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Monday, April 23, 2012
This worldly life is like an unchaste woman:
one husband. So! be satisfied with whatever Allah grantsyou from this
worldy life. Walking thereon is like walking in a land that is filled
with beasts, and water that teams with crocodiles. That which causes
delight, turns to be the source of grief. Pain is found in the midst
of pleasures, and delights are derived from its sorrows. As a bird
sees the wheat, sodoes one's insight perceive polytheism, while vain
desires render its holder blind. Lusts were granted in abundance to
humans, but those who believed in the unseen turned away from them!
while those who follow their lusts werecaused to regret. The first
category, are those, in which Allah says,which means,
They are on (true) guidance from their Lord,and they are the
successful. (AI-Baqarah, 2:5)
However, the other category, are those to whom Allah says which means,
(0 you disbelievers)! Eat and enjoy yourselves (in this worldly life)
for a little while. Verily, you are the MujrimGn (polytheists,
disbelievers,sinners, criminals, etc.) (AI-Mursalat,77:46)
When the successful ones are aware of the reality of this worldly life
being sure of the inferiority of its degree, they overcame their vain
desires for the sake of the Hereafter. They have been awakened from
their heedlessness to remember what their enemies took from them
during their period of idleness. Whenever they perceive the distant
journey they must undertake, they remember their aim, so it appears
easy for them. Whenever life becomes bitter, they remember this verse,
in which Allah says, which means,
"This is your Day which you were promised". (AI Anbiya', 21:103)/
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Boy's football lost in tsunami found in Alaska
Alaskan island is to be returned after its teenageJapanese owner was
Sixteen-year-old Misaki Murakami's name was written on the ball that
was swept out to sea in March 2011.
David Baxter found it morethan a year later on Alaska's Middleton
Island, 70 miles (112km) from the mainland.
Mr Murakami told Japanesemedia he was sure the ball was his and would
be happy to have it back.
"I'm very grateful as I've sofar found nothing that I'd owned," he
told broadcaster TBS on Sunday.
Mr Murakami lives in the town of Rikuzen-takata, which was very badly
hit by the tsunami.
On the day of the disaster the school boy was at home sick, but fled
to higher ground when the earthquake struck, Kyodo News reported. His
home was then swept away.
The ball - given to him by his classmates in 2005 when he moved
schools - was found by US man David Baxter on a beach in Middleton
According to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) , Mr Baxter's Japanese wife translated the writing on the ball,
which included a school name and a "good luck" message.
"This may be one of the first opportunities since theMarch 2011
tsunami that a remnant washed away from Japan has been identified and
could actually be returned to its previous owner."
The couple reportedly plan to send back the ball to Mr Murakami. They
also found a volleyball but have not been able to identify the owner.
NOAA has been monitoring floating debris from the tsunami over the past year.
The shrimping boat Ryou-Un Maru, which was traced to the Japanese
island of Hokkaido, also drifted to Alaska.
The US Coast Guard sank the crewless ship, which was first spotted off
the coast of the Canadian province of British Columbia on 23 March./
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Breivik trial: Phone delay 'caused more Breivik deaths'
decided to carry on killing "till I die" when they failed to return
his call, he has told his trial in Oslo.
He said his plan was to kill as many people as possible.
But he said he had tried to spare some of the young people caught up
in the killings on Utoeya island who he thought were under 16.
Breivik has admitted the Oslo bombing and island shootings that killed 77.
The trial will decide whether he is sane. Furtherpsychiatric work has
been requested in the light of evidence he has given.
So far, two evaluations have been published, the first finding him
legally insane and the second saneenough to stand trial.
Breivik said he would do"anything to prevent" committal to a
psychiatric hospital.
Earlier, he said he had "lost absolutely everything" on 22 July 2011,
all his family and friends, therefore he understood the loss he
imposed on others.
But he said the killings were "a small barbarian actto prevent a
larger barbarian act".
