''Allah is Sufficient for us'' + '' All praise is due to Allah. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' (Aameen) | | |
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Wednesday, March 28, 2012
A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty! : Good Night...
Afect our eye ?
Obsessed with SMS? It's going to give you more than just a long phone bill.
The latest in a list of cyber ailments hitting the techno-savvy frat
is a 'pain in the neck', pun intended of course. It's called the
'texter's neck'. This new affliction
is hitting an increasing number of gadget addicts who suffer neck pain
from spending too much time hunched over their phones and computers/
بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Bestowerof Mercy
2: Surah: 1, Ayah: 2
الْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds,
3: Surah: 1, Ayah: 3
الرَّحْمـنِ الرَّحِيمِ the Merciful, the Most Merciful,
4: Surah: 1, Ayah: 4
مَـالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ Owner of the Day of Recompense.
5: Surah: 1, Ayah: 5
إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ You (alone) we worship; and You (alone) we rely forhelp.
6: Surah: 1, Ayah: 6
اهدِنَــــا الصِّرَاطَ المُستَقِيمَ Guide us to the Straight Path,
7: Surah: 1, Ayah: 7
صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنعَمتَ عَلَيهِمْ غَيرِ المَغضُوبِ عَلَيهِمْ وَلاَ الضَّالِّينَ the Path of those upon whom You have favored, not those upon whom is the anger, nor the astray. (Amen - please answer)
::-> Be patient. Allah has a plan for you!
Asking furgiveness
Question: If someone commits a sin and repents, is it wrong to continuously ask for forgiveness of that specific sin?
Answer: No, it is not wrong to continue to ask forgiveness for the same sin. In fact, it is recommended to always ask Allahto forgive that sin and all other sins, since no one knows if his repentance was accepted.
And Allah knows best/
Question: I have recently been converted to Islam. I am a bit confused as to the different groups of Islam. I have been converted in England as a Sunni.I understand Sunni but since being here I see that there are so many different groups and I am not sure how to go about finding a jamaat that is Sunni. Please can you shed some light on this and maybe help me in learning more about Islam. My family are all Hindus and Christians so I cannot seek their advice.
Answer: You would find many people and groups claiming to be Sunni and also saying that they are from the ahlus sunnah, but their actions are far away from the teachings of the Prophet (s.a.s). The way to recognise anyone is through their actions. Upon this, you will be able to know who are the true followers of the Prophet (s.a.s) and who arenot. In some jamaats, although the Muslims know themselves to be Sunni Muslims, due to the lack of knowledge and also their unwillingness to change, you will find that they are practicing certain things which amount to innovations. There are others who really do not pay attention todeviant groups and their teachings, they simply know that they are Muslims and they leave it as that. In many cases, there are those who simply follow what they have seen and learnt from others, thinking it to be the correct thing, although they are wrong. In this way, you will find many Muslims doing different things, yet, thinking to themselvesthat they are correct.
My advice to you is that you try to learn as much as possible from authentic scholars about Islam. The Darul Uloom in Trinidad conducts many classes, you can attend any of these classes. As for the different Masjids, I know that in our areas like Munroe Road and Warenville Jama Masjid in Cunupia, the teachings are in accordance to the creed of the ahlus sunnah, you are welcome tothese Masjids/
And Allah knows best.::-> Be patient. Allah has a plan for you!
Fwd: Tomoto's medical purpose
From: "M.Najimudeen.Bsc" <aydnajimudeen@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 15:58:16 +0530
Subject: Tomoto's medical purpose
To: braun693glitch@m.facebook.com, aydnajimudeen.609303enmayd@blogger.com
12 Natural Home Remediesusing Tomato
The tomato is truly an amazing fruit. It is known to have many health
benefits such as reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, lower high
blood pressure,
and reduce cancer. Tomato has high nutritional content. Tomato has a
good source of calcium andiron. It also contains some minerals such as
phosphorus, sulphur and potassium needed in our body. As many would
know, tomato is rich in Vitamin C. However, many would not know that
the Vitamin C increases as the fruit ripens. Tomato also has some
amounts of Vitamins A and B. Besides its health benefits and
nutritional value, tomatoesare used as home remediesfor minor
1) Diarrhea
If you're having diarrhea, try drinking the juice madeby stirring the
tomato paste from a dozen dried slices of tomato into a cup of water.
2) Bloodshot eyes
To relieve bloodshot eyes, eat 1 or 2 fresh tomatoes first thing in
the morning on an empty stomach.
3) Face Peels
Tomato is excellent for purifying and rejuvenating your skin. Rub off
the top layer of dead skin cells with the gentle help of tomatoes. Rub
tomato slices directly onto your clean skin, focusing on areas with
lots of blackheads. Tomatoes contain Vitamin C which has healing
powers, and anacid which eliminates deadskin and unclogs pores, making
skin soft and radiant.
