Hazrat Ghause Saqalain Sayyid Abdul Qaadir (R.A)
HIS POSITION IN THE SILSILA: Maqbool-e-Bargahe Ilaahi, Gohar
Darya-e-Wilaayat, QutbulAqtaab, Fardul Ahbaab, Hazrat Abu Muhammad,
Sayyid Muhiyyudeen, Mahboob-e-Subhani Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jilani (radi
Allaho anhu) is the seventeenth Imam and Sheikh of the Silsila Aaliyah
Qaaderiyah Barakaatiyah Razviyah Nooriyah.
BLESSED BIRTH: He was born on the eve of the 1st of Ramadaan 470 Hijri
in the city of Gilan.
HIS BLESSED NAME: His blessed name was SayyidAbdul Qaadir.
TITLES: His title was Abu Muhammad and he is famously known as
Muhiyyuddeen, Ghaus-e-Azam, Ghaus-e-Paak and Ghaus Piya (radi Allaho
anhu) etc. He is tarafain Sayyid (descendant of Imam Hassan and
HIS PARENTS : He was a descendant of the Holy Prophet Muhammad from
both his mother's and father's side. His father's name was Sayyid Abu
Saleh Moosa (radi Allaho anhu) and his mother's name was Sayyida Ummul
Khair Faatima. (radi Allaho anhu)
HIS FEATURES: He was very well built and of medium height. Broad
chest, a long broad beard, tan in color, joint eyebrows, strong voice,
and of beautiful character.
HIS FAMILY TREE: His family tree reaches Sayyiduna Ali-e-Murtaza (radi
Allaho anhu) from his father through 14 generations and through his
mother by 12 generations.
Hazrat Sayyiduna Abdur Rahmaan Jaami (radi Allaho anhu) said the
following concerning the geneology of Sarkaar-e-Ghaus-e-Azam (radi
Allaho anhu) :
"He is an exalted King, who is known as Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho
anhu) . He is Sayyid from both his parents. Hassanifrom his father and
Hussaini from his mother."
Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa
(Salall Laahu Alaihi Wasallam)
Sayyidatun Nisa Fathima Sayyiduna Ali-e-murtaza
Shaheed-e-karbala Imam Husain Sayyiduna Imam Hassan
Sayyiduna Imam Zainul Abedeen Sayyid Hassan Mathni
Imam Muhammad BaaqirSayyid Abdul Mahdh
Sayyiduna Imam Jaafar Saadiq Sayyid Moosa Al Jawn
Sayyiduna Imam Moosa Kaazi Sayyid Abdullah Thaani
Sayyiduna Sheikh Ali Raza Sayyid Moosa Thaani
Sayyid Aboo Ala'ud'deen Sayyid Dawood
Sayyid Kamaalud'deen Esa Sayyid Muhammad
Sayyid Abul Ataa Abdulla Sayyid Yahya Az Zaahid
Sheikh Sayyid Mahmood Sayyid Abi Abdillah
Sayyid Muhammad Sayyid Abu Saaleh Moosa(Father)
Sayyid Aboo Jamaal
Sayyid Abdullah Soomee
Sayyida Ummul Khair Faatima (Mother)
Sayyiduna Muhiyyud'deen Abu Muhammad Adul Qaadir Jilaani
(Ridwaanullahi Ta Aala Alaihim Ajmaeen)
lived two hundred years before Sarkaar-e-Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho
anhu) foretold his coming in the following manner. Once while Hazrat
Junaid-e-Baghdaadi (radi Allaho anhu) was ina state of Spiritual
Ecstacy, He stated: "His foot is on my Shoulders, His foot is on my
shoulders." After he had come out of this spiritualcondition, his
disciples questioned him concerning these words and he said, "I have
beeninformed that a great Saint will be born towards the end of the
fifth century. His name shall be Abdul Qaadir (radi Allaho anhu) and
his title will be Muhiyyuddeen. He will be born in Jilaan and he will
reside in Baghdad. One day, on the command of Allah, he will say, 'My
foot is on the shoulders of all the Awliyah Allah.' While in my
spiritual condition, I saw his excellence and these words were uttered
by me without my control."
