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*- WHAT ISLAM SAYS -* - Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
"INDIA "- Time in New Delhi -
''HASBUNALLAHU WA NI'MAL WAKEEL'' - ''Allah is Sufficient for us'' + '' All praise is due to Allah. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' (Aameen)
Dua' from Al'Qur'an - for SUCCESS in 'both the worlds': '' Our Lord ! grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter and save us from the torment of the Fire '' [Ameen] - {in Arab} :-> Rabbanaa aatinaa fid-dunyaa hasanatan wafil aakhirati hasanatan waqinaa 'athaaban-naar/- (Surah Al-Baqarah ,verse 201)*--*~
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*- Our Nabi' (s.a.w) Most Like this Dua' -*
"Allahumma Salli'Alaa Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa'Aali Muhammadin, kamaa Sallayta 'Alaa' Ibraheema wa 'Alaa 'Aali 'Ibraheema, 'Innaka Hameedun Majeed. Allahumma Baarik'Alaa Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa'Aali Muhammadin, kamaa Baarakta 'Alaa' Ibraheema wa 'Alaa 'Aali 'Ibraheema, 'Innaka Hameedun Majeed." ******
"Al Qur'an - first Ayath, came to our Nabi (s.a.w)
"Read! In the name of yourLord Who created. Created man from clinging cells. Read! And your Lord is Most Bountiful. The One Who taught with the Pen. Taught man what he did not know." (Qur'an 96: 1-5) - ~ - ~ - lt;18.may.2012/friday-6.12pm:{IST} ;(Ayatul Kursi Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 255/)
*- Al Qur'an's last ayath came to Nabi{s.a.w} -*
Allah states the following: “Thisday have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” [Qur’an 5:3]
Surat alAhzab 40; Says Our Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) is the final Prophet sent by Allah'

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* A Precious DUA' *
Dua' - '' All praise is due to Allah'. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' - - - O Allah, I am Your servant, son of Your servant, son of Your maidservant; my forelock is in Your hand; Your command over me is forever executed and Your decree over me is just; I ask You by every name belonging to You that You have named Yourself with, or revealed in Your book, ortaught to any of Your creation, or have preserved in the knowledge of the unseen with You, that You make the Qur'an thelife of my heart and the light of my breast, and a departure for my sorrow and a release from my anxiety.
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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Innovation in Religion - I

