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*- WHAT ISLAM SAYS -* - Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
"INDIA "- Time in New Delhi -
''HASBUNALLAHU WA NI'MAL WAKEEL'' - ''Allah is Sufficient for us'' + '' All praise is due to Allah. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' (Aameen)
Dua' from Al'Qur'an - for SUCCESS in 'both the worlds': '' Our Lord ! grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter and save us from the torment of the Fire '' [Ameen] - {in Arab} :-> Rabbanaa aatinaa fid-dunyaa hasanatan wafil aakhirati hasanatan waqinaa 'athaaban-naar/- (Surah Al-Baqarah ,verse 201)*--*~
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*- Our Nabi' (s.a.w) Most Like this Dua' -*
"Allahumma Salli'Alaa Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa'Aali Muhammadin, kamaa Sallayta 'Alaa' Ibraheema wa 'Alaa 'Aali 'Ibraheema, 'Innaka Hameedun Majeed. Allahumma Baarik'Alaa Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa'Aali Muhammadin, kamaa Baarakta 'Alaa' Ibraheema wa 'Alaa 'Aali 'Ibraheema, 'Innaka Hameedun Majeed." ******
"Al Qur'an - first Ayath, came to our Nabi (s.a.w)
"Read! In the name of yourLord Who created. Created man from clinging cells. Read! And your Lord is Most Bountiful. The One Who taught with the Pen. Taught man what he did not know." (Qur'an 96: 1-5) - ~ - ~ - lt;18.may.2012/friday-6.12pm:{IST} ;(Ayatul Kursi Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 255/)
*- Al Qur'an's last ayath came to Nabi{s.a.w} -*
Allah states the following: “Thisday have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” [Qur’an 5:3]
Surat alAhzab 40; Says Our Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) is the final Prophet sent by Allah'

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* A Precious DUA' *
Dua' - '' All praise is due to Allah'. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' - - - O Allah, I am Your servant, son of Your servant, son of Your maidservant; my forelock is in Your hand; Your command over me is forever executed and Your decree over me is just; I ask You by every name belonging to You that You have named Yourself with, or revealed in Your book, ortaught to any of Your creation, or have preserved in the knowledge of the unseen with You, that You make the Qur'an thelife of my heart and the light of my breast, and a departure for my sorrow and a release from my anxiety.
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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Dought - clear, - Ijmaa‘ )scholarly consensus(: definition, types and conditions.

I would like to know what ijmaa' is, and whatare its types and conditions?
Praise be to Allah.
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen )may Allah have mercy on him( said:
In linguistic terms, ijmaa'means resolve and agreement.
In shar'i terms, it means the agreement of the mujtahids of this
ummahafter the death of the Prophet )blessings and peace of Allah be
upon him( on a shar'i ruling.
By saying "agreement" we exclude differences of opinion; if there is a
difference of opinion, even from one person, then we cannot say that
there is ijmaa'.
By saying "the mujtahids" we exclude the common folk and those who
follow or imitate scholars; it does not matter whether theyagree or
By saying "this ummah" we exclude the consensus of others, which
carries no weight.
By saying "after the death of the Prophet )blessings and peace of
Allah be upon him(" we exclude their agreementat the time of the
Prophet )blessings and peace of Allah be upon him(; ijmaa' or
consensus at that time does not count as evidence, because evidence is
established by the Sunnah of the Prophet )blessings and peace of Allah
be upon him(, whether in word or deed or by approval. Hence if a
Sahaabi says "We used to do" or that they )i.e., people( used to do
such and such at the time of the Prophet )blessings and peace of Allah
be upon him(, this is indicative of the approval of the Prophet
)blessings and peace of Allah be upon him(, according to consensus.
By saying "on a shar'i ruling", we exclude theiragreement on a
rational or human ruling, which has nothing to do with the matter
under discussion, because we are talking about looking for ijmaa' as
oneof the kinds of shar'i evidence.
Ijmaa' counts as evidence on the basis of a number of pieces of
evidence, including the following:
1. The verse in which Allah, may He be exalted,says
)interpretation of the meaning(: "Thus We have made you )Muslims(, a
Wasat )just( )and the best( nation, that you be witnesses over
mankind" ]al-Baqarah 2:143[. The words "witnesses over mankind"
include testifying about their deeds and judging their deeds, and the
words of the witness may be accepted.
