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*- WHAT ISLAM SAYS -* - Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
"INDIA "- Time in New Delhi -
''HASBUNALLAHU WA NI'MAL WAKEEL'' - ''Allah is Sufficient for us'' + '' All praise is due to Allah. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' (Aameen)
Dua' from Al'Qur'an - for SUCCESS in 'both the worlds': '' Our Lord ! grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter and save us from the torment of the Fire '' [Ameen] - {in Arab} :-> Rabbanaa aatinaa fid-dunyaa hasanatan wafil aakhirati hasanatan waqinaa 'athaaban-naar/- (Surah Al-Baqarah ,verse 201)*--*~
Category - *- About me -* A note for me *-* Aa My Public Album*-* Acts of Worship*-* Ahlesunnat Wal Jamat*-* Asmaul husna*-* Belief in the Last Day*-* Between man and wife*-* Bible and Quran*-* Bioghraphy*-* Commentary on Hadeeth*-* Conditions of Marriage*-* Da'eef (weak) hadeeths*-* Darwinism*-* Dating in Islam*-* Description of the Prayer*-* Diary of mine*-* Discover Islam*-* Dought & clear*-* Duas*-* Eid Prayer*-* Engagment*-* Family*-* Family & Society*-* family Articles*-* Family Issues*-* Fasting*-* Fathwa*-* Fiqh*-* For children*-* Gender differences*-* General*-* General Dought & clear*-* General hadeeths*-* General History*-* Hadees*-* Hajj*-* Hajj & Umrah*-* Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)*-* Health*-* Health and Fitness*-* Highlights*-* Hijaab*-* Holiday Prayer*-* I'tikaaf*-* Imp of Islamic Months*-* Innovations in Religion and Worship*-* Islamic Article*-* Islamic History*-* Islamic history and biography*-* Islamic Months*-* Islamic story*-* Issues of fasting*-* Jannah: Heaven*-* jokes*-* Just know this*-* Kind Treatment of Spouses*-* Links*-* Making Up Missed Prayers*-* Manners of Greeting with Salaam*-* Marital Life*-* Marriage in Islam*-* Menstruation and Post-Natal bleeding*-* Miracles of Quran*-* Moral stories*-* Names and Attributes of Allaah*-* Never Forget*-* News*-* Night Prayer*-* Notes*-* Other*-* Personal*-* Personalities*-* Pilgrimage*-* Plural marriage*-* Prayer*-* Prayers on various occasions*-* Principles of Fiqh*-* Qanoon e Shariat*-* Qur'an*-* Qur'an Related*-* Quraanic Exegesis*-* Ramadan Articles*-* Ramadan File*-* Ramadhan ul Mubarak*-* Sacrifices*-* Saheeh (sound) hadeeths*-* Schools of Thought and Sects*-* Seerah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)*-* Sex in Islam*-* Sharia and Islam*-* Shirk and its different forms*-* Sms, jokes, tips*-* Social Concerns*-* Soul Purification*-* Story*-* Sufi - sufi path*-* Supplication*-* Taraaweeh prayers*-* The book of Prayer*-* Tips & Tricks*-* Tourist Place*-* Trust (amaanah) in Islam*-* Welcome to Islam*-* Women in Ramadaan*-* Women site*-* Women Who are Forbidden for Marriage*-* Womens Work*-* Youth*-* Zakath*-*
*- Our Nabi' (s.a.w) Most Like this Dua' -*
"Allahumma Salli'Alaa Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa'Aali Muhammadin, kamaa Sallayta 'Alaa' Ibraheema wa 'Alaa 'Aali 'Ibraheema, 'Innaka Hameedun Majeed. Allahumma Baarik'Alaa Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa'Aali Muhammadin, kamaa Baarakta 'Alaa' Ibraheema wa 'Alaa 'Aali 'Ibraheema, 'Innaka Hameedun Majeed." ******
"Al Qur'an - first Ayath, came to our Nabi (s.a.w)
"Read! In the name of yourLord Who created. Created man from clinging cells. Read! And your Lord is Most Bountiful. The One Who taught with the Pen. Taught man what he did not know." (Qur'an 96: 1-5) - ~ - ~ - lt;18.may.2012/friday-6.12pm:{IST} ;(Ayatul Kursi Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 255/)
*- Al Qur'an's last ayath came to Nabi{s.a.w} -*
Allah states the following: “Thisday have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” [Qur’an 5:3]
Surat alAhzab 40; Says Our Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) is the final Prophet sent by Allah'

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* A Precious DUA' *
Dua' - '' All praise is due to Allah'. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' - - - O Allah, I am Your servant, son of Your servant, son of Your maidservant; my forelock is in Your hand; Your command over me is forever executed and Your decree over me is just; I ask You by every name belonging to You that You have named Yourself with, or revealed in Your book, ortaught to any of Your creation, or have preserved in the knowledge of the unseen with You, that You make the Qur'an thelife of my heart and the light of my breast, and a departure for my sorrow and a release from my anxiety.
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Moral stories |- Love in Islam (Al-Hubb Al-Islam)

Every heart that is not aflame is no heart;
A frozen heart is nothing but a handful of clay.
O God! Give me a breast that sets ablaze,
And in that breast a heartand that heart consumed with fire.
In Islam, the concept of love is one of the most important concepts.