IMAM HASSAN ASKARI (radi Allaho anhu): Sheikh Abu Muhammad (radi
Allaho anhu) states that before his demise, Imam Hassan Askari handed
his Jubba (Cloak)over to Sayyiduna Imam Maaroof Karghi (radi Allaho
anhu) and asked him to pass it over to Sarkaar-e-Ghaus-e-Azam (radi
Allaho anhu). Hazrat Imam Maroof Karghi (radi Allaho anhu) passed this
Cloak over to Sayyiduna Junaid-e-Baghdaadi (radi Allaho anhu), who in
turn passed it over to Sheikh Danoori and it was then passed down
until it reached Sarkaar-e-Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu) in the year
497 Hijri. (Makhzanul Qaaderiah)
SHEIKH ABU BAKR BIN HAWWAAR (radi Allaho anhu) lived before the time
of Huzoor Ghuas-e-Azam. And was amongst the distinguished Mashaaikhof
Baghdaad. Once whilesitting in his majlis, he said, "There are seven
Aqtaab of Iraq: 1. Sheikh Maaroof Karghi (radi Allaho anhu) 2.Hazrat
Imam Amad bin Hambal (radi Allaho anhu) 3. Hazrat Bishr Haafi (radi
Allaho anhu) 4. Sheikh Mansoor bin Amaar (radi Allaho anhu) 5.
Sayyiduna Junaid Baghdaadi (radi Allaho anhu) 6. Hazrat Sahl bin
Abdullah Tastari (radi Allaho anhu) 7. Hazrat Abdul Qaadir Jeeli (radi
Allaho anhu) ." On hearing this, Sayyidi AbuMuhammad (radi Allaho
anhu), who was a mureed of Sheikh Abu Bakr (radi Allaho anhu) asked,
"We have heard and know six of these names, but the seventh, we have
not heard of. O Sheikh! Who is Abdul Qaadir Jeeli."
Sheikh Abu Bakr (radi Allaho anhu) replied by saying, "Abdul Qaadir
(radi Allaho anhu) will bea non-Arab (and a) piousman. He will be born
towards the end of the fifth century Hijri and hewill reside in
Baghdaad." [Bahjatul Asraar]
SHEIKH KHALEEL BALKHI (radi Allaho anhu): He is a great Wali-Allah and
had passed away before the time of Sarkaar-e-Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho
anhu). Once whileseated with his disciples he said, "A pure servant of
Allah will become apparent in Iraq towards the end of the fifth
century. The world will gain brightness from his presence. He will be
the Ghaus of his time. The creation of Allah will be obedient to him,
and he will be the Leader of the Awliyah Allah." [Azkaarul Abraar]
IMAM MUHAMMAD BIN SAEED ZANJANI (radi Allaho anhu) stated as follows
in his distinguished work Nuzhatul Khawatir: AFrom the era of Hazrat
Abi Ali Hassan Yasaarajuwi (radi Allaho anhu) , up to the era of
Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jilaani (radi Allaho anhu), every Wali that passed
this earth, foretold the coming and the excellence of Hazrat
Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu) @ [Nuzhatul Khawatir]
HIS BLESSED BIRTH: There are two narrations concerning the date of
birth of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu). The first narration
is that he was born on the first of Ramadaan 470 Hijri and the second
is that he was born on the eve of the second of Ramadaan470. The
second narration seems to be the one more favoured amongst the learned
scholars. The birth of Sarkaar-e-Ghaus-e-Azam was a great blessing to
the Ummah as it was not only the birth of a child, but it was the
coming of the King of the Awliyah, which had been foretoldfor
centuries before his birth. Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu) was
blessed to his mother at an age when women are usually unable to have
children. Sayyida Ummul Khair Faatima (radi Allaho anhu) was sixty
years oldwhen Sarkaar-e-Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu) was born. This
alone was one of the astonishing incidents relating to the birth of
the Great Saint.
there were various other miraculousevents which surrounded the birth
of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam. Hazrat Sayyiduna Shahabudeen Suharwardi (radi
Allaho anhu) quoted the following five miracles (Karamaat) which
surrounded the birth of Ghaus-e-Azam, in his distinguished book,
(1). On the eve of the birth of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho
anhu), his father, SayyidiAbu Saalaeh, saw in his dream, the Holy
Prophet Muhammad (Sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) who gave him the
following glad tiding: "O Abu Saaleh! Almighty Allah has blessed you
with a pious son. He is my beloved and the belovedof Almighty Allah
and he is the most exalted amongst the Awliya and Aqtaab."