2. The verse in which Allah, says )interpretation of the meaning(:
")And( if you differ in anything amongst yourselves" ]an-Nisa' 4:59[
indicate that whatever they agreed upon is sound and correct.
3. The Prophet )blessings and peace of Allah be upon him( said:
"My ummah will not unanimously agree on misguidance."
4. We say: If the ummah unanimously agrees on something, it must
be either true or false. If it is true, then it is proof. If it is
false, howcan this ummah, which is the dearest of nations to Allah
since the time ofits Prophet until the onset of the Hour, agree on
something false with which Allah is not pleased? This is quite
Types of ijmaa'
Ijmaa' is of two types: definitive and presumptive.
1. Definitive is that which well known and well established, such
as consensus that the five daily prayers are obligatory and that zina
)fornication, adultery( isharaam. No one can deny that this type of
ijmaa' is proven and established, or that it constitutes proof in and
of itself, or that the one who rejects it becomes akaafir, unless he
is ignorant and may be excused for his ignorance.
2. Presumptive is that which can only be known by means of
research and study, where the scholars may differ as to whether is
ijmaa' )on a particular issue( or not. The most correct scholarly
opinionconcerning that is the view of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah,
when he said in al-'Aqeedah al-Waasitiyyah: The type of ijmaa' that is
to be accepted is that of the righteous early generations )as-salaf
as-saalih(, because after their time there was a great deal of
disagreement and the ummah spread far and wide. End quote.
It should be noted that the ummah cannot agree on something thatis
contrary to an unabrogated, clear, saheeh text, because it can only
agree on what is true. If you see consensus that you thinkis contrary
to that, then it must be one of the following: either the evidence is
not clear, or it is not saheeh, or it is abrogated, or there is a
difference of opinion concerning the matter ofwhich you were not
Conditions of ijmaa':
There are certain conditions for ijmaa', such as:
1. It should be soundlyproven in the sense that it is either well
known among the scholars or transmitted by a trustworthy narrator who
has read widely.
2. It should not have been preceded by a well-known difference of
opinion. If that was the case, then there is noijmaa', because
scholarlyopinions are not invalidated by the death of their authors.
Ijmaa' does not cancel out a previous difference of opinion; rather it
prevents differences of opinion from arising.
This is the most correct view, because of the strength of its argument.
And it was said that the second condition is not stipulated, so it is
valid in a later period for there to be consensus onone of the
previous opinions and for that to serve as proof for those who come
According to the majority, it is not essential that those who
unanimously agree all die when still holding this view for ijmaa' to
be established; rather ijmaa' is established as soon as they )the
scholars of a particular era( agree, and it is not permissible for
them or anyone else to go against it after that, because the condition
for the establishment of ijmaa' do not include any stipulation that
the era )of the scholars who reached this consensus( should have come
to an end with their passing. As ijmaa' is established at the moment
they agree )on a particular issue(, there is nothing that could cancel
it out.
If one of the mujtahids )scholars( says or does something and that
becomes well known among the mujtahids, and they do not denounce it
even though they are able to do so, then it is said that there is
ijmaa'. It was said that this establishes that there is ijmaa'; others
said that it is may be regarded as proof but not ijmaa'; and others
said that it is neither ijmaa' nor proof.And it was said that if they
all passed away before denouncing it then it is ijmaa', becausetheir
silence until the time of their death, eventhough they were able to
denounce it, constitutes proof of theiragreement. This is the view
that is most likely to be correct.
Al-Usool min 'Ilm al-Usool, 62-64
And Allah knows best.

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Islamic Stories - The Beautiful Story of Abu Ghayth

From the signs of truthfulness is fear of Allah and asceticism in
life; for the truthful withconviction fears consuming from what is
impermissible and bearspoverty and hardship for the sake of Islam. If
he commits sin then he does not sleep until he returns to his Lord and
repents, in order to free himself from the sin, andits burden.
Ibn Jarir at-Tabari: I was in Makkah during the season of Hajj and I
saw a man from Khurasaan calling out to the people:"Oh pilgrims, oh
people of Makkah - from those who are present and those far off, I
have lost a pouch that contains a thousand dinars. So whoever returns
the pouch, Allah will reward them with good, save them from the hell
fire, and His bounty and favors will be acquired on the Day of
Accounting(Day of Judgment)."
