''Allah is Sufficient for us'' + '' All praise is due to Allah. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' (Aameen) | | |
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Laila Saad , UK Friday 10th September 2010 Asalam -Alaikum Brother Barbar, Indeed Allah is withthe patient. Your suffering will not go un-noticed by our supreme lord; Allah most mighty! You are in the university of islamic knowledge and Inshallah, Allah will not only purify you, but you will, Insha-allah, be raised as one of those who will enter jannatul firdos, insha-allah.Keep praying Subhanllahi wabi hamdihi subhanalahilazeem. Allah is with you, and our prayers are with you. This is the beginning of the golden age, and you are one of Allah's chosen one's my brother! I have just heard about the trials and tribulations Hazrat Yusuf went through, and Allah will exchange your suffering for paradise, insha-allah! Allah knows best! Take care my brother!
And he turned away fromthem and said, “Oh, my sorrow over Yusuf,” and his eyes became white from grief, and he fell into silent melancholy. They said, “By Allah , you will not cease remembering Yusuf until you become fatally ill or become of those who perish.” He said, “ I only complain of my suffering and my grief to Allah , and I knowfrom Allah that which you do not know. - Quran, Surat Yusuf, 12:84-86
“And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much of what We have created, with [definite] preference.” – Quran, 17:70
“[So mention] when your Lord said to the angels, ‘Indeed, I am going to create a human being from clay. So whenI have proportioned him and breathed into him of My [created] soul, then fall down to him in prostration.’” – Quran, 38:71-72
Be patient. Allah has a plan for you
O Allah, inspire me with piety,
O Allah, give me success forthat which is most pure,
O Allah, employ me in whatis most pleasing to You,
O Allah, let me walk (on) the most exemplary path,
O Allah, let me live and die on Your creed...
As Muslims we must stay away from spreading false rumors about one
another. We should Always protect and help each-other for thesake of
Allah Subhana Wa Ta'Ala ♥
[In Sha Allaah Tag ur beloved once ♥ | Share itonur wall]
Allaah Reward you In Sha Allaah. Work for Allaah, Jazakallah Khairan/
much is memorized, but rather by how
much it is acted on."
-Imam al-Shafi`
Some jokes!
Pappu: None. Appu: Hows dat? Pappu: She meets outside d office n
2.Husband: I had a 5ne dream last night.I dreamed I was touring world
in a fine car. WIfe:Sorry,I heard Engine snorting.
3.X: Do you think a genius ever makes a good husband? Y: You should
better ask my wife.
4.Appu-Oye!wat R U doing? Pappu-Recording babies voice. Appu-y? Pappu-
When he grows up,I shall ask him wat he meant by dis?
5.Most people have 5 senses. Some people have 6 senses. But u r
blessed with 7 senses. An extra sense is NON SENSE.
6.A silent night, a star above, a blessed gift of hope and love. A
blessed Christmas to you!
7] 8 Semesters 80 GB sylabus80 MB v study 80 KB v remember 80 Bytes v
ans. BINARY Marks v get, known as BTech (Brain Technically Empty)
Boyfren: I like ur 'teeth' Gal: Oh really..
8.Why? Boyfren: bcos'yellow' is my favorite color Moral:-"Love Is Blind"
Doctor: Mrs. Nandini gud news 4 u.
9.Nandini: wat do u mean by mrs. Nandini? I am miss Nandini. Doctor:
O!! Sorry Miss Nandini,Bad News 4 u/
Superior Date
health wise and taste wise.
For thousands of years, dates have been known asa staple food of the
Persian Gulf. The word "date" has originated fromGreek 'daktulos',
meaning 'finger'. These brown oblong fruits are an important source of
food and energy in the desert areas. Dates are crunchy, juicy and have
a small shell life. In the month of Ramzan they are extensively used
by the Muslims to open their fast as they are a rich source ofinstant
energy and vitality.
Dates and their rich nutrients
Dates are rich in dietary fibre and low in sodium, cholesterol and
fat. They are flushed with minerals and vitamins such as sulphur, iron
, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, vitamin B-6, copper and folic acids.
They provide glucose and fructose – natural sugars that are far better
than cane sugar.
Dates are also a good source of potassium, packing a punch even
stronger than that of bananas. Such a healthy combination is rare to
most of the fruits. Intake of two to four dates a day is sufficient to
meet the body requirements of fibres, minerals and vitamins.