Innovation in religion signifies transgressing the texts of the
Sharee'ah in issuing rulings, non-observance of the teachings of the
Sunnah , following diverse opinions and whims and abandoning the
example of the Prophet, . Imaam Ash-Shaatibi defined innovation in
religion as a religious way that is invented in order to resemble a
Sharee'ah -based way; the purpose of such an invented way is to
overstate the manners of worship to Allaah The Almighty.
Sharee'ah Texts CondemnInnovation in Religion
Various texts of the Sharee'ah condemn innovation in religion and warn
against it. It was narrated on the authority of Jaabir that when the
Prophet, , would give a Khutbah (sermon), his eyes would turn red and
his voice would be loud. The Prophet, , would say: "Indeed, the best
speech is the Book of Allaah The Almighty, and the best guidance is
that of Muhammad, the most evil affairs are the originated ones, and
every innovation [in religion] is misguidance…" [Muslim]
In a Hadeeth narrated by Al-'Irbaadh ibn Saariyah the Prophet, , said:
"Those of you who outlive me will see enormous differences. You must
then follow my Sunnah and that of the rightly-guided caliphs. Abide by
it and hold on tight to it [as if] with your eyeteeth. Beware
ofinstigation [in religion], for every instigation is aninnovation,
and every innovation is misguidance." [Abu Daawood and At-Tirmithi -
Hasan Saheeh [
It was narrated on the authority of 'Aa'ishah that the Prophet, ,
said: "Whoever introduces an innovationinto this religion, will have
it rejected." [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]
Innovation in Religion is Misguidance that ThwartsActs of Worship
Introducing an innovation in religion is misguidance and makes one's
acts of worship worthless. This applies to the originator of the
innovation as well as anyone who follows that innovation. The Prophet,
, said: "Whoever introduces an innovationto this religion, will have
it rejected." An innovator in religion actually thinksthat he is doing
a good deed, which makes it very unlikely that he would repent for
doing it. In this respect, an innovator in religion is different from
a non-observant Muslim. It was narrated on the authority of Anas that
the Prophet, , said: "Allaah withholds repentance from every
instigator of an innovation in the religion." [Al-Munthiri and
At-Tabaraani, Al-Albaani - Hasan [
The most dangerous religious innovations are the ones pertaining to
creed, such as the Khawaarij's (an early Islamic sect) belief that a
person who commits a major sin thereby becomes a disbeliever;
figurative interpretation of the Names and Attributes of Allaah The
Almighty (such as interpreting the Istiwaa' (rising) of Allaah to
meandominion, His Descent to mean His sending down of commands, His
Hand tomean power and so on); believing that some people are exempted
from religious obligations; believing in pantheism or incarnation,
dedicating acts of worship to the dead; giving precedenceto 'logic'
over textual proofs; believing in the infallibility of Imaams ; and
cursing the Companions and calling them unbelievers. Innovators are
referred to as "the people of innovation" or "the people of whims".
A Malicious Allegation Rebutted
Any saying or action that does not coincide with the teachings of the
Prophet, , is considered to be an innovation in religion and
misguidance. However, there are thosewho maintain that some
innovations in religion are good. They justify their claim by what
'Umaribn Al-Khattaab said when he made Ubayy ibnKa'b lead the people
in congregational Salaat Taraaweeh during Ramadhaan . 'Umar said, "How
good this innovation is!"
We refute this claim frommany angles. For instance, the Prophet, ,
performed this Salaah with men and women fora few nights, but he
stopped performing it in congregation because hefeared that it might
become obligatory on them. After the Prophet, , died and revelation
stopped, 'Umar noticed that some peoplewould perform this Salaah
individually while others performed it in groups. At this point, 'Umar
gathered them to perform it behind Ubayy ibn Ka'b and said the phrase
