The Different Types
Book - "The World of the Jinn andDevils", p. 7
Ibn Abdul Barr said, "The jinn, according to the scholars of the
language, are of different types:
1. If one is mentioning the jinn purely of themselves, the are called jinni .*
2. If one is mentioning the jinn that live among mankind, they are
called aamar whose plural is amaar .
3. If one is mentioning the ones that antagonize the young, they are
called arwaah .
4. If one is mentioning the evil ones that antagonize humans they are
called shaitan for the singular [and shayateen for plural].
5. If they cause even more harm and become strong, they are called afreet ."**
*Notice the similar sound between jinni and english's"genie". TV and
other media havetwisted the concept of jinn; however, it is
interesting to note its origin is from Islam. "I Dream of Jeannie" is
a TV show based around a Genie (jinni, plural of jinn). In this show,
Jeannie, the genie, frequently was given a request and the requestor
never quite got what was requested as she was always creating
unintentional mischief. However we understand that the shaitan among
the jinn antagonize humans, not that they are kind beings who
accidentally mess up on occasion. Those who seek aid(such as asking
for favors or making request) from the jinni will find deception and a
twisted type of aid that doesn't really meet the requestor's original
request, but that satisfies the shaytaanic jinn's desire for evil.
**An Ifrît (strong) from the jinns said: "I will bring it to you
before you rise from your place (council). And verily, I am indeed
strong, and trustworthy for such work." [The Noble Qur'an 27:39]
Narration - Reported by al-Tahhaawi in Mushkil al-Athaar, 4/95, and by
al-Tabaraani in al-Kabeer, 22/214
Abu Tha'labah al-Khushani said: "The Messenger of Allaah (pbuh) said:
'The jinn are of three types: a types that has wings, and they fly
through the air; a type that looks like snakes and dogs; and atype
that stops for a rest then resumes its journey." [Shaykh al-Albaani
said in al-Mishkaat (2/1206, no. 4148): al-Tahhaawi and Abu'l-Shaykh
reported it witha saheeh isnaad]
The Origin of the Jinn
The jinn are NOT fallen angels. They were created from a smokeless
flame of fire. The first recorded jinn to be disobedient is Iblis .
Disbelieving, disobedient jinn and humans are known as shayateen
The Noble Qur'an - Ar-Rahmaan 55:15, 15
He created man (Adam) from sounding clay like the clay of pottery.
And the jinns did He create from a smokeless flame of fire.
The Noble Qur'an - Al-Hijr 15:26-42
26. And indeed, We created man from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud.
27. And the jinn, We created aforetime from the smokeless flame of fire.
28. And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: "I am going to
create a man (Adam) from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud.
29. "So, when I have fashioned him completely and breathed into him
(Adam) the soul which I created for him, then fall (you) down
prostrating yourselves unto him."
30. So, the angels prostrated themselves, all of them together.
31. Except Iblîs (Satan), - he refused to be among the prostrators.
32. (Allâh) said: "O Iblîs (Satan)! What is your reason for not
beingamong the prostrators?"
33. [Iblîs (Satan)] said: "I am not the one to prostrate myself to a
human being, whom You createdfrom sounding clay of altered black
smooth mud."
34. (Allâh) said: "Then, get out from here, for verily, you are Rajîm
(an outcast or a cursed one)." [Tafsîr At-Tabarî]
35. "And verily, the curse shall be upon you till the Day of
Recompense (i.e. the Day of Resurrection)."
36. [Iblîs (Satan)] said: "O my Lord! Give me then respite till theDay
they (the dead) will be resurrected."
37. Allâh said: "Then, verily, you are of those reprieved,
38. "Till the Day of the time appointed."
39. [Iblîs (Satan)] said: "O my Lord! Because you misled me, I shall
indeed adorn the path of error for them (mankind) on the earth, and I
shall mislead them all.
40. "Except Your chosen, (guided)slaves among them."
41. (Allâh) said: "This is the Way which will lead straight to Me."
42. "Certainly, you shall have no authority over My slaves, except
those who follow you of the Ghâwîn (Mushrikûn and those who go astray,
criminals, polytheists, and evil-doers, etc.).
Solomon's Experience with the Jinn
Allah made all the jinn subservient to the Prophet Sulaimaan
(Solomon), a gift from Allah, swt, that will never be granted to
another after him.
The Noble Qur'an - Saad 38:35-39
35. He said: "My Lord! Forgive me, and bestow upon me a kingdom such
as shall not belong to any other after me : Verily, You are the
36. So, We subjected to him the wind, it blew gently to his order
whithersoever he willed,
37. And also the Shayâtin (devils) from the jinns (including) every
kind of builder and diver,
38. And also others bound in fetters.
39. [Saying of Allâh to Sulaimân (Solomon)]: "This is Our gift, so
spend you or withhold, no account will be asked."
The Noble Qur'an - Saba' 34:12-14
12. And to Solomon (We subjected) the wind, its morning (stride from
sunrise till midnoon)was a month's (journey), and its afternoon
(stride from the midday decline of the sun to sunset) was a month's
(journey i.e. in one day he could travel twomonths' journey). And We
causeda fount of (molten) brass to flow for him, and there were jinns
that worked in front of him, by the Leave of his Lord, and whosoever
of them turned aside from Our Command, We shall cause him to taste of
the torment of the blazing Fire.
13. They worked for him what he desired, (making) high rooms, images,
basins as large as reservoirs, and (cooking) cauldrons fixed (in their
places)."Work you, O family of Dâwud (David), with thanks!" But few of
My slaves are grateful.
14. Then when We decreed deathfor him [Sulaimân (Solomon)], nothing
informed them (jinns) of his death except a little worm of the earth,
which kept (slowly) gnawing away at his stick, so when he fell down,
the jinns saw clearly that if they had known theunseen, they would not
have stayed in the humiliating torment.
The Noble Qur'an - An-Naml 27:17-19
17. And there were gathered before Sulaimân (Solomon) his hosts of
jinns and men, and birds, and they all were set in battle order
(marching forwards).
18. Till, when they came to the valley of the ants, one of the
antssaid: "O ants! Enter your dwellings, lest Sulaimân (Solomon) and
his hosts crush you, while they perceive not."
19. So he [Sulaimân (Solomon)] smiled, amused at her speech[] and
said: "My Lord! Inspire and bestow upon me the power and ability that
I may be grateful for Your Favours which You have bestowed on me and
on my parents, and that I may do righteous good deeds that will please
You, and admit me by Your Mercy among Your righteous slaves."
Every human has a partner Jinn
Hadith - Sahih Muslim 6757, Narrated Abdullah ibn Mas'ud, similar
narration 6759 by 'Aisha, r.a.
Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: Thereis none amongst you with whomis not
an attache from amongst the jinn (devil). They (the Companions) said:
Allah's Apostle(pbuh) with you too? Thereupon he said: Yes, but Allah
helps me against him and so I am safe from his hand and he does not
command me but for good.
Distancing Oneself
Fiqh 4.124
Anas reported that the Prophet (pbuh) said, "The barrier between the
eyes of the Jinn and the nakedness of the Children of Adam is
[created] when a Muslim discards a garment and says, 'In the name of
Allah besides Whom there is no other god'." (Ibn As-Sinni)
Hadith - Ahmad, an-Nasa'i, Dawud, al-Hakim and al-Baihaqi
Qatadah related from 'Abdullah ibn Sarjas who said, "The Messenger of
Allah forbade urination into a hole." Said Qatadah, "What is disliked
about urinating into a hole?" Said he,"It is the residence of the
jinn." [Ibn Khuzaimah and Ibn as-Sakin classified it as sahih]
More About the Jinn
Hadith - Sahih Bukhari 4:533, Narrated Jabi bin 'Abdullah (ra)
The Prophet (pbuh) said, " Cover your utensils and tie your water
skins, and close your doors and keep your children close to you
atnight, as the Jinns spread out at such time and snatch things away.
When you go to bed, put out your lights, for the mischief-doer (i.e.
the rat) may drag away the wick of the candle and burn the dwellers of
the house." Ata said, "The devils." (instead of the Jinns).
Hadith - Sunan of Abu Dawood, Narrated Abu Sa'id al-Khudri
Muhammad ibn AbuYahya said that his father told that he and his
companion went to AbuSa'id al-Khudri to pay a sick visit to him. He
said: Then we came out from him and met a companion of ours who wanted
to go to him. We went ahead and sat in the mosque. He then came back
and told us that he heard AbuSa'id al-Khudri say: The Apostle of Allah
(pbuh) said: Some snakes are jinn; so when anyone sees one of them in
his house, he should give it a warning three times. If it return
(after that), he should kill it, for itis a devil.
Hadith - Al-Muwatta 54.33
...The snake stirred on the end of the spear and the youth fell
dead.No one knew which of them diedfirst, the snake or the youth.
Thatwas mentioned to the Messengerof Allah (pbuh) said, "There are
jinn in Madina who have become muslim. When you see one of them, call
out to it for three days.If it appears after that, then kill it, for
it is a shaytan." "'
Hadith - Muwatta, 49.21
...Shaytan does not open a lockeddoor or untie a tied knot, or uncover a vessel.
Hadith - Tirmidhi #350
Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said: Don't cleanse yourself with dung or
with bones for that is the foodof your brothers from amongst the Jinn.
[Transmitted by Tirmidhi, Nasa'i with this exception that he did not
make mention of: The Food of your brothers from amongst the jinn.]
The Noble Qur'an - Ar-Rahmaan 55:56
Wherein both will be those (maidens) restraining their glances upon
their husbands, whom no man or jinn yatmithhunna (has opened their
hymens with sexual intercourse) before them.
Hadith - Abu Dawood 1046, Narrated Ali ibn Abu Talib
Ali said on the pulpit in the mosque of Kufah: When Friday comes, the
devils go to the markets with their flags, and involve people in their
needs and prevent them from the Friday prayer. ...
Allah will fill Hell with jinns and men all together
The Noble Qur'an - As-Saaffaat 37:158
And they have invented a kinship between Him and the jinns, but the
jinns know well that they have indeed to appear (before Him) (i.e.
they will be brought foraccounts).
The Noble Qur'an - Huud 11:119
Except him on whom your Lord has bestowed His Mercy (the follower of
truth - Islâmic Monotheism) and for that did He create them. And the
Word of your Lord has been fulfilled (i.e. His Saying): "Surely, I
shall fill Hell with jinns and men all together."
The Noble Qur'an - Al-An'aam 6:130, 131
O you assembly of jinns and mankind! "Did not there come to you
Messengers from amongst you, reciting unto you My Verses and warning
you of the meeting of this Day of yours?" They will say: "We bear
witness against ourselves." It was the life of this world that
deceived them. And they will bear witness against themselves that they
were disbelievers.
This is because your Lord would not destroy the (populations of) towns
for their wrongdoing (i.e. associating others in worship along with
Allâh) while their people were unaware (so the Messengers were sent).
The Noble Qur'an - Al-A'raaf 7:179
And surely, We have created many of the jinns and mankind for Hell.
They have hearts wherewith they understand not, they have eyes
wherewith they see not, and they have ears wherewith they hear not
(the truth). They are like cattle, nay even more astray; those! They
arethe heedless ones.
Hadith - Al-Bukhari 7.657, Narrated 'Aisha, r.a.
Some people asked Allah's Apostle (saaws) about the foretellers. He
said. -They are nothing." They said, -O Allah's Apostle! Sometimes
they tell us of a thing which turns out to be true." Allah's Apostle
said, "A Jinnsnatches that true word and pours it into the ear of his
friend (the foreteller) (as one puts something into a bottle). The
foreteller then mixes with that word one hundred lies."
Muslim Jinn
The Noble Qur'an - Az-Zaariyaat 51:56
And I (Allâh) created not the jinnsand humans except they should
worship Me (Alone).
Hadith - Tirmidhi #861, Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah , Tirmidhi
reported and said: This is a gharib hadith.
Allah's Messenger (pbuh) came out to his companions and recited Surah
ar-Rahman (55) from the beginning to the end, but they remained
silent. Thereupon he said: I recited this before the Jinn on the night
of Jinn, and their response was better than that of yours. When I came
to these words: `Then which of the favours of your Lorddo you deny?'
They said: Our Lord, there is nothing that we deny of Thy favour; to
Thee is praise due.
The Noble Qur'an - Al-Jinn 72:1-14
1. Say (O Muhammad (pbuh) ): "It has been revealed to me that a group
(from three to ten in number) of jinns listened (to this Qur'ân). They
said: 'Verily! We have heard a wonderful Recital (this Qur'ân)!
2. 'It guides to the Right Path, andwe have believed therein, and we
shall never join (in worship) anything with our Lord (Allâh).
3. 'And exalted be the Majesty of our Lord, He has taken neither
awife, nor a son (or offspring or children).
4. 'And that the foolish among us [i.e. Iblîs (Satan) or the
polytheists amongst the jinns] used to utter against Allâh that which
was wrong and not right.
5. 'And verily, we thought that men and jinns would not utter a lie
against Allâh.
6. 'And verily, there were men among mankind who took shelter with the
masculine among the jinns, but they (jinns) increased them (mankind)
in sin and disbelief.
7. 'And they thought as you thought, that Allâh will not send any
Messenger (to mankind or jinns).
8. 'And we have sought to reach the heaven; but found it filled with
stern guards and flaming fires.
9. 'And verily, we used to sit therein stations, to (steal) a hearing,
but any who listens now will find a flaming fire watching him in
10. 'And we know not whether evil is intended for those on earth, or
whether their Lord intends for them a Right Path.
11. 'There are among us some that are righteous, and some the
contrary; we are groups each having a different way (religious sect,
12. 'And we think that we cannot escape (from the punishment of) Allâh
in the earth, nor can we escape (from the punishment) by flight.
13. 'And indeed when we heard the Guidance (this Qur'ân), we believed
therein (Islâmic Monotheism), and whosoever believes in his Lord shall
have no fear, either of a decrease inthe reward of his good deeds or
an increase in punishment for his sins.
14. 'And of us some are Muslims (who have submitted to Allâh, after
listening to this Qur'ân), and of us some are Al-Qâsitûn (disbelievers
those who have deviated from the Right Path)'.And whosoever has
embraced Islâm (i.e. has become a Muslim by submitting to Allâh), then
such have sought the Right Path."
The shaytaan (satan) can be human or jinn...
The Noble Qur'an - Al-An'aam 6:112
And so We have appointed for every Prophet enemies - Shayâtin (devils)
among mankind and jinns, inspiring one another with adorned speech as
a delusion (or by way of deception). If your Lordhad so willed, they
would not have done it, so leave them alonewith their fabrications.
Know your enemy...
The Noble Qur'an - Faatir 35:6
Surely, Shaitân (Satan) is an enemy to you, so take (treat) himas an
enemy. He only invites his Hizb (followers) that they may become the
dwellers of the blazing Fire.
The Noble Qur'an - Az-Zukhruf 43:62
And let not Shaitân (Satan) hinderyou (from the right religion, i.e.
Islâmic Monotheism), Verily, he (Satan) to you is a plain enemy.
Shaitaan tells you to fear people instead of Allah, swt...
The Noble Qur'an - Az-Zukhruf 43:62
It is only Shaitân (Satan) that suggests to you the fear of his
Auliyâ' [supporters and friends (polytheists, disbelievers in the
Oneness of Allâh and in His Messenger, Muhammad (pbuh) )],so fear them
not, but fear Me, if you are (true) believers.
The jinn's power is to Whisper/Deceive
The Noble Qur'an - An-Naas 114
1. Say: "I seek refuge with (Allâh) the Lord of mankind,
2. "The King of mankind,
3. "The Ilâh (God) of mankind,
4. "From the evil of the whisperer(devil who whispers evil in the
hearts of men) who withdraws (from his whispering in one's heart after
one remembers Allâh),
5. "Who whispers in the breasts of mankind,
6. "Of jinns and men."
The Noble Qur'an - Al-An'aam 6:128
And on the Day when He will gather them (all) together (and say): "O
you assembly of jinns! Many did you mislead of men," ...
The Noble Qur'an - Al-'Anaam 6:112
And so We have appointed for every Prophet enemies - Shayâtin (devils)
among mankind and jinns, inspiring one another with adorned speech as
a delusion (or by way of deception)....
The Noble Qur'an - An-Nahl 16:99-100
Verily! He has no power over those who believe and put their trust
only in their Lord (Allâh).
His power is only over those who obey and follow him (Satan), and
those who join partners with Him (Allâh) [i.e. those who are Mushrikûn
- polytheists - see Verse 6:121].
