Shall I stay with my husband or listen to my family and leave him?
I am very confused on what I shall do. I got married 10 months ago
tomy boyfriend, both our families were against it as I fell pregnant
before I gotmarried. After I terminatedmy pregnancy, I forced myfamily
to get me married to my husband, he left his family to marry me and my
family broke all ties with me.
My mother and one of my sisters kept in touch with me a few months
after to see if I was okay. Mine andmy husbands relationship had been
going well, apartfrom his anger issue. We started to have heated
arguments a few months after we got married but I did not tell anyone.
My husband has to go abroad every 6 months regarding his visa. This
time he is going in July and does not want to leave me home alone and
says he was worried about me.
So, he texted my sister to ask her if my mum could keep me for 6 days
till he is away and as my family still dont trust him and think he
only married me for my visa said no. He then had a heated argument
with my sister and brother, after the argument he came home and said
he is throwing me out of the house because my family doesn'tcare about
me and nor does he. After he walked out, I was really upset andtook
lots antibiotics tablets. My husband rushed me to the hospital to make
sure I was okay.
He said he was sorry for the way he spoke to me and treated me and
said he was worried and that was the cause for his behaving like that.
He alsosaid to me I am not allowed to meet my family or even speak to
them anymore. (My husbands family have started to meet him and he
works with them in their business, and is also at home with them
duringthe day.)
My family contacted me the next day and and my mum was asking me to
leave my husband and shewill support me always. She said to me that he
is only with me for the visa and as soon as he gets thepassport he
will leave me. My sister contacted me and told me to do the same
Now, I am very confused on what to do? My husband has refused to letme
go to university, I'm not allowed to meet my friends. He goes out with
his family to parties but I'm not allowed to go as his family haven't
announced our wedding, they are waiting for his sister to get married
as she is older than him.
I know my family don't want me to be with him because they don't like
him and don't trust him, but I know he loves me, he cares for me so
much. IfI leave him, I gain my family back but if I choose him then I
lose my family again. He said to me we will make it work, but I'm not
sure. I don't know what I want? or don't know what to do?
Please help me, what is right islamically.
Raihaanaa. Thanks
- - - - - - -
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Monday, July 9, 2012
* Write ur openions At Comment
I’m planning second marriage to a woman in need. How do I address thesecular government issues?
Q:-> Dear Sheikh and scholars of Islam, I hope you can help me with my
situationas I have reached a dead end and would like to seek the
advice of people of knowledge. May Allah reward you.
I am currently married andwould like to marry a second wife Insha
Allah. I am an American who lives and works in Singapore and my future
second wifeis from Indonesia.
The problem is the following: I am planning to make the marriage
official in Indonesia, but the Indonesian government requires a
document from my embassy called 'No objection to marriage'. This
document cannot be issued by my country because polygamy is illegal in
the US. So this means that I cannot make a civil marriage and my
marriage will not be recognized by any government offices (neither in
Indonesia nor in the US).
I have then thought aboutmaking a traditional marriage with the future
wife, her father (wali), andtwo witnesses under the auspices of an
Imam followed by a Walimah to publicize the marriage. The problem with
this is that if we have children, they will have several difficulties
because they will not be issued documents, will not have an official
father (on paper) and other problems.
I feel sad for this situation as this woman I am planning to marry is
reallyin need. She is a widow with 2 orphaned daughters who are 10
and2 years old. I feel our secular governments are making haram what
Allah has made Halal and are making the lives of Muslims very
difficult. Can you please advise on whatto do? I have prayed Istikhara
several times andmy feeling is positive towards marriage but I still
have these issues which have to do with thefuture of our offspring.
Please take note that I am seeking a second wife because my wife
cannot have children. Please advise your brother.
Jazakum Allah Khair
Wassalamu Aleikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh
A:-> I just want to start by saying, we are neither shaykhs nor
scholars. We are just laypeople trying to advise others as best as
possible insha'Allah, basedon our own personal experiences and limited
knowledge of Islam.
Unfortunately, I don't havethe extensive knowledge about the governing
countries you've mentioned to give any meaningful feedback about the
situation you are considering. From my heart, what I can tell you is
this: if you really believethat Allah is guiding you inthis direction,
then follow His guidance and trust Himto work out the details. In my
experience, when we follow Allah, even when situations seem
hopelesslycomplicated from our cognitive understanding, He has a way
of making everything work together for those involved. If it were me,
I would go forward with an Islamic Nikkah and take the next steps and
days one at a time, and work on each issue that may arise as it comes.
