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Monday, April 23, 2012
Iran Masque
the polish for the hearts is the dhikr (remembrance) of Allah:
everything there is a polish, and the polish for the hearts is the
dhikr (remembrance) of Allah. There is nothing more potent in saving a
person from the punishment of Allaah than the dhikr of Allah." It was
said: 'Not even Jihaad in the path of Allah.' So he replied•►"Not even
if you were to continue striking with yoursword until it breaks."
[Saheeh: Related by Ahmad(4/ 352), from Mu'aadh ibn Jabal radiallaahu
'anhu. It was authenticated by al-Albaanee in Saheehul-Jaami'
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Makka New Project !!!!
Mango – the King of Fruits!
on almost every street corner.Read on for the good, the bad and the
ugly of this summer delicacy.
They can be eaten raw or ripe, these mangoes! Called the king of
fruits, it's one of the most popular fruits found in umpteen varieties
such as Raspuri, Badami, Malgoba, Alphonso. Native to our country,
mangoes are nowcultivated everywhere from California to Mexico, from
the Caribbean to Africa, Australia and China.
The yummy health-booster
As we enjoy this fruit sliced or in delectable delicacies like aamras
, mango lassi etc. – we haveenough and more reasons to indulge guilt
*. Keeps cancer at bay : Thephenols and enzymes found in the fruit
have cancer-preventing properties. Mango also has a high content of
soluble dietary fibre, which according to scientists helps lower
therisk of cancers in the gastrointestinal tract. The fruit is rich in
vitamin C – which helps protect cells from free radical damage –
reducing risk of cancer.
*. Eye health : One cup of sliced mangoes supply 25% of the body's
daily vitamin A dose, which aids good eyesight. Eating mangoes helps
prevent night blindness, burning in the eyes and more.
*. Helps in digestion : Mangoes contain digestive enzymes that help
break down proteins and aid digestion. It also combats acidity and
poordigestion. The high fibre content helps prevent constipation .
*. Benefits to skin : Mango is effective in treating the skin's
clogged pores. Which means, those whosuffer from acne (which is mostly
caused by clogged pores), will benefit from eating the fruit. Eating
mangos alsoimproves complexion and texture of the skin.
*. Boosts sex drive : The vitamin E found abundantly in mangoes helps
regulate sex hormones and boosts sex drive.
*. Beneficial for anaemia : Mangoes are rich in iron and thus
beneficial for pregnant women and those with anaemia. Further, vitamin
C found in Mangoes enhances absorption of iron.
*. Weight gain : Mangoes can be beneficial for those who want to gain
weight, as it is a high-calorie food. Also, raw mangoes contain starch
which gets converted into sugar as the fruit ripens.
Too much is too bad
There are two sides to every coin, and this nutritious and
fibre-packed fruit too has its downside. Remember, anything in excess
is harmful. Eating too much of this fruit can generate alot of heat in
the body leading to skin break-outs.As said earlier, the fruit is high
in calories. So, if you're trying to lose weight, mangoes are not
agood bet!
Relish the fruit!
*. Soak the mango in waterto allow all the chemicals and pesticides to wine off.
*. Moderate amount of mangoes in a day – maybe 1 or 2 – can supply the
nutritional benefits of this fruit.
*. Slice it and eat or just slurp on it. It might get messy, but it sure is fun!
*. Get creative: add it to your milk, yoghurt or freeze the aamras in
and enjoy the mango lollies.
*. Top it with vanilla ice-cream or mix it in your salad./
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