In July last year, Breivik set off a car bomb near government
buildings in Oslo, killing eight, and thenmassacred 69 participants in
a Labour Party youth camp on the nearby island of Utoeya/
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Different strategies for attracting people to you
in love with you however most ofthem fall under two majorcategories.
The first is attempting to attract a person who doesn't know that you
likehim and the second is attempting to attract a person who already
knows that you like him.
In my previous article Whybeing mysterious works isaid that its much
better to do your best to attract a person before telling him that you
like him simply because the more mysterious you appear to be the you
will tempt yourtarget to think about you and the more he will become
attached to you. (see The secret to attracting love )
Now in some cases you might be forced to blow your cover a bit early
before you attract the person and that's why i decided to write this
article to tell what you should do in case you had to reveal your
intentions before the right time.
Attracting someone whoknows that you like him
After a person knows that you like him he will either get into a
relationship with you or he will either back off. I am assuming of
course that this person decided to back off after you told him that
you like him .
The first thing you need todo is to ask that person to be a normal
friend. And after he agrees you shouldnever bring the relationship
subject again. What we are trying to do here is to let that person put
his defenses down again so that we can sneak unnoticed.
During that time give that person all the care he needs (but as a
friend), stand beside him in his down times without declaring any of
your emotions and keep contacting him on regular basis everyday.
After some time that person will start to get addicted to the care and
nurturing you are providing him with and this is the point where
youshould pull back. (see also How to make someone addicted to you )
If you found him chasing you then know that you have already managed
to attract him to you a little bit and all what's left now is to
increase the intensity of attraction.
How to intensify the attraction levels
In my book How to make someone fall in love with you i said that the
best way to intensify attraction levels is to disappear when a person
needs you the most and tocome back whenever he isabout to give up on
you orto lose interest. (see also Attracting someone whois not
interested )
During that same time youshould use your common friends to program the
mind of your target by letting them speak about you in a good way in
your absence. The more they say your name and mention your good traits
the more will your target feel like he lost a treasure. (see also
Subconscious mind programming )
Now if the subconscious programming was done alone while you were
already available then your target will not think about you that much
because of feeling that he can get you anytime, however, if people
started mentioning how good youare while you became mysterious and not
as available as before then your target might start going after you
once again.
If it happened that your target didn't try to go after you then repeat
the process once again. Get closer to him again, try to make him used
to your presence once again then disappear all of a sudden when you
feel that he is becoming attached to you.
This technique will provide you with a great chance to make that
person who rejected you earlier go after you.
2knowmysef is not a complicated medical website nor a boring online
encyclopedia but rather a place where you will find simple, to the
point and effective information that is backedby psychology and
presented in a simple way that you can understand and apply. If you
think that this is some kind of marketing hype then see what other
visitors say about 2knowmyself .The book How to make someone fall in
love with you was released by 2knowmyself.com; the book will
dramatically increase your chance of letting someone fall in love with
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The language of paradaise...
Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah -Rahimullaah-
Translated by
Abbas Abu Yahya
Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah -Rahimullaah- was asked:
'In what language will the people be spoken to on theDay of
Resurrection? Will Allaah Ta'ala speak to the people in Arabic? Is it
true that the language of the people of Hell-fire will be Persian and
the language of the people of Paradise will be Arabic?'
He -Rahimullaah- answered:
'All praise belongs to Allaahthe Lord of all the worlds, it is not
known in what language the people will be spoken to on that day, nor
in which language theywill hear the address of theLord –Jala wa Ula'-
becauseAllaah Ta'ala did not informus of anything about this, nor did
His Messenger-sallA llaahu alayhi wa sallam.
It is not authentic that Persian is the language of the people of the
Hell-fire or that Arabic is the language of the people who will be in
eternal blessing.
