''Allah is Sufficient for us'' + '' All praise is due to Allah. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' (Aameen) | | |
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Saturday, March 31, 2012
Dua dua ; ;Yaa Allahu conceal my secrets and preserve me from anguish. Yaa Allahu&;, GUARD me from what is in front of meand behindme,from my left, and from my right, and from above me. Iseek refuge in Your Greatness from being struck down from beneathme! /ameen ameen, yaa rabbal aalameen/
Islam - muslims must do
follow the teachings of QURAN.
The best work that a man can do is not a -Doctrate,Engin
eering,CA,law,e tc... but DAWAH(inviting non-muslims towards ISLAM)
and follow the teachings of Quran/
HEALTH - Cholestral affect eye
White rims around the cornea of the eyes are a sign of cholesterol
buildup, though they don't necessarily indicate a heart problem.
However, visible fatty lumps of cholesterol under the skin on the
eyelids may predict future heart issues, according to a study
published in the British journal BMJ. Researchers looked at 12,745
adults in Denmark and found a strong link between these lumps and
heart disease or a heart attack five years later/
Health benifits of Grean Tea
1. Green tea has high levelsof antioxidants. It contains polyphenols,
tannins, phenols and flavanoid compounds, the amino acidtheanine and
catechins of which epigallocatechi n gallate or EGCG seems to bethe
most beneficial. This EGCG is a powerful antioxidant that is said to
be twice as effective as resveratol present in red wine which
effectively protects your body cells and helps you to get rid of
malignant or cancer cells without harming the rest of the healthy
tissues in the body.
2. The presence of EGCG in green tea helps to prevent abnormal
formation of blood clots in wounds (known as thrombosis) that can lead
to heart attack and stroke.
3. Green tea reduces the bad cholesterol and increases the good
cholesterol count in your body. It acts as a glucose regulator and
helps to slowthe rise in blood sugar after meals.
4. Green tea increases your metabolism and fat oxidation process which
is essential for weight loss. Drink 3-5 cups of green teaper day on a
regular basis and it will help you to reduce your weight by 70
calories per day.
5. Green tea has the ability to destroy bacteria and hence prevents tooth decay.
6. It cleanses out toxins from your body and improves your health.
7. Green tea relieves you ofskin problems such as wrinkles and
blemishes. It is a good remedy for skin related diseases such as acne,
psoriasis and rosacea,etc.
8. Green tea boost memorypower and helps to prevent diseases such as
9. It lowers the risk of diseases such as arthritis.
10. It can help you to relax from stress and anxiety.
11. Drinking green tea will help you get rid of cold andflu faster
since it contains vitamin C.
12. It improves your immune system.
13. It is beneficial to peoplesuffering from severe asthma problem.
Green teahelps to reduce the intensity and severity by relaxing the
14. Green tea is rich in fluoride which helps to make your bone stronger/
With the mercy of our Creator'
"… I pondered over those whom Allah `azza wa jall has chosen for His
governance and those whom He has drawn close to Him. We have indeed
heard of their description and seen those whom we deem to be from
amongst them.
Thus I found that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala does not choose except
someone who is complete in his form without any fault in his way and
no shortcomings therein. So you see him possessing a good countenance,
is of proportionate posture, freefrom defects in his body, complete in
his inner self , generous , charitable , and intelligent . He is not
an imposter nor is he someone who deceives and betrays . He does not
possess hatred or envy and there aren't in him anyof these internal
flaws .
This is someone who (Allah) has raised from his infancy . So you'll
see him in childhood retreating from the other children as if he were
a shaykh (scholar) amongst them. Heis far removed from all ills and
vices, and he fears shortcomings. The tree of his high aspirations
continues to grow until he sees its fruits hanging overthe branches of
other youth. For he is passionate in (seeking) knowledge , preoccupied
with deeds , guarding and looking after his time , hastening to
seekout fadha'il (virtue) and in constant fear of falling short .
And if you only could see how the Guidance of Allah and Divine
Inspiration havesurrounded him, you would see how Allah takes him by
the hand when he trips , and prevents him from error when his soul
calls him to it, and He utilises him in all that's good and conceals
his deeds from him such that he does not even see any good from
himself ."
- 'Sayd al-Khatir' by Ibn al-Jawzi, pg. 441/
An advise
It does not stop once you step off your prayer rug. Worshiping Allah
takes place during every second of every day, no matter where you are/
April fool tips
happy,prosperous and joyful Fool Day to the Kingof Fools.
Plz go to create message Then open T9 ON DICTIONARY OPTION Then type
this number and see the magic 277451366514612382623
This is MAGIC.Press down six times,You can See
yourPHOTO123456Congrats!You are the First April Fool ofYear 2011!
You are Equal to Sixty James Bond!..How?..007*60=420
A Day Will Come When D Whole World Will Celebrate Ur Name,Ur Fame,Ur
Thoughts,Ur Ideas,But U Have2Wait For11days Till Ur Birthday;April 1st
Yar ma na suna ha k 32 march ko minar pakistan gira rhay hain....Magar
yar 32 march to hota hi nai. Happy April fool day.
If a baby is born in AFRICA,what will be the colour of the babies
teeth?? ?...you fool.!a new born baby don't have teeth.
Good News My ENGAGEMENT is fixed Its after 23 days.surprised ha ha
After 23 days is 1st April.U r d 1st FOOL in this year.
BeautiFool,WonderFool,andColorFool,Amongst all Fools,Happy Fools Day 2011.
U r 20% Fantastic,U r 20% Attractive,U r 20% Loveable,U r 20%
Terific,U r 20% Understandable, Inshort You are 100% F.A.L.T.U
Thank Allahu'
small and large demonstrations of your kindness. For now forget your
kindness and your love. Let me raise with you this note of thanks.
