Most of us are concerned with our bellies and the souls of others;
when we should be concerned with our own souls, and the bellies of
others. The first thing the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said when he
arrived in Madinah was, "Spread peace, and feed the people."
Instead of judging others, care for them. Feed them, help them, and
spread peace. That is your representation as a Muslim,your da'wah, and
your salvation of the world. In the process, you save your own soul.
:-> :->
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Guide us to the straight path
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Friday, May 18, 2012
''Advise'':-:-Bellies and Souls
Story - Past Event:- Beauty All Around Us
Every Saturday I drive fromFresno, in the geographical center of
California, across the western side of the SanJoaquin Valley and up
into the mountains, to Casa de Fruta. It is such beautiful country,
SubhanAllah. The San Joaquin Valley is a part of California's great
Central Valley, a vast agricultural breadbasket that runs 450 miles
(720 km) from north to south.
Right now in March, the fields are on fire with orange poppies and
yellowmustard flowers. The almond trees have been blossoming for a
month, and the white petals fall to the ground like rain. On myway
home, I sometimes pull over and park under the almond trees. I have a
snack, listen to the radio, then get out and practice martial arts
moves beneaththe trees. When the irrigation pumps are running I use
the water to wash my face or perform wudu'.
The grapes are just coming up – the slender stems are like the idea of
a grape vine. Corn, cotton and lettuce are newly planted, and birds
with long white necks flock to the fields. The fields are full of huge
herds of white sheep and black cows, and our uniquelocal cows with a
large white stripe down the middle.
The green grass sweeps up into the mountains, where it becomes forest
and finally snow.
The years-long drought is over. The San Luis Reservoir is setting a
new high water mark. It is normally full of islands, butnow they have
all disappeared as the water isa solid sheet of deep blue from one
side to the other, with fingers of water stretching into
surroundingvalleys. I've never seen it so high. The Eastside Bypass,
which is a flood control channel and is normally dry as dust, is
running with water.
The San Joaquin River is running to the Pacific Ocean for the first
time in decades. In coming years the Chinook salmon may return to the
river, Insha'Allah. This is a type offish that swims upriver from the
sea. There has notbeen a Chinook run on the San Joaquin River since
the 1940′s.
The skies in this part of the Valley are huge, with vast expanses of
clouds sweeping the sky like ships. Late in the day, the sky is a
giant palette of blue, yellow, orange and red.
The world is amazing. Never think that beauty is gone from the world.
Openyour eyes and look at the majesty around you. All this was not
created in vain. It is a miracle, a blessing, and a sign pointing to
the Most Merciful God.
SubhanAllah, glory to Allah The Provider, The Creator, The One.
Sheep butt heads near a dried-up irrigation ditch in the Central Valley in 2009.
:-> :->
California, across the western side of the SanJoaquin Valley and up
into the mountains, to Casa de Fruta. It is such beautiful country,
SubhanAllah. The San Joaquin Valley is a part of California's great
Central Valley, a vast agricultural breadbasket that runs 450 miles
(720 km) from north to south.
Right now in March, the fields are on fire with orange poppies and
yellowmustard flowers. The almond trees have been blossoming for a
month, and the white petals fall to the ground like rain. On myway
home, I sometimes pull over and park under the almond trees. I have a
snack, listen to the radio, then get out and practice martial arts
moves beneaththe trees. When the irrigation pumps are running I use
the water to wash my face or perform wudu'.
The grapes are just coming up – the slender stems are like the idea of
a grape vine. Corn, cotton and lettuce are newly planted, and birds
with long white necks flock to the fields. The fields are full of huge
herds of white sheep and black cows, and our uniquelocal cows with a
large white stripe down the middle.
The green grass sweeps up into the mountains, where it becomes forest
and finally snow.
The years-long drought is over. The San Luis Reservoir is setting a
new high water mark. It is normally full of islands, butnow they have
all disappeared as the water isa solid sheet of deep blue from one
side to the other, with fingers of water stretching into
surroundingvalleys. I've never seen it so high. The Eastside Bypass,
which is a flood control channel and is normally dry as dust, is
running with water.
The San Joaquin River is running to the Pacific Ocean for the first
time in decades. In coming years the Chinook salmon may return to the
river, Insha'Allah. This is a type offish that swims upriver from the
sea. There has notbeen a Chinook run on the San Joaquin River since
the 1940′s.