This fact manifests itself in Islamic philosophy, theology, mysticism
and ethics; indeed, in some aspects, it plays the crucial role. For
example, in defining the Islamic point of view on the relation between
God and Universe in general, and between God and Mankind in
particular, love has the most significant and profound place. Love is
so central in Islam that it is seep as"the firmest handhold of faith"
and "faith (Iman) isnothing but love for the sake of God and hate for
the sake of God".
Ibn Abbas reported that Messenger of Allah (Peaceand blessings of
Allah be upon him) said: "The strongest faith is to be sincere for the
sake of Allah, to hate for the sakeof Allah (Tabarra), to lovefor the
sake of Allah (Tawalla), and to discard for the sake of Allah."
There is a tendency among some people to think that there should be no
hate at all. These people assume that excellence and nobility
ofcharacter and "being sociable" consist of having all men one's
friends. Certainly Islam recommends Muslims to love people and
optimizecompassionate and sincere relationship with them, even if they
do not believe in Islam or in God. However, it is not feasible for a
person whohas principles in his life and has devoted his life to
realize sacred values to be indifferent to evil and oppressive deeds
of wrongdoers and make friendship with everybody. Such a
personcertainly will have some enemies, whether he likes it or not.
There are always good people in the society and bad people. Good and
bad are two opposite poles. Attraction towards the good is not
possible without repulsion from the bad.
When two human beings attract each other and their hearts wish for
them to be friends and companions with one another, we should look for
a reason for that. The reason is nothing other than similarity and
resemblance. Unless there is a similarity between these two persons,
they cannot attract one another and move towards friendship with each
other, as saying goes, Birds of same feather flock together.
Maulana Rumi in his Mathnavi mentions fine story that illustrate this fact.
The story relates to a wise man that saw a Raven who had formed
affection for a Stork. They perched together and flew together! The
wise man could not understand how two birds of two different species
that had no similarity either in shape or in colour with each other
could be friends. He went close and discovered that both of them had
only one leg.
The same idea is emphasized by Imams of the Household ( Ahlul Bayt )
of Prophet Muhammad (saw). For example, Fudayl ibn Yasar, a disciple,
asked Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (as) whether love and hatred derive from
faith (Iman). Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (as) replied: "Is faith anythingbut
love and hate?"
It is also narrated that Imam al-Baqir (as) , stated that: Religion
(Deen) is love and love is religion.
As these statements and traditions indicate, love plays an important
and significant role. Hence it deserves our close attention in order
that we may discover the real meaning of the concept of love in Islam.
First of all, some questions come to the mind. What is the kind of
love that has been emphasized by Islam? Who is the object of this
special kind of love? Why should the believers havethis kind of love
and what purpose does it serve?
Love in Islam can be broadly categorized into:Love for God, love for
Prophet Muhammad (saw) and his Household (Ahlul Bayt), and love for
the faithful.

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01. Surely the Safa and the Marwa (two mountains in Makkah) are among
the signs appointed by Allah; so whoever makes a pilgrimage to the
House or pays a visit (to it), there is no blame on him if he goes
round them both; and whoever does good spontaneously, then surely
Allah is Grateful, Knowing. 2:158
02. They ask you (O Muhammad) concerning the new moon. Say: They are
times appointed for (the benefit of) men, and (for) the pilgrimage;
and it is not righteousness that you should enter thehouses at their
backs, butrighteousness is this that one should guard (against evil);
and go intothe houses by their doorsand be careful (of your duty) to
Allah, that you may be successful. 2:189
03. And accomplish the pilgrimage (the Hajj and Umrah) and the visit
for Allah, but if, you are prevented, (send) whatever offering is
easyto obtain, and do not shave your heads until the offering reaches
its destination; but whoeveramong you is sick or has an ailment of the
head, he (should effect) a compensation by fasting or alms or
sacrificing, then when you are secure, whoever profits by combining
the visit with the pilgrimage (should take) what offering is easy to
obtain;but he who cannot find (any offering) should fastfor three days
during the pilgrimage and for seven days when you return; these (make)
ten (days) complete; this is for him whose family is not present in
the Sacred Mosque, and be careful (of your duty) to Allah, and know
that Allah is severe in requiting (evil). 2:196
04. The pilgrimage is (performed in) the well-known months; so whoever
determines the performance of the pilgrimage therein, thereshall be no
intercourse nor fornication nor quarrelling amongst one another; and
whatever good you do, Allah knows it; and make provision, for surely
the provision is the guardingof oneself, and be careful(of your duty)
to Me, O men of understanding. 2:197
05. There is no blame on you in seeking bounty from your Lord, so when
you hasten on from"Arafat", then remember Allah near the Holy
Monument, and remember Him as He has guided you, though before that
you were certainly of the erring ones. 2:198
06. Then hasten on from the Place from which the people hasten on and
askthe forgiveness of Allah; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
07. So when you have performed your devotions (manasik), then laud
Allah as you lauded your fathers, rather a greater lauding. But there
are some people who say, Our Lord! Give us in the world, and they
shall have no resting place. 2:200
08. In it are clear signs, the standing place of Ibrahim, and whoever
enters it shall be secure, and pilgrimage to the House is incumbent
uponmen for the sake of Allah,(upon) every one who is able to
undertake the journey to it; and whoever disbelieves, then surely
Allah is Self-sufficient, above any need of the worlds. 3:97
09. O you who believe! Fulfill the obligations. The cattle quadrupeds
are allowed to you except that which is recited to you, not violating
the prohibition against game when you are entering upon the
performance of the pilgrimage; surely Allah orders what He desires.