Thank Allah ... receive with joy all these examples of your kindness
.. and I also enjoy not only want to share with others. Today I do
notwant to contaminate the lives of others with lamentations and
complaints, I want to take note of thanks that have solonged to hear.
la illah illallah mohammed rasul allah
washshrike wal Maase Koolleha Aslamtowa Amanto waakoolo La Illah Illah
Laho Mohammed-ur-Ras ul Allahu/
Good Morning
Iwas still in bed With my eyes closed tight. Have a nice day!
Beneficent, the Merciful.
Allah! There is no God but He,
the Living, the Self-subsisting , the Eternal.
No slumber can seize Him, nor sleep.
All things in heaven and earth are His.
Who could intercede in His presence without His permission?
He knows what appears in front of and behind His creatures.
Nor can they encompass any knowledge of Him except what he wills.
His throne extends over the heavens and the earth,
and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them,
for He is the Highest and Most Exalted.
(Al Baqara: 255)
Friday, March 30, 2012
Quran n Hadees
1.QURAN [30:29] - The wrong-doers
follow their desires without any
knowledge. Who, then, canshow the
way to him whom Allah lets go astray?
Such shall have no helpers.
2. QURAN (72:18) "mosques belong to Allah, so do not invoke anyone with Him".
3. (Sahih Bukhari Volume 001,Book 003, Hadith Number 075) Narated By
Ibn 'Abbas: Once the Prophet embraced me and said, "O Allah! Bestow on
him the knowledge of the Book (Qur'an)."
4. Sahih Bukhari Volume 008, Book 073, Hadith Number 137 Narated By
Abu Huraira : A man said to the Prophet , "Advise me! "The Prophet
said, "Do not become angry and furious."The man asked (the same) again
and again, and the Prophet said in each case,"Do not become angry and
6. "...Neither backbite one another.
Would one of you like to eat the
flesh of his dead brother? You
would hate it [so hate backbiting]
" (Surah Hujurat, 49:12)
Over use cell - Danger
avoid using the RIGHT EAR , as that makes our brain more prone to
mobile radiation. This was found out by a latest research from Apollo
Medical Team
April fool Tips
is worth million dollars... So,if u dont mind.... Can I sell you??
2. 31st March Or 1st april Fool is Fool dosnt matter. Wishing very
happy, prosperous and joyful FoolDay to the King of Fools/
3. Hi, Doing nothing? Then Make a Place, 4 Me in ur Heart!! I May come
there any time! Urs Faithfully, Heart attacK?
Year After Year
Something interesting I came across…
In Surah al-'Ankabut, Allah `azza wa jall describes the length of time
that Prophet Nuh (`alayhisalam)spent with his people. But what do you
notice about the verse?
وَلَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا نُوحًا إِلَىٰ قَوْمِهِ فَلَبِثَ فِيهِمْ أَلْفَ
سَنَةٍ إِلَّا خَمْسِينَ عَامًا فَأَخَذَهُمُ الطُّوفَانُ وَهُمْ
"And certainly We sent Noah to his people, and he remained among them
a thousand years minus fifty years …" [al-'Ankabut: 14]
In the English translation, you can't really notice anything, but if
you look atthe Arabic, there are actually 2 different words being used
"… A thousand years ( sana ) minus fifty years (' aam )"
Hmm, but hold on… don't the words sana (سنة) and ' aam (عام) both mean 'year'?
Yes, they do. But usually in the Qur'an, when 2 synonyms (words of the
same/similar meaning) appear in the same sentence, there is normally a
key difference being highlighted between them.
So what is the difference between sana and ' aam ?
Well, there are various explanations, but one interesting view is that
sana generally indicates a year of difficulty, hard work and hardship
whereas ' aam usually indicates a year of ease and goodness or
blessing .
This is why in Surah Yusuf, when Prophet Yusuf (`alayhisalam) talks
about the interpretation for the King's dream, he says:
قَالَ تَزْرَعُونَ سَبْعَسِنِينَ دَأَبًا
مَّ يَأْتِي مِن بَعْدِ ذَٰلِكَ سَبْعٌ شِدَادٌ
"… You will plant for seven years ( sinin – plural of sana) consecutively…"
"Then will come after that seven difficult [years]" [verses: 47-48]
The meaning carries on with the word: sana/sinin - indicating years of
hard work in planting and sowing, followed by years of hardship and
lack of crops etc
But then he says:
ثُمَّ يَأْتِي مِن بَعْدِ ذَٰلِكَ عَامٌ فِيهِ يُغَاثُ النَّاسُ وَفِيهِيَعْصِرُونَ
"Then will come after that a year (' aam ) in which the people will be
given rain and in which they will press [olives and grapes]." [verse:
And this was the year (' aam ) of ease, rainfall and growth of
crops/blessings after the previous difficult years of lessened crops
It also says in Surah al-A'raf:
وَلَقَدْ أَخَذْنَا آلَ فِرْعَوْنَ بِالسِّنِينَ وَنَقْصٍ مِّنَ
الثَّمَرَاتِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَذَّكَّرُونَ
"And We certainly seized the people of Pharaoh withyears ( sinin ) of
famine and a deficiency in fruits that perhaps they would be
reminded." [al-A'raf: 130]
How interesting!
Subhan'Allah, now if we come back to the verse about Nuh
(`alayhisalam), we then realise what this great Messenger of Allah
went through with his people such that Allah `azza wa jall describes
his lifespan as being a thousand years ( sana) – indicating toil and
hardshipwith his people, minus only fifty years (' aam) – indicating a
short period ofrelative ease and blessing.
Now, what do you guys say…
Kull 'aam wa anta bi-khayr
Kull sana wa anta tayyib?
(By the way, this is just oneexplanation of several; some say that the
difference is in whether one is speaking about the year in terms of
days or months, and others put thedifference down to lunar/solar year,
but this viewpoint I mentioned was the most interesting masha'Allahu'!
M. NajimudeeN. Bsc :-: INDIA |-:-|: About CANCER
::-> Be patient. Allah has a plan for you!
