''Allah is Sufficient for us'' + '' All praise is due to Allah. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' (Aameen) | | |
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Speak Up But Don’t Argue:
A man once asked Imam Ahmad, 'I sometimes find myself in a gathering
where the Sunnah is mentioned, but no-one apart from me has more
knowledge of it. Shall I speak up and say something?'
Imam Ahmad then said, 'State what the Sunnah is, but do not argue over it.'
The man then repeated his statement and so Imam Ahmad said, 'I only
see you to be an argumentative man!'
And this is what Malik (rahimahullah) meant in his saying (after
informing people of the Sunnah), 'Andif they don't accept it from you,
then be silent.'
Mu'tamir ibn Sulayman: 'I heard my father say, 'You can never get a
man to listen to you when you have just angered him.'
- Al-Adab al-Shar'iyyah, by Ibn Muflih al-Maqdisi [pg. 307]
Point of benefit : Advise people of correct actions, the Sunnah, and
the propermanner of conduct etc, but don't push them to the point of
anger and arguments because gettingadvice through to a personin that
state is like trying to force back water flowing from a tap… Instead,
let the heat die down, let the issue close for a while and then try
again when things are calm/ - - -
Is Islam respectful of other beliefs?
religion." (Qur'an 2:256)
Protection of the rights of non-Muslims to worship is an intrinsic
part of Islamic law. It is also stated in the Qur'an: "God does not
forbid you, with regard to those who do not fight youfor (your) faith
nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with
them; for God loves those who are just." (Qur'an 60:8)
This is why non-Muslim societies and religious places of worship have
flourished all over the Islamic world. History provides many examples
of Muslims' tolerance towards other faiths. For instance, prior to the
Spanish Inquisition, Jews and Christians lived and prosperred in
Andalus (Spain) for centuries under Muslim rule.
Islamic law also permits non-Muslims to set up theirown courts and
implementfamily and personal laws administered by their chosen
religious authorities/
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Cherries may help you get a good night's sleep
say Cherries grown in sun-rich Central Otago are a natural source of
melatonin at levels 30 times higher than their northern hemisphere
Melatonin is a hormone that is naturally present in the human body and
aids sleep.
The findings come from research commissioned by Fruision Ltd, a joint
venturebetween Hamilton-based Quantec Ltd, a company specialising in
developing health remedies from natural products, and Alexandra-based
fruit grower Summerfrui, Stuff.co.nz reported.
Previous studies published in the United States have shown northern
hemisphere cherries to have levels of melatonin attwo to 15 nanograms
per gram.
The latest study, undertaken by an independent laboratory in
Australia, has shown Central Otago cherries have500 nanograms per
When the cherries had been dried, the melatonin levels increased to
3100 nanograms per gram.
Fruision senior scientist Dr Judy Bragger said Kiwi plants are exposed
to moreultraviolet radiation than those growing at a similar latitude
in Europe of North America, and this caused them to produce more
secondary metabolites -- organic compounds that are not directly
involved in the normal plant growth.
"It is these secondary metabolites that the cherries produce that have
such great human health promoting properties when eaten," Dr Bragger
Moanui Laboratories in Hamilton were already backing the science and
arethe first New Zealand company to distribute a sleep aid derived
from cherries in a capsule form./
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Ayath & Defenition
"… And do not obey one whose heart We have made heedless of Our
remembrance and who follows his desire and whose affair is ever [in]
neglect." [al-Kahf: 28]
As for good character, then 'Alqamah ibn Qays (rahimahullah) summed it
up in his final advice to his son as he was on his deathbed:
"O my son, if you ever feel the need to befriend and accompany men,
then accompany the one who protects you when you help him, adorns you
if you walk with him, and supplies you when your provisions run out.
Accompany the one who when you stretch forth your hands in goodness ,
he stretches his hand too, ifhe sees merit from you, he remembers it,
and if he sees bad from you, he remedies it. Accompany the one who
gives you when you ask , who steps up when you are silent, and who
consoles you when calamity overtakes you. Accompany the one who
believes you when you speak , entrusts you when you engage in work ,
and if you fall out, he prefers you to the fallout."
