- Cloud Seeding
- Increase in Milk Production
- The Treasure Detector
- Trawl Nets
- Greater Life Expectancy
- The Discovery of Solar Cookers
- Clouds of Smoke
- The Dajjal Will Bring Uneducated, Ignorant People under His Sway
- A Person's Voice Speaking To Him
- Other Signs
The Prophet (saas) has given a great deal of information about both
the age in which he lived and the future of the Islamic world, and asa
miracle from our Lord these have all come true.Many of the reports
given by the Prophet Muhammad (saas) about the future of the Islamic
world concern the End Times. Some of the events he spoke of and which
we are witnessingcoming about in our own time are increased
earthquakes, drought, extraordinary celestial phenomena, great wars, a
rise in anarchy and chaos, reduced security, and uprisings. Our
Prophet (saas) tells us that in the End Times Muslims and believers
will suffer various difficulties, but that afterthat period, with the
second coming of Prophet 'Isa (as) and the appearance of the Mahdi, an
age of light will be experienced. The Prophet (saas) has supplied many
details of the portents prior to the coming of Prophet 'Isa (as) and
the Mahdi and has described the joys tobe experienced when these
blessed individualsappear.
The hadiths supply manysigns of the appearance of the Dajjal and
events that will take place at that time. Some of these,which are in
all likelihood taking place in our day are:
Cloud Seeding
As an-Nawwas ibn Sam'an reported, the Prophet (saas) said:
"He would then give command to the sky and there would be rainfall
upon the earth ..."
(Sahih Muslim, Book 041,Number 7015)
It is reported in the above hadith that in the End Times there will be
means of causing rainfallwhen so desired. These methods are actually
employed today. The technique known as cloud seeding is applied as
"Seeding of clouds requires that they contain supercooled liquid
water—that is, liquid water colder than zero degrees Celsius.
Introduction of a substance such as silver iodide, which has a
crystalline structure similar to that of ice, willinduce freezing
(heterogeneous nucleation). Dry ice [frozen carbon dioxide] or propane
expansion cools the air to such an extent that ice crystals can
nucleate spontaneously from the vapor phase. ... In mid-latitude
clouds, the usual seeding strategy has been predicated upon the fact
that the equilibrium vapor pressure is lower over water than over ice.
When ice particles form in supercooled clouds, this fact allows the
ice particles to grow at the expense of liquid droplets. If there is
sufficient growth, the particles become heavy enough to fall as snow
(or, if melting occurs, rain) from clouds that otherwise would produce
no precipitation. This process is known as"static" seeding. Seedingof
warm-season or tropical cumuliform (convective) clouds seeksto exploit
the latent heatreleased by freezing. This strategy of"dynamic" seeding
assumes that the additional latent heat adds buoyancy, strengthens
updrafts, ensures more low-level convergence, and ultimately causes
rapid growth of properly selected clouds. Cloud seeding chemicals may
be dispersed by aircraft or by dispersion devices located on the
ground (generators)." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_seeding)
One place in which this technique is often employed is Kansas. The
National Geographic website provides the following information on the
"In Kansas, clouds sometimes promise rain and fail to deliver—or
produce crop-damaging hail. To coax moisture from the clouds, the
Western Kansas WeatherModification Program sends out its planes.
Wing-borne burners produce a silver iodide smoke, which rides updrafts
into the sub-zero heart of certainstorm clouds. At that altitude, the
silver iodideparticles provide nuclei around which cloud water can
freeze. When they're heavy enough, the grains of ice fall—melting into
rain on the way down. In theory, the strategy not only increases
rainfall but also keeps moisture from being swept high into clouds and
forming hail. …"
Cloud seeding by spraying silver iodine vapour from a plane in the
state of Kansas.