Helth tips
Please read this and advise your friends and family! You may save others'
Incident One: A little boy died because surgeons found ants in his brain!
Apparently this boy fell asleep with some sweets inhis mouth or with
some sweet stuff beside him.
Ants soon got to him and some ants in fact crawled into his ear which
somehow managed to go to his brain. When he wokeup, he did not realize
that ants had gone to his head.
After that, he constantly complained about itchinessaround his face.
His motherbrought him to a doctor, but the doctor could not figure out
what was wrongwith him. He took an X-ray of the boy and to his horror;
he found a group oflive ants in his skull. Since the ants were still
alive, thedoctor could not operate on him because the ants were
constantly moving around. The boy finally died. So please be careful
when leaving food stuff near your bed or when eating in bed. This
might attract ants. Most importantly,
NEVER you or your child eatsweets before going to bed. You or your
child might attract ants while you are asleep.
Incident Two: Another similar incident happened in a hospital in Taiwan .
This man was warded in the hospital and was constantly warned by the
nurses not to leave food stuff by his bedside because there were ants
about. He did not heed their advice. Ants finally got to him. His
family members said that the man constantly complained about
headaches. He died and a postmortem or autopsy was done on him.
Doctors found a group of live ants in his head. Apparently, theants
had been eating bits of his brain. So friends, better be safe than
sorry. Never leave food stuff beside your bed you when you go to
About d water thing,it is advisable to drink a glass of water before
goin 2 sleep as it reduces d chances of heart attack at night/
A letter
Moon Sighting Update
Assalaamu Alaikum,
Respected Ulaama and Brothers,
The Moon to commence the month of Jumaadal Uulaa was looked for after
Maghrib of Friday 23rd March 2012. Information from all the relevant
Moonsighting Committees within the Region indicated that themoon was
not sighted.
The Darul Uloom Moonsighting Committeehas therefore declared that the
the moon to commence the month of Jumaadal Uulaa was not seen.
Therefore the month of Rabiiul Aakhir 1433 AH would complete 30 days.
The first night of Jumaadal Uulaa will be the night of Saturday 24th
March 2012 and the 1st Day would be the dayof Sunday 25th March 2012/
Read at once
time we ask about him then he is near, the one from whom we came, the
one on whom we rely for sustenance in this life, and the one to whom
we are returning, please:
1) make our baby be a righteous, healthy person, one who lives life
aware of and following Islam inwardly and outwardly via the example of
ProphetMuhammad (sallAllahu alyhi wasallam)
2) and acts justly and respectfully toward others.
3) that his heart is filled with love for Allah and His book, with its
memorization and its commitment to his mind body and soul; and that
hisheart is filled compassion for others, and filled with love for
learning, wisdom, reason and making this world a better place
4) That he grows into a skilled, mature and wise person, one that does
not forget his purpose in life, does not forget where he isgoing, and
does not forget that Allah is watching him at all times and in all
5) that he is not distracted by the sophisticated distractions of this
world, and that he lives with purpose, high aims and noble lawful
6) that his parents provide him with necessary emotional intellectual
and material resources so he's able to explore, investigate, learn,
conquer, love and pierce any and all unnatural limits imposed on him
7) that he loves his family, that his family loves him, and that his
family supports him, and that he does not forget his family
8) that he resemble the prophet Muhammad's character: personable,
reasonable, sagacious, confident, loving and honest, forthright,
stern, bold with courage when necessary, and kind and generous at all
other times
9) that he prays for us like we pray for him
10) and any other request that reflects the goodness we want from
ourselves and others
Good Morning
Good Morning!
Dikr hints
:-> for u , some dikr's givenbelow :
1. Subahanallaah
2. Alhamdhu lillaah
3. Allaahu akbar;
1.Yaa arhamar raahi meena, irham naar,
2. Laa hawla walaa kuvvatha, illaa billaah,
3. Yaa allaahu' yaa rahmaanu, yaa raheem, Yaa arhamar raahi meen ;
* after complete dikr, say salawath/<alhamdhu lillaah="">
:-* dikr' seivathu, ALLAHU'vukkum Vungalukkum idaiyaey, Nerukkathai
yaer paduthu hirathu/
ALLAHU'thah'laa, dikr' seivathai mihavum Virumbu hiraan'. ithan muulam
ALLAHU', neengal Avanidam, kaeylkum vungal, koorik kaihalai, Nirai
vaeytri tharu hiraan'/<alhamdhu lillaah="">
kul' : yendru aarambikkum,4.surak kalai, thinamum Oothi Vaarungal.
Athan muulam, Viyakka thakka palanai adaiyungal/<alhamdhu lillaah>
Recitate Dikr on Fridays
Bismillah' Assalamu Alaikum! ♥ The Prophet S.A.W said Allah will give shade to seven types of people under His Shade on the Dayof Resurrection. One of them will be a person who remembers Allah and his eyes are then flooded with tears.♥ [Reported by B
Thursday, March 29, 2012
A new commer to Islam's Dought!
as to the different groups of Islam. I have been converted in England
as a Sunni.I understand Sunni but since being here I see that there
are so many different groups and I am not sure how to go about finding
a jamaat that is Sunni. Please can you shed some light on this and
maybe help me in learning more about Islam. My family are all Hindus
and Christians so I cannot seek their advice.
Answer: You would find many people and groups claiming to be Sunni and
also saying that they are from the ahlus sunnah, but their actions are
far away from the teachings of the Prophet (s.a.s). The way to
recognise anyone is through their actions. Upon this, you will be able
to know who are the true followers of the Prophet (s.a.s) and who
arenot. In some jamaats, although the Muslims know themselves to be
Sunni Muslims, due to the lack of knowledge and also their
unwillingness to change, you will find that they are practicing
certain things which amount to innovations. There are others who
really do not pay attention todeviant groups and their teachings, they
simply know that they are Muslims and they leave it as that. In many
cases, there are those who simply follow what they have seen and
learnt from others, thinking it to be the correct thing, although they
are wrong. In this way, you will find many Muslims doing different
things, yet, thinking to themselvesthat they are correct.
