Whether you reveal a good act or keep it hidden, or pardon an evil
act, Allah is Ever-Pardoning, All-Powerful . (Surat An-Nisa, 149)
Make allowances for people , command what is right, and turn away from
the ignorant. (SuratAl-A'raf, 199)
That is so. And if anyone inflicts an injury the same as the one done
to him and then is again oppressed, Allah will come to his aid. Allah
is All-Pardoning, Ever-Forgiving . (Surat Al-Hajj, 60)
Those of you possessing affluence and ample wealth should not make
oaths that they will not give to their relatives and the very poor and
those who have made hijra in the way of Allah.* They should rather
pardon and overlook. Would you notlove Allah to forgive you? Allah is
Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat An-Nur, 22)
The repayment of a bad action is one equivalent to it. But if someone
pardons and puts things right, his reward is with Allah .
Certainly He does not love wrongdoers. (Surat Ash-Shura, 40)
Allah does not impose onany self any more than itcan stand. For it is
what it has earned; against it, what it has merited. Our Lord, do not
take us to task if we forget or make a mistake! Our Lord, do not place
on us a load like the one You placed on those before us! Our Lord, do
not place on us a load we have not the strength to bear! And pardon
us; andforgive us ; and have mercy on us. You are ourMaster , so help
us against the people of the kafirun. (Surat Al-Baqara, 286)
Those of you who turned their backs on the day the two armies clashed
– it was Shaytan who made them slip for what they had done. But Allah
has pardoned them. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, All-Forbearing . (Surat Al
'Imran, 155)
It may well be that Allah will pardon them. Allah is Ever-Pardoning,
Ever-Forgiving. (Surat An-Nisa, 99)
The People of the Book will ask you to bring down a Book from heaven
to them. They asked Musa for even more than that. They said, 'Let us
see Allah with our own eyes.' So the lightning-bolt struck them down
for their wrongdoing. Then they adopted the Calf after the Clear Signs
had cometo them, but We pardoned them for that and gave Musa clear
authority. (Surat An-Nisa,153)
But because of their breaking of their covenant, We have cursed them
and made their hearts hard. They distort the true meaningof words and
have forgotten a good portion of what they were reminded of. You will
never cease to come upon some act of treachery on their part, except
for a few of them. Yet pardon them , and overlook. Allah
lovesgood-doers. (Surat Al-Ma'ida, 13)
You who believe! do not ask about matters which, if they were made
known to you, would make things difficult for you. If you do ask about
them whenthe Qur'an is being sent down, they will be madeknown to you.
Allah has ignored them. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, All-Forbearing .
(Surat Al-Ma'ida, 101)
Allah pardon you ! Why did you excuse them until it was clear to you
which of them were telling the truth and until you knew the
liars?(Surat At-Tawba, 43)
It is He Who accepts repentence from His servants and pardons evil
acts and knows whatthey do. (Surat Ash-Shura, 25)
Any disaster that strikes you is through what your own hands have
earned and He pardons much . (Surat Ash-Shura, 30)
Or He wrecks them for what they have earned though He pardons much .
(Surat Ash-Shura, 34)
Those of you who divorce your wives by equating them with your
mothers, they are not your mothers.Your mothers are only those who
gave birth to you. What you are saying is wrong and a slanderous
lie.But Allah is Ever-Pardoning, Ever-Forgiving . (Surat Al-Mujadala,
You who believe! some of your wives and children are an enemy toyou,
so be wary of them.But if you pardon and exonerate and forgive,Allah
is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat At-Taghabun, 14)
Those are the people who will have blessings and mercy from their
Lord; they are the ones who are guided. (Surat Al-Baqara, 157)
Your God is One God. There is no god but Him, the All-Merciful, the
MostMerciful . (Surat Al-Baqara, 163)
He has only forbidden you carrion, blood and pork and what has been
consecrated to other than Allah. But anyone who is forced to eat it –
without desiring it or going to excess in it – commits no crime. Allah
is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat Al-Baqara, 173)
Those are the ones who have sold guidance for misguidance and
forgiveness for punishment. How steadfastly they will endure the Fire!
(Surat Al-Baqara, 175)
You who believe! retaliation is prescribed for you in the case of
people killed: free man for free man, slave for slave, female for
female. But if someone is absolved by his brother, blood-money should
be claimed with correctnessand paid with good will.That is an easement
and a mercy from your Lord . Anyone who goes beyond the limits after
this will receive a painfulpunishment. (Surat Al-Baqara, 178)
But if someone fears bias or wrongdoing on the part of the person
making the will, and puts things right between the people involved, in
that case he has not committed any crime. Allah is Ever-Forgiving,
Most Merciful . (Surat Al-Baqara, 182)
On the night of the fast itis lawful for you to have sexual relations
with your wives. They are clothing for you and youfor them. Allah
knows that you have been betraying yourselves and He has turned
towards you and excused you. Now you may have sexual intercourse with
them and seek what Allah has written for you. Eat and drink until you
can clearly discern the white thread from the black thread of the
dawn, then fulfil the fast until the night appears. But do not have
sexual intercourse with them while you are in retreat in the mosques.
These are Allah's limits, so do not go near them. In thisway does
Allah make His Signs clear to people so that hopefully they will have
taqwa. (Surat Al-Baqara, 187)
But if they cease, Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat
Al-Baqara, 192)
Then press on from where the people press on and ask Allah's
forgiveness. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat
Al-Baqara, 199)
Those who believe and make hijra and do jihad in the Way of Allah can
expect Allah's mercy. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat
Al-Baqara, 218)
Allah will not take you totask for inadvertent statements in your
oaths, but He will take you to task for the intention your hearts have
made. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, All-Forbearing . (Surat Al-Baqara, 225)
Those who swear to abstain from sexual relations with their wives can
wait for a period of up to four months. If they then retract their
oath, Allah isEver-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat Al-Baqara, 226)
Nor is there anything wrong in any allusion to marriage you make to a
woman, nor for any you keep to yourself. Allah knows that you will say
things to them. But do not make secret arrangements with them, rather
only speak with correctness and courtesy. Do not finally decide on the
marriage contract until the prescribed period has come to its end.
Know that Allah knows what is in your selves, so bewareof Him! And
know that Allah is Ever-Forgiving, All-Forbearing . (Surat Al-Baqara,
Correct and courteous words accompanied by forgiveness are better than
sadaqa followed byinsulting words. Allah is Rich Beyond Need,
All-Forbearing. (Surat Al-Baqara, 263)
Shaytan promises you poverty and commands you to avarice. Allah
promises you forgiveness from Him and abundance. Allah is
All-Encompassing, All-Knowing. (Surat Al-Baqara, 268)
If you make your sadaqapublic, that is good. But if you conceal it and
giveit to the poor, that is better for you, and We will erase some of
your bad actions from you. Allah is aware of what you do. (Surat
Everything in the heavens and everything in the earth belongs to
Allah. Whether you divulge what is in yourselves or keep it hidden,
Allah will still callyou to account for it. He forgives whoever He
wills and He punishes whoever He wills. Allah has power over all
things. (Surat Al-Baqara, 284)
The Messenger has iman in what has been sent down to him from his
Lord, and so do the believers. Each one has iman in Allah and His
angels and His Books and His Messengers. We do not differentiate
between any of His Messengers. They say, 'We hear and we obey. Forgive
us, our Lord! Youare our journey's end.' (Surat Al-Baqara, 285)
Allah does not impose onany self any more than itcan stand. For it is
what it has earned; against it, what it has merited. Our Lord, do not
take us to task if we forget or make a mistake! Our Lord, do not place
on us a load like the one You placed on those before us! Our Lord, do
not place on us a load we have not the strength to bear! And pardon
us; andforgive us; and have mercy on us. You are our Master , so help
us against the people of the kafirun. (Surat Al-Baqara, 286)
'Our Lord, do not make our hearts swerve aside after You have guided
us. And give us mercy from You. You are the Ever - Giving. (Surat Al
'Imran, 8)
those who say, 'Our Lord,we believe, so forgive us our wrong actions
and safeguard us from the punishment of the Fire.' (Surat Al 'Imran,
The steadfast, the truthful, the obedient, the givers, and those who
seek forgiveness before dawn. (Surat Al 'Imran, 17)
Say, 'If you love Allah, then follow me and Allahwill love you and
forgiveyou for your wrong actions. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most
Merciful. ' (Surat Al 'Imran, 31)
Except for those who, after that, repent and put things right. Truly
Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat Al 'Imran, 89)
Everything in the heavens and everything in the earth belongs to
Allah. He forgives whoever He wills and punishes whoever He wills.
Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat Al 'Imran, 129)
those who give in times of both ease and hardship, those who control
their rage and pardon other people – Allah loves the good-doers –
(Surat Al 'Imran, 134)
those who, when they act indecently or wrong themselves, remember
Allah and ask forgivenessfor their bad actions (and who can forgive
bad actions except Allah?) and do not knowingly persist in what they
were doing. (Surat Al 'Imran, 135)
Their recompense is forgiveness from their Lord , and Gardens with
rivers flowing under them, remaining in themtimelessly, for ever. How
excellent is the reward of those who act! (Surat Al 'Imran, 136)
All they said was, ' Our Lord, forgive us our wrong actions and any
excesses we went to in what we did and make our feet firm and help
usagainst these kafir people.' (Surat Al 'Imran, 147)
Allah fulfilled His promise to you when you were slaughtering them by
His permission. But then you faltered, disputing the command, and
disobeyed after He showed you what you love.* Among you are those who
want the dunya and among you are those who want the akhira. Then He
turned you from them in order to test you – but He has pardoned you .
Allah shows favour to the believers. (Surat Al 'Imran, 152)
Those of you who turned their backs on the day the two armies clashed
– it was Shaytan who made them slip for what they had done. But Allah
has pardoned them. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, All-Forbearing. (Surat Al
'Imran, 155)
If you are killed in the Way of Allah or if you die, forgiveness and
mercy from Allah are better than anything you can acquire. (Surah Al
'Imran, 157)
It is a mercy from Allah that you were gentle with them. If you had
been rough or hard of heart, they would have scattered from around
you. So pardon them andask forgiveness for them , and consult with
them about the matter. Then when you have reached a firm decision, put
your trust in Allah. Allah loves those who put their trustin Him.
(Surah Al 'Imran, 159)
Our Lord, we heard a caller calling us to iman: "Believe in your
Lord!" and we had iman. Our Lord, forgive us our wrong actions , erase
our bad actions from us and take us back to You with those who are
trulygood. (Surah Al 'Imran, 193)
Haram for you are: your mothers and your daughters and your sisters,
your maternal aunts and your paternal aunts, your brothers' daughters
and your sisters' daughters, your foster mothers who havesuckled you,
your foster sisters by suckling, your wives' mothers, your
stepdaughters who are under your protection: the daughters of your
wives whom you have had sexual relations with (though if you havenot
had sexual relations with them there is nothing blameworthy for you in
it then), the wives of your sons whom you have fathered, and marrying
two sisters at the same time – except for what may have already taken
place. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat An-Nisa, 23)
If any of you do not havethe means to marry free women who are
believers, you may marryslavegirls who are believers. Allah knows best
about your iman; you are all the same in that respect. Marry them with
their owners' permission and give them their dowries correctly and
courteously as married women, not in fornication or taking them as
lovers. When they are married, if they commit fornication they should
receive half the punishment of free women. This is for those of you
who are afraid of committing fornication. But being patient is better
for you. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat An-Nisa, 25)
You who believe! do not approach the prayer when you are drunk, so
that you will know what you are saying, nor in a state of major
impurity –unless you are travelling – until you have washed yourselves
completely. If you are ill or on a journey, or any of you have come
from the lavatory or touched women, and you cannot find any water,
then do tayammum with pure earth, wiping your faces and your hands.
Allah is Ever-Pardoning, Ever-Forgiving . (Surat An-Nisa, 43)
Allah does not forgive anything being associated with Him but He
forgives whoever He wills for anything other than that. Anyone who
associates something with Allah has committed a terrible crime. (Surat
An-Nisa, 48)
We sent no Messenger except to be obeyed by Allah's permission. If
only when they wronged themselves they had come to you and asked
Allah's forgiveness and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them
they would have found Allah Ever-Returning, Most Merciful. (Surat
An-Nisa, 64)
high ranks conferred by Him as well as forgiveness and mercy. Allah is
Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat An-Nisa, 96)
It may well be that Allah will pardon them. Allah is Ever-Pardoning,
Ever-Forgiving . (Surat An-Nisa, 99)
Those who make hijra inthe Way of Allah will findmany places of refuge
on the earth and ample sustenance. If anyone leaves his home, making
hijra to Allah and His Messenger, and death catches up with him, it
isAllah Who will reward him. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful .
(Surat An-Nisa, 100)
And ask Allah's forgiveness. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful .
(Surat An-Nisa, 106)
Anyone who does evil orwrongs himself and then asks Allah's
forgiveness will find Allah Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat
An-Nisa, 110)
Allah does not forgive anything being associated with Him but He
forgives whoever He wills for anything other than that. Anyone who
associates something with Allah has gone very far astray. (Surat
An-Nisa, 116)
You will not be able to be completely fair between your wives, however
hard you try. But do not be completelypartial so as to leave a wife,
as it were, suspended in mid-air. And if you make amends and have
taqwa, Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat An-Nisa, 129)
As for those who believe and then return to kufr, and then again
believe and then return to kufr, and then increase in kufr, Allah will
not forgive them or guide them on any path (Surat An-Nisa, 137)
Whether you reveal a good act or keep it hidden, or pardon an evil
act, Allah is Ever-Pardoning , All-Powerful. (Surat An-Nisa, 149)
Those who believe in Allah and His Messengersand do not differentiate
between any of them, We will pay them their wages. Allah is
Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat An-Nisa, 152)
Allah will not forgive those who are kafir and do wrong or guide
themon any path, (Surat An-Nisa, 168)
Haram for you are carrion, blood and pork, and what has been
consecrated to other than Allah, and animals which have been
strangled, and animals which have been killed by a blow, and animals
which have fallen to their death, and animals which have been gored,
and animals which wild beasts have eaten – except those you are able
to slaughter properly – and animals which have been sacrificed on
altars, and deciding things by means of divining arrows – that is
deviance. Today the kuffar have despaired ofovercoming your deen. So
do not be afraid of them but be afraid of Me. Today I have perfected
your deen for you and completed My blessing upon you and I am pleased
with Islam asa deen for you. But if anyone is forced by hunger, not
intending any wrongdoing, Allah isEver-Forgiving, Most Merciful .
(Surat Al-Ma'ida, 3)
Allah has promised thosewho believe and do right actions forgiveness
and an immense reward.(Surat Al-Ma'ida, 9)
The Jews and Christians say, 'We are Allah's children and His loved
ones.' Say: 'Why, then, does He punish you for your wrong actions? No,
you are merely human beings among those He has created. He forgives
whoever He wills and He punishes whoever He wills. The kingdom of the
heavens and the earth and everything between them belongs to Allah. He
is our final destination.' (Surat Al-Ma'ida, 18)
except for those who repent before you gain power over them. Know that
Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat Al-Ma'ida, 34)
But if anyone repents after his wrongdoing and puts things right,
Allah will turn towards him. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful .
(Surat Al-Ma'ida, 39)
Do you not know that the kingdom of the heavens and earth belongs to
Allah? He punishes whoever He wills and forgives whoever He wills .
Allah has power over all things. (Surat Al-Ma'ida, 40)
Why do they not turn to Allah and ask for His forgiveness? Allah is
Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat Al-Ma'ida, 74)
You who believe! do not kill game while you are in ihram. If one of
you kills any deliberately, thereprisal for it is a livestock animal
equivalent to what he killed, as judged by two just men among you, a
sacrifice to reach the Ka'ba, or expiation by feeding the poor, or
fasting commensurate with that, so that he maytaste the evil
consequences of what he did. Allah has pardoned all that took place in
the past ; but if anyone does it again Allah will take revenge on him.
Allah is Almighty,Exactor of Revenge. (Surat Al-Ma'ida, 95)
Know that Allah is fierce in retribution and that Allah is
Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat Al-Ma'ida, 98)
You who believe! do not ask about matters which, if they were made
known to you, would make things difficult for you. If you do ask about
them whenthe Qur'an is being sent down, they will be madeknown to you.
Allah has ignored them. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, All-Forbearing .
(Surat Al-Ma'ida, 101)
If You punish them, they are Your servants. If you forgive them, You
are the Almighty, the All-Wise.' (Surat Al-Ma'ida, 118)
When those who believein Our Signs come to you, say, 'Peace be upon
you!' Allah has made mercy incumbent on Himself. If anyone among you
does evil outof ignorance and then afterwards repents and puts things
right, He is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat Al-An'am, 54)
Say: 'I do not find, in what has been revealed to me, any food it is
haram to eat except for carrion, flowing blood, and pork – for that is
unclean – or some deviance consecrated to other than Allah. But if
anyone is forced to eat it, without desiring to orgoing to excess in
it, your Lord is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. ' (Surat Al-An'am,
It is He who appointed you khalifs on the earth and raised some of you
above others in rank so He could test you regarding what He has given
you. Your Lord is Swift in Retribution; and He is Ever-Forgiving, Most
Merciful . (Surat Al-An'am, 165)
They said, 'Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves.If you do not forgive
us and have mercy on us, we will be among the lost.' (Surat Al-A'raf,
When they took full stock of what they had done and saw they had been
misled, they said, 'If our Lord does not have mercy on us and forgive
us , we will certainly be among the lost.' (Surat Al-A'raf, 149)
He said, 'My Lord, forgiveme and my brother and admit us into Your
mercy. You are the Most Merciful of the merciful.' (Surat Al-A'raf,
But as for those who do evil actions and then subsequently repent
andbelieve, in that case yourLord is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful .
(Surat Al-A'raf, 153)
Musa chose seventy men from his people for Our appointed time and when
the earthquake seized them he said, 'My Lord, if You had willed, You
could have destroyed them previously and me as well. Would you destroy
us for what the fools among us did? It was only a trial from You by
which You misguided those You willed and guided those You willed.You
are our Protector so forgive us and have mercy on us. You are the Best
of Forgivers . (Surat Al-A'raf, 155)
When they were told: 'Live in this town and eat of it wherever you
like and say, " Relieve us of our burdens! " and enter the gate
prostrating. Your mistakes will be forgivenyou . We will grant
increase to good-doers.' (Surat Al-A'raf, 161)
Then your Lord announced that He would send against them until the Day
of Rising people who would inflict an evil punishment on them. Your
Lord is Swift in Retribution. And He is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful
. (Surat Al-A'raf, 167)
An evil generation has succeeded them, inheriting the Book, taking the
goods of this lower world, and saying,'We will be forgiven .' But if
similar goods come to them again theystill take them. Has not a
covenant been made with them in the Book, that they should only saythe
truth about Allah and have they not studied what is in it? TheFinal
Abode is better for those who have taqwa. Will you not use your
intellect? (Surat Al-A'raf, 169)
They are in truth the believers. They have high ranks with their Lord
and forgiveness andgenerous provision. (Surat Al-Anfal, 4)
You who believe! if you have taqwa of Allah, He will give you
discrimination and eraseyour bad actions from you and forgive you .
Allah's favour is indeed immense. (Surat Al-Anfal,29)
Allah would not punish them while you were among them. Allah would not
punish them as long as they sought forgiveness . (Surat Al-Anfal, 33)
Say to those who are kafir that if they stop, they will be forgiven
what is past ; but if they return to it, they have the pattern of
previous peoples in the past. (Surat Al-Anfal, 38)
Remember when Allah showed them to you in your dream as only a few. If
He had shown you them as many, you would have lost heart and
quarrelled about the matter; but Allah saved you . He knows what your
hearts contain. (Surat Al-Anfal, 43)
That is because Allah would never change a blessing He has conferred
on a people until they had changed what was in themselves. Allah is
All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (Surat Al-Anfal, 53)
So make full use of any booty you have taken which is halal and good;
and have taqwa of Allah. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful .
(Surat Al-Anfal, 69)
O Prophet! say to those you are holding prisoner, 'If Allah knows of
any good in your hearts, He will give you something better than what
has been taken from you and forgive you.' Allah is Ever-Forgiving,
Most Merciful. (Surat Al-Anfal, 70)
Those who believe and have made hijra and done jihad in the Way
ofAllah and those who have given refuge and help, they are the true
believers. They will have forgiveness and generous provision. (Surat
Al-Anfal, 74)
Then, when the sacred months are over, kill the mushrikun wherever you
find them, and seize them and besiege them and lie in wait for them on
every road. If they repent and establish prayer and pay alms, let them
go on their way. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat
At-Tawba, 5)
Then after that Allah will turn to anyone He wills. Allah is
Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat At-Tawba, 27)
Do not try to excuse yourselves. You have become kafir after having
iman. If one group of you is pardoned , another group will be punished
for being evildoers.' (Surat At-Tawba, 66)
You can ask forgiveness for them, or not ask forgiveness for them.
Even if you asked forgiveness for them seventy times, Allah still
would not forgive them. That is because they have rejected Allah and
His Messenger. Allah does not guide deviant people. (Surat
Nothing is held against the weak and sick nor against those who find
nothing to spend, provided they are true to Allah and His Messenger –
there is no way open against good-doers, Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most
Merciful – (Surat At-Tawba, 91)
And among the desert arabs there are some who believe in Allah andthe
Last Day and regard what they give as something which will bring them
nearer to Allah and to the prayers of the Messenger. It doesindeed
bring them near. Allah will admit them into His mercy. Allah is
Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat At-Tawba, 99)
But others have acknowledged their wrong actions and mixed a right
action with another which is wrong. It may well be that Allah will
turn towards them. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat
At-Tawba, 102)
It is not right for the Prophet and those who believe to ask
forgiveness for the mushrikun – even if theyare close relatives –
afterit has become clear to them that they are the Companions of the
Blazing Fire. (Surat At-Tawba, 113)
If Allah afflicts you with harm, no one can remove it except Him. If
He desires good for you, no one can avert His favour. He bestows it on
whichever of His slaves He wills. He is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
(Surah Yunus, 107)
Ask your Lord for forgiveness and then repent to Him. He will letyou
enjoy a good life until a specified time, and will give His favour to
all who merit it. But if you turn your backs, I fear for you the
punishment of a Mighty Day. (Surah Hud, 3)
… except for those who are steadfast and do right actions. They will
receive forgiveness and a large reward. (Surah Hud, 11)
He said, 'Embark in it. In the name of Allah be its voyage and its
landing! Truly my Lord is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.' (Surah Hud,
He said, 'My Lord, I seek refuge with You from asking You for anything
about which I have no knowledge. If You do not forgive me and have
mercy on me, I will be among the lost.' (Surah Hud, 47)
My people! Ask forgiveness of your Lord and then repent to Him. He
will send heaven down to you in abundant rain, and increase you with
strength upon strength. Do not turn away as evildoers.' (Surah Hud,
To Thamud We sent theirbrother Salih. He said, 'My people, worship
Allah! You have no god apart from Him. He brought you into being from
the earth and made you its inhabitants. So ask His forgiveness and
then repent to Him. My Lord isClose and Quick to Respond.' (Surah Hud,
Ask your Lord for forgiveness and then repent to Him. My Lord is Most
Merciful , Most Loving.' (Surah Hud, 90)
Yusuf, ignore all this, and you, my wife, shouldask forgiveness for
your evil act. There is no doubt that you are in the wrong.' (Surah
Yusuf, 29)
I do not say my self was free from blame. The selfindeed commands to
evilacts – except for those my Lord has mercy on. My Lord, He is
Forgiving, Merciful .' (Surah Yusuf, 53)
He said, 'No blame at all will fall on you. Today you have forgiveness
from Allah. He is the MostMerciful of the merciful. (Surah Yusuf, 92)
They said, 'Our father, may we be forgiven for all the many wrongs
thatwe have done. We were indeed greatly mistaken men.' (Surah Yusuf,
He said, 'I will ask my Lord to pardon you. He isEver-Forgiving, Most
Merciful.' (Surah Yusuf, 98)
They want you to hastenthe bad rather than the good when examples of
punishment are there before them in the past. Your Lord has
forgiveness for people for their wrongdoing ; but your Lord is also
severe in retribution. (Surat Ar-Ra'd, 6)
Their Messengers said, 'Isthere any doubt about Allah, the Bringer
into Being of the heavens and the earth? He summons you to forgive you
for your wrong actions and to defer you until a specified time.' They
said, 'You are nothing but human beings like ourselves who want to
debar us from what our fathers worshipped; so bring us a clear
authority.' (SurahIbrahim, 10)
My Lord! They have misguided many of mankind. If anyone follows me, he
is with me but if anyone disobeys me, You are Ever-Forgiving, Most
Merciful . (Surah Ibrahim,36)
Our Lord! Forgive me andmy parents and the believers on the Day the
Reckoning takes place.' (Surah Ibrahim, 41)
Tell My slaves that I am the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Merciful ,
(Surat Al-Hijr, 49)
If you tried to number Allah's blessings, you could never count them.
Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat An-Nahl, 18)
But to those who made hijra after they were persecuted and then did
jihad and remained steadfast, to them your Lord is All-Compassionate,
Most Merciful . (Surat An-Nahl, 110)
He has forbidden you carrion, blood and pork and anything consecrated
to other than Allah. But if someone is forced to eatit, without
desiring to orgoing to excess in it, your Lord is Ever-Forgiving, Most
Merciful . (Surat An-Nahl, 115)
But to those who do evil in ignorance and then after that repent and
putthings right, to them your Lord is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful .
(Surat An-Nahl, 119)
Your Lord knows best what is in your selves. If you are salihun, He is
Ever-Forgiving to the remorseful . (Surat Al-Isra, 25)
The seven heavens and the earth and everyone in them glorify Him.
There is nothing which does not glorify Him with praise but you do not
understand their glorification. He is All-Forbearing, Ever-Forgiving .
(Surat Al-Isra, 44)
When guidance came to the people nothing prevented them from having
iman and asking for forgiveness from their Lord but the fact that the
pattern of previous peoples did nothappen to them or that the
punishment did not appear before their eyes. (Surat Al-Kahf, 55)
Your Lord is the Ever-Forgiving, the Possessor of Mercy . If He had
taken them to task for what they have earned, He would have hastened
their punishment. Instead, they have a promised appointment and they
will not find any refuge from it. (Surat Al-Kahf, 58)
He said, 'Peace be upon you. I will ask my Lord to forgive you . He
has always honoured me. (Surah Maryam, 47)
We endowed them with Our mercy and made them highly honoured. (Surah Maryam, 50)
We have had iman in our Lord so that He may forgive us for our
mistakes and for the magic which you forced us to perform. Allah is
better and longer lasting.' (Surah Ta Ha, 73)
But I am Ever-Forgiving to anyone who repents and has iman and acts
rightly and then is guided. (Surah Ta Ha, 82)
As for those who believe and do right actions, they will have
forgiveness and generous provision. (Surat Al-Hajj, 50)
That is so. And if anyone inflicts an injury the same as the one done
to him and then is again oppressed, Allah will come to his aid. Allah
is All-Pardoning, Ever-Forgiving . (Surat Al-Hajj, 60)
There was a group of Myslaves who said, "Our Lord, we believe, so
forgive us and have mercy on us. You are the Best of the Merciful. "
(Surat Al-Muminun, 109)
Say: 'My Lord, forgive and be merciful! You are the Best of the
Merciful.' (Surat Al-Muminun, 118)
…except for those who after that repent and putthings right. Allah is
Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat An-Nur, 5)
Those of you possessing affluence and ample wealth should not make
oaths that they will not give to their relatives and the very poor and
those who have made hijra in the way of Allah.* They should rather
pardon and overlook. Would you notlove Allah to forgive you? Allah is
Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat An-Nur, 22)
Corrupt women are for corrupt men and corruptmen are for corrupt
women, Good women are for good men and good men are for good women.
The latter are innocent of what they say. They will have forgiveness
and generous provision. (Surat An-Nur, 26)
Those who cannot find the means to marry should be abstinent
untilAllah enriches them fromHis bounty. If any slaves you own want to
make acontract to free themselves, write it for them if you know of
good in them and give them some of the wealthAllah has given you. Do
not force your slavegirls to prostitute themselves if they desire to
be virtuous women out of your desire for the goods of the dunya. If
anyone forces them, then after they have been forced, Allah is
Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat An-Nur, 33)
The believers are those who believe in Allah andHis Messenger and who,
when they are with him on a matter of common concern, do not leave
until they have asked him for permission. Those people who ask you for
permission are the ones who truly believe in Allah and His Messenger.
If they ask your permission to attend to their own affairs, give
permission to any of them you please; and ask Allah's forgiveness for
them. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat An-Nur, 62)
Say: 'The One Who sent itdown is He Who knows all hidden secrets in
the heavens and earth. He is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful .' (Surat
Al-Furqan, 6)
…except for those who repent and believe and act rightly: Allah will
transform the wrong actions of such people into good – Allah is
Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful – (Surat Al-Furqan, 70)
He who I sincerely hope will forgive my mistakes on the Day of
Reckoning.(Surat Ash-Shu'ara, 82)
…and forgive my father –he was one of the misguided; (Surat Ash-Shu'ara, 86)
…except for one who didwrong and then changed evil into good –for I am
Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat An-Naml, 11)
He said, 'My people, why are you so anxious to hasten the bad before
the good? If only you would ask for forgiveness from Allah, so that
mercy might perhaps be shown to you .' (Surat An-Naml, 46)
He said, 'My Lord, I have wronged myself. Forgive me.' So He forgave
him. He is the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Merciful . (Surat Al-Qasas,
Call them after their fathers. That is closer to justice in Allah's
sight. And if you do not know who their fathers were then they are
your brothers in the deen andpeople under your patronage. You are not
to blame for any honest mistake you make but only for what your hearts
premeditate. Allahis Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat Al-Ahzab,5)
So that Allah might recompense the sadiqunfor their sincerity and
punish the munafiqun, ifHe wills, or turn towards them. Allah is
Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat Al-Ahzab, 24)
Men and women who are Muslims, men and women who are believers, men
and women who are obedient, men and women who are truthful, men and
women who are steadfast, men and women who are humble, men and women
who give sadaqa, men and women who fast, men and women who guard their
private parts, men and women who remember Allah much: Allah has
prepared forgiveness for them andan immense reward. (Surat Al-Ahzab,
O Prophet! We have made halal for you: your wives to whom you
havegiven dowries and any slavegirls you own from the booty Allah has
allotted you and the daughters of your paternal uncles and the
daughters of your paternal aunts and the daughters of your maternal
uncles and the daughters of your maternal aunts who have made hijra
with you and any mumin woman who gives herself to the Prophet if the
Prophet desires to marry her: exclusively for you as opposed to the
rest of the believers – We know very well what We have prescribed for
them regarding their wives and any slavegirls they possess – in order
that there be no restriction on you. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most
Merciful . (Surat Al-Ahzab, 50)
O Prophet! Tell your wives and daughters and the women of the
believers to draw their outer garments closely round themselves. This
makes it more likely thatthey will be recognised and not be harmed.
Allahis Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful . (Surat Al-Ahzab, 59)
He will put your actions right for you and forgiveyou your wrong deeds
. All who obey Allah and His Messenger have won a mighty victory.
(Surat Al-Ahzab, 71)
This was so that Allah might punish the men and women of the
munafiqun, and the menand women of the mushrikun, and turn towards the
men and women of the believers. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful
. (Surat Al-Ahzab, 73)
He knows what goes into the earth and what comes out of it, and what
comes down from heaven and what goes up into it. And He is the Most
Merciful, the Ever-Forgiving . (Surah Saba, 2)
There was also a sign forSaba in their dwelling place: two gardens –
oneto the right and one to the left. 'Eat of your Lord's provision and
give thanks to Him: a bountiful land and a forgiving Lord. ' (Surah
Saba, 15)
Those who are kafir will suffer a harsh punishment. But those who
believe and do right actions will receive forgiveness and an immense
reward. (SurahFatir, 7)
And mankind and beasts and livestock are likewise of varying colours.
Only those of Hisslaves with knowledge have fear of Allah. Allah is
Almighty, Ever-Forgiving . (Surah Fatir, 28)
…that He will pay them their wages in full and give them more from
Hisunbounded favour. He is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Thankful . (Surah
Fatir, 30)
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Verses of the Qur’an about forgiveness
Fathwa, - Shaving the beard of the insane – a Sharee‘ah viewpoint
What is the Sharee'ah ruling on shaving the beard of the insane?
Please advise. May Allaah Reward you.
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad
, is His Slave and Messenger.
It is proved that the Messenger of Allaah , said:
" Let the beards grow and trim the mustaches… " [Al-Bukhaari]
" Shave mustaches and letthe beards grow… " [Muslim]
If others shaved the beard of an insane person, this is impermissible
because it contradicts the commandof the Messenger of Allaah , and
involves help to do what is prohibited. Nevertheless, if keeping the
beard of this insane person is harmful to him, as when there are
impurities or insects in it, it is permissible to shave it for him in
order to ward off harm.
On the other hand, if the insane person does this by himself while he
is unaware, he is excused because he is not eligiblefor the Sharee'ah
address. It is narrated that the Prophet , said:" The pen is lifted
from three (they are not held accountable): the sleeping person until
he wakes up, the young person until he attains the age of puberty and
the insane person until he regains his sanity. " [Ahmad, Abu Daawood
and Al-Bayhaqi] Allaah Knows best. - - ▓███▓ Translator:->
http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - -
What is the Sharee'ah ruling on shaving the beard of the insane?
Please advise. May Allaah Reward you.
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad
, is His Slave and Messenger.
It is proved that the Messenger of Allaah , said:
" Let the beards grow and trim the mustaches… " [Al-Bukhaari]
" Shave mustaches and letthe beards grow… " [Muslim]
If others shaved the beard of an insane person, this is impermissible
because it contradicts the commandof the Messenger of Allaah , and
involves help to do what is prohibited. Nevertheless, if keeping the
beard of this insane person is harmful to him, as when there are
impurities or insects in it, it is permissible to shave it for him in
order to ward off harm.
On the other hand, if the insane person does this by himself while he
is unaware, he is excused because he is not eligiblefor the Sharee'ah
address. It is narrated that the Prophet , said:" The pen is lifted
from three (they are not held accountable): the sleeping person until
he wakes up, the young person until he attains the age of puberty and
the insane person until he regains his sanity. " [Ahmad, Abu Daawood
and Al-Bayhaqi] Allaah Knows best. - - ▓███▓ Translator:->
http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - -
Fathwa, - Does eating and drinkinginvalidate Wudhoo’?
Is a Muslim woman permitted to eat after performing Wudhoo' (ablution)?
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad
, is His Slave and Messenger.
A Muslim, male or female,is permitted to eat and drink after
performing Wudhoo', and this does not invalidate Wudhoo' unless one
eats camel meat. It is narrated that a man asked the Prophet , "Am I
required to perform Wudhoo' after eating camel meat?" The Prophet ,
replied: "Yes.Perform Wudhoo' after eating camel meat…. " [Muslim]
This is the opinion of Ahmad , Is-haaq ibn Raahawayh , Yahya ibn Yahya
and others . The aforesaid Hadeeth stands as evidence that supports
this opinion. Allaah Knows best. - - ▓███▓ Translator:->
http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - -
Is a Muslim woman permitted to eat after performing Wudhoo' (ablution)?
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad
, is His Slave and Messenger.
A Muslim, male or female,is permitted to eat and drink after
performing Wudhoo', and this does not invalidate Wudhoo' unless one
eats camel meat. It is narrated that a man asked the Prophet , "Am I
required to perform Wudhoo' after eating camel meat?" The Prophet ,
replied: "Yes.Perform Wudhoo' after eating camel meat…. " [Muslim]
This is the opinion of Ahmad , Is-haaq ibn Raahawayh , Yahya ibn Yahya
and others . The aforesaid Hadeeth stands as evidence that supports
this opinion. Allaah Knows best. - - ▓███▓ Translator:->
http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - -
Fathwa, - Touching one's penis andkissing a young girl
Does touching one's penis without sexual lust invalidate Wudhoo'
(ablution)? Does kissing one's young sister invalidateWudhoo'?
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad
, is His Slave and Messenger.
The majority of scholars ruled that touching one'spenis invalidates
Wudhoo', whether one does so lustfully or not. Busrah bint Safwaan
narrated that the Messenger of Allaah , said: " Whoever touched his
penis does not pray until he performs Wudhoo'. " [Abu Daawood,
An-Nasaa'i, At-Tirmithi, Ibn Maajah, Maalik and Ahmad]
Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Messenger of Allaah , said: " Whoever
touched his penis with his hand with no barrier in between, then
Wudhoo' is obligatory. " [Ahmad, Ibn Hibbaan and Al-Haakim]
Kissing one's young sisterdoes not invalidate Wudhoo' unless it is
donewith sexual lust. In Al-Mughni, Ibn Qudaamah said: " Wudhoo' is
duewhen one kisses out of sexual lust, not out of compassion. " Allaah
Knows best.