stated above. Moreover, 'Umar was one of the rightly-guidedcaliphs
whom the Prophet, , ordered us to follow. The Prophet, said: "Follow
my Sunnah and that of the rightly-guided caliphs."
If the word "innovation" or its equivalents are used in contexts other
than the Islamic one, then in this case, it may be praiseworthy.
Allaah The Almighty Says (what means): } Say, "I am not something
original among the messengers." { [Quran 46:9] Allaah The Almighty is
telling Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi was sallam , to say here
that he was not the first messenger, and that messengers were sent
before him. In another verse, Allaah The Almighty Says (what means): }
And monasticism, which they innovated; We did not prescribe it for
them. { [Quran 57:27] This means that Christians themselvesoriginated
monasticism. Christians chose to endure the hardships of abstaining
from food, drink and marriage and being attached to caves and
hermitages, as a reaction to their kings who altered the teachings of
their religion. Only a few Christians remained steadfast and became
monks. This concept of monasticism does not exist in Islam. In fact,
Jihaad is the monasticism of the Muslim Ummah (Nation).
Extremism Versus Negligence
Some Muslims go to extremes regarding religious innovation. They do
not distinguish between innovation in religion and innovation in the
worldly aspects of life. A group of Muslims has preferred to adhere to
the inherited ways of life that it has been bequeathed, although they
only pertain to worldly matters. As a result, while other nations have
attained progress in worldly matters, this group remains reliant on
other nations for what they invent and manufacture.
On the other hand, another group of Muslimshas not differentiated
between forbidden innovation in acts of worship and permitted
innovation in aspects of this worldly life; they went to the other
extreme, so that they innovated in the religion what Allaah The
Almightyhas not permitted. They did this under the pretextof
urbanization and achieving development.
Concepts become confused, yet it was necessary that each group is
aware of its due right. It should be knownthat in principle,
innovation is forbidden in all acts of worship and such matters are
restricted to those that have a basis in authentic texts. However, in
principle, innovation thatleads to progress in this worldly life is
permissible, although it must conform to the rulesof Sharee'ah .
Transactions are basicallypermissible once its relevant criteria are
considered. This means that it is not against the teachings of Islam
to manufacture planes, drive cars and build hospitals, orphanages and
schools. The permissibility or impermissibility of any worldly
activity is determined on the basis of the purpose and manner of
usage. If the purpose and manner of usage is for a good cause, the
activity is permissible; and if they are used for an evil purpose the
activity is impermissible. Acts of worship such as prayers,
dutifulness to parents and wearing Hijaab , however, should be
performed without increase or decrease, whether we live in the first
century or the hundredth century.
This blessed religion is characterized by its susceptibility to
development, on the condition that the teachings of the religion are
not altered. Allaah The Almighty Says (what means): } It is not for me
to change it on my own accord. I only follow what is revealed to me. {
[Quran 10:15] For this reason, we say that innovation in religion is
condemned and is absolute misguidance. This ruling applies to both
real innovations and additional innovations (the innovations which
combine a Sharee'ah -based act and an originated act. For instance,
the prayer for the Prophet, , after the Athaan (call to prayer) in a
loud voice; celebrating the beginning of a new Hijri year; and
celebrating the occasion of Al-Israa' and Mi'raaj .) Some claim that
additional innovations should not be condemned, however, this is
incorrect. They must be condemned because the prohibition of
innovation in religion is general. - - ▓███▓ Translator:->
http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - -

The call to prayer ('Athan and 'Iqamah)

In Arabic, the word 'Athaan' is to call or to inform. Religionsly, it
is a call made to inform people thatthe time of the prayer has
begun.It is obligatory for the congregation in the mosque while for
individuals praying alone at home, for example, it is a highly
preferred act. It begins by proclaiming the greatness andoneness of
Allaah and the denial of disbelief and polytheism, testifying to the
messengership of Muhammad and then calling to a prosperity which is
everlasting, pointing to the return to Allaah.
The 'Iqaamah' is the second and final Call to Prayer and is uttered
immediately before the beginning of the obligatory prayer indicating
that it is actually time to perform the prayer.
Its Story
The 'Athaan' was made part of 'sharee'ah' (Islamic jurisprudence)
during the first year of the Muslims' migration to Madeenah. Before
its legislation, Muslims used to agree about fixed times for
congregational prayers. Even still, they sometimes found it difficult
to remember the exact timings.
One day, The Messenger of Allaah and the Muslims discussed the matter
of calling the people to prayer at the exact time. Somesuggested the
use of a bell like the Christians, others suggested the use of a horn
like the Jews, but 'Umar suggested sendingsomeone to announce the
Then Allaah's Messenger agreed to use a bell, but he was not happy to
use it because of its similarity with the Christians.
After the Prophet had ordered a bell to be made so thatit could be
struck to gather the people to Prayer, a companion, Abdullaah Ibn Zayd
Ibn Abd Rabbih said: "I was sleeping when I saw a man carrying a bell
in his hands, and I said: "Slave of Allaah, will you sell this to me?"
When he asked what I would do with it? I replied that we would use it
to call the people to Prayer.He said: "Shall I not guide you to
something better than that?" I replied: "Certainly," he told me tosay
the 'Athaan' (and he told me its wording).
When I told Allaah's Messenger in the morning what I had seen, he
said: "It is a true vision, 'Inshaa'Allaah', so get up along with
Bilaal, and when you have taught him what you have seen, let him use
it in making thecall to Prayer, for he has a stronger voice than you."
So, I got up along with Bilaal and began to teach it to him, and he
used it in making the call to Prayer.
'Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab heard this when he was in his house, and came
out trailing his cloak and said: "Allaah's Messenger, by Him Who has
sent you with the truth, I have seen the same thing (during sleep) as
has been said." To this Allaah's Messenger replied: 'Praise be to
Allaah!'" [Ahmad, At-Tirmithi]
Its Excellence and virtues
Many Prophetic narrations describe the virtues of the 'Athaan' and the
one who calls it.The Prophet said: " If the people knew what was in
the 'Athaan' (of virtues and rewards) and the first row (i.e. the
first linein congregational prayer), and that they could not get it
except by drawing lots, they would drawlots…" [Al-Bukhaari]
The Prophet also said: "Your Lord, the Exalted, says: "Look at my
slave there who makes the call to Prayer and establishes the Prayer
out of fear of Me. I have forgiven My slave and have allowed him to
enter Paradise." [Ahmad, Abu Daawood and An-Nasaa'i]
The Text of the 'Athaan and 'Iqaamah
The text of the 'Athaan':
Allaahu akbar, Allaahu akbar,
Allaahu akbar, Allaahu akbar.
Ashhadu allaa ilaaha illallaah,
Ashhadu allaa ilaaha illallaah.
Ashhadu anna Muhammadar-rasoolullaah,
Ashhadu anna Muhammadar-rasoolullaah.
Hayya 'alas-salaah,
Hayya 'alas-salaah.
Hayya 'alal-falaah,
Hayya 'alal-falaah.
Allaahu akbar, Allaahu akbar.
La ilaaha illallaaah.
(Allaah is the greatest, Allaah is the greatest.
Allaah is the greatest, Allaah is the greatest.
I bear witness that there is no deity (worthy of worship) but Allaah.
I bear witness that there is no deity (worthy of worship) but Allaah.
I bear witness that Muhammad isAllaah's Messenger.
I bear witness that Muhammad isAllaah's Messenger.
Come to the prayer, Come to the prayer.
Come to prosperity, Come to prosperity.
Allaah is the greatest, Allaah is the greatest.
There is no deity (worthy of worship) but Allaah.)
The text of 'Iqaamah':
Allaahu akbar, Allaahu akbar,
Ashhadu allaa ilaaha illallaah,
Ashhadu anna Muhammadar-rasoolullaah,
Hayya 'alas-salaah,
Hayya 'alal-falaah,
Qad qaamatis-salaah, qad qaamatis-salaah
Allaahu akbar, Allaahu akbar.
La ilaaha illallaah.
(Allaah is the greatest, Allaah is the greatest.
I bear witness that there is no deity (worthy of worship) but Allaah
I bear witness that Muhammad isAllaah's Messenger.
Come to the prayer, come to prosperity.
Prayer is to begin, prayer is to begin.
Allaah is the greatest, Allaah is the greatest.
There is no deity (worthy of worship) but Allaah.)
As for At-Tathweeb (Saying "Prayer is better than sleep"), it ispart
of the morning 'Athaan' to say twice, 'as-salaatu khayrun minan-nawm
(prayer is better than sleep) after Hayya 'alal-falaah, Hayya
What the Listener says during 'Athaan' and ' Iqaamah
It is preferred that whoever is listening to the 'Athaan' should
repeat it with the caller saying his exact words, except for the two
"hayya 'alas-salaah, hayya 'alal-falaah" phrases, after which he
should say instead "laa hawla wa laa quwwata illaa billaah" (there is
no power or might save with Allaah.)
Everyone who hears the call can repeat it, whether clean or unclean,
in a state of post-sexual uncleanliness or menstruating and so on, as
it is a remembrance(Thikr). Those who can not do so are the ones who
are praying, who are relieving themselves, or are having sexual
As for the 'Iqaamah', it is preferred that the one who hearsit repeats
the words, except "qadqaamatis-salaah."
Supplications after 'Athaan
The Prophet said: "Supplications (offered) in between the (two) calls
for prayer (i.e. Athaan and Iqaamah) will n e ver b e r e j e ct e d."
The companions said: "O Prophet of Allaah! What should w e say?" He
said: "Ask Allaah th e Almighty, to grant pardon (and good health) in
both this life and the her e after."
Allaah's Messenger said: "Any person who, on hearing the Athaan,
supplicates: "Allaahumma rabba haathihid-da'watit-taammati
was-salaatil-qaa'imati, aati Muhammadan al-waseelata wal-fadheelata
wab'ath-hu maqaaman mahmudanal-lathee wa'adtahu. ('O Allaah! Lord of
this complete prayer of ours. By the blessing of it, give Muhammad (
), his eternal rights of intercession, distinction and highest class
(in Paradise). And raise him to the promised rank You have promised
him,' then he will assured of my intercession on theDay of
Judgement.)" [Al-Bukhaari]

- - ▓███▓ Translator:-> http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - -

Dought & clear, - Announcing wedding invitations in the mosque.