10. O you who believe! Donot violate the signs appointed by Allah nor
the sacred month, nor (interfere with) the offerings, nor the
sacrificial animals with garlands, nor those going to the sacred house
seeking the grace and pleasure of their Lord; and when you are free
from the obligations of the pilgrimage, then hunt, and let not hatred
of a people - because they hindered you from the Sacred Masjid -
incite you to exceed the limits, and help one another in goodness and
piety, and do not help one another in sin and aggression; and be
careful of (your duty to) Allah; surely Allahis severe in requiting
(evil). 5:02
11. O you who believe! Allah will certainly try you in respect of some
game, which your hands and your lances can reach, that Allah might
know who fears Him in secret; but whoever exceeds the limit after
this, he shall have a painful punishment. 5:94
12. O you who believe! Donot kill game while you are on pilgrimage,
and whoever among you shall kill it intentionally, the compensation
(of it) is the like of what he killed, from the cattle, as two just
persons among you shall judge, as an offering to be brought tothe
Kaaba or the expiation (of it) is the feeding of the poor or the
equivalent of it in fasting, that he may tastethe unwholesome result
of his deed; Allah has pardoned what is gone by; and whoever returns
(to it), Allah will inflict retribution on him; and Allah is Mighty,
Lord of Retribution. 5:95
13. Lawful to you is the game of the sea and its food, a provision for
you and for the travelers, andthe game of the land is forbidden to you
so long as you are on pilgrimage,and be careful of (your duty to)
Allah, to Whom you shall be gathered. 5:96
14. Allah has made the Kaaba, the sacred house, a maintenance for the
people, and the sacred month and the offerings and the sacrificial
animals with garlands; this is that you may knowthat Allah knows
whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, and that
Allah is the Knower of all things. 5:97
15. Surely (as for) those who disbelieve, and hinder (men) from
Allah'sway and from the Sacred Mosque which We have made equally for
all men,(for) the dweller therein and (for) the visitor, and whoever
shall incline therein to wrong unjustly, We will make him taste of a
painful chastisement. 22:25
16. And when We assigned to Ibrahim the place of the House, saying: Do
not associate with Me aught, and purify My House for thosewho make the
circuit andstand to pray and bow and prostrate themselves.22:26
17. And proclaim among men the Pilgrimage: they will come to you on
foot and on every lean camel, coming from every remote path, 22:27
18. That they may witnessadvantages for them and mention the name of
Allah during stated days over what He has given them of the cattle
quadrupeds, then eat of them and feed the distressed one, the needy.
19. Then let them accomplish their needful acts of shaving and
cleansing, and let them fulfil their vows and let them go round the
Ancient House. 22:29
20. That (shall be so); and whoever respects the sacred ordinances of
Allah, it is better for him with his Lord; and the cattle are made
lawful for you, except that which is recited to you, therefore avoid
the uncleanness of the idols and avoid false words, 22:30
21. Being upright for Allah, not associating aught with Him and
whoever associates (others) with Allah, it is asthough he had fallen
from on high, then the birds snatch him away or the wind carries him
off to a far-distant place. 22:31
22. That (shall be so); and whoever respects the signs of Allah, this
surely is (the outcome) of the piety of hearts. 22:32
23. You have advantages in them till a fixed time, then their place of
sacrifice is the Ancient House. 22:33
24. And to every nation We appointed acts of devotion that they may
mention the name of Allah on what He has given them of the cattle
quadrupeds; so your god is One God, therefore to Him should you
submit, and give good news to the humble, 22:34
25. (To) those whose hearts tremble when Allah is mentioned, and those
who are patient under that which afflicts them, and those who keep up
prayer, and spend (benevolently) out of what We have given them. 22:35
26. And (as for) the camels, We have made them of the signs of the
religion of Allah for you; for you therein is much good; therefore
mention the name of Allah on them as they stand in a row, then when
they fall down eat of them and feed the poor man who is contented and
the beggar; thus have We made them subservient to you, that you may be
grateful. 22:36
27. There does not reach Allah their flesh nor their blood, but to Him
is acceptable the guarding (against evil) on your part; thus has He
made them subservient to you, that you may magnify Allah because He
has guided you aright; and give good news to those who do good (to
others). 22:37

Hajj - Articles|- Forty Hadith of HAJJ, Forty Hadithson HAJJ, Importance of HAJJ, Benefits of HAJJ

01 - Importance of Hajj
Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) has said, "By Allah, by
Allah, keep the House of your Lord in mind. Do not disregard it as
long as you remain (alive) because surely if it is ignored, then He
shall not look towards you (with His Mercy)."
02 - Hajj and Focusing on Allah
It has been narrated from Abi Ja'far [Imam Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Baqir]
(peace be upon him) that in regards to the words of Allah, the
Glorious and High:
"So then hasten towards Allah, surely I (Muhammad) am a plain warner
to you from Him."(Holy Quran 51:50)
Imam al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said, "Struggletowards Allah (perform Hajj)."
