To an English-speaking audience, Islam is often advertised as a
'monotheistic religion in the tradition of Judaism and Christianity,'
and we often, with the best of intentions, add: "The difference is, we
only believe in One God."
I am afraid, however, that this fails to capture the essence of
Tawheed, Islam's concept of monotheism. It is not that there is only
one God and that is that. If this were the case, little is there to
differentiate us from Christians and Jews, who also conceptually
believe in One God )despite different theological formulations(. What
makes us different is that we believe in One God and, furthermore, we
believe that only Allaah is to be worshipped.
The core of Islam is wrapped in the message of 'Laailaahaillallaah':
There is no god worthy of worship except Allaah. This means, in other
words, that we turn away not only from idols of wood and stone, but
also the idols of ideology. Today, humanity, spurred by Western
culture, worships many things, but above all, it worships itself.
Secularism is the ideology of Western countries )and even some Muslim
countries(. The reason it works so well is because it is the best, and
latest, way to deceive people away from Allaah. Rather than urge
people to worship forms and shapes, the new Shirk )polytheism( tells
people to worship themselves. Everyone is a god!
The American dream has become the construction of a society in which
everyone is his or her own god, and does what he or she wants to do
regardless of the consequences. Naturally, it is a very attractive
idea. Do what you want - do what you feel - you are always going to be
right! Each man is his own judge and jury!
What this fails to realise is that humans are, by nature, fragile
beings. Despite being such a self-proclaimed 'free' and
'individualistic' society,Americais more conformist than many other
societies in the world. A young woman without a perfect body is an
outcast. A young man who cannot party or cannot 'get enough girls,' is
not a real man - and this is the most interesting example of all.
In Islam, a man's role is honourable because of his sacrifice and
responsibility. A noble and virtuous man is a pious one, who works
hard, provides for his family, goes out of his way for his wife and is
always faithful to her. Thus, the Muslim character is the responsible
and strong one, because the Muslim accepts the Trust from Allaah -
Islam - and does not shy away from it.
Western society, on the other hand, preaches that everyone is a god,
and thus, you never have to discipline yourself. The result is a
society made of weak, selfish and narrow-minded people )proven by
alarming rates of suicide, violent crime, depression and spiralling
divorce rates(.
Allaah Tells us in the Quran:"And I ]Allaah[ did not create the Jinn
and mankind except to worship Me."]Quran: 51:56[ The drive to worship
is an intrinsic human need. One attempt to crush worship in all forms
was communism, and communism - as history attests - failed and
continues to fail miserably. Due to the evolution of Western thought
and Western society, the drive to worship has been channelled away
from Allaah and towards the individual.
However, it does not take long for human beings to realise that we, as
individuals, make pathetic idols. At a very young age, we realise we
are fallible, and often unsuccessful in many things we wish so
sincerely to do. How many kids want to play professional sports, but
are never able to?
So, instead, people start to worship ideas. They attribute power to
these ideas. They start to believe that governments are all-powerful,
or that flags, ethnicities, tribes or languages hold mystical powers.
InEurope, the popular belief is that every linguistic group deserves a
country, because a linguistic group is an immortal entity that has had
many members come and go but has, at root, stayed the same.
But we, as Muslims reject all of this, because we know that it is
simply no more than Shirk - partnership in the worship of Allaah -
which is the unforgivable sin. Why is it unforgivable? The essence of
Islam, as stated earlier, is not only that we believe in Allaah, but
also that we worship Him and make Him the centre of all our efforts.
Should we put anything between Allaah and ourselves, then we corrupt
the purity of our beautiful faith.
When Prophet Muhammadsallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam)may Allaah exalt his
mention( came to the Arabs of Makkah in 610 CE with a message directly
from Allaah, the Arabs of that time were not atheists. They believed
in Allaah, they believed He was the most powerful deity and, most
interestingly, they believed He could not be represented by a physical
idol. However, they believed that many idols interceded on their
behalf )over three hundred lesser gods, in fact!(. In other words, the
pagans believed that there were channels between the individual and
Allaah, and that these barriers needed to be worshipped.
Modern Western society is no different. At every turn, American
politicians invoke God's Name. How often do we hear President Bush say
'God BlessAmerica'? Take anyUScurrency out of your wallet and
inscribed in prominent letters on it is the American motto: 'In God We
Trust.' Thus, superficially, American society does not reject God.
Rather, it believes in God and claims to acknowledge Him as the
Supreme Being. However, American society makes other people gods and
intermediaries, to such an extent that eventually God Himself is
entirely ignored!
This is alsoAmerica's plan for the Muslim world )throughout the world,
from right here inAmericato all the way over toAfghanistan(. They will
teach us that they have no quarrel with Allaah, but they simply want
to give us democracy to 'modernise' us and give us 'progress'.
Should we choose to go down this ill-fated path, we will find, to our
horror, that Allaah will not be denied. He - and may He be exalted
over such comparisons - will just be dismissed so far that people will
become like atheists in denial of their atheism. May Allah save us
from this fate, and I apologise for the harshness of the prediction,
but we know that once the road is opened to the slightest deviation,
this deviation snowballs. This is how religions before us were
destroyed; how many times has Allaah asked us to reflect on history?
The choice is, as always, our own!