My advice to you is that you try to learn as much as possible from
authentic scholars about Islam. The Darul Uloom in Trinidad conducts
many classes, you can attend any of these classes. As for the
different Masjids, I know that in our areas like Munroe Road and
Warenville Jama Masjid in Cunupia, the teachings are in accordance to
the creed of the ahlus sunnah, you are welcome tothese Masjids.
And Allah knows best/
Good Night
Beautiful Things In Your Life And Surrender Yourself To GOOD NIGHT
2. DREAMS Are Like STARS,You May Never Touch THEM But If You
FollowTHEM THEY Will LEAD You To Your DESTINY Good Night
Ged Allahu's mercy
to Allah ❤,
because while the creation can comfort me,
❤:: Only Allah can heal me, guide me, and save me ::❤:
2. Allah will grant you a way out of every difficulty. Just make sure
He is your main concern, no matter what/
M. NajimudeeN. Bsc :-: INDIA |-:-|: ''In the name of Allah the Merciful the Beneficent'' Without doubt, the information that is published on this site will not be a word-to-word account of his talks, but Allah willing, it will give the viewers a good insight and some nourishment for th
::-> Be patient. Allah has a plan for you!
''In the name of Allah the Merciful the Beneficent'' Without doubt, the information that is published on this site will not be a word-to-word account of his talks, but Allah willing, it will give the viewers a good insight and some nourishment for th
While Umar bin Al-Khattab was standing and delivering the sermon on a
Friday, one of the companions of the Prophet, who was one of the
foremost Muhajirs (emigrants) came. 'Umar said to him, "What is the
time now?" He replied, "I was busy and could not go back to my house
till I heard the Adhan. I did not perform more than the ablution."
Thereupon 'Umar said to him, "Did youperform only the ablution
although you know that Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) used to order us to
take a bath (on Fridays)?"
(Bukhari Hadith [2:3]
Good Evening
When in any difficult
... اللَّهُمَّ رَحْمَتَكَ أَرْجُو فَلَا تَكِلْنِي إِلَى نَفْسِي
طَرْفَةَ عَيْنٍ وَأَصْلِحْ شَأْنِي كُلَّهُ لَاإِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ
"O Allah, I hope for Your mercy, do not leave me for even the duration
of an eye blink (duration) and correct my total condition. Besides You
there is none worthy of worship".
(Hisnul Hasin)
Alternate dua
حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ
"Allah is sufficient for us and He is the Best Guardian".
(Quran, Surah Al-Imraan)
Alternatively recite
اللَّهُ اللَّهُ رَبِّي لَا أُشْرِكُ بِهِ شَيْئَاً
"Allah is my Lord, I do not ascribe anything unto Him".
(Hisnul Hasin from Abu Dawood)
or recite
يَا حَيُّ يَا قَيُّومُ بِرَحْمَتِكَ أَسْتَغِيثُ
"O Alive and everlasting One, I beseech You by Yourmercy".
(Mustadrak Hakim)
لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنْتُ مِنَالظَّالِمِي نَ
"O Allah, there is none worthy of worship besides You. You are Pure,
definitely I have oppressed my soul by sinning".
The Qur'an states that these words were recited when Yunus (A.S.)
called upon Allah from the belly of the fish. Prophet Mohammad
(S.A.W.) stated in a hadith that when any Muslim makes this dua via
these words to Allah, then Allah surely accepts his duas.
(Tirmidhi etc)
It is stated in a hadith that
لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللَّهِ
is the medicine for 99 ailments, the least of whichis depression.
(Baihaqi in Dawatul Kubra)
It means that these words are so beneficial and usefulthat big/great
grievances, depression and sorrow are easily removed in its stride.
Abdullah bin Abbas (R.A.) narrates that Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.)
stated that if a person constantly makes "Astaghfar", then Allah
removes every difficulty, frees him from every sorrow and makes a
means for him to receive sustencance from places that he never thought
Wama kana istighfaruibrah eema li-abeehi illa AAan mawAAidatin
waAAadahaiyyahu falamma tabayyana lahu annahu AAaduwwun
lillahitabarraa minhu inna ibraheema laawwahun haleemun
ENGLISH Translation – Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali, Ph.D. & Dr.
Muhammad Muhsin Khan
[9:114] And [Ibrahim's (Abraham)] invoking (of Allah) for his father's
forgiveness was only because of a promise he [Ibrahim (Abraham)] had
made to him (his father). But when it became clear to him [Ibrahim
(Abraham)]that he (his father) is an enemy to Allah, he dissociated
himself from him. Verily Ibrahim (Abraham) was Al-Awwah (has fifteen
different meanings but the correct one seems to be that he used to
invoke Allah with humility, glorify Him and remember Him much), and
was forbearing.(Tafsir Al-Qurtubi).
(The prayer of Abraham forthe forgiveness of his father was only
because of a promise he had promisedhim) that he would surrender, (but
when it hadbecome clear unto him that he (his father) was an enemy to
Allah) that he had died an unbeliever (he (Abraham) disowned him) and
his religion. (Lo! Abraham was soft of heart)in the face of ignorance,
(long-suffering )compassionate; it is also said that Abraham used to
complain about fire even before being thrown in it/
For what to marrie a lady
You can marry a woman for her wealth but money will perish.
You can marry a woman for her beauty but beauty will fade away .
You can marry a woman for her power but power will be gone.
But if you marry a pious righteous woman who fears Allah She will
honor you, will be affectionate with you and help you to get closer to
ALLAH Your love story will last forever.
It will begin in this life and will continue in the hereafter
In'sha'Allah Her love for you will be your Jannah in Dunya and her
satisfaction will be your key to Jannah in Akhirah ♥
Islam Is The Only Key To Victory. "O people, Surely we have created you from a male and female, and made you tribes and families that youmight know one another. Indeed, the noblest of you with Allah ishe who is bestin conduct." [Qur’an, 49:13]
Please forgive me. You gave me a beautiful life. You
always save my life.