03 - Talbiyah and the Sacrifice
It has been narrated fromImam Ali [Ibn Abi Talib] (peace be upon him)
thathe said, "Jibril (Gabriel) descended to the Noble Prophet Muhammad
(blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) and said to him, 'O'
Muhammad! Command your companion's al-Ajj and al-Thalj. The al-Ajj is
to raise your voice in pronouncing the Talbiyah (Labbaik Allahumma
Labbaik) out loud, while the al-Thalj is to slaughter an animal (on
the day of Eid)."
04 - The Major Hajj (Hajj al-Akbar) and the Minor Hajj (Hajj al-Asghar)
It has been narrated by Mu'awiyah Ibn Ammar that he said, "I asked Aba
Abdillah [Imam Ja'far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq] (peace be upon him) in
regards to the day of the major Hajj (Hajj al-Akbar) and he said,
'This is the day of the sacrifice ('EidulQurban), while the minorHajj
(Hajj al-Asghar) is theUmrah."
05 - The Benefits of Hajj
It has been narrated from al-Ridha [Imam Ali Ibn Musa] (peace be upon
him) that he said, "I have not seen a single thing which makes a
person free from want (financially secure) quicker, nor which is more
effective in removing poverty, than continuously performing Hajj (year
after year)."
06 - Dying While on the Way to Hajj
It has been narrated fromAba Abdillah [Imam Ja'farIbn Muhammad
as-Sadiq](peace be upon him) thathe said, "A person who dies while
proceeding towards Makkah or whilereturning back (from Makkah) will be
protected from the great distress of the Day of Resurrection."
07 - The Sanctity of the Guests of Allah
It has been narrated fromAba Abdillah [Imam Ja'farIbn Muhammad
as-Sadiq](peace be upon him) thathe said, "Those who perform Hajj and
the Umrah are the guests of Allah. If they ask Him for something, He
will grant it to them; if they call upon Him then He will answer them;
if they intercede (for others), their intercession will be accepted;
if they remain quiet, then He will begin to speak to them; for every
dirham which they spend (in their trip to Hajj), they will receive one
million dirhams in return."
08 - Preparing for the Ihram
It has been narrated fromHimad Ibn Isa that he said, "I asked Aba
Abdillah [Imam Ja'far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq] (peace be upon him) on
how to prepare for the (wearing of the) Ihram? Imam Ja'far Ibn
Muhammad as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) replied, (One should prepare for
wearing the Ihram) by cutting the nails, trimming the moustache and
shaving the pubic hair."
09 - Looking at the Kaaba
It has been narrated fromal-Baqir [Imam Muhammad Ibn Ali] (peace be
upon him) that: "As long as a person is looking at the Kaaba, good
deeds will be written (in his record) and one's evil deeds will be
erased until one turns away one's glance (from the Kaaba)."
10 - Intention for Hajj
It has been narrated fromAba Abdillah [Imam Ja'farIbn Muhammad
as-Sadiq](peace be upon him) that, "Hajj is of two types:Hajj for the
sake of Allah and Hajj for the sake of people. A person who performs
Hajj for Allah, surely his reward will be with Allah - Paradise; anda
person who performs Hajj for people, surely hisreward will be with
people (to give him) on the Day of Resurrection."
11 - Fasting on the Day ofTashriq in Mina (Makkah)
As-Sadiq [Imam Ja'far Ibn Muhammad] (peace be upon him) was asked,"Why
is it discouraged to fast on the days of Tashriq (11th, 12th, and 13th
of Dhul Hijjah)?" Imam Ja'far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq (peace be upon
him) replied, "Since people are visiting Allah and are His guests
(during these days), it is not advisable that a guest should fast in
the presence of the One whom he is visiting."
12 - Hajj or Jihad?
It has been narrated fromas-Sadiq [Imam Ja'far Ibn Muhammad] (peace be
upon him) who said,"There is no path from the paths of Allah which is
greater than Hajj, except when a person comes out with his swordand
strives in the way of Allah until he is martyred."
13 - Reward for the Tawaf (Circumambulationof Kaaba)
The Noble Prophet Muhammad (blessings of Allah be upon him and his
family) has said, "A person who circumambulates this House (the Kaaba)
seven times and performs the two Rak'at Salat (of Tawaf) in the best
form possible will have his sinsforgiven."
14 - Hajj and the Renewalof the Pledge
Abi Ja'far [Imam Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Baqir] (peace be upon him) has
said, "The Hajr (Hajr Aswad - the Black Stone) is like the pledge (of
Allah) and rubbing the hand over it is like making a pledge of
allegiance (to Allah)." Whenever Imam Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Baqir (peace
be upon him) would rub his hand over the Hajr Aswad he used to say:
"O' Allah! I have fulfilled my trust and have renewed my pledge so
that it (the HajrAswad) can bear witness that surely I have
fulfilledmy responsibility."
15 - The Success and Perpetuity of Islam
It has been narrated fromAba Abdillah [Imam Ja'farIbn Muhammad
as-Sadiq](peace be upon him) who said, "As long as the Kaaba is
standing, the religion (of al-Islam) will remain standing."
16 - Philosophy behind the Name "Al-Kaaba"
It has been narrated that Abi Ja'far [Imam Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Baqir]
(peace be upon him) was asked, "Why is it (the Kaaba) named Baitul
Atiq (the Emancipated House)?" Imam Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Baqir (peace
be upon him) replied: "Because this house is free and emancipated from
people and was never under the ownership of anyone."