The Noble Qur'an - Ibrahiim 14:22
And Shaitân (Satan) will say whenthe matter has been decided:"Verily,
Allâh promised you a promise of truth. And I too promised you, but I
betrayed you. I had no authority over you except that I called you, so
you responded to me. So blame me not, but blame yourselves. I cannot
help you, nor can you help me. I deny your former act in associating
me (Satan) as a partner with Allâh (by obeying me in the life of the
world). Verily, there is a painful torment for the Zâlimûn
(polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.)."
The Noble Qur'an - Al-Israa' 17:61-65
And (remember) when We said to the angels: "Prostrate unto Adam." They
prostrated except Iblîs (Satan). He said: "Shall I prostrate to one
whom You created from clay?"
[ Iblîs (Satan)] said: "See? This onewhom You have honoured above me,
if You give me respite (keep me alive) to the Day of Resurrection, I
will surely seize and mislead his offspring (by sending them astray)
all but a few!"
(Allâh) said: "Go, and whosoever of them follows you, surely! Hell
will be the recompense of you (all) an ample recompense.
"And Istafziz [literally means: befool them gradually] those whom you
can among them withyour voice (i.e. songs, music, and any other call
for Allâh's disobedience), make assaults on them with your cavalry and
your infantry, mutually share with them wealth and children (by
tempting them to earn money byillegal ways usury, etc., or by
committing illegal sexual intercourse, etc.), and make promises to
them." But Satan promises them nothing but deceit.
"Verily! My slaves (i.e the true believers of Islâmic Monotheism),you
have no authority over them.And All-Sufficient is your Lord as
Supplication for one afflicted by whisperings in prayer or recitation...
Hadith - Sahih Muslim 5463, Narrated Uthman ibn Abul'As, r.a.
Uthman came to Allah's Messenger (pbuh) and said: Allah's Messenger,
the Satan intervenes between me and my prayer and my reciting of the
Qur'an and he confounds me. Thereupon Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said:
That is (the doing of the Satan) who is known as Khinzab, and when you
perceive its effect, seek refuge with Allah from it and spit* three
times to your left. I did that and Allah dispelled that from me.
* this is a dry spit in the air
Seeking refuge IN the Jinn
The Noble Qur'an - Al-Jinn 72: 6-7
6. 'And verily, there were men among mankind who took shelter with the
masculine among the jinns, but they (jinns) increased them (mankind)
in sin and disbelief.
7. 'And they thought as you thought, that Allâh will not send any
Messenger (to mankind or jinns).
The Noble Qur'an - Ibrahiim 14:22
And Shaitân (Satan) will say whenthe matter has been decided:"Verily,
Allâh promised you a promise of truth. And I too promised you, but I
betrayed you. I had no authority over you except that I called you, so
you responded to me. So blame me not, but blame yourselves. I cannot
help you, nor can you help me. I deny your former act in associating
me (Satan) as a partner with Allâh (by obeying me in the life of the
world). Verily, there is a painful torment for the Zâlimûn
(polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.)."
The Noble Qur'an - Al-An'aam 6:100-102
100. Yet, they join the jinns as partners in worship with Allâh,
though He has created them (the jinns), and they attribute falsely
without knowledge sons and daughters to Him. Be He Glorified and
Exalted above (all) that they attribute to Him.
101. He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth. How can He
have children when He has no wife? He created all things and Heis the
All-Knower of everything.
102. Such is Allâh, your Lord! Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right
to be worshipped but He), the Creator of all things. So worship Him
(Alone), and He is the Wakîl (Trustee, Disposer of affairs, Guardian,
etc.) over all things.
The Noble Qur'an - Al-An'aam 6:128
And on the Day when He will gather them (all) together (and say): "O
you assembly of jinns! Many did you mislead of men," and their Auliyâ'
(friends and helpers, etc.) amongst men will say: "Our Lord! We
benefited one from the other, but now we havereached our appointed
term which You did appoint for us." Hewill say: "The Fire be your
dwellingplace, you will dwell therein forever, except as Allâh may
will. Certainly your Lord is AllWise, AllKnowing."
Seeking refuge FROM the Evil Jinn
Say " 'audhu billah" (I seek refugein Allah) and other dhikr
(remembrance of Allah, swt) when the evil whisper of Shaitaan comes
upon you, such as
*. when becoming angry,
*. having confusing or disobedient thoughts,
*. when approached by arrogants who dispute the Truth of the ayats of
Allah, swt,
*. when about to recite Qur'an,
*. or when in any situation that Quran and Sunnah teaches you is a
result of the shaitaan.
The Noble Qur'an - Fussilat 41:36
And if an evil whisper from Shaitân (Satan) tries to turn you away (O
Muhammad SAW) (from doing good, etc.), then seek refuge in Allâh.
Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.
The Noble Qur'an - Al-A'raaf 7:200,201
And if an evil whisper comes to you from Shaitân (Satan) then seek
refuge with Allâh. Verily, He is All-Hearer, All-Knower.
Verily, those who are Al-Muttaqûn (the pious - see V.2:2), when an
evil thought comes to them from Shaitân (Satan), they remember
(Allâh), and (indeed) they then see (aright).
The Noble Qur'an - Ghaafir 40:56
Verily, those who dispute about the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses,
lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allâh, without any authority
having come to them, there is nothing else in their breasts except
pride [to accept you (Muhammad SAW) as a Messenger of Allâh and to
obey you]. They will never have it (i.e. Prophethood which Allâh
hasbestowed upon you). So seek refuge in Allâh (O Muhammad SAW from
the arrogants). Verily, it is He Who is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer.
The Noble Qur'an - An-Nahl 16:98
So when you want to recite the Qur'ân, seek refuge with Allâh from
Shaitân (Satan), the outcast (the cursed one).
Hadith - Al-Muwatta 51.10
Yahya related to me from Malik that Yahya ibn Said said, "When the
Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was taken on the Night Journey, he saw an
evil jinn seeking him with a torch of fire. Whenever the Messenger of
Allah (pbuh) turned, he saw him. Jibril said to him, 'Shall I teach
you some words to say? When you say them, his torch will be put out
and will fall from him.' The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, 'Yes,
indeed.' Jibril said, 'Say, 'I seek refuge with the Noble Face of
Allah and with the complete words of Allah which neither the good
person nor the corrupt can exceed, from the evil of what descends from
the sky and the evil of what ascends in it, and from the evil of what
is created in the earth and the evil of what comes out of it, and from
the trials of the night and day, and from the visitations of the night
and day, except for one that knocks with good, O Merciful!" "'
Audhu bi wajhi'llahi' l-karim wa bi kalimati'llahi't-tammati. Allati
la yujawazu hunna barra wa la fajir, min sharri ma yanzil min as-sama,
wa sharri ma yaruju fiha, wa sham ma dhara' fi'l-ard, wa sharri ma
yakhruju minha, wamin fitani'l-layli wa'n-nahar, wa min
tawariqi'l-layli wa'n-nahar illa tariqan yatruq bikhayr ya Rahman!
Say Bismillah and then the du'a below before entering the toilet area...
Hadith - Al-Tirmidhi 358, NarratedAli ibn Abu Talib
Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said: The screen between the eyes of Jinn and
the private parts of the sons of Adam as one of them enters the privy
is that he should say: In the name of Allah. [This hadith has been
transmitted by Tirmidhi and he said: It is a gharib hadith and its
isnad is not sound.]
[Bismillahi] Allahumma inna 'audhu bika minal khubthi wal khabaa'ith.
[By the Name of Allah]. Oh Allah, Iseek protection in You from unclean
spirits, male and female. [Abu Dawud 4/264, Ahmad 2/389]
The ayat "Al-Kursi" (2:255) is well-known as a means for repelling
mischievious jinn...
The Noble Qur'an - Al-Baqara 2:255
Allah! La ilaha illa Huwa (none hasthe right to be worshipped but He),
the Ever, Living, the One Whosustains and protects all that exists.
neither slumber, nor sleep overtake Him. To Him belongs whatever is
in the heavens and whatever is on earth. Who is he that can intercede
with Him except with His Permission? He knows what happens to them
(His creatures) in this world, and what will happen to them in the
Hereafter. And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge
except that which He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and
the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them.
And He is the Most High, the Most Great (Ayat-ul-Kursi).
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And Allah Knows the Best!
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M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA
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Guide us to the straight path
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"INDIA "- Time in New Delhi -
Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
''Allah is Sufficient for us'' + '' All praise is due to Allah. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' (Aameen) | | |
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Sunday, December 2, 2012
Jinn - According to Quran and Sunnah
Dua - At meal time when visiting someone
Prophet (SAW)'s Prayers
At meal times when visiting someone
اللَّهُمَّ أَطْعِمْ مَنْ أَطْعَمَنِي وَاسْقِ مَنْ سَقَانِي
"O Allah, feed him for he has fed me and quench his thirst for he has
quenched my thirst".
Alternate dua
أَكَلَ طَعَامَكُمُ الْأَبْرَارُ وَصَلَّتْ عَلَيْكُمُ الْمَلَائِكَةَ
وَأَفْطَرَ عِنْدَكُمُ الصَّائِمُونَ
"(May) the righteous partake of your food andthe angels of mercy
descend upon you and those who are fasting break their fast with you.
(Hisnul Hasin)
Also recite the above dua which praises Allah and thanks Him.
At meal times when visiting someone
اللَّهُمَّ أَطْعِمْ مَنْ أَطْعَمَنِي وَاسْقِ مَنْ سَقَانِي
"O Allah, feed him for he has fed me and quench his thirst for he has
quenched my thirst".
Alternate dua
أَكَلَ طَعَامَكُمُ الْأَبْرَارُ وَصَلَّتْ عَلَيْكُمُ الْمَلَائِكَةَ
وَأَفْطَرَ عِنْدَكُمُ الصَّائِمُونَ
"(May) the righteous partake of your food andthe angels of mercy
descend upon you and those who are fasting break their fast with you.
(Hisnul Hasin)
Also recite the above dua which praises Allah and thanks Him.
Dua - When drinking milk
Prophet (SAW)'s Prayers
When drinking water
اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ لَنَا فِيهِ وَزِدْنَا مِنْهُ
"O Allah, grant us blessings in it".
When drinking water
اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ لَنَا فِيهِ وَزِدْنَا مِنْهُ
"O Allah, grant us blessings in it".
Dua - At the time of lifting the table cloth
Prophet (SAW)'s Prayers
At the time of lifting the table cloth
الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ حَمْدَاً كَثِيرَاً طَيِّبَاً مُبَارَكَاً فِيهِ
غَيْرَ مَكْفِيٍّ وَلَا مُوَدَّعٍ وَلَا مُسْتَغْنَىً عَنْهُ رَبَّنَا
"All praise belongs to Allah who is Omnipresent, Pure and full of
Blessings. O Lord, we are eating thinking we cannot be without it nor
independent of it, nor can we do without it".
At the time of lifting the table cloth
الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ حَمْدَاً كَثِيرَاً طَيِّبَاً مُبَارَكَاً فِيهِ
غَيْرَ مَكْفِيٍّ وَلَا مُوَدَّعٍ وَلَا مُسْتَغْنَىً عَنْهُ رَبَّنَا
"All praise belongs to Allah who is Omnipresent, Pure and full of
Blessings. O Lord, we are eating thinking we cannot be without it nor
independent of it, nor can we do without it".
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And Allah Knows the Best!
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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA
¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤
Poem: Why Do You Save Me?
Why Do You Save Me?
Allah, why do You save me?
Why do You guide me gently,
and push me to the light?
Am I more in Your sight
than a walking shade?
Am I bright? Do You see
my coruscating heart?
Am I living my true life?
If not, then in which shining valley
does it lie?
In whose wide eyes,
in what hungry land?
Why did You draw me by the hand
from my prison bed?
What of the souls I have loved
who are lost, who have fled
to distant cities
or turned their heads
after speaking
of inexpressible sadness?
Those who have known me best
have betrayed me,
or I have betrayed them.
Is that the grief of Bani Adam?
Why do You pull me
from the pit,
casting light on me,
accepting my regret,
giving me dreams like comets,
or signposts
to a hidden shrine?
Dreams like hands in mine.
Why, Allah? Am I more
than I seem to myself?
Where did my soul reside
in the world before birth?
If souls are troops
collected together
then where is my unit,
where was my creche?
Who am I to them now?
Who am I to the Prophets,
to the angels sweeping the sky,
to my daughter
and those who will proceed?
Who am I to You, Al-Azeez,
who hold night and day;
and when will I find my way?
Allah, why do You save me?
Why do You guide me gently,
and push me to the light?
Am I more in Your sight
than a walking shade?
Am I bright? Do You see
my coruscating heart?
Am I living my true life?
If not, then in which shining valley
does it lie?
In whose wide eyes,
in what hungry land?
Why did You draw me by the hand
from my prison bed?
What of the souls I have loved
who are lost, who have fled
to distant cities
or turned their heads
after speaking
of inexpressible sadness?
Those who have known me best
have betrayed me,
or I have betrayed them.
Is that the grief of Bani Adam?
Why do You pull me
from the pit,
casting light on me,
accepting my regret,
giving me dreams like comets,
or signposts
to a hidden shrine?
Dreams like hands in mine.
Why, Allah? Am I more
than I seem to myself?
Where did my soul reside
in the world before birth?
If souls are troops
collected together
then where is my unit,
where was my creche?
Who am I to them now?
Who am I to the Prophets,
to the angels sweeping the sky,
to my daughter
and those who will proceed?
Who am I to You, Al-Azeez,
who hold night and day;
and when will I find my way?
A book is a garden
"A book is like a garden carried in the pocket." – Arab proverb
A book in your pocket is like a secret treasure. It isa magical means
of transportation, a source of knowledge, a historical record, and a
treasure chest containingthe knowledge of humanminds and hearts, or in
the case of the Quran, themessage of Allah to humanity.
You can take the book out of your pocket and lose yourself in it,
forgetting about all the worries of the world, justas you can do in a
beautiful garden.
Fozia, a Muslim sister from the UK, points out that a book helps one
develop through acquiring knowledge, as a garden blossoms through the
growth of itsflowers and creatures…
Making the Impossible Possible
Indeed, to carry a gardenin one's pocket is impossible, but that's the
thing about books, they make the impossible possible. A family that
hasbeen stuck in poverty for generations can break that cycle by
sending onechild to higher education. Someone whocomes from the most
desperate circumstances can achieve the seemingly impossible andbecome
a doctor, engineer, or even President, all through thepower of
education. The power of books.
That reminds me of a quote by Cesar Chavez, the famous campaigner for
farm workers' rights, who is now deceased. He said,
"Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. You cannot
uneducate the person who has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the
person who feels pride. You cannot oppress the people who are not
afraid anymore. We have seen the future, and the future is ours."
This process of social change that he describes starts with a book. It
starts with education. The ultimate Book is the Quran, and it is a
world-changing book. It brings light where there was darkness, and
changes human beings from the inside out.
The First Revelation of the Quran
Does anyone need proof that the processes of personal growth and
social change both start with books? Consider the first revealed
verses of the Quran itself, in Surah 96, Al-'Alaq:
1. Read in the name of your Lord Who created.
2. He created humankind from a clot.
3. Read and your Lord is Most Honorable,
4. Who taught (to write) with the pen
5. Taught the human being what he knew not.
The moment of the first revelation of the Quran to the Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) was amoment of immense significance for all humanity,
possibly the most significant moment in human history. It follows that
the message is one of great significance as well.
What is this message of great significance, these first few profound
and powerful words?
Read, and write, and do it in the name of Allah.
Allah exalted and honored human beings by giving us knowledge, the
capacity to acquire more knowledge, and the tools to record and share
our knowledge, whether verbally or in print. He commanded us to make
use of these tools, and to do it in Allah's name so that our motives
and methods remain pure, and so that the results will be beneficial to
humanity and not destructive or oppressive.
We are supposed to use our knowledge to create vaccines for diseases,
not to create deadly viruses for biological warfare. We should use
nuclear power to generate clean energy, not to design bombs that can
destroy nations. We must use robotic technologies to create artificial
limbs for victims of war or accidents, or to explore the depths of the
sea, or to clear old minefields without loss of life, or to rescue
miners trapped deep underground… not to build hunter-killer drones
that destroy innocent human lives while the operator moves a joystick
a thousand miles away.
Knowledge must be employed "in the name of your Lord Who created," not
in the nameof greed or vengeance.
This is especially important today, when fantastically powerful
technologies are being developed every day. Supercomputers,
nanotechnology, genetic engineering, cloning, quantum physics… If
these technologies are not tempered with faith and wisdom, humanity
could unleash horrors on the world that will make previous wars and
genocides look like a badcase of the measles (no disrespect intended
to victims of past conflicts).
