Miscellaneous Du-a'as For every illness, ache, fever Curing illness duas index
Misbah al Kafami | Spiritual Pharmacy
Recite in a congregation ' Amman Yujeebul Mudhtarra Idhaa Da'aahuWa
Yakshifus-Sooa' five times , seeking intercession from Imam
Zainulabideen (as) who was taken ill on Ashura day
for Depression from Baqeyatus salehat from Imam Sadiq (as)
بِسْمِ الله وَبِالله وَتَوَكَّلْتُ عَلى الله إنَّهُ مَنْ يَتَوَكَّلْ
عَلى الله فَهوَ حَسْبُهُ إنَّ الله بالِغُ أمْرِهِ قَدْ جَعَلَ الله
لِكُلِّ شَيٍ قَدْراً، اللّهُمَّ اجْعَلْني في كَنَفِكَ وَفي جِوارِكَ
وَاجْعَلْني في أمانِكَوَفي مَنْعِكَ .
Dua'a 261 To relieve pain in any part of the body (if Allah wills)
recite surah al fatihah 70 times (or 7 times), keeping the mouth
nearest to the forehead of the sufferer. It is a sure cure of every
ailment except the deadly disease(through which death has been
Dua'a 262 Whosoever recites surah al Nahl once in a month, Allah will
keep him safe, if He wills, from many diseases, some of them are
leprosy and insanity.
Dua'a 263 Write surah al Shu-ara with the solution of musk and saffron
on a china plate, wash it with pure water and drink it. If Allah
wills, He will heal you from whatever illness you are sufferingfrom.
Dau'a 264 Whosoever recites surah YaSin daily, or once in a weak or a
month or at least once in a lifetime, Allah, if He wills, willkeep
safe from every disease thatmay inflict him/her.
Dua'a 265 Whosoever writes surah Muhammad and keep it as a ta'wid' on
the body,. Remains safe from every kind of illness.
Dua'a 266 Whosoever recites surah Hadid and Mujadilah in every
obligatory salat, Allah, if He wills, will not allow any detestable
disease to afflict his/her body.
Dua'a 267 To relieve pain and suffering in any part of the body keep
the written text of surah al Mujadilah on the body.
Dua'a 268 If surah al Quraysh is recited over the food, before eating,
it will not only be rendered harmless but also act asa healer of any
illness you are suffering from.
Dua'a 269 (i) There are several ahadith (traditions) in Tufatuz Za-ir,
Safinatun Najat that the earth of Karbala (from the precinct of the
resting place of Imam Husayn), known as khak shifa, cures every
ailment save the deadly disease (by which death has been decreed).
Click here to read duas /usage of Khak e shifa
Dua'a 270
It is written in Zad al Mi-a'd that the Holy Prophet told his
companions to carry out (the following procedure) in order to cure and
heal whatever type of pain or illness is afflicting a person.
(1) Obtain rain water of spring (ab naysan) in the month of April.
(2) Recite 70 times the following surahs over the water:
(i) Al Fatihah, (ii) Ayat ul Kursi, (iii) Al lkhias, (iv) Al Falaq,
(v) Al Nas, (vi) Al Kafirun, (vii) Al Qadr,
(3) and recite 70 times:
(4) and drink it in morning daily for 7 consecutive days.
Dua'a 271
Imam Jafer bin Muhammad al Sadiq advised one of his companions:
purchase 2kgs wheat, put it on your chest, and recite the following:
O Allah, I beseech You in Your name with which if any one in distress
beseeches You, You remove from him that which troubles him and let him
stay on the earth, make him Your representative over Your creation;
so, send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad and the
people of his house (Ahl ul Bayt) and cure me of my illness.
Then sit straight, put the wheat before you and recite the above dua
again, divide the wheat in four equal parts, and give each part to a
needy person, then again recite the (above noted) dua'a.
Dua'a 272
It is written in Mafatih al Najat (Abbasi) that according to Imam
Jafar bin Muhammad al Sadiq the Holy Prophet said:
"Whosoever recites the (following) dua'a 40 times after praying the
Fajr salat, the almighty Allah, inshallah, will relieve whatever pain
he is suffering or cure whatever ailment is afflicting him."
In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. Praise be to
Allah, the Lord of ht eworlds. Allah is sufficient for us, (He is our)
most excellent protector. Blessed be Allah, the best of creators.
There is no power, nor strength (with any one) save Allah, the
highest, the great.
To prevent relapse recite this dua'a as stated above for three days.
Dua'a 273
Imam Jafer bin Muhammd al Sadiq, Safinatun Najat mentions, advised one
of his children to recite the following dua'a which is a remedy, if
Allah wills, for whatever pain of ailment a person is suffering from.
O Allah, make me healthy with Your remedy, cure me with Your medicine,
keep me safe from the misfortunes (with which You try me), because
verily I am Your servant, the son of Your servant.
Dua'a 274
Whosoever is suffering from whatever ailment, will become healthy, if
Allah so wills, after reciting the following dua'a, according to Imam
Muhammad bin Ali al Baqir, says Hulyatal Muttaqin.
In the name of Allah, for Allah, blessings of Allah be on the
Messenger of Allah and on his children. I take refuge with the might
of Allah and His power from the evil He may like to afflictme with,
which tortures me.
Dua'a 275
It is mentioned in Safinatun Najatthat the Holy Prophet told Imam Ali
ibn Talib to recite the following dua'a to seek remedy of any pain of
disease from Allah:
O Allah I beseech You to give me health and happiness at the earliest,
make me survive misfortunes, and let me depart from the world (only)
unto Your mercu.
Dua'a 276
It is written in Hulyatul Muttaqin that Imam Jafar bin Muhammad al
Sadiq advised his companions to put the right hand on the ailing part
of the body and recite the following dua'a three times:
Allah, Allah, (He is really) my Lord,I do not associate anything with
Him. O my Allah, You have total power over it and all like it, so
separate it from me.
Dua'a 277
Imam Jafar bin Muhammad al Sadiq advised his companions to recite the
following dua'a after any wajib salat of the day to heal any ailment.
In the name of Allah, for Allah, how many a blessing of Allah is there
in a vein or a sinew, stationary or non-stationary for aperson
grateful or ungrateful.
(Then say 3 times)
O my Allah, remove from me my pain and anguish, make me well soon,
drive away distress form me.
(Then say 3 times)
Dua'a 278
It is written in Hulyatul Muttaqin that Imam Jafar bin Muhammad al
Sadiq advised his companions to put the fight hand on the ailing part
of the body and recite verse 82 of bani Isra-il to heal the ailment,
if Allah so wills:
We sent down the Quran which isa healing and a mercy for the
believers; but it adds nothing for the unjust but perdition.
Dua'a 279
It is written in Misbah Kafa'mi that if a child is sick (suffering
from any illness0 his (or her) mother should recite the following
dua'a, standing under the sky, bare headed.
O my Allah, You (always) bestow benefits on me, You give me (many)
grants, so O my Allah, now give me Your grant today again, for verily
You are the most capable and all powerful.
Dua'a 280
Imam Ali ibn abi Talib advised one of his companions to recite the
following dua'a to cure any disease of Allah so wills.
I seek refuge with the might and power of Allah He has over (all)
things. I give my soul in protection of (Allah) who keeps the sky in
place. I leave my soul to (Allah) to take care of it because when His
name is pronounced no disease can harm.I give my soul in protection of
(Allah) because His name gives in return well-being, health and
Dua'a 281
Imam Ali bin Musa al Riza prescribed the following ta'wiz for cure of
all sorts of pains.
Write it on a sheet of paper with the solution of saffron and rose
water, and wear round the neck or on the upper part of the right arm.
I seek protection for myself from the Lord of the heavens and the
earth. I seek protection for myself from Him who is such thatwhen His
name is mentioned no ailment can give trouble. I seek protection for
myself from Allah whose name cures and gives blessings.
Dua'a 282
According to Sayyid ibn Tawus the following dua'a should be written on
a sheet of paper and used as a ta'wiz to cure any illness.
O He whose name is a remedy, whose remembrance is a cure, who causes
recovery on account of whatever He likes from any thing. Send
blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad and let me get
rid of this ailment on account of Your name.
O Allah,
O Lord,
O the most beneficent.
(Then write each of the followingten times)
Dua'a 283
To cure any ailment the followingdua'a is mentioned in Sahifa
Alawiyya, by Imam Ali ibn abi Talib.
O my god, whenever You bestow a favour on me, my thankfulness to You
is not as much as it shouldbe; whenever any misfortune afflicts me, my
endurance falls short of the requisite. So You are He who did not
forsake me even though my thankfulness in returnof Your favour was
insufficient; You are He who did not abandon me even though my
endurance inthe hour of misfortune was inadequate; You are He who did
not disgrace me even though Yousaw me doing evil deeds; You are He who
did not punish me even though You noticed every sin I committed, so
send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad, forgive my
sins, cure my ailment verily You have power over all things.
Dua,a 284
To cure any ailment recite the following dua'a on an apple and give it
to the patient to eat it before breakfast.
O light of all things, which guideseverything. You are He who splitted
darkness by His (Your) light.
Dua'a 285
To cure any disease make a vow that if the ailing person gets
well,1400 or14000 salawaat will be recited for Imam Musa bin Jafar
O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad.
Dua'a 286
Imam Ali ibn abi talib advised his companions to recite the following
dua'a thrice a day to cure any disease.
Allah is eternal, everliving; He removes suffering; He is
self-subsisting, ever-existing by His eternity, neither perishes nor
ceases to exist. By Your mercy, O the most beneficent.
Dua'a 287
Imam Jafar bin Muhammad al Sadiq advised his followers to recite surah
al lkhlas 1000times, then beseech Allah in the name of Fatimah Zahra,
to cure any type of fever, if Allah wills.
Dua'a 288
Imam Jafar bin Muhammad al Sadiq advised his followers to write Ayatul
Kursi (see dua'a 39 on page 43) with saffron on a clean china plate,
wash it with pure water and drink it to cure any type of fever, if
Allah wills.
Dua'a 289
Imam Jafer bin Muhammad al Sadiq advised his followers to recite Azan
by covering the head with the upper garment (shirt, etcetera), then
recite surah al lkhlas, surah al falaq, surah al Nas; then recite 3
times surah al lkhkas again and 3 times verses 22 to 24 of al Hashr
(see dua'a 29 on page 35); then recite the following dua'a:
I give my self in the protection of Allah on account of His honour,
power, greatness, sovereignty, beauty, and the party of Allah, and the
messenger of Allah and his children (blessings of Allah, bein his and
on them), and those who exercise authority (on Allah's behalf) to
enforce His commands, from every evil of which I am afraid. I bear
witness that verily Allah had power over all things, there is no might
nor power (with any one) save with Allah, the highest, the greatest.
Send blessings on Muhammad and on his children, O my Allah, and cure
me with Your remedy, restore me to health with Your medicine, keep me
safe from every misfortune.
Dua'a 290
Imam Jafarbin Muhammad al Sadiq advised his followers to write the
following verses of the Holy Quran on a sheet of paper and wear it as
ta'wid' around theneck to cure any type of fever, if Allah wills.
We have sent it down with truth, and with truth it has come down.We
did not send you (O Muhammad) except as a giver of glad tidings and as
a warner.(Bani Israil: 105)
We sent down the Quran which isa healing and a mercy for the believers.
(Bani Israil : 82)
And Muhammad is only a messenger; (other) messengers have (already)
passed away beforehim. Will you turn back on your heels if he dies or
is slain? And he who turns back on his heels will do no harm to
Allah.(AliImran : 144)
And believe in what has been sent down to Muhammad-it is the truth
from their Lord-He will remove form them their evils andimprove their
state.(Muhammad :2)
Muhammad is not the father of any man among you; but a messenger of
Allah, and the seal of the prophets. Allah is the knower of all
things.(Ahzab : 40)
Muhammad is the messenger of Allah; and those who are with him are
sever against infidels but prostrating, seeking His grace and
pleasure. Their mark is on their faces (foreheads) from the effect of
prostrations.(Such is) their description in the Tawrat, and their
description in the Injil.
(Fat-h : 29)
And giving the glad tidings of a messenger who shall come after me,
whose name is Ahamd." Yet when hw came to them they said: "This is
manifest sorcery.
(Saff :6)
And if there were a Quran with which the mountains were moved or the
earth were cloven asunder, or the dead were made to speak (the
disputants would not believe). Nay, but truly the command belongs to
Allah altogether.(rad : 31)
Sovereignty belongs to Allah, the One, the dominant. ALMULKU LILLAAHIL
At the time of putting the ta'wid'around the neck recite:
Bismillaah (in the name of Allah) is written on the shank of Arsh (the
throne of authority).
Dua'a 291
Imam Ali bin Musa al Riza advisedhis followers to write the following
verses of the Holy Quran on separate sheets of paper, bind then as a
ta'wid', andput round the neck. Also recite surah al lkhlas 3 times
after writing every sheet.
Fear not. Verily you shall be successful. (Taha : 68).
Fear not. You have been saved from the unjust people. (Qasas : 25)
Beware! It is He who creates. It is He who commands. Blessed be Allah,
the Lord of the worlds. (Araf : 54)
Dua'a 292
Imam Hasan bin Ali al Askari advised his followers to write
thefollowing verse of the Holy Quran on the hide of a deer and bind it
as a ta'wid'.
"O fire, be cool, and (a means of) safety for Ibrahim." And they
intended to entrap him, but We made them the worst losers.(Anbiya :
Dua'a 293
The following dua'a was given to Imam Ali ibn Talib by the Holy
Prophet to cure fever, if Allah wills.
O my Allah have mercy on my tender skin, my intricate bones. I seek
Your protection from the heat of burning flames. O fever, if you
accept Allah's (authority), do not devour (my) flesh, nor drink my
blood, nor be fierce in (my) anguish, but go to a disbeliever who
believes that there is another god save Allah, the One, and that
Muhammad is His servant and His messenger. Blessings of Allah be on
him and on his children.
Dua'a 294
Bibi Fatima Zahra taught the following dua'a (known as dua'a Noor
Saghir (small), to Salman Farsi to cure fever, if Allah wills.
Itshould be recited as well as kept on the body as a ta'wid'.
In the name of Allah, the light.
In the name of Allah, the light of light.
In the name of Allah, light over light.
In the name of Allah who regulates the affairs.
In the name of Allah who createdlight from light.
Praise be to Allah who created light from light, sent down light on
the mountain (Tur), on bayt al ma'mur (the house in haven above the
Ka'bah) on the raised ceiling, as well as in the book written on the
stretched parchment in measured quantity,and on the blessed prophet.
Praise be to Allah who is remembered with admiration, who is
well-known for (His) glory,who is thanked in bliss as well as in
Blessing of Allah be on our master, Muhammad, and on his pure and
chaste children.
Dua'a 295
To cure fever recite the following dua'a and blow breath in the patient.
The creation of the heavens and the earth is indeed greater than the
creation of mankind but most people do not know.
Then look again. Do you see any fissure? Turn your eyes again and
again, your gaze shall turn back dulled and tired.
Blessings of Allah, the highest, beon his "the best creation", our
master Muhammad, and on his children.
Dua'a 296
It is written in Hulyatul Mattaqin to write the following verses of
the Holy Quran on a sheet of paper and bind it as a ta'wid' on the
right arm of the patient who is suffering from shaking fever.
Inshallah the fever will come down.
He has let loose the two (bodies of ) flowing water, meeting together:
Between them is a barrier which they do not cross._
Yet He has made a barrier between them and an impassable partition.
"O fire, be cool and (a means of) safety for Ibrahim."
Be it known, verily the party of Allah alone shall be victorious.
Verily Our word has already gone forth about our servants, the messengers.
That verily they shall be helped,
And Our hosts, they verily will be victorious.
Before reciting every du-a,a
Allaahumma S'alli a,laa Muh'ammad wa Aali Muh'ammad [O Allah send
blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad.]
Bismillaahir Rah'maanir Rah'eem [In the name of Allah. The beneficent.
The merciful.]