In such cases, it is said:
'Your real brother is he who stays with you
Who harms himself in order to help you
When hard times break you and scatter you
He becomes dispersed just so he can fix you'
But before all that, he mustbe knowledgeable after having attained
wara' (piety), so that you can benefit from his knowledge too. Luqman
said to his son, "O my son, sit with the scholars, crowd them with
your knees! For indeed, hearts come to life with words of wisdom just
like the dead earth comes back to life with the downpour of rain.""
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Miniature honeycomb 'grows nerve'
encourage damaged nerves to grow and recover, according to an
international group of researchers.
The scaffold can channel clusters of nerves through its honeycomb of
holes, eventually healing a severed nerve.
The findings of their study on mouse nerves are published in the
journal Biofabrication.
Academics hope to one daytreat spinal cord injuries with the scaffold.
When nerves are severed, such as in car accidents, it can result in a
loss of feeling and movement.
Repairing this damage can be a challenge - but nerves outside of the
brain and spinal cord can repair themselves, if only over short
Tube links
One technique to improve this repair is to use tubes. Either end of
the severed nerve is placed in a tube and the two ends of the nerve
should grow and joinin the middle.
Researchers at the University of Sheffield and Laser Zentrum Hannover,
Germany, investigated using a honeycomb structure.
Dr Frederik Claeyssens, from the department of materials science and
engineering at Sheffield, told the BBC: "That is much more like the
structure of the nerve itself.
"The nerve has small regions of 'cable' that go through from one end
to the other end, you have a whole bunch of little cablesinside a
larger cable, that's what we tried to reproducewith this type of
The honeycomb is made from photopolymerizable polylactic acid, which
biodegrades once the nerve has repaired.
The researchers showed nerve cells could grow on the scaffold and are
now testing it in mice to see if itcan fully repair the damage.
Dr Frederik Claeyssens said:"This technology could make a huge
difference to patients suffering severe nerve damage."
Scaffold technology is used in a range of "regenerative medicines".
Building a scaffold and then coating itwith human cells has, for
example, been used to givepatients new windpipes and bladders/
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beautiful Mosque Picture . Cordoba, Spain
A man complained to al-Hasan Al Basri about a drought,
him •►"Pray to Allaah for forgiveness." Another man complained to him
of poverty and he said to him•► "Pray to Allaah to forgive you."
Another man said to him: "Pray to Allaahto bless me with a child." He
said•►"Pray to Allaah for forgiveness." Another complained to him that
his garden was dry. He said to him•► "Pray to Allaah for forgiveness."
We asked him about his giving the same answer forall problems and he said
•►"This is not my personal opinion, for Allaah says in Soorat Nooh:
۞"Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is ever a Perpetual
Forgiver;He will send [rain from] the sky upon you in [continuing]
showers And give you increase in wealth and children and provide for
you gardens and provide for you rivers." ۞
Tafseer al-Qurtubi, 18/301-302/
/ - - -
A man complained to al-Hasan Al Basri about a drought,
him •►"Pray to Allaah for forgiveness." Another man complained to him
of poverty and he said to him•► "Pray to Allaah to forgive you."
Another man said to him: "Pray to Allaahto bless me with a child." He
said•►"Pray to Allaah for forgiveness." Another complained to him that
his garden was dry. He said to him•► "Pray to Allaah for forgiveness."
We asked him about his giving the same answer forall problems and he said
•►"This is not my personal opinion, for Allaah says in Soorat Nooh:
۞"Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is ever a Perpetual
Forgiver;He will send [rain from] the sky upon you in [continuing]
showers And give you increase in wealth and children and provide for
you gardens and provide for you rivers." ۞
Tafseer al-Qurtubi, 18/301-302/
/ - - -
Too Small to Make a Difference? – Ask a Mosquito
the night with a mosquito." – African proverb.