A New Course for the World
The Quran was also a message that the time had come to change
humanity's meandering course. Human beings all over the world had been
creating societies, customs and laws based on superstition. Some
societies were based on artificial castes. Others were based on
worship of human beings, or worship of the dead, or cult-like
religions, or collections of taboos and myths.
The revelation of the Quran signified the beginning of a new course
for the world, a lighted path based on scholarship, science and the
systematization of knowledge. The engines of this new period wouldbe
literacy, scholarship, Tawheed (Oneness of God), and righteousness.
Human history, with its long and bleak stretches of ignorance and
suffering, like a vast desert with only a few small oases, was given a
permanent garden in theform of a book: the Quran.
A book is a garden in your pocket. It's natural, inspiring, and
life-changing. It's your own personal haven. But only if you read it
and let it into your heart.
A book in your pocket is like a secret treasure. It isa magical means
of transportation, a source of knowledge, a historical record, and a
treasure chest containingthe knowledge of humanminds and hearts, or in
the case of the Quran, themessage of Allah to humanity.
You can take the book out of your pocket and lose yourself in it,
forgetting about all the worries of the world, justas you can do in a
beautiful garden.
Fozia, a Muslim sister from the UK, points out that a book helps one
develop through acquiring knowledge, as a garden blossoms through the
growth of itsflowers and creatures…
Making the Impossible Possible
Indeed, to carry a gardenin one's pocket is impossible, but that's the
thing about books, they make the impossible possible. A family that
hasbeen stuck in poverty for generations can break that cycle by
sending onechild to higher education. Someone whocomes from the most
desperate circumstances can achieve the seemingly impossible andbecome
a doctor, engineer, or even President, all through thepower of
education. The power of books.
That reminds me of a quote by Cesar Chavez, the famous campaigner for
farm workers' rights, who is now deceased. He said,
"Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. You cannot
uneducate the person who has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the
person who feels pride. You cannot oppress the people who are not
afraid anymore. We have seen the future, and the future is ours."
This process of social change that he describes starts with a book. It
starts with education. The ultimate Book is the Quran, and it is a
world-changing book. It brings light where there was darkness, and
changes human beings from the inside out.
The First Revelation of the Quran
Does anyone need proof that the processes of personal growth and
social change both start with books? Consider the first revealed
verses of the Quran itself, in Surah 96, Al-'Alaq:
1. Read in the name of your Lord Who created.
2. He created humankind from a clot.
3. Read and your Lord is Most Honorable,
4. Who taught (to write) with the pen
5. Taught the human being what he knew not.
The moment of the first revelation of the Quran to the Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) was amoment of immense significance for all humanity,
possibly the most significant moment in human history. It follows that
the message is one of great significance as well.
What is this message of great significance, these first few profound
and powerful words?
Read, and write, and do it in the name of Allah.
Allah exalted and honored human beings by giving us knowledge, the
capacity to acquire more knowledge, and the tools to record and share
our knowledge, whether verbally or in print. He commanded us to make
use of these tools, and to do it in Allah's name so that our motives
and methods remain pure, and so that the results will be beneficial to
humanity and not destructive or oppressive.
We are supposed to use our knowledge to create vaccines for diseases,
not to create deadly viruses for biological warfare. We should use
nuclear power to generate clean energy, not to design bombs that can
destroy nations. We must use robotic technologies to create artificial
limbs for victims of war or accidents, or to explore the depths of the
sea, or to clear old minefields without loss of life, or to rescue
miners trapped deep underground… not to build hunter-killer drones
that destroy innocent human lives while the operator moves a joystick
a thousand miles away.
Knowledge must be employed "in the name of your Lord Who created," not
in the nameof greed or vengeance.
This is especially important today, when fantastically powerful
technologies are being developed every day. Supercomputers,
nanotechnology, genetic engineering, cloning, quantum physics… If
these technologies are not tempered with faith and wisdom, humanity
could unleash horrors on the world that will make previous wars and
genocides look like a badcase of the measles (no disrespect intended
to victims of past conflicts).
A New Course for the World
The Quran was also a message that the time had come to change
humanity's meandering course. Human beings all over the world had been
creating societies, customs and laws based on superstition. Some
societies were based on artificial castes. Others were based on
worship of human beings, or worship of the dead, or cult-like
religions, or collections of taboos and myths.
The revelation of the Quran signified the beginning of a new course
for the world, a lighted path based on scholarship, science and the
systematization of knowledge. The engines of this new period wouldbe
literacy, scholarship, Tawheed (Oneness of God), and righteousness.
Human history, with its long and bleak stretches of ignorance and
suffering, like a vast desert with only a few small oases, was given a
permanent garden in theform of a book: the Quran.
A book is a garden in your pocket. It's natural, inspiring, and
life-changing. It's your own personal haven. But only if you read it
and let it into your heart.
How does Islam continue to grow in the West?
Someone posted this question recently on an Islamic forum that I belong to:
There all kinds of people coming to Islam. There are some that even
convert in huge masses (20+ people). It's the fastest growing religion
in the UK and USA. Just visit Youtube. How is thata religion that is
put down in the media constantly is the most popular choice today?
Let me put it in marketing terms to start. I don't want to cheapen our
deen which is the most beautiful way of life, ordained for humanity by
Allah. But most people in this consumer culture of the West understand
marketing concepts.
In the marketing industrythey say that there is no such thing as bad
publicity. That may or may not be true, but I do believe it is true
when you have a quality product. Islam is a qualityproduct.
I have heard of many people who initially wanted to learn more about
this "terrible religion" that gets so much bad press. So they picked
up a book on Islam or a copy of the Quran, began reading, and
SubhanAllah, were guided to the truth.
That's the way of it.
Throwing a rubber ballat the ground
This deen is a clarion call,it is the sunlight through the clouds. It
is manifest truth. As much as the enemies of Allah try to badmouth
Islam, they only serve its cause. As Allah says (paraphrasing) in the
Quran, they desired to extinguish the light of Allah with their
mouths, but Allah will complete His light, though the disbelievers may
detest it.
Someone once said to methat those who try to damage Islam are like
someone throwing a rubber ball down on the ground. The harder they
throw it, trying to smash it, the higher it bounces back in the air.
When I say there's no such thing as bad publicity, that doesn't mean
that I am happy about things like terroristattacks, "honor killings",
female genital mutilationand other bad actions that bring bad
publicity to Islam. I despise those acts and I utterly condemn them,
not only because they damage theimage of Islam and make life harder
for Muslims, but because they are evil in themselves, and they bring
suffering to innocent people.
No, when I say there's no such thing as bad publicity, I am thinking
more of the lies that are told about Islam. Hateful preachers who
insult the Prophet (peace be upon him); or the often-made false claim
that Islam wasspread by the sword; or the bigoted epithets
(like"Islamofascists") that are used to try to discredit Islam in the
eyes of the public. In the end, all these lies will fail, because
truth is clear from falsehood.
Quran 61:8
(8) They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but
Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it.
(9) It is He who sent His Messenger with guidanceand the religion of
truth to manifest it over all religion, although those who associate
others with Allah dislike it.
(Umm Muhammad translation)
The enemies of Islam think that Allah's light is like a candle that
can be blown out with the breath from their mouths, by propagating
false rumors and lies about this deen. They might as well try to blow
out the light of the sun. Allah's light is far more powerful even than
Quran is a light
" O humankind, there has come to you a conclusive proof from your
Lord, and We have sent down to you a clear light." (Quran 4:174)
Allah has manifested His light in the revelation of the Quran. It is
an eternalbook, protected by Allah, unchanged, shedding light like a
lamp that never runs dry. It illuminates the souls of those who read
it and practice it, and so light spreads in the world, purifying it.
That's why the Messengerof Allah (pbuh) said, "The best amongst you
are those who learn the Quran and teach it." [Al-Bukhaari] Because
theQuran is the source of guidance and a light, andby spreading it we
ensure the victory of Islam over oppression, we perpetuate Truth in
the world, and we offer guidance to the lost.
The Quran is also a sourceof internal peace. Recitation and
contemplation of the Quran soothes the heart and carries away the
stresses of life, and it brings one closer to Allah.That's why the
Prophet (pbuh) said, "No people assemble in one of the houses of
Allah, and recite and study the Bookof Allah, except that tranquility
prevails over them, mercy encompasses them, the angels surround them,
and Allah makes a mention of them in the presence of those near Him."
Wow. SubhanAllah.
So it's not surprising when you hear stories from people who were
non-Muslims; became curious about Islam due to the constant
fear-mongering in the media; decided to pick up a Quran and check it
out for themselves; and found themselves moved,and their hearts
touched,so that they accepted Islam. It's a very common story.
Trust in Allah
I started out by answering the question, "How does Islam continue to
grow in the West in spite of all the negative press and lies?" Now I
want to add a finalmessage for my Muslim readers: Don't despair when
you see the forces of falsehood arrayed in all their power against
Islam. When you read about Muslims being oppressed in Palestine,
Chechnya, East Turkestan (a Muslim province of China) and so many
otherplaces, you should feel pain and sympathy for your brothers and
sisters,but don't let your heart be filled with rage or hatred.
Don't despair! Hatred anddespair are the oppositesof faith; they lead
to corruption and are the fuel that drives evils like terrorism, where
people cast aside the principles of their religion, and allow
themselves to be seduced into blind violence, justifying it to
themselves because they are so angry.
Trust that Allah will perfect His light. Do your part to serve the
cause ofIslam (that is key!), and then trust that Allah will manifest
the Truth over all, no matter who standsagainst it. Trust also that
Allah will guide you, and bring you into the light, and reward you in
this life and the next.
In these next two verses there is a double message, one for the People
of the Book (the Christians and the Jews), calling them to the light
that Allah has revealed; and one to the believers, calling on them to
"pursue His pleasure to the ways of peace…", in other words to seek
Allah's pleasure through compassionate and righteous action on the
paths of peace.
"O People of the Scripture, there has cometo you Our Messenger making
clear to you much of what you used to conceal of the Scripture and
overlooking much. There has come to you from Allah a light and a clear
Book; By which Allah guides those who pursueHis pleasure to the ways
of peace and brings themout from darknesses into the light, by His
permission, and guides them to a straight path." (Quran 5:15-16)
- - - - -
And Allah Knows the Best!
- - - - -
Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA
¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤
There all kinds of people coming to Islam. There are some that even
convert in huge masses (20+ people). It's the fastest growing religion
in the UK and USA. Just visit Youtube. How is thata religion that is
put down in the media constantly is the most popular choice today?
Let me put it in marketing terms to start. I don't want to cheapen our
deen which is the most beautiful way of life, ordained for humanity by
Allah. But most people in this consumer culture of the West understand
marketing concepts.
In the marketing industrythey say that there is no such thing as bad
publicity. That may or may not be true, but I do believe it is true
when you have a quality product. Islam is a qualityproduct.
I have heard of many people who initially wanted to learn more about
this "terrible religion" that gets so much bad press. So they picked
up a book on Islam or a copy of the Quran, began reading, and
SubhanAllah, were guided to the truth.
That's the way of it.
Throwing a rubber ballat the ground
This deen is a clarion call,it is the sunlight through the clouds. It
is manifest truth. As much as the enemies of Allah try to badmouth
Islam, they only serve its cause. As Allah says (paraphrasing) in the
Quran, they desired to extinguish the light of Allah with their
mouths, but Allah will complete His light, though the disbelievers may
detest it.
Someone once said to methat those who try to damage Islam are like
someone throwing a rubber ball down on the ground. The harder they
throw it, trying to smash it, the higher it bounces back in the air.
When I say there's no such thing as bad publicity, that doesn't mean
that I am happy about things like terroristattacks, "honor killings",
female genital mutilationand other bad actions that bring bad
publicity to Islam. I despise those acts and I utterly condemn them,
not only because they damage theimage of Islam and make life harder
for Muslims, but because they are evil in themselves, and they bring
suffering to innocent people.
No, when I say there's no such thing as bad publicity, I am thinking
more of the lies that are told about Islam. Hateful preachers who
insult the Prophet (peace be upon him); or the often-made false claim
that Islam wasspread by the sword; or the bigoted epithets
(like"Islamofascists") that are used to try to discredit Islam in the
eyes of the public. In the end, all these lies will fail, because
truth is clear from falsehood.
Quran 61:8
(8) They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but
Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it.
(9) It is He who sent His Messenger with guidanceand the religion of
truth to manifest it over all religion, although those who associate
others with Allah dislike it.
(Umm Muhammad translation)
The enemies of Islam think that Allah's light is like a candle that
can be blown out with the breath from their mouths, by propagating
false rumors and lies about this deen. They might as well try to blow
out the light of the sun. Allah's light is far more powerful even than
Quran is a light
" O humankind, there has come to you a conclusive proof from your
Lord, and We have sent down to you a clear light." (Quran 4:174)
Allah has manifested His light in the revelation of the Quran. It is
an eternalbook, protected by Allah, unchanged, shedding light like a
lamp that never runs dry. It illuminates the souls of those who read
it and practice it, and so light spreads in the world, purifying it.
That's why the Messengerof Allah (pbuh) said, "The best amongst you
are those who learn the Quran and teach it." [Al-Bukhaari] Because
theQuran is the source of guidance and a light, andby spreading it we
ensure the victory of Islam over oppression, we perpetuate Truth in
the world, and we offer guidance to the lost.
The Quran is also a sourceof internal peace. Recitation and
contemplation of the Quran soothes the heart and carries away the
stresses of life, and it brings one closer to Allah.That's why the
Prophet (pbuh) said, "No people assemble in one of the houses of
Allah, and recite and study the Bookof Allah, except that tranquility
prevails over them, mercy encompasses them, the angels surround them,
and Allah makes a mention of them in the presence of those near Him."
Wow. SubhanAllah.
So it's not surprising when you hear stories from people who were
non-Muslims; became curious about Islam due to the constant
fear-mongering in the media; decided to pick up a Quran and check it
out for themselves; and found themselves moved,and their hearts
touched,so that they accepted Islam. It's a very common story.
Trust in Allah
I started out by answering the question, "How does Islam continue to
grow in the West in spite of all the negative press and lies?" Now I
want to add a finalmessage for my Muslim readers: Don't despair when
you see the forces of falsehood arrayed in all their power against
Islam. When you read about Muslims being oppressed in Palestine,
Chechnya, East Turkestan (a Muslim province of China) and so many
otherplaces, you should feel pain and sympathy for your brothers and
sisters,but don't let your heart be filled with rage or hatred.
Don't despair! Hatred anddespair are the oppositesof faith; they lead
to corruption and are the fuel that drives evils like terrorism, where
people cast aside the principles of their religion, and allow
themselves to be seduced into blind violence, justifying it to
themselves because they are so angry.
Trust that Allah will perfect His light. Do your part to serve the
cause ofIslam (that is key!), and then trust that Allah will manifest
the Truth over all, no matter who standsagainst it. Trust also that
Allah will guide you, and bring you into the light, and reward you in
this life and the next.
In these next two verses there is a double message, one for the People
of the Book (the Christians and the Jews), calling them to the light
that Allah has revealed; and one to the believers, calling on them to
"pursue His pleasure to the ways of peace…", in other words to seek
Allah's pleasure through compassionate and righteous action on the
paths of peace.
"O People of the Scripture, there has cometo you Our Messenger making
clear to you much of what you used to conceal of the Scripture and
overlooking much. There has come to you from Allah a light and a clear
Book; By which Allah guides those who pursueHis pleasure to the ways
of peace and brings themout from darknesses into the light, by His
permission, and guides them to a straight path." (Quran 5:15-16)
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And Allah Knows the Best!
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M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA
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evil eye - Is witchcraft real? Is it permissible to seek treatment from practitioners of witchcraft
Is there anything such aswitch doctors? What should we do if someone
says "I don't believe in magic" because "this is just an illusion"?.
Praise be to Allaah.
Sihr (witchcraft or magic) is a word referring to something hidden. It
is real and there are kinds of witchcraft that may affect people
psychologically and physically, so that they become sick and die, or
husbands and wives are separated. Its effects happen by the will of
Allaah. It is a devilish action, most of which is only achieved by
means of shirk and drawing close to the jinn and shayaateen (devils)
by means of that which they love, and it is basedon associating others
with Allaah (shirk).
There are doctors who are also practitioners of witchcraft, who treat
people by means of seeking the help of the jinn. They claim to have
knowledge of the sickness with no need toidentify it, and they
prescribe for the patient foods and drinks that bring him closer to
his allies among the devils. He may tell them to slaughter a pig
whilst saying "Bismillaah" over it, or to slaughter a permissible
animal without saying "Bismillaah", or when saying the name of one of
the devils.