Whatever so many sins in my self. Please forgive
me Ya ALLAH <asthah firullaahal aleem>/<ameen>
Begin at the beginning... and go on till you come to the end: then stop.
"Look at the one who is at a lower level than you, anddo not look at
the one whois above you, for that may keep you from scorning
theblessing of Allaah."
Narrated by al-Bukhaari (6490) and Muslim (2963)
Ask Allahu' - He will help You?
trusting in Him, he WILL guide you. If you approach Him with humility
and faith and ask Him for help, He WILL help you. "And your Lord says:
"Call on Me; I will answer you." (Quran 40:60). I personally have
experienced this in my life again and again. Allah is real and
miracles do happen.
I remember one time whenI was deeply confused about something that
mattered very much to me.I prayed to Allah late at night, and began
crying. After my prayer, I laid down right there on the musalla
(prayer rug), and fell asleep, and BAM, here comes one of the most
powerful dreams I have ever had, with a very clear answer to my
problem. Then the next night I'm outside and feeling some doubts
again, and all of a sudden I see a tremendous meteor go flaming across
the sky right in front of me.I was amazed and I laughed out loud
because Allah could not have made it any clearer.
I'm not promising you a dream and a meteor (smile). But Allah's
promise is true. He WILL answer you, maybe in ways that you see
clearly, or in ways that you don't. The answer might be to protect you
from harm, or to give you something better than what you requested. Or
theanswer might only be a feeling of faith and tranquility in your
heart that allows you to move forward confidently. He WILL help you/
lives. Itquenches the thirst of our souls. Don't deprive yourself/
Are U like
.... when will we startwearing hijab ? Make an intention for it now
for the sake of Allah alone. If anything, wear it for the next few
days and see howyou feel. If you do something for Allah, you will see
its fruits.
Lets stop worrying what others think and start worrying about what
Allah commands.
And brothers....... lets encourage our sisters, wives,daughters to
start wearing hijab (and jilbab) inshAllah!
★ Feel free to Tag and Share/
Health - by use Nature
Brahmi Herb plant
The Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) plant, which derives its name from Lord Brahma, has been in use for almost 3,000 years. Ayurveda practitioners claim that Brahmi has dozens of medicinal properties ranging from fighting bronchitis to asthma, and from boostingthe intelligence to maintaining the cholesterollevels.The curative list of Brahmi is far more than this. This implies that Brahmi is indeed a divine herb with unparalleled medicinal properties.
Brahmi is perhaps the mostimportant nervine herb used in Ayurvedic medicine. It revitalizes the brain cells, removes toxins and blockages within the nervous system, and at the same time has a nurturing effect upon the mind. It improves memory and aidsin concentration. A small amount of the fresh leaves is eaten daily for its rejuvenating effect upon the mind. Brahmi helps awaken the crown chakra and balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain. It calms the heart and guards against heart attack.
Of late, Brahmi has been commercialized with several drug and cosmetic companies launching a number of products. Brahmi hair oil and Brahmi chyavanprash have become quite popular withwomen and students.
The entire Brahmi plant goes into Ayurveda and Unani formulations. The plant is dried in shade and then powdered for use in herbal formulations. Extracts are also obtained from the fresh plant. The leaves are bitter to taste.
Though recent research studies have shown that Brahmi is absolutely safe asa medicinal herb, doctors often caution against its over consumption. An overdose of Brahmi formulation or its fresh extract creates health complications. Fatigue and headache are the common symptoms of Brahmi over intake of Brahmi.
Otherwise, besides being a major brain tonic, Brahmi has been found to be good in treating health problemslike epilepsy, heart diseases, hair loss, ulcers and diarrhea.
It helps in improving mental performance and increasing concentration level as well as learning capacity.
It is good for patients suffering from insomnia.
It helps in relieving stress and keeps the patients relaxed.
Brahmi helps in decreasing anxiety and mental fatigueand promotes freshness in your mind.
It is also very effective in depression .
It helps in maintaining lowering blood pressure tothe normal level.
It is very useful in maintaining normal body temperature thus relieving body from hyperthermia and fevers.
It is also very effective in treating menstrual disorders and painful menses.
Brahmi is also useful in cough and cold related problem.
It is used to attain long life while having energy just like a youth. Brahmi works as an antioxidant and retards aging thus keeps the person young and youthful.
Application of paste of its juice on joints in Amavata, effectively reduces the pain.
Brahmi juice is considered to be the best natural remedy for those suffering from bouts of epileptic fits,.
Brahmi oil promotes hair growth, and keep the scalpfree of fungal infections like dandruff.
Application of paste of its juice on wounds helps in quick healing.
Herbal decoction prepared from Aswagandha and Brahmi gives quick relief from nagging headaches caused by migraine/
::-> Be patient. Allah has a plan for you!
M. NajimudeeN. Bsc :-: INDIA |-:-|: It is a realisum. Every one should follow in their...
::-> Be patient. Allah has a plan for you!
The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “Look at the one who is at a lower level than you, anddo not look at the one whois above you, for that may keep you from scorning theblessing of Allaah.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (6490) and Muslim (2963)
Islam hadis
Al-'Awâm b. Hawshab (148H) – RahimahuAllâh– said: "I once came to an
area in one part of which was a graveyard. After 'asr, one of the
graves split open and a man with the head of a donkey and the body of
a human came up from it and brayed three times, after which the grave
closed back up on him. I then saw an old woman weaving fleece or wool,
and a woman said, "Do you see that old woman?" I said, "What about
her?" She replied, "That is the mother of this [dead] man."
I went to her & asked, "What was his story?" She replied, "He used to
drink wine, and whenever he would go out his mother would say, 'O my
son, fear Allâh; until when will you keep drinking wine?' He would
(always) reply, 'You bray like a donkey.'" The woman said, "He then
died after 'asr, so every day after 'asr the grave opens up and he
brays a few times, then the grave closes up on him again."