- - ▓███▓ Translator:-> http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - - -
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Suggetions any time, below each Posts or Write to my Email -
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¤ Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa barakatuh ¤
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Does touching one's penis without sexual lust invalidate Wudhoo'
(ablution)? Does kissing one's young sister invalidateWudhoo'?
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad
, is His Slave and Messenger.
The majority of scholars ruled that touching one'spenis invalidates
Wudhoo', whether one does so lustfully or not. Busrah bint Safwaan
narrated that the Messenger of Allaah , said: " Whoever touched his
penis does not pray until he performs Wudhoo'. " [Abu Daawood,
An-Nasaa'i, At-Tirmithi, Ibn Maajah, Maalik and Ahmad]
Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Messenger of Allaah , said: " Whoever
touched his penis with his hand with no barrier in between, then
Wudhoo' is obligatory. " [Ahmad, Ibn Hibbaan and Al-Haakim]
Kissing one's young sisterdoes not invalidate Wudhoo' unless it is
donewith sexual lust. In Al-Mughni, Ibn Qudaamah said: " Wudhoo' is
duewhen one kisses out of sexual lust, not out of compassion. " Allaah
Knows best.
- - ▓███▓ Translator:-> http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - - -
I welcome, My Blog Readers Openions. So write your comments and
Suggetions any time, below each Posts or Write to my Email -
Thanks my Readers.
¤ Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa barakatuh ¤
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Allaah The Almighty is Bashful and Likes Bashfulness
It was narrated on the authority of Salmaan that the Messenger of
Allaah said: "Allaah is Bashful and Most Generous, He is too Bashful
to let someone go empty-handed after raising his hands in
supplication." [Abu Daawood]
It was narrated on the authority of Ya'la ibn Umayyah that the
Messenger of Allaah said: "Allaah is Bashful and conceals (faults), He
likes bashfulness and concealment (of faults). So, whenone of you
performs Ghusl (ritual bath), he should conceal himself." [Abu
Ibn Al-Qayyim said, "As for the bashfulness of Allaah The Almighty
toward His slave, it is another kind of bashfulness which is
unperceivable and in a manner which cannot be formulated by minds. It
is a form of bashfulness that features generosity, kindness, giving
and magnificence. Allaah The Almighty is Bashful and Most Generous,
and is too Bashful to let someone go empty-handed after he raises his
hands in supplication. Likewise, He is too Bashful to torture an old
man after he becomes old in Islam." [Madaarij As-Saalikeen]
Al-Mubaarakfoori said,"(Allaah The Almighty is Bashful): bashful in
Arabic is "Hayiyy" and itsignifies that He is extremely bashful. To
describe Allaah The Almighty as Bashful is interpretedin a way that
befits Him, like His other divine attributes, we believe in them
without formulating a manner for any of them." [Tuhfat Al-Ahwathi]
Although Allaah The Almighty is perfectly free of need of all
creatures, being the Most Generous, He is too bashful to expose the
disobedient person, expose him to scandal or punish him. Rather,
Allaah The Almighty shields that person through providing him with the
means that maintain his being unexposed, pardons him, forgives him,
endears Himself to him by bestowing favors upon him and does not let
someone goempty-handed after humbly raising his hands.
In Faydh Al-Qadeer, Al-Munaawi said, "At-Toorbishti said, 'Allaah
likes bashfulness and concealment because they are two attributes that
urge the slave to adopt the morals of Allaah The Almighty."
Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah said. "Whoever has a similarity with Allaah
The Almighty in one of His attributes, that attribute will lead him to
Allaah The Enter, enter him upon [the presence of] his Lord, bring him
closer to His mercy and make him beloved to Allaah The Almighty.
Allaah The Almighty is Merciful and He likes those who are merciful,
Generousand likes those who are generous, Knowledgeable and likes
those who are knowledgeable, Strong and likes those who are strong
believers who are more beloved to Him than weak believers, Bashful and
likes those who are bashful, Beautiful and likes those who
arebeautiful, is One and likes what isodd (in number)."
'Abdullaah ibn 'Umar said,"No slave (of Allaah The Almighty)will have
perfect faith until he realizes that Allaah The Almighty sees him and
hence he will not do anything in secret which will expose him on the
Day of Resurrection."
Al-Junayd said, "Bashfulness is to realize the favors (of Allaah The
Almighty) and simultaneously realize one's negligence. This would
result in astate called bashfulness, which is in essence a moral that
urges abandoning evils and prevents showing negligence towards the
rights of Allaah The Almighty."
Hadeeths on bashfulness
Due to the importance of bashfulness in Islam and the encouragement to
people to acquire this characteristic, there are many Hadeeths
(narrations) about bashfulness:
It was narrated that the Prophet said:
• "Among what has reached the people from the words of the first
prophethood: If you are not bashful, then do as you wish." [Saheeh
• "Each religion has a (distinctive)moral call, and the (distinctive)
moral call of Islam is bashfulness." [Ibn Maajah]
• "Bashfulness is all goodness." [Muslim]
• "Bashfulness brings only good." [Al-Bukhaari]
• "Bashfulness is a part of faith." [Muslim]
• "Bashfulness and faith are inseparable; when one of them ismissing,
the other is also missing." [Al-Haakim]
• "Faith consists of more than sixty branches, and bashfulness isa
branch of faith." [Al-Bukhaari]
• "Bashfulness is a part of faith, and faith is in Paradise.Obscenity
is a part of harshness, and harshness is in Hell." [At-Tirmithi]
• "Bashfulness and talking less are two branches of faith, and
obscenity and loquaciousness aretwo branches of hypocrisy." [Ahmad]
• Indecency disfigures everything and bashfulness enhances the beauty
of everything." [Ahmad]
It was narrated on the authority of Salmaan Al-Faarisi that he said,
"When Allaah The Almighty wants to destroy a slave, He
takesbashfulness away from him, and when bashfulness is taken away
from him, you will not find him but hateful and hated by others. When
he is hateful and hated by others, He (Allaah The Almighty) takes
trustworthiness away fromhim and you will not find him buttraitorous
and looked upon as a betrayer. When he is traitorous and looked upon
as a betrayer, He takes mercy away from him and you will not find him
but harsh and rude. When he is harshand rude, He takes the essence
offaith away from him; and when He takes the essence of faith away
from him, you will not find him but a cursed devil." [Jaami' Al-'Uloom
Sufyaan ibn 'Uyaynah said,"Yahya ibn Ja'dah said, 'When yousee a man
who lacks bashfulness,know that his lineage is not pure." [Rawdhat
Al-'Uqalaa'] - - ▓███▓ Translator:->
http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - -
Allaah said: "Allaah is Bashful and Most Generous, He is too Bashful
to let someone go empty-handed after raising his hands in
supplication." [Abu Daawood]
It was narrated on the authority of Ya'la ibn Umayyah that the
Messenger of Allaah said: "Allaah is Bashful and conceals (faults), He
likes bashfulness and concealment (of faults). So, whenone of you
performs Ghusl (ritual bath), he should conceal himself." [Abu
Ibn Al-Qayyim said, "As for the bashfulness of Allaah The Almighty
toward His slave, it is another kind of bashfulness which is
unperceivable and in a manner which cannot be formulated by minds. It
is a form of bashfulness that features generosity, kindness, giving
and magnificence. Allaah The Almighty is Bashful and Most Generous,
and is too Bashful to let someone go empty-handed after he raises his
hands in supplication. Likewise, He is too Bashful to torture an old
man after he becomes old in Islam." [Madaarij As-Saalikeen]
Al-Mubaarakfoori said,"(Allaah The Almighty is Bashful): bashful in
Arabic is "Hayiyy" and itsignifies that He is extremely bashful. To
describe Allaah The Almighty as Bashful is interpretedin a way that
befits Him, like His other divine attributes, we believe in them
without formulating a manner for any of them." [Tuhfat Al-Ahwathi]
Although Allaah The Almighty is perfectly free of need of all
creatures, being the Most Generous, He is too bashful to expose the
disobedient person, expose him to scandal or punish him. Rather,
Allaah The Almighty shields that person through providing him with the
means that maintain his being unexposed, pardons him, forgives him,
endears Himself to him by bestowing favors upon him and does not let
someone goempty-handed after humbly raising his hands.
In Faydh Al-Qadeer, Al-Munaawi said, "At-Toorbishti said, 'Allaah
likes bashfulness and concealment because they are two attributes that
urge the slave to adopt the morals of Allaah The Almighty."
Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah said. "Whoever has a similarity with Allaah
The Almighty in one of His attributes, that attribute will lead him to
Allaah The Enter, enter him upon [the presence of] his Lord, bring him
closer to His mercy and make him beloved to Allaah The Almighty.
Allaah The Almighty is Merciful and He likes those who are merciful,
Generousand likes those who are generous, Knowledgeable and likes
those who are knowledgeable, Strong and likes those who are strong
believers who are more beloved to Him than weak believers, Bashful and
likes those who are bashful, Beautiful and likes those who
arebeautiful, is One and likes what isodd (in number)."
'Abdullaah ibn 'Umar said,"No slave (of Allaah The Almighty)will have
perfect faith until he realizes that Allaah The Almighty sees him and
hence he will not do anything in secret which will expose him on the
Day of Resurrection."
Al-Junayd said, "Bashfulness is to realize the favors (of Allaah The
Almighty) and simultaneously realize one's negligence. This would
result in astate called bashfulness, which is in essence a moral that
urges abandoning evils and prevents showing negligence towards the
rights of Allaah The Almighty."
Hadeeths on bashfulness
Due to the importance of bashfulness in Islam and the encouragement to
people to acquire this characteristic, there are many Hadeeths
(narrations) about bashfulness:
It was narrated that the Prophet said:
• "Among what has reached the people from the words of the first
prophethood: If you are not bashful, then do as you wish." [Saheeh
• "Each religion has a (distinctive)moral call, and the (distinctive)
moral call of Islam is bashfulness." [Ibn Maajah]
• "Bashfulness is all goodness." [Muslim]
• "Bashfulness brings only good." [Al-Bukhaari]
• "Bashfulness is a part of faith." [Muslim]
• "Bashfulness and faith are inseparable; when one of them ismissing,
the other is also missing." [Al-Haakim]
• "Faith consists of more than sixty branches, and bashfulness isa
branch of faith." [Al-Bukhaari]
• "Bashfulness is a part of faith, and faith is in Paradise.Obscenity
is a part of harshness, and harshness is in Hell." [At-Tirmithi]
• "Bashfulness and talking less are two branches of faith, and
obscenity and loquaciousness aretwo branches of hypocrisy." [Ahmad]
• Indecency disfigures everything and bashfulness enhances the beauty
of everything." [Ahmad]
It was narrated on the authority of Salmaan Al-Faarisi that he said,
"When Allaah The Almighty wants to destroy a slave, He
takesbashfulness away from him, and when bashfulness is taken away
from him, you will not find him but hateful and hated by others. When
he is hateful and hated by others, He (Allaah The Almighty) takes
trustworthiness away fromhim and you will not find him buttraitorous
and looked upon as a betrayer. When he is traitorous and looked upon
as a betrayer, He takes mercy away from him and you will not find him
but harsh and rude. When he is harshand rude, He takes the essence
offaith away from him; and when He takes the essence of faith away
from him, you will not find him but a cursed devil." [Jaami' Al-'Uloom
Sufyaan ibn 'Uyaynah said,"Yahya ibn Ja'dah said, 'When yousee a man
who lacks bashfulness,know that his lineage is not pure." [Rawdhat
Al-'Uqalaa'] - - ▓███▓ Translator:->
http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - -
Divorce in Islam
Marriage, as prescribed by Allaah, is the lawful union of a man and
woman based on mutual consent. Ideally, the purpose of marriage is to
foster a state of tranquillity, love and compassion in Islam, but this
is not always the case. Islam discourages divorce but, unlike some
religions, does make provisions for divorce by either party.
Allaah provides general guidelines for the process of divorce with
emphasis on both parties upholding the values of justice and kindness
in formalising the end to their marriage (see [Quran 2: 224-237] for
general guidelines regarding divorce).
Allaah encourages the husband and wife to appoint arbitrators as the
first step to aid in reconciliation in the process of divorce. If the
reconciliation step fails, both the man and woman are guaranteed the
right to divorce as established in the Quran, but the difference lies
in the procedure for each one. When a divorce is initiated by the man,
it is known as Talaaq.