This is kufr or disbelief in Allaah, and it is not permissible under
any circumstances to go to people like these. The hadd punishment for
these people is execution. It has been proven from three of
theSahaabah (may Allaah bepleased with them) that the practitioners of
witchcraft are to be put to death.
The Standing Committee was asked a question about this matter, in
which it was said:
Please note that in Zambia there is a Muslimman who claims that he has
with him a jinn, and the people come to him and ask him to treat their
sicknesses, and thisjinn states what their treatment should be. Is
that permissible?
They replied:
It is not permissible for that man to use the jinn, and it is not
permissible for the people to go to him seeking treatment for sickness
through his using the jinn, or to meet any other need by this means.
Seeking treatment through human medical doctors and using permissible
medicines is sufficient and means that there is no need for that, and
it keeps peoplesafe from the sorcery of the magicians.
It was narrated in a saheeh report that the Messenger of Allaah (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever goes to
afortune-teller and asks him about something, his prayer will not be
accepted for forty days." Narrated by Muslim.
And it was narrated by the authors of al-Sunan and by al-Haakim, who
classed it as saheeh, that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him) said: "Whoever goes to a soothsayer and believes what he
says has disbelieved in that which was revealed to Muhammad."
This man and his companions from among the jinn are regarded as being
among the fortune-tellers and soothsayers, so it is not permissible
toask them anything or to believe them.
Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa'imah, 1/408, 409
Shaykh 'Abd al-'Azeez ibn Baaz said:
Given that there are so many charlatans lately, who claim to be
doctors and to treat people by means of magic and witchcraft, and they
have become widespread in some countries and they exploit the naïveté
of the ignorant, I thought that in the spirit of sincerity towards
Allaah and His slaves, that I should explain the gravedanger that this
poses toIslam and the Muslims, because it involves dependence on
something other than Allaah and going againstHis command and the
command of His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him),
so I say, seeking the help of Allaah:
It is permissible to seek treatment according to scholarly consensus.
The Muslim may go to a doctor to seek treatmentfor internal diseases,
injuries, nervous complaints, etc, so that he can identify the disease
and treat it in anappropriate manner, using medicines that
arepermissible according tosharee'ah, based on his knowledge of
medicine, because this comes under the heading of using the ordinary
means, and it is not contrary to the idea of putting one's trust in
Allaah. Allaah has sent down the disease but Hehas also sent down with
it the cure; those who know it know it and those who do not do not.
But Allaah has not created the healing for His slaves in that which He
has forbidden to them, so it is not permissible for the sick person to
go to a soothsayer who claims to know the unseen, in order to find out
from them what is wrong with him. And it is not permissible for him to
believe what they tell him, because they speak of the unseen without
knowledge, or they summon the jinn and seek their help in doing what
they want. The ruling on these people isthat they are kaafirs
andmisguided, because theyclaim to have knowledge of the unseen.
Muslim narratedin his Saheeh that the Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever goes to a fortune-teller and asks
him about something, his prayer will not be accepted for forty days."
And it was narrated fromAbu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him)
that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
"Whoever goes to asoothsayer and believes what he says has disbelieved
in that which was revealed to Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him)." Narrated by Abu Dawood and by the four authors of
al-Sunan;classed as saheeh by al-Haakim who narrated that the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever goes to a
fortune-teller or soothsayer and believes what he says has disbelieved
in that which was revealed to Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him)." And it was narrated that 'Imraan ibn Husayn (may Allaah
be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "He doesnot belong to us who
observes bird omens or has that done for him, orwho seeks divination
or who has that done for him, or who practices witchcraft or has that
done for him. Whoever goes to a soothsayer andbelieves what he says
has disbelieved in that which was revealed to Muhammad (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him)." Narrated by al-Bazzaar with a
jayyid isnaad.
These ahaadeeth demonstrate that it is forbidden to go to soothsayers,
fortune-tellers, witches and the like, and ask them questions and
believe them, and a warning is issued to those who do that. Community
leaders and those in positions ofpower and authority must forbid going
to fortune-tellers, soothsayers and the like,and not allow anyone who
deals in such thingsto operate in the marketplaces or elsewhere. They
should denounce them emphatically, and denounce those who go to them.
We should not be deceived by the fact that they may get things right
sometimes, or by the fact that many people go to them, because they
are ignorant and the people should not be deceived by them. The
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade going to
them, asking them questions and believing them, because that is a
great evil, a serious danger and leads to bad consequences, and
because they are immoral liars. These ahaadeeth also indicate that
soothsayers and witches are also kaafirs, because they claim to have
knowledge of the unseen, which is kufr, and because they only reach
their goals by serving the jinn and worshipping them instead of
Allaah, which is kufr or disbelief in Himand associating others with
Him (shirk). The one who believes them and their claims to have
knowledge of the unseen is like them. Everyone who goes to these
people and deals with them, is disowned by the Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). It is not permissible for
the Muslim to accept what they claim is a kind of treatment, such as
their muttering mumbo-jumbo or pouring lead and other kinds of
nonsense that they do. This is a kind of sorcery and deception of the
people. Whoever acceptsthat is helping them in their falsehood and
Majmoo' Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn Baaz, 3/274-281.
With regard to witchcraft (sihr), it is realand is not an illusion,
and it may have an effect by Allaah's leave.
Al-Quraafi said: Sihr is real, and the person against whom it is done
may die, or his nature orhabits may be changed, even if he does not
deal with it himself. This was the view of al-Shaafa'i and Ibn Hanbal…
Al-Furooq, 4/149.
The Mu'tazalis, Qadaris and some of the scholarsheld a different view,
but no attention should be paid to that. Al-Quraafi and others
mentioned that the Sahaabah were unanimously agreed that it is real
before there appeared those who denied that.
The evidence of Ahl al-Sunnah concerning that is as follows:
1. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
"but the Shayaateen (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic andsuch
things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Haaroot and
Maaroot, but neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things)
till they had said,"We are for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning
this magic fromus)." And from these (angels) people learn that by
which they causeseparation between man and his wife, but they could
not thus harmanyone except by Allaah's Leave. And they learn that
which harms them and profits them not"
[al-Baqarah 2:102]
This verse clearly indicates what we are trying to say, which is that
sihr (witchcraft) is real, and that the practitioner of witchcraft may
create a division between a man and his wife thereby, and that he may
harm people by means of his witchcraft, but he cannot do any harm
except by Allaah's leave.
2. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
"And from the evil of those who practise witchcraft when they blow in the knots"
[al-Falaq 113:4]
"those who practise witchcraft when they blow in the knots" refersto
female witches whosewitchcraft involved tyingknots then blowing into
them. If witchcraft were not something real, Allaah would not have
commanded us to seek refuge from it.
3. Further evidence is provided by the fact thatthe Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was bewitched by the Jew Labeed
ibn al-A'sam. Thisis a saheeh hadeeth that was narrated by al-Bukhaari
and Muslim.
Ibn al-Qayyim said: The witchcraft which can cause sickness, lethargy,
mental sickness, love, hatred and delusions is something that does
exist and is known by the masses. Many peopleknow it from experience.
Al-Tafseer al-Qayyim, p. 571
There are many kinds of witchcraft, including illusions and deceiving
the eyes. But not all sihr is like that. Some of the scholars listed
different kinds of witchcraft, and counted eight kinds, the most well
known of which are:
1. Knots and incantations
i.e., reciting words and mumbo-jumbo by meansof which the witch is
able to use the devils to do what he wants of harming the person being
bewitched. But Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
"… but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allaah's Leave"
[al-Baqarah 2:102]
2. Sleight of hand.
They become skilled in this by means of practiceand training to do
things quickly, and bringout something hidden.
For example, the magician may bring a dove and strange it in front of
the audience, then he hits it with his hand and it gets up and flies.
But in fact there was a kind of anaesthetic in his hand and he made it
smell it and made the audience think that he had strangled it and
killed it, then when he hits it, he wakes it up from that stupor.
3. Bewitching the eyes.
This is very common among the liars; the magician does not really put
a sword in his body, rather he bewitches the eyes of the audience, and
puts the sword by his side, but the bewitched people think that he
puts it through his middle.
These tricksters have become well known among us, because among the
audience there are those who protected themselves with Qur'aan and
dhikr, and remembered Allaah a great deal whilst sitting in the
gathering watching the magician, so they saw what really happened,
unlike what those who were bewitched saw.
4. Using chemicals
This is done well by those who know how substances react with one
another, thus producing a substance that is not affected by some other
substances, such as the Sufi Rifaa'iyyah who make people think that
they are not affected by fire, when in fact they coat themselves with
some fireproof substances. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah
have mercy on him) challenged them to wash with hot water before
entering the fire and they refused because this would haveexposed
their deceit.
And there are many other things that the practitioners of witchcraft
do, which could not happen unless Allaah decreed it.
See Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 1/146; Majmoo' Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn
'Uthaymeen, 2/178; al-Sihr by Shaykh 'Umar al-Ashqar.
And Allaah knows best.
says "I don't believe in magic" because "this is just an illusion"?.
Praise be to Allaah.
Sihr (witchcraft or magic) is a word referring to something hidden. It
is real and there are kinds of witchcraft that may affect people
psychologically and physically, so that they become sick and die, or
husbands and wives are separated. Its effects happen by the will of
Allaah. It is a devilish action, most of which is only achieved by
means of shirk and drawing close to the jinn and shayaateen (devils)
by means of that which they love, and it is basedon associating others
with Allaah (shirk).
There are doctors who are also practitioners of witchcraft, who treat
people by means of seeking the help of the jinn. They claim to have
knowledge of the sickness with no need toidentify it, and they
prescribe for the patient foods and drinks that bring him closer to
his allies among the devils. He may tell them to slaughter a pig
whilst saying "Bismillaah" over it, or to slaughter a permissible
animal without saying "Bismillaah", or when saying the name of one of
the devils.
This is kufr or disbelief in Allaah, and it is not permissible under
any circumstances to go to people like these. The hadd punishment for
these people is execution. It has been proven from three of
theSahaabah (may Allaah bepleased with them) that the practitioners of
witchcraft are to be put to death.
The Standing Committee was asked a question about this matter, in
which it was said:
Please note that in Zambia there is a Muslimman who claims that he has
with him a jinn, and the people come to him and ask him to treat their
sicknesses, and thisjinn states what their treatment should be. Is
that permissible?
They replied:
It is not permissible for that man to use the jinn, and it is not
permissible for the people to go to him seeking treatment for sickness
through his using the jinn, or to meet any other need by this means.
Seeking treatment through human medical doctors and using permissible
medicines is sufficient and means that there is no need for that, and
it keeps peoplesafe from the sorcery of the magicians.
It was narrated in a saheeh report that the Messenger of Allaah (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever goes to
afortune-teller and asks him about something, his prayer will not be
accepted for forty days." Narrated by Muslim.
And it was narrated by the authors of al-Sunan and by al-Haakim, who
classed it as saheeh, that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him) said: "Whoever goes to a soothsayer and believes what he
says has disbelieved in that which was revealed to Muhammad."
This man and his companions from among the jinn are regarded as being
among the fortune-tellers and soothsayers, so it is not permissible
toask them anything or to believe them.
Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa'imah, 1/408, 409
Shaykh 'Abd al-'Azeez ibn Baaz said:
Given that there are so many charlatans lately, who claim to be
doctors and to treat people by means of magic and witchcraft, and they
have become widespread in some countries and they exploit the naïveté
of the ignorant, I thought that in the spirit of sincerity towards
Allaah and His slaves, that I should explain the gravedanger that this
poses toIslam and the Muslims, because it involves dependence on
something other than Allaah and going againstHis command and the
command of His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him),
so I say, seeking the help of Allaah:
It is permissible to seek treatment according to scholarly consensus.
The Muslim may go to a doctor to seek treatmentfor internal diseases,
injuries, nervous complaints, etc, so that he can identify the disease
and treat it in anappropriate manner, using medicines that
arepermissible according tosharee'ah, based on his knowledge of
medicine, because this comes under the heading of using the ordinary
means, and it is not contrary to the idea of putting one's trust in
Allaah. Allaah has sent down the disease but Hehas also sent down with
it the cure; those who know it know it and those who do not do not.
But Allaah has not created the healing for His slaves in that which He
has forbidden to them, so it is not permissible for the sick person to
go to a soothsayer who claims to know the unseen, in order to find out
from them what is wrong with him. And it is not permissible for him to
believe what they tell him, because they speak of the unseen without
knowledge, or they summon the jinn and seek their help in doing what
they want. The ruling on these people isthat they are kaafirs
andmisguided, because theyclaim to have knowledge of the unseen.
Muslim narratedin his Saheeh that the Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever goes to a fortune-teller and asks
him about something, his prayer will not be accepted for forty days."
And it was narrated fromAbu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him)
that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
"Whoever goes to asoothsayer and believes what he says has disbelieved
in that which was revealed to Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him)." Narrated by Abu Dawood and by the four authors of
al-Sunan;classed as saheeh by al-Haakim who narrated that the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever goes to a
fortune-teller or soothsayer and believes what he says has disbelieved
in that which was revealed to Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him)." And it was narrated that 'Imraan ibn Husayn (may Allaah
be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "He doesnot belong to us who
observes bird omens or has that done for him, orwho seeks divination
or who has that done for him, or who practices witchcraft or has that
done for him. Whoever goes to a soothsayer andbelieves what he says
has disbelieved in that which was revealed to Muhammad (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him)." Narrated by al-Bazzaar with a
jayyid isnaad.
These ahaadeeth demonstrate that it is forbidden to go to soothsayers,
fortune-tellers, witches and the like, and ask them questions and
believe them, and a warning is issued to those who do that. Community
leaders and those in positions ofpower and authority must forbid going
to fortune-tellers, soothsayers and the like,and not allow anyone who
deals in such thingsto operate in the marketplaces or elsewhere. They
should denounce them emphatically, and denounce those who go to them.
We should not be deceived by the fact that they may get things right
sometimes, or by the fact that many people go to them, because they
are ignorant and the people should not be deceived by them. The
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade going to
them, asking them questions and believing them, because that is a
great evil, a serious danger and leads to bad consequences, and
because they are immoral liars. These ahaadeeth also indicate that
soothsayers and witches are also kaafirs, because they claim to have
knowledge of the unseen, which is kufr, and because they only reach
their goals by serving the jinn and worshipping them instead of
Allaah, which is kufr or disbelief in Himand associating others with
Him (shirk). The one who believes them and their claims to have
knowledge of the unseen is like them. Everyone who goes to these
people and deals with them, is disowned by the Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). It is not permissible for
the Muslim to accept what they claim is a kind of treatment, such as
their muttering mumbo-jumbo or pouring lead and other kinds of
nonsense that they do. This is a kind of sorcery and deception of the
people. Whoever acceptsthat is helping them in their falsehood and
Majmoo' Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn Baaz, 3/274-281.
With regard to witchcraft (sihr), it is realand is not an illusion,
and it may have an effect by Allaah's leave.
Al-Quraafi said: Sihr is real, and the person against whom it is done
may die, or his nature orhabits may be changed, even if he does not
deal with it himself. This was the view of al-Shaafa'i and Ibn Hanbal…
Al-Furooq, 4/149.
The Mu'tazalis, Qadaris and some of the scholarsheld a different view,
but no attention should be paid to that. Al-Quraafi and others
mentioned that the Sahaabah were unanimously agreed that it is real
before there appeared those who denied that.
The evidence of Ahl al-Sunnah concerning that is as follows:
1. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
"but the Shayaateen (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic andsuch
things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Haaroot and
Maaroot, but neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things)
till they had said,"We are for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning
this magic fromus)." And from these (angels) people learn that by
which they causeseparation between man and his wife, but they could
not thus harmanyone except by Allaah's Leave. And they learn that
which harms them and profits them not"
[al-Baqarah 2:102]
This verse clearly indicates what we are trying to say, which is that
sihr (witchcraft) is real, and that the practitioner of witchcraft may
create a division between a man and his wife thereby, and that he may
harm people by means of his witchcraft, but he cannot do any harm
except by Allaah's leave.
2. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
"And from the evil of those who practise witchcraft when they blow in the knots"
[al-Falaq 113:4]
"those who practise witchcraft when they blow in the knots" refersto
female witches whosewitchcraft involved tyingknots then blowing into
them. If witchcraft were not something real, Allaah would not have
commanded us to seek refuge from it.
3. Further evidence is provided by the fact thatthe Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was bewitched by the Jew Labeed
ibn al-A'sam. Thisis a saheeh hadeeth that was narrated by al-Bukhaari
and Muslim.