(2). When he was born, he had the impression ofthe footprint of
Rasoolullah (Sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) on his shoulder. This alone
was the proof of his Wilaayah.
(3). Almighty Allah gave glad tidings to his parents in their dream
that their son would be the Sultaanul Awliyah and those who oppose him
would be mislead (Gumraah).
(4). On the eve of his birth approximately eleven hundred males were
born in Jilaan and every one of them a WaliAllah.
(5). He was born on the eve of Ramadaan. During the entire month of
Ramadaan between Sehri and Iftaar, he never drank milk after the time
of sehri and before the time of Iftaar.In other words, he kept fast
from the day he wasborn. His blessed mothersays that he would nevercry
for milk the entire day and would only takemilk at the time of
DEMISE OF HIS FATHER : After the demise of his father, he was taken
under the care of his illustrious grandfather Hazrat Abdullah
Soomee,the very same personality who was responsible for the marriage
of the parents of the Great Saint. He took Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam under
his wing and blessed him with gems of spiritualism. He molded the
Great Saint from childhood into the personality that he was to be. He
nurtured him with gentleness and showered him with words of wisdom.
VOICE FROM THE UNSEEN: Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu) was not
like other children who spent their time playing and fooling around.
From a tender age, he spent his time in the remembrance of Almighty
Allah. If he at any time ever intended to join the other children,
then from the unseen a voice would beheard to say, "Come Towards Me O
Blessed one" At first, on hearing this voice, he would become afraid
and go tohis mother and sit on her lap. As the time passed, he became
accustomed to this voice,and instead of going to his mother, he would
abandon the thought of playing and occupy himself in the remembrance
of Allah.
Allaho anhu) was four and a half years old,and according to
certainnarrations, five years old, his mother enrolled him into a
local Madrassah in Jilaan. He thus commenced his early education at
this Madrassah. He remained in this Madrassah until the age of ten.
During this period a certain amazing event occured. Whenever Huzoor
Ghaus-e-Azam would enter the Madrassah he would see bright
figureswalking ahead of him saying, "Give way to the Friend of Allah"
His son Sayyidi Abdur Razzaq (radi Allaho anhu) reports that once
Hazrat Ghaus-e-Paak (radi Allaho anhu) was asked when he first came to
know of his Wilaayah and Hazrat Ghaus-e-Paak(radi Allaho anhu)
answered by saying, "When I was ten years old, I found Angels walking
beside me on my way to the Madrassah, and when we reached the
Madrassah I would hear them say, 'Give way to the Wali Allah, Give way
to the Wali Allah' It was when this continued that I knew that I had
been blessed with Wilaayah."
Ghaus-e-Paak (radi Allaho anhu) was still a student at the Madrassahin
Baghdaad when his grandrather Hazrat Abdullah Soom'ee (radi Allaho
anhu) journeyed from this world to the Hereafter. After the demise of
his grandfather, the responsibility of his education fell to his
blessed mother. With patience, sincerity and dedication, she fulfilled
this responsibility that had been blessed to her. Once, while Huzoor
Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu) was about eighteen years old. he went
out of his house for a stroll. He walked in the streets of Jilaan and
found an ox in front of him. He walked behind itfor some time. Then
the animal turned around, and in the language of humans said, "You
have not been created for thisand you have not been commanded to do
this." On hearing this, he immediately returned home and explained
thisincident to his mother. He then requested permission to journey
toBaghdaad in order to complete his academic studies and seek more
spiritual knowledge. His mother, without a second thougth who was now
seventy eight years old, acceded to this noble request.
HIS MOTHER'S ADVICE: So, in her old age, Sayyida Ummul Khair Faatima
(radi Allaho anhu) said farewell to her eldest son Sayyiduna Abdul
Qaadir Jilaani (radi Allaho anhu). It was that time in her life, where
parents usually depend on their children for moral and financial
support, but this pious and pure servant of Allahwanted only the
pleasure of Allah and His Rasool (Sall Allaho alaihi wasallam). Whilst
she was very attached to Sarkaar-e-Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu),
she did not let her personal feelings come before thepleasure of
Allah. She wanted her son to be a man of knowledge and wisdom.
