Don't like running out to the doctor for every little thing that ails
you? Who can blame you? A trip to the doctor can be costly, not to
mention timeconsuming.
If you are in a hurry, want to save a little money, or just want to
try something different, here are ten home remedies that you might not
have known about.
1.Have an ear ache? Try castoroil! Dip a cotton ball in castor oil,
then pour a few drops from the cotton ball into the infected ear. The
castor oil is supposed to help draw out the infection and in turn
relieve the pain.
2.Bothered by a blister? Try dabbing mouthwash on it three times
daily. Mouthwash is an antiseptic and will help dry out a blister.
3.Hopping mad about hiccups? Chase them away with a spoonful of sugar!
A teaspoon of dry granulated sugar helps to stimulate the vagus nerve,
resetting the diaphragm and stopping hiccups.
4.Bad breath bugging you? The live bacteria found in yogurt can help
to dissolve bad breath issues. Simply add a daily serving of yogurt to
your diet.
5.Aches and pains got you down? Try taking an Epsom Salt bath.
Dissolve two cups ofEpsom Salt in your bath water and soak for twelve
minutes. If the pain is localized in a hand or foot, you can add one
cup to a gallon of warm waterin a basin and just soak the affected
6.Can't beat cold feet? Try sprinkling a little cayenne pepper in your
socks! It is believed that cayenne has a natural warming effect, and
can help to get your blood flowing.
7.Hollering about hemorrhoids? Witch hazel is anatural astringent
which can help to contract the skin and blood vessels back to normal
size. Alone, it can dry out the skin, so apply it with Vaseline or a&d
8.Steaming over a sore throat? Licorice may be your answer! The sweet
root contains a natural coating agent which can help ease the pain of
throat inflammation.
9.Nervous about a nose bleed? If pinching your nose isn't stopping it,
try nasal spray. Most emergency room visits for nosebleeds are treated
successfully with oxymetazoline, which just so happens to be the
decongestant found in common OTC nasal sprays. Simply tilt your head
forward and blow your nose clear, then use the nasal spray normally,
and pinch the soft part of your nose closed for ten minutes.
10.Duct tape fixes everything,and warts are no exception! Apply a
small piece of duct tape to a wart every three days, removing the duct
tape ad filing the wart with pumice stone in between. One study has
shown that it is 25% more effective than freezing!
:-> :->
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Monday, May 28, 2012
HEALTH - ~ 10 Surprising Home Remedies
The glorious world of electrons
Atoms, too small to be seen with the naked eye, are made up of a
nucleus and ELECTRONS revolving around that nucleus.
Since the proton constituting the nucleus is positively charged and
the neutron is uncharged, the nucleus itself is always POSITIVELY
CHARGED. The electrons that revolve around the nucleus one million
One of the most important characteristics that makes atoms so
magnificent is the endless revolution of the electrons.
The electrons in the atom, that never cease to exist since the moment
SPEED , no matter how much time passes or what substance they are a
part of.
Every atom has a different number of electrons. For example, there is
just one electron in a hydrogen atom, two in a helium atom and 92 in a
uranium atom.
These electrons revolve in seven separate orbits. In heavy atoms, some
100 electrons are distributed among these seven orbits. Scores of
electrons revolve atan extraordinary speed in the same orbit, or even
cross between orbits. YET THEY NEVER COLLIDE.
This is one of the most amazing aspects of electrons.Not one of the
hundred or so electrons in seven different orbits, revolving a million
times a second, ever collides with another, goes off courseor slows
down. Each maintains its glorious movement on its own path, in a
stunning harmony, and has done so since the creation of the universe.
There is another amazing point here. In order for electrons to have
different orbits they should have different masses, just like
theplanets. But all electrons HAVE THE SAME MASS AND SIZE . It is as
yet unknown why the energy levels of these identical particles are
different and why they travelin different orbits.
Electrons assume their placesin their orbits with a special command
and change places when necessary in the same way. They are specially
protected, and thus never collide because they are under the sole
control of Almighty Allah, Who created and watches over them at every
Every atom created over the last 15 billion years maintains that same
wondrous order.
For 15 billion years, not a single electron has followed the wrong
orbit, changed speed or collided with another electron because every
electron is within the knowledge of our Lord and acts by His command.