Ibn al-Qayyim said: The witchcraft which can cause sickness, lethargy,
mental sickness, love, hatred and delusions is something that does
exist and is known by the masses. Many peopleknow it from experience.
Al-Tafseer al-Qayyim, p. 571
There are many kinds of witchcraft, including illusions and deceiving
the eyes. But not all sihr is like that. Some of the scholars listed
different kinds of witchcraft, and counted eight kinds, the most well
known of which are:
1. Knots and incantations
i.e., reciting words and mumbo-jumbo by meansof which the witch is
able to use the devils to do what he wants of harming the person being
bewitched. But Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
"… but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allaah's Leave"
[al-Baqarah 2:102]
2. Sleight of hand.
They become skilled in this by means of practiceand training to do
things quickly, and bringout something hidden.
For example, the magician may bring a dove and strange it in front of
the audience, then he hits it with his hand and it gets up and flies.
But in fact there was a kind of anaesthetic in his hand and he made it
smell it and made the audience think that he had strangled it and
killed it, then when he hits it, he wakes it up from that stupor.
3. Bewitching the eyes.
This is very common among the liars; the magician does not really put
a sword in his body, rather he bewitches the eyes of the audience, and
puts the sword by his side, but the bewitched people think that he
puts it through his middle.
These tricksters have become well known among us, because among the
audience there are those who protected themselves with Qur'aan and
dhikr, and remembered Allaah a great deal whilst sitting in the
gathering watching the magician, so they saw what really happened,
unlike what those who were bewitched saw.
4. Using chemicals
This is done well by those who know how substances react with one
another, thus producing a substance that is not affected by some other
substances, such as the Sufi Rifaa'iyyah who make people think that
they are not affected by fire, when in fact they coat themselves with
some fireproof substances. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah
have mercy on him) challenged them to wash with hot water before
entering the fire and they refused because this would haveexposed
their deceit.
And there are many other things that the practitioners of witchcraft
do, which could not happen unless Allaah decreed it.
See Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 1/146; Majmoo' Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn
'Uthaymeen, 2/178; al-Sihr by Shaykh 'Umar al-Ashqar.
And Allaah knows best.
evil eye - Was there anyone on earth before Adam (peace be upon him)?
Were there any people before Adam (peace be upon him) whose name was
Jinn and others whose name was Hinn?.
Praise be to Allaah.
There is nothing in the Qur'aan or Sunnah to indicate that there were
any people living on Earth before Adam (peace be upon him). Rather the
reports that speak of that are the opinions of mufassireen (Qur'an
commentators) among the Sahaabah and Taabi'een. For example:
The first opinion is that the earth was inhabited by the jinn, whom
Allah, may He be exalted, created from fire. This opinion was narrated
from most of the mufassireen.
At-Tabari narrated in his Tafseer (1/232) from Ibn 'Abbaas (may Allah
be pleased with him) that he said:
The first ones to dwell on earth were the jinn, and they caused
mischief therein, shedding blood and killing one another.
It was narrated from ar-Rabee' ibn Anas that he said:
Allah created the angels on Wednesday, and He created the jinn on
Thursday and He createdAdam on Friday. Then some of the jinn
disbelieved, and the angels used to come down to earth to fight them,
and there was bloodshed and corruption on earth.
The second opinion is that there was no one on earth, jinn or
otherwise, before Adam (peace be upon him).
at-Tabari narrated this view in his Tafseer (1/232) from 'Abd
ar-Rahmaan ibn Zayd, who said:
Allah, may He be exalted,said to the angels: I wantto create a
creature on earth and make him a vicegerent (khaleefah) therein. On
that day Allah had no creation except the angels, and there were no
creatures on earth.
Al-'Allaamah at-Taahir ibn 'Ashoor said in at-Tahreer wa't-Tanweer(1/228):
After mentioning the creation of the earth then the heavens, Allah
referred to His will, that He would create a vicegerent. This
indicates that creating the vicegerent was the first thing done on
earthafter it was created. The vicegerent here is the one who takes
control ofanother's property and manages it, and the original owner
does not necessarily have to have been in that place beforehand. So
the vicegerent was Adam, and his role as vicegerent was to do what
Allah, may He be exalted, wanted of developing the earth on the basis
of inspiration and revelation, and to teach his offspring Allah's plan
concerning this earthy realm.
End quote.
With regard to what some commentators andhistorians say about a race
called Hinn inhabiting the earth, then the Jinn came and killed them
and took their place, it seems that this is a story that cannotbe
attributed to any sound isnaad (chain of narrators).
Ibn Katheer said in al-Bidaayah wa'n-Nihaayah (1/55):
Many scholars of tafseer say that the jinn were created before Adam
(peace be upon him), and before them on Earth there were the hinn and
the binn, then Allah caused the jinn to prevail over them, so they
killed them and expelled them from the earth and inhabited it after
them. End quote.
Al-'Allaamah at-Taahir ibn 'Ashoor said in at-Tahreer wa't-Tanweer(1/228):
If it is true that the earthwas inhabited before by a race of
creatures calledal-hinn wa'l-binn or, it was said, they were called
at-tamm wa'r-ramm, this is a reference to something that never existed
and is unknown. Perhaps theseare among the myths of the Persians and
Greeks propagated by the storytellers, because the Persians say that
before mankind existed on earth, there was a race called at-tamm
wa'r-ramm, and the Greeks believed that the earth was populated by
creatures called Titans, and Zeus, the leader of their gods according
to their beliefs, drove themfrom the earth because of their evildoing.
End quote.
And Allah knows best.
Jinn and others whose name was Hinn?.
Praise be to Allaah.
There is nothing in the Qur'aan or Sunnah to indicate that there were
any people living on Earth before Adam (peace be upon him). Rather the
reports that speak of that are the opinions of mufassireen (Qur'an
commentators) among the Sahaabah and Taabi'een. For example:
The first opinion is that the earth was inhabited by the jinn, whom
Allah, may He be exalted, created from fire. This opinion was narrated
from most of the mufassireen.
At-Tabari narrated in his Tafseer (1/232) from Ibn 'Abbaas (may Allah
be pleased with him) that he said:
The first ones to dwell on earth were the jinn, and they caused
mischief therein, shedding blood and killing one another.
It was narrated from ar-Rabee' ibn Anas that he said:
Allah created the angels on Wednesday, and He created the jinn on
Thursday and He createdAdam on Friday. Then some of the jinn
disbelieved, and the angels used to come down to earth to fight them,
and there was bloodshed and corruption on earth.
The second opinion is that there was no one on earth, jinn or
otherwise, before Adam (peace be upon him).
at-Tabari narrated this view in his Tafseer (1/232) from 'Abd
ar-Rahmaan ibn Zayd, who said:
Allah, may He be exalted,said to the angels: I wantto create a
creature on earth and make him a vicegerent (khaleefah) therein. On
that day Allah had no creation except the angels, and there were no
creatures on earth.
Al-'Allaamah at-Taahir ibn 'Ashoor said in at-Tahreer wa't-Tanweer(1/228):
After mentioning the creation of the earth then the heavens, Allah
referred to His will, that He would create a vicegerent. This
indicates that creating the vicegerent was the first thing done on
earthafter it was created. The vicegerent here is the one who takes
control ofanother's property and manages it, and the original owner
does not necessarily have to have been in that place beforehand. So
the vicegerent was Adam, and his role as vicegerent was to do what
Allah, may He be exalted, wanted of developing the earth on the basis
of inspiration and revelation, and to teach his offspring Allah's plan
concerning this earthy realm.
End quote.
With regard to what some commentators andhistorians say about a race
called Hinn inhabiting the earth, then the Jinn came and killed them
and took their place, it seems that this is a story that cannotbe
attributed to any sound isnaad (chain of narrators).
Ibn Katheer said in al-Bidaayah wa'n-Nihaayah (1/55):
Many scholars of tafseer say that the jinn were created before Adam
(peace be upon him), and before them on Earth there were the hinn and
the binn, then Allah caused the jinn to prevail over them, so they
killed them and expelled them from the earth and inhabited it after
them. End quote.
Al-'Allaamah at-Taahir ibn 'Ashoor said in at-Tahreer wa't-Tanweer(1/228):
If it is true that the earthwas inhabited before by a race of
creatures calledal-hinn wa'l-binn or, it was said, they were called
at-tamm wa'r-ramm, this is a reference to something that never existed
and is unknown. Perhaps theseare among the myths of the Persians and
Greeks propagated by the storytellers, because the Persians say that
before mankind existed on earth, there was a race called at-tamm
wa'r-ramm, and the Greeks believed that the earth was populated by
creatures called Titans, and Zeus, the leader of their gods according
to their beliefs, drove themfrom the earth because of their evildoing.
End quote.
And Allah knows best.
evil eye - Jinn possession and the rulings on jinn possession
Can jinn possess humans? And if this is possible, then how will the
person be able to account for their actions,whilst they were
possessed, on the Day of Judgement?.
Praise be to Allaah.
Yes, it is possible for jinn to possess humans. Allaah says in His
Book (Interpretation of the meaning):
"Those who eat Ribaa [usury] will not stand (on the Day of
Resurrection) except likethe standing of a person beaten by Shaytaan
(Satan) leading him to insanity"
[al-Baqarah 2:275]
See also the answers to questions no. 11447 , 42073 , 39214 and 1819 .
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
The fact that a jinni may enter the body of a human is proven by the
consensus of the imams of Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamaa'ah. Allaah says
(interpretation of the meaning):
"Those who eat Ribaa [usury] will not stand (on the Day of
Resurrection) except likethe standing of a person beaten by Shaytaan
(Satan) leading him to insanity"
[al-Baqarah 2:275]
and in al-Saheeh it is narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him) that "The shaytaan flows through the son of
Adam like blood." End quote.
Majmoo' al-Fataawa (24/276, 277)
Possession is a kind of sickness. If a person whohas this sickness is
rational, then he has the choice and he will be brought to account for
his words and actions. But if this sickness has overwhelmed him to
thepoint that he has lost his mind and free will, then he is like one
who is insane and is not accountable. Hence in Arabic the word mass
(possession) is used to refer to junoon (insanity). See Lisaan
al-'Arab (6/217). But if hecommits an act of aggression against
another when he is insane and destroys his property, for example, then
he must pay compensation for that.
See: Zaad al-Ma'aad (4/66-71)
It says in al-Mawsoo'ah al-Fiqhiyyah (16/106):
The fuqaha' are unanimously agreed that insanity is like
unconsciousness and sleep, rather it is more severe in the loss of
free will, and it makes whatever he says invalid. For the one who is
sleeping, all his verbal statements, such as divorce, becoming Muslim,
turning apostate, selling, buying,etc, are invalid. So it is more
appropriate that such statements be invalid in the case of insanity,
because the insane person has no power of reasoning or discernment.
They quoted as evidence for that the words of the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him): "The Pen has been raised from three:
the sleeper until he awakens, the child until he reaches maturity and
the insane person until he comes back to his senses." Narrated by the
authors of Sunan with a saheeh isnaad. The sameapplies to all verbal
statements because of the potential for harm. End quote.
In (16/107) it says:
With regard to the rightsof people such as compensation and the like:
these are not waived, because he is not accountable for them, rather
his guardian is responsible for paying financial duesfrom the wealth
of the insane person. If he commits some crimes, heis accountable for
them financially but not physically. If he destroys a person's
property when he is in a state of insanity, compensation must be paid,
but if he kills someone there is noqisaas (retaliation), but the diyah
must be paid.
And Allaah knows best.
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And Allah Knows the Best!
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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA
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person be able to account for their actions,whilst they were
possessed, on the Day of Judgement?.
Praise be to Allaah.
Yes, it is possible for jinn to possess humans. Allaah says in His
Book (Interpretation of the meaning):
"Those who eat Ribaa [usury] will not stand (on the Day of
Resurrection) except likethe standing of a person beaten by Shaytaan
(Satan) leading him to insanity"
[al-Baqarah 2:275]
See also the answers to questions no. 11447 , 42073 , 39214 and 1819 .
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
The fact that a jinni may enter the body of a human is proven by the
consensus of the imams of Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamaa'ah. Allaah says
(interpretation of the meaning):
"Those who eat Ribaa [usury] will not stand (on the Day of
Resurrection) except likethe standing of a person beaten by Shaytaan
(Satan) leading him to insanity"
[al-Baqarah 2:275]
and in al-Saheeh it is narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him) that "The shaytaan flows through the son of
Adam like blood." End quote.
Majmoo' al-Fataawa (24/276, 277)
Possession is a kind of sickness. If a person whohas this sickness is
rational, then he has the choice and he will be brought to account for
his words and actions. But if this sickness has overwhelmed him to
thepoint that he has lost his mind and free will, then he is like one
who is insane and is not accountable. Hence in Arabic the word mass
(possession) is used to refer to junoon (insanity). See Lisaan
al-'Arab (6/217). But if hecommits an act of aggression against
another when he is insane and destroys his property, for example, then
he must pay compensation for that.
See: Zaad al-Ma'aad (4/66-71)
It says in al-Mawsoo'ah al-Fiqhiyyah (16/106):
The fuqaha' are unanimously agreed that insanity is like
unconsciousness and sleep, rather it is more severe in the loss of
free will, and it makes whatever he says invalid. For the one who is
sleeping, all his verbal statements, such as divorce, becoming Muslim,
turning apostate, selling, buying,etc, are invalid. So it is more
appropriate that such statements be invalid in the case of insanity,
because the insane person has no power of reasoning or discernment.
They quoted as evidence for that the words of the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him): "The Pen has been raised from three:
the sleeper until he awakens, the child until he reaches maturity and
the insane person until he comes back to his senses." Narrated by the
authors of Sunan with a saheeh isnaad. The sameapplies to all verbal
statements because of the potential for harm. End quote.
In (16/107) it says:
With regard to the rightsof people such as compensation and the like:
these are not waived, because he is not accountable for them, rather
his guardian is responsible for paying financial duesfrom the wealth
of the insane person. If he commits some crimes, heis accountable for
them financially but not physically. If he destroys a person's
property when he is in a state of insanity, compensation must be paid,
but if he kills someone there is noqisaas (retaliation), but the diyah
must be paid.
And Allaah knows best.
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And Allah Knows the Best!
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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA
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stories - A lovestory for two years
1)Hi… I know that you will never actually read this letter and this is
not my aim here. It's just that yesterday I realized I will never be
beside you any more.
I will never kiss the lips that I love so much, I'll never caress your
hair as I used to. Yes, my whole world collapsed yesterday. Because my
whole world was you……
I can't…, oh God, I still can't accept the thought that you won't be
next tome. I know that I made mistakes. I did awfully many foolish
things. I shouldn't have gone away. I shouldn't have left you – the
man of my life, just when I've found you. I wanted to earn that money,
so that it would be easier…or I thought it would be…..If Ihad known
then how wrong I was, if I had realized that money wasn't everything.
Moneycan't make me happy when you are not beside me.
I lost you….I just can't believe that you are no longer part of my
life, that you are no longer "my man", that we won't stick the so
dreamt "babyfactory" on the bedroom door.
You know…this time I was determined to stop. Ihad decided for sure to
come back and start leading a life in my own country and I wanted to
make it with you. When I planned on returning I told everybody that
I'm trying to get back the "man of my life" ….but it wasn't that
I couln't understand you before, now you can't understand me. You
couldn't understand that I wanted to abandon everything that I had
justto be with you. I was ready to leave my friends, the life in my
town, the great job that Iwill never have again – nothing interested
me more than being with you. You told me that youweren't ready, not at
thatmoment. But you were before. Why the hell didn't you just tell me
that you don't love me as you used to, that you are afraid to run the
risk of being with me again, that I don't have the right to rush into
your life every time that the impulse takes me. Or that you are
already tired of us playing cat and dog…..although you still love me.
I know it because I saw it in your eyes. They always give you away.
You know, what hurt me the most was that you didn't have the courage
to tell me that you are afraid and it's easier to lead your apathetic
life hiding behind work. Or you no longer love me, orat least not as
much as before. I would have understood. We are grown up people after
I will always love you but I'll never let you in my lifeagain.
I don't know how I'll live without you…..I'm going to learn this from
now on. I wish you all the happiness with her. I hope she can give you
at least half of what I gave you. Although, no one will love you the
way I did. As trivial as it may sound. I thank you, you who read this.
I just wanted to unburden my heart somewhere nobody will recognize me.
I want to give you a piece of advice, the one that my father kept
telling me for a long time:"It's better to learn from the mistakes of
others, not from your own."