The skies in this part of the Valley are huge, with vast expanses of
clouds sweeping the sky like ships. Late in the day, the sky is a
giant palette of blue, yellow, orange and red.
The world is amazing. Never think that beauty is gone from the world.
Openyour eyes and look at the majesty around you. All this was not
created in vain. It is a miracle, a blessing, and a sign pointing to
the Most Merciful God.
SubhanAllah, glory to Allah The Provider, The Creator, The One.
Sheep butt heads near a dried-up irrigation ditch in the Central Valley in 2009.
:-> :->
Qur'an Ayath - Explanation :- A Cry for Help - Turn to Repentance
I am a young man, nineteen years of age, and have involved myselfin a
great deal of sin. Even to the extent that I do not pray most of my
Prayers in the mosque, and I have never completely fasted the month of
Ramadaan in my entire life. Besides these, I have committed other sins
as well. I have vowed to repent many times before, however, after
doing so I lapse back into these same sins. The youths of my area are
just as bad, as are the friends that I associate with. And Allaah
knows that I have transgressed against myself and that whenever I
repent, I return back to the same sins. I hope that you may direct me
to a path that will bring me closer to my Lord and distance me from
these evil actions of mine. Allaah - the Might and Majestic - says:
"Say O My Slaves who have transgressed against their own souls! Do not
despair of Allaah'smercy. Indeed Allaah forgives all sins, Truly He is
Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."[Soorah az-Zumar 39:53].
There is a consensus from the Scholars that this nobleaayah (verse)
was revealedfor the taa'ibeen (those who repent). So whoever sincerely
repents from his sins, then Allaah will forgive him all his sins, as
occurs in the saving of Allaah - the Most Perfect - :
"O you who Believe! Turnto Allaah in sincere repentance. Perhaps
yourLord may remove from you your sins and admit you into Paradise
beneath which rivers flow." [Soorah at-Tahreem 66:8].
So in this aayah (verse), Allaah has made the removal of sins and
entry into Paradise dependant upon sincere repentance. And sincere
repentance is conditional upon: [i] abandoning the sin and keeping
away from it, [ii] having regret and remorse for committing the sin,
[iii] truly intending not to commit the sin again, [iv] remembering
the greatness of Allaah and hoping for His reward, whilst fearing His
punishment. Another condition for sincere repentance is that if due to
transgression, the wealth or property of someone has been stolen or
usurped,then it must be returned orforgiveness must be sought from the
one whose wealth, blood or honour has been taken. However, if the
honour of aperson has been violated and the situation is such that it
is not possible to seek that persons forgiveness, then plenty of du'aa
(supplication) should be made for his welfare and he should be spoken
good of in those places where he had previously been backbitten, since
good deeds wipe away badones. Allaah - the Most Perfect - said
"Turn you all in repentance to Allaah, O Believers, in order that you
may be successful." [Soorah an-Noor 24:31].
So in this aayah (verse) Allaah the Mighty and Majestic - linked
success with tawbah (repentance) and points to the fact that the
repentant person will reach success and happiness, and if such a
person were to follow up this repentance with eemaan (faith) and doing
righteous actions, then Allaah would efface his evilactions and change
them to good actions, as Allaah the Most Perfect - said
aftermentioning the sins of Shirk (directing worship that is due only
for Allaah to other than Allaah), taking a life without just cause and
fornication and adultery-:
"And whoever does this, will receive the punishment, The punishment
will be doubled for him on the Day of Judgement and hewill live
therein in disgrace. Except for thosewho repent, have eemaan (faith)
and do righteous actions. For them Allaah will change their evil deeds
into good ones, and Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." [Soorah
al-Furqaan 25:68-70]
And from the causes of tawbah (repentance) are humility and
submissiveness to Allaah - the Most Perfect - and asking Allaah for
guidance and ability, and that acceptance of one's repentance is
considered asa Favour from Allaah, as Allaah - the Most Perfect -
''Call upon Me and I will respond to your supplication." [Soorah Ghaafir 40:60]
And He - the Mighty and Majestic - said
"And when My servant asks you concerning Me, say to them that I am
indeed near, And I respond to the supplication of the one who
supplicates to Me." [Soorah al-Baqarah 2:186].
Also, from the causes of tawbah is choosing good companionship and
friendship and following them in righteous conduct, whilst staying
clear of bad companionship.