I can say, if your current wife (who I am presumingis also an American
citizen)already knows and consents to your intentions, maybe she would
be willing to give you a civil divorce (remaining married to
youIslamically) to help make the path clearer for you with the second
marriage. Then, possibly you can help your second wife attain US
citizenship, which would help the concerns you noted about possible
future children. However, if you haven't told your current wife about
what's going on or if she is not in cooperationwith you about this,
I'd say you have a bigger problem on your hands altogether.
- - - - - - -
situationas I have reached a dead end and would like to seek the
advice of people of knowledge. May Allah reward you.
I am currently married andwould like to marry a second wife Insha
Allah. I am an American who lives and works in Singapore and my future
second wifeis from Indonesia.
The problem is the following: I am planning to make the marriage
official in Indonesia, but the Indonesian government requires a
document from my embassy called 'No objection to marriage'. This
document cannot be issued by my country because polygamy is illegal in
the US. So this means that I cannot make a civil marriage and my
marriage will not be recognized by any government offices (neither in
Indonesia nor in the US).
I have then thought aboutmaking a traditional marriage with the future
wife, her father (wali), andtwo witnesses under the auspices of an
Imam followed by a Walimah to publicize the marriage. The problem with
this is that if we have children, they will have several difficulties
because they will not be issued documents, will not have an official
father (on paper) and other problems.
I feel sad for this situation as this woman I am planning to marry is
reallyin need. She is a widow with 2 orphaned daughters who are 10
and2 years old. I feel our secular governments are making haram what
Allah has made Halal and are making the lives of Muslims very
difficult. Can you please advise on whatto do? I have prayed Istikhara
several times andmy feeling is positive towards marriage but I still
have these issues which have to do with thefuture of our offspring.
Please take note that I am seeking a second wife because my wife
cannot have children. Please advise your brother.
Jazakum Allah Khair
Wassalamu Aleikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh
A:-> I just want to start by saying, we are neither shaykhs nor
scholars. We are just laypeople trying to advise others as best as
possible insha'Allah, basedon our own personal experiences and limited
knowledge of Islam.
Unfortunately, I don't havethe extensive knowledge about the governing
countries you've mentioned to give any meaningful feedback about the
situation you are considering. From my heart, what I can tell you is
this: if you really believethat Allah is guiding you inthis direction,
then follow His guidance and trust Himto work out the details. In my
experience, when we follow Allah, even when situations seem
hopelesslycomplicated from our cognitive understanding, He has a way
of making everything work together for those involved. If it were me,
I would go forward with an Islamic Nikkah and take the next steps and
days one at a time, and work on each issue that may arise as it comes.
I can say, if your current wife (who I am presumingis also an American
citizen)already knows and consents to your intentions, maybe she would
be willing to give you a civil divorce (remaining married to
youIslamically) to help make the path clearer for you with the second
marriage. Then, possibly you can help your second wife attain US
citizenship, which would help the concerns you noted about possible
future children. However, if you haven't told your current wife about
what's going on or if she is not in cooperationwith you about this,
I'd say you have a bigger problem on your hands altogether.
- - - - - - -
A Muslim man is the father of my new born baby, who nowignores us
I am a Native American/Mexican woman,I've lived in North Americamy
whole life. I met a Muslim man from Afghanistan and we started seeing
each other and fell in love. I will call him "Fred". I have never met
Fred's family and he has never met mine.
Four Months into our relationship I became pregnant. I was happy,
butnervous and scared because we hadn't been together very long and I
wasn't sure how Fred would react. At first Fred seemed happy and then
one day he came to me and told me that he didn't want the baby and
said that I would have to choose between him or the baby. It hurt to
hear Fred say this or to even think of getting rid of the baby.
I'm not religious but I consider myself to be a spiritual person and
do not believe in abortion. I decided that abortion wasn't an option
and continued on with my pregnancy. We continued to see each other and
the discussion of my pregnancy rarely came up and when it did most of
the time Fred would be defencive and not want totalk about it.
While we were together Fred told me that he would be kicked out of
hishome if he told his family. As far as I know Fred still never told
them about thebaby and I feel that I have lied to them even though we
don't know each other.There were times when Fred would express
happiness and interest in my pregnancy and it would make me so happy.I
thought that his negativity was just fear and that he would embrace
our child after he was born.
I now have a beautiful baby boy who is almost a year old and he's the
joy of my life. Unfortunately Fred stopped seeing me shortly before I
gave birth and has never met our son. I have tried to contactFred
several times in attempt to have him involved in our son's life. The
few times we spoke he said that he would come see our son, but the
last time I attempted to speak with Fred he hung up on me without even
saying hello and has ignored my calls since.
We never really discussed our religious beliefs while we were together
and I don't have much knowledge about Islam other than what I have
recently researched online.According to my research pre-maritial sex
is frowned upon and having a child before marriage is not allowed. My
child would be considered a "Haram Baby" and he would not be accepted
as part of Fred's family because he was born out of wed-lock.