We do not know of a dispute between the Companions -Radi Allaahu
anhum-, rather all of them refrained from this, because speaking about
these types of things is from futile speech . . . However, there
occurred a dispute between the people who came later so some of them
said that: the people will converse in Arabic. Others said: 'No,
thepeople of Hell-fire will reply in Persian and it is their language
in Hell-fire.'
Others said: 'They will converse with Syriac (an Eastern Aramaic
language) because it is the language of Adam and from it all other
languages branched off.'
Others said: 'No, the peopleof Paradise will speak Arabic.'
There is no basis any of these opinions by those who hold them,
neither intellectual nor transmitted, rather it is a claim devoid of
evidence and Allaah – Subhana wa Ta'ala – is most Knowledgeable and
most Just.'
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Iran Masque
the polish for the hearts is the dhikr (remembrance) of Allah:
everything there is a polish, and the polish for the hearts is the
dhikr (remembrance) of Allah. There is nothing more potent in saving a
person from the punishment of Allaah than the dhikr of Allah." It was
said: 'Not even Jihaad in the path of Allah.' So he replied•►"Not even
if you were to continue striking with yoursword until it breaks."
[Saheeh: Related by Ahmad(4/ 352), from Mu'aadh ibn Jabal radiallaahu
'anhu. It was authenticated by al-Albaanee in Saheehul-Jaami'
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Makka New Project !!!!
Mango – the King of Fruits!
on almost every street corner.Read on for the good, the bad and the
ugly of this summer delicacy.
They can be eaten raw or ripe, these mangoes! Called the king of
fruits, it's one of the most popular fruits found in umpteen varieties
such as Raspuri, Badami, Malgoba, Alphonso. Native to our country,
mangoes are nowcultivated everywhere from California to Mexico, from
the Caribbean to Africa, Australia and China.
The yummy health-booster
As we enjoy this fruit sliced or in delectable delicacies like aamras
, mango lassi etc. – we haveenough and more reasons to indulge guilt
*. Keeps cancer at bay : Thephenols and enzymes found in the fruit
have cancer-preventing properties. Mango also has a high content of
soluble dietary fibre, which according to scientists helps lower
therisk of cancers in the gastrointestinal tract. The fruit is rich in
vitamin C – which helps protect cells from free radical damage –
reducing risk of cancer.
*. Eye health : One cup of sliced mangoes supply 25% of the body's
daily vitamin A dose, which aids good eyesight. Eating mangoes helps
prevent night blindness, burning in the eyes and more.
*. Helps in digestion : Mangoes contain digestive enzymes that help
break down proteins and aid digestion. It also combats acidity and
poordigestion. The high fibre content helps prevent constipation .
*. Benefits to skin : Mango is effective in treating the skin's
clogged pores. Which means, those whosuffer from acne (which is mostly
caused by clogged pores), will benefit from eating the fruit. Eating
mangos alsoimproves complexion and texture of the skin.
*. Boosts sex drive : The vitamin E found abundantly in mangoes helps
regulate sex hormones and boosts sex drive.
*. Beneficial for anaemia : Mangoes are rich in iron and thus
beneficial for pregnant women and those with anaemia. Further, vitamin
C found in Mangoes enhances absorption of iron.
*. Weight gain : Mangoes can be beneficial for those who want to gain
weight, as it is a high-calorie food. Also, raw mangoes contain starch
which gets converted into sugar as the fruit ripens.
Too much is too bad
There are two sides to every coin, and this nutritious and
fibre-packed fruit too has its downside. Remember, anything in excess
is harmful. Eating too much of this fruit can generate alot of heat in
the body leading to skin break-outs.As said earlier, the fruit is high
in calories. So, if you're trying to lose weight, mangoes are not
agood bet!
Relish the fruit!
*. Soak the mango in waterto allow all the chemicals and pesticides to wine off.
*. Moderate amount of mangoes in a day – maybe 1 or 2 – can supply the
nutritional benefits of this fruit.
*. Slice it and eat or just slurp on it. It might get messy, but it sure is fun!