:-> :->
great deal of sin. Even to the extent that I do not pray most of my
Prayers in the mosque, and I have never completely fasted the month of
Ramadaan in my entire life. Besides these, I have committed other sins
as well. I have vowed to repent many times before, however, after
doing so I lapse back into these same sins. The youths of my area are
just as bad, as are the friends that I associate with. And Allaah
knows that I have transgressed against myself and that whenever I
repent, I return back to the same sins. I hope that you may direct me
to a path that will bring me closer to my Lord and distance me from
these evil actions of mine. Allaah - the Might and Majestic - says:
"Say O My Slaves who have transgressed against their own souls! Do not
despair of Allaah'smercy. Indeed Allaah forgives all sins, Truly He is
Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."[Soorah az-Zumar 39:53].
There is a consensus from the Scholars that this nobleaayah (verse)
was revealedfor the taa'ibeen (those who repent). So whoever sincerely
repents from his sins, then Allaah will forgive him all his sins, as
occurs in the saving of Allaah - the Most Perfect - :
"O you who Believe! Turnto Allaah in sincere repentance. Perhaps
yourLord may remove from you your sins and admit you into Paradise
beneath which rivers flow." [Soorah at-Tahreem 66:8].
So in this aayah (verse), Allaah has made the removal of sins and
entry into Paradise dependant upon sincere repentance. And sincere
repentance is conditional upon: [i] abandoning the sin and keeping
away from it, [ii] having regret and remorse for committing the sin,
[iii] truly intending not to commit the sin again, [iv] remembering
the greatness of Allaah and hoping for His reward, whilst fearing His
punishment. Another condition for sincere repentance is that if due to
transgression, the wealth or property of someone has been stolen or
usurped,then it must be returned orforgiveness must be sought from the
one whose wealth, blood or honour has been taken. However, if the
honour of aperson has been violated and the situation is such that it
is not possible to seek that persons forgiveness, then plenty of du'aa
(supplication) should be made for his welfare and he should be spoken
good of in those places where he had previously been backbitten, since
good deeds wipe away badones. Allaah - the Most Perfect - said
"Turn you all in repentance to Allaah, O Believers, in order that you
may be successful." [Soorah an-Noor 24:31].
So in this aayah (verse) Allaah the Mighty and Majestic - linked
success with tawbah (repentance) and points to the fact that the
repentant person will reach success and happiness, and if such a
person were to follow up this repentance with eemaan (faith) and doing
righteous actions, then Allaah would efface his evilactions and change
them to good actions, as Allaah the Most Perfect - said
aftermentioning the sins of Shirk (directing worship that is due only
for Allaah to other than Allaah), taking a life without just cause and
fornication and adultery-:
"And whoever does this, will receive the punishment, The punishment
will be doubled for him on the Day of Judgement and hewill live
therein in disgrace. Except for thosewho repent, have eemaan (faith)
and do righteous actions. For them Allaah will change their evil deeds
into good ones, and Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." [Soorah
al-Furqaan 25:68-70]
And from the causes of tawbah (repentance) are humility and
submissiveness to Allaah - the Most Perfect - and asking Allaah for
guidance and ability, and that acceptance of one's repentance is
considered asa Favour from Allaah, as Allaah - the Most Perfect -
''Call upon Me and I will respond to your supplication." [Soorah Ghaafir 40:60]
And He - the Mighty and Majestic - said
"And when My servant asks you concerning Me, say to them that I am
indeed near, And I respond to the supplication of the one who
supplicates to Me." [Soorah al-Baqarah 2:186].
Also, from the causes of tawbah is choosing good companionship and
friendship and following them in righteous conduct, whilst staying
clear of bad companionship.
:-> :->
"Whoever reads Soorat al-Kahf on the day of Jumu'ah, will have a light
that will shine from him from one Friday to the next." (Narrated by
al-Haakim, 2/399; al-Bayhaqi, 3/249)
And this light means...either the light of guidance or eman in the
heart, or light in the grave, or light on the Day of Qiyamah! ♥
Why miss out then? It just takes 15 to 20 minutes insha Allah. :)
:-> :->
that will shine from him from one Friday to the next." (Narrated by
al-Haakim, 2/399; al-Bayhaqi, 3/249)
And this light means...either the light of guidance or eman in the
heart, or light in the grave, or light on the Day of Qiyamah! ♥
Why miss out then? It just takes 15 to 20 minutes insha Allah. :)
:-> :->
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