Do not kill your love! Do not think that you can change it for money,
shiny cars, or companies that are more important than your own life.
Neverleave the person you love, never betray him/her, fight for
We were in relationship for last two years. Everything was going well
I used to love him BUT I was not sure about him.Suddenly we broke up
bcoz of our parents but then too we were in contact after 6m months he
again proposed me.
We were both in relationship but i don't know how my attitude towards
him started to change as if I took him for granted .One fine day I
JUST TOLD HIM THAT i LIKE guy and he was very upset.
The very next day he proposed a girl in from his school nand thaey
started dating each other.I was not knowing that he was doing so with
me and after few days my freinds told me that he is in a relationship
with a girl.I as full in a depression...
- - - - -
And Allah Knows the Best!
- - - - -
Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA
¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤
not my aim here. It's just that yesterday I realized I will never be
beside you any more.
I will never kiss the lips that I love so much, I'll never caress your
hair as I used to. Yes, my whole world collapsed yesterday. Because my
whole world was you……
I can't…, oh God, I still can't accept the thought that you won't be
next tome. I know that I made mistakes. I did awfully many foolish
things. I shouldn't have gone away. I shouldn't have left you – the
man of my life, just when I've found you. I wanted to earn that money,
so that it would be easier…or I thought it would be…..If Ihad known
then how wrong I was, if I had realized that money wasn't everything.
Moneycan't make me happy when you are not beside me.
I lost you….I just can't believe that you are no longer part of my
life, that you are no longer "my man", that we won't stick the so
dreamt "babyfactory" on the bedroom door.
You know…this time I was determined to stop. Ihad decided for sure to
come back and start leading a life in my own country and I wanted to
make it with you. When I planned on returning I told everybody that
I'm trying to get back the "man of my life" ….but it wasn't that
I couln't understand you before, now you can't understand me. You
couldn't understand that I wanted to abandon everything that I had
justto be with you. I was ready to leave my friends, the life in my
town, the great job that Iwill never have again – nothing interested
me more than being with you. You told me that youweren't ready, not at
thatmoment. But you were before. Why the hell didn't you just tell me
that you don't love me as you used to, that you are afraid to run the
risk of being with me again, that I don't have the right to rush into
your life every time that the impulse takes me. Or that you are
already tired of us playing cat and dog…..although you still love me.
I know it because I saw it in your eyes. They always give you away.
You know, what hurt me the most was that you didn't have the courage
to tell me that you are afraid and it's easier to lead your apathetic
life hiding behind work. Or you no longer love me, orat least not as
much as before. I would have understood. We are grown up people after
I will always love you but I'll never let you in my lifeagain.
I don't know how I'll live without you…..I'm going to learn this from
now on. I wish you all the happiness with her. I hope she can give you
at least half of what I gave you. Although, no one will love you the
way I did. As trivial as it may sound. I thank you, you who read this.
I just wanted to unburden my heart somewhere nobody will recognize me.
I want to give you a piece of advice, the one that my father kept
telling me for a long time:"It's better to learn from the mistakes of
others, not from your own."
Do not kill your love! Do not think that you can change it for money,
shiny cars, or companies that are more important than your own life.
Neverleave the person you love, never betray him/her, fight for
We were in relationship for last two years. Everything was going well
I used to love him BUT I was not sure about him.Suddenly we broke up
bcoz of our parents but then too we were in contact after 6m months he
again proposed me.
We were both in relationship but i don't know how my attitude towards
him started to change as if I took him for granted .One fine day I
JUST TOLD HIM THAT i LIKE guy and he was very upset.
The very next day he proposed a girl in from his school nand thaey
started dating each other.I was not knowing that he was doing so with
me and after few days my freinds told me that he is in a relationship
with a girl.I as full in a depression...
- - - - -
And Allah Knows the Best!
- - - - -
Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA
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The names of Allah with Meaning and Benefits
The 99 Names of Allah, are the Names of God which are described in the
Qur'an, and Sunnah, amongst other places. Here are the list of 99
names of Allah with definition and benefits.
Allah The Greatest Name
Who repeats this name at least 1000 times his heart will be free from
doubts and suspicions. Ifany body suffering from some incurable
disease repeats this Name many times, then prays to Allahfor recovery,
he will recover from the disease, by the Grace of Allah.
1 Ar-Rahman The All-Merciful
Who repeart this name 100 times after each fard(Obligatory) prayer
will have good memory, a keen awareness, and be free of a heavy heart.
2 Ar-Rahim The All-Beneficient
He who repeat this name100 times after each Fajr (Early Morning)
prayer will find everyone to be friendly towards him and he will be
safe from all worldly calamities.
3 Al-Malik The Absolute Ruler
He who repeats this name many times every day after the morning
prayer. Will become rich by the grace of Allah.
4 Al-Quddus The Pure One
The heart of those who repeat this name 100 times each day will be
free from anxiety.
5 As-Salam The Source of Peace
He who repeats this name 160 time to a sick person, will help him to
regain health. He who repeats this name frequently will be safe from
all calamities.
6 Al-Mumin The Inspirer of Faith
He who repeats this name 631 times will be safe from harm.
7 Al-Muhaymin The Guardian
He who takes bath and offers two rak'ats of prayer and repeats this
Name 100 times with sincere concentration, Allah will purify his
external as well as internal condition.
8 Al-Aziz The Victorious
He who repeats this Name 41 times after each Fazar prayer will
beindependent of need from others and gain honour after disgrace.
9 Al-Jabbar The Compeller
He who repeats this Name will not be compelled to do anything against
his wishes, and will not be exposed to voilence, severity or hardness.
10 Al-Mutakabbir The Greatest
He who repeats this Name frequently will be granted status and
respect. If He repeats thisName frequently at the commencement of
everyact, He will achieve success by the grace of Allah.
11 Al-Khaliq The Creator
He who repeats this Name 100 times for seven days without break, Allah
will create an angel whose duty willbe to act righteously for this
person until the Day of Judgement. The reward for angel's actions will
be given to that person. See also under Al-Musawwir.
12 Al-Bari The Maker of Order
He who creates all thingsin proportion. See also the suggestions under
13 Al-Musawwir The Shaper of Beauty
If a woman who desires to give a birth, but cannot, fasts seven days,
and each day at the breaking of the fast (iftaar) she repeats
thesethree Names twenty-onetimes, breathes into a glass of water, and
then breaks the fast with this water, Allah will bless her with a
14 Al-Ghaffar The Forgiving
He who repeats this Name will be forgiven his sins.
15 Al-Qahhar The Subduer
The soul of him who repeats this Name Will conquer the desires of the
flesh, and his heart will be made free from the attractions of the
world and gain inner peace. this Name also frees one from being
16 Al-Wahhab The Giver of All
If a man suffering from poverty and starvation repeats this Name
frequently or keeps it with him written on a piece of paper or repeats
this Name 40 times in the last Sajda if the Chasht prayer, Allah will
relieve him of his poverty, want and starvation in a wonderful way.
17 Ar-Razzaq The Sustainer
He who repeats this Name will be provided with sustenance by Allah.
18 Al-Fattah The Opener
The heart of him who repeats this Name will be open, and he will be
given victory.
19 Al-Alim The Knower of All
He who repeats this Name, his heart will become luminous, revealing
divine light(Nur).
20 Al-Qabid The Constrictor
He who writhes this name on 4 pieces of food (fruit, bread,etc.) and
eats them for 40 days will be free from hunger.
21 Al-Basit The Reliever
He who repeats this Name 10 times after Chasht prayer with open hands
(palms up), then rubs his face with his hands, will be free of need
from others.
22 Al-Khafid The Abaser
Those who fast three days, and on the fourth day repeat this Name 70
times in a gathering, Allah will free them fromharm by their enemy.
Allah will fulfill the need of one who repeats this Name 500 times
23 Ar-Rafi The Exalter
He who repeats this Name 101 times day and night, Allah will make him
higher, as far as honour, richness and merit are concerned.
24 Al-Muizz The Bestower of Honors
He who repeats this name 140 times after Maghrib prayer on Monday or
Friday nights,Allah will make him dignified in the eyes of others.
That person will fear no one but Allah.
25 Al-Mudhill The Humiliator
He who repeats this Name 75 times will be free from harm by those who
are jealous of him and wish to harm him. Allah will protect him.
26 As-Sami The Hearer of All
He who repeats this Name 500, 100 or 50 times without speaking to
anyone on thursday after the chasht prayer, Allah will bestow on him
anything he desires.
27 Al-Basir The Seer of All
He who repeats this Names 100 times after Friday afternoon prayer,
Allah will give this person light in his sight and enlighten his
28 Al-Hakam The Judge
He who repeats this Name many times at night, many secrets (sirr)will
be revealed to him.
29 Al-Adl The Just
On Friday night or day, ifyou write this Name on apiece of bread and
eat itpeople will obey you.
30 Al-Latif The Subtle One
He who repeats this Name 133 times daily will have increase in his
sustenance and all his affairs will be settled to his satisfaction.
31 Al-Khabir The All-Aware
If a mam is a victim of selfish desires and bad habits he will be
relieved of these if he repeats this Name regularly.
32 Al-Halim The Forebearing
He who write this Name on a piece of paper, washes it with water and
sprinkles that water on anything that thing will become safe from loss
and calamities.
33 Al-Azim The Magnificent
Those who repeat this Name many times will berespected.
34 Al-Ghafur The Forgiver and Hider of Faults
He who has a headache, fever and despondent, and continuously repeats
this Name will be relieved of his ailment and will have Allah's
35 Ash-Shakur The Rewarder of Thankfulness
He who is afflicted with monitory troubles or with any other calamity
and suffering, if he repeats this Name 41 tmes daily.
36 Al-Ali The Highest
He who repeats this Name regularly and keep it with him after writing
it on a piece of paper will attain high rank, affluence and success in
his (lawful) desires.
37 Al-Kabir The Greatest
He who repeats this Name 100 times each day will have esteem.
38 Al-Hafiz The Preserver
He who repeats this Name frequently and keeps it with him will
beprotected against calamities.
39 Al-Muqit The Nourisher
If someone with a bad mannered child repeats this Name into a glass of
water, and gives this water to the child to drink, the child will
havegood manners.
40 Al-Hasib The Accounter
He who faces any problem should repeat this Name many times.
41 Al-Jalil The Mighty
He who writes this Nameon a piece of paper withmusk and saffron and
keeps it with him and repeats this Name frequently will attain honour
and status.
42 Al-Karim The Generous
He who repeats this Name many times at bedtime will have esteem in
this world (and the Hereafter among the learned and righteous people).
43 Ar-Raqib The Watchful One
He who repeats this Name seven times on himself, his family and
property, all will be under Allah's protection.
44 Al-Mujib The Responder to Prayer
The appeal of him who repeats this Name will be answered.
45 Al-Wasi The All-Comprehending
If one who has difficulty in earning, repeats this Name frequently,
will have good earnings.
46 Al-Hakim The Perfectly Wise
He who repeats this Name continuously (from time to time) will not
have difficulties in his work, and Allah will open to him the door of
47 Al-Wadud The Loving One
If there is a quarrel between two people (e.g. wife and husband) and
one of them repeatsthis Name 1000 times over some food and has the
other person to eat the food, there will be no disagreement between
48 Al-Majíd The Majestic One
He who repeats this Name gains glory.
49 Al-Baith The Resurrector
He who repeats this Name gains the fear of Allah.
50 Ash-Shahid The Witness
He who has disobedient children or wife and repeats this Name in the
morning over them 21 times daily with his handplaced on his/her
forhead he/she will become obedient.
51 Al-Haqq The Truth
If one has something and repeats this Name, he will find what is lost.
52 Al-Wakil The Trustee
He who is afraid of drowining, being burnt in a fire, or any similar
danger, and repeats this Name continuously (from time to time), will
be under the protection of Allah.
53 Al-Qawi The Possessor of All Strength
He who cannot defeat his enemy, and repeats this Name with the
intention of not being harmed, will be free from his enemy's harm.
54 Al-Matin The Forceful One
If one has troubles and repeats this Name, his troubles will disappear.
55 Al-Wali The Governor
He who repeats this Name is likely to be a walyullah, the friend of Allah.
56 Al-Hamid The Praised One
He who repeats this Name will be loved and praised.
57 Al-Muhsi The Appraiser
He who is afraid of being questioned on theJudgement Day, and repeats
this Name 100 times daily, will have ease and clementy.
58 Al-Mubdi The Originator
If This Name is repeated and breathed towards a pregnant woman who
isafaid of aborting, she will be free of danger.
59 Al-Muid The Restorer
If this Name is repeated 70 times for someone who is away from his
family, that person will return safely in seven days.
60 Al-Muhyi The Giver of Life
If a person has a heavy burden and repeats this Name seven times each
day, his burden will be taken away.
61 Al-Mumit The Taker of Life
This Name is repeated todestroy one's enmy.
62 Al-Hayy The Ever Living One
He who repeats this Name will have a long life.
63 Al-Qayyum The Self-Existing One
He who repeats this Name will not fall into inadvertency.
64 Al-Wajid The Finder
He who repeats this Name will have richness of heart.
65 Al-Majid The Glorious
He who repeats this Name in privacy and sincerely, his heart will be
66 Al-Wahid The Only One
He who repeats this Name 1000 times in privacy and in a quiet place
will be free from fear and delusion.
67 Al-Ahad The One
He who repeats this Name 1000 times will have certain secrets opened to him.
68 As-Samad The Satisfier of All Needs
He who repeats this Name many times, Allah will provide his need, and
as result he will not need others, but they will need him.
69 Al-Qadir The All Powerful
He who repeats this Name, all his Desires will be fulfilled.
70 Al-Muqtadir The Creator of All Power
He who repeats this Name will be aware of the truth.
71 Al-Muqaddim The Expediter
He who repeats this Name on the battlefield, or who has fear of
beingalone in an aweinspiringplace, no harm will cometo him and will
become obedient to Allah.
72 Al-Muakhkhir The Delayer
He who repeats this Name in the heart 100 times each day, only loveof
Allah will remain. No other love can enter.
73 Al-Awwal The First
A childless person will beblessed with a child if herepeats this name
40 times daily for 40 days. Ifa traveler repeats it 1000times on a
Friday he will reach home safe and sound.
74 Al-Akhir The Last
He who repeats this Name many times will lead a good life and at the
end of this life will have a good death.
75 Az-Zahir The Manifest One
He who recites this Name 15 times after Friday (jumm'a prayer) divine
light (Noor) will enter his heart.
76 Al-Batin The Hidden One
He who repeats this Name three times each day will be able to see the
truth in things.
77 Al-Walí The Protecting Friend
He who repeats this Name and breathes it into his house, his housewill
be free from danger.
78 Al-Mutaali The Supreme One
He who repeats this Name many times will gain the benevolence of Allah.
79 Al-Barr The Doer of Good
He who repeats this Name to his child, this child will be free from misfortune.
80 At-Tawwab The Guide to Repentance
He who repeats this Name many times, his repentance will be accepted.
81 Al-Muntaqim The Avenger
He who repeats this
Names for 3 Fridays many times will be victorious against his enemies.
82 Al-Afu The Forgiver
He who repeats this Name many times, all his sins will be forgiven.
83 Ar-Rauf The Clement
He who repeats this Name many times will beblessed by Allah.
84 Malik al-Mulk The Owner of All
He who repeats this Name will have esteem among people.
85 Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram The Lord of Majesty and Bounty
He who repeats this Name many times, will be rich.
86 Al-Muqsit The Equitable One
He who repeat this Name will be free from the harm of the devil.
87 Al-Jami The Gatherer
He who repeats this Name will find the things that he lost.
88 Al-Ghani The Rich One
He who repeats this Name 70 times will be contented and not convetous
and will not be needy.
89 Al-Mughni The Enricher
He who repeats this Name 1000 times daily for ten Fridays will becom
90 Al-Mani The Preventer of Harm
One should repeat this Name 20 times at bedtimes for a peaceful and
happy family life.
91 Ad-Darr The Creator of The Harmful
He who does not enjoy peace and tranquility in life should repeat this
Name 100 times in Fridaynights.He will find peaceand tranquility by
the grace of Allah.
92 An-Nafi The Creator of Good
He who repeats this Name 41 times at the begnning of every act, will
be successful in all his good acts.
93 An-Nur The Light
Those who repeat this Name will have inner light.
94 Al-Hadi The Guide
Ho who repeats 1100 times the sacred Names"yahadi
ihdinas-siratal-mustaqim" after the 'Isha prayer will be free from all
95 Al-Badi The Originator
He who is confronted by any distress or difficulty should repeat this
Name 70,000 times for relief from the distress.