Al-Hâfidh Abul-Qâsim Al-Asbahânî, Al-Targhîb wa Al-Tarhîb article 471.
Shaykh Nâsir Al-Dîn Al-Albânî graded this narration hasan in his
edition of Al-Mundhirî's Al-Targhîb wa Al-Tarhîb. See Sahîh Al-Targhîb
wa Al-Tarhîb hadîth 2517.
Al-Mundhirî quotes Al-Asbahânî as saying:
This [story] was narrated by Abul-'Abbâs Al-Asam in a dictation at
Naysâbûr, in the presence of great preservers [of traditions] and
people of knowledge, and they did not reject it.
-May Allah protect us from sins and the punishment ofthe grave! Ameeen!-
Welcome § Assalamu Alaikum
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty! : Good Night...
Afect our eye ?
Obsessed with SMS? It's going to give you more than just a long phone bill.
The latest in a list of cyber ailments hitting the techno-savvy frat
is a 'pain in the neck', pun intended of course. It's called the
'texter's neck'. This new affliction
is hitting an increasing number of gadget addicts who suffer neck pain
from spending too much time hunched over their phones and computers/
بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Bestowerof Mercy
2: Surah: 1, Ayah: 2
الْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds,
3: Surah: 1, Ayah: 3
الرَّحْمـنِ الرَّحِيمِ the Merciful, the Most Merciful,
4: Surah: 1, Ayah: 4
مَـالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ Owner of the Day of Recompense.
5: Surah: 1, Ayah: 5
إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ You (alone) we worship; and You (alone) we rely forhelp.
6: Surah: 1, Ayah: 6
اهدِنَــــا الصِّرَاطَ المُستَقِيمَ Guide us to the Straight Path,
7: Surah: 1, Ayah: 7
صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنعَمتَ عَلَيهِمْ غَيرِ المَغضُوبِ عَلَيهِمْ وَلاَ الضَّالِّينَ the Path of those upon whom You have favored, not those upon whom is the anger, nor the astray. (Amen - please answer)
::-> Be patient. Allah has a plan for you!
Asking furgiveness
Question: If someone commits a sin and repents, is it wrong to continuously ask for forgiveness of that specific sin?
Answer: No, it is not wrong to continue to ask forgiveness for the same sin. In fact, it is recommended to always ask Allahto forgive that sin and all other sins, since no one knows if his repentance was accepted.
And Allah knows best/
Question: I have recently been converted to Islam. I am a bit confused as to the different groups of Islam. I have been converted in England as a Sunni.I understand Sunni but since being here I see that there are so many different groups and I am not sure how to go about finding a jamaat that is Sunni. Please can you shed some light on this and maybe help me in learning more about Islam. My family are all Hindus and Christians so I cannot seek their advice.
Answer: You would find many people and groups claiming to be Sunni and also saying that they are from the ahlus sunnah, but their actions are far away from the teachings of the Prophet (s.a.s). The way to recognise anyone is through their actions. Upon this, you will be able to know who are the true followers of the Prophet (s.a.s) and who arenot. In some jamaats, although the Muslims know themselves to be Sunni Muslims, due to the lack of knowledge and also their unwillingness to change, you will find that they are practicing certain things which amount to innovations. There are others who really do not pay attention todeviant groups and their teachings, they simply know that they are Muslims and they leave it as that. In many cases, there are those who simply follow what they have seen and learnt from others, thinking it to be the correct thing, although they are wrong. In this way, you will find many Muslims doing different things, yet, thinking to themselvesthat they are correct.
My advice to you is that you try to learn as much as possible from authentic scholars about Islam. The Darul Uloom in Trinidad conducts many classes, you can attend any of these classes. As for the different Masjids, I know that in our areas like Munroe Road and Warenville Jama Masjid in Cunupia, the teachings are in accordance to the creed of the ahlus sunnah, you are welcome tothese Masjids/
And Allah knows best.::-> Be patient. Allah has a plan for you!
Fwd: Tomoto's medical purpose
From: "M.Najimudeen.Bsc" <aydnajimudeen@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 15:58:16 +0530
Subject: Tomoto's medical purpose
To: braun693glitch@m.facebook.com, aydnajimudeen.609303enmayd@blogger.com
12 Natural Home Remediesusing Tomato
The tomato is truly an amazing fruit. It is known to have many health
benefits such as reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, lower high
blood pressure,
and reduce cancer. Tomato has high nutritional content. Tomato has a
good source of calcium andiron. It also contains some minerals such as
phosphorus, sulphur and potassium needed in our body. As many would
know, tomato is rich in Vitamin C. However, many would not know that
the Vitamin C increases as the fruit ripens. Tomato also has some
amounts of Vitamins A and B. Besides its health benefits and
nutritional value, tomatoesare used as home remediesfor minor
1) Diarrhea
If you're having diarrhea, try drinking the juice madeby stirring the
tomato paste from a dozen dried slices of tomato into a cup of water.
2) Bloodshot eyes
To relieve bloodshot eyes, eat 1 or 2 fresh tomatoes first thing in
the morning on an empty stomach.
3) Face Peels
Tomato is excellent for purifying and rejuvenating your skin. Rub off
the top layer of dead skin cells with the gentle help of tomatoes. Rub
tomato slices directly onto your clean skin, focusing on areas with
lots of blackheads. Tomatoes contain Vitamin C which has healing
powers, and anacid which eliminates deadskin and unclogs pores, making
skin soft and radiant.
4) Acne Scars
Slice up a tomato and placeit on your face. Tomatoes are rich in
Vitamin A that prevents overproduction ofsebum that causes acne.
Vitamin A also has antioxidant chracteristics that refreshes and
renews scarred and damaged skin.