That is why, in terms of knowledge and creation, everything from giant
galaxies to the invisible world inside the atom are all one and the
same. They all came into being by our Lord Allah commanding them to
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed satan:
Our Word to a thing when We desire it is just to say to it "Be!" and
it is. (Surat an-Nahl, 40)
:-> :->
nucleus and ELECTRONS revolving around that nucleus.
Since the proton constituting the nucleus is positively charged and
the neutron is uncharged, the nucleus itself is always POSITIVELY
CHARGED. The electrons that revolve around the nucleus one million
One of the most important characteristics that makes atoms so
magnificent is the endless revolution of the electrons.
The electrons in the atom, that never cease to exist since the moment
SPEED , no matter how much time passes or what substance they are a
part of.
Every atom has a different number of electrons. For example, there is
just one electron in a hydrogen atom, two in a helium atom and 92 in a
uranium atom.
These electrons revolve in seven separate orbits. In heavy atoms, some
100 electrons are distributed among these seven orbits. Scores of
electrons revolve atan extraordinary speed in the same orbit, or even
cross between orbits. YET THEY NEVER COLLIDE.
This is one of the most amazing aspects of electrons.Not one of the
hundred or so electrons in seven different orbits, revolving a million
times a second, ever collides with another, goes off courseor slows
down. Each maintains its glorious movement on its own path, in a
stunning harmony, and has done so since the creation of the universe.
There is another amazing point here. In order for electrons to have
different orbits they should have different masses, just like
theplanets. But all electrons HAVE THE SAME MASS AND SIZE . It is as
yet unknown why the energy levels of these identical particles are
different and why they travelin different orbits.
Electrons assume their placesin their orbits with a special command
and change places when necessary in the same way. They are specially
protected, and thus never collide because they are under the sole
control of Almighty Allah, Who created and watches over them at every
Every atom created over the last 15 billion years maintains that same
wondrous order.
For 15 billion years, not a single electron has followed the wrong
orbit, changed speed or collided with another electron because every
electron is within the knowledge of our Lord and acts by His command.
That is why, in terms of knowledge and creation, everything from giant
galaxies to the invisible world inside the atom are all one and the
same. They all came into being by our Lord Allah commanding them to
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed satan:
Our Word to a thing when We desire it is just to say to it "Be!" and
it is. (Surat an-Nahl, 40)
:-> :->
There is no evolution in the Qur'an
What is the matter with youthat you do not hope for honour from
Allah,when He created you by successive stages?(Surah Nuh, 13-14)
Has man ever known a pointof time when he was not something
remembered? (Surat al-Insan, 1)
We created man from a mingled drop to test him, and We made him
hearing and seeing. (Surat al-Insan, 2)
His companion, with whom he was debating, said to him, 'Do you then
disbelieve in Him Who created you from dust, then from a drop of
sperm, and then formed you as a man? (Surat al-Kahf, 37)
Mankind! if you are in any doubt about the Rising, know that We
created you from dust then from a drop of sperm then from a clot of
blood then from a lump of flesh, formed yet unformed, so We may make
things clear to you. We make whatever We want stay in the womb until a
specified time and then We bring you out as children so that you can
reach your full maturity. Some of you die and some of you revert to
the lowest form of life so that, after having knowledge, they then
know nothing at all. And you see the earth dead and barren; then when
We send down water onto it it quivers and swells and sprouts with
luxuriant plants of every kind. (Surat al-Haj, 5)
It is He Who created you from earth,then from a dropof sperm,then from
a clot of blood, then He brings you out as infants, then so you may
achieve full strength, then so you may become oldmen –though some of
you may die before that time –so that you may reach a predetermined
age and so that hopefully you will use your intellect.(Surat Ghafir,
out of a sperm-drop when it spurted forth; (Surat al-Najm, 46)
Your Lord said to the angels,'I am going to create a human being out
of clay. (Surat al-Sad, 71)
When your Lord said to the angels, 'I am putting a khalifon the
earth,' they said, 'Why put on it one who will cause corruption on it
and shed blood when we glorify You with praise and proclaim Your
purity?' He said, 'I know what you do not know.' (Surat al-Baqara, 30)
He created you from a singleself, then produced its matefrom it, and
sent down livestock to you – (Surat az-Zumar, 6)
Those who reject their Lord will have the punishment of Hell.What an
evil destination! (Surat al-Mulk, 23)
and placed the moon as a light in them and made the sun a blazing
lamp? (Surah Nuh, 16)
Allah has spread the earth out as a carpet for you (Surah Nuh, 19)
He said, 'Your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers, theprevious
peoples.' (Surat ash-Shu'ara', 26)
There is no god but Him –He gives life and causes to die –your Lord
and the Lord of your forefathers, the previous peoples.(Surat
ad-Dukhan, 8)
Or were you present when death came to Ya'qub and he said to his sons,
'What will you worship when I have gone?' They said, 'We will worship
your God, the God of your forefathers, Ibrahim, Isma'il and Ishaq –
one God. We are Muslims submitted to Him.'(Surat al-Baqara, 133)
Allah caused you to grow from the earth then will return you to it and
bring you out again.(Surat an-Nuh,17-18)
Your Lord creates and chooses whatever He wills. The choice is not
theirs. Glory be to Allah! He is exalted above anything theyassociate
with Him! (Surat al-Kasas, 68)
Praise be to Allah, the Bringer into Being of the heavens and earth,
He who made the angels messengers, with wings – two, three or four. He
adds to creation in any way He wills. Allah has power over all things.
