa), of her
husband Abdullah bin Jaffar Tayyar. These two were only young boys of
about nine and ten years of age. The HolyLady Zainab, the daughter of
Amirul-Momineen and Lady Fatema, brought these two young boys and
implored her brother, the Holy Imam, to permit them to free the enemy.
At the persistent implorings from his sisterthe Holy Imam
permitted,and these two young souls were martyred before the very eyes
of their mother. This godly daughter of Ali and Fatema, the
granddaughter of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), stood quiet at the dead
bodies of her children and said "I will not lament for you, for you
have gone in the way of the Lord." The whole camp wept but Zainab
prevented them from crying saying "Let not myBrother feel that I am
sorry for losing them in the way of the Lord. Today I am pleased with
my children."
The son of a liberated slave girl of Hussain. This lady after having
been liberated by the Holy Imam, was married to a gentleman and
brought her son Qarib and presented him to the Holy Imam and Qarib
wasbrought up by the Holy Imam. He was martyred along with the other
devotees, offering himself in the way of the Lord.
Qasim bin Hasan bin Ali (a.s.):
Son of the Second Holy Imam.
Qasim bin Habib al-Azdi:
A well known noble of Kufa.
Qasith, Kardoos, Musqit-Sons of Zohair al-Taghlabi:
These three brothers were the devoted companions of Amirul-Momineen,
who were with him in all his expeditions against the infidels and
traitors. Theycame from Kufa and offered themselves for the noble
cause and achieved martyrdom.
Qan'ab an Namri:
Of the devotees of Amirul-Momineen, came from Basra and was martyred
in the way of God.
Qais bin Mushir as Saidavi:
A very pious personality from a group of the AsadiTribe,
extra-ordinarily brave, faithful and one ofthe sincere and faithful
companions of the Holy Prophet(s.a.w.). He reported himself to the
Holy Imam, from Kufa, and was martyred.
Kannah at Taghlabi:
A very noble personality known for his piety in Kufa. A good reciter
of the Holy Qur'an and a very brave, God-fearing, influential and
powerful noble of Kufa.
Majma'ul Jahni:
Son of Ziad bin Omar Jahni one of the aged companions of the Holy
Imam. When people began deserting the HolyImam on the Night of
Ashoora, this old devoteeof the Holy Imam remained and achieved
Muslim bin Aqeel:
The Deputy of the Holy Imam to Kufa, where he was martyred.
Muslim Ibne Ausaja al-Asadi:
One of the faithful companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). An aged
veteran who had earned a glorious name and fame for his valour and
prowess in the expeditions against the infidels. When on the Ashoora
Night, the Holy Imam told his companions to find their own ways and
save themselves from the wholesale massacre of his supporters which
wasin store for them the following day, Muslim addressing the Holy
Imam said: "O' son of the Holy Prophet! Where am Ito go before myself
getting martyred here?"
Muslim was one of the most prominent supporters of the Holy Imam in
Karbala, and was martyred there.
Muslim bin Katheer al-A'waj al-Azdi:
One of the devotees of Amirul-Momineen in Kufa.
Mas'ood bin Hajjaj Taimy and his son Abdul Rahman bin Mas'ood:
The devotees of Amirul-Momineen from Kufa. These two were known for
their piety and righteousness.
Muhammad bin Abdullah Ibne Jafar:
A young son of Abdullah son of Hazrat Jafar-e-Tayyar, his mother was
Khausa, daughter of Hafsa bin Rabi'a.
Muhammad bin Muslim bin Aqeel:
One of the two young sons of Muslim bin Aqeel the Deputy of the Holy
Imam who were martyred in Kufa.
Muhammad bin Abi Syeed bin Aqeel:
The grandson of Muslim bin Aqeel, the Deputy of the Holy Imam to Kufa.
Munjeh-the liberated slave of the Second Holy Imam Hasan:
Who accompanied Qasim bin Hasan from Madina and got martyred.
Mauq bin Thamamah Asadi Saidavi Abu Musa:
Of the devotees of the Ahlul-Bait in Kufa, escaped from the town at
night and joined the Holy Imam at Karbala.
Nafe bin Hilale Jamali:
A companion of Ameerul Momineen. Reciter of the Holy Qur'an and
Traditionist. A noble personality known in Kufa for his piety, escaped
from Kufa and joined the Holy Imam in Karbala. A great devotee of Holy
Imam, who always remained by the side of ABBAS the Standard Bearer of
Hussain. He could not bear the least disregard for the Holy Imam, from
any one in the Devil's forces.
Nasr bin Naizar:
A liberated slave of Ameerul-Momineen. He was presented to the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.) by the King of Persia and the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.)
presented him to Ameerul-Momineen who freed him. He came to Karbala
and got martyred.
Wazeh the Turk:
The Turkish liberated slave of Harse Madhaji. A pious gentleman, a
good reciter of the Holy Qur'an,who came to Karbala, presented himself
to the Holy Imam and was martyred.
Hani bin Orwah:
Martyred at Kufa with Muslim Ibne Aqeel.
Yazid bin Ziad bin Mohasir-e-Kandi-Behdile Abush-Sha'sa:
One of the nobles in Kufa.A staunch devotee of Ahlul-Bait. A very
pious personality who joined Hussain from Kufa and was martyred.
Yazid bin Maghful Ja'fi:
A very pious devotee of Ameerul-Momineen. A learned poet. His father
and grandfather were faithful companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).
Hussain Ibne Ali the King of Martyrs:
The divinely promised and prophesied Martyr ofthe 'Zibhe Azeem' (The
Great Sacrifice) in the seed of Abraham throughhis son Ishmael, in the
lineage of Ishmael through Muhammad the Last Apostle of God, Ali the
Ameerul-Momineen, the First of the Holy Imams and Lady Fatema the Lady
of Light.
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Brief notes on martyrs of Karbala and Kufa Brief notes on some of those martyred in Kufa and Karbala with Imam Husain (SA)
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