17 - Three Sacred Things
It has been narrated fromAba Abdillah [Imam Ja'farIbn Muhammad
as-Sadiq](peace be upon him) who said, "Surely Allah, the Noble and
Grand, has made three things sacredand there is nothing else
equivalent to them: His Book (Holy Quran) which is His Command and
Divine Light; His House (The Kaaba) which He hasmade as the focal
point (Qiblah) and He will not accept from anyone facing any other
direction; and the family of your Prophet."
18 - Donations to Maintain the Kaaba
It has been narrated fromImam Ali [Ibn Abi Talib] (peace be upon him)
who said, "If I were to possess two valleys flowing with gold and
silver, I would not donatea single thing to the Kaaba because it would
reach the (unworthy) people who maintain theKaaba - and not to the
poor and deserving people."
19 - The Safety of the Sanctuary (Haram)
It has been narrated from'Abdullah Ibn Sanan fromAba Abdillah [Imam
Ja'farIbn Muhammad as-Sadiq](peace be upon him) thathe asked, "What is
the meaning of His words: {And whosoever enters into it (the Haram),
does so in safety.}
Does this refer to the Kaaba or the entire Sanctuary (Haram)?"
Imam Ja'far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) replied, "A
person who enters into the Sanctuary (Haram) seeking protection, shall
remain protected; whoever from amongst the true believers enters into
the Sanctuary (Haram) seeking protection from the wrath of Allah shall
be protected from it; and whichever wild and domestic animal or bird
enters into the Sanctuary (Haram) will be protectedfrom being
disturbed and bothered until it leaves the Sanctuary (Haram)."
20 - The Four Chosen Cities
The Noble Prophet Muhammad (blessings of Allah be upon him and his
family) has said,"Surely Allah has chosen four cities from amongst all
others, just as He, the Noble and Grand has said(in the Holy Quran):
"I swear by 'the fig' and 'the olive' and the 'Mountain of Sinai' and
by this protected city." (Holy Quran 95:1-3)
'The fig' is the city of Madinah; 'The olive' is the city of Baitul
Maqdis (in Jerusalem); 'The Mountain of Sinai' is Kufah; and the
protected city is Makkah."
21 - Performing Hajj withHaram (Forbidden) Wealth
Abi Ja'far [Imam Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Baqir] (peace be upon him) has
said, "Allah, the Noble and Grand shall not accept Hajj or Umrah of a
person who performs them using Haram (Forbidden) wealth."
22 - Etiquette of Hajj
It has been narrated fromAbi Ja'far [Imam Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Baqir]
(peace be upon him) that he said, "It doesnot matter if one visits
this House (Kaaba) if he does not possess three traits: Cautiousness
(Wara) which prevents him from sinning; forbearance which helps him
rule over his anger; and good interaction with those who are with
23 - Exemptions for Women in Hajj Rites
It has been narrated fromAbi Ja'far [Imam Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Baqir]
(peace be upon him) that he said, "The following things are not
necessary for women to perform in Hajj: women do not have to pronounce
Talbiyah (Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik) out loud; nor dothey have to
perform the Harwalah (act of briefly running) between the mountains of
al-Safa and al-Marwah; the rubbing of the hand on the Hajr Aswad - the
Black Stone; entering into the Kaaba; and the shaving of the head;
instead, they only cut some of their hair."
24 - Distribution of Mercy in the Vicinity of the Kaaba
It has been narrated fromAba Abdillah [Imam Ja'farIbn Muhammad
as-Sadiq](peace be upon him) thathe said, "For Allah, the Noble and
Grand, there are 120 parts of Mercy around the Kaaba. From these,
sixty are for those performing the Tawaf around the Kaaba; forty are
for those performing the prayers; and twenty are for those just
looking(at the Kaaba)."
25 - Hijr (Wall) of Isma'il
Aba Abdillah [Imam Ja'farIbn Muhammad as-Sadiq](peace be upon him)
said, "Isma'il buried his mother (Hajrah) in the (area) of the Hijr
and then built a semi-circle shaped wall over it so that people would
not step upon her grave."
26 - Three Hundred and Sixty Tawaf of the Kaaba
It has been narrated fromAba Abdillah [Imam Ja'farIbn Muhammad
as-Sadiq](peace be upon him) who said, "It is recommended that a
person does the Tawaf of the Kaaba three hundred and sixty times - the
number of days in a year and if one is unable to doso, then one should
perform the Tawaf as much as possible."
27 - Rubbing the Corner of the Hajr Aswad - the Black Stone
The Noble Prophet Muhammad (blessings of Allah be upon him and his
family) has said,"Perform the Tawaf of the House (Kaaba) and rub your
hand over the Corner which has Hajr Aswad - the Black Stone, because
this is the right hand of Allah on His Earthwhich He shakes with His
28 - Salat inside Masjidul Haram (Makkah)
Al-Baqir [Imam Muhammad Ibn Ali] (peace be upon him) has said, "Salat
inside Masjidul Haram is greaterthan 100,000 Salat performed in any
other Masjid."
29 - Water of Zamzam
The Noble Prophet Muhammad (blessings of Allah be upon him and his
family) has said, "The water of Zamzam is a curefor whatever (ailment)
it is taken for."