*. Get creative: add it to your milk, yoghurt or freeze the aamras in
and enjoy the mango lollies.
*. Top it with vanilla ice-cream or mix it in your salad./
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Henna and its uses in thepast and today
[Abu Daawood and At-Tirmithi]
Jaabir Ibn 'Abdullaah narrated that Abu Quhaafa (the Father of Abu
Bakr) came on theday of the conquest of Makkah with his hair and beard
extremely white. The Prophet said: "Change his hair color with
something and do not use black."
Salmah, the Prophet's ,maid, said: " Anyone who complained to the
Prophet from pain in his head, he would say tohim, 'cup it. ' And when
complained from pain in the foot, he would tell him, 'Dye it with
henna.' " [Abu Daawood and Ibn Maajah]
She also said: "Whenever the Prophet had an ulcer, fester or eczema,
he ordered me to put henna on it." [Authentic, Jaami' al-Usool by Ibn
Henna has been utilized since ancient times as a dye to color the
nails, hands, feet and hair. The traditional henna is manufactured
from a plant known as LawsoniaAlba. This plant is cultivated in Saudi
Arabia, India, Sri Lanka, Iran, Egypt, North Africa and Australia
among others.
The effective dye component of henna is called Lawsone. It consists of
fat, resin, manitol and volatile oils.
It is mentioned in the Islamic Encyclopedia of Medicine that the
ancientEgyptians used henna in mummification.
The Egyptian henna is typically a green substance that gives the hair
a reddish brown color. Other colors are obtained by adding otherdyes
to the natural henna. Some women in Sudan add a substance called
paraphenylen ediamine to the henna toreduce the time needed for dyeing
from an hour to several minutes. But this mixture can be fatal
although its cause is unknown and this is whypeople who apply henna
are warned against adding this substance. Henna in itself is safe
anddoesn't have any known side effects. It is 100% natural. The henna
foundin different brands of shampoos in stores and pharmacies is free
of this substance.
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Advice from a Mountain
There's nothing wrong with having your head in the clouds, as long as
you have roots in the earth. Rise above the bigotries and squabbles of
others. Tobe beautiful and strong, be who you are. In anything, build
your foundation first. Be solid, be real. Provide refuge to the
oppressed, the traveler, the seeker. Keep your secrets. Protect the
rivers, trees, and animals. Cherish silence and solitude, but roar
when you must.
Be patient: everything changes in its season, and all things come to
those who persevere/
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Water melon is safe for this Summer
Watermelon!!! Know its Health benefits:
1.Watermelon--9 0%water,rich in electrolytes,sm oothens ur skin &
reduces ur body temperature
2.it has highest level of Lycopene which reduces the risk of
heartdisease & prostate cancer.
3.Highest level of vitamin Cwhich boosts ur immune system.
4.Rich in Vitamin A which helps in prevents night blindness,infec
tions,Citruline which is present helps in kidney & liver
diseases.increa ses ur energy levels.Rich in Vitamin B,B1,B6 & rich
source of magnesium.
So the bottom line is include watermelon in ur diet which is great
source of water,low in calorie & LOOSE WEIGHT
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Faith, love and kindness are secret weapons to change the world
They are elemental forces with the power to alter human hearts, and to
change the world. They are transformative emotions and behaviors that
were bestowed upon us by Allah,who is Al-Rahman (The Most Merciful)
and Al-Wadood (The Most Loving). They are stronger than hurricanes,
and they transcend the birth and death of individuals, and the rise
and fall of nations.
Don't we still have love for the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), and for
the Sahabah, all of whom lived many generations and nations ago? In
fact we look upon them as our heroes and leaders and we love them as
if they were dear friends. This is proof of the enduring nature of
love, which survives when all else changes around us.
Faith, love and kindness are the secret weapons that Allah has given
us to conquer corruption, cynicism, hatred, racism, and evil, in
ourselves and in the world.