(Source: National Geographic web site)
The rain bomb is a technology that has been developed over thelast 60
years. Today, some 24 countries, including the USA, Israel, Canada,
Russia, Thailand,Morocco and Australia employ the technique to
increase rainfall. (http://www.aksam.com.tr/haber.asp?a=77081,10) The
pictures below show the silver iodine and some of the cloud seeding
devices employed today:
Cloud seeding rockets attached to a plane wing
Cloud seeding rockets containing 50 gr. of silver iodine
Experimental firing of a cloud seeding device
Increase in Milk Production
The events that we are told will take place in the End Times in those
hadiths of the Prophet (saas) that have come down to the present
dayhave taken place in our own time by means of advances in
technology. One of the events reported in the hadiths as a portent of
the appearance of the Dajjal is an increase in milk yield. The
progress that has been in livestock rearing in our time has given rise
to this increase in yield reported in the hadith. And Allah knows
An-Nawwas ibn Sam'an reported that the Prophet (saas) said:
"He would come to the people and invite them (to a wrong religion) and
they would affirm their faith in him and respond to him. He would then
give command to the sky and there would be rainfall upon the earth and
it would grow crops. Then in the evening, their posturing animals
wouldcome to them with their humps very high and their udders full of
milk and their flanks stretched."
(Sahih Muslim, Book 041,Number 7015)
The artificial insemination of the animal population, embryo transfer
and the raising of animal quality by means of high productivity stock,
which began being implemented only recently in our own time, have led
to a huge rise in milk production in all countries, particularly
Holland and Belgium. In Holland, for example, the daily average milk
yield from a single cow has risen to 35 liters. Some cows are even
known to produce as much as 53 liters.
The Treasure Detector
The hadiths describing the End Times also tell usof many portents,
together with a variety of other information and developments. One of
these is a hadith describing the emergence and attributes of the
Dajjal. This hadith tells of treasure hidden beneatha building as the
Dajjal passes by it:
"He would then walk through the waste land and say to it: Bring forth
your treasures, and the treasures would come out…" (Sahih Muslim, Book
041, Number 7015; reported by an-Nawwas ibn Sam'an)
As we know, detectors that can find metals under the ground and that
are capable of distinguishing between metallic and non-metallic
compoundsare in wide use today. Thanks to these, it can immediately be
established whether or not there is any metal buried beneath a
building or under the ground. These detectors,which make it easy to
find buried metals such as gold, silver, copper and bronze, are
frequently employed in engineering, construction and by the military,
and by others for treasure hunting.
The above hadith may well be referring to the use of such a device.
That would explain the detection of treasure beneath the building and
its subsequent extraction. And Allah knows best.
Trawl Nets
One of his (Dajjal's) astonishing deeds is this:He will enter the sea
three times a day; one ofhis arms is long. With hislong arm he will
lean on the bottom of the sea, and with his other hand he will sweep
up and catch what he wishes from among the fishes inthe deeps...
(Reported byAbu Nuaym [ra]). (Signs of Qiyamah, 10th edition, p. 216)
It is indicated in the hadiths of the Prophet (saas) that in the End
Times Dajjal will "reach down the bottom of the sea and catch the
fishes of the deeps." The "trawlnets" used today in catching fish
fully match this description given in the hadith. And Allah knows
Fishing with trawl nets isalso known as "multi-species fishery"
because a large number of species are caught at thesame time. Trawl
nets, a kind of drag net, are used in seabed and mid-water fishing.
Thesenets, which scour the seabed with steel cables,trap all the fish
they encounter.
Trawl nets , resemble large, cone-shaped, wide-mouthed (30 meters or
so wide) bags. Wooden struts are used to keep the mouth open when the
net is first cast into the sea. These are connected to the trawlerboat
by steel cables. Bottom trawling is generally used in places where the
seabed is largely flat. Dropped from the trawler boat, the trawl net
is dragged along behind it for some1.5 to 3 hours and scoursthe
seabed, catching all the fish it encounters. It is then raised using a
winch and the fish inside unloaded on deck. Once the fish have been
cleaned and washed, they are packedin ice in the ship's hold. On some
very large and highly advanced trawlers, the fish are loaded into
freezing apparatus once they have been cleaned. These boats are able
to remain at sea and therefore fish for more prolonged periods.
Greater Life Expectancy
Our Prophet (saws) has provided considerable information about the
period in which he lived and also the future of the Islamic world, and
allhis reports have turned out to be true, as a miracle from Allah. A
large part of what the Prophet Muhammed (saws) tells us about the
future of the Islamic world concerns phenomena to do with the End
Times. Accounts given by our Prophet (saws) and that have been
witnessed to come true in our own day are that there will be an
increase in earthquakes during the End Times, that there will be
drought, that extraordinary phenomena will be observed in the skies,
that there will be great wars, an increase in chaos and anarchy, a
decline in security and also revolutions.