4) Acne Scars
Slice up a tomato and placeit on your face. Tomatoes are rich in
Vitamin A that prevents overproduction ofsebum that causes acne.
Vitamin A also has antioxidant chracteristics that refreshes and
renews scarred and damaged skin.
5) Dark circles under the eyes
Make a paste using 1 tsp tomato juice, 1/2 tsp lemon juice, a pinch of
tumeric powder and a pinch of gram flour. Keep the paste under your
eyes for 10 minutes. Dark circles will disappear after several
6) Sunburn
Soak peeled tomato slices in buttermilk before applying them directly
on your sunburnt skin. The acidity closes up the pores and soothing
agents present in tomatoes will relieve the pain.
7) Eczema
If you have a skin problem such as eczema and skin sensitivity to
sunlight, try drinking tomato juice everyday. You will begin tosee the
difference after a few weeks.
8) Wounds and sores
Tribal medicine men often prescribed potions made from the leaves of
wild tomatoes to heal wounds and sores. Take a slice of fresh tomato
and place it on the wound. The infection will normally clear within
2-3 days.
9) Mouth ulcers
If you have mouth ulcers, gargle tomato juice 3-4 times a day.
10) Anemia
If you're anemic, drink a mixture of apple and tomato juice. The rich
iron content in the tomato will help relieve your anemia.
11) Morning sickness
If you're suffering from morning sickness during your pregnancy, drink
a glassful of fresh tomato juice, mixed with a pinch ofsalt and pepper
early in themorning. It is considered tobe an effective remedy for
morning sickness.
12) Lose weight
Want to lose weight? Do you know that 100g of tomatoes contain only 20
calories? These calories are easily absorbed by the body. The low
calorie content makes it a favorite of obese people and is often
recommended in weight loss program as it provides you with some of the
essential vitamins and minerals, fills your stomachand doesn't add
calories to your body.
Tomato is also known to be able to treat other ailments such as
urinary tract infection, night blindness, jaundice, liver disorders,
indigestion, constipation, intestinal disorders and diabetes. It isa
natural antioxidant, helping the body cleanse itself of toxic
coumpounds. So, start using tomatoes as your natural home remedy for
these ailments/
begins to smile!
A smile is a curve that can.Straighten out a lot of things.!!
2. Today is MCPS DAY MCPS bole toh-"MAKE CUTE PEOPLE SMILE". Ive done my part
I { M. NajimudeeN. Bsc } social worker. We run a organisation to help disabled people, we expect financial help from you. If any of you like to help us, *contact ::-* E-mail ::: aydnajimudeen@gmail.com/ Thanks ! : Dt:21.mar.2012/ |
ALLAH! Inspire my heart to guidance and save me from the evil of my soul/nafs. (Tirmidhi)
رَّبِّ اغْفِرْ وَارْحَمْ وَأَنتَ خَيْرُ الرَّاحِمِينَ My Lord Forgive and have mercy, for You are the Best of those who show mercy. Ameen. -Al-Mu'minun v.118-
Mothers Are Lovely ... ThereLove Is Priceless....A Precious Gift From Allah...Jannah Lies In feet Of Mothers Respect Them Love Them So That U Can Be Safe From All Hardships Of Life
Mothers Are Lovely ... ThereLove Is Priceless....A Precious Gift From Allah...Jannah Lies In feet Of Mothers Respect Them Love Them So That U Can Be Safe From All Hardships Of Life
2. Tree grows stronger bcoz root is its soul my heart growing strongerbecause ur love has mysoul
::-> Be patient. Allah has a plan for you!
“And certainly We sent Noah to his people, and he remained among them a thousand years minus fifty years …” [al-‘Ankabut: 14]
Tomoto & Heart
A TOMATO is red and usually has four chambers, just like our heart.
Tomatoes are also a great source of lycopene, a plant chemical that
reduces the risk of heart disease and several cancers. The Women's
Health Study, an American research programe which tracks the health of
40,000 women, found women with the highest blood levels of lycopene
had 30 per cent less heart disease than women who had very
littlelycopene. Lab experiments have also shown that lycopene helps
counter the effect of unhealthy LDL cholesterol.
One Canadian study, published in the journal Experimental Biology and
Medicine, said there was convincing evidence that lycopene prevented
coronary heart disease.
Tomato: Heart
Slice open a tomato and you'll notice the red veggiehas multiple
chambers thatresemble the structure of a heart.
"Studies have found that because of the 'Lycopene' in tomatoes, there
is a reduced risk for heart disease in men and womenwho eat them,"
says Somer.
...And, she adds, if you mix them with a little fat, like olive oil or
avocado, it will boost your body's lycopeneabsorption nearly tenfold/
Avoid Smoke
Al Qur'an says
Al Qur'an says
Al Qur'an says
28.mar'12. Wed. 7.19am
786. Wa kaala nabiiu' s.a.w. Al Gaffar' is a name of Allahu'/ alhamdhu lillaah