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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
''Allah is Sufficient for us'' + '' All praise is due to Allah. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' (Aameen) ![]() | | |
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Thursday, May 10, 2012
Story - :-/- Galaxy- of -beauties
Story - :-/- True love
True love : Ahmad, 26 and his wife Fatima, 25 are disabled. The wife
without feet & the husband without hands. He eats by her hands & she
walks by his feet.... This disabled couple proves that there is hope
for the rest of us. He has no arms and she has no legs but what they
are able to accomplish is remarkable. She takes care of him good and
he's able to do almost everything with his feet. Moreover, in their
everyday life they do all the housework without any help from the
others. They are an amazing couple. Really True Loving Couple ♥
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without feet & the husband without hands. He eats by her hands & she
walks by his feet.... This disabled couple proves that there is hope
for the rest of us. He has no arms and she has no legs but what they
are able to accomplish is remarkable. She takes care of him good and
he's able to do almost everything with his feet. Moreover, in their
everyday life they do all the housework without any help from the
others. They are an amazing couple. Really True Loving Couple ♥
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The status of the Sunnah (This is the Guidance with which the Prophet
(S) came. It includes his sayings, actions or his attributes.) of the
Prophet Muhammad (S) as a divine source of Islamic law and guidance
has been accepted unanimously by the Muslims throughout the centuries.
However, during the last century, many non-Muslim Orientalists and
their followers have tried to castdoubts in the authority of the
Sunnah, and have created a suspicious attitude towards Ahaadeeth.
The Ahaadeeths of our Messenger (S) all of which have been
scrupulously studied and verified by specialists in the study of
Ahaadeeth. Because of this,it is appropriate to mention a few facts
about the authority and reliabilityof the Sunnah, so that any
skepticism and suspicions can be laid to rest.
As for the authority of the Sunnah, then it must be understood that
the role ofthe Prophet Muhammad (S)was not as a mere postman who,
after delivering his letter, has noconcern with it whatsoever. The
Messengerwas not sent just to deliverthe Book of Allah, but to expound
it and demonstrate a practical example of its contents. (Aal-`Imran
3:164.) This function of the Prophet (S) could not be carried out
unless his guidance was held to be authoritative and binding upon his
followers. Thus Allah made obedience to His Messenger(S) an obligation
upon mankind. (Aal-`Imraan 3:132, An-Noor 24:54, etc.)
Today many Muslims do not understand this point, thinking that
following andobeying the Prophet's (S) commands is a matter of choice,
and that it is only the commandments in the Qur'ân that they are
duty-bound to comply with. This misconception was indeed prophesied by
the Messenger (S) who made the correct position and status of the
Sunnah explicitly clear. He said,
{Indeed I have been given the Qur'ân, and that which is like it along
with it; yet the time is coming where aman reclining on his couch will
say, "Keep to this Qur'ân: what you find in it to be permissible treat
as permissible; and what you find prohibited treat as prohibited." But
what Allah's Messenger has prohibited is like what Allah has
prohibited.} (Recorded by Ahmad, Abu Daawood, and others. Verified to
be authentic by al-Albaani (Saheeh ul-Jaami` 8186).
Careful consideration of this ahaadeeth will also lead us to deduce
that his (S) authority was not confined to his time, as many nowadays
purport; itholds good for all times to come. Since the above ahaadeeth
is a prophecy, it also shows us that the Sunnah is divine in its
Allah is Al-Aleem (the All-Knowing) and Al-Hakeem (the All-Wise); and
He is aware of the pastand everything to come in the future. Thus, His
divinely revealed Sunnah isapplicable to mankind from the time of the
Prophet (S) until the Day ofResurrection. Allah is able to do all
things; and He hasgiven us a Sunnah that is preserved, perfect and
complete and does not need to be changed with the times. Surely
removing something from it when it is complete and perfect willonly
cause imperfection and incompleteness. He hastold us (by revealing to
theProphet (S) towards the end of his life):
{This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favor
upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your way of
life.}(Al-Maaidah 5:3.)
As for the reliability of the Prophet's (S) Sunnah, first of all,
contrary to what many think, compilation of the Prophet's (S) Sunnah
began in his own lifetime. Many Companions of the Messenger (R)
documented the sayings and actions of the Prophet (S); and this was
something the Prophet (S) himself instructed them to do. He (S) said
to one of his Companions (R):
{Continue writing [what I say] for by Him in whose Hand is my soul,
nothing comes out from my mouth except the Truth.} ( Ahmad,Abu
Daawood, and others. Verified to be authentic by al-Albaani
(As-Saheehah 1532)
Moreover, writing was not their sole means of preservation. The Arabs
before Islam were well accustomed to memorizingthousands of verses of
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(S) came. It includes his sayings, actions or his attributes.) of the
Prophet Muhammad (S) as a divine source of Islamic law and guidance
has been accepted unanimously by the Muslims throughout the centuries.
However, during the last century, many non-Muslim Orientalists and
their followers have tried to castdoubts in the authority of the
Sunnah, and have created a suspicious attitude towards Ahaadeeth.