30 - Supplication in Arafat
It has been narrated fromal-Ridha [Imam Ali Ibn Musa] (peace be upon
him): "Surely my father, Abu Ja'far (peace be upon him) used to say,
'There is not a single righteous person or sinner who makes a sojourn
at the Mountains of Arafat and calls upon Allah there, except that
Allah answers his call. For a righteous person (his call is answered)
in regards to the needs and necessities of the life of this temporal
world and the next life; while a sinner (is answered) in regards to
the affairs of the temporal world (only)."
31 - Importance of Arafat
The Noble Prophet Muhammad (blessings of Allah be upon him and his
family) has said, "The greatest sin of a person who goes to Arafat and
then leaves is to think that he has not been forgiven of his sins."
32 - Rewards for Stoning the Shaitan
It has been narrated fromAba Abdillah [Imam Ja'farIbn Muhammad
as-Sadiq](peace be upon him) in regards to the stoning of the Shaitan
that he said,"For every stone that a pilgrim throws, a major sin,
which would have led to his destruction, is averted from him."
33 - Philosophy behind Stoning the Shaitan
It has been narrated fromAli Ibn Ja'far from his brother Musa [Ibn
Ja'far al-Kadhim] (peace be upon him) that he said, "Iasked (my
brother) in regards to the philosophy of the stoningof the pillar and
why this was enacted." Imam Musa Ibn Ja'far al-Kadhim(peace be upon
him) replied to me, "Because Iblis, the despised, appeared to Ibrahim
[Abraham] (peace be upon him) in the place where the pillar is and
Ibrahim [Abraham] (peace be upon him) threw stones at him and thus,
this act became a Sunnah (practice) in Hajj."
34 - The Sacrifice of an Animal in Hajj
In a tradition, Imam Ali Ibn Hussain [Imam Zainul Aabidin] (peace be
upon him) has said, "When a person performing Hajj, slaughters an
animal, it saves him from the fire ofhell."
35 - Burying the Shaved Hair in Mina (Makkah)
It has been narrated fromAbi Ja'far [Imam Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Baqir]
(peace be upon him) from his father Imam Ali Ibn Hussain [Imam Zainul
Aabidin] (peace be upon him) thathe said, "al-Hasan and al-Hussain
used to ask that their hair (shaved onthe Eid day in Hajj) be buried
in Mina."
36 - Ziyarat of the Noble Prophet Muhammad (blessings of Allah be upon
him and his family)
It has been narrated fromthe Noble Prophet Muhammad (blessings of
Allah be upon him and his family) that he said,"A person seeing
(visiting) my grave deserves my intercession.And a person who visits
me after my death is like a person who visited me during my lifetime."
37 - Bidding Farewell to the Kaaba
It has been narrated fromIbrahim Ibn Mahmud thathe said, "I saw
al-Ridha [Imam Ali Ibn Musa] (peace be upon him) bid farewell to the
House (Kaaba) and when he intended to make his way out from the
Masjid, he fell into prostration (Sajdah), stood up, faced the Kaaba
and then said:"O' Allah! I have reinforced my belief that there is no
entity worthy of worship except Allah."
38 - Importance of the Ziyarat of the Ahlul Bayt after Hajj
It has been narrated fromAbi Ja'far [Imam Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Baqir]
(peace be upon him) that: "People have been commanded to come and
perform the Tawaf around these rocks (the Kaaba) and then come to us
(the Ahlul Bayt) and declare their submission and offer their help to
39 - Welcoming People who return from Hajj
It has been narrated fromAba Abdillah [Imam Ja'farIbn Muhammad
as-Sadiq](peace be upon him) that: "A person who meets one who has
returned from Hajj and shakes his hand (welcomes him back) is like a
person who rubbed his hand on the Hajr Aswad - the Black Stone."
40 - Walimah - Feeding Others after Returning From Hajj
The Noble Prophet Muhammad (blessings of Allah be upon him and his
family) has said,"Walimah is only in five occasions: in the Urs,
Khurs, Idhar, Wikar and Rikaz - Urs is when a person gets married; and
Khurs is when a child is born; and Idhar is on the circumcision of a
baby boy; and Wikar is when aperson purchases a house; and Rikaz is
when a person returns from Hajj."

Hajj - Articles|- Heart Touching Real Inspirational Hajj Story: Cobbler's Hajj

It is related that a noted Muslim scholar Abdullah bin Mubarak, had a
dream while he was sleeping near the Holy Kaaba in Makkah.
Abdullah bin Mubarak saw two angels' descend from the sky, and start
talking to each other.
One of the angels asked the other: "Do you know how many people have
come for Hajj this year?"
The other angel replied:"Six hundred thousand have come for Hajj."
Abdullah bin Mubarak had also gone for Hajj that year.
The first angel asked:"How many people's Hajj has been accepted?"
The second angel replied:"I wonder if anyone's Hajj has been accepted atall."
Abdullah bin Mubarak was grieved to hear that. He thought, "So many
people have come from all over the world, crossing so many obstacles
like rivers, jungles, desert and mountains, suffered so many
hardships, and meeting so many expenses. Would their effort be wasted?
Allah (SWT) does not let anyone's effort go to waste."
Abdullah bin Mubarak had thought only so far when he heard the other
angel speak: "There is a cobbler in Damascus. His name is Ali bin
al-Mufiq. He could not come for Hajj, but Allah (SWT) has accepted his
intention of Hajj. Not only will he get the reward for Hajj, but
because of him, all the Hajjis will be rewarded."