And at the end of every du-a'a Say:
Allaahumma S'alli A'laa Muh'ammadin wa Aali Muh'ammad [O Allah send
blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad.]
When there are instructions for writing du-a'a or ayat write.
Bismillaahir Rah'maanir Rah'eem [In the name of Allah, the beneficent,
the merciful.]
Say 'Alayhis salam Whenever you read or say the name or any epithet or
appellation of any Imam of the Ahl ul Bayt, any prophet or messenger
of Allah, and any distinguished member ofthe family or the Holy
Say: ' Salawatullahi'alayha Whenever you read or say the name of
Fatimah Zahra, Khadija Kubra, Zaynab binti Ali, Maryam and Asiya.
Cure from all sorts of pain
Khalid b. al-`Absee has narrated that: `Ali b. Moosaa (a) taught methe
following instructing me to teach fellow believers for it works with
all sort of pains and aches.
I seek protection for my soul in the Lord of the earth and the Lord of
the heavens I seek protection for my soul in the One in whose name no
sickness can hurt I seek protection for my soulin the One whose name
is Blessedand a Cure.
U`idhoo nafsee birabbil-ardhi wa rabbis-samaa' U`idhoo nafsee
billadhee laa yadhurru ma`a-smihi daa' U`idhoo nafsee billadhee-smuhu
barakatun washifaa'
Verses for Healing take n from Misbah al Kaf'ami
S piritual Pharmacy ->>for Joints pain/ fever /Insomnia /Headaches /
Tuberculosis protection
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Saturday, January 12, 2013
Du-a’as For every illness, ache, fever
Fwd: Why do people choose the wrong mate and 4 more articles!
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Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2013 06:40:29 -0500
Subject: Why do people choose the wrong mate and 4 more articles!
To: "M. NajimudeeN. Bsc-INDIA" <aydnajimudeen@gmail.com>
Hi M. NajimudeeN. Bsc-INDIA
How are you ?
This time i have 5 amazing 2knowmyself articles for you covering some
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confidence, success and more.
Here you are:
1) Why do people choose the wrong mate: Ever wondered why you
always end up with the wrong person? Psychology can help you find out,
Read the full article here
2) How to stop people from bullying you forever: are you
surrounded by bullies? Can't seem to stop them anyhow? Learn how to
silence bullies forever, Read the full article here
3) Why women like twilight and why should men care: Ever wondered
what attracts women? Here are some interesting facts about attraction
that are backed by solid research. Read the full article here
4) 5 reasons you should never follow the crowd: Do you always
follow the crowd? Do you believe the large number of people can't be
wrong? Then you are wrong! Read the full article here
5) How do people escape from reality: Ever wondered why some
people have distorted beliefs about life? It might just be an escape
attempt! Read the full article here
Up until the next self confidence building lesson
Take care of yourself M. NajimudeeN. Bsc-INDIA
2knowmyself, el eqbal st louran alexandria, alexandria, none 24611, EGYPT
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From: "M.Farouk Radwan" <farouk@2knowmyself.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2013 06:40:29 -0500
Subject: Why do people choose the wrong mate and 4 more articles!
To: "M. NajimudeeN. Bsc-INDIA" <aydnajimudeen@gmail.com>
Hi M. NajimudeeN. Bsc-INDIA
How are you ?
This time i have 5 amazing 2knowmyself articles for you covering some
of the most important topics in our lives such as relationships, self
confidence, success and more.
Here you are:
1) Why do people choose the wrong mate: Ever wondered why you
always end up with the wrong person? Psychology can help you find out,
Read the full article here
2) How to stop people from bullying you forever: are you
surrounded by bullies? Can't seem to stop them anyhow? Learn how to
silence bullies forever, Read the full article here
3) Why women like twilight and why should men care: Ever wondered
what attracts women? Here are some interesting facts about attraction
that are backed by solid research. Read the full article here
4) 5 reasons you should never follow the crowd: Do you always
follow the crowd? Do you believe the large number of people can't be
wrong? Then you are wrong! Read the full article here
5) How do people escape from reality: Ever wondered why some
people have distorted beliefs about life? It might just be an escape
attempt! Read the full article here
Up until the next self confidence building lesson
Take care of yourself M. NajimudeeN. Bsc-INDIA
2knowmyself, el eqbal st louran alexandria, alexandria, none 24611, EGYPT
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Tips for women safety Here are some safety tips for women.
1. Always be aware of your surroundings
This applies whether you are traveling alone or in groups. Don't just
focus inwardly on your thoughts if you are alone, or your friends if
you are together. Keep one eye out for your environment, looking out
for suspicious characters, possible danger, etc.
Also, don't assume that because your area has been "safe" thus far,
that it will continue to be so.
2. Travel in groups
"There is safety in numbers" is not just a cliche. It's true. Make a
point of traveling together with other sisters, whether it's on public
transportation, on campus, in cars, etc.
3. Change the route you normally travel by
If you've taken the same bus, train or highway to get to work or
school, change your route. Even if it takes you a little longer, your
safety is more important. By changing your route, youcan avert
possible attacksor harassment from those who know your schedule,
method and route of travel well. Please note though that you should
avoid short cuts that take you through unfamiliar or unsafe areas.
4. Look confident
Walk with a straight posture and your arms swinging by your sides.
Avoid slouching or walking like a victim. This makes you an easy
target for attackers.
5. When riding by public transportation choose the right seat
If you are riding by bus or train, do not sit on thewindow seat as you
may be "blocked in" by a potential assailant. Always select the seat
next to the aisle so that you can quickly leave if necessary.
If you are taking public transportation alone after peak hours, sit as
close to the driver as possible and/or choose the section of the
bus/train that is most crowded. Try to get a seat near the exit as
6. If you are driving alone
Don't think that if you are in a car, you're safe. Windows should be
up and doors locked even when driving to avoid unwanted passengers at
intersections. When you are walking to your car, always have your keys
ready, so that you can quickly get into your car.
But don't just get in rightaway. Always check your car before
entering, especially the back, for any intruders.
7. Never leave your car door unlocked
Even if it means for one minute to drop something off in the mailbox
that's a few feet away. Attackers have been known to lie in wait for
such an opportunity.
8. Be careful in parking lots
Always be alert in parking lots, especially when it's dark. Ask
someone to escort you toyour car. Between cars and inside cars, it's
easy for someone to hide and wait until an unalert person comes along.
9. If you are traveling by taxi
Always check the identification of the driver (usually located near
the visor) and ensure that it matches the driver. Once inside, don't
sit behind the driver as it may be easy for the driver to lock the
rear passenger door. Always choose the adjacent seat.
In addition, avoid flagging taxis. Always order taxis so the driver
can be traced if something happens.
10. Don't use the walkman
If you're used to listeningto your walkman while outside, drop this
habit, especially in isolated areas. With your walkman on, you cannot
hear the approach of a possible attacker.
11. Note "safe houses" along your route
Mentally note houses at intervals on each route you take that can be
used as "safe houses" if you are attacked, such as shops or houses
that you know to be occupied by a friend or acquaintance.
12. When you make a callfrom a phone booth
After dialing the number you wish to call always turn around so that
you have your back to the phone and may see who or what is coming your
way. You will then be able to tell the person to whom you are speaking
that you may be in trouble and you may be able to use the weight of
the phone as a weapon. The door of a telephone box could be used to
wedge in the limbs of theattacker.
13. Do not open the door of your home without checking
DO NOT open the door to your home without first checking from a
window,peephole or by asking and verifying who it is. Instruct
children to do the same.
14. Report any suspiciousactivity around your home
If you see people loitering on the streets near your house, call the
police on a non emergency number and report it.
15. Invest in a cell phone
This is an invaluable safety device. Keep it with you at all times and
keep emergency numbers on it. Also, keep it next to your bed before
you go to bed at night. Cell phones were first popularized by women as
a security device, business people came later.
16. Parking tips
Avoid parking in areas that are not well lit. Where possible, park
close to a school or work entrance or in a parking garage that has an
If you see a suspicious person approaching or hanging around near your
parked car, turn around and go back to an area where there are other
people. Try to get an escort to your car through the campus or job
security or local police.
17. Tell others about yourwhereabouts
Parents, spouses and friends should know where you are going andwhen
you will be back, so that your absence will be noticed. Arrange a
callin system with a friend if you live alone, whereby you call when
you arrive home.
18. Trust your instincts
If you are walking somewhere and feel strange or scared, don't ignore
this feeling. Take extra precautions by walking a little faster to get
to a more populated or well-lit area or changethe route you've been
driving on.
19. If you think you are being followed, change your route and activity.
You can cross the street, change directions, or enter a populated
building or store. Do whatever is necessary to avoid being alone with
the person who is following you. Inform a police officer or security
official about the follower.
20. Attract attention if you are in a dangerous situation.
Get others' to pay attention to what's happening to you if you are
under attack or being harassed. You can alert others by honking acar
horn or loudly describing what is happening.
21. NEVER admit that you are alone
If someone calls your home and asks if you are alone, NEVER admit it.
Askwho the caller is. If they refuse to identify themselves, calmly
hangup. Keep the radio on in the house so that callers will get the
impression that others are in the home too. Instruct children to do
the same when they pick up the phone.
22. Obscene phone calls
If you receive an obscenecall or a crank call, do nottalk to the
caller. Hang upif the caller doesn't say anything, or as soon as s/he
shouts obscenities. Hang up the phone calmly and do not slam it down.
Note down the date and time of the calls. If they are persistent,
inform local police.
23. If you are a student
Avoid studying in isolated classrooms in parts of the college campus
that are not regularly patrolled by theschool's security officers.
24. In large buildings take the elevator, not thestairwell
Stairwells are usually quiet and dark. Most people take the elevator.
But if someone creepy gets on, don't hesitate to get off at the same
time. Or, if someone is already on the elevator who you feel strange
about, do not get on and wait for the next elevator.
This applies whether you are traveling alone or in groups. Don't just
focus inwardly on your thoughts if you are alone, or your friends if
you are together. Keep one eye out for your environment, looking out
for suspicious characters, possible danger, etc.
Also, don't assume that because your area has been "safe" thus far,
that it will continue to be so.
2. Travel in groups
"There is safety in numbers" is not just a cliche. It's true. Make a
point of traveling together with other sisters, whether it's on public
transportation, on campus, in cars, etc.
3. Change the route you normally travel by
If you've taken the same bus, train or highway to get to work or
school, change your route. Even if it takes you a little longer, your
safety is more important. By changing your route, youcan avert
possible attacksor harassment from those who know your schedule,
method and route of travel well. Please note though that you should
avoid short cuts that take you through unfamiliar or unsafe areas.
4. Look confident
Walk with a straight posture and your arms swinging by your sides.
Avoid slouching or walking like a victim. This makes you an easy
target for attackers.
5. When riding by public transportation choose the right seat
If you are riding by bus or train, do not sit on thewindow seat as you
may be "blocked in" by a potential assailant. Always select the seat
next to the aisle so that you can quickly leave if necessary.
If you are taking public transportation alone after peak hours, sit as
close to the driver as possible and/or choose the section of the
bus/train that is most crowded. Try to get a seat near the exit as
6. If you are driving alone
Don't think that if you are in a car, you're safe. Windows should be
up and doors locked even when driving to avoid unwanted passengers at
intersections. When you are walking to your car, always have your keys
ready, so that you can quickly get into your car.
But don't just get in rightaway. Always check your car before
entering, especially the back, for any intruders.
7. Never leave your car door unlocked
Even if it means for one minute to drop something off in the mailbox
that's a few feet away. Attackers have been known to lie in wait for
such an opportunity.
8. Be careful in parking lots
Always be alert in parking lots, especially when it's dark. Ask
someone to escort you toyour car. Between cars and inside cars, it's
easy for someone to hide and wait until an unalert person comes along.
9. If you are traveling by taxi
Always check the identification of the driver (usually located near
the visor) and ensure that it matches the driver. Once inside, don't
sit behind the driver as it may be easy for the driver to lock the
rear passenger door. Always choose the adjacent seat.
In addition, avoid flagging taxis. Always order taxis so the driver
can be traced if something happens.
10. Don't use the walkman
If you're used to listeningto your walkman while outside, drop this
habit, especially in isolated areas. With your walkman on, you cannot
hear the approach of a possible attacker.
11. Note "safe houses" along your route
Mentally note houses at intervals on each route you take that can be
used as "safe houses" if you are attacked, such as shops or houses
that you know to be occupied by a friend or acquaintance.
12. When you make a callfrom a phone booth
After dialing the number you wish to call always turn around so that
you have your back to the phone and may see who or what is coming your
way. You will then be able to tell the person to whom you are speaking
that you may be in trouble and you may be able to use the weight of
the phone as a weapon. The door of a telephone box could be used to
wedge in the limbs of theattacker.
13. Do not open the door of your home without checking
DO NOT open the door to your home without first checking from a
window,peephole or by asking and verifying who it is. Instruct
children to do the same.
14. Report any suspiciousactivity around your home
If you see people loitering on the streets near your house, call the
police on a non emergency number and report it.
15. Invest in a cell phone
This is an invaluable safety device. Keep it with you at all times and
keep emergency numbers on it. Also, keep it next to your bed before
you go to bed at night. Cell phones were first popularized by women as
a security device, business people came later.
16. Parking tips
Avoid parking in areas that are not well lit. Where possible, park
close to a school or work entrance or in a parking garage that has an
If you see a suspicious person approaching or hanging around near your
parked car, turn around and go back to an area where there are other
people. Try to get an escort to your car through the campus or job
security or local police.
17. Tell others about yourwhereabouts
Parents, spouses and friends should know where you are going andwhen
you will be back, so that your absence will be noticed. Arrange a
callin system with a friend if you live alone, whereby you call when
you arrive home.
18. Trust your instincts
If you are walking somewhere and feel strange or scared, don't ignore
this feeling. Take extra precautions by walking a little faster to get
to a more populated or well-lit area or changethe route you've been
driving on.
19. If you think you are being followed, change your route and activity.
You can cross the street, change directions, or enter a populated
building or store. Do whatever is necessary to avoid being alone with
the person who is following you. Inform a police officer or security
official about the follower.
20. Attract attention if you are in a dangerous situation.
Get others' to pay attention to what's happening to you if you are
under attack or being harassed. You can alert others by honking acar
horn or loudly describing what is happening.
21. NEVER admit that you are alone
If someone calls your home and asks if you are alone, NEVER admit it.
Askwho the caller is. If they refuse to identify themselves, calmly
hangup. Keep the radio on in the house so that callers will get the
impression that others are in the home too. Instruct children to do
the same when they pick up the phone.
22. Obscene phone calls
If you receive an obscenecall or a crank call, do nottalk to the
caller. Hang upif the caller doesn't say anything, or as soon as s/he
shouts obscenities. Hang up the phone calmly and do not slam it down.
Note down the date and time of the calls. If they are persistent,
inform local police.
23. If you are a student
Avoid studying in isolated classrooms in parts of the college campus
that are not regularly patrolled by theschool's security officers.
24. In large buildings take the elevator, not thestairwell
Stairwells are usually quiet and dark. Most people take the elevator.
But if someone creepy gets on, don't hesitate to get off at the same
time. Or, if someone is already on the elevator who you feel strange
about, do not get on and wait for the next elevator.
Brief notes on martyrs of Karbala and Kufa
Brief notes on martyrs of Karbala and Kufa
Brief notes on some of those martyred in Kufa and Karbala with Imam Husain (SA)
Abu-Bakr Ibne Ali Ibne Abi Taleb:
He was called 'Muhammad-e-Azghar' orAbdullah from Laila daughter of
Mas'ud son of Hanzala son of Manathson of Tameem.
Abi Bakr son of the Second Imam Hasan, son of Ali:
Abdul Hatoof Ansari and his Brother:
Sa'ad (both sons of Hur):
Both from Kufa who joined the Holy Imam at Karbala.
Adham son of Omayya-al Abdi:
From Basra son of Abi Obaida, whose father had been the constant
attendant on the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).
The slave who was purchased and liberated by the Holy Imam, was the
scribe engaged to write communications from the Holy Imam.
Anas bin Hars-e-Kahili son of Baniah son of Kahli:
Who was one of the companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).