A mosquito makes a difference in an annoying way, but the principle is
the same. One person can stop a great injustice. One person can be a
voice for truth. One person's kindness can save a life. One person
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Innallaahaa va malaayikathahu, vusalluuna alan nabii'yyee, yaa ayyuhallatheena aamanu, sallu alaihi, va sallimu thasleemaa /
Innallaahaa va malaayikathahu, vusalluuna alan nabii'yyee, yaa
ayyuhallatheena aamanu, sallu alaihi, va sallimu thasleemaa ::/
* Intha aayathai ,palamuraioothi vittu ,thuunginaal
:-> nalla thuukkamum, mana amaithiyum,
adutha naal nalla, Nimmathiyum ALLAHU' vin,kirubaiyinaal kidaikkum !
/alhamdhu lillaah/
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Who Invented Chocolate and Where Does Chocolate Come From?
Chocolate comes from the cacao tree which has been cultivated since
1100 BC in Mexico, Central and South America.
We now know that the Aztecs made chocolate beverages called xocolātl,
which means "bitter water" in Nahuatl. Chocolate was used in Maya and
Aztec royal and religious rituals, and the oldest known cultivation
ofcacao was discovered at a site in Puerto Escondido, Honduras.
Chocolate was an important luxury good throughout the Aztec empire,
and cocoa beans were even used as currencybecause cacao could not
begrown locally.
Eventually, Chocolate drinks were introduced in Europe in the 16th
century,and the Europeans added cane sugar to counteract the natural
bitterness. It was served cold and became very popular in Spain after
the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs.
In the 1800s, chocolate in solid form was invented, and the British
family Fry claims to have marketed the first ever solid chocolate bar
in 1846.
During the Industrial Revolution, mechanical mills were created that
squeezed out cocoa butter, which helped simply mass production of
chocolate. Many people contributed to the modern Chocolate making
process including van Houten, Henri Nestlé, and Daniel Peter who first
used milk powder to createthe first milk chocolate in 1875./
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Over the nutrition hump National Research Centre on Camel is promoting the nutritive value of camel milk, reason enough for local people to change their stance on its sale
With industrialisation further eroding rural livelihoods, promoting
camels by utilising their milk in the marginal drylands of Rajasthan
can go a long way in ensuring food security for desert communities.
The versatile 'ship of the desert', which provides milk, meat, wool
and transportation for the locals – and India's Border Security Force
– has long survived the harsh conditions of its unforgiving habitat.
In fact,if nurtured, the Indian Dromedary camel is one species that
can best sustain itself under changing climatic conditions and growing
water scarcity.
The camel is already an invaluable asset for families like that of
Janav Khan from Sam Village, about 45 km from Jaisalmer. It not only
provides Khan with a livelihood but also offers his family much-needed
nutrition. While he uses the male camel to take tourists for camel
rides, thefemale camel's milk is fed to his two sons and a daughter,
all below 10 years, twice daily. Tightly wrapping a boldly-embroidered
camel wool shawl around himself, which provides protection against the
chilly winds sweeping the dunes, Khan says, "I also have two cowsand
two dozen goats and sheep. We sell goat and cow milk, but camel milk
has always been for home consumption since centuries."
Though camel milk is widely consumed in the villages of the Thar
desert, it is seldom sold due to various religious and socialbeliefs.
Talking to the local camel owners, one discovers that there is a
belief that if camel milk is sold, the camel will die. Jagmal Singh
Raika, 45, from Gadhwala village near Bikaner in northwestern
Rajasthan, adds, "However, we consume the milk in our extended
Jagmal belongs to the Raika community, which have been traditional
camel breeders in India. Heowns 150 camels, of whichabout 25 yield
milk to the tune of 60 litres a day. He is now seriously contemplating
selling the milk in the market.
The Bikaner-based National Research Centre on Camel (NRCC), where
Jagmal has served as an Institute Management Committee member from
2004-2007, has been promoting the nutritive and medicinal properties
ofcamel milk. Rajasthan has atotal population of 4,21,836 camels and
90 per cent of these are foundin the northwestern regionof the State.