These ideas are not naive, as some might say. Was the Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) naive? He suffered in his mission, but he persevered. His
mission was rooted in faith and love of Allah, and expressed through
kindness to all people. There are so many stories about him showing
tremendous kindness to rude and even murderous people, and changing
their hearts in the process. He succeeded in the face of impossible
odds. His success is a testament to the power of these noble emotions
and behaviors.
That's why I illustrated thispiece with a photo of sun rays shining on
a dark and snowy world. Because these powerful emotions and behaviors
are not the stuff of sunny afternoons, cotton candy and daisies. They
are like a guiding starthat is only seen in the darkness. They come
into their own and show their true power by confronting and overcoming
hatred, bitterness, painful loss, war, poverty and despair.
I describe them as behaviors because faith that exists only in the
heartis not true faith. Faith is proven by action. Faith is defined by
the way you live your life. The same is true for love and kindness.
Love is a verb, not a noun. It's not an abstract feeling in your
heart, but a matter of behavior, the way you treat people, the way you
help, forgive, and show mercy to people.
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everything there is a polish, and the polish for the hearts is the
dhikr (remembrance) of Allah. There is nothing more potent in saving a
person from the punishment of Allaah than the dhikr of Allah." It was
said: 'Not even Jihaad in the path of Allah.' So he replied•►"Not even
if you were to continue striking with yoursword until it breaks."
[Saheeh: Related by Ahmad(4/ 352)
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The ordeal of ill health
because whatever public health services exist are beyond their reach.
In cities, health facilities are available in private clinics and
large public hospitals. But it is hard for poor city residents to
enter their doors. The obstacles are highest for homeless persons,
stigmatised by public authorities as illegal,illegitimate, unsanitary
burdens on the city and its infrastructure, including hospitals.
Public health scholar and paediatrician Vandana Prasad undertook a
study to understand the barriers faced by adult street dwellers in
Delhi in accessing health care. The study focused on this most
marginalised and socially invisible urban population living on city
streets, including able-bodied casual workers, rag-pickers,women who
escape or are expelled from violent and abusive homes, and
peoplesuffering from a variety of disabilities (including mental
Almost all homeless peopletypically suffer major health problems, not
surprisingly because they are forced to sleep rough, exposed to
extremes of theseasons, and with virtually no access to clean drinking
water, sanitation and home-cooked food. Their health burdens were
reported by the Health Initiative Group for the Homeless based on a
survey of 2,955 homeless respondents: "A high proportion of homeless
people were suffering fromserious respiratory ailments including
tuberculosis, acute and chronic infections, skin diseases and
diarrhoeal diseases". Our earlier research by the Centre for Equity
Studies found that health issues may be also the reason for
homelessness in the first place, including mental illness, mental
retardation and stigmatising illnesses that precipitate homelessness.
Prasad's study clearly documents the occurrence of catastrophic
illnesses as a factor that has tipped poor people into homelessness
The study finds that upper-most among the many barriers faced by the
homeless in attempting to access public health care services is simply
the lack of money. They lack BPL cards which would otherwise make them
eligible for free medicines, and are forced to buy medicines and pay
for tests. Many give up because they cannot affordthe services even of
public hospitals, with devastatingoutcomes on their health,
livelihoods, and their survival with dignity. The researchers
encountered from a very small sample three able-bodied, working,
homeless men who suffered injuries which could have been treated. But
they could not afford the cure in government hospitals. As aresult
today they are permanently disabled, and forced to beg life-long/
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Meteor 'fireball' rattles homes in Nevada, California
homes and prompted a flood of calls to law enforcement agencies on
both sides of the Sierra Nevada mountains, some reporting fireball
The sound and the light show were likely caused by a meteor that
entered Earth's atmosphere yesterday, astronomers said.
"It made the shades in my room shake hard enough to slam into the
window acouple times," said Nicole Carlsen of the Reno area. "Ikept
looking for earthquake information, but (there was) nothing. I even
checked the front of my house to make sure noone ran into the garage.