5) Dark circles under the eyes
Make a paste using 1 tsp tomato juice, 1/2 tsp lemon juice, a pinch of
tumeric powder and a pinch of gram flour. Keep the paste under your
eyes for 10 minutes. Dark circles will disappear after several
6) Sunburn
Soak peeled tomato slices in buttermilk before applying them directly
on your sunburnt skin. The acidity closes up the pores and soothing
agents present in tomatoes will relieve the pain.
7) Eczema
If you have a skin problem such as eczema and skin sensitivity to
sunlight, try drinking tomato juice everyday. You will begin tosee the
difference after a few weeks.
8) Wounds and sores
Tribal medicine men often prescribed potions made from the leaves of
wild tomatoes to heal wounds and sores. Take a slice of fresh tomato
and place it on the wound. The infection will normally clear within
2-3 days.
9) Mouth ulcers
If you have mouth ulcers, gargle tomato juice 3-4 times a day.
10) Anemia
If you're anemic, drink a mixture of apple and tomato juice. The rich
iron content in the tomato will help relieve your anemia.
11) Morning sickness
If you're suffering from morning sickness during your pregnancy, drink
a glassful of fresh tomato juice, mixed with a pinch ofsalt and pepper
early in themorning. It is considered tobe an effective remedy for
morning sickness.
12) Lose weight
Want to lose weight? Do you know that 100g of tomatoes contain only 20
calories? These calories are easily absorbed by the body. The low
calorie content makes it a favorite of obese people and is often
recommended in weight loss program as it provides you with some of the
essential vitamins and minerals, fills your stomachand doesn't add
calories to your body.
Tomato is also known to be able to treat other ailments such as
urinary tract infection, night blindness, jaundice, liver disorders,
indigestion, constipation, intestinal disorders and diabetes. It isa
natural antioxidant, helping the body cleanse itself of toxic
coumpounds. So, start using tomatoes as your natural home remedy for
these ailments/
begins to smile!
A smile is a curve that can.Straighten out a lot of things.!!
2. Today is MCPS DAY MCPS bole toh-"MAKE CUTE PEOPLE SMILE". Ive done my part
I { M. NajimudeeN. Bsc } social worker. We run a organisation to help disabled people, we expect financial help from you. If any of you like to help us, *contact ::-* E-mail ::: aydnajimudeen@gmail.com/ Thanks ! : Dt:21.mar.2012/ |
ALLAH! Inspire my heart to guidance and save me from the evil of my soul/nafs. (Tirmidhi)
رَّبِّ اغْفِرْ وَارْحَمْ وَأَنتَ خَيْرُ الرَّاحِمِينَ My Lord Forgive and have mercy, for You are the Best of those who show mercy. Ameen. -Al-Mu'minun v.118-
Mothers Are Lovely ... ThereLove Is Priceless....A Precious Gift From Allah...Jannah Lies In feet Of Mothers Respect Them Love Them So That U Can Be Safe From All Hardships Of Life
Mothers Are Lovely ... ThereLove Is Priceless....A Precious Gift From Allah...Jannah Lies In feet Of Mothers Respect Them Love Them So That U Can Be Safe From All Hardships Of Life
2. Tree grows stronger bcoz root is its soul my heart growing strongerbecause ur love has mysoul
::-> Be patient. Allah has a plan for you!
“And certainly We sent Noah to his people, and he remained among them a thousand years minus fifty years …” [al-‘Ankabut: 14]
Tomoto & Heart
A TOMATO is red and usually has four chambers, just like our heart.
Tomatoes are also a great source of lycopene, a plant chemical that
reduces the risk of heart disease and several cancers. The Women's
Health Study, an American research programe which tracks the health of
40,000 women, found women with the highest blood levels of lycopene
had 30 per cent less heart disease than women who had very
littlelycopene. Lab experiments have also shown that lycopene helps
counter the effect of unhealthy LDL cholesterol.
One Canadian study, published in the journal Experimental Biology and
Medicine, said there was convincing evidence that lycopene prevented
coronary heart disease.
Tomato: Heart
Slice open a tomato and you'll notice the red veggiehas multiple
chambers thatresemble the structure of a heart.
"Studies have found that because of the 'Lycopene' in tomatoes, there
is a reduced risk for heart disease in men and womenwho eat them,"
says Somer.
...And, she adds, if you mix them with a little fat, like olive oil or
avocado, it will boost your body's lycopeneabsorption nearly tenfold/
Avoid Smoke
Al Qur'an says
Al Qur'an says
Al Qur'an says
28.mar'12. Wed. 7.19am
786. Wa kaala nabiiu' s.a.w. Al Gaffar' is a name of Allahu'/ alhamdhu lillaah
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Laila Saad , UK Friday 10th September 2010 Asalam -Alaikum Brother Barbar, Indeed Allah is withthe patient. Your suffering will not go un-noticed by our supreme lord; Allah most mighty! You are in the university of islamic knowledge and Inshallah, Allah will not only purify you, but you will, Insha-allah, be raised as one of those who will enter jannatul firdos, insha-allah.Keep praying Subhanllahi wabi hamdihi subhanalahilazeem. Allah is with you, and our prayers are with you. This is the beginning of the golden age, and you are one of Allah's chosen one's my brother! I have just heard about the trials and tribulations Hazrat Yusuf went through, and Allah will exchange your suffering for paradise, insha-allah! Allah knows best! Take care my brother!
And he turned away fromthem and said, “Oh, my sorrow over Yusuf,” and his eyes became white from grief, and he fell into silent melancholy. They said, “By Allah , you will not cease remembering Yusuf until you become fatally ill or become of those who perish.” He said, “ I only complain of my suffering and my grief to Allah , and I knowfrom Allah that which you do not know. - Quran, Surat Yusuf, 12:84-86
“And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much of what We have created, with [definite] preference.” – Quran, 17:70
“[So mention] when your Lord said to the angels, ‘Indeed, I am going to create a human being from clay. So whenI have proportioned him and breathed into him of My [created] soul, then fall down to him in prostration.’” – Quran, 38:71-72
Be patient. Allah has a plan for you
O Allah, inspire me with piety,
O Allah, give me success forthat which is most pure,
O Allah, employ me in whatis most pleasing to You,
O Allah, let me walk (on) the most exemplary path,
O Allah, let me live and die on Your creed...