An old man from the people of Makkah approached him and said: "Oh
Khurasaani, our city is in a very tough condition, and thedays of hajj
are few, andits season is appointed, and the doors of profit-making
are closed. This money might fall in the hands of a believer who is
poor and old in age. Maybe he plans to give itif you make a promise
that you will give him a little bit of money that is halal
(permissible) for him to use."
The Khurasaani said: "How much does he want?"
The old man said: "He wants one-tenth of the money (a hundred dinars)."
The Khurasaani said: "No. I will not grant himthe money and instead I
will take my case to Allah, and complain to Him on the day we meet
Him, and Allah is sufficient for us and the best one to trust in."
Ibn Jarir at-Tabari said: "I realized that it was the old man is poor,
and he was the one who took the pouch of dinarsand wishes to have a
little portion of it. So I followed him until he returned to his home.
Myassumptions were confirmed. I heard him calling onto his wife:"Oh
She said: "I am at your service, O Abu Ghayth."
The old man said: I found the owner of the dinars calling for it, and
he does not intend to give any reward to the person who finds it. I
said to him "Give us a hundred dinars and he refused and said he would
take his case to Allah. What should I do OLubabah? I must return it,
for I fear my Lord, andI fear that my sin is multiplied.
His wife said to him: Oh Man! We have been struggling and suffering
from poverty with you for the last 50 years, and you have 4 daughters,
2 sisters, my mother and I, and you are the ninth. Keep all the money
and feed us for we are hungry, and clothe us for you know better our
situation. Perhaps Allah, the All-Mighty, will make you rich
afterwards and you might be able to give the money back after you fed
your children, or Allah will pay the amount you oweon the day when the
kingdom will belong to the King (Allah).
He said to her: Will I consume haram after 86 years of my life, and
burn my organs with fireafter I have been patientwith my poverty, and
become worthy of Allah anger, even though I amclose to my grave?! No,
By Allah, I will not do so!
Ibn Jarir at-Tabari said: I left with amazement concerning his
conditionand that of his wife. At a later point during the day, I
heard the owner of the pouch calling out...
Saying: "O people of Makkah, O pilgrims, who ever of you find a pouch
containing a thousand dinars, let him return it and they shall surely
findgreat reward with Allah."
The old man said: Oh Khurasaani, I have addressed you the other day
and advised you that our land is low on cultivation, so reward the
person who found the pouch so that he is not tempted to break the laws
of Allah. I have advised you to pay the person who finds it a hundred
dinars but you refused. If your money falls into hands of a person who
fears Allah the All-Mighty, will you give him 10 dinars at least,
instead of a 100?
The Khurasaani said: I will not do so, and I will complain to Allah on
the day I meet him, and Allah is sufficient for us and the best one to
Ibn Jarir at-Tabari said: The people dispersed and left. Later on
during the hours of the day, once again, the Khurasaani made the same
call, saying:
"O people of Makkah, O pilgrims, who ever of you find a pouch
containing a thousand dinars, let him return it and they shall surely
findgreat reward with Allah."
The old man came again and said: O Khurasaani, I said to you the day
before yesterday to reward the finder a hundred dinars and you
refused. Then I advised you to give him ten dinars and you refused, so
will you give only onedinar so that he can buy with half of it things
he needs and with the other half, sheep milk, sothat he can give to
the people and feed his children?
The Khurasaani said: I will not do so, and I will complain to Allah on
the day I meet him, and Allah is sufficient for us and the best one to
trustin. "
The old man angrily said:Come you, and take yourmoney so that I can
sleep at night, for I have not had a good mood ever since I found this
Ibn Jarir said: So the old man went with the owner of the money andI
followed them until theold man entered his house, dug a hole and
pulled out the money and said: Take your money and ask Allah to
forgive me and bless me from His bounty.
The Khurasaani took the money and intended to leave, but when he
reached the door he said: O old man, my father died, May Allah have
mercy on him, and left behind three thousand dinars and said to me:
Take out a third of this money and give it to a person from the people
who is most deserving of it. Therefore I tied it in a pouch so that I
may spend it on someone who is worthy of it. By Allah, I have not seen
a person, since I left Khurasaan until now, who is more worthy of
itthen you. So take it, May Allah's blessing be upon you, and May He
reward for the trust you kept, and your patience during poverty. The
Khurasaani man left without the money.
The old man wept and prayed to Allah, saying: May Allah bless the
owner of the money in his grave, and May Allah bless his son.