I wish I had seen the meteor."
Erin Girard-Hudson of Arnold, California, told The Union Democrat of
Sonora,California, that the loud boom that occurred around 8 a.m. made
her 2-year-old daughter, Elsie, cry.
"It knocked me off my feetand was shaking the house," she said. "It
sounded like it was next door."
No damages or injuries were immediately reported. There were no
reports of earthquakes at the time.
Some people reported seeing a brilliant light streak across the sky at
the same time. Sightings occurred over roughly a 960-kilometre line
across the two states, including Reno, Elko and North Las Vegas in
Nevada, and the San Francisco, Sacramento and Bakersfield areas in
Astronomers said they believe the mysterious light was a fireball,
which is a very bright meteor. It will take time to determine the path
of the fireball and where it brokeup, they added/
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The Life of this Worldis Fleeting Enjoyment
mutual boasting among you, and rivalry in respectof wealth and
children. (It is) like a rain (Ghayth), thereof the growth is pleasing
to the tiller; afterwards it dries up and you see it turning yellow;
then it becomes straw. But in the Hereafter (there is) a severe
torment, and (there is) forgiveness from Allah and (His) pleasure. And
the life of this world is only a deceiving enjoyment." [57:20]
Allah the Exalted degrades the significance of this life and belittles
it by saying,
"that the life of this worldis only play and amusement, pomp and
mutual boasting among you, and rivalry in respectof wealth and
Meaning, this is the significance of this life to its people, just as
He said inanother Ayah,
"Beautified for men is thelove of things they covet; women, children,
much of gold and silver (wealth), branded beautiful horses, cattle and
well-tilled land. This is the pleasure of the present world's life;
but Allah has the excellent return with Him." ( 3:14 )
Allah the Exalted also sets aparable for this life, declaring that its
joys are fading and its delights are perishable, saying that life is,
"Like a rain (Ghayth)," which is the rain that comes down to mankind,
after they had felt despair/
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Goodluck tips:
May ur journey through lyf b an adventure of discovery n growth Gud luck!
When life givs U 100 reasons 2 cry show life u hv 1000 reasons
2 Smile Gud Luck!
B4 givin up a difficult task,imagine it accomplished by some1 u voilently hate/
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أسلام عليكم Your “Stuff” is Not a Part of You:
greatest sadness and joy are when our thoughts must turn to Allah, The
Eternal, The Merciful, The Wise.
Allah says, "Never will you attain the good until you spend from that
which you love. And whatever you spend – indeed, Allahis Knowing of
it." [Quran 3: 92]
Think about that. Allah is telling us to give away the things that we
love the most! SubhanAllah! Why does Allah ask this of us? Is it to
liberate us from slavery to material possessions? To f0cus our minds
on Allah and the aakhirah (hereafter)? To prevent the evil that
results from the love of money? To benefit the poor?
Yes, for all of those reasons. Excessive attachment to any
materialthing is misguidance. The love of possessions is a spiritual
I have at times given away things that were precious to me, thinking
they wouldmean as much to the otherperson as they do to me. Sometimes
they do, and sometimes they don't, and yes it hurts my feelings when
the other person doesn't value my gift; but eventually I get over it,
because the point is the actof giving. And maybe – Insha-Allah – I'll
have something to show Allah on Yawm Al-Qiyamah (the Day of
Resurrection), maybe I'll be able to say, "O Allah, I gave away
thesethings that I loved," and maybe that will earn me some
forgiveness, Allah knows.
There is a powerful spiritual lesson in taking anobject that you love,
and giving it away. I remembera middle-aged brother named AbdulKareem
(Damis-Salaam, for those ofyou who know him). He worked hard,
supported a family, and got by on a tight budget. One time he got a
nice brown leather coat, the long kind that comes down to the knees.
It looked good on him. Then a younger brother, a teenager with poor
manners, said, "Man, that's a cool coat. Can I have it?" Without a
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