When Abdullah bin Mubarak woke up, he decided he would go to Damascus
and meet that cobbler whose Hajj intentions carried such a lot of
On reaching Damascus, Abdullah bin Mubarak inquired if anyone knew a
cobbler named Ali bin al-Mufiq. The town people directed him to a
house. When a man appeared from the houseAbdullah bin Mubarak greeted
him and asked his name. The man replied "Ali bin al-Mufiq."
Abdullah bin Mubarak asked: "What do you do for a living?"
Ali bin al-Mufiq replied: "Iam a cobbler." Then Ali bin al-Mufiq asked
the stranger's name that had come looking for him.
Abdullah bin Mubarak was a very well-known scholar of Islam, when
Abdullah bin Mubarak introduced him self, the cobbler was anxious to
find out why such a well known scholar was seeking him out.
When Abdullah bin Mubarak asked Ali bin al-Mufiq to tell him if he had
made any plans to go for Hajj. Ali bin al-Mufiq replied, "For thirty
years I have lived in the hope of performing the Hajj. This year I had
saved enough to go for Hajj, but Allah (SWT) did not will it, so I
couldn't make my intention translate into action."
Abdullah bin Mubarak was eager to find out how could this man's Hajjbe
accepted and blessed for all the people who went for Hajj that year
when he didn't go for Hajj in the first place. While talking to the
cobbler he could feel certain purity in his heart. Islam regards
greatness not in wealth or in power, but in civility, in good manners
and the goodness of heart.
Abdullah bin Mubarak further asked: "why could you not go on Hajj?" In
order not to disclose the reason, Ali bin al-Mufiq again replied "it
was Allah's (SWT) will."
When Abdullah bin Mubarak persisted, Ali bin al-Mufiq revealed:"Once I
went to see my neighbour's house. His family was just sitting down for
dinner. Although I was not hungry I thought my neighbour would invite
me to sit down for dinnerout of courtesy but I could see that my
neighbour was grieved about something and wanted to avoid inviting me
for dinner."
After some hesitation the neighbour told me: "I am sorry I cannot
invite you for food. We were without food for three days and I could
not bearto see the pain of hungerof my children. I went out looking
for food today and found a dead donkey. In my desperation I cut out
some meat from the deadanimal, and brought it home so that my wife
could cook this meat. It isHalal (lawful or permitted) for us
becauseof our extreme condition of hunger, but I cannot offer it to
Ali bin al-Mufiq continued: "On hearing this, my heart bled with
tears. I got up and went home, collected the threethousand dinars I
had saved for Hajj, and gave my neighbour the money. I too had to go
hungry but that was to save money for Hajj, but Ithought helping my
neighbour during his difficult times was more important. Although I
stilldesire to go for Hajj if Allah (SWT) wills."
Abdullah bin Mubarak was greatly inspired by the cobbler's story and
told the cobbler of his dream.
Allah (SWT) is merciful and shows mercy to those who do likewise to
his creatures. This act of compassion on the part of the cobbler was
so pleasing to Allah (SWT) that it not only earned him the reward of
Hajj but was extended to all the people who came for Hajj.
Hajj is a journey that can ignite the soul to be reminded of the time
it was created and takes it beyond the dimensions of this life to the
time it will meet the creator.
The sincere performance of Hajj can transcend a person's day to day
life into a spiritual awakening of the highest magnitude. A successful
Hajj experience connects us to our creator and the greater compassion
of humanity.
The Pilgrimage to Makkah, is one of the essential elements of the
Islamic faith. It is obligatory on all believers provided they have
the financial capability and physical ability to endure the challenges
of the pilgrimage.
According to Islamic tradition the Holy Kaaba, a simple square cube
structure in Makkah , wasthe first house of worship established to
remind humanity of the One Supreme God. The structure was
reconstructed by ProphetIbrahim / Abraham (as) and his son Prophet
Ismail / Ishmael (as) morethan 3000 years ago.
And when We made the House (at Makkah) a destination for humankind and
a sanctuary, (saying): Take as your place of worship the place where
Abrahamstood (to pray). And We imposed a duty upon Abraham and
Ishmael, (saying): Purify My house for those who go around and those
who meditate therein and those who bow down and prostrate themselves
(in worship). Holy Quran (2:125)
The gathering of millions of faithful in Makkah during the days of
annual pilgrimage, Hajj isa fulfillment of Prophet Abraham's prayer.
And remember Abraham said: "My Lord, make this a City of Peace, and
feed its people with fruits, such of them as believe in Allah and the
Last Day."Holy Quran (2:126)
The Pilgrimage to Makkah is a sign of supreme significance. It was
Prophet Ibraham's unconditional commitment to Allah (SWT) that led him
to leave his wife Hagar and his infant son Ismael in this desolated
desert. Prophet Ibrahim / Abraham (as) was rewardfor his unwavering
submission to Allah (SWT), by a promise from Him to make this
uninviting land into a place of promise and plenty.
Muslims who visit Makkah for Hajj become part of Allah's (SWT) promise
to Prophet Ibrahim / Abraham (as). Like any other article of faith,
the pilgrimage can become meaningless if it is regarded as an end in
itself rather than a meansfor the attainment of a meaningful life.
Heart Touching Real Inspirational Hajj Story: Lost Pouch!