Borair zibe Khozair-e-Hamdani:
A very old, pious, and devoted companion of Amirul-Momineen, Ali Ibne
Abi Taleb, one of theprominent noblemen of Kufa. He was the one who
came to the Holy Imam begging most humbly to permit him to get
martyred for he wanted to die in the wayof the Lord and show his face
to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) on the Day of Judgement. The details
about the faithfulness and the devotion of Borair are many.
Omayyabib Sa'd at Taie:
He was one of the companions of Amirul-Momineen.
Bushr bin Amrual Hazrami:
From the famous ones among the faithful devotees to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).
Bakr bib Hai at Taimi:
Of the Bani Taimi tribe who came to the Holy Imam and volunteered tobe
martyred in the way of the Lord.
Jabib Ibne Hajjaj al-Taimi:
He was the follower of Muslim-bin-Aqeel in Kufa.Since Muslim was
arrested, he hid himself until Imam Hussain (a.s.) arrived in Karbala,
and reported himself to the Holy Imam and got martyred.
Jibilath Ibne Ali-e-Shaibani:
The one who was attending on Amirul-Momineen in the battle of Siffin.
Jafar Ibne Aqeel Ibne Abi Taleb:
The Third brother of Abbas the Standard Bearer of the Holy Imam (A.S.).
Jafar Ibne Aqeel Ibne Abi Taleb:
Brother of Muslim Ibne Aqeel the Deputy of the Holy Imam to Kufa.
Jinadat Ibne Ka'b Ansari Al-Khazraji:
Along with his son, Martyed at Karbala. One of the greatest devotees
of the Holy Imam (A.S.).
Jundab bin Mujee al-Khaulani:
One of the companions of Ameerul-Momineen came to the Holy Imam and
fell down on his feet and prayed to be permitted to be martyred.
The liberated slave of Abi-Zar, who after the death of Abi-Zar, joined
the Second Holy Imam and thereafter he remained with Hussain and had
come to Karbala with Hussain. He was trained under Abi-Zar and was a
very pious devotee of the Holy Imam(A.S.).
Jaun bin Malike Tameemi:
Of the tribe of Bani Tameem. One who was inYazid's army. Seeing the
Devil's forces decided to attack the Holy Imam which he never thought
that it would ultimately happen, left the ranks of the Devil's forces
and joined the Holy Imam and was martyred.
The liberated slave of Hazrat Hamza the uncle of the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.), had come from Madina along with Hussain to get martyred.
Habshi bin Qais-e-Nahmi:
Of a group from the tribeof Hamdan. His grandfather was one of the
faithful companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).
Hars bin Amraul Qais-e-Kandi:
A very brave nobleman ofArabia. He went into the armies of the Devil,
and found his own uncle there. His uncle asked him: 'have you come to
kill your uncle?' He replied 'Yes! You are my uncle, no doubt but God
is my Lord and you have come here against Him.' He killed his uncle.
Along with him three others from the enemy's ranks joined the Holy
Imam. All were martyred.
Habib bin Amir-e-Taimi:
One who had already paid allegiance to the Holy Imam at the hands of
Muslim was martyred in Kufa, Habib left Kufa and joined the Holy Imam
on his way to Karbala and got martyred.
Habib bin Muzahir al-Asadi:
He was known as Habib Ibne Mazahir bin Re'aab bin Al-Ashtar from the
lineage of Asad Abdul-Qasim Al-Asadi, aged 70 years. He was one of the
faithful companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), who after the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.), always remained with Ameerul-Momineen Ali and
migrated to Kufa when the Capital was shifted from Madina to Kufa,
andaccompanied Ali in all thebattles he had to fight against the
rebels and traitors. His ideal faithfulness and sincere devotion to
the Holy Imam has many glorious details.
Hajjai bin Masrooq al-Jaufi:
One of the faithful companions of Ameerul-Momineen Ali in Kufa.
Hajjaji bin Badr as S'di:
Of Basra from the tribe Bani Sa'd, famous nobleman in Kufa. He was the
one who carried the communications of the Holy Imam to the pious ones
of the devotees of the House of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) in Kufa.
Hur Ibne Yazid ar Riyahi:
He was the son of Yazid Ibne Najiyah bin Qa'nab bin Yitab bin Hur in
the lineage of Al-Yarbo'ir Riyahi. A famous nobleman of Kufa, an
experienced warrior specially selected by IbneZiad to command a
contingent against Hussain. He was the one who obstructed Hussain'sway
near Kufa, but he never believed that the venture of Ibne Ziad was to
end in the martyrdom of the Holy Imam. When at Karbala he found that
the decision was to martyr the Holy Imam, Hur left the Devil's forces
and joined the Holy Imam, seeking pardon for his previous conduct. The
Holy Imam received him with special grace. Hur was among the foremost
martyrs in the way of God. Hussain said:"Hur, as thy mother has named
thee Hur (a free man) thou art 'Hur' in this world and in the
Hallas bin Amro' ar Rasibi:
He was the son of Amru ar Rasibi who was one ofthe faithful companions
of Ameerul-Momineen Ali.
Hanzala bin As'adus-Shabami:
He was the one who carried the message of exhortation from the Holy
Imam to Ibne Sa'd inKarbala.
Rafe'-the liberated slave of Muslim Azdi:
He came from Kufa and volunteered to be martyred in the way of the Lord.
Zavir bin Amro al-Kandi:
A sincere devotee of the Ahlul-Bait who was a devoted companion of the
Holy Imam. He was a noble personality very much revered and respected
by the people.
Zohair al Qaine Bijilly:
He was a noble chieftain of his tribe, a man of great influence in
Kufa. In the beginning he was attached to the Third Kalif Othman. Once
returning from Hajj, he met the Holy Imam and became a staunch devotee
of Hussain. He is the one who bade goodbye to his wife Dalham daughter
of Amru, liberating her witha divorce to go to her relatives, and he
joined the Holy Imam and got martyred. The details of Zohair's
devotion to the Holy Imam needs a lengthy note.
Ziad bin Areeb al Sa'idi:
Son of Areeb one of the faithful companions of the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.) and also a traditionist. A very pious and brave noble
personality enjoying the trust and the confidence of the people.
Salim the liberated slave of Aamire Abdi:
A staunch devotee of Amirul-Momineen Ali, from Basra.
Salim the liberated slave of Bani Madinatul Kalbi:
Of the tribe 'Kalb' one of the devotees of Amirul-Momineen Ali in Kufa.
Sa'd bin Hars and Abul Hatoof bin Harse Ansari:
These twin brothers had come from Kufa employed in the forces ofthe
Devil to fight Hussain.Later they left the ranks of the Devil's forces
and joined the Holy Imam and got martyred.
Sa'd the liberated slave of Ameerul-Momineen Ali:
After the martyrdom of Amirul-Momineen, he remained attached to Imam
Hasan and later after the martyrdom of Imam Hasan, he remained devoted
to Hussain and got martyred.
Sa'd-the liberated slave of Amro bin Khalid:
He volunteered to be martyred for the Truth. A noble personality with
a high degree of fidelity and valiance.
Sayeed bin Abdullah Hanafi:
A noble and very influential personality in Kufa uniquely brave. He
was very helpful to Muslim bin Aqeel in Kufa. He was the gentleman who
carried Muslim's letter from Kufa to Hussain and remained with the
Holy Imam until he was martyred. He was the man who, while the Holy
Imam offered his prayers in the field of action (Karbala) stood in
front of the Holy Imam and received the arrows from the Devil's
forces, on his breast, protecting the Imam in prayers, and got
Salman bin Mazarib bin Qais al-Anmari al-Bijilli:
A cousin of Zohair al-Qain, He went to Meccawith Zohair and when onhis
return from Mecca, Zohair decided to join the Holy Imam, he
accompanied him and got martyred at Karbala. A man of very noble
conduct and character endowed with strong will and prowess. A very
pious personality fearingnone but God.
Sulaiman bin Razeen-A liberated slave of the Holy Imam (a.s.):
A truthful and a very reliable gentleman. A staunch devotee of the
Holy Imam. He carried Hussain's letters to the devotees of the
Ahlul-Bait in Basra. Ibne Ziad the Devil's governor of Basra caught
him and this faithful servant of the Holy Imam got himself willingly
martyred (at Basra).
Sawar bin Manyim-e-Nahmi:
A highly respected noble veteran of Iraq, travelled all the way to
Karbala to join the Holy Imam to getmartyred with him.
Suwaid bin Amro bin AbilMataa al-Anmari al-Khash'mi:
A noble, highly respected, god-fearing and a brave personality. He
fought and fell seriously wounded, and was lying unconscious, the
enemy thinking him dead had left him, but when he returned to
consciousness and heard the rejoicing of the Devil's forces shouting
that the Holy Imam had been killed, he got up, and fought and got
Saif bin Hars Al-Jabiri andMalik:
These two cousins from Kufa joined the Holy Imam and got martyred.
Saif bin Malik al-Abdi al-Basri:
A leading devotee of the Holy Ahlul-Bait.
Shabeeb a liberated slaveof Hars-e-Jabiri-e-Hamdani:
A very brave gentleman who got martyred in the very first attack from the enemy.
Well-known in Kufa for his nobility of character, courage, and a
revered noble veteran of the town.
Zarghamah bin Malik-e-Taghlabi:
A lion-hearted brave gentleman who was faithful to Muslim bin Aqeel in
Kufa. After Muslim's martyrdom, he joined the Holy Imam and was
martyred along with him.
Aaiz bin Majma'al Aazi:
One of those six who along with Hur Ibne Yazid-e-Riyahi had joinedthe Holy Imam.
Aabis Ibne Abi Shabeeb-e-Shakiri:
One of the most pious devotees of Amirul-Momineen, and one of the
noblemen of Kufa. Hewas one of those who helped Muslim Ibne Aqeelin
Amir bin Muslim at Badi Basri:
With his liberated slave Salim, both the devotees of Amirul-Momineen
in Basra, joined the Holy Imam and got martyred.
Abbas Ibne Ali Ibne Abi Taleb, Qamar-e-Bani Hasham:
This is the great son of the First Holy Imam Ali Ibne Abi Taleb, from
the noble lady Hazrat Ommul-Baneen, who was brought into this world to
fulfil the desire of Amirul-Momineen to have his own representative,
on his behalf to be martyred with Hussain in Karbala. Abbas is so
well-known to the Muslim World for the unique divine qualities, he was
endowed with, that he inthe first place needs no introduction,
secondly, if a proper attempt is to be made, it would need a separate
This great lion-hearted son of the Lion of God in his qualities and
positionin Karbala, is next only tothe Holy Imam Hussain (a.s.). The
unique grace bestowed by God specially on this Great Martyr, is such
that any one who prays for God's immediate help at the time of danger,
invoking the divine grace in the Holy name of ABBAS, is immediately
heard and helped. There are millions and millions of those who have
had their prayers heard by God, and who are still being graced by the
Divine Mercy through themedium of this Great Holy Soul, ABBAS the
faithful brother and the Standard Bearer of the Holy Imam at Karbala.
Letany one try his own luck even today by invoking the Mercy of the
All-Merciful Lord in the Holy name of this Saintly son of
Ameerul-Momineen Ali. His holy shrine in Karbala stands today as the
resort for the sure rescue of his sincere devotees to get the help
from God at the times of unavoidable needs, risks and dangers.In
short, all the details about the greatness of Abbas and the unique
divine qualities he was exclusively distinguished with, cannot be
given in this brief work.
He was next only to the Holy Imam in Karbala. The 'Alam' or the Banner
which he held on behalf of the Holy Imam, was the Standard of Islam or
the Truth, which is hoisted by the Shias, popularly during the
mourning season of Moharram, and is revered as do the faithfulsubjects
of a good King as a token of their loyaltyto him. The Banner beingthe
Standard of Truth is only revered and respected and never worshipped
as wrongly imagined and depicted by some ignorant ones. Worship in
Islam is due to none but the One, the Only True God.
Abdullah Ibne Hussain, known as Ali-e-Azghar:
The six month old baby son of the Holy Imam, martyred in the very lap
of his father whose martyrdom no human heart can bear without shedding
Abdullah bin Hasan Ibne Ali:
The son of the Second Holy Imam Hasan, a young boy who ran out of the
tent to save Hussain when he was being martyred, and was martyred
before the HolyImam.
Abdullah bin Bushr Khash'ami:
Of the Anmari-e-Khash'ami tribe. A well-known noble personality in
Kufa. He came out of Kufa with Ibne Sa'd but joined the Holy Imam and
get martyred with him.
Abdullah bin Omair Kalbi:
He had come to Kufa from Medina, and joined the Holy Imam. His wife
also accompanied him to serve the Holy Ladies. When Abdullah was
martyred, his wife sittingat the dead body of her husband said "O'
Abdullah! Thou hath entered Paradise, take me along with thee."
Thegood lady had not finished her lamentations when a slave of Shimar
delivereda blow on her head with an axe and she was martyred.
Abdul Rahman and Abdullah sons of Orawah bin Harraq al-Ghaffari:
These two brothers were the noblemen of Kufa. Their grandfather,
Harraq, was one of the faithful companions of Ameerul-Momineen.
Theycame to the Holy Imam and joined the noble cause and were
Abdullah bin Muslim bin Aqeel:
Son of Muslim bin Aqeel Ibne Abi Taleb. His Mother was Roqiah daughter
of Ali through his wife Sahba from Yamamah was martyred when he went
to save the Holy Imam.
Abdullah bin Yaqtar-e-Himyari:
He was the son of the good lady who had served the Holy Imam as his
nurse in his babyhood.
Abde Qais Basri-e-Abdi:
Alongwith Abdullah bin Zaid-e-Abdi. Obaidullah bin Zaide Abdi, Yazid
bin Sabeet al Abdi. These great men, well-known and highly respected
ones of their tribe came and requested the Imam to permit them to
drink the cup of martyrdom along with him, and got martyred.
Abdul A'la bin Yazeed al-Kalbi al Aleemi:
The famous and respected nobleman from Kufa.
Abdul Rahman bin Abdul Rab-e-Ansari Khazrjji:
One of the faithful companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and a
Traditionist and a faithfuldevotee of Ameerul-Momineen.
Abdul Rahman bin Aqeel Ibne Abi Taleb:
Son of Aqeel from his wife Omme Walad.
Abdul Rahman-e-Arhabi:
One of those who carriedthe letters of the devotees to the Holy Imam.
He came to Hussain and got himself martyred.
Abdul Rahman bin Mas'ood at Taimi:
Came out of Kufa along with Ibne Sa'd but later joined the Holy Imam
and got martyred.
Othman bin Ali Ibne Abi Taleb:
One of the brothers of Hazrat Abbas, the third son of Ommul Baneen.
Joined the Holy Imam on his way to Karbala and was martyred.
Omar bin Janada-e-Ansari:
This is the son of the godly lady who came to the Holy Imam and
implored for his permission for her son Omar to be martyred andsomehow
succeeded, in getting it. When her son was martyred, the Devil's army
severed his head and threw it towards Hussain's camp. The godly lady,
his mother, took up the severed headof her son and threw it back into
the ranks of the Devil's army saying:"That which has been given away
in the way ofthe Lord is not taken back." She herself took up a stick
from the camp and rushed to attack the devils. Hussain held her back
saying "Islam allowsnot 'Jehad' by women."
Ali-e-Akbar son of the Holy Imam (a.s.):
The eighteen year son of the Holy Imam, who resembled the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.) the most,was martyred by a lance pierced through his breast.
Omer bin Zabi'ah Az Zabiyee:
Son of Zabiya at Taimi. Came out of Kufa with Ibne Sa'd but later
joinedthe Holy Imam and was martyred.
Amro bin Khalid-e-Saidavi and three others:
When these four person marched towards the camp of the Holy Imam, Hur
asked the Holy Imam for permission to stop them from getting near the
camp for they were coming from the enemy'sranks. The Holy Imam
miraculously said:"Obstruct them not, they are coming to me with a
good heart. They are my devotees." They joined the Holy Imam and were
Amru bin Abdullah-e-Jundayi:
Of the tribe of Hamdan. He reported himself to the Holy Imam and was martyred.