(Surat al-Fatir, 1)
You are well aware of those of you who broke the Sabbath. We said to
them, 'Be apes, despised, cast out.'We made it an exemplary punishment
for those there then, and those coming afterwards, and a warning to
those who have taqwa. (Surat al-Baqara, 65-66)
Say: 'Shall I tell you of a reward with Allah far worse than that:
that of those whom Allah has cursed and with whom He is angry –
turning some of them into monkeys and into pigs – andwho worshipped
false gods?Such people are in a worse situation and further from the
right way.' (Surat al-Maida, 60)
:-> :->
Allah,when He created you by successive stages?(Surah Nuh, 13-14)
Has man ever known a pointof time when he was not something
remembered? (Surat al-Insan, 1)
We created man from a mingled drop to test him, and We made him
hearing and seeing. (Surat al-Insan, 2)
His companion, with whom he was debating, said to him, 'Do you then
disbelieve in Him Who created you from dust, then from a drop of
sperm, and then formed you as a man? (Surat al-Kahf, 37)
Mankind! if you are in any doubt about the Rising, know that We
created you from dust then from a drop of sperm then from a clot of
blood then from a lump of flesh, formed yet unformed, so We may make
things clear to you. We make whatever We want stay in the womb until a
specified time and then We bring you out as children so that you can
reach your full maturity. Some of you die and some of you revert to
the lowest form of life so that, after having knowledge, they then
know nothing at all. And you see the earth dead and barren; then when
We send down water onto it it quivers and swells and sprouts with
luxuriant plants of every kind. (Surat al-Haj, 5)
It is He Who created you from earth,then from a dropof sperm,then from
a clot of blood, then He brings you out as infants, then so you may
achieve full strength, then so you may become oldmen –though some of
you may die before that time –so that you may reach a predetermined
age and so that hopefully you will use your intellect.(Surat Ghafir,
out of a sperm-drop when it spurted forth; (Surat al-Najm, 46)
Your Lord said to the angels,'I am going to create a human being out
of clay. (Surat al-Sad, 71)
When your Lord said to the angels, 'I am putting a khalifon the
earth,' they said, 'Why put on it one who will cause corruption on it
and shed blood when we glorify You with praise and proclaim Your
purity?' He said, 'I know what you do not know.' (Surat al-Baqara, 30)
He created you from a singleself, then produced its matefrom it, and
sent down livestock to you – (Surat az-Zumar, 6)
Those who reject their Lord will have the punishment of Hell.What an
evil destination! (Surat al-Mulk, 23)
and placed the moon as a light in them and made the sun a blazing
lamp? (Surah Nuh, 16)
Allah has spread the earth out as a carpet for you (Surah Nuh, 19)
He said, 'Your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers, theprevious
peoples.' (Surat ash-Shu'ara', 26)
There is no god but Him –He gives life and causes to die –your Lord
and the Lord of your forefathers, the previous peoples.(Surat
ad-Dukhan, 8)
Or were you present when death came to Ya'qub and he said to his sons,
'What will you worship when I have gone?' They said, 'We will worship
your God, the God of your forefathers, Ibrahim, Isma'il and Ishaq –
one God. We are Muslims submitted to Him.'(Surat al-Baqara, 133)
Allah caused you to grow from the earth then will return you to it and
bring you out again.(Surat an-Nuh,17-18)
Your Lord creates and chooses whatever He wills. The choice is not
theirs. Glory be to Allah! He is exalted above anything theyassociate
with Him! (Surat al-Kasas, 68)
Praise be to Allah, the Bringer into Being of the heavens and earth,
He who made the angels messengers, with wings – two, three or four. He
adds to creation in any way He wills. Allah has power over all things.