In our country, wedding invitations involve inviting everyone in our
village and in the neighbouring village, bygoing house-to-house
toinvite people. If someone is not invited from his house (by a
personal visit), he does not regard that as an invitation. The village
has expanded a great deal, as has the neighbouring village, and people
are living on the outskirts and on the mountaintops, which has made it
very difficultto invite each person from his house, and that has
caused the people a great deal of hardship. The people have agreed to
announce the wedding invitation in the mosque. Is this permissible or
Praise be to Allah.
The mosques should be free of announcements that have to do with
worldly matters, which include telling people about a wedding feast or
inviting them to it, because the mosques were not built for that;
rather they were built toestablish worship, teach knowledge, and
spread goodness. Muslim narrated in his Saheeh (568) that Abu Hurayrah
(may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah
(blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "Whoever hears a man
making a lost property announcement in the mosque, let him say:
MayAllaah not restore it to you, for the mosques were not built for
this purpose."
In Saheeh Muslim (569) itis also narrated from Sulaymaan ibn Buraydah,
from his father, that a man made a lost property announcement in the
mosque, saying: Who has found the red camel? The Prophet (blessings
and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "May you not find it. The
mosques were only built for that for which they were built."
But it is permissible to make announcements concerning worldly matters
outside the mosque, even if that is by posting a flyer on the outside
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked: Whatis
the ruling on putting some announcements in the mosque, such as
announcing a trip for Hajj or 'Umrah, or announcing some lectures or
He (may Allah have mercy on him) replied: Ifthe announcement has to do
with acts of worship, there is nothing wrong with that, because acts
of worship are means of drawing closer to Allah, and the mosques were
built for the worship of Allah, may He be glorified and exalted.
But if it has to do with worldly matters, then it is not permissible.
But they may be announced on the outside walls of the mosque. Trips
for Hajj come under the heading of worldly matters, so we do not think
that they should be announced inside themosque.
Circles of dhikr, such as lessons and classes, are purely good, so
there is nothing wrong with announcing them inside the mosque, because
they are good.
End quote from Sharh Manzoomah al-Qawaa'idal-Fiqhiyyah, p. 52
He (may Allah have mercy on him) also said: It is not permissible to
put up posters for Hajj and 'Umrah inside the mosque, because
usuallythese trips are organisedwith the aim of financialgain, so they
come under the heading of trade or business. But instead of being
inside the mosque, they may beput up at the door of themosque on the
End quote from Liqaa'aat al-Baab al-Maftooh, no. 151, question no. 10
Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) said concerning lost
property announcements: As for writing them on a piece of paper, if it
is put up on the outside wall of the mosque, there is nothing wrong
with it.
End quote from Fataawa ash-Shaykh Ibn Baaz, 30/9
Based on that, you can write the wedding invitation on a piece of
paper that is put up on the outside wall of the mosque, or you could
distribute the invitation to the worshippers outside the mosque.
However, we think that it is possible to overcome this difficulty by
making phone calls orsending text messages and the like. With the
expansion of the village that you mention, it does not seem that the
one giving the invitationwants to invite all the people. Rather
whoever he wants to invite and cannot contact him in person, he can
contact him by phone or send him a message and the like.
The majority of fuqaha' are of the view that it is mustahabb or
encouraged to do the marriage contract in the mosque. They quote as
evidence for that the hadeeth. "Announce thismarriage, do it (the
marriage contract) in the mosque and beat thedaffs (hand drums) for
it." Narrated by at-Tirmidhi, 1089. But this hadeeth is da'eef (weak),
as stated by al-Albaani in Da'eef at-Tirmidhi. However he classed as
hasan the phrase "Announce this marriage", as stated in Aadaab
az-Zafaaf, p. 111
See also the answer to question no. 87898
It is not permissible to believe that doing the marriage in the mosque
is Sunnah, because thereis no proven evidence tothat effect. However,
it issomething permissible, so if they do the marriage contract in the
mosque then move to the place where the waleemah (wedding feast) is
being given, they will have made the announcement of the wedding.
And Allah knows best. - - ▓███▓ Translator:->
http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - -

Dought & clear, - Does carrying a child on whom there is some najaasah (impurity) render the prayer and wudoo’ invalid?.