Amru bin Qarta al-Ansari:
One of the faithful companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and also
of Amirul-Momineen.
Amru bin Ha'b Abu Thamama al-Sa'idi:
One of the faithful devotees and companions of Amirul-Momineen.
Amru bin Hasan at Talee:
One of the staunch devotees of the Ahlul-Bait.
Ammara Ibne Salama al-Daalaani:
One of the companions of Amirul-Momineen.
Aun and Muhammad sonsof Jafar-Tayyar:
Two sons of Hazrat-e-Zainab, the Sister of the Holy Imam. Aun was her
own son and Muhammad was from thedeceased wife (Khausa), of her
husband Abdullah bin Jaffar Tayyar. These two were only young boys of
about nine and ten years of age. The HolyLady Zainab, the daughter of
Amirul-Momineen and Lady Fatema, brought these two young boys and
implored her brother, the Holy Imam, to permit them to free the enemy.
At the persistent implorings from his sisterthe Holy Imam
permitted,and these two young souls were martyred before the very eyes
of their mother. This godly daughter of Ali and Fatema, the
granddaughter of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), stood quiet at the dead
bodies of her children and said "I will not lament for you, for you
have gone in the way of the Lord." The whole camp wept but Zainab
prevented them from crying saying "Let not myBrother feel that I am
sorry for losing them in the way of the Lord. Today I am pleased with
my children."
The son of a liberated slave girl of Hussain. This lady after having
been liberated by the Holy Imam, was married to a gentleman and
brought her son Qarib and presented him to the Holy Imam and Qarib
wasbrought up by the Holy Imam. He was martyred along with the other
devotees, offering himself in the way of the Lord.
Qasim bin Hasan bin Ali (a.s.):
Son of the Second Holy Imam.
Qasim bin Habib al-Azdi:
A well known noble of Kufa.
Qasith, Kardoos, Musqit-Sons of Zohair al-Taghlabi:
These three brothers were the devoted companions of Amirul-Momineen,
who were with him in all his expeditions against the infidels and
traitors. Theycame from Kufa and offered themselves for the noble
cause and achieved martyrdom.
Qan'ab an Namri:
Of the devotees of Amirul-Momineen, came from Basra and was martyred
in the way of God.
Qais bin Mushir as Saidavi:
A very pious personality from a group of the AsadiTribe,
extra-ordinarily brave, faithful and one ofthe sincere and faithful
companions of the Holy Prophet(s.a.w.). He reported himself to the
Holy Imam, from Kufa, and was martyred.
Kannah at Taghlabi:
A very noble personality known for his piety in Kufa. A good reciter
of the Holy Qur'an and a very brave, God-fearing, influential and
powerful noble of Kufa.
Majma'ul Jahni:
Son of Ziad bin Omar Jahni one of the aged companions of the Holy
Imam. When people began deserting the HolyImam on the Night of
Ashoora, this old devoteeof the Holy Imam remained and achieved
Muslim bin Aqeel:
The Deputy of the Holy Imam to Kufa, where he was martyred.
Muslim Ibne Ausaja al-Asadi:
One of the faithful companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). An aged
veteran who had earned a glorious name and fame for his valour and
prowess in the expeditions against the infidels. When on the Ashoora
Night, the Holy Imam told his companions to find their own ways and
save themselves from the wholesale massacre of his supporters which
wasin store for them the following day, Muslim addressing the Holy
Imam said: "O' son of the Holy Prophet! Where am Ito go before myself
getting martyred here?"
Muslim was one of the most prominent supporters of the Holy Imam in
Karbala, and was martyred there.
Muslim bin Katheer al-A'waj al-Azdi:
One of the devotees of Amirul-Momineen in Kufa.
Mas'ood bin Hajjaj Taimy and his son Abdul Rahman bin Mas'ood:
The devotees of Amirul-Momineen from Kufa. These two were known for
their piety and righteousness.
Muhammad bin Abdullah Ibne Jafar:
A young son of Abdullah son of Hazrat Jafar-e-Tayyar, his mother was
Khausa, daughter of Hafsa bin Rabi'a.
Muhammad bin Muslim bin Aqeel:
One of the two young sons of Muslim bin Aqeel the Deputy of the Holy
Imam who were martyred in Kufa.
Muhammad bin Abi Syeed bin Aqeel:
The grandson of Muslim bin Aqeel, the Deputy of the Holy Imam to Kufa.
Munjeh-the liberated slave of the Second Holy Imam Hasan:
Who accompanied Qasim bin Hasan from Madina and got martyred.
Mauq bin Thamamah Asadi Saidavi Abu Musa:
Of the devotees of the Ahlul-Bait in Kufa, escaped from the town at
night and joined the Holy Imam at Karbala.
Nafe bin Hilale Jamali:
A companion of Ameerul Momineen. Reciter of the Holy Qur'an and
Traditionist. A noble personality known in Kufa for his piety, escaped
from Kufa and joined the Holy Imam in Karbala. A great devotee of Holy
Imam, who always remained by the side of ABBAS the Standard Bearer of
Hussain. He could not bear the least disregard for the Holy Imam, from
any one in the Devil's forces.
Nasr bin Naizar:
A liberated slave of Ameerul-Momineen. He was presented to the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.) by the King of Persia and the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.)
presented him to Ameerul-Momineen who freed him. He came to Karbala
and got martyred.
Wazeh the Turk:
The Turkish liberated slave of Harse Madhaji. A pious gentleman, a
good reciter of the Holy Qur'an,who came to Karbala, presented himself
to the Holy Imam and was martyred.
Hani bin Orwah:
Martyred at Kufa with Muslim Ibne Aqeel.
Yazid bin Ziad bin Mohasir-e-Kandi-Behdile Abush-Sha'sa:
One of the nobles in Kufa.A staunch devotee of Ahlul-Bait. A very
pious personality who joined Hussain from Kufa and was martyred.
Yazid bin Maghful Ja'fi:
A very pious devotee of Ameerul-Momineen. A learned poet. His father
and grandfather were faithful companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).
Hussain Ibne Ali the King of Martyrs:
The divinely promised and prophesied Martyr ofthe 'Zibhe Azeem' (The
Great Sacrifice) in the seed of Abraham throughhis son Ishmael, in the
lineage of Ishmael through Muhammad the Last Apostle of God, Ali the
Ameerul-Momineen, the First of the Holy Imams and Lady Fatema the Lady
of Light.
Brief notes on some of those martyred in Kufa and Karbala with Imam Husain (SA)
Abu-Bakr Ibne Ali Ibne Abi Taleb:
He was called 'Muhammad-e-Azghar' orAbdullah from Laila daughter of
Mas'ud son of Hanzala son of Manathson of Tameem.
Abi Bakr son of the Second Imam Hasan, son of Ali:
Abdul Hatoof Ansari and his Brother:
Sa'ad (both sons of Hur):
Both from Kufa who joined the Holy Imam at Karbala.
Adham son of Omayya-al Abdi:
From Basra son of Abi Obaida, whose father had been the constant
attendant on the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).
The slave who was purchased and liberated by the Holy Imam, was the
scribe engaged to write communications from the Holy Imam.
Anas bin Hars-e-Kahili son of Baniah son of Kahli:
Who was one of the companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).
Borair zibe Khozair-e-Hamdani:
A very old, pious, and devoted companion of Amirul-Momineen, Ali Ibne
Abi Taleb, one of theprominent noblemen of Kufa. He was the one who
came to the Holy Imam begging most humbly to permit him to get
martyred for he wanted to die in the wayof the Lord and show his face
to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) on the Day of Judgement. The details
about the faithfulness and the devotion of Borair are many.
Omayyabib Sa'd at Taie:
He was one of the companions of Amirul-Momineen.
Bushr bin Amrual Hazrami:
From the famous ones among the faithful devotees to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).
Bakr bib Hai at Taimi:
Of the Bani Taimi tribe who came to the Holy Imam and volunteered tobe
martyred in the way of the Lord.
Jabib Ibne Hajjaj al-Taimi:
He was the follower of Muslim-bin-Aqeel in Kufa.Since Muslim was
arrested, he hid himself until Imam Hussain (a.s.) arrived in Karbala,
and reported himself to the Holy Imam and got martyred.
Jibilath Ibne Ali-e-Shaibani:
The one who was attending on Amirul-Momineen in the battle of Siffin.
Jafar Ibne Aqeel Ibne Abi Taleb:
The Third brother of Abbas the Standard Bearer of the Holy Imam (A.S.).
Jafar Ibne Aqeel Ibne Abi Taleb:
Brother of Muslim Ibne Aqeel the Deputy of the Holy Imam to Kufa.
Jinadat Ibne Ka'b Ansari Al-Khazraji:
Along with his son, Martyed at Karbala. One of the greatest devotees
of the Holy Imam (A.S.).
Jundab bin Mujee al-Khaulani:
One of the companions of Ameerul-Momineen came to the Holy Imam and
fell down on his feet and prayed to be permitted to be martyred.
The liberated slave of Abi-Zar, who after the death of Abi-Zar, joined
the Second Holy Imam and thereafter he remained with Hussain and had
come to Karbala with Hussain. He was trained under Abi-Zar and was a
very pious devotee of the Holy Imam(A.S.).
Jaun bin Malike Tameemi:
Of the tribe of Bani Tameem. One who was inYazid's army. Seeing the
Devil's forces decided to attack the Holy Imam which he never thought
that it would ultimately happen, left the ranks of the Devil's forces
and joined the Holy Imam and was martyred.
The liberated slave of Hazrat Hamza the uncle of the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.), had come from Madina along with Hussain to get martyred.
Habshi bin Qais-e-Nahmi:
Of a group from the tribeof Hamdan. His grandfather was one of the
faithful companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).
Hars bin Amraul Qais-e-Kandi:
A very brave nobleman ofArabia. He went into the armies of the Devil,
and found his own uncle there. His uncle asked him: 'have you come to
kill your uncle?' He replied 'Yes! You are my uncle, no doubt but God
is my Lord and you have come here against Him.' He killed his uncle.
Along with him three others from the enemy's ranks joined the Holy
Imam. All were martyred.
Habib bin Amir-e-Taimi:
One who had already paid allegiance to the Holy Imam at the hands of
Muslim was martyred in Kufa, Habib left Kufa and joined the Holy Imam
on his way to Karbala and got martyred.
Habib bin Muzahir al-Asadi:
He was known as Habib Ibne Mazahir bin Re'aab bin Al-Ashtar from the
lineage of Asad Abdul-Qasim Al-Asadi, aged 70 years. He was one of the
faithful companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), who after the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.), always remained with Ameerul-Momineen Ali and
migrated to Kufa when the Capital was shifted from Madina to Kufa,
andaccompanied Ali in all thebattles he had to fight against the
rebels and traitors. His ideal faithfulness and sincere devotion to
the Holy Imam has many glorious details.
Hajjai bin Masrooq al-Jaufi:
One of the faithful companions of Ameerul-Momineen Ali in Kufa.
Hajjaji bin Badr as S'di:
Of Basra from the tribe Bani Sa'd, famous nobleman in Kufa. He was the
one who carried the communications of the Holy Imam to the pious ones
of the devotees of the House of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) in Kufa.
Hur Ibne Yazid ar Riyahi:
He was the son of Yazid Ibne Najiyah bin Qa'nab bin Yitab bin Hur in
the lineage of Al-Yarbo'ir Riyahi. A famous nobleman of Kufa, an
experienced warrior specially selected by IbneZiad to command a
contingent against Hussain. He was the one who obstructed Hussain'sway
near Kufa, but he never believed that the venture of Ibne Ziad was to
end in the martyrdom of the Holy Imam. When at Karbala he found that
the decision was to martyr the Holy Imam, Hur left the Devil's forces
and joined the Holy Imam, seeking pardon for his previous conduct. The
Holy Imam received him with special grace. Hur was among the foremost
martyrs in the way of God. Hussain said:"Hur, as thy mother has named
thee Hur (a free man) thou art 'Hur' in this world and in the
Hallas bin Amro' ar Rasibi:
He was the son of Amru ar Rasibi who was one ofthe faithful companions
of Ameerul-Momineen Ali.
Hanzala bin As'adus-Shabami:
He was the one who carried the message of exhortation from the Holy
Imam to Ibne Sa'd inKarbala.
Rafe'-the liberated slave of Muslim Azdi:
He came from Kufa and volunteered to be martyred in the way of the Lord.
Zavir bin Amro al-Kandi:
A sincere devotee of the Ahlul-Bait who was a devoted companion of the
Holy Imam. He was a noble personality very much revered and respected
by the people.
Zohair al Qaine Bijilly:
He was a noble chieftain of his tribe, a man of great influence in
Kufa. In the beginning he was attached to the Third Kalif Othman. Once
returning from Hajj, he met the Holy Imam and became a staunch devotee
of Hussain. He is the one who bade goodbye to his wife Dalham daughter
of Amru, liberating her witha divorce to go to her relatives, and he
joined the Holy Imam and got martyred. The details of Zohair's
devotion to the Holy Imam needs a lengthy note.
Ziad bin Areeb al Sa'idi:
Son of Areeb one of the faithful companions of the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.) and also a traditionist. A very pious and brave noble
personality enjoying the trust and the confidence of the people.
Salim the liberated slave of Aamire Abdi:
A staunch devotee of Amirul-Momineen Ali, from Basra.
Salim the liberated slave of Bani Madinatul Kalbi:
Of the tribe 'Kalb' one of the devotees of Amirul-Momineen Ali in Kufa.
Sa'd bin Hars and Abul Hatoof bin Harse Ansari:
These twin brothers had come from Kufa employed in the forces ofthe
Devil to fight Hussain.Later they left the ranks of the Devil's forces
and joined the Holy Imam and got martyred.
Sa'd the liberated slave of Ameerul-Momineen Ali:
After the martyrdom of Amirul-Momineen, he remained attached to Imam
Hasan and later after the martyrdom of Imam Hasan, he remained devoted
to Hussain and got martyred.
Sa'd-the liberated slave of Amro bin Khalid:
He volunteered to be martyred for the Truth. A noble personality with
a high degree of fidelity and valiance.
Sayeed bin Abdullah Hanafi:
A noble and very influential personality in Kufa uniquely brave. He
was very helpful to Muslim bin Aqeel in Kufa. He was the gentleman who
carried Muslim's letter from Kufa to Hussain and remained with the
Holy Imam until he was martyred. He was the man who, while the Holy
Imam offered his prayers in the field of action (Karbala) stood in
front of the Holy Imam and received the arrows from the Devil's
forces, on his breast, protecting the Imam in prayers, and got
Salman bin Mazarib bin Qais al-Anmari al-Bijilli:
A cousin of Zohair al-Qain, He went to Meccawith Zohair and when onhis
return from Mecca, Zohair decided to join the Holy Imam, he
accompanied him and got martyred at Karbala. A man of very noble
conduct and character endowed with strong will and prowess. A very
pious personality fearingnone but God.
Sulaiman bin Razeen-A liberated slave of the Holy Imam (a.s.):
A truthful and a very reliable gentleman. A staunch devotee of the
Holy Imam. He carried Hussain's letters to the devotees of the
Ahlul-Bait in Basra. Ibne Ziad the Devil's governor of Basra caught
him and this faithful servant of the Holy Imam got himself willingly
martyred (at Basra).
Sawar bin Manyim-e-Nahmi:
A highly respected noble veteran of Iraq, travelled all the way to
Karbala to join the Holy Imam to getmartyred with him.
Suwaid bin Amro bin AbilMataa al-Anmari al-Khash'mi:
A noble, highly respected, god-fearing and a brave personality. He
fought and fell seriously wounded, and was lying unconscious, the
enemy thinking him dead had left him, but when he returned to
consciousness and heard the rejoicing of the Devil's forces shouting
that the Holy Imam had been killed, he got up, and fought and got
Saif bin Hars Al-Jabiri andMalik:
These two cousins from Kufa joined the Holy Imam and got martyred.
Saif bin Malik al-Abdi al-Basri:
A leading devotee of the Holy Ahlul-Bait.