Our Prophet (saws) has told us that Muslims and believers will be
subjected to various difficulties in the End Times, that the Prophet
'Isa (as) will return to Earth in the wake of this troubled time, and
that with the appearance of the Mahdi all believers can expect an age
of felicity. Our Prophet (saws) has also provided detailed
descriptions of the signs that will be seen before the coming of the
Prophet 'Isa (as) and the Mahdi, as well asof the joys that the coming
of these holy personages will bring.
As reported in the hadith, one of the portents of the End Times and
the appearance of the blessed Mahdi is "increased life expectancy"
during this holy period. Some of thehadith and accounts regarding this
are as follows:
Life expectancy will increase in his (the Mahdi's) time. This
increased life expectancy also means that he (the Mahdi) will be
long-lived. (p. 184)
In his time (the blessed Mahdi's) ... Life spans will grow longer ...
(Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi'alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p. 43)
Life spans will grow longer...
(Al-Suyuti, Portents of Doomsday, Death and Resurrection, p. 1699, p. 179)
There has been a relative increase in life expectancy in recent times,
but none to matchthe increase observed in the 21st century. Research
has revealed that human life expectancy will rise by 50% this century
and that there will be many more people living to see their 100th
birthdaysin the years to come.
Increases in life expectancy
1800s: average life expectancy 24
1900s: average life expectancy 48
2000s: average life expectancy 63
The results of research into genetics and gene technology at the end
ofthe 20th and early 21st centuries show that "life expectancies will
be prolonged." For example, a report in National Geographic magazine
stated that theformula needed for a longer and healthier life would
soon be available in pharmacies. Scientists who say they have
identified the gene for long life state that the average life may soon
bearound 100 years. Another study reports that children born around
now will live to be approximately 125 or 150. Many researchers state
that "there will be nothing out of the ordinary in people aged 150"
and that in the 21stcentury life expectancieswill increased beyond
allcomparison with the past.
The fact this phenomenon, imparted by our Prophet 1400 years or so
ago, coming about so clearly and manifestly without doubt represents
very glad tidings for believers. Just like this prediction, the other
reports imparted by our Prophet (saws) will also all come true, and
mankind will witness many holy phenomena during the 21st century. By
the will of Allah, the Prophet 'Isa (as) will return to Earth, the
blessed Mahdi will appear, and by means ofthese holy personages the
moral values of Islam will prevail across the entire world. This is
something promised in the pages of the Qur'an. In verse 55 of Surat
an-Nur, our Lord tells us: "Allah has promised those of you who have
faith and do right actions that He will makethem successors in the
land as He made those before them successors, and will firmly
establish for them their religion with which He is pleasedand give
them, in place of their fear, security.
Turkish daily Radikal, 21 April 2002
… The 'Industrial revolution' in the late 19th century and scientific
advances led toextraordinary progress in the field of medicine in the
last century. This has prolonged human life expectancy by 50% …The
frontiers of middle age have been put back from 40-50 to 60-70. As we
enter the new millennium it has emerged that certain diseases are
caused by defects in genes, themselves the secret of life.
Biotechnological progress is now at the point of being able to rectify
gene defects.
Turkish daily Hürriyet, 18March 2004
According to some scientists, children born today will be able live
upthe age of 150, and someare of the opinion that there is no limit to
human life expectancy. Human life expectancy regularly increases by 2
years every decade. This means that in 2150 the average life
expectancy will be 122.5, and peopleaged 150 will be regarded as quite
normal. There are currently some 40,000 people aged over 100 in the
USA, although the number was only around 2,300 in the 1950s. James
Vaupel, from the Max Planck Demographic Research Institute in Rostock
in Germany, suggests that the number of centenarians will doublein
developed countries every 10 years.
Turkish magazine Tempo, 25 June 2004
Human life expectancy has almost doubled sincethe end of the 19th
century. It is estimated that human life expectancy will increase
still further thanks to advances in genetic medicine. A study by the
medical journal Anti-Aging asked 60 experts in the field to estimate
the life expectancy of a child born in 2100. The majority of the
experts responded "at least 100 year," while some said that life
expectancy could reach 150 or even 200 years.