Ibn Jarir said: I left after the Khurasaani but Abu Ghayth (the old
man) followed me and brought me back. He asked me to sit down, and
said: I have seen youfollowing me since the first day; you have come
to know of our situation yesterday and today. I have heard that the
Prophet said: "If you are gifted from the provision of Allah, without
begging or asking, then accept it and do not reject it." So this is a
gift from Allah toall those attending.
The old man called: O Lubabah, O so and so, O so and so. He called on
his daughters and his sisters and wife and her mother, and sat down
and made me sit down. We were 10. He opened the bag, and said
spreadyour clothing over your laps.
So I (Ibn Jarir) did, but the girls did not have proper clothing that
would enable them to do that, so they extended their hands. The old
man gave dinar by dinar in order until he reached me (Ibn Jarir) and
said: "Here is adinar." The process continued until the bag was empty
and I received a hundred dinars.
Ibn Jarir at-Tabari said: So joy filled my heart because of the
provisionthey received more then the joy I had because I received a
hundred dinars.
When I was leaving the old man said: O young man. You are blessed;
keep this money with you for it is halal. And know that I use to wake
up for Fajr prayer with this wet shirt. After I wasdone I would take
it off, and give it so that my daughters can pray - oneby one. Then I
would go to work between Dhuhr prayer and Asr prayer and then I would
come back at the end of the day with what Allah has given me from
dates anddry pieces of bread. Then I would take off myclothes for my
daughtersand they would pray Dhuhr prayer and Asr prayer, and the same
would happen for the Maghrib and Isha prayers. And we did not ever
expect to see this kind of money. So may Allah make us make good use
of them, and may Allah bless the person in his grave and multiply the
reward for him.
Ibn Jarir said: So I greeted him goodbye, and took the hundred dinars
and used them to write knowledge for two years! I used it to buy paper
and pay rent and after sixteen years I returned to Makkah and inquired
about the old man. I was told that he died a few months after the
incident that occurred between us. Hiswife died, along with her
mother, and his 2 sisters. The only ones that remained were the
daughters whom, when I asked about, found that they were married to
kings and Princes. I dropped by and they honored me as a guest and
treated me kindly until they died also. So May Allah bless them in
their graves.
{That will be an admonition given to himwho believes in Allah and the
Last Day. And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will
make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty).
And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And
whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him. Verily,
Allah will accomplish his purpose. Indeed Allah has set a measure for
all things. (At-Talaq 65: 2-3) /- -e-p * - ▓███▓ TRANSLATOR 1:->
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Islamic Stories - Importance of Saying Insha-Allah

During a Jumah Khutbahin a small town, an Imam talked about the
significance of saying "Insha Allah" (which means if Allah wills) when
planning to do something in the future.After a few days, a man who had
also attended the Khutbah was going to buy a cow from the market. On
the way, he met a friend who asked him where he was going. He told him
aboutbuying the cow but did not say Insha Allah in theend. His friend
remindedhim about the Khutbah and told him to say InshaAllah. However,
this individual said that he had the money he needsand the energy to
go to the market, thus, there isno point of saying Insha Allah as he
will certainly buy the cow. He thoughtthat saying Insha Allah will not
make any difference.
When he reached the market, he found a cow that met his expectations.
He burgained with the seller and came to a reasonable price.
Finally,he decided to pay for the cow but was dumbfounded when he
discovered that his money was missing. A thief had stolen the money
while he was walking through the busy market. The cow seller asked him
whether he was going to buy the cow or not. "Insha Allah, I will buy
it next week," he said. When he reached home, his wife inquired about
the cow. He told her about how he forgot to say Insha Allah, and also
added, "Insha Allah, I wanted to buy the cow. But Insha Allah, my
money was stolen. Insha Allah, I will buy it next week." His wife
clarified to him that we should say Insha Allah for thingsthat are yet
to happen, not for those things that had already happened. He never
forgot his "Insha Allah" again.
This incident was narrated by Shaikh Wahidullah from Toronto, Canada.

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Monday, June 17, 2013

How the dajjal died

Darwinists Have Deceived the World with Fraud
Let us consider a scientific theory, the Big Bang for instance. This
theory was first proposed on the basis of a suspicion and a hypothesis
based on Einstein's theory of relativity. Following that, the search
began for the evidence needed to prove that this huge explosion
happened. This evidence did really exist. The cosmic microwave
background radiation confirming the explosion in question was foundand
the isotopic nature of the universe (the fact that all space is at
-270oC) was discovered. It was also scientifically proved that the
universe is constantly expanding, and this was anotherimportant and
definitive piece ofevidence confirming the theory in question.