Shabeeb a liberated slaveof Hars-e-Jabiri-e-Hamdani:
A very brave gentleman who got martyred in the very first attack from the enemy.
Well-known in Kufa for his nobility of character, courage, and a
revered noble veteran of the town.
Zarghamah bin Malik-e-Taghlabi:
A lion-hearted brave gentleman who was faithful to Muslim bin Aqeel in
Kufa. After Muslim's martyrdom, he joined the Holy Imam and was
martyred along with him.
Aaiz bin Majma'al Aazi:
One of those six who along with Hur Ibne Yazid-e-Riyahi had joinedthe Holy Imam.
Aabis Ibne Abi Shabeeb-e-Shakiri:
One of the most pious devotees of Amirul-Momineen, and one of the
noblemen of Kufa. Hewas one of those who helped Muslim Ibne Aqeelin
Amir bin Muslim at Badi Basri:
With his liberated slave Salim, both the devotees of Amirul-Momineen
in Basra, joined the Holy Imam and got martyred.
Abbas Ibne Ali Ibne Abi Taleb, Qamar-e-Bani Hasham:
This is the great son of the First Holy Imam Ali Ibne Abi Taleb, from
the noble lady Hazrat Ommul-Baneen, who was brought into this world to
fulfil the desire of Amirul-Momineen to have his own representative,
on his behalf to be martyred with Hussain in Karbala. Abbas is so
well-known to the Muslim World for the unique divine qualities, he was
endowed with, that he inthe first place needs no introduction,
secondly, if a proper attempt is to be made, it would need a separate
This great lion-hearted son of the Lion of God in his qualities and
positionin Karbala, is next only tothe Holy Imam Hussain (a.s.). The
unique grace bestowed by God specially on this Great Martyr, is such
that any one who prays for God's immediate help at the time of danger,
invoking the divine grace in the Holy name of ABBAS, is immediately
heard and helped. There are millions and millions of those who have
had their prayers heard by God, and who are still being graced by the
Divine Mercy through themedium of this Great Holy Soul, ABBAS the
faithful brother and the Standard Bearer of the Holy Imam at Karbala.
Letany one try his own luck even today by invoking the Mercy of the
All-Merciful Lord in the Holy name of this Saintly son of
Ameerul-Momineen Ali. His holy shrine in Karbala stands today as the
resort for the sure rescue of his sincere devotees to get the help
from God at the times of unavoidable needs, risks and dangers.In
short, all the details about the greatness of Abbas and the unique
divine qualities he was exclusively distinguished with, cannot be
given in this brief work.
He was next only to the Holy Imam in Karbala. The 'Alam' or the Banner
which he held on behalf of the Holy Imam, was the Standard of Islam or
the Truth, which is hoisted by the Shias, popularly during the
mourning season of Moharram, and is revered as do the faithfulsubjects
of a good King as a token of their loyaltyto him. The Banner beingthe
Standard of Truth is only revered and respected and never worshipped
as wrongly imagined and depicted by some ignorant ones. Worship in
Islam is due to none but the One, the Only True God.
Abdullah Ibne Hussain, known as Ali-e-Azghar:
The six month old baby son of the Holy Imam, martyred in the very lap
of his father whose martyrdom no human heart can bear without shedding
Abdullah bin Hasan Ibne Ali:
The son of the Second Holy Imam Hasan, a young boy who ran out of the
tent to save Hussain when he was being martyred, and was martyred
before the HolyImam.
Abdullah bin Bushr Khash'ami:
Of the Anmari-e-Khash'ami tribe. A well-known noble personality in
Kufa. He came out of Kufa with Ibne Sa'd but joined the Holy Imam and
get martyred with him.
Abdullah bin Omair Kalbi:
He had come to Kufa from Medina, and joined the Holy Imam. His wife
also accompanied him to serve the Holy Ladies. When Abdullah was
martyred, his wife sittingat the dead body of her husband said "O'
Abdullah! Thou hath entered Paradise, take me along with thee."
Thegood lady had not finished her lamentations when a slave of Shimar
delivereda blow on her head with an axe and she was martyred.
Abdul Rahman and Abdullah sons of Orawah bin Harraq al-Ghaffari:
These two brothers were the noblemen of Kufa. Their grandfather,
Harraq, was one of the faithful companions of Ameerul-Momineen.
Theycame to the Holy Imam and joined the noble cause and were
Abdullah bin Muslim bin Aqeel:
Son of Muslim bin Aqeel Ibne Abi Taleb. His Mother was Roqiah daughter
of Ali through his wife Sahba from Yamamah was martyred when he went
to save the Holy Imam.
Abdullah bin Yaqtar-e-Himyari:
He was the son of the good lady who had served the Holy Imam as his
nurse in his babyhood.
Abde Qais Basri-e-Abdi:
Alongwith Abdullah bin Zaid-e-Abdi. Obaidullah bin Zaide Abdi, Yazid
bin Sabeet al Abdi. These great men, well-known and highly respected
ones of their tribe came and requested the Imam to permit them to
drink the cup of martyrdom along with him, and got martyred.
Abdul A'la bin Yazeed al-Kalbi al Aleemi:
The famous and respected nobleman from Kufa.
Abdul Rahman bin Abdul Rab-e-Ansari Khazrjji:
One of the faithful companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and a
Traditionist and a faithfuldevotee of Ameerul-Momineen.
Abdul Rahman bin Aqeel Ibne Abi Taleb:
Son of Aqeel from his wife Omme Walad.
Abdul Rahman-e-Arhabi:
One of those who carriedthe letters of the devotees to the Holy Imam.
He came to Hussain and got himself martyred.
Abdul Rahman bin Mas'ood at Taimi:
Came out of Kufa along with Ibne Sa'd but later joined the Holy Imam
and got martyred.
Othman bin Ali Ibne Abi Taleb:
One of the brothers of Hazrat Abbas, the third son of Ommul Baneen.
Joined the Holy Imam on his way to Karbala and was martyred.
Omar bin Janada-e-Ansari:
This is the son of the godly lady who came to the Holy Imam and
implored for his permission for her son Omar to be martyred andsomehow
succeeded, in getting it. When her son was martyred, the Devil's army
severed his head and threw it towards Hussain's camp. The godly lady,
his mother, took up the severed headof her son and threw it back into
the ranks of the Devil's army saying:"That which has been given away
in the way ofthe Lord is not taken back." She herself took up a stick
from the camp and rushed to attack the devils. Hussain held her back
saying "Islam allowsnot 'Jehad' by women."
Ali-e-Akbar son of the Holy Imam (a.s.):
The eighteen year son of the Holy Imam, who resembled the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.) the most,was martyred by a lance pierced through his breast.
Omer bin Zabi'ah Az Zabiyee:
Son of Zabiya at Taimi. Came out of Kufa with Ibne Sa'd but later
joinedthe Holy Imam and was martyred.
Amro bin Khalid-e-Saidavi and three others:
When these four person marched towards the camp of the Holy Imam, Hur
asked the Holy Imam for permission to stop them from getting near the
camp for they were coming from the enemy'sranks. The Holy Imam
miraculously said:"Obstruct them not, they are coming to me with a
good heart. They are my devotees." They joined the Holy Imam and were
Amru bin Abdullah-e-Jundayi:
Of the tribe of Hamdan. He reported himself to the Holy Imam and was martyred.
Amru bin Qarta al-Ansari:
One of the faithful companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and also
of Amirul-Momineen.
Amru bin Ha'b Abu Thamama al-Sa'idi:
One of the faithful devotees and companions of Amirul-Momineen.
Amru bin Hasan at Talee:
One of the staunch devotees of the Ahlul-Bait.
Ammara Ibne Salama al-Daalaani:
One of the companions of Amirul-Momineen.
Aun and Muhammad sonsof Jafar-Tayyar:
Two sons of Hazrat-e-Zainab, the Sister of the Holy Imam. Aun was her
own son and Muhammad was from thedeceased wife (Khausa), of her
husband Abdullah bin Jaffar Tayyar. These two were only young boys of
about nine and ten years of age. The HolyLady Zainab, the daughter of
Amirul-Momineen and Lady Fatema, brought these two young boys and
implored her brother, the Holy Imam, to permit them to free the enemy.
At the persistent implorings from his sisterthe Holy Imam
permitted,and these two young souls were martyred before the very eyes
of their mother. This godly daughter of Ali and Fatema, the
granddaughter of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), stood quiet at the dead
bodies of her children and said "I will not lament for you, for you
have gone in the way of the Lord." The whole camp wept but Zainab
prevented them from crying saying "Let not myBrother feel that I am
sorry for losing them in the way of the Lord. Today I am pleased with
my children."
The son of a liberated slave girl of Hussain. This lady after having
been liberated by the Holy Imam, was married to a gentleman and
brought her son Qarib and presented him to the Holy Imam and Qarib
wasbrought up by the Holy Imam. He was martyred along with the other
devotees, offering himself in the way of the Lord.
Qasim bin Hasan bin Ali (a.s.):
Son of the Second Holy Imam.
Qasim bin Habib al-Azdi:
A well known noble of Kufa.
Qasith, Kardoos, Musqit-Sons of Zohair al-Taghlabi:
These three brothers were the devoted companions of Amirul-Momineen,
who were with him in all his expeditions against the infidels and
traitors. Theycame from Kufa and offered themselves for the noble
cause and achieved martyrdom.
Qan'ab an Namri:
Of the devotees of Amirul-Momineen, came from Basra and was martyred
in the way of God.
Qais bin Mushir as Saidavi:
A very pious personality from a group of the AsadiTribe,
extra-ordinarily brave, faithful and one ofthe sincere and faithful
companions of the Holy Prophet(s.a.w.). He reported himself to the
Holy Imam, from Kufa, and was martyred.
Kannah at Taghlabi:
A very noble personality known for his piety in Kufa. A good reciter
of the Holy Qur'an and a very brave, God-fearing, influential and
powerful noble of Kufa.
Majma'ul Jahni:
Son of Ziad bin Omar Jahni one of the aged companions of the Holy
Imam. When people began deserting the HolyImam on the Night of
Ashoora, this old devoteeof the Holy Imam remained and achieved
Muslim bin Aqeel:
The Deputy of the Holy Imam to Kufa, where he was martyred.
Muslim Ibne Ausaja al-Asadi:
One of the faithful companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). An aged
veteran who had earned a glorious name and fame for his valour and
prowess in the expeditions against the infidels. When on the Ashoora
Night, the Holy Imam told his companions to find their own ways and
save themselves from the wholesale massacre of his supporters which
wasin store for them the following day, Muslim addressing the Holy
Imam said: "O' son of the Holy Prophet! Where am Ito go before myself
getting martyred here?"
Muslim was one of the most prominent supporters of the Holy Imam in
Karbala, and was martyred there.
Muslim bin Katheer al-A'waj al-Azdi:
One of the devotees of Amirul-Momineen in Kufa.
Mas'ood bin Hajjaj Taimy and his son Abdul Rahman bin Mas'ood:
The devotees of Amirul-Momineen from Kufa. These two were known for
their piety and righteousness.
Muhammad bin Abdullah Ibne Jafar:
A young son of Abdullah son of Hazrat Jafar-e-Tayyar, his mother was
Khausa, daughter of Hafsa bin Rabi'a.
Muhammad bin Muslim bin Aqeel:
One of the two young sons of Muslim bin Aqeel the Deputy of the Holy
Imam who were martyred in Kufa.
Muhammad bin Abi Syeed bin Aqeel:
The grandson of Muslim bin Aqeel, the Deputy of the Holy Imam to Kufa.
Munjeh-the liberated slave of the Second Holy Imam Hasan:
Who accompanied Qasim bin Hasan from Madina and got martyred.
Mauq bin Thamamah Asadi Saidavi Abu Musa:
Of the devotees of the Ahlul-Bait in Kufa, escaped from the town at
night and joined the Holy Imam at Karbala.
Nafe bin Hilale Jamali:
A companion of Ameerul Momineen. Reciter of the Holy Qur'an and
Traditionist. A noble personality known in Kufa for his piety, escaped
from Kufa and joined the Holy Imam in Karbala. A great devotee of Holy
Imam, who always remained by the side of ABBAS the Standard Bearer of
Hussain. He could not bear the least disregard for the Holy Imam, from
any one in the Devil's forces.
Nasr bin Naizar:
A liberated slave of Ameerul-Momineen. He was presented to the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.) by the King of Persia and the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.)
presented him to Ameerul-Momineen who freed him. He came to Karbala
and got martyred.
Wazeh the Turk:
The Turkish liberated slave of Harse Madhaji. A pious gentleman, a
good reciter of the Holy Qur'an,who came to Karbala, presented himself
to the Holy Imam and was martyred.
Hani bin Orwah:
Martyred at Kufa with Muslim Ibne Aqeel.
Yazid bin Ziad bin Mohasir-e-Kandi-Behdile Abush-Sha'sa:
One of the nobles in Kufa.A staunch devotee of Ahlul-Bait. A very
pious personality who joined Hussain from Kufa and was martyred.
Yazid bin Maghful Ja'fi:
A very pious devotee of Ameerul-Momineen. A learned poet. His father
and grandfather were faithful companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).
Hussain Ibne Ali the King of Martyrs:
The divinely promised and prophesied Martyr ofthe 'Zibhe Azeem' (The
Great Sacrifice) in the seed of Abraham throughhis son Ishmael, in the
lineage of Ishmael through Muhammad the Last Apostle of God, Ali the
Ameerul-Momineen, the First of the Holy Imams and Lady Fatema the Lady
of Light.
Impeccable life of Allah's Beloved Prophet
Q 1: Which Prophet's community (Ummah) do you belong to?
A. We belong to the Ummah (community) of Allah's Beloved Prophet
Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be
upon him).
Q 2: Briefly explain aboutthe Holy Prophet?
A. Our kind lord and master Hadrat Muhammad (may Allah's choicest
blessings & peace be upon him) was born in Makkah city of Arabia. His
father Hadrat Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) had passed away
before his birth. His mother Hadrat Beebee Aminah (may Allah be
pleased with her) also died when the Prophet was yet of six years.
Thus the responsibility of his upbringing automatically devolved upon
his paternal grand father Hadrat Abdul Muttalib (may Allah be pleased
with him). But he also expired when the Prophet attained to the age of
8 years, 2 months and 10 days. Hadrat Haleema nursed and breast fed
the Holy Prophet during his early infancy.
Q 3: At what age did Allah Almighty make himProphet?
A. Though the Holy Prophet Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's
choicest blessings & peace be upon him) formally received Prophet hood
and first
revelation at the age of forty but, in fact, he was the "first" in all
Apostles, Messengers and Prophets as he himself said that "first of
all AllahAlmighty created my Noor (light)".
Q 4: How did the Holy Prophet preach and promote Islaam?
A. At the outset the Holy Prophet preached Islaamto his close
relatives and acquaintances as the ignorance and barbarism reigned
supreme in Arabia and the concept of One God, as the Creator,
Sustainer and Nourisher was alien to their nature and to their soil.
The Muslims worshipped Allah secretly. Even father was afraid of his
son and viceversa due to having embraced Islaam. Gradually, the number
ofmale and female converts to Islamic faith swelled and then Allah
Almighty commanded the Holy Prophet to preach Islaam openly. Hedid so
and Islaam rapidlyspread in whole of Makkah city and even in the
adjoining areas.
Q 5: Who was the first to embrace Islaam?
A. Hadrat Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) was the first in
mento embrace Islaam, Hadrat Khudaija-tul-Kubra (may Allah be pleased
with her) was first in women, Hadrat 'Alee (may Allah be pleased with
him) was inteenagers and in slaves Hadrat Zaid bin Harisah (may Allah
be pleased with him),was first who embraced Islaam.
Q 6: Where did the Holy Prophet live throughout his life?
A. The Holy Prophet preached Islaam for ten years in the holy
Makkah(his birth place). Since Allah Almighty wanted tomake the holy
Madinah, the "bastion" of Islaam so some people of Madinah during
their visit to Makkah embraced Islaam and started preaching Islamic
faith. Thus the first seminary of Islaam was founded in Madinah.