The pronouncement by the husband may be verbal or written, but once
made, there is to be a waiting period of three months ('Iddah) during
which there can be no sexual relations, even though the two are living
under the same roof.
The waiting period helps to prevent hasty terminations due to anger
and allows both parties time to reconsider as well as to see if the
wife is pregnant. If the wife is pregnant, the waiting period is
lengthened until she delivers. At any point during this time, the
husband and wife are free to resume their conjugal relationship,
thereby ending the divorce process. During this waiting period, the
husband remains financially responsible for the support of his wife.
The divorce initiated by the wife is known as Khul' (if the husband is
not at fault) and requires that the wife return her dowry to end the
marriage because she is the 'contract-breaker'. In the instance of
Talaaq, where the husband is the 'contract-breaker',he must pay the
dowry in full in cases where all or part of it was deferred, or allow
the wife to keep all of it if she has already been given it in full.
In the case that the husband is atfault and the woman is interested in
divorce, she can petition a judge for divorce, with cause. She would
be required to offer proof that her husband had not fulfilled his
marital responsibilities. If the woman had specified certain
conditions that are Islamically accepted in her marriage contract,
which were not met by the husband, she could obtain a conditional
The controversy regarding the seeming inequity in divorce lies inthe
idea that men seem to have absolute power in obtaining a divorce. The
interpretation of scholars in the past has been thatif the man
initiates the divorce, then the reconciliation step for appointing an
arbiter from both sides is omitted. This understanding diverges from
the Quranic injunction. Any differencein powers between the husband
and his wife with regard to divorce can be extracted from thefollowing
verse (which means): {...And due to them [i.e., the wives] is similar
to what is expected of them, according to what is reasonable. But the
men have a degree over them [in responsibility and authority].
AndAllaah is Exalted in Might and Wise.} [Quran: 2:228]
In the following verse, according to existing interpretations,
Allaahgives the reason for the small difference in the verse (which
means): {Men are in charge of women by [right of] what [qualities]
Allaah has given one over the other and what they spend [in support]
from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding
in [the husband's] absence what Allaah would have them guard.} [Quran:
Thus, it is clear that there is a 'degree' of difference with regards
to the rights of men and women in divorce, and that the greater right
that men were given is due to their being the leaders and financial
supporters of the household. This, however, does not mean that women
are inferior to men or that they are second-class human beings.
Many of the laws regarding divorce in some Muslim countriesare based
upon Quranic references on the subject. As with all human laws, they
must adapt to dynamic circumstances. Issues pertaining to custody
havebecome controversial. For example, Allaah in the Quran advises the
husband and wife to consult each other in a fair manner regarding
their children'sfuture after divorce, as this verse states (which
means): {…If they both desire weaning through mutual consent from both
of them and consultation, there is no blame upon either of them.}
[Quran: 2:233]
Some jurists stipulate that custody of the child is awarded to the
mother if the child is under a certain age and to the father if the
child is older. There is no Quranic evidence of age being a
determinant for custody. Similarly with regard to the issue of
alimony, in the Quran the ex-husband's financial obligation to his
ex-wife is mandated, but a specific formula for the amount of support
is missing; Allaah Says (what means): {And for divorced women is
maintenance accordingto what is acceptable – a duty on the righteous.}
[Quran 2:241] This is open for negotiation between parties and should
be in accordance with the husband's financial ability.
There has been much distortion and propagation of misunderstanding
about a woman's rights related to marriage and divorce. Only with
self-education and awareness of the Quranic text are men and women
able to learn the truth that Allaah has prescribed and understand the
scholarly interpretations in order that the spirit of justice is
realised. Allaah Says (what means): {And when you divorce women and
they fulfil their term [of their 'Iddah], either keep them according
to reasonable terms or release themaccording to reasonable terms, and
do not keep them, intending harm, to transgress [against them]. And
whoever does that has certainly wronged himself. And do not take the
verses of Allaah in jest. And remember the favour of Allaah upon you
and what has been revealed to you of the Book [i.e., the Quran] and
wisdom [i.e., the Prophet's Sunnah] by which He instructs you. And
fear Allaah and know that Allaah is Knowing of all things.} [Quran
2:231] - - ▓███▓ Translator:-> http://translate.google.com/m/
▓███▓ - -
woman based on mutual consent. Ideally, the purpose of marriage is to
foster a state of tranquillity, love and compassion in Islam, but this
is not always the case. Islam discourages divorce but, unlike some
religions, does make provisions for divorce by either party.
Allaah provides general guidelines for the process of divorce with
emphasis on both parties upholding the values of justice and kindness
in formalising the end to their marriage (see [Quran 2: 224-237] for
general guidelines regarding divorce).
Allaah encourages the husband and wife to appoint arbitrators as the
first step to aid in reconciliation in the process of divorce. If the
reconciliation step fails, both the man and woman are guaranteed the
right to divorce as established in the Quran, but the difference lies
in the procedure for each one. When a divorce is initiated by the man,
it is known as Talaaq.
The pronouncement by the husband may be verbal or written, but once
made, there is to be a waiting period of three months ('Iddah) during
which there can be no sexual relations, even though the two are living
under the same roof.
The waiting period helps to prevent hasty terminations due to anger
and allows both parties time to reconsider as well as to see if the
wife is pregnant. If the wife is pregnant, the waiting period is
lengthened until she delivers. At any point during this time, the
husband and wife are free to resume their conjugal relationship,
thereby ending the divorce process. During this waiting period, the
husband remains financially responsible for the support of his wife.
The divorce initiated by the wife is known as Khul' (if the husband is
not at fault) and requires that the wife return her dowry to end the
marriage because she is the 'contract-breaker'. In the instance of
Talaaq, where the husband is the 'contract-breaker',he must pay the
dowry in full in cases where all or part of it was deferred, or allow
the wife to keep all of it if she has already been given it in full.
In the case that the husband is atfault and the woman is interested in
divorce, she can petition a judge for divorce, with cause. She would
be required to offer proof that her husband had not fulfilled his
marital responsibilities. If the woman had specified certain
conditions that are Islamically accepted in her marriage contract,
which were not met by the husband, she could obtain a conditional
The controversy regarding the seeming inequity in divorce lies inthe
idea that men seem to have absolute power in obtaining a divorce. The
interpretation of scholars in the past has been thatif the man
initiates the divorce, then the reconciliation step for appointing an
arbiter from both sides is omitted. This understanding diverges from
the Quranic injunction. Any differencein powers between the husband
and his wife with regard to divorce can be extracted from thefollowing
verse (which means): {...And due to them [i.e., the wives] is similar
to what is expected of them, according to what is reasonable. But the
men have a degree over them [in responsibility and authority].
AndAllaah is Exalted in Might and Wise.} [Quran: 2:228]
In the following verse, according to existing interpretations,
Allaahgives the reason for the small difference in the verse (which
means): {Men are in charge of women by [right of] what [qualities]
Allaah has given one over the other and what they spend [in support]
from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding
in [the husband's] absence what Allaah would have them guard.} [Quran:
Thus, it is clear that there is a 'degree' of difference with regards
to the rights of men and women in divorce, and that the greater right
that men were given is due to their being the leaders and financial
supporters of the household. This, however, does not mean that women
are inferior to men or that they are second-class human beings.
Many of the laws regarding divorce in some Muslim countriesare based
upon Quranic references on the subject. As with all human laws, they
must adapt to dynamic circumstances. Issues pertaining to custody
havebecome controversial. For example, Allaah in the Quran advises the
husband and wife to consult each other in a fair manner regarding
their children'sfuture after divorce, as this verse states (which
means): {…If they both desire weaning through mutual consent from both
of them and consultation, there is no blame upon either of them.}
[Quran: 2:233]
Some jurists stipulate that custody of the child is awarded to the
mother if the child is under a certain age and to the father if the
child is older. There is no Quranic evidence of age being a
determinant for custody. Similarly with regard to the issue of
alimony, in the Quran the ex-husband's financial obligation to his
ex-wife is mandated, but a specific formula for the amount of support
is missing; Allaah Says (what means): {And for divorced women is
maintenance accordingto what is acceptable – a duty on the righteous.}
[Quran 2:241] This is open for negotiation between parties and should
be in accordance with the husband's financial ability.
There has been much distortion and propagation of misunderstanding
about a woman's rights related to marriage and divorce. Only with
self-education and awareness of the Quranic text are men and women
able to learn the truth that Allaah has prescribed and understand the
scholarly interpretations in order that the spirit of justice is
realised. Allaah Says (what means): {And when you divorce women and
they fulfil their term [of their 'Iddah], either keep them according
to reasonable terms or release themaccording to reasonable terms, and
do not keep them, intending harm, to transgress [against them]. And
whoever does that has certainly wronged himself. And do not take the
verses of Allaah in jest. And remember the favour of Allaah upon you
and what has been revealed to you of the Book [i.e., the Quran] and
wisdom [i.e., the Prophet's Sunnah] by which He instructs you. And
fear Allaah and know that Allaah is Knowing of all things.} [Quran
2:231] - - ▓███▓ Translator:-> http://translate.google.com/m/
▓███▓ - -
Remembering Often the Ender of Pleasures
You're sitting comfortably on the sofa watching your favorite
television show with your favorite person. Your laughter abruptly
stops and you're spellbound as your eyes hold an image you've never
seen before. And before you can say anything, your eyes are forever
closed as your soul is torn away from your body.
Are you ready to meet your Lord?
The angel of death can come knocking on your door as an uninvited
guest at any time and without a moment's notice.
You can't turn off the lights and pretend not to be home, for evenif
you do, he'll find a way in.
You'll be hauled back to the One who Created you, ready or not.
Whether you're an ambitious youth with dreams and hopes about the
future, or a wise elder with fond memories of the past, death is
inevitable and its arrival is unknown to you.
So it only makes sense that every breath of ours should be spent inthe
worship of the One who has granted these breaths because none of us
know which breath will be our last.
You may ask, how can I constantly be in a state of worship? Simple
answer, though difficult to follow at times: Live life in accordance
with the Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad .
It's all about the intentions, and the sincerity of those intentions.
The Prophet has said: "Deeds result only from the intentions ofthe
actor. And an individual is rewarded only according to that which he
intends." [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]
Take the simple act of eating for example.
If done with the intention of nourishing our bodies in order toworship
our Lord, it becomes an act of worship itself. Imagine that, something
as enjoyable as eating can gather up good deeds for you.
Of course you would want to keep the eating in check though! Take a
sip of water with the name of Allaah while sitting, in small amounts,
and then thank Him Almighty after, and the number of good deeds keeps
adding up.
Just the same, the routines of ourdaily grind can all become acts of
worship when we do them to refine our intentions and by emulating the
example of our beloved Prophet .
When working to constantly be conscious of Allaah, The Most High,
having that Taqwa (piety) and simply being aware that He The Most High
is watching over us at every moment will help us keep ourselves from
doing anything that would bring the displeasure of Allaah Almighty.
Knowing that death can come to us at the precise moment you decided to
look just once more atthe sister across the room will help us keep our
gaze lowered.
Remembering death does something else too. It forces us to realize the
reality of this world. It too will come to an end one day.
Life in this world is temporary and merely a means for us to fulfill
the reason why we were created in the first place: To worship the One
true God, Allaah alone. Realizing this truth, enables us to live as a
traveler as the Prophet taught us.
And if we were to die unexpectedly, what about those kids from high
school that you once fought with over somethingyou can't even remember
now and severed ties with them? Or that cousin that you haven't talked
to in ages because they didn't come to your wedding!
The Prophet Muhammad has said: "When the believers cross [the traverse
over] Hellfire, they will be stopped at a small arched bridge,
Qantarah, before enteringthe Garden, and will be given retribution for
injustices betweenthem until they become purified. Then they will be
permitted to enter Jannah or Paradise. So, by the One in Whose Hands
is my soul, they will know their way to their homes in Jannah, better
than they know their ways to their homes in this world." [Al-Bukhaari]
Thus, Al-Qantarah is a small bridge after the Siraat (the Traverse)
that the believers will have to cross before entering Jannah
(Paradise). Allaah, the All-Mighty, will ask the believers to settle
their issues here, right in front of the gates of the Paradise. And
your good deeds will continue to go to the person you've wronged till
they forgive you, and if you run out of good deeds, their bad deeds
will go over to you.
Now, is that fight really worth it?
My dearest readers; do yourself a favor today. Save yourself while
you're still a traveler in this worldand reconcile with the folks you
know you need to.