The Ahaadeeths of our Messenger (S) all of which have been
scrupulously studied and verified by specialists in the study of
Ahaadeeth. Because of this,it is appropriate to mention a few facts
about the authority and reliabilityof the Sunnah, so that any
skepticism and suspicions can be laid to rest.
As for the authority of the Sunnah, then it must be understood that
the role ofthe Prophet Muhammad (S)was not as a mere postman who,
after delivering his letter, has noconcern with it whatsoever. The
Messengerwas not sent just to deliverthe Book of Allah, but to expound
it and demonstrate a practical example of its contents. (Aal-`Imran
3:164.) This function of the Prophet (S) could not be carried out
unless his guidance was held to be authoritative and binding upon his
followers. Thus Allah made obedience to His Messenger(S) an obligation
upon mankind. (Aal-`Imraan 3:132, An-Noor 24:54, etc.)
Today many Muslims do not understand this point, thinking that
following andobeying the Prophet's (S) commands is a matter of choice,
and that it is only the commandments in the Qur'ân that they are
duty-bound to comply with. This misconception was indeed prophesied by
the Messenger (S) who made the correct position and status of the
Sunnah explicitly clear. He said,
{Indeed I have been given the Qur'ân, and that which is like it along
with it; yet the time is coming where aman reclining on his couch will
say, "Keep to this Qur'ân: what you find in it to be permissible treat
as permissible; and what you find prohibited treat as prohibited." But
what Allah's Messenger has prohibited is like what Allah has
prohibited.} (Recorded by Ahmad, Abu Daawood, and others. Verified to
be authentic by al-Albaani (Saheeh ul-Jaami` 8186).
Careful consideration of this ahaadeeth will also lead us to deduce
that his (S) authority was not confined to his time, as many nowadays
purport; itholds good for all times to come. Since the above ahaadeeth
is a prophecy, it also shows us that the Sunnah is divine in its
Allah is Al-Aleem (the All-Knowing) and Al-Hakeem (the All-Wise); and
He is aware of the pastand everything to come in the future. Thus, His
divinely revealed Sunnah isapplicable to mankind from the time of the
Prophet (S) until the Day ofResurrection. Allah is able to do all
things; and He hasgiven us a Sunnah that is preserved, perfect and
complete and does not need to be changed with the times. Surely
removing something from it when it is complete and perfect willonly
cause imperfection and incompleteness. He hastold us (by revealing to
theProphet (S) towards the end of his life):
{This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favor
upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your way of
life.}(Al-Maaidah 5:3.)
As for the reliability of the Prophet's (S) Sunnah, first of all,
contrary to what many think, compilation of the Prophet's (S) Sunnah
began in his own lifetime. Many Companions of the Messenger (R)
documented the sayings and actions of the Prophet (S); and this was
something the Prophet (S) himself instructed them to do. He (S) said
to one of his Companions (R):
{Continue writing [what I say] for by Him in whose Hand is my soul,
nothing comes out from my mouth except the Truth.} ( Ahmad,Abu
Daawood, and others. Verified to be authentic by al-Albaani
(As-Saheehah 1532)
Moreover, writing was not their sole means of preservation. The Arabs
before Islam were well accustomed to memorizingthousands of verses of
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Story - Past Event:-/-sick, but death visited us instead:
There are so many virtues in visiting the sick. It's often a reality
check which helps us to regain focus on our own lives, be grateful for
our own health and it helps us put life into perspective as the ill
and ailing are often in betweenlife and death; between this world and
"He who visits the sick continues to remain in the fruit garden of
Paradise until he returns." [Sahih Muslim]
"A Muslim walking to visit a sick person will be wading in the mercy
of Allah. When the visitor sits with the sick one, they will be
immersed in mercy until his return." [Ahmed and Ibn Hibban]
But the other virtues of visiting the sick is that often times, your
presence uplifts their mood, brings asmile to their face and helps
them forget their suffering. And sometimes, as this past week showed
me, visiting someone at the right time of their sickness, may be a
Divine Way of Allah bringing help and assistance to the family in
their time of need.
Below is an account of something that happened to me and my friend
just a couple of days ago. The scenes, images and flashbacks still
replay in mymind, and I find the wisdom and lessons that I learnt to
be so numerous…:
Ring, ring!
Me: Hello?
Friend: As-salamu `alaykum.
Me: Hey, wa `alaykumusalam sis! Good to hear from you, how's it going?
It was my friend calling from abroad. Her mother had been taken ill
and diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, so her and her eldest
daughter had travelled from their homeland to Egypt in search of good
medical care and treatment. Although we never met them before, the
very least we could do was visit and see how we could help. Wedidn't
realise they were all alone, with no assistance, unable to speak
Arabic or get around easily.
Tuesday, 11am.
The aunty had received her1st dose of chemotherapy the day before and
had gone home to rest.
My friend and I decided to visit her and see how she was doing. We met
up after class, grabbed some food and fruits to take to the aunty and
made our way from there. As we got in, the daughter said she was
sleeping. But we popped into the room to see her anyway.
"Here, let me wake her up for you" said the daughter.
"No, no, please, let her sleep" I objected.