Gradually the Muslims of Makkah migrated to Madinah and at last the
Darling Elect of Allah, Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest
blessings & peace be upon him) also shifted toMadinah and spent his
entire remaining life there. His Roda-e-Aqdas (holy shrine) is in holy
Madinah which is visitedby millions of his lovers and votaries. He
(apparently) passed away at the age of sixty three, but actually he is
alive in his hallowed grave.
Q 7: With which especial favour the Holy Prophet was endowed in Makkah?
A. The Holy Prophet was blessed with "Me'raaj" (ascension to the
heavens) a night in the waking during the fifth year after the
proclamation of his Prophethood. He was taken on "Buraaq" (a white,
very fast, sexless heavenly animal which stepped beyond eyeshot) by
the Chief Angel Hadrat Gibreil from his sacred house to Aqsa mosque
(Jerusalem)and then to the skies,heavens. He visited all the seven
skies, empyrean, heavens and Haud-e-Kauser (an exclusive heavenly body
of water reserved for the Holy Prophet). Hell was presented before him
to see for himself the torments to be meted out to infidels and
sinners. He saw eachand everything. Nothing remained unseen. Even he
saw Allah's Jamaal (splendidly sublime sight) and spoke with Him sans
any intermediary. On this occasion, Salaat (prayer) five times a day
was made obligatory on the believers. Before the night was over he
came back home.
Q 8: Is there any successor to the Prophethood of Hadrat Muhammad
Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him)?
A. No, absolutely not. TheHoly Prophet Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may
Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) is"Khaataman
Nabi-yeen" (the Last Prophet). He who believes or considers that there
was or is or will be any Prophet after Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may
Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) is infidel and
Q 9: What rank does the Holy Prophet hold among the Prophets?
A. Our kind lord and master Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's
choicest blessings & peace be upon him) is the highest and leader of
all Apostles, Messengers andProphets. He is a perfect agglomeration of
all those blessed traits, impeccabilities and miracles that were
individually found in theother Prophets. He is the"Darling Elect"
(Beloved) of Allah which aptly vindicates that no other Apostle,
Messenger, Prophet or Angel is so close to Allah as he is.
Q10: What about the belief of those people who describe the Holy
Prophet mere a human being or like their elder brother?
A. He who considers the Holy Prophet mere a human being like himself
or says he is like my elder brother or triesto denigrate him in one
way or the other is apostate and disbeliever. It has been explained at
places in the Holy Qur-aan that nations in the past slidedinto
misguidance and disbelief because they considered and treated their
Prophets as mere humanbeings like themselves.
Q11: What does it mean to believe in the Holy Prophet Hadrat Muhammad
Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him)?
A. Belief in Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings &
peace be upon him) means that we should have unwavering faith in his
being the "Last Prophet"of Allah and no Prophet to succeed or follow
him, he is the best of all mankind and the most truthful and that our
salvation in this world and the world hereafter lies in obeying him.
We ought to love him more than our parents, children, all mankind even
our own self. In fact, our unbounded love and reverence for the Holy
Prophet is "real faith" (Eimaan).
Q12: Which deeds reflect"love" for the Holy Prophet?
A. Following deeds of believers are reflective of "love" for the Holy Prophet:
- Speak high of him withdue reverence.
- Invoke Allah's blessings on him profusely (recite Durood Shareef in
as many numbers as possible).
- Be attentive and respectful when his sublime life is explained
before you and recite Durood Shareef hearing his blessed name. Do
notforget to add "Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi wa Sallam" to his name if you
write anywhere.
- Have love for his posterity, companions and those who love the Holy Prophet.
- Harbour enmity towards his enemies.
- Say such words while talking about him that befit his dignity and greatness.
- Do not call him "Yaa Muhammad" (O' Muhammad) but as "Yaa Nabi-yal
Laah (O' Prophet of Allah) and"Yaa Rasoolal Laah" (O' the Messenger of
- Follow his Sunnah heart and soul.
- Organise and attend"Eid Meelaad-un-Nabee" programs (celebrations of
the Holy Prophet's birth day i.e. 12th Rabi ulAwwal) and recite
Salaat-o-Salaam (invocation of Allah's blessings on him) aloud
Q 1: Which Prophet's community (Ummah) do you belong to?
A. We belong to the Ummah (community) of Allah's Beloved Prophet
Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be
upon him).
Q 2: Briefly explain aboutthe Holy Prophet?
A. Our kind lord and master Hadrat Muhammad (may Allah's choicest
blessings & peace be upon him) was born in Makkah city of Arabia. His
father Hadrat Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) had passed away
before his birth. His mother Hadrat Beebee Aminah (may Allah be
pleased with her) also died when the Prophet was yet of six years.
Thus the responsibility of his upbringing automatically devolved upon
his paternal grand father Hadrat Abdul Muttalib (may Allah be pleased
with him). But he also expired when the Prophet attained to the age of
8 years, 2 months and 10 days. Hadrat Haleema nursed and breast fed
the Holy Prophet during his early infancy.
Q 3: At what age did Allah Almighty make himProphet?
A. Though the Holy Prophet Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's
choicest blessings & peace be upon him) formally received Prophet hood
and first
revelation at the age of forty but, in fact, he was the "first" in all
Apostles, Messengers and Prophets as he himself said that "first of
all AllahAlmighty created my Noor (light)".
Q 4: How did the Holy Prophet preach and promote Islaam?
A. At the outset the Holy Prophet preached Islaamto his close
relatives and acquaintances as the ignorance and barbarism reigned
supreme in Arabia and the concept of One God, as the Creator,
Sustainer and Nourisher was alien to their nature and to their soil.
The Muslims worshipped Allah secretly. Even father was afraid of his
son and viceversa due to having embraced Islaam. Gradually, the number
ofmale and female converts to Islamic faith swelled and then Allah
Almighty commanded the Holy Prophet to preach Islaam openly. Hedid so
and Islaam rapidlyspread in whole of Makkah city and even in the
adjoining areas.
Q 5: Who was the first to embrace Islaam?
A. Hadrat Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) was the first in
mento embrace Islaam, Hadrat Khudaija-tul-Kubra (may Allah be pleased
with her) was first in women, Hadrat 'Alee (may Allah be pleased with
him) was inteenagers and in slaves Hadrat Zaid bin Harisah (may Allah
be pleased with him),was first who embraced Islaam.
Q 6: Where did the Holy Prophet live throughout his life?
A. The Holy Prophet preached Islaam for ten years in the holy
Makkah(his birth place). Since Allah Almighty wanted tomake the holy
Madinah, the "bastion" of Islaam so some people of Madinah during
their visit to Makkah embraced Islaam and started preaching Islamic
faith. Thus the first seminary of Islaam was founded in Madinah.
Gradually the Muslims of Makkah migrated to Madinah and at last the
Darling Elect of Allah, Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest
blessings & peace be upon him) also shifted toMadinah and spent his
entire remaining life there. His Roda-e-Aqdas (holy shrine) is in holy
Madinah which is visitedby millions of his lovers and votaries. He
(apparently) passed away at the age of sixty three, but actually he is
alive in his hallowed grave.
Q 7: With which especial favour the Holy Prophet was endowed in Makkah?
A. The Holy Prophet was blessed with "Me'raaj" (ascension to the
heavens) a night in the waking during the fifth year after the
proclamation of his Prophethood. He was taken on "Buraaq" (a white,
very fast, sexless heavenly animal which stepped beyond eyeshot) by
the Chief Angel Hadrat Gibreil from his sacred house to Aqsa mosque
(Jerusalem)and then to the skies,heavens. He visited all the seven
skies, empyrean, heavens and Haud-e-Kauser (an exclusive heavenly body
of water reserved for the Holy Prophet). Hell was presented before him
to see for himself the torments to be meted out to infidels and
sinners. He saw eachand everything. Nothing remained unseen. Even he
saw Allah's Jamaal (splendidly sublime sight) and spoke with Him sans
any intermediary. On this occasion, Salaat (prayer) five times a day
was made obligatory on the believers. Before the night was over he
came back home.
Q 8: Is there any successor to the Prophethood of Hadrat Muhammad
Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him)?
A. No, absolutely not. TheHoly Prophet Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may
Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) is"Khaataman
Nabi-yeen" (the Last Prophet). He who believes or considers that there
was or is or will be any Prophet after Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may
Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) is infidel and
Q 9: What rank does the Holy Prophet hold among the Prophets?
A. Our kind lord and master Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's
choicest blessings & peace be upon him) is the highest and leader of
all Apostles, Messengers andProphets. He is a perfect agglomeration of
all those blessed traits, impeccabilities and miracles that were
individually found in theother Prophets. He is the"Darling Elect"
(Beloved) of Allah which aptly vindicates that no other Apostle,
Messenger, Prophet or Angel is so close to Allah as he is.
Q10: What about the belief of those people who describe the Holy
Prophet mere a human being or like their elder brother?
A. He who considers the Holy Prophet mere a human being like himself
or says he is like my elder brother or triesto denigrate him in one
way or the other is apostate and disbeliever. It has been explained at
places in the Holy Qur-aan that nations in the past slidedinto
misguidance and disbelief because they considered and treated their
Prophets as mere humanbeings like themselves.
Q11: What does it mean to believe in the Holy Prophet Hadrat Muhammad
Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him)?
A. Belief in Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings &
peace be upon him) means that we should have unwavering faith in his
being the "Last Prophet"of Allah and no Prophet to succeed or follow
him, he is the best of all mankind and the most truthful and that our
salvation in this world and the world hereafter lies in obeying him.
We ought to love him more than our parents, children, all mankind even
our own self. In fact, our unbounded love and reverence for the Holy
Prophet is "real faith" (Eimaan).
Q12: Which deeds reflect"love" for the Holy Prophet?
A. Following deeds of believers are reflective of "love" for the Holy Prophet:
- Speak high of him withdue reverence.
- Invoke Allah's blessings on him profusely (recite Durood Shareef in
as many numbers as possible).
- Be attentive and respectful when his sublime life is explained
before you and recite Durood Shareef hearing his blessed name. Do
notforget to add "Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi wa Sallam" to his name if you
write anywhere.
- Have love for his posterity, companions and those who love the Holy Prophet.
- Harbour enmity towards his enemies.
- Say such words while talking about him that befit his dignity and greatness.
- Do not call him "Yaa Muhammad" (O' Muhammad) but as "Yaa Nabi-yal
Laah (O' Prophet of Allah) and"Yaa Rasoolal Laah" (O' the Messenger of
- Follow his Sunnah heart and soul.
- Organise and attend"Eid Meelaad-un-Nabee" programs (celebrations of
the Holy Prophet's birth day i.e. 12th Rabi ulAwwal) and recite
Salaat-o-Salaam (invocation of Allah's blessings on him) aloud
Islam the Glorious religion
Q 1: What is Islamic faith?
A. Islamic faith is to firmly believe that the Holy Prophet Hadrat
Muhammad (may the choicest blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)
is true and his every word and deed is also true. Whoever believes so
is a Muslim.
Q 2: Can one be Muslim who recites Kalimah without understanding its meaning?
A. He will be considered a Muslim who believes that Islaam is the true
religion and expresses his intention of embracing Islaam with his
tongue reciting Kalimah if there is none to make him understandthe
meaning of Kalimah or he does not understand due to any handicap.
Q 3: What about those who do not believe in Islaam?
A. Such people are called"infidels".
Q 4: Who is called"Murtad" (renegade)?
A. Apostate or renegade is that wretched one who has embraced Islaam
but even then speaks blasphemous words against Islaam and is adamant
not to renounce his blasphemy.
Q 5: Who are hypocrites?
A. Hypocrites are those who have embraced Islaam and claim to be
Muslim but deny Islaam at heart.
Q 6: Which people are called "Mushrik"(polytheists)?
A. Those wretched ones who worship different objects excepting Allah
or consider someone or something as partner in Allah's infinite
kingdom and eternal power.
Q 7: Which nations are"Mushrik"in the world?
A. Like Hindus who worship idols and consider them partner inAllah's
infinite Kingdom and eternal power, Christians, Jews, Parsi etc: who
believe either in duality of God or in trinity. All such people are
Q 8: Are there "Mushrik"(polytheists) in Muslims?
A. God forbid! How can aMuslim be "Mushrik", for,he firmly believes in
Oneness of true God i.e. Allah. Contrary to this, Mushrik considers
one orthe other humanbeing or thing as partner of Allah. No Mushrik
can be called Muslim and no Muslim can be described as Mushrik.
Q 9: What about those people who term Muslims as "Mushrik"?
A. Some misguided and disgruntled groups of people have surfaced who
call Muslims"polytheists" and"heretics" on one pretext or the other.
TheMuslims must avoid and disassociate themselves from such misguided
elements to save their Islamic faith.
Q 10: Can we call a"Kaafir"(infidel) as infidel or not?
A. A Muslim should be called Muslim and an infidel as infidel. There
isno rhyme or reason in forbidding one to call infidel as "Kaafir".
Allah Almighty Himself calls infidels as "Kaafir" i.e."Qul Yaaa
Aieyu-hal Kaaferoon" (Say you [Muhammad] O' infidels!).
A. Islamic faith is to firmly believe that the Holy Prophet Hadrat
Muhammad (may the choicest blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)
is true and his every word and deed is also true. Whoever believes so
is a Muslim.
Q 2: Can one be Muslim who recites Kalimah without understanding its meaning?
A. He will be considered a Muslim who believes that Islaam is the true
religion and expresses his intention of embracing Islaam with his
tongue reciting Kalimah if there is none to make him understandthe
meaning of Kalimah or he does not understand due to any handicap.
Q 3: What about those who do not believe in Islaam?
A. Such people are called"infidels".
Q 4: Who is called"Murtad" (renegade)?
A. Apostate or renegade is that wretched one who has embraced Islaam
but even then speaks blasphemous words against Islaam and is adamant
not to renounce his blasphemy.
Q 5: Who are hypocrites?
A. Hypocrites are those who have embraced Islaam and claim to be
Muslim but deny Islaam at heart.
Q 6: Which people are called "Mushrik"(polytheists)?
A. Those wretched ones who worship different objects excepting Allah
or consider someone or something as partner in Allah's infinite
kingdom and eternal power.
Q 7: Which nations are"Mushrik"in the world?
A. Like Hindus who worship idols and consider them partner inAllah's
infinite Kingdom and eternal power, Christians, Jews, Parsi etc: who
believe either in duality of God or in trinity. All such people are
Q 8: Are there "Mushrik"(polytheists) in Muslims?
A. God forbid! How can aMuslim be "Mushrik", for,he firmly believes in
Oneness of true God i.e. Allah. Contrary to this, Mushrik considers
one orthe other humanbeing or thing as partner of Allah. No Mushrik
can be called Muslim and no Muslim can be described as Mushrik.
Q 9: What about those people who term Muslims as "Mushrik"?
A. Some misguided and disgruntled groups of people have surfaced who
call Muslims"polytheists" and"heretics" on one pretext or the other.
TheMuslims must avoid and disassociate themselves from such misguided
elements to save their Islamic faith.
Q 10: Can we call a"Kaafir"(infidel) as infidel or not?
A. A Muslim should be called Muslim and an infidel as infidel. There
isno rhyme or reason in forbidding one to call infidel as "Kaafir".
Allah Almighty Himself calls infidels as "Kaafir" i.e."Qul Yaaa
Aieyu-hal Kaaferoon" (Say you [Muhammad] O' infidels!).
(Allah, in the name of, the Most Affectionate, the Most Merciful)
"Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil'Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu 'Alaa
Saieyidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalehee wa As-haabeheeAjma 'een ".
(Praise be to Allah, the Creator, Sustainer and Nourisher of all the
universes and the choicest blessings and peace of Allah be upon [His
Messenger] our kindmaster Hadrat Muhammad and upon his pious posterity
and devoted companions).
Laa Ilaaha Illal Laahu Muhammadur-Rasoolul Laah. (Sallal Laahu
'AlaihiWa Sallam).
No one is worthy of worship but Allah alone (and) (Hadrat) Muhammad is
the (true) Messenger of Allah.