In my heart I believe that Fred wanted to have this child with me but
has been restricted by his beliefs. I know that he is a good man and
he truly loved me. I am still in lovewith him and hope that someday
we might be a family. I'm filled with sadness because my son doesn't
have a father.
I'm hurt because I have been left to deal with this alone without
explanation. I have done everything for my son andeveryday is a
struggle mentally, emotionally and physically.
I have been considering filing for child support, butI don't want
cause any confrontation with Fred orhis family. I'm not interested in
money, but I don't think that I should have to take on all of this
responsibility by myself. I was hoping he would eventually come around
but it's been about a five months since the last timewe talked.
I'm searching for an understanding as to why he hasn't taken
responsibility for his son and if there will ever be a possibility of
him being in our son's life??
I'm curious what might happen if I approach his family with this
situation and what it would mean for Fred??
I'm also curious if Fred is never going to be involved in our sons
life, what can I do to teach ourson about his culture??
I don't wish to offend anyone so please correct me if I'm wrong about
theinformation I've researched.
- Janet
- - - - - - -
whole life. I met a Muslim man from Afghanistan and we started seeing
each other and fell in love. I will call him "Fred". I have never met
Fred's family and he has never met mine.
Four Months into our relationship I became pregnant. I was happy,
butnervous and scared because we hadn't been together very long and I
wasn't sure how Fred would react. At first Fred seemed happy and then
one day he came to me and told me that he didn't want the baby and
said that I would have to choose between him or the baby. It hurt to
hear Fred say this or to even think of getting rid of the baby.
I'm not religious but I consider myself to be a spiritual person and
do not believe in abortion. I decided that abortion wasn't an option
and continued on with my pregnancy. We continued to see each other and
the discussion of my pregnancy rarely came up and when it did most of
the time Fred would be defencive and not want totalk about it.
While we were together Fred told me that he would be kicked out of
hishome if he told his family. As far as I know Fred still never told
them about thebaby and I feel that I have lied to them even though we
don't know each other.There were times when Fred would express
happiness and interest in my pregnancy and it would make me so happy.I
thought that his negativity was just fear and that he would embrace
our child after he was born.
I now have a beautiful baby boy who is almost a year old and he's the
joy of my life. Unfortunately Fred stopped seeing me shortly before I
gave birth and has never met our son. I have tried to contactFred
several times in attempt to have him involved in our son's life. The
few times we spoke he said that he would come see our son, but the
last time I attempted to speak with Fred he hung up on me without even
saying hello and has ignored my calls since.
We never really discussed our religious beliefs while we were together
and I don't have much knowledge about Islam other than what I have
recently researched online.According to my research pre-maritial sex
is frowned upon and having a child before marriage is not allowed. My
child would be considered a "Haram Baby" and he would not be accepted
as part of Fred's family because he was born out of wed-lock.
In my heart I believe that Fred wanted to have this child with me but
has been restricted by his beliefs. I know that he is a good man and
he truly loved me. I am still in lovewith him and hope that someday
we might be a family. I'm filled with sadness because my son doesn't
have a father.
I'm hurt because I have been left to deal with this alone without
explanation. I have done everything for my son andeveryday is a
struggle mentally, emotionally and physically.
I have been considering filing for child support, butI don't want
cause any confrontation with Fred orhis family. I'm not interested in
money, but I don't think that I should have to take on all of this
responsibility by myself. I was hoping he would eventually come around
but it's been about a five months since the last timewe talked.
I'm searching for an understanding as to why he hasn't taken
responsibility for his son and if there will ever be a possibility of
him being in our son's life??
I'm curious what might happen if I approach his family with this
situation and what it would mean for Fred??
I'm also curious if Fred is never going to be involved in our sons
life, what can I do to teach ourson about his culture??
I don't wish to offend anyone so please correct me if I'm wrong about
theinformation I've researched.
- Janet
- - - - - - -
Some one says
"Move in the direction thatyou want for yourself, andfocus on where
you want to be, while you make a real plan to get there (faith and
works go together)... And leave, leave, leave, those fairweather
friends alone. To grow, we've gotta let some folks go! Keep on moving,
don't stop... focus on what you want to see happen, and MAKE IT
HAPPEN. With GOD it's possible."
- - - - - - -
you want to be, while you make a real plan to get there (faith and
works go together)... And leave, leave, leave, those fairweather
friends alone. To grow, we've gotta let some folks go! Keep on moving,
don't stop... focus on what you want to see happen, and MAKE IT
HAPPEN. With GOD it's possible."
- - - - - - -
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