"No, it's ok, she's been sleeping long enough."
"How long?" I asked.
"Since yesterday, but she woke twice in the night and was sick."
"Is she usually up by this time?"
"Yes, she doesn't sleep for this long. She seems to be in a deep sleep."
"When was the last time she ate?"
"Yesterday evening."
I don't know why I was asking these questions since the daughter
herself is a doctor, but the situation didn't seem right to me.
"Aunty?" I shook her myself.
No response. She was breathing deeply but normally. "Aunty?!" I
shookher again, this time raising my voice. She was heavily sedated
and unresponsive. I pinched her fingers, shookher, no response. This
didn't look right, we decided to get her to hospital.
Pulling out a wheelchair, we rushed to get her in, struggling under
her weight. I went downstairs to get help from the doorman but he was
nowhere to be seen. Ah man, I started pressing on a button. "Hello,
10th floor here." No, wrong button! These Egyptian buildings are so
random in their intercom system!
I frantically pushed anotherbutton… finally got through to him. He
came out and after trying to explain, we rushed back upto the flat.
Alhamdulillah we managed to get her downstairs and out on to the
Now, this wasn't the UK where one can dial 999 and have a team of
medics arrive within minutes to take the burden of you. This was a
place where we didn't even know the emergency number! Incredibly, a
few days priorto this, someone was asking me about the emergency no. &
services in Egypt. I had no clue, so I just said, "If anything
happens, grab the nearest taxi; it's probably faster and better than
waiting foran ambulance."
Subhan'Allah, was I completely living my own advice right now or what
We flagged down a taxi and struggled again to get the aunty inside,
she was still unconscious.
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check which helps us to regain focus on our own lives, be grateful for
our own health and it helps us put life into perspective as the ill
and ailing are often in betweenlife and death; between this world and
"He who visits the sick continues to remain in the fruit garden of
Paradise until he returns." [Sahih Muslim]
"A Muslim walking to visit a sick person will be wading in the mercy
of Allah. When the visitor sits with the sick one, they will be
immersed in mercy until his return." [Ahmed and Ibn Hibban]
But the other virtues of visiting the sick is that often times, your
presence uplifts their mood, brings asmile to their face and helps
them forget their suffering. And sometimes, as this past week showed
me, visiting someone at the right time of their sickness, may be a
Divine Way of Allah bringing help and assistance to the family in
their time of need.
Below is an account of something that happened to me and my friend
just a couple of days ago. The scenes, images and flashbacks still
replay in mymind, and I find the wisdom and lessons that I learnt to
be so numerous…:
Ring, ring!
Me: Hello?
Friend: As-salamu `alaykum.
Me: Hey, wa `alaykumusalam sis! Good to hear from you, how's it going?
It was my friend calling from abroad. Her mother had been taken ill
and diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, so her and her eldest
daughter had travelled from their homeland to Egypt in search of good
medical care and treatment. Although we never met them before, the
very least we could do was visit and see how we could help. Wedidn't
realise they were all alone, with no assistance, unable to speak
Arabic or get around easily.
Tuesday, 11am.
The aunty had received her1st dose of chemotherapy the day before and
had gone home to rest.
My friend and I decided to visit her and see how she was doing. We met
up after class, grabbed some food and fruits to take to the aunty and
made our way from there. As we got in, the daughter said she was
sleeping. But we popped into the room to see her anyway.
"Here, let me wake her up for you" said the daughter.
"No, no, please, let her sleep" I objected.
"No, it's ok, she's been sleeping long enough."
"How long?" I asked.
"Since yesterday, but she woke twice in the night and was sick."
"Is she usually up by this time?"
"Yes, she doesn't sleep for this long. She seems to be in a deep sleep."
"When was the last time she ate?"
"Yesterday evening."
I don't know why I was asking these questions since the daughter
herself is a doctor, but the situation didn't seem right to me.
"Aunty?" I shook her myself.
No response. She was breathing deeply but normally. "Aunty?!" I
shookher again, this time raising my voice. She was heavily sedated
and unresponsive. I pinched her fingers, shookher, no response. This
didn't look right, we decided to get her to hospital.
Pulling out a wheelchair, we rushed to get her in, struggling under
her weight. I went downstairs to get help from the doorman but he was
nowhere to be seen. Ah man, I started pressing on a button. "Hello,
10th floor here." No, wrong button! These Egyptian buildings are so
random in their intercom system!
I frantically pushed anotherbutton… finally got through to him. He
came out and after trying to explain, we rushed back upto the flat.
Alhamdulillah we managed to get her downstairs and out on to the
Now, this wasn't the UK where one can dial 999 and have a team of
medics arrive within minutes to take the burden of you. This was a
place where we didn't even know the emergency number! Incredibly, a
few days priorto this, someone was asking me about the emergency no. &
services in Egypt. I had no clue, so I just said, "If anything
happens, grab the nearest taxi; it's probably faster and better than
waiting foran ambulance."
Subhan'Allah, was I completely living my own advice right now or what
We flagged down a taxi and struggled again to get the aunty inside,
she was still unconscious.
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