96 Al-Baqi The Everlasting One
He who repeats this Name every Friday night 100 times all his good
deeds will be accepted, by the grace of Allah.
97 Al-Warith The Inheritor of All
He who repeats this Name after sunrise 100 times, will be safe from
all sorrows, by the grace of Allah.
98 Ar-Rashid The Righteous Teacher
He who does not have the know-how about a particular task or unableto
work out plans for a certain task should repeat this Name 1000 times
between Maghrib and 'Isha.
99 As-Sabur The Patient One
He who is in any trouble,difficulty or sorrow and repeat this Name
3000 times, will be rescued from his difficulty.
- - - - -
And Allah Knows the Best!
- - - - -
Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA
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Qur'an, and Sunnah, amongst other places. Here are the list of 99
names of Allah with definition and benefits.
Allah The Greatest Name
Who repeats this name at least 1000 times his heart will be free from
doubts and suspicions. Ifany body suffering from some incurable
disease repeats this Name many times, then prays to Allahfor recovery,
he will recover from the disease, by the Grace of Allah.
1 Ar-Rahman The All-Merciful
Who repeart this name 100 times after each fard(Obligatory) prayer
will have good memory, a keen awareness, and be free of a heavy heart.
2 Ar-Rahim The All-Beneficient
He who repeat this name100 times after each Fajr (Early Morning)
prayer will find everyone to be friendly towards him and he will be
safe from all worldly calamities.
3 Al-Malik The Absolute Ruler
He who repeats this name many times every day after the morning
prayer. Will become rich by the grace of Allah.
4 Al-Quddus The Pure One
The heart of those who repeat this name 100 times each day will be
free from anxiety.
5 As-Salam The Source of Peace
He who repeats this name 160 time to a sick person, will help him to
regain health. He who repeats this name frequently will be safe from
all calamities.
6 Al-Mumin The Inspirer of Faith
He who repeats this name 631 times will be safe from harm.
7 Al-Muhaymin The Guardian
He who takes bath and offers two rak'ats of prayer and repeats this
Name 100 times with sincere concentration, Allah will purify his
external as well as internal condition.
8 Al-Aziz The Victorious
He who repeats this Name 41 times after each Fazar prayer will
beindependent of need from others and gain honour after disgrace.
9 Al-Jabbar The Compeller
He who repeats this Name will not be compelled to do anything against
his wishes, and will not be exposed to voilence, severity or hardness.
10 Al-Mutakabbir The Greatest
He who repeats this Name frequently will be granted status and
respect. If He repeats thisName frequently at the commencement of
everyact, He will achieve success by the grace of Allah.
11 Al-Khaliq The Creator
He who repeats this Name 100 times for seven days without break, Allah
will create an angel whose duty willbe to act righteously for this
person until the Day of Judgement. The reward for angel's actions will
be given to that person. See also under Al-Musawwir.
12 Al-Bari The Maker of Order
He who creates all thingsin proportion. See also the suggestions under
13 Al-Musawwir The Shaper of Beauty
If a woman who desires to give a birth, but cannot, fasts seven days,
and each day at the breaking of the fast (iftaar) she repeats
thesethree Names twenty-onetimes, breathes into a glass of water, and
then breaks the fast with this water, Allah will bless her with a
14 Al-Ghaffar The Forgiving
He who repeats this Name will be forgiven his sins.
15 Al-Qahhar The Subduer
The soul of him who repeats this Name Will conquer the desires of the
flesh, and his heart will be made free from the attractions of the
world and gain inner peace. this Name also frees one from being
16 Al-Wahhab The Giver of All
If a man suffering from poverty and starvation repeats this Name
frequently or keeps it with him written on a piece of paper or repeats
this Name 40 times in the last Sajda if the Chasht prayer, Allah will
relieve him of his poverty, want and starvation in a wonderful way.
17 Ar-Razzaq The Sustainer
He who repeats this Name will be provided with sustenance by Allah.
18 Al-Fattah The Opener
The heart of him who repeats this Name will be open, and he will be
given victory.
19 Al-Alim The Knower of All
He who repeats this Name, his heart will become luminous, revealing
divine light(Nur).
20 Al-Qabid The Constrictor
He who writhes this name on 4 pieces of food (fruit, bread,etc.) and
eats them for 40 days will be free from hunger.
21 Al-Basit The Reliever
He who repeats this Name 10 times after Chasht prayer with open hands
(palms up), then rubs his face with his hands, will be free of need
from others.
22 Al-Khafid The Abaser
Those who fast three days, and on the fourth day repeat this Name 70
times in a gathering, Allah will free them fromharm by their enemy.
Allah will fulfill the need of one who repeats this Name 500 times
23 Ar-Rafi The Exalter
He who repeats this Name 101 times day and night, Allah will make him
higher, as far as honour, richness and merit are concerned.
24 Al-Muizz The Bestower of Honors
He who repeats this name 140 times after Maghrib prayer on Monday or
Friday nights,Allah will make him dignified in the eyes of others.
That person will fear no one but Allah.
25 Al-Mudhill The Humiliator
He who repeats this Name 75 times will be free from harm by those who
are jealous of him and wish to harm him. Allah will protect him.
26 As-Sami The Hearer of All
He who repeats this Name 500, 100 or 50 times without speaking to
anyone on thursday after the chasht prayer, Allah will bestow on him
anything he desires.
27 Al-Basir The Seer of All
He who repeats this Names 100 times after Friday afternoon prayer,
Allah will give this person light in his sight and enlighten his
28 Al-Hakam The Judge
He who repeats this Name many times at night, many secrets (sirr)will
be revealed to him.
29 Al-Adl The Just
On Friday night or day, ifyou write this Name on apiece of bread and
eat itpeople will obey you.
30 Al-Latif The Subtle One
He who repeats this Name 133 times daily will have increase in his
sustenance and all his affairs will be settled to his satisfaction.
31 Al-Khabir The All-Aware
If a mam is a victim of selfish desires and bad habits he will be
relieved of these if he repeats this Name regularly.
32 Al-Halim The Forebearing
He who write this Name on a piece of paper, washes it with water and
sprinkles that water on anything that thing will become safe from loss
and calamities.
33 Al-Azim The Magnificent
Those who repeat this Name many times will berespected.
34 Al-Ghafur The Forgiver and Hider of Faults
He who has a headache, fever and despondent, and continuously repeats
this Name will be relieved of his ailment and will have Allah's
35 Ash-Shakur The Rewarder of Thankfulness
He who is afflicted with monitory troubles or with any other calamity
and suffering, if he repeats this Name 41 tmes daily.
36 Al-Ali The Highest
He who repeats this Name regularly and keep it with him after writing
it on a piece of paper will attain high rank, affluence and success in
his (lawful) desires.
37 Al-Kabir The Greatest
He who repeats this Name 100 times each day will have esteem.
38 Al-Hafiz The Preserver
He who repeats this Name frequently and keeps it with him will
beprotected against calamities.
39 Al-Muqit The Nourisher
If someone with a bad mannered child repeats this Name into a glass of
water, and gives this water to the child to drink, the child will
havegood manners.
40 Al-Hasib The Accounter
He who faces any problem should repeat this Name many times.
41 Al-Jalil The Mighty
He who writes this Nameon a piece of paper withmusk and saffron and
keeps it with him and repeats this Name frequently will attain honour
and status.
42 Al-Karim The Generous
He who repeats this Name many times at bedtime will have esteem in
this world (and the Hereafter among the learned and righteous people).
43 Ar-Raqib The Watchful One
He who repeats this Name seven times on himself, his family and
property, all will be under Allah's protection.
44 Al-Mujib The Responder to Prayer
The appeal of him who repeats this Name will be answered.
45 Al-Wasi The All-Comprehending
If one who has difficulty in earning, repeats this Name frequently,
will have good earnings.
46 Al-Hakim The Perfectly Wise
He who repeats this Name continuously (from time to time) will not
have difficulties in his work, and Allah will open to him the door of
47 Al-Wadud The Loving One
If there is a quarrel between two people (e.g. wife and husband) and
one of them repeatsthis Name 1000 times over some food and has the
other person to eat the food, there will be no disagreement between
48 Al-Majíd The Majestic One
He who repeats this Name gains glory.
49 Al-Baith The Resurrector
He who repeats this Name gains the fear of Allah.
50 Ash-Shahid The Witness
He who has disobedient children or wife and repeats this Name in the
morning over them 21 times daily with his handplaced on his/her
forhead he/she will become obedient.
51 Al-Haqq The Truth
If one has something and repeats this Name, he will find what is lost.
52 Al-Wakil The Trustee
He who is afraid of drowining, being burnt in a fire, or any similar
danger, and repeats this Name continuously (from time to time), will
be under the protection of Allah.
53 Al-Qawi The Possessor of All Strength
He who cannot defeat his enemy, and repeats this Name with the
intention of not being harmed, will be free from his enemy's harm.
54 Al-Matin The Forceful One
If one has troubles and repeats this Name, his troubles will disappear.
55 Al-Wali The Governor
He who repeats this Name is likely to be a walyullah, the friend of Allah.
56 Al-Hamid The Praised One
He who repeats this Name will be loved and praised.
57 Al-Muhsi The Appraiser
He who is afraid of being questioned on theJudgement Day, and repeats
this Name 100 times daily, will have ease and clementy.
58 Al-Mubdi The Originator
If This Name is repeated and breathed towards a pregnant woman who
isafaid of aborting, she will be free of danger.
59 Al-Muid The Restorer
If this Name is repeated 70 times for someone who is away from his
family, that person will return safely in seven days.
60 Al-Muhyi The Giver of Life
If a person has a heavy burden and repeats this Name seven times each
day, his burden will be taken away.
61 Al-Mumit The Taker of Life
This Name is repeated todestroy one's enmy.
62 Al-Hayy The Ever Living One
He who repeats this Name will have a long life.
63 Al-Qayyum The Self-Existing One
He who repeats this Name will not fall into inadvertency.
64 Al-Wajid The Finder
He who repeats this Name will have richness of heart.
65 Al-Majid The Glorious
He who repeats this Name in privacy and sincerely, his heart will be
66 Al-Wahid The Only One
He who repeats this Name 1000 times in privacy and in a quiet place
will be free from fear and delusion.
67 Al-Ahad The One
He who repeats this Name 1000 times will have certain secrets opened to him.
68 As-Samad The Satisfier of All Needs
He who repeats this Name many times, Allah will provide his need, and
as result he will not need others, but they will need him.
69 Al-Qadir The All Powerful
He who repeats this Name, all his Desires will be fulfilled.
70 Al-Muqtadir The Creator of All Power
He who repeats this Name will be aware of the truth.
71 Al-Muqaddim The Expediter
He who repeats this Name on the battlefield, or who has fear of
beingalone in an aweinspiringplace, no harm will cometo him and will
become obedient to Allah.
72 Al-Muakhkhir The Delayer
He who repeats this Name in the heart 100 times each day, only loveof
Allah will remain. No other love can enter.
73 Al-Awwal The First
A childless person will beblessed with a child if herepeats this name
40 times daily for 40 days. Ifa traveler repeats it 1000times on a
Friday he will reach home safe and sound.
74 Al-Akhir The Last
He who repeats this Name many times will lead a good life and at the
end of this life will have a good death.
75 Az-Zahir The Manifest One
He who recites this Name 15 times after Friday (jumm'a prayer) divine
light (Noor) will enter his heart.
76 Al-Batin The Hidden One
He who repeats this Name three times each day will be able to see the
truth in things.
77 Al-Walí The Protecting Friend
He who repeats this Name and breathes it into his house, his housewill
be free from danger.
78 Al-Mutaali The Supreme One
He who repeats this Name many times will gain the benevolence of Allah.
79 Al-Barr The Doer of Good
He who repeats this Name to his child, this child will be free from misfortune.
80 At-Tawwab The Guide to Repentance
He who repeats this Name many times, his repentance will be accepted.
81 Al-Muntaqim The Avenger
He who repeats this
Names for 3 Fridays many times will be victorious against his enemies.
82 Al-Afu The Forgiver
He who repeats this Name many times, all his sins will be forgiven.
83 Ar-Rauf The Clement
He who repeats this Name many times will beblessed by Allah.
84 Malik al-Mulk The Owner of All
He who repeats this Name will have esteem among people.
85 Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram The Lord of Majesty and Bounty
He who repeats this Name many times, will be rich.
86 Al-Muqsit The Equitable One
He who repeat this Name will be free from the harm of the devil.
87 Al-Jami The Gatherer
He who repeats this Name will find the things that he lost.
88 Al-Ghani The Rich One
He who repeats this Name 70 times will be contented and not convetous
and will not be needy.
89 Al-Mughni The Enricher
He who repeats this Name 1000 times daily for ten Fridays will becom
90 Al-Mani The Preventer of Harm
One should repeat this Name 20 times at bedtimes for a peaceful and
happy family life.
91 Ad-Darr The Creator of The Harmful
He who does not enjoy peace and tranquility in life should repeat this
Name 100 times in Fridaynights.He will find peaceand tranquility by
the grace of Allah.
92 An-Nafi The Creator of Good
He who repeats this Name 41 times at the begnning of every act, will
be successful in all his good acts.
93 An-Nur The Light
Those who repeat this Name will have inner light.
94 Al-Hadi The Guide
Ho who repeats 1100 times the sacred Names"yahadi
ihdinas-siratal-mustaqim" after the 'Isha prayer will be free from all
95 Al-Badi The Originator
He who is confronted by any distress or difficulty should repeat this
Name 70,000 times for relief from the distress.
96 Al-Baqi The Everlasting One
He who repeats this Name every Friday night 100 times all his good
deeds will be accepted, by the grace of Allah.
97 Al-Warith The Inheritor of All
He who repeats this Name after sunrise 100 times, will be safe from
all sorrows, by the grace of Allah.
98 Ar-Rashid The Righteous Teacher
He who does not have the know-how about a particular task or unableto
work out plans for a certain task should repeat this Name 1000 times
between Maghrib and 'Isha.
99 As-Sabur The Patient One
He who is in any trouble,difficulty or sorrow and repeat this Name
3000 times, will be rescued from his difficulty.
- - - - -
And Allah Knows the Best!
- - - - -
Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA
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Suhayb ar-Rumi - Biographies of the Companions (Sahabah)
About twenty years before the start of the Prophet's mission, that is
about the middle of the sixth century CE, an Arab named Sinan ibn
Malik governed the cityof al-Uballah on behalf of the Persian emperor.
The city, whichis now part of Basrah, lay on the banks of the
Euphrates River. Sinan lived in a luxurious palace on the banks of the
river. He hadseveral children and was particularly fond of one of them
who was then barely five years old. His name was Suhayb. He was blond
and fair-complexioned. He was activeand alert and gave much pleasure
to his father.
One day Suhayb's mother took him and some members of her household to
a village called ath-Thani for a picnic. What was to be a relaxing and
enjoyable day turned out to be a terrifying experience that was to
change the course of young Suhayb's lifeforever.
That day, the village of ath-Thaniwas attacked, by a raiding party of
Byzantine soldiers. The guardsaccompanying the picnic party were
overwhelmed and killed. Ali possessions were seized and a large number
of persons were taken prisoner. Among these was Suhayb ibn Sinan.
Suhayb was taken to one of the slave markets of the Byzantine Empire,
the capital of which wasConstantinople, there to be sold.Thereafter he
passed from the hands of one slave master to another. His fate was no
different from thousands of other slaves who filled the houses, the
palaces and castles of Byzantine rulers and aristocrats.
Suhayb spent his boyhood and his youth as a slave. For about twenty
years he stayed in Byzantine lands. This gave him the opportunity to
get a rare knowledge and understanding of Byzantine/ire and society.
In the palaces of the aristocracy, hesaw with his own eyes the
injustices and the corruption of Byzantine life. He detested that
society and later would say to himself:
"A society like this can only be purified by a deluge." Suhayb of
course grew up speaking Greek, the language of the Byzantine Empire.
He practically forgot Arabic. But he never forgot that he was a son of
the desert. He longed for the day when he would be free again to join
his people's folk. At the first opportunity Suhayb escaped from
bondage and headed straight for Makkah which was aplace of refuge or
asylum. There people called him Suhayb"ar-Rumi" or "the Byzantine"
because of his peculiarly heavy speech and his blond hair. He became
the halif of one of the aristocrats of Makkah, Abdullah ibn Judan. He
engaged in trade and prospered. In fact, he became quite rich.