Dates are referred as the 'crown of sweets' and an ideal food for a
balanced diet.
Health benefits of dates
The health benefits of dates are indeed vast. Incorporating dates into
your daily diet can have many benefits :
*. Treat obesity: Dates satiate hunger and are therefore very
effective in suppressing over-eating. They provides natural sugars to
the body and lower the consumption of food.
*. Help prevent cancer : Dates are rich in natural fibre and are known
to prevent abdominal cancer .
*. Protect the heart : Beinglow in cholesterol and fat, dates are very
effective in lowering cardiac ailments. Intake of overnight soaked
dates is found to be good for strengthening the heart .
*. They help in child-birth : Dates are rich in hormones that toughen
the uterus, increase milk production in lactating mothers and also
reduce blood loss after delivery. Ripe dates have an 'oxytocin'- like
substancethat initiates contractions of the uterus at the time of
*. Good for lactating mothers: Depression associated with
breast-feeding can be alleviatedby dates.
*. Healthy bones : Dates are known to be rich in calcium and
contribute to strong and healthy bones.
*. Dates reduce constipation : The natural dietary fibres in dates
make them very beneficial in curing constipation.
*. Good for liver disease: Dates are easily digestedand have low
cholesteroland fat content, making them useful in treating liver
*. Treat anaemia : Dates are rich in iron contend and folic acid, so
they improve the haemoglobin content in the body.
Photographs via sxc.hu
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-Al-Mu'minun v.118-
Al-Maʿāfī said, “Have you warmed up now?”
“No,” he replied.
Al-Maʿāfī said, “So what was the point of complaining? If you had glorified Allāh, at least it would have been better foryou.”
Round Kahba'
Modern Science has proved many things that confirms the importance of Tawaaf around the Kaaba “Anticlockwise. ”
1) The Blood inside the human body begins its circulation “Anticlockwise”
2) The electrons of an atomrevolve around its nucleus in the same manner as making Tawaf, in an anti-clockwise direction.
Considering the globe as a whole, you will notice that:
3) that the moon revolves around the earth anti-clockwise.
4) The earth rotates aroundits own axis in an anti-clockwise direction.
5) The earth revolves around the sun in an anti-clockwise direction.
6) The planets of the Solar system revolve around the sun in an anti-clockwise direction.
7)The Sun along with its whole Solar system orbit inthe galaxy in an anti-clockwise direction.
8)All the galaxies orbit in the space in an anti-clockwise direction.
That is: When we revolve around the Kaaba we are orbiting in the same direction as the whole universe.
Worshipping Allah in one direction.
Praising Allah in one direction.
And all the creations of Allah from the tiniest particles, to the largest galaxies, along with the human race unite in praise of Allah.
When we tour around the Kaaba, we are travelling in the land travelled by all theProphets of Allah from the Prophet Adam (PBUH) to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
The Kaaba in Makkah is never free from circumbulators.
♥ Subhanallah ♥ Alhamdulillah ♥ Allahu Akbar ♥
Be happy always
M. NajimudeeN. Bsc :-: INDIA |-:-|: Dua'
M. NajimudeeN. Bsc :-: INDIA |-:-|: Assalamu Alaikum : 27.mar.12/6.54.am- INDIA/
27.mar.12/6.54.am- INDIA/: ♥ The Prophet S.A.W said Allah will give shade to seven types of people under His Shade on the Dayof Resurrection. One of them will be a per...
M. NajimudeeN. Bsc :-: INDIA |-:-|: Hadees
M. NajimudeeN. Bsc :-: INDIA |-:-|: Assalamu Alaikum : 27.mar.12/6.54.am- INDIA/
27.mar.12/6.54.am- INDIA/: ♥ The Prophet S.A.W said Allah will give shade to seven types of people under His Shade on the Dayof Resurrection. One of them will be a per...
Milk's usesage
The companions heard the food that was being eaten glorifying Allah. That was because the companions had a transparency of heartthat does not now exist among us. All these things are part of our world and yet we are in complete ignorance of them.*SubhanAllah*
[From ‘The Soul’s Journey After Death’ by Ibn Al Qayyim - Page 18]
Assalamu Alaikum : 27.mar.12/6.54.am- INDIA/
remembers Allah and his eyes are then flooded with tears.♥
[Reported by Bukhari, Muslim]