In those days, people used to travel either by foot or by camel etc.
andthe roads passed through dense jungles and forests. There was
always a real danger of travelers being robbed and killed. Knowing all
this, she still supported his request and wished him well with her
duas. She said, "O my dear son!I have now become very old and I do not
think I will ever get to see you again, but my duas will always be
with you. May Almighty Allah grant you success in your quest for
academic and spiritaul knowledge." She then said, "Your Marhoom father
left eighty Dinaars, from which I amgiving forty dinaars to you, for
your journey and forty dinaars I will keep for your younger brother
Sayyid Abu Ahmad Abdullah." She took the forty dinaars and sewed them
under the arm of his coat. She once again made dua for him and on
bidding himfarewell gave him the following advice, "O my beloved son!
Let this advice which I am about to give you be an important part of
your life. Always speak the truth! Dont even think oflies."
On hearing this Huzoor Ghuas-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu) said, "My dear
mother! I promise from my heart, that I willalways act upon your
advice." Sayyida Faatima (radi Allaho anhu) then embraced the apple of
her eye with love and motherly gentleness for the last time, and with
the words "Go May Allah be with you. It is He whois your Helper and
Protecter." The journey to Baghdaad began.
ADHERENCE TO HIS MOTHER'S ADVICE: After bidding farewell to his
mother, Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu), joined a caravan which
was on its way to Baghdaad. In those days,people travelled in groups
for the sake of safety. The caravan of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (radi
Allaho anhu) reached the city of Hamdaan without incident. After
leaving Hamdaan, they journeyed further. Their journey took them into
avast forest, where they were attacked by sixty robbers. The leader of
this band of robbers wasa very notorious bandit called Ahmad Badwi.
Thetravellers did not have the means to defend themselves against the
robbers and were forcedto surrender their belongings and valuables to
them. After looting the travellers, the robbers gathered all the loot
and began to distribute the it amongstthemselves. While all thiswas
happening, Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu) was standing very
calmly amongst the travellers. Regarding him as just a young boy, none
of the robbers approached him, until one of them decided to approach
him. He went up to Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu) and asked if
he had anythingvaluable. Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu)
replied by saying that he had in his possession forty dinaars.On
hearing this the robber laughed at Ghaus-e-Azam and walked away,
thinking that he was lying. After some time another of the robbers
asked him the same question and recieved the same answer. He too
dismissed this statement of Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu) as a joke.
When the robbers had gathered, then both these robbers began to joke
about the young boy who thought he hadforty dinaars. On hearingtheir
discussion, their leader Ahmed Badawi asked them to bring
Sarkaar-e-Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu) to him. When the Great Saint
was brought before Ahmed Badawi, he asked whether he had any valuables
in his possession, and the Saintreplied in the same way as before.
When Ahmed Badawi heard this, he asked for the forty dinaars. Huzoor
Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu) calmly showed them where the dinaars
were hidden. On tearing open the coat of Ghaus-e-Azam, they found that
there were really forty dinaars sewn under the arm of the coat. On
seeing this, Ahmed Badawi and his accomplices were taken aback. Ahmed
Badawi then asked, "O Young man! None of us knew that you had any
money.Knowing we are are bandits, why did you stilltell us where the
money was hidden?"
The young Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu) replied by saying, "When I
had left on this journey, I had promised my elderly and pious mother
that I would never lie. How then could I break this promise just for
the sakeof sixty bandits."
On hearing this, Ahmed Badawi felt great shame and in tears said, "O
young boy! You are so loyal in your promise to your mother, Shame on
me, that for years I have been disloyal to my promise with my
CreatorAlmighty Allah."
After saying these words, the bandit cried bitterly and then fell to
the feet of Sarkaar-e-Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu) and repented for
his sins. When his accomplices saw this, then they too did likewise
and repented sincerely from all their sins. They then returned all the
belongings of the travellers and escorted them out of the jungle.
Ithas been stated that the tauba of these bandits was so sincere, that
they were blessed with Wilaayah, through the sadqa of
Sarkaar-e-Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu). Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (radi
Allaho anhu) personally stated, "This was the firsttauba that a group
of mislead persons had made at my hands."
