Dua is an Arabic term which means to 'call out' or to 'summon' or to 'invoke' and in the Islamic terminology, it means a humble prayer by a modest person to a superior. Muslims use this term and call out to Allah (SWT), and Muslims regard this as one of the greatest acts of worship in Islam.
Supplication definition and meaning in Islam: Supplication is petitioning Allah (SWT) for fulfillment of ones legitimate desires. It is therefore necessary that the supplicant should be conversant with the meaning of the prayer and the etiquette of reciting the prayer. He must recite the supplication with dedication of heart and his attitude should be equally submissive if not more than what he adopts for asking a favor from a fellow human being.
The Holy Prophet of Islam (saw) has said: "Shall I introduce to you a weapon which will protect you both from the evils of enemies and increase your sustenance? They said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah. The Holy Prophet of Islam (saw) replied: Call your Lord day and night, for "Dua" is the weapon of a believer."
Imam Ali (as) says: "Dua" is the shield of a believer. If you keep on knocking the door of Divine Mercy, it will be opened to you."
Imam Sadiq (as) says: "Dua is more forceful than a sword."
Imam Musa Kazim (as) says: "Dua reverts both what has been destined and what has not been destined."
Supplications in Islam, Supplication Prayer, Supplication in Noble Qur'an and Hadith
And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then surely I am very near; I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he calls on Me, so they should answer My call and believe in Me that they may walk in the right way. Noble Qur'an (2:186)
And your Lord says: "Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer): but those who are too arrogant to serve Me will surely find themselves in Hell - in humiliation!" Noble Qur'an (40:60)
In this Holy verse, Allah (SWT) considers Dua as prayers, that is to say, if someone speaks to his Lord, he has performed prayer and those who do not pray are considered as unbelievers.
Say: My Lord would not care for you were it not for your prayer; Noble Qur'an (25:77)
Imam Ali (as) says: "Allah (SWT) doesn't answer the prayer of a person whose prayer doesn't come from his heart." Therefore, one should pray from the depths of his heart and should have a conviction that Allah (SWT) will fulfill his wish.
Imam Sadiq (as) says: when a person wants Allah (SWT) to help him in times of difficulty, he must make it a habit to supplicate to Allah (SWT) before any such difficulty arises. He should not present himself to Allah (SWT) as a total stranger when he needs help.
Imam Sadiq (as) says: the creature nearest to Allah (SWT) is one who, while prostrating in prayer, cries and if he has lost hope of his prayer getting answered he should raise his hands towards the Heaven as if importuning Allah (SWT) for granting his wish.
When God grants your prayers ...
Yes, it is wonderful when you pray fervently for something and you get it! It is a very nice feeling to be sure that even if no one else does, there is one being who never fails to listen to you and grants you whatever you want. Wait, there is a catch here. God does give you what you want but very rarely does He give when you want it and in the way you want it.
For instance, highest scores in an examination are got but best friend has got alienated in the process; you get to buy the beautiful dress you were eyeing from many days and find that it doesn't suit you at all but suits your sister perfectly; lot of wealth and fame is earned but when the parents are no longer there or are not capable of accompanying the child to his celebratory parties; the perfect house with the garden gets readied but the children want to go abroad and settle there ... You get the trend.
The Holy Prophet of Islam (saw) has said, 'Desire is the root cause of all evil'. Hence you think 'Let me not desire for anything. I will accept whatever God gives me'. But ... hasn't Allah (SWT) said, 'Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer)' Doesn't that mean that unless you ask, you won't get anything? As the saying goes, unless the baby cries, the mother doesn't feed it. So should the baby cry or keep quiet? Probably the answer could be that the baby should cry when it feels hungry and keep quiet after it is given something, no matter whether it is milk or water or watery milk.