Therefore, the Big Bang theory became one whose every claim had been
tested, confirmed and thus proved.
Darwin's theory of evolution was also launched under the name of a
"hypothesis." (In fact, the reason for the launching of the theory of
evolution was entirely ideological, but it was presentedunder the
guise of a scientific theory.) In order for this theory to be regarded
as valid, its claims would have to be proved, just like those of the
Big Bang. For that it would have to be observed whether or not the
imaginary mechanisms of evolution did in fact cause evolution. The
progress of 20th-century science proved that "natural selection,"
Darwin's illusory evolutionary mechanism,played no evolutionary role.
The science of genetics also inflicted a disappointment on
neo-Darwinists, who had lost hope in natural selection and sought to
depict mutation as an evolutionary mechanism instead. Following the
realization that mutations had no evolutionary effect either, it was
now the turn of the fossil record—Darwin and Darwinists' greatest
hope. The conclusion demonstrated by the fossil record, however, came
as a terrible shock to Darwinists! None of the imaginary intermediate
form fossils that had been sought for so many years existed anywhere
on Earth.Deeper research changed nothing. Not one single intermediate
form fossil has ever been found as a result of allthe research that
has been conducted to date.
Unwilling to abandon the false religion they adhered to, Darwinists
for years continued to hope that evidence for Darwinism would be
forthcoming. But none of the anticipated but illusory evidence ever
appeared. Despite this however, Darwinist lies never ended, and
pro-Darwinist demagoguery was stubbornly kept up. The interesting
thing is that despite the passage of 150 years, the failure to obtain
a single piece of evidence, and despite the fact that the conclusion
produced by geneticsand the fossil record proved the fact of Creation,
Darwinists still imagine this false religion can survive. But they are
making a terrible error, of course. In fact, even the proponents of
the theory are aware that evolution never happened in the history
oflife. They have clearly seen this as the result of countless pieces
of scientific evidence.
Despite all the foregoing, since the theory of evolution is an
ideology, a false religion needing to be propped up by its adherents
no matter what, Darwinists still need to maintain this false image of
their theory having a scientific nature. That is the reason why
Darwinists have resorted to fraud, speculation and countlesspropaganda
techniques to keep this false religion alive for the last 150 years.
As a requirement of their false religion, Darwinistshave no other
option to inculcate people with the idea that their theory is "true."
Because there is no scientific evidence for the truth of the theory,
they try to give the impression that "scientific evidence does exist."
In his bookCreative Defense, Nicholas Comninellis from the University
of Missouri-Kansas City describes the position in which this terrible
deception will find itself in the future:
Philosophically, the dogma of evolution is a dream, atheory without a
vestige of truth. Within fifty years, childrenin school will read of
extraordinary popular delusions,and this will be mentioned as one of
the most absurd. Many a merry jest will be uttered bearing upon the
follies of nineteenth century science. [1]
Comninellis's analysisis an accurate one. The theory ofevolution
consists of a false claim and the history of the theory is filled with
countless examples of fraud. Every claim and piece of evidence
produced by evolution is a fraud. The true nature, the true face of
all these frauds has been exposed. But the supporters of the religion
of Darwinism try to gloss over this or make people forget it. But no
matter how much they squirm, the whole world has begun to realize that
Darwinist propaganda rests on rotten foundations. As Comninellis
says,future generations will be amazed at the global effect of this
terrible deception and how it was supported by world-renowned
professors and scientists, and will ridicule this enormous
irrationality for quite a while.
The Dajjal tried to turn people away from Allah (God) through such
false methods. But all his plans have now been thwarted. The method he
employed, that is Darwinism, has now begun becoming a subject of
ridicule, even for children. The whole world will soon remember the
nonsense of Darwinism with horror and shame. This is very certainly a
snare from our Almighty Lord, a response to those who would rebel
against Him. As He reveals in one verse:
The evil actions they did assailed them. They were engulfed by what
they mocked. (Surat an-Nahl, 34) /- -e-p * - ▓███▓ TRANSLATOR 1:->
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- - - -Tamil Translator
[http://translate.google.com.my/m?sl=auto&tl=ta&hl=en ] -
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