Does carrying a child on whom there is some najaasah whilst praying
render the prayer and wudoo' invalid?
Praise be to Allah.
One of the conditions of prayer being valid is avoidance of najaasah
on one's body and garment and in the place where one is praying. If a
person prays when there is some najaasah on his clothes or body, or
carries a child who has some najaasah on him, or carries a bottle in
which there is some najaasah, his prayer is rendered invalid according
to the majority of scholars, but his wudoo' is not rendered invalid.
Ibn Qudaamah (may Allah have mercy on him) said in al-Mughni (1/403):
If the worshipper carries a sealed bottle in which there is some
najaasah, his prayer is not valid, because he is carrying an impurity
that could not be overlooked, so it is similar to the case if the
najaasah was on his body or clothes.
End quote.
See: al-Mawsoo'ah al-Fiqhiyyah, 40/99; al-Majmoo', 3/157; Kashshaaf
al-Qinaa', 1/289
Nullification of the prayer only occurs if the worshipper carries the
child knowing that thereis some najaasah on him.If he did not know, or
heknew that there was some najaasah on him, but when he picked him up
he had forgotten about it, then his prayer is still valid.
An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said in al-Majmoo', 3/163:
With regard to scholarly opinions on one who prays with some najaasah
on him that he forgot about or was unaware of, the more correct view
according to our madhhab is that he has to repeat the prayer. This is
the view of Abu Qilaabah and Ahmad. However the majority of scholars
say that he does not have to repeat it. Ibn al-Mundhir narrated that
from Ibn 'Umar, Ibn al-Musayyab, Tawoos, 'Ata', Saalim ibn'Abdullah,
Mujaahid, ash-Sha'bi, an-Nakha'i, az-Zuhri, Yahya al-Ansaari,
al-Awzaa'i, Ishaaq and Abu Thawr. Ibn al-Mundhir said: This is also my
opinion. It is also the view of Rabee'ah and Maalik. The evidence for
it is strong and it is the favoured view. End quote.
Al-Mirdaawi said in al-Insaaf, 1/486
The words "If he realised(after finishing the prayer) that it was
present whilst he was praying, but he was unaware of it or forgot it,
then there are two opinions.
One opinion says that hisprayer is valid. This is thecorrect view
according to the majority of later scholars and was the view favoured
by the author [i.e., Ibn Qudaamah]… and Shaykh Taqiy ad-Deen [i.e.,
Ibn Taymiyah]
The second opinion says that his prayer is not valid and he has to
repeat it. And this is what we think is the correct view. End quote.
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
If (a person) prays with some impurity on his body, i.e., some
najaasahgot on him and he did not wash it off, or there is some
impurity on his garment or in the place where he is praying, then his
prayer is not valid according to the majority of scholars. But if he
was not aware of this najaasah, or he was aware of it but then he
forgot to wash it off until he had completed his prayer, then his
prayer is valid and he does not have to repeat it. The evidence for
that is that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)
led his Companions in prayer one day and tookhis shoes off (whilst
praying), and the peopletook their shoes off. When the Prophet
(blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) had finished the prayer, he
asked them why they had taken their shoes offand they said: We saw you
take off your shoes so we took off our shoes. He said: "Jibreel came
to me and told me that there was some impurity on them." If theprayer
was to be deemed invalid because of the najaasah when hewas unaware of
it, then the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) would
have started the prayer all over again.
So avoiding impurities on the body and clothes and in the place where
one prays is one of the conditions of prayer being valid. But if a
person did not avoid impurity because he wasunaware of it or becausehe
forgot, then his prayer is still valid whether he knew about it before
he prayed then forgot to wash it off, or he did not find out about it
until after he had prayed.
If you were to say: What is the difference between this and one who
prays without wudoo' because he forgot or was unaware (of the ruling),
as the one who prays without wudoo' because he forgot or was unaware
(of the ruling) was instructed to repeat it, but the one who prays
with some impurity because he forgot or was unaware (of it) is not
instructed to repeat it?
Our answer is: The difference between them is that wudoo' or ghusl
come under the heading of doing something that is enjoined, whereas
avoiding impurity (najaasah) comes under the heading of refraining
from something that is prohibited. Failing to do something that is
enjoined cannot be excused on the grounds of ignorance or forgetting,
unlike doing something that is prohibited.

And Allah knows best.

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