The Discovery of Solar Cookers
He will catch a bird flying in the air and roast it under the Sun.. (1)
In the above hadith reported from the Prophet (saas), our attention is
drawn to "hunted prey being immediately able to be cooked and eaten"
in the time of the Dajjal. Another aspect of these descriptions is
that this will take place "in a sunny environment." These statements
in the hadith may be referring to the "solar cookers" that are used
with modern-day technology.And Allah knows best.
Thanks to the solar cookers that are manufactured as an alternative to
LPG, natural gas, electricity, wood and coal, even foods such as meat
can be immediately cooked and eaten under the Sun.
As shown in the picture, solar rays are focused onthe cooker thanks to
the bright interior surfaces. Food placed inside the oven cooks in the
high temperatures released by the reflected solar ray. (2)
The descriptions referring to the End Times are highly applicable to
our own time.
(1) Signs of Qiyamah , 8th edition, translated by Naim Erdoğan,
Pamuk Publishing, p. 216.
(2) Emily Krone ( Daily Herald Business writer), "Elburn-made solar
ovens give hope to many inThird World," September 26, 2004, pp. 1, 3.
Clouds of Smoke
The Dajjal will say, "I am the Lord of the worlds... It is by my leave
that thisSun follows its course, if you wish, I can halt its
progress!" They will respond by asking him to halt it. At this he will
imprison the Sun, and will make a day resemble a month and a week a
year. (Reported from Nu'aym ibn Hammad and Hakim ibn Mas'ud (ra))
(Signs of Qiyamah, 10th edition, p.219, 220)
One of the hadith of our Prophet (saas) refers to the Dajjal
imprisoning the Sun. Today, smoke clouds can be formed using a variety
of different techniques, by means of which the sunlight can be blocked
out. The smoke bombs used to create such clouds were used in the First
and Second World Wars. These shrouded the sky, blocked off all sound
and prevented the detection of planes and parachutists. This
artificial measure, the blocking out of the Sun'srays, appears to be
in close agreement with the imprisoning of the Sun referred to in the
hadith. And Allah knows best.
The Dajjal Will Bring Uneducated, Ignorant People under His Sway
According to the indications in the hadiths and statements by Islamic
scholars, the worst corruption caused by the Dajjal will be the
spreading of atheism, leading to anarchy and conflict. The system of
the Dajjal will employ materialism and Darwinism to encouragepeople
towards denial, irreligion and immorality. As noted in the hadiths,
the materialist propaganda of the system of the Dajjal will mainly
influence uneducated, ignorant people.
This aspect of the Dajjal is described as follows:
(The Dajjal) will particularly be able to deceive women and ignorant
peasants... (Signs of Qiyamah, p. 216)
Looking at countries such as China, the Soviet Union, North Korea and
some South American nations, in which communist revolutions took place
in the recent past, we can see that theprediction in this hadith has
indeed become a reality. Communist leaders have generally
indoctrinated and misled people living in rural or mountainous areas,
with low levels of education or none at all, leading to enormous
corruption. Lenin instigated uprising among the Russian serfs and Mao
among Chinese peasants, while Castro carried out his uprising in rural
and forest areas by influencing the people inhabiting them. Communist
guerrilla movements are still active in rural areas in North Korea and
some South American countries. It is noteworthy that the communist,
separatist, terrorist organization in Turkey concentrates its efforts
in mountainous areas, trying to deceive the uneducated inhabitants.
However, the people in the region possess foresight and knowledge,
which allows them to increasingly see that thisseparatist terror group
isactually atheistic in structure, and thus will avoid being used by
these terrorists.
A Person's Voice Speaking To Him
I swear to Allah, in whose power my life is, that Doomsday will not
take place until savage animals talk to human beings, until a person's
voice and shoes speak tohim, and until people tellhim what they are
doing ."
(Imam Sha'rani, Death, Doomsday, Resurrection,p. 471 )
With the cassette and CD players widely used today it is possible to
record a person's voice and listen to it later. The reference to "a
person's voice speaking to him" issuggestive of these devices. The
expression "until a person's shoes speak to him" puts one in mind of
the listening devices that intelligence officers conceal in their
footwear. Listening devices installed inside shoe heels and developed
by Romanian intelligence during the Cold War were used by Western
The reference to "peopletelling him what they are doing" may indicate
how families and friendsa long way away establish communications using
internet cameras and video telephones."