(Surat al-Fatir, 1)
You are well aware of those of you who broke the Sabbath. We said to
them, 'Be apes, despised, cast out.'We made it an exemplary punishment
for those there then, and those coming afterwards, and a warning to
those who have taqwa. (Surat al-Baqara, 65-66)
Say: 'Shall I tell you of a reward with Allah far worse than that:
that of those whom Allah has cursed and with whom He is angry –
turning some of them into monkeys and into pigs – andwho worshipped
false gods?Such people are in a worse situation and further from the
right way.' (Surat al-Maida, 60)
:-> :->
The way to escape selfishness and egotism is through the moral values of Islam
· What damage does selfishness and egotism do to society?
· How can selfish and egotistical societies escape this spiritual sickness?
Omniscient Allah has created the human soul with a predisposition to
selfishness as a test. Unless he lives by the moral values of the
Qur'an and tames his earthly desires, this feeling will come to
dominate his whole moral framework. Such a person generally thinks of
himself alone, rather than everyone else. He always wants the best,
finest and most perfect of everything for himself. He wants to have
possessions and children and for his own family merely to be
comfortable. Whenever he encounters any difficulties he will expect
the people around him to undergo all kinds of risks and troubles
forhim and to support him, evenat the cost of their own interests. He
seeks to protect his own whims and interests and to ensure his own
ease and comfort. When the situation is different he can forgo many
things he values, for the sake of protecting his own interests and
preventing any harm coming to him. Allah has revealed this passionate
selfish feeling in human earthly desires as follows in the Qur'an:
" Truly man was created headstrong –
desperate when bad things happen,
begrudging when good things come –." (Surat al-Ma'arij, 19–21)
Selfishness and Egotism Are a Major Threat to Modern Societies
The materialist, Darwinist thinking that is widespread in modern
societies that do not live by religious moral values reinforces the
selfish and egotistical spirit in human nature and disseminates a
"me-first" philosophy. Indeed, the idea of " So long as I'm all right,
who cares what happens to anyone else?" or "Looking out for number
one" generally dominates such societies. But selfishness and egotism
are a major threat to society because ideas like truth, justice and
law vanish in such a society .Feelings such as beauty, love,affection,
compassion and respect become regarded as unnecessary. Thus, people
who are oppressed and slaughtered, innocent babies, people who lack
the money for proper hospital treatment, or who have to wait for hours
or even days in hospital queues, despite being old or weak, people who
are forced out of their homes or lands because of their faiths and
tiny, defenseless children thrown out onto the streets to survive as
best they can are of no interest to such people.This structure
generally leadsto a troubled and unhappy air in society.
This structure among people and societies who are selfish,loveless,
aggressive, who protect their own interests and violate everyone
else's, who wear a harsh mask and who have no love or fear of Allah,
can only be eliminatedthrough people living by the moral values of the
Qur'an, asIslam and cultivating love of Allah is the only way to
acquire such instances of good conscience as compassion and
helpfulness, features at the root of Qur'anic moral values, and to
escape selfishness and egotism. Our Lord reveals how the Qur'an leads
people from the darkness to the light as follows:
"… A Light has come to you from Allah and a Clear Book.
By it, Allah guides those whofollow what pleases Him to the ways of
Peace. He will bring them from the darkness to the light by His
permission, and guide them to a straight path." (Surat al-Ma'ida,
People Can Only Protect and Watch over One Another with Love and Fear of Allah
Fear and love of Allah enables people to submit themselves to Him, to
see the best in everything and to have compassion. In the verses Allah
reveals how the only interest of concern to believers is His approval:
" They fulfill their vows and fear a Day whose evil will spread far and wide.
They give food, despite theirlove for it,to the poor and orphans and captives:
'We feed you only out of desire for the Face of Allah. We do not want
any repayment from you or any thanks.
Truly We fear from our Lord a glowering, calamitous Day.'
So Allah has safeguarded them from the evil of that Day and has made
them meet with radiance and pure joy." (Surat al-Insan, 7-11)
Our Prophet's (saas) words that " He who goes to bed full when his
neighbor is hungry is not one of us" is animportant warning that
believers desire to earn Allah's approval. Therefore, anyone aiming to
earn Allah's approval will not just settle for a solution to his own
problems; he will also assume responsibility for resolving the
problems of others around him in need. This may of course require
people to give up things theylove or to sacrifice their own comfort.