As most people here survive on rain-fed agriculture, selling camel
milk and milk products could multiply daily incomes manifold. Today,
the market price forcamel's milk is between Rs 20 and Rs 22 per litre.
But as demand grows, so will income.
At present, camel milk is not consumed by the general public because
of its unavailability and unacceptability in comparison to cow and
buffalo milk, which is also found in abundance here.
But how does camel milk compare with cow, buffalo or goat milk? "Camel
milk has several nutritional advantages. The moisture and protein
content in camel milk is higher than in cow's milk. Also, it has a
comparatively low percentage of total solids and fat and contains a
higher concentration of insulin along with significantly higher values
of trace minerals," informs Dr Gorakh Mal, Senior Scientist, NRCC.
Camel milk is also rich in minerals and contains protective proteins
and enzymes. "Peptidoglycan recognition protein has been detected in
camel milk, but not in cow's milk. This enzyme has broad
anti-microbial activity and has the ability to control the cancer
metastasis. It also has a greater concentration of whey proteins
compared to cow's milk. Consumption oftotal whey proteins in the diet
has been associated with the retardation of chemically induced cancers
in several animal models," adds Dr Gorakh Mal.
Besides, the availability of a relatively higher amount of Vitamin C,
a powerful anti-oxidant in raw camel milk, is of significant relevance
in arid and semi-arid areas. According to researchers at the NRCC,
camel milk exhibits a hypoglycaemic effect whenadministered as an
adjunctive therapy, which could be due to the presence of an
insulin-like protein beneficial for diabetics. It can also be used as
supportive therapyin the treatment of tuberculosis.
For Shankar Rewari, 40, camel breeding has been an ancestral
occupation. A resident of Digri Dhani in Sarada village, 62 kilometres
from Udaipur, he owns 40 camels and sells about 20 litres of milkdaily
to hotels/
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The Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) also said
Salah. The key to Salah is Purification."
• "Namaz is a pillar of Religion. If Namaz is accepted all other deeds
are accepted. If Namaz is rejected then all other Deeds are rejected."
(Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh))
• The Prophet pbuh says that: Salaat is the pillar of deen and the
foundation ofIslam. He who upholds salah has upheld Islam andhe who
leaves salah has left behind religion. (al-baihaqi)/
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Friendship day Greating tips:
yrs.I hope evry yr our frenship bcoms stronger
Friendship is a place where dreams are nurtured, shared, celebrated, a
place where happiness begins
There are no strings attached to a friendship, no bonds to hold or ties tobind.
Friendship stand on its own
With u bside my fren I havcn my world becoming a beautiful place....My
dreams turning into reality/
/ - - -
of these are a consequence and result of His pleasure, whatthen of
this attribute of His pleasure? It is related in a tradition, 'If I
bless, there is no end to my blessing.' What then of the quality from
where this blessing emanated? Pleasure necessitates love, benevolence,
generosity, kindness, pardon, ṣafḥ, forgiveness and mercy.
Juwayriyyah, the mother ofthe believers, may Allāh pleased with her,
related that the Prophet, may Allāhsend peace and blessings upon him,
left her sitting inher place of prayer one morning after having prayed
Fajr. On his return during the forenoon he found her still sitting as
he had left her, he asked
, 'Are you still in the same state as when I left you?' She replied,
'Yes'. The Prophet said, 'I said after leaving you four sentences
three times - if you were toweigh them against what you have said
today up until now, they would outweigh them: Subḥānallāh wa biḥamdihi
'adada khalqihi wa riḍā nafsihi wa zinata 'arshihi wa midāda
kalimātihi'."[ [1]
Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy upon him, provided a commentary
onthese words of remembrance in one of his works, al-Manār al-Munīf
fi'l-Ṣaḥīḥ wa'l-Ḍa'īf [2] He says:
In regards to the multifold excellence of, "How perfect Allāh is and I
praise him by the number of His creation;by the pleasure of His self;
by the weight of His throneand by the ink of His words," over simply
saying,"How perfect Allāh is," a praiser's knowledge of Allāh and the
exaltation and veneration of Him thatoccurs in his heart is far
greater. This is known as intensified remembrance (dhikr muḍā'af) and
is a superior form of praise than simple remembrance (dhikr mufrad),
and as suchthe former is preferred to the latter. This really takes
affect once one has awareness and understanding of these words of
Glorifying Allāh with, 'How perfect Allāh is and I praise him by the
number of His creation' includes both information and instruction. It
comprises of information about the glorification that the Lord
deserves - of the number of each of creation that hasexisted, exists,
and will exist to which there is no end; and it informs of the
exaltation, veneration and sending of praise by this enormous quantity
that cannot be enumerated.