Hürriyet, 4 March, 2009
"A shoe and a telephone"
"Doomsday will not take place until the handle of a whip, his shoe
lace speak to a person, until there is such abundance that a person
will find nobody to give alms to, until rivers and streams flow
through Arab lands."
Sound receiver installed in a shoe heel
The reference to "a person's shoe lace speaking" in the above account
indicates the shoe lace serving as an antenna in surveillance systems
installed in footwear.
The term "until the handle of a whip speaks to a person" may again be
a reference to modern technology's wireless and mobile phones
resembling whips. The use of wireless and mobile phones whose antenna
are not unlike the tips ofwhips bears a close similarity to the term
"until the handle of a whip speaks to a person."
The term "until rivers and streams flow through Arab lands" refers to
desert agriculture using large quantities of water on the present-day
Arabian Peninsula, and particularly in countries such as Israel and
Saudi Arabia.
Israel's water spouts in the city of Haifa
Decorative pools in the Israeli city of Tel Aviv
Mur Valley, Saudi Arabia
King Fahad Spout, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
It is reported from Ibn al-Munadi (ra) that:
"He will hold the clouds in his right hand, extendto where the Sun
sets, walk on the ocean, and yet the water will come only up to his
heels… There will be smoke in front of him and a greenmountain behind…
He will issue such a cry that all those between the earth and the
skies will hear it... He will command the soil and it will grow
crops... " (Signs of Qiyamah, 10th edition, p. 219)
He will hold the clouds inhis right hand...
This hadith reported from the Prophet (saas) refers to the Dajjal
holding "the clouds in his right hand." This maybe a reference to
airplanes capable of reaching the uppermost levels of the
atmosphere.Planes ascend to the level of the clouds and make it
possible for human beings to reach them. This technology seems to be
connected to the words of the hadith regarding the Dajjal "holding the
clouds in his right hand."And Allah knows best.
He will extend to where the Sun sets...
The reference in the hadith to the Dajjal extending "to where theSun
sets," may well be significant in terms of modern technology. Sunset
can be observed all over the world using technological devices such as
telescopes and satellites. Satellite systems can provide images of all
countries, and these can then be watched all over the planet on the
Internet. The reference in the hadith to the Dajjal "extending to
where theSun sets" may be pointing to the satellite system in
question. And Allah knows best.
He will walk on the ocean, and yet the waterwill come only up to his heels...
Our Prophet (saas) tells us that the Dajjal "will walk on the ocean,
yet the water will come onlyup to his heels." This description may
well be a reference to present-day sports such as surfing,
water-skiing, kite surfing, or barefoot water-skiing. People who
engage in these sports move over the surface of the water, touching it
only with their feet. The reference in the hadith to the Dajjal
walking on the water, and the water coming only up to his heels, may
well be an indication of these sports. And Allah knows best.
There will be smoke in front of him and a greenmountain behind...
The reference in the hadith to "smoke in front of him, and a green
mountain behind," bears a close resemblance to the picture established
by modern-day airplanes inthe sky. As the illustration makes clear, as
they fly an image forms of a cloud of smoke in front of them, and one
of a mountain covered in greenery behind.
He will issue such a cry that all those between the earth and the
skies will hear it...
The hadith also refers to the Dajjal issuing such a cry that all those
between the earth and the skies will hear it. Modern advances such as
radio, television and the Internet can broadcast across the world by
means of satellites and radio waves, and everyone in all countries can
now listen to the same broadcast at exactly the same time. This
technological system, representing a single broadcast or voice, may
well correspond to the hadith's description of everyone in heaven and
earth hearing the same thing. And Allah knows best.
He will command the soiland it will grow crops...
The hadith also refers to the Dajjal "commanding the soil to grow
crops." The different kinds of agricultural machinery and the various
sizes of tractor available today make harvesting a simple matter.
Similarly, fertilizer and irrigation technologies mean that crops grow
very quickly. Using these technologiesthe land can be sown and made
highly productive, and this agrees with the description in the hadith.
And Allah knows best. - - ▓███▓ Translator:->
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Saturday, May 25, 2013
Technological signs for the end of times
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