Send your apologies. Free yourself of this burden and save yourself
before it's too late.
Let us all prepare to meet our Lord, before the Angel of Death comes to meet us.
- - ▓███▓ Translator:-> http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - - -
I welcome, My Blog Readers Openions. So write your comments and
Suggetions any time, below each Posts or Write to my Email -
Thanks my Readers.
¤ Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa barakatuh ¤
●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●
television show with your favorite person. Your laughter abruptly
stops and you're spellbound as your eyes hold an image you've never
seen before. And before you can say anything, your eyes are forever
closed as your soul is torn away from your body.
Are you ready to meet your Lord?
The angel of death can come knocking on your door as an uninvited
guest at any time and without a moment's notice.
You can't turn off the lights and pretend not to be home, for evenif
you do, he'll find a way in.
You'll be hauled back to the One who Created you, ready or not.
Whether you're an ambitious youth with dreams and hopes about the
future, or a wise elder with fond memories of the past, death is
inevitable and its arrival is unknown to you.
So it only makes sense that every breath of ours should be spent inthe
worship of the One who has granted these breaths because none of us
know which breath will be our last.
You may ask, how can I constantly be in a state of worship? Simple
answer, though difficult to follow at times: Live life in accordance
with the Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad .
It's all about the intentions, and the sincerity of those intentions.
The Prophet has said: "Deeds result only from the intentions ofthe
actor. And an individual is rewarded only according to that which he
intends." [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]
Take the simple act of eating for example.
If done with the intention of nourishing our bodies in order toworship
our Lord, it becomes an act of worship itself. Imagine that, something
as enjoyable as eating can gather up good deeds for you.
Of course you would want to keep the eating in check though! Take a
sip of water with the name of Allaah while sitting, in small amounts,
and then thank Him Almighty after, and the number of good deeds keeps
adding up.
Just the same, the routines of ourdaily grind can all become acts of
worship when we do them to refine our intentions and by emulating the
example of our beloved Prophet .
When working to constantly be conscious of Allaah, The Most High,
having that Taqwa (piety) and simply being aware that He The Most High
is watching over us at every moment will help us keep ourselves from
doing anything that would bring the displeasure of Allaah Almighty.
Knowing that death can come to us at the precise moment you decided to
look just once more atthe sister across the room will help us keep our
gaze lowered.
Remembering death does something else too. It forces us to realize the
reality of this world. It too will come to an end one day.
Life in this world is temporary and merely a means for us to fulfill
the reason why we were created in the first place: To worship the One
true God, Allaah alone. Realizing this truth, enables us to live as a
traveler as the Prophet taught us.
And if we were to die unexpectedly, what about those kids from high
school that you once fought with over somethingyou can't even remember
now and severed ties with them? Or that cousin that you haven't talked
to in ages because they didn't come to your wedding!
The Prophet Muhammad has said: "When the believers cross [the traverse
over] Hellfire, they will be stopped at a small arched bridge,
Qantarah, before enteringthe Garden, and will be given retribution for
injustices betweenthem until they become purified. Then they will be
permitted to enter Jannah or Paradise. So, by the One in Whose Hands
is my soul, they will know their way to their homes in Jannah, better
than they know their ways to their homes in this world." [Al-Bukhaari]
Thus, Al-Qantarah is a small bridge after the Siraat (the Traverse)
that the believers will have to cross before entering Jannah
(Paradise). Allaah, the All-Mighty, will ask the believers to settle
their issues here, right in front of the gates of the Paradise. And
your good deeds will continue to go to the person you've wronged till
they forgive you, and if you run out of good deeds, their bad deeds
will go over to you.
Now, is that fight really worth it?
My dearest readers; do yourself a favor today. Save yourself while
you're still a traveler in this worldand reconcile with the folks you
know you need to.
Send your apologies. Free yourself of this burden and save yourself
before it's too late.
Let us all prepare to meet our Lord, before the Angel of Death comes to meet us.
- - ▓███▓ Translator:-> http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - - -
I welcome, My Blog Readers Openions. So write your comments and
Suggetions any time, below each Posts or Write to my Email -
Thanks my Readers.
¤ Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa barakatuh ¤
●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●
Shirk and its different forms, - No Angels or Other Creatures Know Everything in the Heavens and Earth.
My daughter asked me: Who is the angel who knows everything in the
heavens and the earth, the number of drops of water, the number of
grains of sand? Is there any such thing?
Praise be to Allah
The one who knows everything in the heavens and on earth, and knows
the number of drops of water and the number of grains of sand is
Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. There is no angel who is close to Him
or any Prophet who was sent who has this knowledge. Anyone whosays
that there is anyoneamong the angels who knows all of this has
fabricated a lie against Allah, to Whom belongs knowledge of the
unseen of the heavens and the earth.
Allah, may He be exalted,says (interpretation of the meaning):
"And with Him are the keys of the Ghaib (all that is hidden), none
knows them but He. And He knows whatever there is in (or on) the earth
and in the sea; not a leaf falls, but he knowsit. There is not a grain
in the darkness of the earth nor anything freshor dry, but is written
in aClear Record" [6:59].
And He, may He be glorified, says (interpretation of the meaning):
"Say: None in the heavens and the earth knows the Ghaib (unseen)
except Allah, nor can they perceive when they shall be resurrected"
Ibn Katheer (may Allah have mercy on him) said:Here Allah, may He be
exalted, is instructing HisMessenger (blessings and peace of Allah be
upon him) to tell all of mankind that no one knows the unseen except
Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, and that He alone has that
knowledge, with nopartner or associate. Endquote from Tafseer Ibn
Katheer, (6/207).
Al-Bukhaari (4697) narrated from Ibn 'Umar (may Allah be pleased with
him) that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon
him) said: "The keys of the Unknown are five, whichno one knows except
Allah: no one knows what will happen tomorrow except Allah; no one
knows what is in the wombs except Allah; no one knows when it will
rain except Allah; no one knows in which land he will die; and no one
knows when the Hour will begin except Allah."
But Allah, may He be exalted, may inform whomever He wills among His
creation about whatever He wills of His unseen. Allah, may He be
exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):
"(He Alone) the All-Knower of the Ghaib (unseen), and He reveals to
none His Ghaib (unseen). Except to a Messenger (from mankind) whom He
has chosen (He informs him of the unseen as much asHe likes), and then
He makes a band of watching guards (angels) to march beforehim and
behind him." [72:26, 27].
The scholars of the Standing Committee said: Knowledge of unseen
matters is something that belongs exclusively to Allah, so no one
among His creation, human or jinn, knows anything of it except what
Allah reveals to whomever He wills among His Angels or His Messengers.
End quote from Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa'imah, (1/346).
Yes, there is an angel who is appointed in charge of the rain, and
directs it wherever Allah wills; he is Mikaa'eel (peace be upon him),
who has helpers who dowhatever he instructs them to do. But this only
happens by the will of Allah and in accordance with His wisdom and
knowledge. They do not know anything or do anything; rather they
cannot do anything at allexcept by Allah's leave. Moreover, that does
not mean that they know the number of drops of water, because their
knowledge is restricted to what Allah has taught them, and they say,
as Allah tells us:
"Glory be to You, we have no knowledge except what you have taught us.
Verily, it is You, the All-Knower, the All-Wise"
[2:32]. - - ▓███▓ Translator:-> http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - -
heavens and the earth, the number of drops of water, the number of
grains of sand? Is there any such thing?
Praise be to Allah
The one who knows everything in the heavens and on earth, and knows
the number of drops of water and the number of grains of sand is
Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. There is no angel who is close to Him
or any Prophet who was sent who has this knowledge. Anyone whosays
that there is anyoneamong the angels who knows all of this has
fabricated a lie against Allah, to Whom belongs knowledge of the
unseen of the heavens and the earth.
Allah, may He be exalted,says (interpretation of the meaning):
"And with Him are the keys of the Ghaib (all that is hidden), none
knows them but He. And He knows whatever there is in (or on) the earth
and in the sea; not a leaf falls, but he knowsit. There is not a grain
in the darkness of the earth nor anything freshor dry, but is written
in aClear Record" [6:59].
And He, may He be glorified, says (interpretation of the meaning):
"Say: None in the heavens and the earth knows the Ghaib (unseen)
except Allah, nor can they perceive when they shall be resurrected"
Ibn Katheer (may Allah have mercy on him) said:Here Allah, may He be
exalted, is instructing HisMessenger (blessings and peace of Allah be
upon him) to tell all of mankind that no one knows the unseen except
Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, and that He alone has that
knowledge, with nopartner or associate. Endquote from Tafseer Ibn
Katheer, (6/207).
Al-Bukhaari (4697) narrated from Ibn 'Umar (may Allah be pleased with
him) that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon
him) said: "The keys of the Unknown are five, whichno one knows except
Allah: no one knows what will happen tomorrow except Allah; no one
knows what is in the wombs except Allah; no one knows when it will
rain except Allah; no one knows in which land he will die; and no one
knows when the Hour will begin except Allah."
But Allah, may He be exalted, may inform whomever He wills among His
creation about whatever He wills of His unseen. Allah, may He be
exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):
"(He Alone) the All-Knower of the Ghaib (unseen), and He reveals to
none His Ghaib (unseen). Except to a Messenger (from mankind) whom He
has chosen (He informs him of the unseen as much asHe likes), and then
He makes a band of watching guards (angels) to march beforehim and
behind him." [72:26, 27].
The scholars of the Standing Committee said: Knowledge of unseen
matters is something that belongs exclusively to Allah, so no one
among His creation, human or jinn, knows anything of it except what
Allah reveals to whomever He wills among His Angels or His Messengers.
End quote from Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa'imah, (1/346).
Yes, there is an angel who is appointed in charge of the rain, and
directs it wherever Allah wills; he is Mikaa'eel (peace be upon him),
who has helpers who dowhatever he instructs them to do. But this only
happens by the will of Allah and in accordance with His wisdom and
knowledge. They do not know anything or do anything; rather they
cannot do anything at allexcept by Allah's leave. Moreover, that does
not mean that they know the number of drops of water, because their
knowledge is restricted to what Allah has taught them, and they say,
as Allah tells us:
"Glory be to You, we have no knowledge except what you have taught us.
Verily, it is You, the All-Knower, the All-Wise"
[2:32]. - - ▓███▓ Translator:-> http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - -
Shirk and its different forms, - Her Christian family are organizing a running contest in memory of their deceased loved one; what should she do about that?.
I lost one of my family members this year, who was a Christian, as my
family is Christian and I am a Muslim woman. Hence my mother wants to
organize a marathon in honour of this deceased relative. I do not know
the nature of this thing they want to do, but what I do know is that
the teams will gather, and other people will gather with them; each
team has a different colour and the teams will start running;
whichever team completes three circuits first will be the winner and
will be give a cash prize. I do not know the ruling on this, but they
are going to do it in memory of the deceasedperson. What is the ruling
on this in Islam? What should I do with regard to this matter?.
Praise be to Allah.
If a person dies following a religion of kufr, whether he was a
Christian or a Jew, then he is one of the people of hell and will
abide therein for eternity. Allah, may He be glorified and exalted,
says (interpretation of the meaning):
"Verily, Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with him in
worship, but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He
pleases, and whoever sets up partners with Allah in worship, he has
indeed invented a tremendous sin"
[an-Nisa' 4:48]
"Surely, they have disbelieved who say:"Allah is the Messiah ('Eesa
(Jesus)), son of Maryam (Mary)." But the Messiah ('Eesa (Jesus)) said:
"O Children of Israel! Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Verily,
whosoever sets up partners in worship with Allah, then Allah
hasforbidden Paradise for him, and the Fire will be his abode. And for
the Zalimoon (polytheists and wrongdoers) there are no helpers.
Surely, disbelievers are those who said: "Allah is the third of the
three (in a Trinity)." But there is no ilaah (god) (none who has the
right to be worshipped) but One Ilaah (God -Allah). And if they cease
not from what they say, verily, a painful torment will befall the
disbelievers among them.
Will they not repent to Allah and ask His Forgiveness? For Allah is
Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
The Messiah ('Eesa (Jesus)), son of Maryam (Mary), was no more than a
Messenger; many were the Messengers that passed away beforehim. His
mother (Maryam(Mary)) was a Siddiqah (i.e. she believed in the words
of Allah and His Books (see Verse 66:12)).They both used to eat food
(as any other human being, while Allah does not eat). Look how We make
the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations,
etc.) clear to them, yet look how they are deluded away (from the
Say (O Muhammad SAW to mankind): "How do you worship besides Allah
something which has no power either to harm or to benefit you? But it
is Allah Who is the All-Hearer, All-Knower"
[al-Maa'idah 5:72-76].