One day he returned to Makkah from one of his trading journeys.He was
told that Muhammad theson of Abdullah had begun calling people to
believe in God alone, commanding them to be just and to do good works
and prohibiting them from shamefuland reprehensible deeds. He
immediately enquired who Muhammad was and where he stayed. He was
"(He stays) in the house or' al-Arqam ibn Abi al-Arqam. Be careful
however that no Qurayshsees you. If they see you they would do (the
most terrible things to you). You are a stranger here and there is no
bond of asabiyyahi to protect you, neither have you any clan tohelp
Suhayb went cautiously to the house of al-Arqam. At the door he found
Ammar ibn Yasir the young son of a Yemeni father who was known to him.
He hesitated for a moment then went up to Ammar and said:"What do you
want (here), Ammar?" "Rather, what do you want here'?" countered
Ammar."I want to go to this man and hear directly from him what he is
saying." "I also want to do that." "Then let us enter together, ala
barakatillah (with the blessings of God)."
Suhayb and Ammar entered and listened to what Muhammad was saying.
They were both readily convinced of the truth of his message. The
light of faith entered their hearts. At this meeting, they pledged
fealty to the Prophet, declaring that thereis no god but Allah and
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. They spent the entire day in the
company of the noble Prophet. At night, under cover ofdarkness, they
left the house of al-Arqam, their hearts aglow with the light of faith
and their faces beaming with happiness.
Then the familiar pattern of events followed. The idolatrous Quraysh
learnt about Suhayb's acceptance of Islam and began harassing and
persecuting him. Suhayb bore his share of the persecution in the same
way as Bilal, Ammar and his mother Sumayyah, Khabbab and many others
who professed Islam. Thepunishment was inhuman and severe but Suhayb
bore it all with a patient and courageous heart because he knew that
the path to Jannah is paved with thorns and difficulties. The
teachings of the noble Prophet had instilled in him and other
companions a rare strength and courage.
When the Prophet gave permission for his followers to migrate to
Madinah, Suhayb resolved to go in the company ofthe Prophet and Abu
Bakr. The Quraysh however found out about his intentions and foiled
his plans. They placed guards over him to prevent him from leaving and
taking with him the wealth, the gold and the silver, which he had
acquired through trade.
After the departure of the Prophet and Abu Bakr, Suhayb continued to
bide his time, waiting for an opportunity to join them. He remained
unsuccessful. The eyes of his guards were ever alert and watchful. The
only way out was to resort to a stratagem.
One cold night, Suhayb pretended he had some stomach problems and went
outrepeatedly as if responding to calls of nature. His captors said
one to another:
"Don't worry. Al-Laat and al-Uzzaare keeping him busy with his stomach."
They became relaxed and sleep got the better of them. Suhayb quietly
slipped out as if he was going to the toilet. He armed himself, got
ready a mount and headed in the direction of Madinah.
When his captors awoke, they realized with a start that Suhaybwas
gone. They got horses readyand set out in hot pursuit and eventually
caught up with him. Seeing them approach, Suhayb clambered up a hill.
Holding his bow and arrow at the ready, he shouted: "Men of Quraysh!
You know, by God, that I am one of the best archers and my aim is
unerring. By God, if you come near me, with each arrow I have,I shall
kill one of you. Then I shall strike with my sword." A Quraysh
spokesman responded: By God, we shall not let you escape from us with
your life and money. You came to Makkahweak and poor and you have
acquired what you have acquired.."
"What would you say if I leave you my wealth?" interrupted Suhayb.
"Would you get out of my way?" "Yes," they agreed.
Suhayb described the place in hishouse in Makkah where he had left the
money, and they allowedhim to go.
He set off as quickly as he could for Madinah cherishing the prospect
of being with the Prophet and of having the freedom to worship God in
peace. On his way to Madinah, whenever he felt tired, the thought of
meeting the Prophet sustained him and he proceededwith increased
determination. When Suhayb reached Quba, justoutside Madinah where the
Prophet himself alighted after his Hijrah, the Prophet saw him
approaching. He was over-joyed and greeted Suhayb with beaming smiles.
"Your transaction has been fruitful, O Abu Yahya. Your transaction has
been fruitful." He repeated this three times. Suhayb's face beamed
with happiness as he said: "By God, no one has come before me to you,
Messenger of God, and only JibriI could have told you about this." Yes
indeed! Suhayb's transaction was fruitful. Revelation from on high
affirmed the truth of this:
"And there is a type of man who gives his life to earn the pleasureof
God. And God is full of kindness to His servants." (The Quran, Surah
al-Baqarah, 2:2O7).
What is money and what is gold and what is the entire world so long as
faith remains! The Prophet loved Suhayb a great deal. He was commended
by the Prophet and described as preceding the Byzantines to Islam. In
addition to his piety and sobriety, Suhayb was also light-hearted at
times and had a good sense of humor. One day the Prophet saw him
eating dates. He noticed that Suhayb had an infection in one eye. The
Prophet said to him laughingly:"Do you eat ripe dates while you have
an infection in one eye?""What's wrong?" replied Suhayb,"I am eating
it with the other eye."
Suhayb was also known for his generosity. He used to give all his
stipend from the public treasury fi sabilillah, to help the poor and
those in distress. He was a good example of the Quranic verse: "He
gives food for the love of God to the needy, theorphan and the
captive." So generous was he that Umar once remarked:
"I have seen you giving out so much food that you appear to be too
extravagant." Suhayb replied: "I have heard the Messenger of God say:
'The best of you is the one who gives out food.'"
Suhayb's piety and his standing among MusIims was so high that he was
selected by Umar ibn al-Khattab to lead the Muslims in the period
between his death and the choosing of his successor.
As he lay dying after he was stabbed by a Magian, Abu Lulu, while
leading the Fajr Salat, Umar summoned six of the companions: Uthman,
Ali, Talhah, Zubayr, Abdur Rahman ibn Awl, and Sad ibn Abi Waqqas. He
did not appoint anyone of them as his successor,because if he had done
so according to one report "there would have been for a short time two
Khalifahs looking at each other". He instructed the six to consult
among themselvesand with the Muslims for three days and choose a
successor, and then he said:
"Wa-l yusalli bi-n nas Suhayb - Let Suhayb lead the people in Salat."
In the period when there was noKhalifah, Suhayb was given the
responsibility and the honor of leading the Salat and of being,
inother words, the head of the Muslim community.
Suhayb's appointment by Umar showed how well people from a wide
variety of backgrounds were integrated and honoured in the community
of Islam. Once during the time of the Prophet, a hypocrite named Qays
ibn Mutatiyah tried to pour scorn and disgrace on sections of the
community. Qays had come upon a study circle (halqah) in which were
Salman al-Farsi, Suhayb ar-Rumi and Bilal al-Habashi, may God be
pleased with them, and remarked:
"The Aws and the Khazraj have stood up m defence of this man
(Muhammad). And what are these people doing with him'?" Muadh was
furious and informed the Prophet of what Qays had said. The Prophet
was very angry. He entered the mosque and the Call to Prayer was
given, for this was the method of summoning the Muslims for an
important announcement. Then he stood up, praised and glorified God
and said:
"Your Lord is One. Your ancestor is one. Your religion is one. Take
heed. Arabism is not conferred on you through your mother or father.
It is through the tongue (i.e. the language of Arabic), so whoever
speaks Arabic, he is an Arab."
- - - - -
And Allah Knows the Best!
- - - - -
Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA
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about the middle of the sixth century CE, an Arab named Sinan ibn
Malik governed the cityof al-Uballah on behalf of the Persian emperor.
The city, whichis now part of Basrah, lay on the banks of the
Euphrates River. Sinan lived in a luxurious palace on the banks of the
river. He hadseveral children and was particularly fond of one of them
who was then barely five years old. His name was Suhayb. He was blond
and fair-complexioned. He was activeand alert and gave much pleasure
to his father.
One day Suhayb's mother took him and some members of her household to
a village called ath-Thani for a picnic. What was to be a relaxing and
enjoyable day turned out to be a terrifying experience that was to
change the course of young Suhayb's lifeforever.
That day, the village of ath-Thaniwas attacked, by a raiding party of
Byzantine soldiers. The guardsaccompanying the picnic party were
overwhelmed and killed. Ali possessions were seized and a large number
of persons were taken prisoner. Among these was Suhayb ibn Sinan.
Suhayb was taken to one of the slave markets of the Byzantine Empire,
the capital of which wasConstantinople, there to be sold.Thereafter he
passed from the hands of one slave master to another. His fate was no
different from thousands of other slaves who filled the houses, the
palaces and castles of Byzantine rulers and aristocrats.
Suhayb spent his boyhood and his youth as a slave. For about twenty
years he stayed in Byzantine lands. This gave him the opportunity to
get a rare knowledge and understanding of Byzantine/ire and society.
In the palaces of the aristocracy, hesaw with his own eyes the
injustices and the corruption of Byzantine life. He detested that
society and later would say to himself:
"A society like this can only be purified by a deluge." Suhayb of
course grew up speaking Greek, the language of the Byzantine Empire.
He practically forgot Arabic. But he never forgot that he was a son of
the desert. He longed for the day when he would be free again to join
his people's folk. At the first opportunity Suhayb escaped from
bondage and headed straight for Makkah which was aplace of refuge or
asylum. There people called him Suhayb"ar-Rumi" or "the Byzantine"
because of his peculiarly heavy speech and his blond hair. He became
the halif of one of the aristocrats of Makkah, Abdullah ibn Judan. He
engaged in trade and prospered. In fact, he became quite rich.
One day he returned to Makkah from one of his trading journeys.He was
told that Muhammad theson of Abdullah had begun calling people to
believe in God alone, commanding them to be just and to do good works
and prohibiting them from shamefuland reprehensible deeds. He
immediately enquired who Muhammad was and where he stayed. He was
"(He stays) in the house or' al-Arqam ibn Abi al-Arqam. Be careful
however that no Qurayshsees you. If they see you they would do (the
most terrible things to you). You are a stranger here and there is no
bond of asabiyyahi to protect you, neither have you any clan tohelp
Suhayb went cautiously to the house of al-Arqam. At the door he found
Ammar ibn Yasir the young son of a Yemeni father who was known to him.
He hesitated for a moment then went up to Ammar and said:"What do you
want (here), Ammar?" "Rather, what do you want here'?" countered
Ammar."I want to go to this man and hear directly from him what he is
saying." "I also want to do that." "Then let us enter together, ala
barakatillah (with the blessings of God)."
Suhayb and Ammar entered and listened to what Muhammad was saying.
They were both readily convinced of the truth of his message. The
light of faith entered their hearts. At this meeting, they pledged
fealty to the Prophet, declaring that thereis no god but Allah and
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. They spent the entire day in the
company of the noble Prophet. At night, under cover ofdarkness, they
left the house of al-Arqam, their hearts aglow with the light of faith
and their faces beaming with happiness.
Then the familiar pattern of events followed. The idolatrous Quraysh
learnt about Suhayb's acceptance of Islam and began harassing and
persecuting him. Suhayb bore his share of the persecution in the same
way as Bilal, Ammar and his mother Sumayyah, Khabbab and many others
who professed Islam. Thepunishment was inhuman and severe but Suhayb
bore it all with a patient and courageous heart because he knew that
the path to Jannah is paved with thorns and difficulties. The
teachings of the noble Prophet had instilled in him and other
companions a rare strength and courage.
When the Prophet gave permission for his followers to migrate to
Madinah, Suhayb resolved to go in the company ofthe Prophet and Abu
Bakr. The Quraysh however found out about his intentions and foiled
his plans. They placed guards over him to prevent him from leaving and
taking with him the wealth, the gold and the silver, which he had
acquired through trade.
After the departure of the Prophet and Abu Bakr, Suhayb continued to
bide his time, waiting for an opportunity to join them. He remained
unsuccessful. The eyes of his guards were ever alert and watchful. The
only way out was to resort to a stratagem.
One cold night, Suhayb pretended he had some stomach problems and went
outrepeatedly as if responding to calls of nature. His captors said
one to another:
"Don't worry. Al-Laat and al-Uzzaare keeping him busy with his stomach."
They became relaxed and sleep got the better of them. Suhayb quietly
slipped out as if he was going to the toilet. He armed himself, got
ready a mount and headed in the direction of Madinah.
When his captors awoke, they realized with a start that Suhaybwas
gone. They got horses readyand set out in hot pursuit and eventually
caught up with him. Seeing them approach, Suhayb clambered up a hill.
Holding his bow and arrow at the ready, he shouted: "Men of Quraysh!
You know, by God, that I am one of the best archers and my aim is
unerring. By God, if you come near me, with each arrow I have,I shall
kill one of you. Then I shall strike with my sword." A Quraysh
spokesman responded: By God, we shall not let you escape from us with
your life and money. You came to Makkahweak and poor and you have
acquired what you have acquired.."
"What would you say if I leave you my wealth?" interrupted Suhayb.
"Would you get out of my way?" "Yes," they agreed.
Suhayb described the place in hishouse in Makkah where he had left the
money, and they allowedhim to go.
He set off as quickly as he could for Madinah cherishing the prospect
of being with the Prophet and of having the freedom to worship God in
peace. On his way to Madinah, whenever he felt tired, the thought of
meeting the Prophet sustained him and he proceededwith increased
determination. When Suhayb reached Quba, justoutside Madinah where the
Prophet himself alighted after his Hijrah, the Prophet saw him
approaching. He was over-joyed and greeted Suhayb with beaming smiles.
"Your transaction has been fruitful, O Abu Yahya. Your transaction has
been fruitful." He repeated this three times. Suhayb's face beamed
with happiness as he said: "By God, no one has come before me to you,
Messenger of God, and only JibriI could have told you about this." Yes
indeed! Suhayb's transaction was fruitful. Revelation from on high
affirmed the truth of this:
"And there is a type of man who gives his life to earn the pleasureof
God. And God is full of kindness to His servants." (The Quran, Surah
al-Baqarah, 2:2O7).
What is money and what is gold and what is the entire world so long as
faith remains! The Prophet loved Suhayb a great deal. He was commended
by the Prophet and described as preceding the Byzantines to Islam. In
addition to his piety and sobriety, Suhayb was also light-hearted at
times and had a good sense of humor. One day the Prophet saw him
eating dates. He noticed that Suhayb had an infection in one eye. The
Prophet said to him laughingly:"Do you eat ripe dates while you have
an infection in one eye?""What's wrong?" replied Suhayb,"I am eating
it with the other eye."
Suhayb was also known for his generosity. He used to give all his
stipend from the public treasury fi sabilillah, to help the poor and
those in distress. He was a good example of the Quranic verse: "He
gives food for the love of God to the needy, theorphan and the
captive." So generous was he that Umar once remarked:
"I have seen you giving out so much food that you appear to be too
extravagant." Suhayb replied: "I have heard the Messenger of God say:
'The best of you is the one who gives out food.'"
Suhayb's piety and his standing among MusIims was so high that he was
selected by Umar ibn al-Khattab to lead the Muslims in the period
between his death and the choosing of his successor.
As he lay dying after he was stabbed by a Magian, Abu Lulu, while
leading the Fajr Salat, Umar summoned six of the companions: Uthman,
Ali, Talhah, Zubayr, Abdur Rahman ibn Awl, and Sad ibn Abi Waqqas. He
did not appoint anyone of them as his successor,because if he had done
so according to one report "there would have been for a short time two
Khalifahs looking at each other". He instructed the six to consult
among themselvesand with the Muslims for three days and choose a
successor, and then he said:
"Wa-l yusalli bi-n nas Suhayb - Let Suhayb lead the people in Salat."
In the period when there was noKhalifah, Suhayb was given the
responsibility and the honor of leading the Salat and of being,
inother words, the head of the Muslim community.
Suhayb's appointment by Umar showed how well people from a wide
variety of backgrounds were integrated and honoured in the community
of Islam. Once during the time of the Prophet, a hypocrite named Qays
ibn Mutatiyah tried to pour scorn and disgrace on sections of the
community. Qays had come upon a study circle (halqah) in which were
Salman al-Farsi, Suhayb ar-Rumi and Bilal al-Habashi, may God be
pleased with them, and remarked:
"The Aws and the Khazraj have stood up m defence of this man
(Muhammad). And what are these people doing with him'?" Muadh was
furious and informed the Prophet of what Qays had said. The Prophet
was very angry. He entered the mosque and the Call to Prayer was
given, for this was the method of summoning the Muslims for an
important announcement. Then he stood up, praised and glorified God
and said:
"Your Lord is One. Your ancestor is one. Your religion is one. Take
heed. Arabism is not conferred on you through your mother or father.
It is through the tongue (i.e. the language of Arabic), so whoever
speaks Arabic, he is an Arab."
- - - - -
And Allah Knows the Best!
- - - - -
Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA
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