As Muslims we must stay away from spreading false rumors about one
another. We should Always protect and help each-other for thesake of
Allah Subhana Wa Ta'Ala ♥
[In Sha Allaah Tag ur beloved once ♥ | Share itonur wall]
Allaah Reward you In Sha Allaah. Work for Allaah, Jazakallah Khairan/
much is memorized, but rather by how
much it is acted on."
-Imam al-Shafi`
Some jokes!
Pappu: None. Appu: Hows dat? Pappu: She meets outside d office n
2.Husband: I had a 5ne dream last night.I dreamed I was touring world
in a fine car. WIfe:Sorry,I heard Engine snorting.
3.X: Do you think a genius ever makes a good husband? Y: You should
better ask my wife.
4.Appu-Oye!wat R U doing? Pappu-Recording babies voice. Appu-y? Pappu-
When he grows up,I shall ask him wat he meant by dis?
5.Most people have 5 senses. Some people have 6 senses. But u r
blessed with 7 senses. An extra sense is NON SENSE.
6.A silent night, a star above, a blessed gift of hope and love. A
blessed Christmas to you!
7] 8 Semesters 80 GB sylabus80 MB v study 80 KB v remember 80 Bytes v
ans. BINARY Marks v get, known as BTech (Brain Technically Empty)
Boyfren: I like ur 'teeth' Gal: Oh really..
8.Why? Boyfren: bcos'yellow' is my favorite color Moral:-"Love Is Blind"
Doctor: Mrs. Nandini gud news 4 u.
9.Nandini: wat do u mean by mrs. Nandini? I am miss Nandini. Doctor:
O!! Sorry Miss Nandini,Bad News 4 u/
Superior Date
health wise and taste wise.
For thousands of years, dates have been known asa staple food of the
Persian Gulf. The word "date" has originated fromGreek 'daktulos',
meaning 'finger'. These brown oblong fruits are an important source of
food and energy in the desert areas. Dates are crunchy, juicy and have
a small shell life. In the month of Ramzan they are extensively used
by the Muslims to open their fast as they are a rich source ofinstant
energy and vitality.
Dates and their rich nutrients
Dates are rich in dietary fibre and low in sodium, cholesterol and
fat. They are flushed with minerals and vitamins such as sulphur, iron
, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, vitamin B-6, copper and folic acids.
They provide glucose and fructose – natural sugars that are far better
than cane sugar.
Dates are also a good source of potassium, packing a punch even
stronger than that of bananas. Such a healthy combination is rare to
most of the fruits. Intake of two to four dates a day is sufficient to
meet the body requirements of fibres, minerals and vitamins.
Dates are referred as the 'crown of sweets' and an ideal food for a
balanced diet.
Health benefits of dates
The health benefits of dates are indeed vast. Incorporating dates into
your daily diet can have many benefits :
*. Treat obesity: Dates satiate hunger and are therefore very
effective in suppressing over-eating. They provides natural sugars to
the body and lower the consumption of food.
*. Help prevent cancer : Dates are rich in natural fibre and are known
to prevent abdominal cancer .
*. Protect the heart : Beinglow in cholesterol and fat, dates are very
effective in lowering cardiac ailments. Intake of overnight soaked
dates is found to be good for strengthening the heart .
*. They help in child-birth : Dates are rich in hormones that toughen
the uterus, increase milk production in lactating mothers and also
reduce blood loss after delivery. Ripe dates have an 'oxytocin'- like
substancethat initiates contractions of the uterus at the time of
*. Good for lactating mothers: Depression associated with
breast-feeding can be alleviatedby dates.
*. Healthy bones : Dates are known to be rich in calcium and
contribute to strong and healthy bones.
*. Dates reduce constipation : The natural dietary fibres in dates
make them very beneficial in curing constipation.
*. Good for liver disease: Dates are easily digestedand have low
cholesteroland fat content, making them useful in treating liver
*. Treat anaemia : Dates are rich in iron contend and folic acid, so
they improve the haemoglobin content in the body.
Photographs via sxc.hu
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Where're you getting youriron from?
Good To Know: Have a lot of calcium rich foods in/
-Al-Mu'minun v.118-
Al-Maʿāfī said, “Have you warmed up now?”
“No,” he replied.
Al-Maʿāfī said, “So what was the point of complaining? If you had glorified Allāh, at least it would have been better foryou.”
Round Kahba'
Modern Science has proved many things that confirms the importance of Tawaaf around the Kaaba “Anticlockwise. ”
1) The Blood inside the human body begins its circulation “Anticlockwise”
2) The electrons of an atomrevolve around its nucleus in the same manner as making Tawaf, in an anti-clockwise direction.
Considering the globe as a whole, you will notice that:
3) that the moon revolves around the earth anti-clockwise.
4) The earth rotates aroundits own axis in an anti-clockwise direction.
5) The earth revolves around the sun in an anti-clockwise direction.
6) The planets of the Solar system revolve around the sun in an anti-clockwise direction.
7)The Sun along with its whole Solar system orbit inthe galaxy in an anti-clockwise direction.
8)All the galaxies orbit in the space in an anti-clockwise direction.
That is: When we revolve around the Kaaba we are orbiting in the same direction as the whole universe.
Worshipping Allah in one direction.
Praising Allah in one direction.
And all the creations of Allah from the tiniest particles, to the largest galaxies, along with the human race unite in praise of Allah.
When we tour around the Kaaba, we are travelling in the land travelled by all theProphets of Allah from the Prophet Adam (PBUH) to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
The Kaaba in Makkah is never free from circumbulators.
♥ Subhanallah ♥ Alhamdulillah ♥ Allahu Akbar ♥