GHAUS-E-AZAM ENTERS BAGHDAAD: The City of Baghdaad was blessed with
the feet of Sarkaar-e-Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu) in the year 488
Hijri. Upon arrival in Baghdaad Shareef, the great Saint had already
spent the forty dirhams given to him by his mother. He began to spend
his days in hungerand poverty. Due to immense poverty, he went towards
the Arcade of Chosroes in search of halaal food. There he found that
there were already seventy Awliyah Allah in search of Halaal food.
Seeing this, he did not wish to be in their way and thus returned to
Baghdaad Shareef. On his way back, he met a traveller from Jilaan.
Thetraveller, on hearing that Sarkaar-e-Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho
anhu) was from Jilan, asked if he knew a yound man by the name of
Abdul Qaadir. Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu) informed him that
he was Abdul Qaadir. The traveller then handed a block of gold to
Sarkaar-e-Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu) saying that it had been sent
to him by his mother. On hearing this, Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (radi
Allaho anhu) immediately made the Shukr of Almighty Allah, and then
returned to theArcade of Chosroes, where he presented most of the gold
to the Awliyah Allah that were in search of food. He then took a
little for himself, and returned to Baghdaad. On returning to
Baghdaad, He prepared meals and fed the poor and then shared this meal
with them. SubnanAllah! This alone shows the character of the Great
Saint, that even though he was without food, he first gave most of his
gold to the Awliyah Allah, then fed the poor, before he himself ate
anything. Without doubtthis is the sign of a true servant of Allah. It
was inthis manner that the life of Sarkaar-e-Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho
anhu) commenced in theHoly City of Baghdaad.
DISTINGUISHED TEACHERS: After a few days in Baghdaad Shareef, Hazrat
Ghaus-e-Azam (radi Allaho anhu) enrolled for academic studies at the
famous Jaamia Nizaamia. Duringthis time, this Jaamia was the centre of
learning and spiritualismfor the entire world. Jaamia Nizaamia was
blessed by Teachers of great calibre and piety. He studied with great
sincerity and dedication.Amongst his Teachers were : Abul Wafa Ali bin
Aqeel , Abu Ghaalib Muhammad bin Hassan Baaqilaani, Abu Zakariyah
Yahyaa bin Ali Tabrezi, Abu Saeed bin Abdul Kareem, Abul Anaaim
Muhammad bin Ali bin Muhammad, Abu Saeed bin Mubaarak Makhzoomi, and
Abul Khair Hamaad bin Muslim Al Dabbas (ridwaanullahi ta aala alaihim
ajmaeen). He attained knowledge in the following subjects from the
above mentioned Ulama: Qirat, Tafseer, Hadith, Fiqh, Shariah and
Tareeqat etc. Not only did He attain knowledge in these subjects, but
he excelled in every one of them.
In the field of Adab, his teacher was Allama Abu Zakariyah Tabrezi,
who was a great Aalim of his time. He was also the author of various
kitaabs such as: Tafseerul Quraan Wal Eraab; Sharah Qasaaidul Ashr and
Sharah Diwaan Abi Tamaam. In the field of Fiqh and Usool-e-Fiqh,his
Ustaads were: Sheikh Abul Wafa bin Aqeel Hambali, Abul Hassan Muhammad
bin Qaazi Abul Ulaa, Sheikh Abul Khataab Mahfooz Hambali, Qaazi Abu
Saeed Mubaarak bin Ali Makhzoomi Hambali.(ridwaanullahi ta aala
alaihim ajmaeen).
In the field of Hadith, he attained knowledge from the following Ulama:
Sayyidi Abul Barkaat Talhaa Al Aaqooli, Abul Anaim Muhammad bin Ali
bin Maimoon Al Farsi, Abu Uthmaan Ismaeel bin Muhammad Al Isbihaani,
Abu Ghaalib Muhammad bin Hassan Al Baaqilaani, Abu Muhammad Jaafar bin
Ahmad binil Husainil, Sayyidi Muhammad Mukhtaar Al Haashmi, Sayyidi
Abu Mansoor Abdur Rahmaan Al Qazzaaz, Abul Qaasim Ali bin Ahmad
Bannaan Al Karghi, Abu Taalib Abdul Qaadir bin Muhammad bin Yusuf
(ridwaanullahita aala alaihim ajmaeen).
(To be continued)
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And Allah Knows the Best!
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Hazrat Ghause Saqalain Sayyid Abdul Qaadir (R.A) - Sufism Biographies
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