It also embodies an instruction for the slave to glorify One whose
status is of this manner - it does notmean that the glorification the
servant has made is of this level and number but that the servant has
affirmed that the Lord subḥānahu wa ta'ālā is deserving of
glorification that reaches this number, which if could be surpassedby
an even greater numberwould have been mentioned - the continual new
creation that come into existence have no end to their number and
cannot be enumerated by one wishing to put a number to them.
Likewise, the phrase, 'by the pleasure of His self' carries two
considerable points, the first is that the intended meaning is a
glorification that in terms of magnificence and majesty is equivalent
to the pleasure of His own self, similar to the first phrase showing
the glorification equivalent to the number of creation. No doubt that
the pleasure of Allāh's self is a matter that has no end in terms of
magnificence and description. Glorification is a praise of Him
subḥānahu embodying veneration andexaltation. If the descriptions of
his perfection and the qualitiesof his greatness have no end or
limitation but are instead far superior and imposing, praising Him in
this manner would be likewise (superior) as it is follows suit both in
an informative and instructivemanner. This meaning is harmonious to
the first part without any disagreement.
If His benevolence, reward, blessing and goodness has no end when all
of these are a consequence and result of His pleasure, whatthen of
this attribute of His pleasure? It is related in a tradition, 'If I
bless, there is no end to my blessing.' What then of the quality from
where this blessing emanated? Pleasure necessitates love, benevolence,
generosity, kindness, pardon, ṣafḥ, forgiveness and mercy. Creation
necessitates knowledge, ability, intention, life and wisdom. All of
these are encompassed by the pleasure of His self and the quality of
Him being a creator/
/ - - -
Narrated Usamah ibn Sharik:
I came to the Prophet (peace_be_upon_ him) and his Companions were
sitting as if they had birds on their heads. I saluted and sat down.
The desert Arabs then came from here and there. They asked: Apostle of
Allah, should we make use of medical treatment? He replied: Make use
of medical treatment, for Allah has not made a disease without
appointinga remedy for it, with the exception of one disease, namely
old age.
{ Dawud Book 28 : Hadith 3846}/
/ - - -
"Then as for him who will be given his Record in his right hand, he
surely, will receive an easy reckoning."(84:7-8) meaning, easy without
any difficulty.
This means that he will NOT be investigated for all the minute details
of his deeds. BUT verily, whoever is reckoned like that
(investigated), he will certainly be destroyed. Imam Ahmad recorded
from `A'ishah that the Messenger of Allah (sallAllahu 'alyhi wasallam)
«مَنْ نُوقِشَ الْحِسَابَ عُذِّب»
"Whoever is interrogated during the reckoning, then he will be
punished." `A'ishah then said, "But didn't Allah say,
فَسَوْفَ يُحَاسَبُ حِسَاباً يَسِيراً
"He surely will receive an easy reckoning." '' The Prophet replied,
"That is not during to the Reckoning, rather it is referring to the
presentation. Whoever is interrogated during the Reckoning on the Day
of Judgement, then he will bepunished."
(This Hadith has also been recorded by Al-Bukhari, Muslim,
At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa'i and Ibn Jarir)
May Allah forgive our sins and bless us all with an easy reckoning/
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When someone makes his wudhu' at home and walksto the mosque with the intention of discharging an obligation to Allah, then each [alternate] step cancels a sin while the other one adds to his virtues."
Related by Muslim/