I was in Makkah during the season of Hajj and I saw a man from
Khurasan calling out to the people, "Pilgrims, people of Makkah, I
have lost a pouch that containsa thousand dinars. So whoever returns
the pouch will be rewarded by Allah (SWT) with good and saved from the
Hellfire and Allah's (SWT) bounty and favors will beacquired on the
Day of Judgement."
An old man from the people of Makkah approached him and said,
"Khurasani, our city is in very tough condition, and the days of Hajj
are few, and its season is appointed, and the doors of profit making
are closed. This money might fall into thehands of a believer who is
poor and old in age. Maybe he plans to give it back if you promise
that you will give him a little bit of money that is Halal (lawful or
permitted) for him to use."
The Khurasani asked,"How much does he want?"
Old man replied, "He wants one tenth of the money."
The Khurasani replied,"No, I will not grant him the money. Instead I
will take my case to Allah (SWT) and complain to Him on the day we
meet Him, and Allah (SWT) is sufficient for us and the best one to
trust in."
I realized that it was the old man who was poor, and he was the one
who had taken the pouch of dinars and wished to have a little portion
of it. So I followed him until hereturned to his home. My assumptions
were confirmed. I heard him calling onto his wife,"Lubabah!"
She said, "I am at your service, Abu Ghayth."
The old man said, "I found the owner of the dinars calling for it, and
he does not intend to give any reward to the person who finds it. I
said to him, 'Give us one tenth of the money,' and he refused and said
he would take his case to Allah (SWT). What should I do, Lubabah? I
must return it, for I fear my Lord and I fear that my sin is
The wife replied, "Oh man! We have been struggling and suffering from
poverty with you for the last 50 years, and you have four
daughters,two sisters, my mother and me, and you are the ninth. Keep
all the moneyand feed us, for we are hungry, and clothe us, foryou
know better our situation. Perhaps Allah (SWT) the Almighty will make
you rich afterwardsand you might be able to give the money back after
you have fed your children, or Allah (SWT) will pay the amount you owe
on the day when thekingdom will belong to the King (Allah)."
The old man exclaimed,"Will I consume Haraam (unlawful) after 86 years
of my life, and burn my organs with Hellfire after I have been patient
with my poverty, and become worthy of Allah's (SWT) anger, even though
I am close to my grave? No, by Allah (SWT), I will not do so!"
I left amazed at his condition and that of his wife.
Later I heard the owner of the pouch, man from Khurasan, calling out
again, and the old man repeated his advice. This time he asked for ten
dinars instead of hundred dinars. The Khurasani refused. The people
dispersed and left.
Later, once again, the Khurasani made the samecall. The old man came
again and said,"Khurasani, I said to you the day before yesterday to
reward the finder a hundred dinars and you refused. Then I advised you
to give him ten dinars and you refused. So will you give only one
dinar so that he can buy with half of it things he needs and with the
otherhalf sheep's milk so that he can give to the peopleand feed his
The Khurasani again refused. The old man saidangrily, "Come and take
your money so that I can sleep at night, for I have not been in a good
moodever since I found this money pouch."
So the owner of the pouch went with the old man and I followed them
until the old man enteredhis house, dug a hole, and pulled out the
money and said, "Take your money and ask Allah(SWT) to forgive me and
bless me from His bounty."
The Khurasani then said,"Old man, my father died - may Allah have
mercy on him - and left behind three thousand dinars and said to me,
'Take out a third of this money andgive it to a person from the people
who is most deserving of it.' By Allah (SWT), I have not seen a person
since I left Khurasan until now, who is more worthy of it than you. So
take it, may Allah's (SWT) blessing be upon you, and may He reward you
for the trust you kept and your patience during poverty."
The Khurasani man left without the money. The old man wept and prayed,
"May Allah bless the owner of the money in his grave, and may Allah
bless his son."
I left after the Khurasani but Abu Ghayth, the old man, brought me
back. He said, "I have seen you following me since the first day; you
have come to know of our situation yesterday and today. So this is a
gift from Allah (SWT) to all those attending."
The old man called his daughters, his sisters, and his wife and her
mother, and sat down and made me sit down. We were ten people. The old
man gave out the dinars one by one in order until he reached me and
said, "Here is a dinar." The process continued until the bag was empty
and I receiveda hundred dinars. So joy filled my heart because of the
provision they received, more than the joy I had because I received a
hundred dinars.
When I was leaving the old man said, "Young man, you are blessed. Keep
this money with you, for it is Halal (lawful or permitted). And know
that I used to wake up for Fajr (Early Morning) Prayer with this wet
shirt. After I was done I would take it off and give it to my
daughters so that they could pray, one by one. Then I wouldgo to work
between ZuhrPrayer and Asr Prayer and then I would come back at the
end of the day with what Allah (SWT) has given me of dates and dry
pieces of bread. Then I would take off my clothes for my daughters and
they would pray Zuhr and Asr, and the same would happen for the
Maghrib and Isha Prayers. And we did not ever expect to see this kind
of money. So may Allah (SWT) make us make good use of them, and may
Allah (SWT) bless the person in his grave and multiply the reward for
So I told him goodbye and took the hundred dinars and used them to
write knowledge for twoyears. I used it to buy paper and pay rent.
"...And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make
a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). And He will provide
him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his
trust in Allah, then He will suffice him ..." Holy Quran(65:2-3)

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