Ash-hadu Allaa-Ilaaha Illal-Laahu Wahdahoo Laa Shareeka Lahoo wa
Ash-hadu Anna Muhammadan 'Abduhoo wa Rasooluh.
I bear witness that there is no deity save Allah alone; He is One; He
has no partner and I bear witness that (Hadrat) Muhammad is His
(chosen) servant and (true) Messenger.
Subhaa-nal Laahi wal-Hamdu Lillaahi wa-Laaa Ilaaha Illal-Laahu
wal-Laahu Akbar. Wa-Laa Haula wa-Laa Quwwata Illaa Billaa-hil
'Alee-yil 'Azeem.
Glory be to Allah and Allah alone deserves all praise; there is no
deity but Allah alone and Allahis the Most Great; there isno power, no
might but in Allah to save(us)from sins and enable (us) to do good,
Who is the Most High, the Most Great.
Laa Ilaaha Illal Laahu Wahdahu Laa Shareeka Lahu Lahul Mulku Walahul
Hamd. Yuhyee wa yomeetu wa Huwa Haie-yul Laa Yamootu Abadan Abadaa.
Zul-Jalaale wal-Ikraam Bi-yade-hil Khaier. Wa Huwa ' Alaa Kulli
Shaie-in Qadeer.
There is no deity but Allah alone; He is the Oneindeed; He has no
partner; His is the Kingdom (of all the worlds) and all praise is due
to Him; He gives life and causes death; And He is ever-living and
death will never come toHim; He is the Most Great and highly
Glorified; in His hand is all good and He has absolute power over
Astaghfi-rul Laaha Rabbi Min Kulli Zanmbin Aznabtohu 'Amadan
Ao-khata-an Sirran Ao 'Alaa-ni-yatan wa Atoobu Ilaiehi
Minaz-zanmbillazee 'Alamu wa Minaz-zanmbillazee Laaa'Alamu Innaka Anta
'Allaa-mul Ghu-yubi wa Sattaa-rul 'Oyubi wa Ghaffaa-rul Zunoob. Walaa
Haula walaa Quwwata Illaa Bil-Laa-hil-'Ali-yil Azeem.
I beg forgiveness of Allah, Who is my Creator and Cherisher, for each
and every sin which I committed consciously or unconsciously, secretly
or openly; I also seek His forgiveness for sins which I know or do not
know; O' Allah! Undoubtedly, You are the best Knower of all the
unseen, the best Coverer of (our) failings and the best Forgiver of
(our) sins and it is only the blessing of Allah, which helps (us) to
avoidsins and do good; He is indeed the Most High, the Most Great.
Allaa-humma Innee A'oozu-bika Min An Ushrika Bika Shaie-an wa Anaa
'Alamu Bihee wa Astaghfiroka Limaa Laaa 'Alamu Bihee Tubtu 'Anhu
wa-Tabarra'-tu Minal Kufri wash-Shirki wal-Kizbi wal-Gheebati
wal-Bid'ati wan-Nameemati wal-Fawaahishi heresy wal-Bohtaani
wal-Ma'aasee Kullihaa wa Aslamtu wa Aqoolu Laaa Ilaaha Illal Laahu
Muhammadur Rasoolul Laah. (Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi wa-Sallam).
O' Allah! I seek refuge with You to save myself from associating any
partner with You, which I know; and I beg Your forgiveness for sins
which I do not know; I solemnly repent and disdainfully cast off
infidelity, polytheism, lie, back-biting, (bad innovations), sneaking
(tale-bearing), all shameful deeds and slanders and every sort of
disobedience and I sincerely embraced Islaam and declare from the core
of my heart thatthere is none worthy of worship but Allah alone;
(Hadrat) Muhammad is the (choicest) Messengerof Allah.
(Allah, in the name of, the Most Affectionate, the Most Merciful)
"Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil'Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu 'Alaa
Saieyidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalehee wa As-haabeheeAjma 'een ".
(Praise be to Allah, the Creator, Sustainer and Nourisher of all the
universes and the choicest blessings and peace of Allah be upon [His
Messenger] our kindmaster Hadrat Muhammad and upon his pious posterity
and devoted companions).
Laa Ilaaha Illal Laahu Muhammadur-Rasoolul Laah. (Sallal Laahu
'AlaihiWa Sallam).
No one is worthy of worship but Allah alone (and) (Hadrat) Muhammad is
the (true) Messenger of Allah.
Ash-hadu Allaa-Ilaaha Illal-Laahu Wahdahoo Laa Shareeka Lahoo wa
Ash-hadu Anna Muhammadan 'Abduhoo wa Rasooluh.
I bear witness that there is no deity save Allah alone; He is One; He
has no partner and I bear witness that (Hadrat) Muhammad is His
(chosen) servant and (true) Messenger.
Subhaa-nal Laahi wal-Hamdu Lillaahi wa-Laaa Ilaaha Illal-Laahu
wal-Laahu Akbar. Wa-Laa Haula wa-Laa Quwwata Illaa Billaa-hil
'Alee-yil 'Azeem.
Glory be to Allah and Allah alone deserves all praise; there is no
deity but Allah alone and Allahis the Most Great; there isno power, no
might but in Allah to save(us)from sins and enable (us) to do good,
Who is the Most High, the Most Great.
Laa Ilaaha Illal Laahu Wahdahu Laa Shareeka Lahu Lahul Mulku Walahul
Hamd. Yuhyee wa yomeetu wa Huwa Haie-yul Laa Yamootu Abadan Abadaa.
Zul-Jalaale wal-Ikraam Bi-yade-hil Khaier. Wa Huwa ' Alaa Kulli
Shaie-in Qadeer.
There is no deity but Allah alone; He is the Oneindeed; He has no
partner; His is the Kingdom (of all the worlds) and all praise is due
to Him; He gives life and causes death; And He is ever-living and
death will never come toHim; He is the Most Great and highly
Glorified; in His hand is all good and He has absolute power over
Astaghfi-rul Laaha Rabbi Min Kulli Zanmbin Aznabtohu 'Amadan
Ao-khata-an Sirran Ao 'Alaa-ni-yatan wa Atoobu Ilaiehi
Minaz-zanmbillazee 'Alamu wa Minaz-zanmbillazee Laaa'Alamu Innaka Anta
'Allaa-mul Ghu-yubi wa Sattaa-rul 'Oyubi wa Ghaffaa-rul Zunoob. Walaa
Haula walaa Quwwata Illaa Bil-Laa-hil-'Ali-yil Azeem.
I beg forgiveness of Allah, Who is my Creator and Cherisher, for each
and every sin which I committed consciously or unconsciously, secretly
or openly; I also seek His forgiveness for sins which I know or do not
know; O' Allah! Undoubtedly, You are the best Knower of all the
unseen, the best Coverer of (our) failings and the best Forgiver of
(our) sins and it is only the blessing of Allah, which helps (us) to
avoidsins and do good; He is indeed the Most High, the Most Great.
Allaa-humma Innee A'oozu-bika Min An Ushrika Bika Shaie-an wa Anaa
'Alamu Bihee wa Astaghfiroka Limaa Laaa 'Alamu Bihee Tubtu 'Anhu
wa-Tabarra'-tu Minal Kufri wash-Shirki wal-Kizbi wal-Gheebati
wal-Bid'ati wan-Nameemati wal-Fawaahishi heresy wal-Bohtaani
wal-Ma'aasee Kullihaa wa Aslamtu wa Aqoolu Laaa Ilaaha Illal Laahu
Muhammadur Rasoolul Laah. (Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi wa-Sallam).
O' Allah! I seek refuge with You to save myself from associating any
partner with You, which I know; and I beg Your forgiveness for sins
which I do not know; I solemnly repent and disdainfully cast off
infidelity, polytheism, lie, back-biting, (bad innovations), sneaking
(tale-bearing), all shameful deeds and slanders and every sort of
disobedience and I sincerely embraced Islaam and declare from the core
of my heart thatthere is none worthy of worship but Allah alone;
(Hadrat) Muhammad is the (choicest) Messengerof Allah.
Food & Nourishment -, Dought & clear - , Ruling on eating balut (egg containing a dead chick).
Belut is a fertilized duck or chicken egg that contains a
nearly-developed embryo. This egg is boiled and eaten in the shell.
The prevalent belief here in the Philippines is that it contains a
high level of protein and is good for the heart. It is sold in
themarkets and streets of the Philippines. What is the ruling on
eating this kind of egg?.
Praise be to Allaah.
The description of this egg on some websites is as follows:
Development of the chick usually takes 28 days, but balut is an egg
that has been incubated for only 18 days, during which they get a real
embryo with a primitive skeleton.
When the egg reaches the age of 16-20 days, it is ready to be taken to
market, where it will be boiled for thousands of customers who enjoy
this food. This depends on the size of the egg. The egg that is 18
days old is the best. The sellers wash the eggs thoroughly with
sponges, then when they are perfectly clean, they are put in a pot
andboiled. End quote.
With regard to the ruling on eating the egg with the embryo that is
not fully developed, the ruling is that it is haraam, because it comes
under the heading of eating maytah (something that has died without
being slaughtered properly). Eating maytah is definitely haraam
according to Islam.
The scholars of the Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas were asked
about the ruling on eating this egg and they ruled that it is haraam.
They were asked:
When we visited the Philippines, we noticed that the people of that
country commonly eat a dish they call balut. This is a chicken egg
that is placed in an incubator until it develops the form of a small
chick with all its features. Three days before the egg is peeled, they
cook the egg in water until it is done, then they break the egg and
eat the chick that is inside it.
Please advise us of the ruling on eating this food.
They replied:
If the situation is as described, then the chickis regarded as maytah
(something that died without being properly slaughtered) and it is not
permissible to eat it, because it had taken shape inside the egg, and
the prohibition on maytah is something that is well known and well
established in Islam.End quote.
Shaykh 'Abd al-'Azeez Aalal-Shaykh, Shaykh 'Abd-Allah ibn
Ghadyaan,Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan, Shaykh BakrAbu Zayd
Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa'imah (22/305)
And Allah knows best.
nearly-developed embryo. This egg is boiled and eaten in the shell.
The prevalent belief here in the Philippines is that it contains a
high level of protein and is good for the heart. It is sold in
themarkets and streets of the Philippines. What is the ruling on
eating this kind of egg?.
Praise be to Allaah.
The description of this egg on some websites is as follows:
Development of the chick usually takes 28 days, but balut is an egg
that has been incubated for only 18 days, during which they get a real
embryo with a primitive skeleton.
When the egg reaches the age of 16-20 days, it is ready to be taken to
market, where it will be boiled for thousands of customers who enjoy
this food. This depends on the size of the egg. The egg that is 18
days old is the best. The sellers wash the eggs thoroughly with
sponges, then when they are perfectly clean, they are put in a pot
andboiled. End quote.
With regard to the ruling on eating the egg with the embryo that is
not fully developed, the ruling is that it is haraam, because it comes
under the heading of eating maytah (something that has died without
being slaughtered properly). Eating maytah is definitely haraam
according to Islam.
The scholars of the Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas were asked
about the ruling on eating this egg and they ruled that it is haraam.
They were asked:
When we visited the Philippines, we noticed that the people of that
country commonly eat a dish they call balut. This is a chicken egg
that is placed in an incubator until it develops the form of a small
chick with all its features. Three days before the egg is peeled, they
cook the egg in water until it is done, then they break the egg and
eat the chick that is inside it.
Please advise us of the ruling on eating this food.
They replied:
If the situation is as described, then the chickis regarded as maytah
(something that died without being properly slaughtered) and it is not
permissible to eat it, because it had taken shape inside the egg, and
the prohibition on maytah is something that is well known and well
established in Islam.End quote.
Shaykh 'Abd al-'Azeez Aalal-Shaykh, Shaykh 'Abd-Allah ibn
Ghadyaan,Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan, Shaykh BakrAbu Zayd
Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa'imah (22/305)
And Allah knows best.
Food & Nourishment -, Ruling on feeding dried blood to chickens.
What is the ruling on chickens if they are fed dried blood? A lot of
chickenfeed that chickenfarmers buy to fatten their chickens, both in
this country and abroad,contains dried blood, because in it there is a
kind of protein that helps chickens grow.
Praise be to Allaah.
With regard to feeding chickens or other animals that may be eaten
with impure substances (najasah) such as blood and the like, if it is
a small amount, that does not matter and it does not make them haraam
or make them jallaalah (animals that feed on filth and dung); rather
the jallaalah should be detained until it becomes pure and clean,if
most of its food is impure (najis).
But if only a small amount of the animal's food is impure (najis),
then it does not have any impact and it does not make the animal
haraam, so long as the ratio is 20% or 30% and so on. This does not
matter. Rather what makes it haraam is if the ratio is more than that
- 60% or 70%. If this is the ration, then the animal is regarded as
jallaalah, so it should be detained so that it can be given good and
pure food andwater. If it has been detained for a suitable number of
days, then it becomes pure and is halaal. This applies if theimpure
material is the majority of what it eats. The time for detaining
animals varies. Chickens should be detained for three days, and that
is enough for them to be fed good food and goodwater. Other animals,
such as sheep, cattle andthe like should be detained for longer
thanthat, such as seven days or more, so that they canbe given good
food and water, and their flesh becomes good (halaal) after that. We
have asked many of those who have knowledge of this matter, and they
said that what is fed to chickens of dried blood is a small amount in
comparison to other, pure food. End quote.
Shaykh 'Abd al-'Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allah havemercy on him).
Fataawa Noor 'ala al-Darb, 4/1934
chickenfeed that chickenfarmers buy to fatten their chickens, both in
this country and abroad,contains dried blood, because in it there is a
kind of protein that helps chickens grow.
Praise be to Allaah.
With regard to feeding chickens or other animals that may be eaten
with impure substances (najasah) such as blood and the like, if it is
a small amount, that does not matter and it does not make them haraam
or make them jallaalah (animals that feed on filth and dung); rather
the jallaalah should be detained until it becomes pure and clean,if
most of its food is impure (najis).
But if only a small amount of the animal's food is impure (najis),
then it does not have any impact and it does not make the animal
haraam, so long as the ratio is 20% or 30% and so on. This does not
matter. Rather what makes it haraam is if the ratio is more than that
- 60% or 70%. If this is the ration, then the animal is regarded as
jallaalah, so it should be detained so that it can be given good and
pure food andwater. If it has been detained for a suitable number of
days, then it becomes pure and is halaal. This applies if theimpure
material is the majority of what it eats. The time for detaining
animals varies. Chickens should be detained for three days, and that
is enough for them to be fed good food and goodwater. Other animals,
such as sheep, cattle andthe like should be detained for longer
thanthat, such as seven days or more, so that they canbe given good
food and water, and their flesh becomes good (halaal) after that. We
have asked many of those who have knowledge of this matter, and they
said that what is fed to chickens of dried blood is a small amount in
comparison to other, pure food. End quote.
Shaykh 'Abd al-'Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allah havemercy on him).
Fataawa Noor 'ala al-Darb, 4/1934
Food & Nourishment,Ruling on eating chicken that was fed hormones or ground meat.
Does the meat of chickengrown by giving steroidsis halal evenif it is
slaughtered correctly?
Praise be to Allaah.
If the manufactured food or medicines did not contain anything harmful
or impure (najis), there is nothing wrong with eating chickens to whom
they were fed, if they have been slaughtered in the proper shar'i
manner by a Muslim or a kitaabi (i.e., Jew or Christian).
But if the feed or medicine is harmful to man, and will make him sick,
for example, it is haraam to feed them to chickens and to eat those
chickens, because Allah says (interpretationof the meaning):
"and do not throw yourselves into destruction"
[al-Baqarah 2:195].
And the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said:
"There should be neitherharming not reciprocating harm." Narrated by
Ibn Maajah (2431) and classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Irwa'
al-Ghaleel (896).
If the feed is naajis (impure), such as meat from animals that died
without being slaughtered properly (maytah) or blood and so on, that
may be put inthe feed, then the matter is subject to further
Is most of the feed is made from those impuresubstances or from taahir
(pure) things suchas grains and the like?
If most of the feed is pure, it is permissible to eat it, and there is
nothing wrong with that.