The way that Muslims look to protect and watch over the poor by giving
alms, help people in need by canceling their debts and spend their
possessions on Allah's path, rather than accumulating andhoarding
them, are moral virtues bestowed by the ethical values of the Qur'an.
:-> :->
· How can selfish and egotistical societies escape this spiritual sickness?
Omniscient Allah has created the human soul with a predisposition to
selfishness as a test. Unless he lives by the moral values of the
Qur'an and tames his earthly desires, this feeling will come to
dominate his whole moral framework. Such a person generally thinks of
himself alone, rather than everyone else. He always wants the best,
finest and most perfect of everything for himself. He wants to have
possessions and children and for his own family merely to be
comfortable. Whenever he encounters any difficulties he will expect
the people around him to undergo all kinds of risks and troubles
forhim and to support him, evenat the cost of their own interests. He
seeks to protect his own whims and interests and to ensure his own
ease and comfort. When the situation is different he can forgo many
things he values, for the sake of protecting his own interests and
preventing any harm coming to him. Allah has revealed this passionate
selfish feeling in human earthly desires as follows in the Qur'an:
" Truly man was created headstrong –
desperate when bad things happen,
begrudging when good things come –." (Surat al-Ma'arij, 19–21)
Selfishness and Egotism Are a Major Threat to Modern Societies
The materialist, Darwinist thinking that is widespread in modern
societies that do not live by religious moral values reinforces the
selfish and egotistical spirit in human nature and disseminates a
"me-first" philosophy. Indeed, the idea of " So long as I'm all right,
who cares what happens to anyone else?" or "Looking out for number
one" generally dominates such societies. But selfishness and egotism
are a major threat to society because ideas like truth, justice and
law vanish in such a society .Feelings such as beauty, love,affection,
compassion and respect become regarded as unnecessary. Thus, people
who are oppressed and slaughtered, innocent babies, people who lack
the money for proper hospital treatment, or who have to wait for hours
or even days in hospital queues, despite being old or weak, people who
are forced out of their homes or lands because of their faiths and
tiny, defenseless children thrown out onto the streets to survive as
best they can are of no interest to such people.This structure
generally leadsto a troubled and unhappy air in society.
This structure among people and societies who are selfish,loveless,
aggressive, who protect their own interests and violate everyone
else's, who wear a harsh mask and who have no love or fear of Allah,
can only be eliminatedthrough people living by the moral values of the
Qur'an, asIslam and cultivating love of Allah is the only way to
acquire such instances of good conscience as compassion and
helpfulness, features at the root of Qur'anic moral values, and to
escape selfishness and egotism. Our Lord reveals how the Qur'an leads
people from the darkness to the light as follows:
"… A Light has come to you from Allah and a Clear Book.
By it, Allah guides those whofollow what pleases Him to the ways of
Peace. He will bring them from the darkness to the light by His
permission, and guide them to a straight path." (Surat al-Ma'ida,
People Can Only Protect and Watch over One Another with Love and Fear of Allah
Fear and love of Allah enables people to submit themselves to Him, to
see the best in everything and to have compassion. In the verses Allah
reveals how the only interest of concern to believers is His approval:
" They fulfill their vows and fear a Day whose evil will spread far and wide.
They give food, despite theirlove for it,to the poor and orphans and captives:
'We feed you only out of desire for the Face of Allah. We do not want
any repayment from you or any thanks.
Truly We fear from our Lord a glowering, calamitous Day.'
So Allah has safeguarded them from the evil of that Day and has made
them meet with radiance and pure joy." (Surat al-Insan, 7-11)
Our Prophet's (saas) words that " He who goes to bed full when his
neighbor is hungry is not one of us" is animportant warning that
believers desire to earn Allah's approval. Therefore, anyone aiming to
earn Allah's approval will not just settle for a solution to his own
problems; he will also assume responsibility for resolving the
problems of others around him in need. This may of course require
people to give up things theylove or to sacrifice their own comfort.
The way that Muslims look to protect and watch over the poor by giving
alms, help people in need by canceling their debts and spend their
possessions on Allah's path, rather than accumulating andhoarding
them, are moral virtues bestowed by the ethical values of the Qur'an.
:-> :->
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