"This is the Guidance of Allah with which He guides whomsoever He will
of His slaves. But if they had joined in worship others with Allah,
all that they used to do would have been of no benefit to them"
[al-An'aam 6:88].
In Saheeh Muslim (153) itis narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be
pleased with him) from the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of
Allah be upon him) that he said: "By the One in Whose hand is the soul
of Muhammad, no one among this nation, Jew or Christian, hears of me
then dies not believing in that with which I was sent, but he will be
one of the people of the Fire."
As that is the case, if a person dies in a state of kufr, his good
deeds are rendered invalid before his Lord and none of them will
benefit him before Allah in the hereafter; similarly, no action,
intercession or supplication on the part of other people will benefit
Allah, may He be exalted,says concerning the situation of the people
of Hell (interpretation of the meaning):
"And it will be said to them: "Where are those (the false gods whom
you used to set up as rivals with Allah) that you used to worship
Instead of Allah? Can they help you or (even) help themselves?
Then they will be thrown on their faces into the (Fire), They and the
Ghawoon (devils, and those who were in error).
And the whole hosts of Iblees (Satan) together.
They will say while contending therein,
By Allah, we were truly in a manifest error,
When We held you (falsegods) as equals (in worship) with the Lord of
the Alameen (mankind, jinns and all that exists);
And none has brought usinto error except the Mujrimoon (Iblees (Satan)
and those of human beings who commit crimes, murderers, polytheists,
oppressors, etc.).
Now we have no intercessors,
Nor a close friend (to help us).
(Alas!) If we only had a chance to return (to the world), we shall
truly be among the believers!
Verily! In this is indeed a sign, yet most of them are not believers"
[ash-Shu'ara' 26:92-103].
Honouring the memory of the deceased by organising a marathon is not
part of the way prescribed by Allah; rather it is something that has
been introduced by non-Muslims according to their way of honouring the
memory of the dead. It is a false kind of honour for which there is no
basis in the religion of Allah. Even if there was some basis for it,
we have stated above that if a person dies in a state of disbelief, no
deed will benefit him in the hereafter; the deceased will not benefit
because of his disbelief and that of those who do this action. This is
darkness upon darkness.
In Islam there is no kind of honouring the dead or celebrating their
memory; rather what Islam prescribes is to remember the deceased by
praising him, praying for forgiveness for him, offering supplication
forhim, giving charity on his behalf, and other kinds of good deeds
the reward for which will reach him, if he died in Islam.
According to Islamic rulings, competitions fallinto three categories.
Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
1. Those that are haraam, with or withoutprizes, such as competing
in something that is haraam.
2. Those that are halaal if no prize is offered and are haraam if
a prize is offered, such as foot races and the like, in which it is
permissible to compete.
3. Those that are halaal with or without prizes, such as
competitions in archery and horse and camel racing.
End quote from Fataawa Noor 'ala ad-Darb, 9/311
See also the answer to questions no. 114530 , 131652 , 153574
To sum up:
It is not prescribed to take part in activities to honour the memory
of the dead among the disbelievers, or to keep their memory alive. If
you cannot prevent that,then at least do not take part in that and try
to excuse yourself from your family whilst avoiding confrontation with
them. If they respect your religious feelings, then this is good,
otherwise give them any excuse that they will accept from you.
And Allah knows best. - - ▓███▓ Translator:->
http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - -
I lost one of my family members this year, who was a Christian, as my
family is Christian and I am a Muslim woman. Hence my mother wants to
organize a marathon in honour of this deceased relative. I do not know
the nature of this thing they want to do, but what I do know is that
the teams will gather, and other people will gather with them; each
team has a different colour and the teams will start running;
whichever team completes three circuits first will be the winner and
will be give a cash prize. I do not know the ruling on this, but they
are going to do it in memory of the deceasedperson. What is the ruling
on this in Islam? What should I do with regard to this matter?.
Praise be to Allah.
If a person dies following a religion of kufr, whether he was a
Christian or a Jew, then he is one of the people of hell and will
abide therein for eternity. Allah, may He be glorified and exalted,
says (interpretation of the meaning):
"Verily, Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with him in
worship, but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He
pleases, and whoever sets up partners with Allah in worship, he has
indeed invented a tremendous sin"
[an-Nisa' 4:48]
"Surely, they have disbelieved who say:"Allah is the Messiah ('Eesa
(Jesus)), son of Maryam (Mary)." But the Messiah ('Eesa (Jesus)) said:
"O Children of Israel! Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Verily,
whosoever sets up partners in worship with Allah, then Allah
hasforbidden Paradise for him, and the Fire will be his abode. And for
the Zalimoon (polytheists and wrongdoers) there are no helpers.
Surely, disbelievers are those who said: "Allah is the third of the
three (in a Trinity)." But there is no ilaah (god) (none who has the
right to be worshipped) but One Ilaah (God -Allah). And if they cease
not from what they say, verily, a painful torment will befall the
disbelievers among them.
Will they not repent to Allah and ask His Forgiveness? For Allah is
Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
The Messiah ('Eesa (Jesus)), son of Maryam (Mary), was no more than a
Messenger; many were the Messengers that passed away beforehim. His
mother (Maryam(Mary)) was a Siddiqah (i.e. she believed in the words
of Allah and His Books (see Verse 66:12)).They both used to eat food
(as any other human being, while Allah does not eat). Look how We make
the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations,
etc.) clear to them, yet look how they are deluded away (from the
Say (O Muhammad SAW to mankind): "How do you worship besides Allah
something which has no power either to harm or to benefit you? But it
is Allah Who is the All-Hearer, All-Knower"
[al-Maa'idah 5:72-76].
"This is the Guidance of Allah with which He guides whomsoever He will
of His slaves. But if they had joined in worship others with Allah,
all that they used to do would have been of no benefit to them"
[al-An'aam 6:88].
In Saheeh Muslim (153) itis narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be
pleased with him) from the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of
Allah be upon him) that he said: "By the One in Whose hand is the soul
of Muhammad, no one among this nation, Jew or Christian, hears of me
then dies not believing in that with which I was sent, but he will be
one of the people of the Fire."
As that is the case, if a person dies in a state of kufr, his good
deeds are rendered invalid before his Lord and none of them will
benefit him before Allah in the hereafter; similarly, no action,
intercession or supplication on the part of other people will benefit
Allah, may He be exalted,says concerning the situation of the people
of Hell (interpretation of the meaning):
"And it will be said to them: "Where are those (the false gods whom
you used to set up as rivals with Allah) that you used to worship
Instead of Allah? Can they help you or (even) help themselves?
Then they will be thrown on their faces into the (Fire), They and the
Ghawoon (devils, and those who were in error).
And the whole hosts of Iblees (Satan) together.
They will say while contending therein,
By Allah, we were truly in a manifest error,
When We held you (falsegods) as equals (in worship) with the Lord of
the Alameen (mankind, jinns and all that exists);
And none has brought usinto error except the Mujrimoon (Iblees (Satan)
and those of human beings who commit crimes, murderers, polytheists,
oppressors, etc.).
Now we have no intercessors,
Nor a close friend (to help us).
(Alas!) If we only had a chance to return (to the world), we shall
truly be among the believers!
Verily! In this is indeed a sign, yet most of them are not believers"
[ash-Shu'ara' 26:92-103].
Honouring the memory of the deceased by organising a marathon is not
part of the way prescribed by Allah; rather it is something that has
been introduced by non-Muslims according to their way of honouring the
memory of the dead. It is a false kind of honour for which there is no
basis in the religion of Allah. Even if there was some basis for it,
we have stated above that if a person dies in a state of disbelief, no
deed will benefit him in the hereafter; the deceased will not benefit
because of his disbelief and that of those who do this action. This is
darkness upon darkness.
In Islam there is no kind of honouring the dead or celebrating their
memory; rather what Islam prescribes is to remember the deceased by
praising him, praying for forgiveness for him, offering supplication
forhim, giving charity on his behalf, and other kinds of good deeds
the reward for which will reach him, if he died in Islam.
According to Islamic rulings, competitions fallinto three categories.
Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
1. Those that are haraam, with or withoutprizes, such as competing
in something that is haraam.
2. Those that are halaal if no prize is offered and are haraam if
a prize is offered, such as foot races and the like, in which it is
permissible to compete.
3. Those that are halaal with or without prizes, such as
competitions in archery and horse and camel racing.
End quote from Fataawa Noor 'ala ad-Darb, 9/311
See also the answer to questions no. 114530 , 131652 , 153574
To sum up:
It is not prescribed to take part in activities to honour the memory
of the dead among the disbelievers, or to keep their memory alive. If
you cannot prevent that,then at least do not take part in that and try
to excuse yourself from your family whilst avoiding confrontation with
them. If they respect your religious feelings, then this is good,
otherwise give them any excuse that they will accept from you.
And Allah knows best. - - ▓███▓ Translator:->
http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - -
Shirk and its different forms, - Is there a specific prayer for increasing provision?.
"You pray two rak'ahs, reciting in each rak'ah al-Hamd (i.e.,
al-Faatihah) once and at-Tawheed (i.e., al-Ikhlaas) once, making the
bowing and prostration lengthy. After finishing the prayer, say: 'O
Most Glorious, O One, O Most Generous, I turn to You by virtue of
Muhammad Your Prophet, the Prophet of mercy, (blessings of Allah be
upon him and his family); O Muhammad, O Messenger of Allah, I turn by
virtue of you to Allah, my Lord and your Lord, the Lord of all things.
I ask you, O Allah, to send blessings upon Muhammad and the members of
his household, and I ask Youfor a breath of mercy from You, quick
relief, and abundant provision,so that I may put my affairs in order,
pay off my debts and support my dependents.'".
Praise be to Allaah.
In the saheeh Sunnah there is no known prayer specifically for asking
for increased provision. The prayer described in the question with
this du'aa'(supplication) is an innovated prayer; it comes under the
heading of prescribing in religion something that Allah has not
prescribed, and introducing innovation (bid'ah) that is prohibited.
Al-Haafiz Ibn Katheer (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l-Jamaa'ah say concerning any action orword that is
not proven from the Sahaabah that it is an innovation (bid'ah),
because if it were something good, they would have done it before us.
They did not omit any good attribute but they hastened to do it or
attain it.
End quote from Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 7/278-279
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan (may Allah preserve him) said:
The innovations that have been introduced inthe area of worship
nowadays are many. Butthe basic principle with regard to acts of
worship is tawqeef [i.e., they can only be known through divine
Revelation and sound texts of hadeeth, with no room for personal
opinion], so no acts of worship are prescribed except on the basis of
evidence. Anything for which there is no evidence is an innovation
(bid'ah), because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon
him) said: "Whoever does an action that is not part of this matter of
ours will have it rejected." (Agreed upon). The acts of worship that
are donenowadays for which there is no evidence are very many.
End quote from Kitaab at-Tawheed, p. 160
The words of the worshipper in this du'aa'after this innovated prayer,
"I turn to You by virtue of Muhammad Your Prophet, the Prophet of
mercy, (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family); O Muhammad, O
Messenger of Allah, I turn by virtue of you to Allah…" are words that
are not permissible, and come under the headingof innovated tawassul
(means of seeking to draw closer to Allah) thatis forbidden.
For more information ontawassul, both prescribed and prohibited,
please see the answer to question no. 3297 .
Anyone who calls upon the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of
Allah be upon him) after his death, or who calls upon anyone else
among the dead to wardoff harm or bring benefits is a mushrik who has
associated someone else with Allah in the sense of major shirk that
puts one beyond the pale of Islam, and he has to repent to Allah, may
He be exalted.
For more information please see the answer toquestion no. 112131 and 114142 .
There are some means ofincreasing provision thatare prescribed in
Islam, which we shall highlighthere, so as to adopt the means that are
prescribed and warn against innovations in religion. These include:
· Istighfaar (praying for forgiveness)
Allah, may He be exalted,says (interpretation of the meaning):
"I said (to them): Ask forgiveness from your Lord; Verily, He is Oft-Forgiving;
He will send rain to you in abundance;
And give you increase in wealth and children, andbestow on you gardens
and bestow on you rivers"
[Nooh 70:10-12].