But if most of its feed is naajis (impure) -- this is what the
scholars call "an animal that feeds onfilth" -- it is not permissible
to eat unless it has been detained andfed with taahir food thatwill
make its meat good.
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen said in al-Sharh al-Mumti' (11/298):
The animal that feeds onfilth is one whose food ismostly impure (najaasah).
There are two scholarly views concerning this: one view is that it is
haraam because it has been nourished by impure matter that has an
effect on its meat.
The other view is that it is halaal. This is based onthe idea that
impure things become pure when they undergo a transformation. They
said: The impurity that it ate has been transformed into blood, flesh
and the like that grows in the body, so it is taahir. End quote.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said:
The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) forbade the
milk of an animal that feeds on filth or impurity, but if the animal
is detained until it becomes pure, then it is halaal according to
Muslim consensus, because before that the effect of the impurity could
be seen in its milk, eggs and sweat, so it gave off a rotten and evil
stench. Once that is removed, it becomes taahir (pure). If the ruling
is established for a reason, it ceases to apply once that reason isno
longer present. End quote.
Majmoo' al-Fataawa, 21/618
And Allah knows best. - *-Visit -http://aydnajimudeen.blogspot.com/-
[ Usefull Islamic & General Articles ]
slaughtered correctly?
Praise be to Allaah.
If the manufactured food or medicines did not contain anything harmful
or impure (najis), there is nothing wrong with eating chickens to whom
they were fed, if they have been slaughtered in the proper shar'i
manner by a Muslim or a kitaabi (i.e., Jew or Christian).
But if the feed or medicine is harmful to man, and will make him sick,
for example, it is haraam to feed them to chickens and to eat those
chickens, because Allah says (interpretationof the meaning):
"and do not throw yourselves into destruction"
[al-Baqarah 2:195].
And the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said:
"There should be neitherharming not reciprocating harm." Narrated by
Ibn Maajah (2431) and classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Irwa'
al-Ghaleel (896).
If the feed is naajis (impure), such as meat from animals that died
without being slaughtered properly (maytah) or blood and so on, that
may be put inthe feed, then the matter is subject to further
Is most of the feed is made from those impuresubstances or from taahir
(pure) things suchas grains and the like?
If most of the feed is pure, it is permissible to eat it, and there is
nothing wrong with that.
But if most of its feed is naajis (impure) -- this is what the
scholars call "an animal that feeds onfilth" -- it is not permissible
to eat unless it has been detained andfed with taahir food thatwill
make its meat good.
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen said in al-Sharh al-Mumti' (11/298):
The animal that feeds onfilth is one whose food ismostly impure (najaasah).
There are two scholarly views concerning this: one view is that it is
haraam because it has been nourished by impure matter that has an
effect on its meat.
The other view is that it is halaal. This is based onthe idea that
impure things become pure when they undergo a transformation. They
said: The impurity that it ate has been transformed into blood, flesh
and the like that grows in the body, so it is taahir. End quote.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said:
The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) forbade the
milk of an animal that feeds on filth or impurity, but if the animal
is detained until it becomes pure, then it is halaal according to
Muslim consensus, because before that the effect of the impurity could
be seen in its milk, eggs and sweat, so it gave off a rotten and evil
stench. Once that is removed, it becomes taahir (pure). If the ruling
is established for a reason, it ceases to apply once that reason isno
longer present. End quote.
Majmoo' al-Fataawa, 21/618
And Allah knows best. - *-Visit -http://aydnajimudeen.blogspot.com/-
[ Usefull Islamic & General Articles ]
Health - , Flu Widespread, Leading a Range of Winter’s Ills
The country is in the gripof three emerging flu or flulike epidemics:
an early start to the annual flu season with an unusually aggressive
virus, a surge in a new type of norovirus, and the worst whooping
cough outbreak in 60 years. And these are all developing amid the
normal winter highs for the many viruses that cause symptoms on the "
colds and flu" spectrum.
Influenza is widespread, and causing local crises. On Wednesday,
Boston's mayor declared a public health emergency as cases flooded
hospital emergency rooms.
Google's national flu trend maps , which track flu-related searches,
are almost solid red (for "intense activity") and the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention's weekly FluView maps , which track
confirmed cases, are nearly solid brown (for "widespread activity").
"Yesterday, I saw a construction worker, a big strong guy in his
Carhartts who looked like he could fall off a roof without noticing
it," said Dr. Beth Zeeman,an emergency room doctor for MetroWest
Medical Center in Framingham, Mass., just outside Boston. "He was in a
fetal position with fever and chills, like a wet rag. When I see one
of those cases, I just tighten up my mask a little."
Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston started asking visitors with
even mild cold symptoms to wear masksand to avoid maternity wards. The
hospital has treated 532 confirmed influenza patients this season and
admitted 167, even more than it did by this date during the 2009-10
swine flu pandemic.
At Brigham and Women's Hospital, 100 patients were crowded into spaces
licensed for 53. Beds lined halls and pressed against vending
machines. Overflow patients sat on benches in the lobby wearing
surgical masks.
"Today was the first timeI think I was experiencing my first
pandemic," said Heidi Crim, the nursing director, who saw both the
swine flu and SARS outbreaks here. Adding to the problem, she
said,many staff members were at home sick and supplies like flu test
swabs were running out.
Nationally, deaths and hospitalizations are still below epidemic
thresholds. But experts do not expect that to remain true. Pneumonia
usually shows up in national statistics only a week or two after
emergency rooms reportsurges in cases, and deaths start rising a week
or two after that, said Dr. Gregory A. Poland, a vaccine specialist at
the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. The predominant flu strain circulating
is an H3N2, which typically kills more people than the H1N1 strains
that usually predominate; the relatively lethal 2003-4 "Fujian flu"
season was overwhelmingly H3N2.
No cases have been resistant to Tamiflu , which can ease symptoms if
taken within 48 hours, and thisyear's flu shot is well-matched to the
H3N2 strain, the C.D.C. said. Flu shots are imperfect, especially in
the elderly, whose immune systems may notbe strong enough to produce
enough antibodies .
Simultaneously, the country is seeing a large and early outbreak of
norovirus, the "cruise ship flu" or " stomach flu ," said Dr. Aron J.
Hall of the C.D.C.'s viral gastroenterology branch. It includes a
newstrain, which first appeared in Australia and is known as the
Sydney 2012 variant.
This week, Maine's health department said that state was seeing a
large spike in cases. Cities across Canada reported norovirus
outbreaks so serious that hospitals were shutting down whole wards for
disinfection because patients were getting infected after moving into
the rooms of those who had just recovered. The classic symptoms of
norovirus are "explosive" diarrhea and "projectile" vomiting , which
can send infectious particles flying yards away.
"I also saw a woman I'm sure had norovirus," Dr. Zeeman said. "She
said she'd gone to the bathroom 14 times at home and 4 times since she
came into the E.R. You can get dehydrated really quickly that way."
This month, the C.D.C. said the United States was having its biggest
outbreak of pertussis in 60 years; there were about 42,000 confirmed
cases, the highest total since 1955. The disease is unrelated to flu
but causes a hacking, constant cough and breathlessness. While it is
unpleasant, adults almost always survive; the greatest danger is
toinfants, especially premature ones with undeveloped lungs. Of the 18
recorded deaths in 2012, all but three were of infants under age 1.
That outbreak is worst incold-weather states, including Colorado,
Washington, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Vermont.
Although most children are vaccinated several times against pertussis,
those shots wear off with age. It is possible, the authorities said,
thata new, safer vaccine introduced in the 1990s gives protection that
does not last as long, so more teenagers and adults are vulnerable.
And, Dr. Poland said, if many New Yorkers are catching laryngitis , as
has been reported, it is probably a rhinovirus. "It's typically a
sore, really scratchy throat, and you sometimes lose your voice," he
Though flu cases in New York City are rising rapidly , the city health
department has no plansto declare an emergency, largely because of
concern that doing so would drive mildly sick people to emergency
rooms, said Dr. Jay K. Varma, deputy director for disease control. The
city would prefer people went to private doctors or, if still healthy,
to pharmacies for flu shots. Nursing homes have had worrisome
outbreaks, he said, and nine elderly patients have died. Homes need to
be more alert, vaccinate patients, separate those who fall ill and
treat them faster with antivirals, he said.
Dr. Susan I. Gerber of theC.D.C.'s respiratory diseases branch, said
heragency has not seen any unusual spike of rhinovirus, parainfluenza
, adenovirus, coronavirus or the dozens of other causes of the "
common cold ," but the country is having its typical winter surge of
some, like respiratory syncytial virus "that can mimic flulike
symptoms, especially in young children."
The C.D.C. and the local health authorities continue to advocate
getting flu shots. Although it takes up to two weeks to build immunity
, "we don't know if the season has peaked yet," said Dr. Joseph
Bresee, chief of prevention in the agency's flu division.
Flu shots and nasal mists contain vaccines against three strains, the
H3N2, the H1N1 and a B. Thus far this season, Dr. Bresee said, H1N1
cases have been rare, and the H3N2 component has been a good match
against almost all the confirmed H3N2 samples the agency has tested.
About a fifth of all flus this year thus far are from B strains. That
part of the vaccine is a good match only 70 percent ofthe time,
because two B's are circulating.
For that reason, he said, flu shots are being reformulated. Within two
years, they said, most will contain vaccines against both B strains.
Joanna Constantine, 28, a stylist at the Guy Thomas Hair Salon on West
56th Street in Manhattan, said she recently was so sick that she was
off work and in bed for five days — and silenced by laryngitis for
four of them.
She did not have the classic flu symptoms — a high fever, aches and
chills — so she knew it was probably somethingelse.
Still, she said, it scared her enough that she will get a flu shot
next year. She had not bothered to get one since her last pregnancy ,
she said. Butshe has a 7-year-old son and a 5-year-old daughter, "and
my little guys get theirs every year."
Jess Bidgood contributed reporting.
an early start to the annual flu season with an unusually aggressive
virus, a surge in a new type of norovirus, and the worst whooping
cough outbreak in 60 years. And these are all developing amid the
normal winter highs for the many viruses that cause symptoms on the "
colds and flu" spectrum.
Influenza is widespread, and causing local crises. On Wednesday,
Boston's mayor declared a public health emergency as cases flooded
hospital emergency rooms.
Google's national flu trend maps , which track flu-related searches,
are almost solid red (for "intense activity") and the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention's weekly FluView maps , which track
confirmed cases, are nearly solid brown (for "widespread activity").
"Yesterday, I saw a construction worker, a big strong guy in his
Carhartts who looked like he could fall off a roof without noticing
it," said Dr. Beth Zeeman,an emergency room doctor for MetroWest
Medical Center in Framingham, Mass., just outside Boston. "He was in a
fetal position with fever and chills, like a wet rag. When I see one
of those cases, I just tighten up my mask a little."
Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston started asking visitors with
even mild cold symptoms to wear masksand to avoid maternity wards. The
hospital has treated 532 confirmed influenza patients this season and
admitted 167, even more than it did by this date during the 2009-10
swine flu pandemic.
At Brigham and Women's Hospital, 100 patients were crowded into spaces
licensed for 53. Beds lined halls and pressed against vending
machines. Overflow patients sat on benches in the lobby wearing
surgical masks.
"Today was the first timeI think I was experiencing my first
pandemic," said Heidi Crim, the nursing director, who saw both the
swine flu and SARS outbreaks here. Adding to the problem, she
said,many staff members were at home sick and supplies like flu test
swabs were running out.
Nationally, deaths and hospitalizations are still below epidemic
thresholds. But experts do not expect that to remain true. Pneumonia
usually shows up in national statistics only a week or two after
emergency rooms reportsurges in cases, and deaths start rising a week
or two after that, said Dr. Gregory A. Poland, a vaccine specialist at
the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. The predominant flu strain circulating
is an H3N2, which typically kills more people than the H1N1 strains
that usually predominate; the relatively lethal 2003-4 "Fujian flu"
season was overwhelmingly H3N2.
No cases have been resistant to Tamiflu , which can ease symptoms if
taken within 48 hours, and thisyear's flu shot is well-matched to the
H3N2 strain, the C.D.C. said. Flu shots are imperfect, especially in
the elderly, whose immune systems may notbe strong enough to produce
enough antibodies .
Simultaneously, the country is seeing a large and early outbreak of
norovirus, the "cruise ship flu" or " stomach flu ," said Dr. Aron J.
Hall of the C.D.C.'s viral gastroenterology branch. It includes a
newstrain, which first appeared in Australia and is known as the
Sydney 2012 variant.
This week, Maine's health department said that state was seeing a
large spike in cases. Cities across Canada reported norovirus
outbreaks so serious that hospitals were shutting down whole wards for
disinfection because patients were getting infected after moving into
the rooms of those who had just recovered. The classic symptoms of
norovirus are "explosive" diarrhea and "projectile" vomiting , which
can send infectious particles flying yards away.
"I also saw a woman I'm sure had norovirus," Dr. Zeeman said. "She
said she'd gone to the bathroom 14 times at home and 4 times since she
came into the E.R. You can get dehydrated really quickly that way."
This month, the C.D.C. said the United States was having its biggest
outbreak of pertussis in 60 years; there were about 42,000 confirmed
cases, the highest total since 1955. The disease is unrelated to flu
but causes a hacking, constant cough and breathlessness. While it is
unpleasant, adults almost always survive; the greatest danger is
toinfants, especially premature ones with undeveloped lungs. Of the 18
recorded deaths in 2012, all but three were of infants under age 1.
That outbreak is worst incold-weather states, including Colorado,
Washington, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Vermont.
Although most children are vaccinated several times against pertussis,
those shots wear off with age. It is possible, the authorities said,
thata new, safer vaccine introduced in the 1990s gives protection that
does not last as long, so more teenagers and adults are vulnerable.
And, Dr. Poland said, if many New Yorkers are catching laryngitis , as
has been reported, it is probably a rhinovirus. "It's typically a
sore, really scratchy throat, and you sometimes lose your voice," he
Though flu cases in New York City are rising rapidly , the city health
department has no plansto declare an emergency, largely because of
concern that doing so would drive mildly sick people to emergency
rooms, said Dr. Jay K. Varma, deputy director for disease control. The
city would prefer people went to private doctors or, if still healthy,
to pharmacies for flu shots. Nursing homes have had worrisome
outbreaks, he said, and nine elderly patients have died. Homes need to
be more alert, vaccinate patients, separate those who fall ill and
treat them faster with antivirals, he said.
Dr. Susan I. Gerber of theC.D.C.'s respiratory diseases branch, said
heragency has not seen any unusual spike of rhinovirus, parainfluenza
, adenovirus, coronavirus or the dozens of other causes of the "
common cold ," but the country is having its typical winter surge of
some, like respiratory syncytial virus "that can mimic flulike
symptoms, especially in young children."
The C.D.C. and the local health authorities continue to advocate
getting flu shots. Although it takes up to two weeks to build immunity
, "we don't know if the season has peaked yet," said Dr. Joseph
Bresee, chief of prevention in the agency's flu division.
Flu shots and nasal mists contain vaccines against three strains, the
H3N2, the H1N1 and a B. Thus far this season, Dr. Bresee said, H1N1
cases have been rare, and the H3N2 component has been a good match
against almost all the confirmed H3N2 samples the agency has tested.
About a fifth of all flus this year thus far are from B strains. That
part of the vaccine is a good match only 70 percent ofthe time,
because two B's are circulating.
For that reason, he said, flu shots are being reformulated. Within two
years, they said, most will contain vaccines against both B strains.
Joanna Constantine, 28, a stylist at the Guy Thomas Hair Salon on West
56th Street in Manhattan, said she recently was so sick that she was
off work and in bed for five days — and silenced by laryngitis for
four of them.
She did not have the classic flu symptoms — a high fever, aches and
chills — so she knew it was probably somethingelse.
Still, she said, it scared her enough that she will get a flu shot
next year. She had not bothered to get one since her last pregnancy ,
she said. Butshe has a 7-year-old son and a 5-year-old daughter, "and
my little guys get theirs every year."
Jess Bidgood contributed reporting.
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