· Upholding ties of kinship
Al-Bukhaari (2067) and Muslim (2557) narrated from Anas ibn Maalik
(may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (blessings
and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "Whoever would like his rizq
(provision) to be increased and his life to be extended, should uphold
the ties of kinship."
An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
"his rizq (provision) to be increased" means to be expanded and made
abundant or, it was said,to be blessed (barakah). End quote.
· Giving a great deal of charity
Allah, may He be exalted,says (interpretation of the meaning):
"Say: Truly, my Lord enlarges the provision for whom He wills of His
slaves, and (also) restricts (it) for him, and whatsoever you spend of
anything (in Allah's Cause), He will replace it.And He is the Best of
[Saba' 34:39].
Muslim (2588) narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with
him) that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon
him) said: "Charity does not decrease wealth."
An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
They (the scholars) mentioned two meanings of this hadeeth, one of
which isthat (the wealth) will be blessed (as a result of giving
charity) and harmwill be warded off from it, so the apparent decrease
will be compensated for by means of hidden blessing (barakah). This is
something that is well known from experience.The second is that even
if it appears to be decreased outwardly, there will be compensation
for that inthe reward that results from it, and it will be increased
manifold. End quote.
· Being mindful of Allah and fearing Him (taqwa)
Allah, may He be exalted,says (interpretation of the meaning):
"And whosoever fears Allaah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a
way for him to get out (from every difficulty).
3. And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine"
[al-Talaaq 65:2-3].
· Performing Hajj and 'Umrah often, following one with the other
At-Tirmidhi (810) narrated that 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ood said: The
Messenger of Allah (sa) said: "Make the Hajj and 'Umrah follow each
other closely, for they remove poverty and sins as the bellows removes
the dross of iron, gold and silver, and an accepted Hajj brings no
less a reward than Paradise.". It was classedas saheeh by al-Albaani.
· Du'aa' (supplication)
It was narrated by Ibn Maajah (925) from Umm Salamah that the
Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) used to
say, when he said the salaam at the end of Fajrprayer: "Allaahumma
inni as'aluka rizqan tayyiban, wa 'ilman naafi'an, wa 'amalan
mutaqabbalan (O Allaah, I ask you for good (halaal) provision,
beneficial knowledge and accepted good deeds)."
Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Ibn Maajah.
And Allah knows best.
- - ▓███▓ Translator:-> http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - - -
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¤ Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa barakatuh ¤
●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●
al-Faatihah) once and at-Tawheed (i.e., al-Ikhlaas) once, making the
bowing and prostration lengthy. After finishing the prayer, say: 'O
Most Glorious, O One, O Most Generous, I turn to You by virtue of
Muhammad Your Prophet, the Prophet of mercy, (blessings of Allah be
upon him and his family); O Muhammad, O Messenger of Allah, I turn by
virtue of you to Allah, my Lord and your Lord, the Lord of all things.
I ask you, O Allah, to send blessings upon Muhammad and the members of
his household, and I ask Youfor a breath of mercy from You, quick
relief, and abundant provision,so that I may put my affairs in order,
pay off my debts and support my dependents.'".
Praise be to Allaah.
In the saheeh Sunnah there is no known prayer specifically for asking
for increased provision. The prayer described in the question with
this du'aa'(supplication) is an innovated prayer; it comes under the
heading of prescribing in religion something that Allah has not
prescribed, and introducing innovation (bid'ah) that is prohibited.
Al-Haafiz Ibn Katheer (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l-Jamaa'ah say concerning any action orword that is
not proven from the Sahaabah that it is an innovation (bid'ah),
because if it were something good, they would have done it before us.
They did not omit any good attribute but they hastened to do it or
attain it.
End quote from Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 7/278-279
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan (may Allah preserve him) said:
The innovations that have been introduced inthe area of worship
nowadays are many. Butthe basic principle with regard to acts of
worship is tawqeef [i.e., they can only be known through divine
Revelation and sound texts of hadeeth, with no room for personal
opinion], so no acts of worship are prescribed except on the basis of
evidence. Anything for which there is no evidence is an innovation
(bid'ah), because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon
him) said: "Whoever does an action that is not part of this matter of
ours will have it rejected." (Agreed upon). The acts of worship that
are donenowadays for which there is no evidence are very many.
End quote from Kitaab at-Tawheed, p. 160
The words of the worshipper in this du'aa'after this innovated prayer,
"I turn to You by virtue of Muhammad Your Prophet, the Prophet of
mercy, (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family); O Muhammad, O
Messenger of Allah, I turn by virtue of you to Allah…" are words that
are not permissible, and come under the headingof innovated tawassul
(means of seeking to draw closer to Allah) thatis forbidden.
For more information ontawassul, both prescribed and prohibited,
please see the answer to question no. 3297 .
Anyone who calls upon the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of
Allah be upon him) after his death, or who calls upon anyone else
among the dead to wardoff harm or bring benefits is a mushrik who has
associated someone else with Allah in the sense of major shirk that
puts one beyond the pale of Islam, and he has to repent to Allah, may
He be exalted.
For more information please see the answer toquestion no. 112131 and 114142 .
There are some means ofincreasing provision thatare prescribed in
Islam, which we shall highlighthere, so as to adopt the means that are
prescribed and warn against innovations in religion. These include:
· Istighfaar (praying for forgiveness)
Allah, may He be exalted,says (interpretation of the meaning):
"I said (to them): Ask forgiveness from your Lord; Verily, He is Oft-Forgiving;
He will send rain to you in abundance;
And give you increase in wealth and children, andbestow on you gardens
and bestow on you rivers"
[Nooh 70:10-12].
· Upholding ties of kinship
Al-Bukhaari (2067) and Muslim (2557) narrated from Anas ibn Maalik
(may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (blessings
and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "Whoever would like his rizq
(provision) to be increased and his life to be extended, should uphold
the ties of kinship."
An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
"his rizq (provision) to be increased" means to be expanded and made
abundant or, it was said,to be blessed (barakah). End quote.
· Giving a great deal of charity
Allah, may He be exalted,says (interpretation of the meaning):
"Say: Truly, my Lord enlarges the provision for whom He wills of His
slaves, and (also) restricts (it) for him, and whatsoever you spend of
anything (in Allah's Cause), He will replace it.And He is the Best of
[Saba' 34:39].
Muslim (2588) narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with
him) that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon
him) said: "Charity does not decrease wealth."
An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
They (the scholars) mentioned two meanings of this hadeeth, one of
which isthat (the wealth) will be blessed (as a result of giving
charity) and harmwill be warded off from it, so the apparent decrease
will be compensated for by means of hidden blessing (barakah). This is
something that is well known from experience.The second is that even
if it appears to be decreased outwardly, there will be compensation
for that inthe reward that results from it, and it will be increased
manifold. End quote.
· Being mindful of Allah and fearing Him (taqwa)
Allah, may He be exalted,says (interpretation of the meaning):
"And whosoever fears Allaah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a
way for him to get out (from every difficulty).
3. And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine"
[al-Talaaq 65:2-3].
· Performing Hajj and 'Umrah often, following one with the other
At-Tirmidhi (810) narrated that 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ood said: The
Messenger of Allah (sa) said: "Make the Hajj and 'Umrah follow each
other closely, for they remove poverty and sins as the bellows removes
the dross of iron, gold and silver, and an accepted Hajj brings no
less a reward than Paradise.". It was classedas saheeh by al-Albaani.
· Du'aa' (supplication)
It was narrated by Ibn Maajah (925) from Umm Salamah that the
Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) used to
say, when he said the salaam at the end of Fajrprayer: "Allaahumma
inni as'aluka rizqan tayyiban, wa 'ilman naafi'an, wa 'amalan
mutaqabbalan (O Allaah, I ask you for good (halaal) provision,
beneficial knowledge and accepted good deeds)."
Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Ibn Maajah.
And Allah knows best.
- - ▓███▓ Translator:-> http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - - -
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¤ Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa barakatuh ¤
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Islamic Stories, - Two things that he feared
It is said about Shaddad ibne Aws (RA) that he once began to cry.
People asked about his crying, and he replied: It is something I heard
from Rasulullah (SAW) which makes me weep when I remember it.
Rasulullah (SAW) had said: I fear for my peoplefrom Shirk (ascribing
partners to Allah) and Hidden Desires. Shaddad(RA) says: I had asked:
O Rasulullah! Would your people be guilty of idolatry after your
death? Rasulullah (SAW) had replied: Yes (but) they will not worship
the sun, the moon, a stone or an idol; but they will act for display
(without sincerity). Hidden Desire is that oneof them will start the
dayfasting, but when one ofhis desires will present itself to him; he
will abandon his fast (and satisfy his desire). Source: Musnad Ahmed.
Let us not worship nicelyso that others can see and praise us. Today,
wewear beautiful clothes and jewelleries when attending an invitation
or meeting a renowned person. Whereas, when the pious people of the
past would get up for tahajjud prayer at night,they would wear their
best clothes, put on the surma and decorate themselves nicely to stand
in front of Allah. - - ▓███▓ Translator:->
http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - -
People asked about his crying, and he replied: It is something I heard
from Rasulullah (SAW) which makes me weep when I remember it.
Rasulullah (SAW) had said: I fear for my peoplefrom Shirk (ascribing
partners to Allah) and Hidden Desires. Shaddad(RA) says: I had asked:
O Rasulullah! Would your people be guilty of idolatry after your
death? Rasulullah (SAW) had replied: Yes (but) they will not worship
the sun, the moon, a stone or an idol; but they will act for display
(without sincerity). Hidden Desire is that oneof them will start the
dayfasting, but when one ofhis desires will present itself to him; he
will abandon his fast (and satisfy his desire). Source: Musnad Ahmed.
Let us not worship nicelyso that others can see and praise us. Today,
wewear beautiful clothes and jewelleries when attending an invitation
or meeting a renowned person. Whereas, when the pious people of the
past would get up for tahajjud prayer at night,they would wear their
best clothes, put on the surma and decorate themselves nicely to stand
in front of Allah. - - ▓███▓ Translator:->
http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - -
Islamic Stories, - Muhammad Ali's adviceto his daughters
The following incident took place when Muhammad Ali's daughters
arrived at his home wearing clothes that were not modest. Here is the
story as told by one of his daughters:
When we finally arrived, the chauffeur escorted my younger sister,
Laila, and me up to my father'ssuite. As usual, he was hiding behind
the door waiting to scare us. We exchanged many hugs and kisses as we
could possibly give in one day.
My father took a good look at us. Then he sat me down on his lap and
said something that I will never forget. He looked me straight in the
eyes and said, "Hana,everything that God made valuable in the world is
covered and hard to get to. Where doyou find diamonds? Deep down in
the ground, covered and protected. Where do youfind pearls? Deep down
at the bottom of the ocean, covered up and protected in a beautiful
shell. Where do you find gold? Way down in the mine, covered over with
layers and layers of rock.You've got to work hard to get to them."
He looked at me with serious eyes. "Your body is sacred. You're far
more precious than diamonds and pearls, and you should be covered
too." Source: Taken from the book: More Than A Hero: Muhammad Ali's
Life Lessons Through His Daughter's Eyes.
- - ▓███▓ Translator:-> http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - - -
I welcome, My Blog Readers Openions. So write your comments and
Suggetions any time, below each Posts or Write to my Email -
Thanks my Readers.
¤ Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa barakatuh ¤
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arrived at his home wearing clothes that were not modest. Here is the
story as told by one of his daughters:
When we finally arrived, the chauffeur escorted my younger sister,
Laila, and me up to my father'ssuite. As usual, he was hiding behind
the door waiting to scare us. We exchanged many hugs and kisses as we
could possibly give in one day.
My father took a good look at us. Then he sat me down on his lap and
said something that I will never forget. He looked me straight in the
eyes and said, "Hana,everything that God made valuable in the world is
covered and hard to get to. Where doyou find diamonds? Deep down in
the ground, covered and protected. Where do youfind pearls? Deep down
at the bottom of the ocean, covered up and protected in a beautiful
shell. Where do you find gold? Way down in the mine, covered over with
layers and layers of rock.You've got to work hard to get to them."
He looked at me with serious eyes. "Your body is sacred. You're far
more precious than diamonds and pearls, and you should be covered
too." Source: Taken from the book: More Than A Hero: Muhammad Ali's
Life Lessons Through His Daughter's Eyes.
- - ▓███▓ Translator:-> http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - - -
I welcome, My Blog Readers Openions. So write your comments and
Suggetions any time, below each Posts or Write to my Email -
Thanks my Readers.
¤ Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa barakatuh ¤
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